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with ActiveBook

Jonathan Bygrave
Series Consultants
María Victoria Saumell and Sarah Louisa Birchley
1 English in Common 1 has ten units.
~~m1:m:1i, Each unit has ten pages.

in,C~:i:rµnon 1

English fn Common is a .
six-level course that helps
adult and young-adult
.' '"º'º---
English learners develop
effective communication
skills that correspond to
the Common European
Framework of Reference for There are three two-page lessons in each unit.
Languages (CEFR). Every
level of English in Common
is correlated to a level of the Grmnmar'

CEFR, and each lesson is

formulated around a specific
CAN DO objective.

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A two-page Unit Wrap Up and a Reference page end each unit.


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Back of Student Book


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• Each Student Book contains an ActiveBook,

which provides the Student Book in digital formal.
ActiveBook also includes the complete Audio
Program and Extra Listening activities.

• An optional online MyEnglishlab provides the

opportunity for extra practice anytime, anywhere.

• The Teacher's Resource Book contains teaching

notes, photocopiable extension activities, and
an ActiveTeach, which provides a digital Student
Book enhanced by interactive whiteboard software.
ActiveTeach also in eludes the videos and video
activities, as well as the complete Test Bank.
How much do you know ... ? ............ page 6

'!' numbers 0-9

• greet someone atan airport • contractions 0 greetings

• introduce sorrieOne • be: questions with where o tetters and countries

• start a conversatlon • common phrases
o saying room numbers/names
0 greeting someone atan airport

•. give basi.c information about your questions with who/what " numbers ¡0-99
family possessive adjectives: my/ " descriptive a.diectives: opinions
• aSk for and give personal details your/ his/ her "' occupation·s
• give ínformation about other people • articles: ajan o talkin.g about age
• write a short persoÍlal profile • asking far spelling
0 saying emait addresses

• write a stmple Vacation email • be: we/they; contractions 0

descr.iptive adjectíves: places
•. say what's in.vo.ur suitcase • be: negative; yes/ no • vacatlon things
• ask about tourlSt attractions " possessive adjectives: 0 days of the week

our/their 0 using here and there

" plural nouns

• arder food and drink ín a coffee shop " can: requests pub!ic places
• ask far and understand prices " demonstratives: this/that/ food and drink
• ·ask about things anct make simple these/those c!othes and cotors
transactio'ns • possessive nouns: 's 0 talking about prices

" irregular ptu'ra!s

0 buying tickets

0 asking where something is

• give.a simple descriptlon of a place " there is/there are o sorne/a !ot of
• ask about a.new town 0 can/can't: ability 0 prepositions of !ocation
• ·ask whe',re, irripoi'tant places aie o nationalities
•. tatk ábout general abilitles • skilts
,i telti'ng time
.. giving an opinion
" greeting.a frlend
• say W,haryou like/don't like o simple present .. descrípt[ve adjectives: peop!e
• have:a c0:nversation with someone you 0 object pronouns • jobs and activities
do'n'tknów wh- questions: who/what/ ,._. dai!y _actfvities
• ·talk about the routinés of pe·opl'e you where and short answers 0 sayin¡úou don·t understand

know • showing ínterest

• understand simple i_nstructions imperatives ,. places of work

• say how often you do·someth!ng adverbs of frequency • more jobs
• welcome a visitar to your place.of work wou/d !ike: preferences and ., simpte requests
offers 0 months

0 job d.uties

" ordinal numbers

0 write and say dates

• food and drink

« -exp!ain why you want to do something can: possibility ..- leisure activities
•. say what things you po.ssess !ike + gerund/infinitive 0 rooms and furniture

•_. su&"gest·a ·restaurant want + infinitive 0 food

o make reservations have/ has " mak_ing suggestions.

., -arder food wh- question words: 0 reserving a table ata restaurant

" make simpte.statements about peopf'e simple past of be ~ _coUocatfons with prepositions
from'histoiy can/could /: permission 0 time expressions: yesterday,
.,_ g}ve a_short descrlption of a past can/could you: requests !ast,'ago
expe'rience .. housework
., make- .a si_mple re.qu,est and ask .. talking about chi!dhood
pe.rm.issio.n o discussing an exp~ri.ence ·

• .und(;!rstand.a simple narrative of past " simple past: regular and .. verbs: Ufe events
events irregular verbs future p!ans
• _giVe_,a ·si.mpl.e.?u.mm_arY ~f a.new.s eVent ,. be going to ,;, ·saylng large.numbers
•• .talk about immedlate a.nd. long-term
Readitl.g tex~s~ Listening tasks: C_ommunication: undérstand and say·pholle
•. an a¡rport arrivals board identify situations numbers
• an:a-d fór'váéafüins • p!ace in sequence
• -hotel éontact íriformatron- ., identify room numbers and phone numbers
• a!phabet
Writingtask: conversation.completion • determine nationa!ities
., sy!labte recognition
;J sentence stress
Reading texts; Listening tasks: Communication~ talk about favorite peop\e
• an efriends profile 0 determine relationships
and thirigs
• a family tree perceive personal detai!s Pronunciatlon: woíd stress in numbers
Writing task: a brief personal Profile correct addresses
ldentify occupations

Read.ing texts: listening tasks: have an e.xten_ded phone

• .an.·_ema!l-~.b:out a N_ewYork vacation discern details conversation
,. .'advertl.Sémeílts fór touíistattractio'ns identify subject pronouns Pronundation: plural "s"
.Wr_iting task:._a- simple vac.ation ·emall recognize the main ideas

listening tasks: Com,munication: ask far and give· locations

• menus recognize the main idea Pronunciation: linking
0 · informati.on about a shoppíng distrkt identify details
• .an email determine prices
Writing task: a paragraph about a shopplng area identify situations
detect specific words

Readingtexts: Listening tasks: Com·munication: check in to a bed. and

• a,short artjcte about Washington D.C. • understand directions breakfast
•. a map identify the gist Pronunciatíon: voy,.rel darity in ca.n and can't
• a·ctass··schedule distinguish abilities
-~johads recognize key information
V!fritiilg_ ta:Ski·a paragraph about a favorite pta_ce to visit

Re".:!ding-tex.ts: Listening tasks: Cómmunic_ation:_· ask·and· arlswer. que.Stion.$

.• ··.·per?i:lnal: p_rqfítés· o understand the gist about.a·friend
\ ¡jri_t:~f .essays·_abput'friends and fá.m_¡ty ~ identify likes and dislikes
ProÍllÚlcdátioii:· yes/ na _que:s.tion·s:·. intún"atio'n
•. an.email e identify people
.•- a web-quE!Stionnaire and key distinguish between true and false
Writing ta~k; a paragraph aboút a· friend/family member information

.Rea~íng téxts: Listening tasks: Communica_tfon: get and give directions in a

• án artide·ábout a te·acher's ty¡jié'at day identify situations buitdln·g
• a q'ue·st!oníla,ire recognize key phrases Pronunciation: word stress
• a short handwrltten note recognize key information
ó. a calendar understand location
.Wíítir¡g·task: ·a n·ote:makirig a ·req·uest

Reádióg t~xts_: listening tasks: Communication; askfor and.:give information

• a techno\ogy-quiZ 0 understand the gist
about peopfe
•. a scorf1:i_'g ~~'y' ., identify places Pronunciation: redU:ction Of.so.unds: wont ta
• .a restau:rant:niénu recognize key words
Wíiting 'tásk::an_ email tó a hotel
Readil'!g text5: Listening tasks: Communication: ta!k about Schélol days
"'· b_!a,g.ráphieS of.Fáq¡ou5:·peOp!e ,, understand the gist Pronun'ciation: sentencé ·stress
•, an artide ab_o.ut 1-)ouse:husbantjs e identify key words
Writirig.t,as_k:· a parágráph aboút your first teacher ,, recognize situations

REl:,~d.inát.exts~ Listening tasks: Communication: talk about.past. a:nd future

t a,:th_re~~part a_itid,e· about ~,famouS: pai°-ting ., distinguish between true and false vacations
-':. s_h9rt .a_rticte.s a.bout_good and. bad ne_ws information Pronunciation:. simple_ past -ed endl.ngs.
• ·a 'ti.:;t.of s_ale.s prii:;es e determine prices
_Writiri.g _táS:k: í.Olfrll~l entry abo.ut a good/bá:d Week 0 understand main ideas
International words
1 Do you know these words? Match each word in the
box to its picture. Write the words. Then listen and check.

bus pizza soccer restaurant ;;~~e1 rnarket

taxi ten nis camera doctor television
hotel police phone university movie theater J
Numbers and alphabet
Do you know these numbers? Listen and repeat.

five six seven eight nine

Do you knoWtheEnglish alphabet? Listen andrepeat.

Useful language
4a Do you know classroom instructions? Match each instruction in the box to its
picture below. Write each word on the line.

Loo.k Read Write Speak Repeat Match )

1. 4.





b 8\fj/íl$kLListen and check your answers.

5 · 8\l'lfl teamihese µsefµI phrases. Listen andrepeat. How.do you say them
in. your language? Write them below.
English Translation
Sqfry;tdon'.t understand,
What's «Hola" in English?
Canyousaythat slowly, please?
Excuse me, canyou help me?
Warm Up
1a Match each conversation below to a photo.
A: Good morning. A: Helio. l'm Alanzo A: Hi, Jun. A: Hello. l'm Anne
B: Good morning. Moreno. B: Hi, James. Wilson. What's
A: Welcome to the B: Hi. l'm Emma James. your name?
Easton Hotel. Nice to meet you. B: l'm .Reina Honda.
B: Thank you. A: Nice to meet you, too.
-i. Photo ___ 2. Photo ___ 3. Photo _ __ 4. Photo _ __

2 f~Jiíl~~jí1 Stand and introduce yourself to other students.

He/lo. /' m Camíla Diaz. l'm Hong Lee. Nice to meet you.
Check in to a hotel ".;,~
GRAMMAR be: 1/you; contractions

Vocabulary I numbers 0-9

la Listen and repeat.

b Write the numbers next to the words.

___ four ___ eight _____ one ___ two ___ five
___ seven ___ six ___ three _ _ zero ___ nine

2 Point to a number. Your partner says the number. Change roles after nine

3a Read the How To box. Write the room numbers.

1. Room _Q_[lg___ two rúne

2. Room - - - - - - ---~-
Room three two nine

Room four oh six

4. Room ________ - - -

b Say the room numbers.

5. Room ___ _ - - - - · ~ ·..·--
4 ,Jií:!lfif Read the How To box below. Then
practice the conversation with your names.
Change roles and partners severa! times. 6.

A: He/lo.
Mr. Smith Mrs./Ms./Miss Janes B: Hi. /'m Leonardo Gallo.
A: Welcome to Baiiy Hotel, 1v1r. Gallo. You're in
room 502.
B: Thank you.
Grammar I l'm/you're
Active Grammar
5a Complete the Active Grammar box with 'mor 're.
b Complete the conversations with 'mor 're. Cristina Branca.

1. A: Good morning. !' m Mateo Alvarez. You, are

B: Good morning, Mr. Alvarez. You _ __ in room 329.
in room 121.
2. A: Helio. Welcome to Hotel Lux. See Reference page 18
B: Thank you. I____ Britney Black.
A: You ___ in room 820, Ms. Black.
3. A: Good morning. I___ Mi Lei Ling.
B: !_ _ _ Walter Mann. Nice to meet you.
4. A: Helio, Ms. West. You ___ in room 320.
B: Thank you.

e f!~Í(Wir~ Practice the conversations.

Vocabulary I greetings
6a Complete the sentences with the words in the box. afternoon morning night

8 A.M. 2. 2 P.M. 3. 6 P.M. 4. 11 P.Mc
David: Good _ __ David: Good _ __ David: Good _ __ David: Good -····-···.
Betty: Good _ __ Carla: Good _ __ Jeff: Good _ _ Friends: Good _ __

b Listen and check your answers.

e ¡:/¡í¡íi3j~r!(; Practice the conversations. Good afternoon. Good aftemoon.

7 Choose Student A or Student B.
Student A: You are a receptionist. Think of 1 ROOM\ NAME
a name for your hotel. Find four
guests for your hotel. Write their
names in the chart.
Student B: You are a guest. Find the names 716 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _j
of four hotels. Check in to a hotel. L:_C::.._.L-----

A: Good evening. Welcome to Hotel California.

B: Thank you. /'m Chin lee.
A: Mr. Lee. You're in room 504.
B: Thank you.

Greet someone at an airport "./'~
GRAMMAR be: he/she/it; contractions '

Vocabulary I letters and cour.tries

1 Listen to the alphabet and repeat.

a f h fü
' j k 1 m American British

q r s u "\. w X if
z (zee)
z {zed)

2a Match a country in the box to a city on the Arrivals board.

Argentina Ehma Spain Japan ltaly j
1 1. Colombia the UK Australia Brazil
the US l

1. China

4. - - - - - -
5. -~"----'---
6. - ~ - ~ - - -
7. --"'~~~-
8. - - ~ - - -
9. ----'--'--'---~-

b Listen and check your answers. Repeat.

f/D three foilr seven, Shanghai.

3 Take turns saying the flight numbers and cities on the Arrivals board.

Pronunciation I syltabie recognition

4a Listen again. Count the syilables for each country.
Chi-na = 2

b Saya city. Your partner says its country.

Tokyo. Japan.
5a Look at the photos and complete the sentences below.
1. She's Shakira. She's from ______ , She's in Portugal.
2. He's Johnny Depp. He's from ________ . He's in Japan.
3. She's Penelope Cruz. She's from - - - - - - · She's in the US.

b Listen and check your answers.

Grammar I he's/she's/it's
6 Complete the Active Grammar box with 's.
Active Grammar
7a Complete the sentences with he's, she's, or it's. He is
1. He' s from Australia. (Russell Crowe)
2. _ _ _ _ _ from the US. (Angelina Jolie)
He ·--,
She is fromJapan.
3. _________ in Japan. (Osaka)
She - - - from Argentina.
4. _ _ _ _ _ fromSpain. (Antonio Banderas)
Jt is
5. in China. (Beijing) -
6. _______ from Australia. (Nicole Kidman) ··-·-··-·--

7 .._ _ _ _ _ _ from Mexico. (Gael García Berna[)

See Reference pnge 18
8. from Argentina. (The tango)

b Make true or false statements about cities and people.

Sydney is in Argentina. False! lt's in Australia.

Tom Cruise is from the US. True.

·qriét.~oilieon.e atá~órt•ái-rt'li:it.is -
Speaking A: Mr. Depp?
B: Yes.
S ij~,rr',fijii Read the How To box. Then practice A: Helio, Mr. Depp. i' m Yuki Suzuki.
greeting your partner at the arrivals gate at the Welcome to Jopan.
airport. B: Thank you.

Introduce someo:ne; start a conversation ",:,,ºº
GRAMMAR be: questions with where

la Listen. Number the
sentences in the correct arder.
_1_ A: Hi, Boris.
__ L: Nice to meet you, too.
_._ B: Hi, Andy. This is Luisa.
_ .. _A: Nice to meet you, Luisa.

b Listen again. Check your answers.

2 Listen. Complete the

conversation between Luisa
and Andy.
Luisa: Where are you from,
Andy: 1~ ~ - - - (1.) from
the US.
Luisa: Where - ~ - - ' - - - (2.)
you from in the US?
Andy: l'm from New York. Where
are - ~ i - ' - ' " ~ - (3.)
Luisa: l'm - - - ' - ~ - - (4.)
Andy: Where are you from in
Luisa: l'm from Rosario.

Pronunciation I sentence stress

3a Listen. Mark the stress.
1. Wherg are you from?
2. Where are you from in the US?
3. l'm from New York.

b Listen again. Repeat.

4a iij~(iJilij¡!i¡ Work in groups of three. Repeat the conversation in
Exercise 2.
This is (Paul).

b llflti~I~¡¡ Read the How To box, then clase your books. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
Introduce each other.

Hi,Britta. Hi, Carlos. This is Roxona.

Grammar I be: questions with where
Active Grammar
5 Look at the Active Grammar box. Match the
answers to the questions. Write a or b. Questions
~ 1. Where are you from?
6 Complete the conversation.
you from in the US?
A: Where (1.) are you from?
B: - ~ - - - - - - (2.) from Turkey.
A: ~ - - - - (3.) are you from in 'm from las Vegas.
Turkey? 'm from the US.
B: l'm -~~~- (4.) Jstanbul.
See Reference page 18
C: Where a r e - - ~ ~ - (s.) from?
D: l'm (6.) New Zealand.
C: Where (7.) you from in New Zealand?
D: l'm (8.) Auckland.

7 ~rti'~p'ilíl'/:~¡:~
Work in groups of three: A, B, and C. Use your own country or city,
or your own ideas.
Student A: Introduce B and C.
Student B: Ask where Student C is from.
Student C: Ask where Student B is ftom.

Vocabulary i common phrases

8a Match the phrases in the box to the conversations.
(;;thank you. Yes, ¡,lea.se. Pardon? Excuse me... )

A: Coffee? A: Black p pper? A: l'm hungry. A: He's Ronaldinho from

B: Yes. p/ease. B: ~ - ' - c ~ . . , 0 - ~ - ~ - B: -~-~~~-- Brazil.
B: - - - - - - - -
b listen and check your answers.

e Practice the conversations with a partner.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - · - - - - - -.. ---

Unit Wrap Up

1 Rewrite the sentences with contractions.
1. A: 1 am Maggie May. 2. A: 1 am Ruby Tuesday. 3. A: 1am Peggy Sue.
B: You are in room 511. B: You are in room 147. B: You are in room 312.
A: l'm Maqaie Mav A:~~~~~--- A:~~~~-~~­
B: - ~ ~ - - - - - B: -"'-'-'-'-:.....'..c..'.....l'.c...c.CC.....c..'--'- B: ~-~~-~~~

2 Complete the conversations with /'mor You're. Then practice with a partner.
1. A: Helio. Welcome to Hotel California. 2. A: Helio.
B: Thank you. _ _ _ _ _ Don Henley. B: Helio. l'm Ms. Turner.
A: --.-c-~~-in room 329, Mr. Henley. A: Welcome to Nutbush Hotel, Ms. Turner.
- - ~ - - in room 808.
13: Thank you.

3 Where is he, she, or it from? Fill in the blanks. Then ask and answer with
a partner.
1. Mick Jagger: He's from the UK. 6. Salma_ Hayek: -"'-"-~-'--'--- Mexico.
2. Madonna: i , ·· the US. 7. Pele:~~~--
3. Spaghetti:~~~~~- ltaly. 8. Kylie Minogue: ~~-~~Australia.
4. Diego Ma_radona: \\.; · Argentina. 9. Rock and roll: the US.
5. Sushi: í> ·. Japan.

4 Complete the conversation. Write one word in each

blank. Then practice with a partner.
A: Hi, Betina. This (1.) is lin.
B: Hello, Lin. Nice to meet you.
C: Nice to meet you, too.
B: -~-'--'--'"'-'--"--- (2.) are you from?
C: - ~ ~ - - (3.) from China.
B: Where are you from - ~ ~ - - (4.) China?
C: l'm from Hong Kong. Where (5.)
you from?
B: l'l}I from Mexico.
C: Where are you - - - ~ - (6.) in Mexico?
B: l'm from Mexico City.

5 Complete the conversations with the phrases in the

box. Then practice with a partner.
r ... -. .. ~,,
í Good afternoon. Pardon? N,ce to rneet you, too. )
1. A: Nice to meet you. 2. A: l'm from lzmir. 3. A: Good afternoon.
B: - - - - - - - 13: - - - - - - - B: - - - - - - - -
A: l'm from lzmir.
Communication ! understand and sav phone

6a Match the countries on the map to the countries in the chart.

b Listen. Complete the country codes in the chart.

e ?ijlii~/;W/j~~; Read the How To box. Then take turns Brazil, 55

reading the country names and codes aloud.

o= oh or zero
= two-oh-two five-five-five

7a Listen and complete the hotel details.

b listen again. Pul the sentences in the correct order.

___ A: Where is it?
6 __ C: The number is: ...
___ A: Directory assistance.
___ A: Thank you.
_____ B: The Royal Hawaiian, please.
___ B: lt's in ... HOTEL: T!ie Roya[Hawaíian
WHERE: - - - - - - , Hawaii;
8 'fifi,Mtl'i~ Practice the conversation in Exercise 7b. Then take PHONE NUMBER: _ _ _ _ __
turns asking for the phone numbers below.

The Fairmont San Francisco, California 011-1-55 5-772-5000

Ritz-Carlton I Cancún, México 011-52-998-881-0808
Hotel Parkside I Shanghai, China 011-86-21-503-299

Unit 1 Reference
Numbers0-9 The verb be I affirmative

one am
'm from China.
You are
in room 234.
three You 're

four Mike West.

Jennjfer West.
lt is
lt 's
in London.

nine Contractions =l'rn/You're/He's/She's/lt's

Confraciions = informal English
Telephoné numbers: The fu Uform = / am/You are/He is/She is/lt is
o= óh or zero The fuH form = formal English

020 8922.7255
=zero two-oh
0 tV1u~re are ;you from?
G Where are you
Where ís he
Where is she
h j kl m Where is ít

Where is . .. ? = Where's . .. ?
J'hes~létters naveJhe sarnevowelsound: Where are NOTWhere're
Add in + country
Where are youfrom in. Colombia?- Medellin
.Where is he from in the /JK?- London

Unit Vocabulary
Common Qhrases
/ut(wsiJ= q u w ¡ Good morning/ afternoon/ even ing/ night.
¡ Nice to meet you./Nice to meet you, too.
/ct/fare) = 1~ 1 No, thank you./Thank you.
' Yes, please. Pardon? Excuse me ...
Countries 1
1 '
Brazil Russia México Australia E
1 ltaly Spain Colombia Argentina
1 China the UK Portugal New Zealand 1
the US Turkey
Warm Up
1 Look at photo A above. Fill in the blanks below with the words from the box.

husband sister daughter father son wife brother

1. Karen-Luke = ~ = = - - 4. John-Luke =
2. John-Lucy= 5. Ka re n - Jo hn = -----'--"'---'---'--
3. Lucy-Luke = 6. l<aren-Lucy = -'-~~~-

2a Match the objects 1-9 in photos 8-D with the words in the box.

_1_ phone number email address _ . address cell phone map

passport first name _._.· last name

b Listen and check your answers. Repeat.

Give basic information about your family e,.«ºº
GRAMMAR questions with who; possessive adjective: my

26 ~ 3 38
1a Look at the photos. Write the ages next to the names in the photos.
57 60 22

b Listen and check your answers.

e Listen again. Write a name next to each word below.

mother = _____ brother = ·--- son = _____ daughter = _____
father = _____ sister = _____ wife = Sobrina husband =

Vocabulary I numbers 10-99

2 Listen and repeat. Then clase your books. Say the numbers.
10 ten 12 twelve u 1 fourteen 16 sixteen 18 eighteen
11 eleven 13 thirteen 15 fifteen 17 seventeen 19 nineteen

3a Listen and repeat.

20 twenty 40 forty 60 sixty 80 eighty 21 twenty-one
30 thirty 50 fifty 70 seventy 90 ninety 99 ninety-nine

b Write a number. Your partner says it. 27 twenty-seven

Grammar I Who . .. ?; my
4 Complete the Active Grammar box with he and she.

Active Grammar

she? Arma my sister.

's ' ,-
Who ? He my brother.
(is) (is)
Sofia? my mother.

See Reference page 28

5 Complete these sentences for Sabrina.

1. Carl is mv brother 3. Marek is ~ = c - ~ ~ - 5. Tomis_~~~-
2. Anna is_r~\·=·'~~~- 6. James is _l.éLc'...CQ-'-'----'-

6 ~~i~\;Wir~' Complete the dialogs. Then practice with a partner.

1. A: Who's _bg_? B: He's ~~father. 2. A: u> she? B: ~ my mother.

3. A: Who's ==~? B: H<i =='-'-- 4. A: _·._I_ he? B: lt's OK. ~=- _•_
brother. friend.

Pronunciation I word stress in numbers

7 Listen. Circle the correct number. Then listen again and repeat.
1. He's my brother. He's@L.3._Q years old. 4. My son's 1.~/ 50 years old.
2. Carol's my sister. She's 14(1io years old. 5. He's my husband. He's 16/60.years old.
3. She's Helen. She's 18/(80.years old. ,;,,/'

8a Read the How To box. Then write five na mes from your famiiy or friends.
How old is heíshe?
b Explain to your partner who the people are. He's : 62 ·
· • years o/d.
Who's !vlartin? He's my brother. He~s 27 years old. She's • 21 •
-- ------ - --- -- ,-- --- ------ - ' .

Ask for a:nd give personal details ".,p
GRAMMAR questions with what; possessive adjective: your

1a il1il! The young man in the photo is Ben. Listen and complete the information.
a. Name: BenLLLLLLLL'.'.L.____ d. Address: ____· ' - ' - - -
b. From: - ~ - - ' = - - - ~ ~ ~ - - e. Home phone number: -'1-tc-'--"-~~"-~~-'--
c. Age: --~J=!~C!____ years otd f. Cell phone number: -""'-L'LLLLLLLL_L/.lL_ _

b Listen again and check your answers.

Grammar I What's your . .. ?

2 Complete the questions in the Active Grammar box
number your name phone
with words from the box.

3a Write questions from the Active Grammar

box for these answers. Active Grammar
1. A: What' s vour phone number?
your _____
B: My home number is 212-555-0124. ···--·-···?

2. A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ What •5 ·----·----- address?

B: 81 East Avenue, New York. (is) your ~---·--·-..··--··-·--··~. . . rwmber?

your ce/i phone _______ ?
3. A: ------------
American Brltish
B: My cell number is 917-555-0038. Engtish English
See Reference page 28
4. A: ----------- ce/1 phone mobi/e phone

B: Stephanie Brown.

b !.fi!tM'ffl Ask and answer the questions in the Active Grammar box.
4a Read the How To box. .*$*~~)? ~~}lJpgi
b Listen and write the corree! names and addresses. A: What's your name?
1. Simon _ _ _ _ __ B: John Carax.
2. 82 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,Rome A: How do you spe/1 that?
B: C-A-R-A-X.
5a Your teacher will assign you one person below. Go to page 109
in the Speaking Exchange and complete the chart for your person.


b i~ilií'iíli:íft Roleplay. Talk to other students and complete the chart.

Helio. What's your name? i'm Bae. How do you spellthat?

Vocabulary I expressions
6a Match an expression (great, good, OK,
bad, awful) to each judge.

b Listen to the auditions. What do ihe

judges say about each singer? Complete
column 1 in the chart below.

e iÍfiiiiij~~
What do you think of the singers?
Complete column 2 and compare wiih a partner.
Ben He's awful.
Ben's awful. Yes, he's awfu!. Terri's OK. Terri
d Talk about other singers you know. Bae

Give in.formation about other people; "~"º
write a short personal profile
GRA~ possessive adjectives: his/her; articles: a/ an

la Look at the profiles. Which person is from Canada? from Japan? from Germany?

f~ESUL rs
a. l"m f:rieda Lang. l'm from Munich. l'm 52 years old.
l'm a ..J . c · · · ~·"-
.. ~-'---


b. Helio. My name's Tom Mackintosh. l'm 34 years old.

l'm an _c"-'--~-"-~c... l'm from Toronto.

c. My name's Junko Nakamura. l'm from Kyoto. l'm 18.

% l'm a_-'..':=-'..':i'---
1 junura@jmail.jp

b Listen and fill in the blanks in the profiles with an occupation from the box.

2a Read the How To box. Say the email addresses in the profiles. Siy "*)'l\Íiii@~e~i~s >'
b 111:f!~l!it Exchange emai! addresses with severa! other "john dot smíth at emai! dot com"
A: What's your email address?
B: lt's henrique99@vista.com
A: How do you spe/1 that?
B: Henrique: H - E - N . ..
Vocabulary I occupations
3 Match the pictures to the occupations in the box. Then listen and check.
í- ..
1 .~ accountant actor ~engineer teacher ~ artist l
\ 'f . student _/_manager 1 sales clerk (~ police officer _j_ doctor )

Grammar I ajan and his/her

4 Complete the Active Grammar box with a oran. Active Grammar

5a Put the words from Exercise 3 in the correct column. a doctor an accountant
-1JL poi ice officer :, , actor

See Reference page 28

b !i•!'fiiJ~ Talk about your family members' occupations.

6 Complete the Active Grammar box wíth his, he's, her, or she's.

Active Grammar

What's his name? What's her name?

...'.'..'..:.,.-. name s Tom. _ t,P:.:,.__ name's Maria .

What:s -·~-- occupatíon? Wl¡at's ~~ occupation?

.l.·'2:___ ~~:- an accountant. .:. T\i a student.

See Reference page 28

7 ~iííjf¡jqJ~ Ask a partner about his or her best friend. Talk to severa[ partners.
Who's your best friend? Her name"s Njna. What's heroccupation?

Writing My 1
V.O\l,l,\e s • , • flM .P'l'i.:H,,.,\ •••

8a Write a personal profile for emailfriends.net. fv.1 •.. yeoi.vs ó14 Ol.\,\d.. ft,q ~ ....

b Exchange information with a partner. Then tell your group about your partner.
• Extra Listening Activity
Unit Wrap Up "' in ACTíVEBODK

1 Look at the family tree. Complete the

1. Pedro: May_a's my_ daughter
2. Raúl: mother.
Pedro Rosa
3. Maya: brother.
4. Rosa: son.
5. Maya: father.
6. Pedro: wife.
7. Raúl: sister.
8. Rosa: husband. Maya Raúl

2 Use the words to write questions. Then take turns asking and answering the
questions with a partner.
1. address/your/What's 4. are/How/you/old
What' s y_our address ?
2. phone/What's/numl:Jer/your 5. you/Where/from/are
3. name/'1'.o~r/What's 6. spell/How /that/yóu/ do

3 Write the questions. Then take turns asking and answering them with a partner.

First name: Helen First name: Takao

Age: 33 Age: 42
Job: manager Job: police officer
from: Australia From: Japan

1. A: __l1'!1QLl)lf¿UflR/Ji!.!.!]/¿,'.__ B: Helen.
2. A: _,~__:___:__j___:___:___:___:__~ B: She's 33.
3. A: _"2_j__j__j___j__j__ _j_~"---- B: She's a manager.
4. A: _j__j__j__j__j__j_ __j__j__j__j__,_ B: She's from Australia.
5. A: _j_'JJi.,li; ____ U'Ji.Ji.Ji.Jl_j_Ji.Ji._j_Ji.Ji.~ B: Takao.
6. A: __:::'.C.L'-'-'---'----'--'-'c..c_---'-'---~- B: He's 42.
7. A: _j__j__j__j__j__j__j__j__j_:;;_, B: He's a police officer.
8. A: _.ic.c.lJ..'.:_j__j__j__ _j_Ji.Ji._j__j_ B: He's from Japan.

4 Circle the correct word.

1. six + six=;._eleventf,Ñe[veJ/thirteen 4. He's an teacher/accountant/student.
2. She's aidoctof!actor/qreat. 5. Who's your favorite iidq~r/restaurant/city_?
3. What's yoÚ~-passport/phonefaddresS? 6. What's your email/phonÍ: numbeil
computer number?
Communication ta1k about tavorite reopie and things

5a Match the words in the box to the pictures.

e_¿_ actor _ i singer __l_ CD
} 1

~ city

u movie <
book . ' 2 restaurnnt )

b ti~f~\liJ!s, Take turns asking about the pictures. Whot's number 2? !t's o restaurant.

6a ªr~ijp'cii9Ífl{ Ask three classmates about

their favorite things. Use the box on the
left to make questions. Write their answers
in the chart on the right. city
singer 1
CD? movie
your favorite city? book
. 7 CD
1 mov1e.
~ - - J . . . . . ._ _ _ __J book?

Who's your favor/te singer? Beyoncé. She's greot Beyoncé? She's OK.

b Tell a new partner about your three classmates.

Juan's fovorite clty is Ria de Jane/ro. His favor/te restaurantís ...

Unit 2 Reference
Questions Articles: a!an
Who .is for people. Use.o and on befare singular nouns.
Whois he? She' s a teacher.
Who is Rache/? Her brother is an actor.
Who' s yoitr best frienc/?
a + consonan! sound
What ís for thíngs.
a car, a phone, a website
What's her last nome?
What's his phane number? an + vowel sound
What' s your email address? an emai/ address, an actor, an engineer
Who's.,. ? and Whot's ... ? = informal Englísh
Numbers 10-99

30 thírty

Who is ... ?and.What is ... ?=formalwrítten English

Remembe(these questions wíth How . .. ?
How do. you spe/1 thot?
Haw ol_d are you?
How o/d is he/she?
Unit Vocabulary
Posses1Sive adjectives: mother sister wife husband
m;ylyourlhislherlits father brother son daughter
My, your, his, her, and its are possessive adjectives. Personal details
Possessive adfoctives show ownership. first name phone number
last name email address
address cell phone number
Pronoun Possessive adjective Adjectives
1am Robert. My name is Robert. great good OK bad awful
You are 32, Your sfster is 21. Jobs
He is a singer. Paui is his brother. accountant actor manager
sales clerk artist engineer
5he js great. Her CD is great,
police officer doctor teacher
lt is a movie. Avatar Is its name.
Warm Up
1a Match each photo to a word in the box.

_ a pyramid _ a palace _ a museum

b Listen to the words in the box and repeat. Then check the meanings in a dictionary.

a river a department store a theme park a mountain a lake

2 Complete these famous tourist attractions with the words above.

1. The Yel!ow River in China 5. Macy's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in New York
2. The Hermitage ______ in Moscow 6. Sugar loaf _ _ _ _ _~ in Rio de Janeiro
3. Buckingham in London 7. Titicaca in Bolivia
4. The Great of Giza in Egypt s. Universa! Studios ______ in California

Write a simple vacation email
GRAMMAR be: wefthey; contractions; possessive adjectives: ourftheir

Vocabulary I adjectives
1 Look at the photos of US tourist attractions. Then circle the correct adjective
in each sentence.
1. The Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles is modern/old.

2. The French Quarter in New Orleans is beautifu//uqlv.

3. South Beach in Miami is borinq/excitinq.
4. Central Park in New York City is biq/sma/1.
The Forbiddeo Gty in
2 g¡if4W9~l< Talk about three tourist attractions in your country. Beijing is beautifu/.

3a María and Estéban are on a tour of the US. Read the
email. Who are their new friends? Hi Jane,
Estéban and I are in New York
b Mari< each statement true (T) or false (f).
City now. We're at the W Hotel.
_ _ 1. María and Estéban are in New York City. lt's in Times Square. Our room is
_ _ 2. María and Estéban's room is old. very modern. The views are great.
__ 3. Hiro and Yoko are from Japan. Hiro and Yoko are our new
friends. They're on the tour, too.
__ 4, Hiro and Yoko's English is awfuL
They're from Japan. They're nice
_ _ 5. New York is boring. and their English is good.
New York is exciting'
e Underline ali the adjectives in the email.
Love, María
Grammar 1 1be with we and they
4 Use the email on page 30 to complete the
Active Grammar box. Active Grammar

5 Complete the sentences. Use contractions. 'm (am)

1. They 're from Sydney. You 're (are)
2. You ___ from Spain. He
3. We ___ in Buenos Aires. She 's (is)
4. lt ___ modern. lt
5. She ___ my daughter. You 're (are)
6. 1 ___ in the photo. We ( __ ) inRome.
7. They _ _ in the department store. They ___ ( __) from Peru.
8. He ___ great.
See Reference page 38

Grammar 2 1our and their

6 Complete the Active Grammar box below.

Active Grammar

She is my frien d.
He Rache/ is his wife.
She Her mother js great.

See Reference page 38

7 Circle the correct word.

1. Are they we're/l§}books? 4. Thev're/Their from Mexico.
2. We're/Our in Kyoto. 5. Where is we're/our hotel?
3. Thev're/Their photos are great. 6. Thev're/Their in the photo.

8a ,ij,jlJi'.'!iit~ You and your partner are on vacation. Choose a destination from
the photos on page 30. Complete the details.
1. My partner is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , (name)

2. We are in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (place) lt is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (adjective)

3. Our friends are and . (names)
4. Our hotel is . (name) Our room is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (adjective)

b Look at the Writing Bank on page 116. Then write an email to a friend about
your vacation.

Say wh.ai's in you.r suiicase cf;,.~º
GRAMMAR plural nouns; the negative of be

Vocabulary I vacation th·mgs American British

1a Ma tch each picture to a word or phrase in the box. Pants
.. .

-2..._ camera <. book _Lskirt _2-sweater _ . ••· suitcase _ .. pair of pants l
_'.j_ T-shirt _. _·· map _ blouse MP3 player _backpack pair of shoes


Suitcase A

! Suitcase (
J Suitcase B !
b Listen and check your answers. Mark the stress and repeat. a suitcase

2 Listen. Match each conversation to a suitcase in the pictures above.
1. suitcase _ _ 2. suitcase _ _ 3. suitcase __

Grammar I plural nouns Active Grammar

3 Listen again to Conversation 3 one book books
above. Complete the Active Grammar box. _ _ _ _ _ _ blouses
a b!ouse
one pair of shoes five pairs
Pronunciation I plural "s"
See Reference page 38
4a listen. How is the "s" pronounced:
/s/, /z/, or /iz/?
_ _ a. two suitcase?. _ _ d. three camera?. __ g. eight sweater?.
_ _ b. five map?. _ _ e. two pair?. of shoes _ _ h. six skirt?.
_ _ c. seven blouse?. _ _ f. four book?.

b listen again and check your answers. Then repeat.

5a ~füWórk Describe a suitcase from Exercise 1a on
page 32. Your partner guesses the suitcase.
Two skirts, a pair of shoes,
What's in the suitcase?
three books . ..

b ~~j'ij;ítllói!t Cover one of ihe suitcases. Remember what's in

it. Tell your partner.

e j;:i~'ilí'l/llól'!<I What is in your suitcase when you go on vacation? Tell your partner.

6a Listen. Answer the questions.
1. What is her name? 2. What is in her suitcase?

b Listen again. Complete ihe phrases from the conversation.

Jane: _ _'m not Miss Smith. Jane: _ _ isn't a camera. Jane: ___ aren't books.

Grammar I the negative of be

Active Grammar
7 Look at Exercise 6b. Then complete the
Active Grammar box with aren't or isn't. 'm not ..........................

8 Circle the correct answer. You aren't (are no/)

1. You 'm not({QreQ7)an actor. He
2. 1 're not/'m not from Brazil. ~---------· (is not)
3. She aren't/isn't my sister. a camera.
4. lt isn't/ 'm not my camera. from the US.
5. We aren't/isn't in room 232. - - · - - - (are not)
6. He 'm not/isn't my brother. friends.
They __________ (ore not)
ín l<orea.
See Reference page 38
9a ~<tlr'W<!i~ Use the chart to make
statements. Write ,/ or X.

l'm not from this city. !'m from Acopulco.

b Write sentences using the chart in fWt ~vó!M. ti'\ts óty. Coi.vlós is•·/+- -Pvó\A'\ 4-~ts óty.
Exercise 9a. \-\e's .Pvo!M Acotpl.\lco. We've 300A s,~3evs.

Ask about tourist attractions º~~º
GRAMMAR be: yes/ no questions

Vocabulary I days ofthe week

1a Listen and repeat the days ofthe week.

Gonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sund~

b '(~Jrfiq~¡¡, Saya day. Your partner says the next day. Thursday. Fríday.

2a Look at the ads. What tourist attraction is each ad for?

The Museum of Modern Art T.,e Smit.,S61t1i1Álf1

New York City Natfon&!_~k a11d Space M1,1sn1m
At 11 West Fifty-Thi1·d Street
(nea, Fifth Avenue) Washington, o.e.
On lndependence
Admission $20.00 Avenue at Sixth Street
Closed Tuesdays
Admission free

Big, Beautiful, and Modern Open 7 days a week

b Look at the underlined words in the text. Check the meanings in a dictionary.

e Read the ads. Circle the correct word in the sentences be!ow.
1. The Museum of Modern Art is@closed on Mondays.
2. The Museum of Modern Artis/isn't in New York City.
3. The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum is/isn't free.
4. The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum is/isn't open seven days a week.
5. The Museum of Modern Art is/isn't free.
6. The Smithsonian Nationa! Air and Space Museum is/isn't in New York.

3a Listen. Which tourist attraction are the hotel c!erk
and guest talking about?

b Read the How To box. Then listen again and complete the
phrases below with here, there, and Here's.
1. Is it near here ? !t's there.
2. lt's about 6 blocks from _ _ __
a map. We're _ _ _ _ , and it's _ _ __
Here's a m a p ~ ~
Grammar I be: yes/no questions
Active Grammar
4a Compare the and forms below:
The museum is in New York. Yes, you are.
Am your friend?
Is the museum in New York? No, you aren't.
Yes, 1 am.
b Complete the Active Grammar box with you
Is, Are, ar Am. No, l'm not.
he Yes, he/she/it is.
5 Use the words to write questions. Then - - - - she your sister? No, he/she/it
write short answers. it open? isn't.
1. open/ls/today /it Yes, we are.
A: Is it open todav ? we near the /ake?
No. we aren't.
B: Yes it is Yes, they are.
they in London?
2. you/Korea/ Are/from No, they aren't.
A: ____________ ?
B: No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ See Reference page 38
3. the US/ls/from/she 5. ls/open/the store
A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
B: Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ B: Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. a museum/it/ls 6. you/an actor/Are
A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? A: ____________ ?
B: No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ B: No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

6 SPEAKING EXCHANGE Ask and answer questions about tourist attractions.
Student A: Read the ad below about the Empire State Building and answer your partner's
questions. Ask for information about Universal Studios.
Student B: Look at page 109. Read the ad about Universal Studios and answer your partner's
questions. Ask for information about the Empire State Building.

lt's a big building with

What is it?
beautifu/ views.

The ! Universal
Empire State
Building 1 Studios
A BIG building with What? _ _ _ __
beautiful views!
Fifth Avenue at Where? _ _ _ __
341h Street
New York City
Vlhat/address? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Admission $20
Open Tclays a week? ---.,.,--'----:-,--~
Open 7 days a week -Free? _ _ _~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - -

/ /:L~½ Extra Listening Activity
Unit Wrap Up W in ACTIVEBOO!(

1 Read the information in the box. Su.sana sind 1
Complete the paragraph with Japan
From? Argentina
we're, our, they're, or their. Job? doctors teachers
House? in Buenos Aires in Osaka
Where now? on vacation in Hawaii on vacation in France

Keiko are our (1.) friends . .L.lL-:l..Ll.L.l-'- (2.) from Japan and
-+.:J...n...n..c._(3.) teachers. Susana and I are from Argentina. -2e.L.l.L.1ce-- (4.) doctors.
--'-"'--''-'--Cs.) house is in Buenos Aires. +¡t,c,1 've. (6.) house is in Osaka. Right

2 Complete the negative sentences with a word from the box.

aren'! not isn't You She

1. I•~'m"-'----- not a student. l'm a 6. - ~ ~ - - ' m not from Brazil.

teacher. 7. You my friend.
2. lt - ~ - ~ - open today. lt's open 8. She my sister. She's my
tomorrow. mom.
3. You -'-'-'-'--~-ª good singer. 9. _......=.____ aren't in room 324. You're
4. isn't from Canada. in room 325 .
5. You 21. You're 23. 10. l'm _._____ Peter. l'm Tom.

3 Use the words to write questions.

1. near/palace/the/we/Are 5. here/tbe/near
. . ' /lake/ls
Are we near the pa/ace ? ' ~ ' ., \ :'\ -~/ i)
<Z~L, ?

2. museum/ls/open/the 6. department stores/ Are/today /open the

' '
\ /"" •'.

__j_'.::,._,i ),~"- ' C ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ' - ~ - - ? <f\\ -· •,' '?

3. Australia/they /frorn/ Are 7, we/Are/City Hotel/in/th~
... ,-.,.' , . ,
\.,\- · / ( ~- (\ ) ·, l 1;, . ~ ~ - ' - ~ ~ ~ : . _ 7 7

4. she/your /ls/friend
: jo• \
8. suitcase/your / ls/this
·,:_::> ;"\ <"" ! Jl ? ?

4 ~i,1cf¡~,~!§
Write short answers for ea ch question in Exercise 3. Then take turns
asking and answering with a partner.
1. (.!) Yes we are 5. (.!) - - - - - - - -
2. (X) No. it isn' t 6. ( X ) - - - - - - - - -
3. (.!) - - - - - - - - 7. (.!) - - - - - - - -
4. ()() - - - - - - - - - 8. (X) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
:f""'i! ~ ' "'
l.,on11nun1cat1011 1 have an extended phone conversation
5a Pul the words in the box in the correct columns.

~~all suitcase book food old bad

. -·-,¡
l beautiful
, ugly
\.. big
cold backpack
good nice camera
___. _ex_c!,_ti_n_g__b_o_ring
_, __) J

b Which words follow very: nouns or adjectives?

6 Listen and read the conversation. Answer the questions below.

louis: Helio.
Sara: Hi, Louis. lt's Sara.
Louis: Hi, Sara. How are you and Paul? Hot Very hot
Sara: We're fine, thanks. And you?
louis: Fine, thanks. Where are you?
Sara: We're in France.
louis: Are you in Provence?
Sara: No, we aren'!. We're in Paris.
louis: Is it beautiful?
Sara: Yes, it is. lt's very beautifu l.
louis: Is it cold?
Sara: No, it isn't. lt's not very cold.
louis: Is your hotel nice?
Sara: No, it isn't. lt's very small and very old.
louis: Too bad! Is the food good?
Sara: Yes, it's very, very good. Are Mom and Dad OK?
louis: Yes, they are. They're fine.
Sara: 01<, see you on Friday.
louis: See you on Friday. Bye.
Sara: Bye.

1. Where are Sara and Paul? 3. Is Paris beautiful? 5. Is the hotel nice?
2. Are they in Provence? 4. Is Paris hot? 6. Is the food good?

7a ~iil,rif/l!~t~' Practice the conversation. Change roles.

b '~ilit:li~~Practice making new conversations. Use new peo ple, new places,
and other adjectives from Exercise 5b.

He/lo, Hi, Carmen. lt' s Flavio. Hi, Flavio. How are you and your wife?

Unit 3 Reference
The verb be Possessive adjectives

Pronoun Possessive adjective

You 're (are) J'm from New York. My wife is from Rome.

He You' re in Tokyo. Your son is in London.

in California.
She 's (is) He's my brother. His name is Jeff
from Colombia.
lt She's my sister. Her daughter is three.
We 're (are) lt's nota big hotel. lts name is "W."
They 're (are) We're on vacation. Our hotel is very nice.
They're in Ita/y. Their chi/dren are at

'm not (am not) Miss Smith.

You aren't Days of the week
(are not)
weekdays: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
He Friday
isn't my sister.
(is not) the weekend: Saturday, Sunday
lt a camera.
Use on + days of the week
We oren't from the US.
(are not) Her birthday is on Monday.
They aren't friends.
(are not) in Korea. Adjectives
old co/d smaJJ boring
big nice good closed
Short answers hot new great modern
.. •••···•···••·······················•··················
bad ug/y awful exciting
Yes, you are.
· Am 1 your friend? free 01( open beautifu!

Yes, 1am. Noun +be+ adjective

Are you from ita/y?
No, l'm not, !t's madern. They 1 re great
he your brother? Yes, he/she/it is. Noun + be (+ajan) + adjective + noun
Is she your sister? No, he/she/it She's a good teacher. Jt's a big markeL
Yes, we are.
r- ,
Are we
1 Unit Vooabulary j
¡ Tourist attractions ¡
Yes, they are. 1 a river a pyramid a museum 1
Are they in London?
No, they aren't. 1 a lake a palace a theme park ¡1
! a beach a building a mountain 1
1 a brid.ge a department store 1
Also possible: 1 Vacat1on things ¡
He's/She's/lt's not 1 map sweater backpack 1
We're/You're/They're not 1 skirt camera MP3 player 1
They're not at home. 'L book suitcase pair of pants 1
b_lo_u_s_e____P_ª_i_r_º_rs_h_o_e_s_ _ _ _ /J
Warm Up
la Match each place in the box to a photo above ora small picture below.

_ATM __ drugstore _ supermarket _ !rain staiion American British

English English
__ bank _ bookstore _newsstand _ movie theater ATM cash point
bus stop _ restaurant _ parking lot _ outdoor market drugstore chemist

b Listen and check your answers. Then repeat.

2 ij~ftúl!i~~ Ask What's your favorite . .. ? What's your favorite Grand Foods is
supermarket? my favorite.

Order food and drink in a coffee
GRAMMAR can: requests

Vocabulary I food and drink

1a Label the food and drink in each photo with a phrase from the box below.

oranae iuice 5.

bottled water sandwich piece of cake salad

cup oftea _}

h Listen. Match a photo above to each conversation.

Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3

2a Listen to the three conversations in Exercise 1b again. Complete the phrases

below with the words in the box.

(choco~:______~arge ltotts~ ham and cheese small )

'"'~-- -----------
1. a house salad 4. a~'---'--'-'-'--'-~-- orange juice
2. a ' ;-n bottled water 5. a piece of cake

h Check your answers in Audioscript 1.39 on page 124.

Grammar I can: requests Active Grammar

3 Look at the Active Grammar box. Match a
phrase on the left to a phrase on the right. 1. Can J have a _: orange jukes 1 ,olease?
2. Can I hove an~ chicken sandwich, p!ease?
4a Complete the conversations with the words or Can I llave two iced tea, p/ease?
phrases in the Active Grammar box. Certainly/Sure. Anything e/se?
A: Hello. Can I help you? No, that's all./Yes, please. Can i have . .. ?
B: Yes. _ __ ] _ ~ ~ - ' ! ! . _ _ ~ - - - - - (1.) iced tea,
please? See Reference page 48
A: Certainly. Anything -~~~----C2.)?
B: Yes, please. ~~~-- (3.) small house salad, too?
A: Sure.
C: ~~~~~~~~ (4.) large coffee, please?
A: ~~~~----Cs.) else?
C: No, ~-'-"-'-'--''---'--'-''-"-'-'- (6.).

h ij~(r!'lfi~ Practice the conversation in pairs. Change roles.

Pronunciation I Unking
5 Listen and repeat.
Can 1••• ? /ka: - nar/
Can I have a ... ? /ka: - na1 - ha: - v;i/
Can I have a small coffee?
/ka: - na1 - ha: - va - sm:il - ka fi/

Vocabulary I prices in English-speaking countries

6a Complete the chart.
one (dallar and) (cents)
two (euros and) (cents)
five (pounds and) (pence)

b Listen. Circle the correct price.

1. a. $1.00 . b. $1,10 c. $1.2q
Countries using S include:
2. a. $2.98 b. $3.89 ,c. $3.98 Australia, Belize, Canada, Jamaica,
New Zea!and, Singapore, and the US.
3. a: $8.19 b. $8.90 c. $8.99
4. a. €15,17 b. €15.18 c. €15:7<'.J
5. a. €4.34 b. €3.34 c. €4~43
6. a. f3.13 b. f3.19 c. t3:j9
e ~;iiliiQf*' Saya price. Your partner writes the price.
7 'PiitI!llKQf~ Read the How To box. Look at the menu.
Student A: You are a server in a coffee shop.
Qrd.Ell'. fC>ód.an.cl c'h.>w,l!; •.
Student B: You are a customer. Order food and drink.
A: Can I he/p you?
B: Can I have a salad, please?
A: Sure. Anything e/se?
B: No, that's al/J
Yes, can f hove a coffee, too?
A: Far here orto take out/to go?
B: Far here./To take out./To go.
A: That's $6.0.5.

Ask for and understa.nd prices "~~ºº
GRAMMAR demonstratives: this/that/these/thase

1a Match each question to its correct answer.
1. Rodeo Orive is a very famous
_1_What is it? _•_• What is far sale there?
shopping street.
_lsitbig? __
•. _ What stores are there?
2. lt's in Beverly Hills, California.
3. lt's about three blocks long.
4. Designer clothes and jewelry are far
sale on Rodeo Orive.
5. Prada, Chane!, Tiffany, and many
2 il;wlliit~: What's your favorite shopping area or other stores are there.
store? Ask and answer the questions from Exercise 1a.

Vocabulary I clothes and colors

3a Look at the pictures. Match the colors to the clothes.
a green T-shirl
green \
·a. pair of shoes
2. white- • · b. skirt
3. oran ge _ -c. coat
4. d /1\
re ...--· / ¡ .A:1. pair of pants
5. yello~,?r.. e. blouse
6. bl ac 1C/V
' ' ••··f. dress

(~, i// -
7. blue-<¡ \ g. bag
8, browrr/ • t-n.
9. pink-./' i. T-shirt

b Listen and check your answers.

e What clothes and colors are in your classroom? A biue-and-white shirt.

4a Listen. Write the prices in the picture.

b Listen again. Complete the questions with this,

that, these, or those.
1. How much is blue hat?
2. How much are beautiful dresses?
3. How much is yellow skirt?
4. How much are white shirts?

Grammar I this/that/these/those
5 Complete the Active Grammar box with that,
these, or those.

Active Grammar

~th=is~_ hat

See Reference page 48

6 f!~!l'c'i~ii~
Read the How To box. Take turns asking ··Till.k á~6lit prfoea
and answering about the prices in Exercise 4a. A: How much is this/that hat?
B: lt's $50.
A: 1-/ow much are these/those sweaters?
Writing B: They're $20 each.
7 Write a paragraph about your favorite shopping area.
Use the article about Rodeo Drive to help you.

My -801.Vóvl't"'e sV-c-ppi...-1.3 '-'"-eO\

ls ... HJs h, ...

Ask about things and make simple transactions <>':no

Vocabulary I irregular plurals

1a Match a description below to each photo.
_,,_._ 1. a man, a woman, and a child ata train station
_ ._ 2. a man and a woman buying tickets ata theater
3. people in a supermarket
b Complete the chart of irregular piurals. , one person two peoo/e
1 one two men
one woman two
one two children
2a Listen. Match each conversation
to a photo in Exercise 1a.
__ Conversation 1 __ Conversation 2 __ Conversation 3

b Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the conversations.

1. A: Can I have three tickets (1.) to Boston, piease? Two adults and one child.
B: One-way or round-trip?
A: Round-trip, please.
B: That's forty-two thirty, please. Thank you. -~~---(2.) you are.
B: That's ninety-eight ninety, please.
A: - ~ - - - (4.) I pay by credit card?
B: Sure. Sign here, please. Thank you. Here you are.
A: Thanks.
3. A: Your groceries come to thirty-one dollars and seven cents.
B: Here ---e+'-"--- (5.) are. lt's a debit card.
A: Enter your PIN--'-~~'-"-'-, (6.) please. Thank you.

3 PaifWc#k Practice the conversations.

4 ~ªftMt<ir~ Read the How To box. Close your books. (reate new
conversations in a store or !rain station.

Pay foi<things
A: Can I have three tickets to Boston, p/ease? A: Can I pay by credit card?
B: One-way or round-trip? B: Yes. Sign here, please. Here yau are.
A: One way. A: lt's a debit card.
B: That's $42.30. B: Enter your PIN number, p/ease.

Grammar I possessive nouns: 's

5a Match the things below to peo ple in the photos
on page 44.
Active Grammar
Use 's to show possession.
1. They're Jack's theater tickets.
=="--'-"--'-'--··- daug hte r.
1. íack
3. ft's~,--~~~--train ticket.
b Complete the sentences about Jack, Mike, and
See Reference page 48
Stefan in the Active Grammar box.

6 Rewrite the sentences with the name + 's.

1. lt's his passport. (Kevin) 3. This is his email address. (Takumi)
lt' s Kevin' s pass port.
2. They're her shoes. (Rosie) 4. What is her cell number? (Adele)

7a Each student gives something to the teacher (Ex: a bag, a penci!).

b Guess who each thing belongs to. Is that Arma's bag? No, it isn't. ft's He/en's bag.

• Extra Listening Activity
Unit Wrap Up in ACrJVEBOOK

1 Complete the sentences with Can J have + a, an, or twa . .
1. Can J have an espresso, please? 3. -'-~'-'-"-2"'---'- house salad, please?
2. ~~~~-~- iced tea, please? 4. pieces of cake, please?

2 Number these sentences in the correct order to make a conversation. Then

practice with a partner.
That's $4.55, please. _·._No, that's ali.
__ Ves. Can I have a chicken salad _1_ Good morning. Can I help you?
sandwich andan espresso, please? __ To eat here or take out?
__ Take out. _ .. _ Certainly. Anything else?

3 Circle the correct word in each sentence. Then practice with a partner.
1. A: What's this/that/these/those near 3. A: Here you are.
your bed? B: What's f~Ts!that/these/those?
B: lt's my new sweater. A: lt's a present. Happy birthday!
2. A: How much are tHis/that!these/those 4. A: What are this!that!thésé~/those
shirts here? sandwiches on that tá6le?
B: They're $12.99 each. B: They're roast beef.

4 Rewrite the sentences with possessive 's.

1. He is Jamie. This is his suitcase. 3. He's Placido. They're hi.s daughters.
This is /amie's suitcase They're - ~ - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - - -
2. She's Dorota. That's her baby. 4. That's Jay. That is his restaurant.
Th at's -""-""cL.c-"--""-""-""-- That's ~=~ce_-'-'-~~=---

5 Correct the possessive 'sin this email. There are four mistakes.

Hi Pat

How are you? Our house is very busy. Ann's mother, Hilda, ls here.
She's in Paul bedroom. Paul is in Tom bedroom with Tom. They aren t
happy. Bob, Hilda husband, isn't here. He's at home with Hilda dog!

See you soon,


6 Unscramble the underlined letters to make words.

1. tsrtuaenar?
What's your favorite restaurant
2. Excuse me, where is the artni antsiot? t 5

3. How much is a dbetotl rawet? b w

4. That qenoar skirt is nice. o
5. Is that Sharon's clbak qba? b b
Comn1 unication ¡ ask ror anc1 give tocations
7a Match each sentence below to a picture. Write A, B, e, or D.

_ 1. lt's on West Street. _ 3. lt's next to the movie theater.

_ 2. lt's across from the bookstore. _ 4. lt's near the bank.

b Listen and complete the map with places in the box.

~ell phone store ___________

train station supermarket_ ), /

Elm Street


8a ~Ji~¡-~ Look at the How To box. Ask questions about

th~rnap using the building anci street na mes.

b SPEAK!l\lGEXCHAl\lGE Ask questions about your map. Your A: Excuse me, where's the ... ?
partner gives you the information. B: lt's ... /l'm sorry. 1 don't know.
Student A: look at page 112. A: Thank you.
8: You're welcome.
Student B: Look at page 110.

·unit 4 Reference
can: requests Irregular noun plur:als
Regular plurals = noun + s
ticket -+ tickets
a piece of cake,
Oth.e.r plurals:
an espresso,
Words ending in -s, -sh, -ch-> add -es /1z/
Can I have an orange juice, please7 sandwich-sandwiches address-addresses
a ticket to Paris,
Words ending in -y-> change y to i and add -es
two bottled waters, baby-babies
Certainly/Sure. Words ending in -ife-+ change fto v
Use Can I have . •. ? to ask for things in stores/ Sorne nouns are irregular in the plural.
coffee shops/train stations, etc child -+ chi/dren woman -> women
man - men person-> peo ple
this these
To ask and answer about prices, use:

o How much is/are . .. ? lt' s/They' re ...

How much 1s that computer? lt's $799.
How much are those books? They're $8.

When you say prices, it is normal to leave.out the

that those
o 00
$12.20 twelve twenty €1.99 one ninety-nine
ºº When the price is less than one dollar or euro, it is
normal to say the cúrrency.
804 eighty cents

Singular this that

Unit Vocabulary -l 1
Plural these those movie theater bookstore bus stop i
supermarket restaurant bank
How much are thase shirts? !rain station parking lot AHv1
Are these baoksfree? coffee shop newsstand
That hat is great! outdoor market drugstore
This sweateris beaµtiful. Coffee and other drinks.
orange juice iced tea coffee
bottled water a cup of tea
Possessive nouns: s Food
Use 's to shqw possession, a chicken salad sandwich a roast beef sandwich
a piece of chocolate cake a house salad
Mar.vis Dylar,'s daughter. a ham and cheese sandwich
Thase are jody's tickets, Colors
Be careful nót to cónfuse possessive 's (as in Jody's yellow black white blue red
tickets) with contraction lt's =lt is. Possessive: its orange brown green pink
pair of shoes coat dress T-shirt shirt
pair of pants skirt sweater blouse hat
Warm Up
1a Match the places in picture A with the words in the box.

north west east

1. Darwin =
2. Perth =
3. Brisbane =
4. Ade!aide =
5. Alice Springs =

2 ~ªi~¡\ji:\Ji~
Talk about your country. What cities are in the
north, south, east, west, and center of the country?

Seou! is in the north.

3 Match photos B-D with a location.

__ the city __ the country __ the coast

Give a simple description of a place ",fo;
GRAMMAR there is/there are: affirmative statements

My favorite place to visit is

Washington, o.e. The White House
is near the center of the city. This
Reading beautiful old building is the home
1a !i(fllf~~~¡ What is your favorite place to visit? of the presiden!. South of the
Tell your partner. White House there are a lot of monuments. The
Washington Monument is tall and made of white
Myfavorite place fo. visit is Sa/'I fr4ncisco, marble. There is a beautiful view from the top.
West of the Washington Monument is the lincóln
Memorial. There's a large statue of Lincoln inside.
b Read the paragraph. Labe! the map with the East of the Washington Monument is the Mali.
underlined places in the paragraph. There are a lot of museums there, and they are ali
free. There's also a beautiful red brick building, the
2 ;j¡¡¡¡q~lf) Take turns asking and answering the Smithsonian Castle, on the south side of the Mali.
1. Where is the White House? 4. What is inside the linco!n Memoria!?
2. Where is the Washington Monument? 5. What is on the Mal!?
3. Where is there a beautiful view?

3 ijiff!E~i Read the How To box. What is importan! 1think ...
for a good vacation? Choose three things from the í tMnk beautíful beaches are jmportant.
box betow. Discuss.

great beaches beautiful countryside great outdoor activities great tourist attractions
shopping beautiful buildings good theaters and museums good food
Vocabulary I some, a lot of
4a Match the pictures to the sentences.
1. There are sorne people in the theater.
2. There are a lot ofpeople in the theater.
(¡ 3. There's one person in the theater.

b Listen. Check your answers. Then repeat.

Grammar I there is/there are: affirmative statements

5 Complete the Active Grammar box with is orare.
Active Grammar
6 Complete the sentences with There's or There are.
1. There' s a famous castle in Edinburgh. There 's
2. -'-'-"-'-----~- a great museum in Taipei.
3. ~ ~ ~ - - - good restaurants in Sao Paolo. There
a lot of museums.
4. sorne beautiful beaches in Cancún.
5. a lot of nice hotels in New York.
See Reference page 58
6. a famous mountain near Tokyo.

7 ijg\F;W9f~ Look at the map of greater Los

Angeles. Talk about the tourist attractions.

There are same good museums.

There is an outdoor market north

of Venice Cíty Beach.

8a ~tf10W9I~ Make notes about you r favorite
place to visit. Tell your partner.

There are a lot af good restaurants

in the een ter of town.

b Look at the Writing Bank on page 117.

e Read the paragraph in Exercise 1b again.

Write a description of your favorite place to visit.

Ask for a:nd u.:nderstand basic i:nformation ~no
abou.t a new town
GRAMMAR there is/there are: negative statements and questions

Vocabulary I prepositions of location

la Match the prepositions in the box to the pictures.

\ across from in front _of_ _n_e_a_r_ _n,e,<tto __ behi~

f. ~~--=,.

b. __._,._,- - e. - - - - - -

b Look at the map. Complete the sentences.

1. The bookstore is _ _.c..._··~·'c"''--''~---the ltalian restaurant.
2. The coffee shop is the train station.
3. The drugstore is the shoe store.
4. The theater is the hotel.
5. The parking lot is the department store.

Listen and check your answers.

2a Listen to people in the Royal Hotel ask for directions. Fil! in the blanks in the map above.

b Listen again and look al the map. Mark these sentences true (T) or false (F).
Correct the false sentences.
_ 1_··_ 1. There are two coffee shops near the hotel. 3. The bank is open today.
_ _ 2. There are four restaurants. _ _ 4. The ATM is near the hotel.
Grammar I there is/there are: negative
statements and questions Active Grammar
3 Complete the Active Grammar box with is, There a bus stop near here.
isn't, are, or aren't.
an'} bookstores near
4 Look at the map on page 52 again. Complete here.
the sentences with There isn't/aren't.
1. There aren' t any bus stops.
Yes there is. No, there ____ ,
2. - + = ~ ~ ~ - - - a supermarket.
any hotels near here?
3. -+==~~~~- any newsstands.
4. a market. Yes there ~---· No, there ··-----~·
Use any for plurats in negatives and
questions with there is/are.
See Reference page 58
5 SPEAIÜNG EXCHANGE Talk about places near
a hotel.
Student A: You are a hotel receptionist. Look al page 111.
Student B: You are a hotel guest. Look at page 114.

Vocabulary I nationa!ities
6a Match the types of restaurants to the restaurant na mes below.
1. a French restaurant 4. an lndian restaurant
2. an ltalian restaurant 5. a Chinese restaurant
3. a Mexican restaurant 6. a Japanese restaurant

_1_ _WONqLI
b Listen and check your answers.

e "ii:tiijp\'j~fi< What is your favorite kind of food? Use naiionalities in your answers.
My favorite ís /talian food. lt's great!

7 l'i~i,~Ylf~i~' Take turns asking and answering about places near your class.
restaurants drugstores banks department
coffee shops bookstores theaters

Are there any good !talian Yes, there are. There's a great italian restaurant across
restaurants near here? [ram the train station. its ca//ed Roma. And . ..

Talk about general abilities "~º

9:00 A;M. -11 :O.O A.M.

4:00 P.M.-7:QQ P.M.

2:00 P.M.-4:00 P.i\,1.

9:QÜA,Jcj.-Í:00 p.M,


tO:ObA.M.-.1:bO P.M.

7'.00. P.M. -10:00 P.M.

i:OOP.M.-3:00 P.M,

Vocabulary I skills
1 /~Jjill.11) Look at the brochure above. Point to a symboL Your partner says
the word or phrase from the box.

play golf drive play the piano swim use a computer sing dance

2a Listen to Peter and Carla talk about summer classes at Hartford. Which
class can Carla take?

b Listen again. Write Yes or No next to each activity for Carla.

Yes 1. drive -~-s- use a computer
-..;---2, swim - ~ - 6 . dance
--'~-3- play golf - ~ - 7 - sing
--'~-4- cook - ~ - 8 . play the piano

3 'jªff,W.9I~ Read the How To box. Stand

and greet your classmates.
Gi-~t a fl'i~:µd
A: How are you?
B: Fine/01(/Not bad, thanks. And you?
A: Fine/OK/Not bad, thanks.
Pronunciation I vowel clarity in can and can't
4a Listen. Check (.1) the word you hear.
can can't can can'.t can can't can can't can can't
1. Ud D 2. D D 3. GZJ D 4. D [21 5. 0 D
b Listen again. Then repeat.

Grammar I can/can't: ability Active Grammar

5 Complete the Active Grammar box with can or can't. can swim, but
play golf
6a Write sentences or questions using the cues.
1. (They/X/dance) Thevcan'tdance you
2. (yo u/ swim ?) --"""--''-"'----'---'---'--'----?
Yes, J can.
3. (He/.! /speak ltalian) .c.ec~;__;__~~-'-'-
No, f can't.
4. (she/drive?) ~~~-~~~~---?
5. (you/play golf?) ? See Reference page 58
6. (1 /X/play t he pi ano) ~---'-"--'--"--'--"~-"-'--"-"

b PlÍi~:W9f~ Ask your partner questions with the words from Exercise 1.

Can you drive? Yes, 1can. Can you drive?

Vocabulary I telling time

7 Listen and repeat the times.

a. c. MiiiN d.,••, e.iilie6

8 !'llÍir:.\1/1(9tk Saya time from the brochure in
Exercise 1. Your partner tells you the class. Two o'clack to fouro'c/ock
Ciass 173,
in the aftemoon.

9 'ijr~YP.,i"lf~ Look at the job ads. Talk to your classmates. Find one person for each job.

NAME: _ _ _ _ __ NAME: _ _ _ _ __ NAME: _ _ _ _ _ __

• Extra Listening Activity

Unit Wrap Up %;¡ " in ACí!VfBOOI(

1 Circle the correct word or words.
The. palace is in the center of town. ~here@are (1.) a nice café near the palace, and there is/Ore (2.) two
goodrestaurants, too. There are a/sorné (3.) beautif~lbuildings to the north of the palace, and there are
al[Tdt (4.) of tourisj_attractions to thi south. There)s?[are (5.) a great museum to the west of the palace,
antfthere are one!fDme (6.) nice hotels to !he east. /

2 Use the words to write sentences or questions.

1. any /your / Are/theaters/town/in/there 4. aren't/here/ any /restaurants/There/ near
2. hotel/There/is/house/ne¡c¡r /my /a/nice 5. museums/ Are/this/near /hotel/there/any
,/("" ' '

3. aj of/the/in/lot/theater / are/There/ peo ple 6. ,Q(=Xt/There /ban k/is /to/ a/ drugstore /this

3 Write questions and answers with there. Then take turns asking and answering
the questions with a partner.
1. A: Is there an lta/ian restaurant near here. ? (ltalian restaurant/near here)
B: Yes. there is . (Yes)
2. A: Are there a !ot of people in vour hotel ? (a lot of people/in your hotel)
B: No there aren' t . (No)
:: L--:)t'l:·
3. A: ="--'~~"":'-".e::~''-''~'-'--~l'l'.~'~···~"'~'·u..'~'~··~,~1°? (parking lot/in front of the hotel)
B: - ~ ~ ~ ~ - " " - - - c _ c __ _ • (No)
4. A: ,d_========~,.éc'.===ccc\r good beaches/near your hotel)
B: =======---
5. A: =--"'~~--"'=--"'--"'--"'--"'~L:\ll;'..;,__:cL·: (lndian restaurant/on this street)
B: =~-"-=.__-'-,=""----
6. A: niL-=~~L-L-'-"-L-.__~_._~~~ (any good department stores/near here)
B: ~ ~ ~ L L - ' " ' ' - " " - - - - . (Yes)

4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

sorne French near o'clock use play

1. lt's ten after nine.

2. There's a really good _ _ _ _ _ restaurant on East Street.
3. The pen is on the table that book.
4. Are there _ _ _ _ _ peo ple in the theater?
5. Can you _ _ _ _ _ a computer?
6. Breakfast is from eight _ _ _ _ _ to ten thirty.
7. There are _ _ _ _ _ people outside. Who are they?
8. He can't _ _ _ _ _ golf, but she can.
check in to a bed and breakfast

5a What is a Bed and Breakfast (B&B)?

b ~ª~f1,iif~ Which of the words in the box do you see in the pictures? Discuss.
\ continental breakfast croissants hottub king-sized bed ~ountain vie~ . )
------------------··-· ·-, -·~
e Listen to the conversation. Fi!I in the times below.
Hot Tub: open frorn -"-~'-- to ==""'
Breakfast: from · · to==-
Checkout: - ~ -

6a Look at the dock. Listen and repeat.

ten to ten after /
b ;~íttJ/lti'r;~ Take turns saying the times. past
1.3:30 7. 6:20 13. 10:10
2. 5:15 8. 1:05 14. 9:40 forty-five fifteen
3. 8:45 9. 9:35 15. 12:15
4. 11:30 10. 8:15 forty twenty
5. 7:10 11. 2:25

6. 7'45 12. 2:55

thirty-five thirty twenty-five
7 ~~ttAW~#~ Student A is the owner of a B&B.
Student Bis a guest. Student A welcomes B. Show the guest the bedroom and hot tub. Talk
about hot tub hours, breakfast times, and checkout. Then change roles.

Welcome to our B&B. Thisis your bedroom. There's

a king-sized bed, and the bathro.om is here. What time is checkout?

U:nit 5 Refere:nce
there is/are

a bank near here. Can speak Eng!ish?
· There is
an aquarium near here.
There isn't
twa outdoor markets.
There are
some banks near here. Yes, 1/you/he/she/it/we/they can.
There aren't any museums in town. No, 1/you/he/she/it/we/they can't.

• Is there a supermarket near here?

Yes there is. No, there isn' t.
tourist attractions
Prepositions ofplace
Are there any near here?
Yes there are. No, there aren't.
in behind across from
some/a lot oflany
Use sorne anda /at afín affirmative sentences
with There are + plural nouns.
There aresame restaurants near the bank.
Alota{= a large.number on infrontof nextta near
There.area lataf people in the bank.
Use any in negative s.entences and questions with
Telling the time
There aren' t any hoielsin this town.
Are there anymarkets in this town?

- -
six o'.c/ock s1x fifteen six forty
canlcan.'t: ability

ten after s1x síx thirty six forty-five

speak English.
can t 1 Unit Vooabulary
Chinese French lndian ltalian
Japanese Mexican !<orean
Use can and.can't before the verbto show abitity. play the piano dance drive
play golf swim sing
a computer cook
Warm Up
la Listen to the adjectives in the box and repeat. Then check the
meanings in a dictionary.

sad thin tall short heavy good-looking young

rich ugly poor happy intelligent

b ~!i~t'\N;9J!<', Saya word. Your partner says the opposite. 5/Jort. Tal!.

2a Write the sentences in the box on the correct line.

not very rich. He's rich. He's very rich.

He' s orettv rich.

b ~ªl~:Í!l/'l:Í~~ Talk about the photos. Use !he adjectives with very, pretty, or not very.

Say what you like/don't like ",:;.ºº
GRAMMAR simple present: 1/you; obiect pronouns

1a Listen. What's Joao's favorite kind of music? American British
Engtish English
b Listen again. What does Joao like? Write ./ or )( next to each word or phrase. footbal/

___ 1. Chicago __ 3. Brazilian music _ _ 5. lndian food __ 7. German cars

_ _ 2. soccer __ 4. hip hop music __ 6. French food __ 8. ltalian fashion

Grammar I simple present: 1!ike

2a Complete the Active Grammar box with do
or don't. Aotive Grammar

b Complete the sentences with /ike or don't like. !ike German cars.

1. 1 don' t iike chicken. don't like hip hop music.

2. --'-'-=--- los Angeles.

3. -~~-~-Mondays.
4. -~=~--vacations.
See Reference page 68
e Write questions for each of the sentences above.
1. Do vou like chicken? 3.
2. 4.

Pronunciation I yesíno questions: intonation

3a listen. Does the intonation go up (?!) or down C~) at the end?

b Listen again. Repeat.

4 Pili{\i\ror~ Think of one thing or person you like and one thing or person you
don't like far each category. Tell your partner and ask if he or she likes it.
• food • famous people • sports teams • cars
• music • time of day • colors • places

/ /ike lta/ian food. Do you like //alían food? Yes, 1 do. 1 don't /ike salad. Do you like salad?

Grammar I object pronouns: me/you/him/her/it/us/them

5a Match a sentence to a picture. Then listen and check your answers.
a. 1 don't like her. c. l like them. e. 1 like you.
b. De yeu like l'l'l_f? d. 1 don't like him. f. l like lt.

1. _b_ 2. - - 3, _ _ 4, _ _ 5. - - 6. _ _

b Complete the chart with the underlined words in Exercise 5a.

$Ul:íí~tt/irdnQ~i\. /< ótí¡ectpion¡¡¡¡J . / ./ $tiq¡~ctiprcílÍóún
f we LIS
he/she/it they

6a Read the How To box. saY·~Iien•.#()'ti••·.cton't• µµcl~i;siá.ncl
A: Oo you like Salma Hayek?
b Work in pairs. B: Sorry?/Pardon?/Who's Salma /-/ayek?
A: She's an actress.
Student A: look at the list be!ow.
B: Oh. yes. 1 /ike her.
Student B: look at the list on page 112 in the
Speaking Exchange.
1. Tom Cruise 3. beautiful beaches 5. instan! coffee 7. golf
2. Salma Hayek 4. department stores 6. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie s. baseball

e Read your list to your partner. Your partner says / like/ don't like + object pronoun.
Tom Cruise. f don't like him.

7 :ij~ír'~ir~'
Do a 60-second interview with your partner. Use your questions
from Exercise 4. Think of eight new questions. Use:

Do you like . .. ? Who's/What's your favoríte . .. ?

Have a con.versation with someon.e """:n
you don't know ·
GRAMMAR simple present: we/they; wh- questions: who/what/where

Vocabulary I jobs and activities

1a Match the jobs in the box to the pictures.

1 _e;;_ architect ~ ' fashion designer \:, reporter \

l ___E_ sales rep
_él__ construction wo_rk_er___,_•_c_h_e_f _ _)

a. b. c. e. f.

b Write a verb from the box below in each blank. Then listen and check
your answers.

i sell write build cook design (x2) J'\

1. Architects design buildings. 4. Reporters -'-"~i_:.__ _ articles.
2. Sales reps -~"-'---things. 5. Chefs food.
3. Fashion designers -'--'--"-'-'"'-'-~-clothes. 6. Construction workers --"-'--'-'-'-'-'-'---buildings.

2a Listen to four people ata hotel in China. Match the jobs from
Exercise 1a to the people in the photo.

b Listen again. Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F).

Sharon and Pat Catherine and Anthony
_ _ _ 1. They live in the US. __ 4. They are there on vacation.
_ _ 2. They are there on business. __ 5. They live in Ca nada.
__ 3. They design houses and office buildings. __ 6. PDS Fashions is a small company.
Grammar 1 1 simple present: we/they

3a Complete the Active Grammar box with do or don't.

b Are the sentences below true for you?

Wríte Yes or No next to them. Active Grammar
1. 1 like American movies. We/They design houses.
2. 1 like ltalian food. We/They : _ ~ live in Canada.
3. 1 like British music.
Do sei/ computers?
4. 1live near this school. Yes, we11/h,,v _, _ x;;:___ No, we/they .J . ,, ·e .
5. 1like soccer.
6. 1 like sushi. See Reference page 68

e ~~iflW!Í~~ Make sentences about things that are true for both you and
your partner.

We both don't like American movies.

Grammar 2 1 wh- questions: who/what/where

4 Complete the Active Grammar box with Who, What, or Where.

5 Write questions from the Active Grammar box

for each answer below. Active Grammar
1. A: What do vou do ?
B: l'm a designer.
2. A: ?
B: 1work in Paris.
3. A: ?
B: 1work for GT Designs.
See Reference page 68
4. A: ?
B: 1design cars.

6 FliÍ1t,W;fk'
1 Read the How To box. Stand and ask other
students questions from the Active Grammar box.

A: l'm a fashion designer /sales

Speaking rep, etc.
B: Oh realiy? /Great! /fnteresting. What
7 SPEAKING EXCHANGE Work in groups of four as two pairs.
do you build/design/se/1, etc.?
Students A and B: Read your details on page 110.
Students C and D: Read your details on page 112.

You are ata club in San Francisco. Have a conversation with the other pair. Use the questions
from the Active Grammar box.

Talk about the routines of people you know cJ"'º?
GRAMMAR simple present: he/she/it; short answers

Vocabulary i daily activities

la Read the sentences. Write the correct underlined verb phrase under each picture.
1. 1get up at 11 o'clock. 5. 1finish work at nine o'clock.
2. 1take a shower every day. 6. 1eat a salad for breakfast.
3. 1eat hamburgers for dinner. 7. 1watch TV at night.
4. 1start work at nine. 8. 1don't go to bed early.

a. b. c. d.

1. qet u

e. f. g. h.

b ,~i1Jilii~1 Change the sentences in Exercise 1a

to make them true for you. Tell your partner.
Mei is my besf(riend she's a
1get up at seven. lº!Iª teacher. She's nof Yich,
but she's happy. She eafs
salar{eve,y rlay. She rloesn 't
Reading eaf fasf foorl, anrl she rloesn 't
waich W.
2a Read Emma's essay. Complete thf sentences. '%9)Y{(\,?:-'¿'!!!.ífB-;0.~'!0"''.%"?%1i'-:oS1ii0r,11--,"";:,f
frank ÍS mJ brofheYanrl hes a /,iker. f-fej; pY"diy
1. Mei is Emma's .J'..'.G:_tLlLC_
tal! anrl very intelli:Jenf. He eafs fast (oorl for
2. Frank is Emma's --'-"-'-'"'-'=~- breakfast eve,y rlay. He rloesn 't take a shower
3. Ro berta is Emma's ,. ,·r, ·\ eve,y rlay.
4. Adam is Emma's \\. ,.::lt> • .· · R.oberla is my aunf. She's a sales rep. She sfarls

b ,::~J~t!:~~:;,d ~~;~e/~;:~~~!;~:h
;:;:h:! 1~1 ~:!~ t:,c;::i:;t:;:of a
...¡¡Y,ªl'l'J person.

1. Does Frank take a shower every day? · ,'.,4rlam is a musiciaM. e!lefs up af 17 o'dock in
2. Does Adam gel up at eight o'fc)~,ck?
· tfie-Yuorm'ug;añ«liéj¡oes to berlat 2 o'dock in
3. Does Mei eat fast food? . \ ._the mornin!f· He's nof ve,y intelli:Jent-butit's
4. Does Ro berta start work at eight thiií_ty?.o¡< • '-i°YOK-he's !lººrl-lookin3 anrl he's my husband
5. Does Frank eat fast food for breakfast?'.}. ! !ove him!
6. Does Mei watch TV? • º
Gram.mar I simple present: he/she/it
3 Look at Emma's essay in
Exercise za on page 64 again. Active Grammar
Complete the Active Grammar box.
work at eight thirty.
............................ ,. , 1111,'.'.' -:~.........;. wwork at nine o' cfock .
. _ _ eat íast íood.
_ _ !ike salad.
he · get up at nine?
she eat break{ast early?
Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn't.

See Reference page 68

4a Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in the box.

like fmísh e,al (x2)

M'{ bnt friend ii koji. Hi o a chef in a Frenen rettaurant. He works (l.)

in the evrning, w he--~~- (2.) up around tenor deven o'doc\: .in
the mornin9. He-~"--'-~- (3.) brea\:faot and lunch togethe1 - it't ca\\ed
"brunc\1'. He --"-'--"-''..C..JC~ (4.) TV in the afternoon, and he . ",ttc', f,; (5.)
wor\C around four o' cloc\:. He _ _h"'-'...:c.__ (6.) c\inner at wor\:. He
('; ,,.,;,,.hc,(7.) wor\: arounc\ midnight. He hi(<.< (8.) hitjob.

b Fill in the blanks with the corree! form of the words in parentheses.
1. He doesn' t !ike this music. (not like)
2. -~""-"--'-?--here? (work)
3. What - ~ ~ ~ - - he _ __,e_'-'-_ _ ? (do)
4. Sarah a lot of emai!s. (not write)

5a Complete each sentence below with the name of a friend or family member.
1. _________ is my best friend.
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is my favorite family member.

b Make notes about each person.

• What does he or she do? (Ex: He's a teacher.)
• What adjectives describe him or her? (Ex: She's young, happy.)
• What are his or her routines? (Ex: He gets up at eight o'clock.)

e Look at the Writing Bank on page 118. Write a paragraph about each
person above.

Extra Listening Activity-

Unit Wrap Up in ACTJVEBOOK

1 Complete each sentence or question with me, you, him, izer, it, us, or them.
1. She's really nice. Do you like her 1

2. 1don't like this show. Do you like

3. Bill and Jenny aren't my friends. 1don't like
4. 1 really like him, but I don'! think he !ikes
5. Vou are great! 1think he likes
6. He's my friend. 1like
7. We like them, but do they like ?

2 Complete the questions ','<lÍh '@hot, Where, or Who. Then work with a partner
and ask and answer the questiÓns-with true information.
1. A: Where do you live? 4. A: - = ~ ~ - - - - do you sell?
B: In San Francisco. B: 1sell computer software.
2. A: do you work for? 5. A: do you work?
B: A small software company. B: In Silicon Valley.
3. A: do you do?
B: l'm a sales rep.

3 Fill in the blanks with the corree! form of the verb in parentheses.

How are you? l'm fine, but my new roommate is a problem. Hís name is Osear. He's a designar. He
desiqns, (1. designf./) shoes. He doesn' t qet up (2. get up/X) until 11 o'clock every
day. He rl ,•, 1 ;,,f3!take a shower/X). He -"-"""'-'-'-'-'-'-'--(4. eaVX) breakfast, but he
---"'-'-'-'-.ée. (5. watch/.l) TV for two or three hours. Then he " l,- e, ti: (6. starV.I)
work at about two o'clock in the afternoon. He cir, · (7. work/X) in an office- he
'-'-='-'-'-'---- (8. work/.l) at home. He ---'""'-'-'-'--'---(9, finish/.l) work at about
six o'clock. That's just four hours! He --"e-"'-'--"--- (10. go/.l) to bed at three o'clock in
the morning.
What can I do?
Lave, Julia

4 Use the words to write complete sentences.

1. 1/not !ike/French food 5. Kim/watch TV /every day
1don't /ike French food
2. She/get up/at 8 o'clock 6.

3. they / ~tart work/ early 7. Where/Carlos/live

,"\)22'~ }· l, ' e .:~ ..· · ,,l .. , ?
4. Thomas/not eat/salad 8. Jo and Alex/not go to bed/late
,\_,., "•
·-; . tºlOil I ask and ansvver questions about a friend

1 Reporter
1 Magazine

Travel a lot?

of movies?
. listen to a lot
of music?

5 Match nine words in the box to the pictures on the website above.

_ tie _ DVD _ book _ flowers _ suitcase _ MP3 player _ cookbook

_ watlet _ candi es _ travel iron _ saucepans

7a Listen to Part 2 of the conversation. Answer the questions on the

website for Jim's friend, Luz. Write Yes or No in the boxes.

b What are three good presents for Luz?

8 SPEAl<IMGÉJ!.t~ANG!: Find a present for a friend.

Student A: Clase your book. Think of a friend.
Student B: Look at the chart on page 113. Ask questions to find a good present
for Student A's friend. Then change roles.

Unit 6 Refere:11.ce
Simple present For verbs ending in -ch, -sh, -ss, and -o, add -es to
the verb with he, she, and it: He/She/lt watches

eat breakfast.
You work
You go to work.
/-le in Chicago.
lives We finish work early.
She near my brother.
works They watch TV.
lt next to a bank.
We live /-le
goes to work.
They work She
finishes work early.
watches TV.
With he, she, and it, add. -s to the verb.

like Object pronou:ns

Object pronouns are the object of a verb. They come
chicken. after the verb.
• !ike
She doesn't coffee.
Jt salad.
1/you/he/she/it/we/they me/you/him/her/it/
We like us/them
They eat
Do you l/ke me? 1/ike you. Welikehim.
He likes.her. She lil<es it. They !ike us.


( Unit Vooab~l~ry
----··-, ¡¡
1 Adjectives
books? 1 tal!
1 sad
young I
it 1
1 old thin short good-looking
we design !¡'
Do 1 lobs and activities 1
they write 1 architects design buildings 1
Yes, 1/you/we/they do. 1 construction workers build buildings !
Yes, he/she/it does. , fashion designers design clothes
No, 1/you/we/they don't. reporters write articles chefs cook food
No, he/she/it doesn't. sales reps sell things 1
, ..........•.......
Daily activities 1
Where do you !ive? gel up eat breakfast start work 1
go to bed take a shower finish work ¡
i/1/ho do you like?
watch TV eat a salad ¡'
Use not very to make negative descriptions
more polite:
She' s notvery íntel/ígent.
They' re not very rich.
Warm Up
1 Match each photo or picture to a word in the box.

_ restaurant
hospital university

2a Match an occupation to a photo or picture.

'<· 1. a waiter "''.. 5. a sales clerk
2. an office worker 6. a professor
3. a factory worker 7. a researcher
4. a nurse ~ 8. a teacher

b Listen and check your answers.

Understand simple instructions "./',ºº
GRAMMAR imperatives

Listening and Vocabulary

la Listen. Who are the people in the pictures? Where are they?

b Listen again. Write a conversation number next to each phrase below.

_2__ a. Please sit down. d. Turn off your cell phone. __¿__ f. Look at page 32.
b. Hold on, please. e. Listen to the conversation. g. Come in.
5 c. Be quiet.

e Write an underlined phrase from Exercise 1b under its picture below.

~listen to 2.
m 3.

~ 6.

Grammar I imperatives
2 Write a phrase from Exercise 1b in the Active Grammar box. Active Grammar

3 Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the box. • Be quiet.
[~ --- ~
,~o_ff_.__o_o_;,'_t_be_ _s_p_e_al_<__u_s_e__o_o_n_'t_t_ex_t-J Don't _ _ -----~-in .
............•..':º'. ~o.un.·.~; ======·'d'..own.
1, -"'-D""on"---'-'-t-"b'."-e__ late. Use please to make an irnperative
2. --'-"""-'--'-""-- English in class. polite.
3. -'-''-"'-'-'---""'--'--YºLir friends. Please be quiet./Be quiet, please.
4. your cell phone. Please don't /ook at my email./
Don't /ook at my emai/, p/ease.
5. · ;e º· a good dictionary.
See Reference page 78
4 Listen. Match each imperative to a place below.
___ a. hospital __ b. store __ c. airport _1_ d. restaurant __ e. school

5 ~aii1WPHf What are ways to improve

your English? Write imperatives.

6a Read the How To box.

b &réiiR;Wér:~ Work in groups of three. Use the · ll/í4k~ á. liu.Í.i.ness. p1í6iié i$a1r
How To box to practice phone calls. Use the Use My name's with peo ple you don't know.
names below. Change roles each time. Use lt's with people you know.
B: Helio. Parkside Sch,aol.
1. Company = JK Designs A: Can I speak to Mrs.°Fisher, please?
A= Paul Walker S = Receptionist B: Hold on, p/ease.
e= Ken Nada C: Helio. A/ice Fisher.
A: Helio, Mrs. Fisher. My name's Jake
2. Company = Sudget Construction Parker./lt's Jake.
A= Angelo Romano S = Receptionist
e= Sally Wood
3. Company = Renzo Rogers Architects
A= Helen Davis S = Receptionist
C = Eduardo Medina

7 Read the article. Answer the questions.
1. What time does Tim start work?
2. What ~\les !inido betw~en_8 A.M'. and 9 A.M.?
3. Wh~!~A9Jsí;i~'~av~Ju~ch?
""') 1 ·-·'"-·' ', ,_ ',., :. '

4.• Whatd?etJini do. b~_tween3:30 P.M. and 6

tulXfh~hi~e dad$ T1hí fini,;h work? -··
_L, \. ¡ Y\"-':"-.r-, \_:,,_ . ,:-: . < (:rt '-·_: .Y>
6. When dpes Tim have a long vacation?
\ \,.,1
* far help with months, look at Exercise 8a
Vocabulary I months
8a Listen and read the months. Then listen and repeat.

b look at the pictures of New York City on page 111 in the Speaking Exchange.
Guess the month.

e Complete the sentences with months. Explain.

1. My favorite month is ... 2. 1 don't like ...

Myfavorite month is }une. ft's warm, but it's not very hot.
Say how often. you do something ~-/'~?
GRAMMAR adverbs of frequency

Vocabulary I work phrases

1a ~ri,Í~p~~r:~' What jobs (occupations) can you remember? Write a list.
b Look at the work phrases in the box. Match each picture to a phrase in the box.
r-::: . -- -··-·--·----
1 q attend meetings ~ write reports _ , give presentations call customers 1
~ _1_ travel for work _:{_ help peo ple answer the phone work outdoor:_)


2a Listen to the What's your job? game. Check(.!) Yes or No in the chart below.

b Listen again. Complete the conversation

H: Hi, John. Are you ready?
with the words or phrases in the box.
·-.-·--·--·-·- · ~ J: Yes, l'm a/wavs (1.) ready!
(l always (x2) usually not often l H: OK, let's start. Do you attend meetings?
often (x2) never sometimes (x2)
) J: Yes, 1_ _ _ _ _ (2.) attend meetings .
H: Do you give presentations?
j: Yes, 1 _ _ _ _ _ (3.) give presentations.
H: Do you cal! customers?
J: Yes, J _ _ _ _ _ (4.) ca Ucustomers.
H: Do you write reports?
attend meetings J: Yes, 1do, but l _ _ _ _ _ (s.) write reports.
H: Do you travel for work?
give presentations
J: Yes, l _ _ _ _ _ (6.) travel for work.
call customers H:. Do you answer the phone?
write reports
J: Yes, 1_ _ _ _ _ (7.) answer the phone.
H: Do you work outside?
travel far work J: No, J _ _ _ _ _ (8.) work outside.
answer the phone H: Do you help people?
J: Yes, 1_ __ c ._ _ (9.} help people.
work outdoors
H: Are you a ... sales rep?
help people J: Yes, 1am!
Gra1nmar I adverbs of frequency
Active Grammar
3 Look at the conversation in Exercise 2b again.
Complete the Active Grammar box. 100% always
4 ~i!°!~,'\,!l/;t:~f~ Take turns making sentences about often
your daily routines. Use a phrase from the box
sometí mes
and an adverb of frequency.
not often/not usually
¡ get up go to bed start work
1 o% never

l' ~ - ~ · - · - - · - - -
watch TV finish work take a shower
eat (something far) breakfast/lunch/dinner

verb be+ adverb of frequency
/' _ _ _ _ _ _ ready!
adverb of frequency + verb
f usual/y get up at se ven o' c/ock. / _ _ _ _ _ _ attend meetings,
1don't often write reports.

Pronunciation I word stress See Re¡'erence page 78

5a Listen. Mark the stress.

1. always 2. usually 3. often 4. sometimes 5. never

b Listen again. Then repeat.

6 lti!"if;ll)i~f~ Take turns asking and answering questions about jobs.
Student A: Choose a job (or use your own).
Student B: Ask questions. Guess Student A's job.

Do you wrfte reports? Yes, f someUmes write reports.

7 Read the notes and the How To box. Then write a request to Benita.

/f¡ tilf((i, Anna,

c(il( ¡t1a til(ó'Ulet• /f(! /ktll(e tkló' aftet"l(tltll(? fm ai· home today. Can
yo u cail me? I have ,ome
Tlr,et"e 1°&' a lf(eet1"tr¡ at tu;a a ~faef.
que,tiors for you.
T/4al/l<f, Many tloank,,
1. 2.

Helio Be-,H·"',

W':t;f!~,l;Í;~¡¡'qµ~~t iJ,i:fü~'
Start: (He/lo/Hi) }ay,
Request: Can you (please) + [requestj?
Finish: Thanks,/Many thanks, + [your name],

Welcome a visito:r to you.:r place of wo:rk º~no
GRAMMAR would like: preferences and offers

la ij~lf:Wqr:~ Take turns saying the months of the year.
January February March

b Listen and write on the calendar:

1. today 2. Mr. Wu 3. Mrs. King 4. Ms. Brown 5. Mr. Rodríguez

Vocabulary I ordinal numbers

2a Look at the calendar again. Listen and repeat
the ordinal numbers.

b '~ií~l:Wqfj Look at the calendar above. Take turns ···w::fi.t/i~¡í/s~y ra~~es

saying the ordinal numbers.
Say ·th after the numbei (except for
3 Read the How To box. first, second, and third).
Write Say
4 ;~~i.i:W~i~ Stand and talk to your classmates. Ask and ·--"~-------------··-----------··-·-
September 1 J9.1 • September first
answer about birthdays.
July 2 J1.2 Ju/y secofld

W/Jen is your birt/Jday? Jt's on ... April 3 / 4.3 April third

January 15 J1.15 January fifteenth

See Reference page 78

Grammar I would like: preferences and offers
5a Read and listen to the conversation. Fill in the blanks.
Michelle: Please come in. Have a seat. What would you like to (1.) drink? Tea? Coffee?
Mr. Rodríguez: l'd like coffee.
Ms. Khan: l'd --'-'-"',-'----- (2.) a cup Active Grammar
of tea, ple as~
Michelle: Would you like milk or sugar? Wou/d you like ... ? and /'d like ... are polite.
Do you wont . .. ? and / want . .. are informal.
Mr. Rodríguez: No, thank you.
wou/d like + noun
Ms. Khan: Milk, no sugar, please.
What wou/d you like (to drink/to eat)?

b ¡~~lijíf1W!!f~ Practice the conversation in _ _ you like coffee?

groups of three. Change roles. Na, thank
6 Complete the Active Grammar box with a cup of coffee.
wou/d or 'd.
See Reference page 78

7 ij'ifí~;'¡gij¡ Practice welcoming visitors.
Student A: You are a visitor. Student B: Welcome Student A. Offer drinks and snacks.

Helio, Mrs. Lee. My name is Pedro García. Nice to meet you, Mr. García. P/ease, come in.

Vocabulary I food and drink soup __ desserts

fruit appetizers
8 Match the words in the box to the pictures below.
salad ~ vegetables
drinks main courses 1
9 Listen to Michelle, Mr. Rodríguez, and
_!;_ snacks
Ms. Khan. Fil! in the blanks on the map of the
company cafetería.



[{;~ Extra Listening' Activity
Unit Wrap Up V in AcnvEB001(

1 Use the words to write imperatives.

1. down/Please/sit 3. la~e/don't/Pl,eas /be
Please sit down. \)\('·<>S,f d,CT; {t

2. your/phone/cellf!urn off_
--ré. -- \ ·t >e\'·-'

2 Circle the correct word.

1. They don't sometimes/Óften/never give presentations.
2. 1sometimes!never(usfiallvget
"-, __
up late. 1 get up at 6 o'clock every day.

3. He never/doesn' t usuallv!often works late. He's a manager and he has a lot of work.
4. Tom and Kevin are good sales reps. They alwavs!never/sometimes listen to their customers.

3 Use the word in parentheses to write a sentence.

1. Francis helps people. (always)
Francis a/wavs helps people.
2. 1 attend meetings on Mondays. (sometimes)
.l~ C\t--\et?\ .-,_--:i<)r\··-t·-¡ -

3. She doesn'fwatch TV in the evening. (usually)

4. He is late for work. (neve¡)

5. You aren't home in the evening. (usually)

6. We don't write reports. (often)

4 Match each question to a reply. Then practice asking and answering the
questions with a partner.
1. What would you like to eaít"·--... ---·a. l'd like bottled water, please.
2. What would you like to drink?.. , - b. l'd like a salad, please.
3. Would you like coffee?<___________ c. Milk, no sugar, please.
4. Would you like milk or sugar.?·<· ·d. Yes, please.

5 Complete each phrase or list with another word. Then share your answers with
a partner.
1. March, April, Mav 7.
2. appetizer, main course, -~-"'---- 8.
3. hold _i.¡..;uCC.L'-'-..'...c.C·-· 9.
4. a factory
5. Ju ne, Ju ly,
6. answer the _ _ _ __ 12. nineteenth, twentieth, ~~===,<-
Communication I get and give directions inª building
6 ~~!f'!l!l'!il'~ Talk about the different floors of the building.
What [loor are the sales reps on? They' re on the [ourth floor.

6th Floor


3rd Floor


7a Who says the phrases below, the receptionist (R) or the visitor (V)?
_ _ 1. l'm here to see ... _ _ 5. Take the elevator to the third floor.
_ _ 2.Do you have an appointment? _ _ 6. Thank you.
__ 3. What's your name, please? __ 7. You're welcome.
__ 4. How do you spell that?

8 Listen again. Match the places below to the letters on the floor plan.
_ _ 1. Martina Hafner's office __ 3. Patrick Swinton's office
_ _ 2. lorda Romero's office

Practice giving directions in a building. Change roles.

Student A: You are the receptionist. Think of the name of someone who works in the building.
Write it on the floor plan. Tell your partner the name.
Student B: You are a visitor. Listen to the name Student A tells you. You have a meeting with
this person. Act out the conversation.

Good morning. Good morning. 1 have a meeting with ...

1 U:nit 7 Refere:nce
Imperatives Would you like ... ? I'd like .
Use wou/d /ike to offer food or drink to guests.
What would you like?
. Be quiet.
What wou/d you like to drink?
Sit down.
Would you /ike coffee?
Don'/ talk.
Yes, please./No, thank you.
Don'/ sit dawn.
Use l'd /ike ... to say what you prefer.
l'd like a cup of tea, p/ease.
l'd like an appetizer, p/ease.
Affirmative imperatives

Turnoffyourcell phone. Ordinal rtu.mbers
Look atpagé32. Add -th to make most ordinal numbers (except for
Come in. . first, second, and third).

Negative imperatives
Don' 1 sit down. 2nd second 10th tenth 18th eighteenth
(Pfeqse) Don' t tum offyour ce/1 phone. 3rd third 11th e!eventh 19th nineteenth
Don' t look. at page 32. 4th fourth 12th twelfth 20th twentieth
5th fifth 13th thirteenth 21st twenty-first
Don' t come in.
6th sixth 14th fourteenth 22nd twenty-second
Use please to make the imperative more polite. 7th seventh 15th fifteenth
8th eighth 16th sixteenth

100% always
Writing dates Saying dates
usually August 21 8.21 August twenty-fírst

sometí mes Unit Vocabulary '


Work places 1
not often/not usually university
office factory hospital
-r store school cafetería lab 1
o% never
Months 1
Adverbs of frequency come aft.er the verb be. January April July October
February May August November
She' s a/ways late.
March )une September December 1
They' re 11ever happy.
Work phrases
Adve'.bs offrequency come before other verbs. attend meetings give presentations 1
He. doesn't ofte11 give presentations. work outdoors call customers 1
We don't usual/y eat desserts. write reports travel for work 1
answer the phone
fruit soup appetizers desserts 1
drinks salad vegetables snacks
main courses 1
Warm Up
1a Match each leisure activity in the box to its picture below.

go biking go out to eat play chess go hiking play ten nis go sightseeing
out read a book play soccer watch TV go swimming go-te-rhe-tileat-er

go to the 10.


2 ~~ÍW.cll\l~r;~ How often do you do these activities? Tell your partner.

Explain. wh.y you wan.t to do someth.ing "~~
GRAMMAR /ike + gerund/infinitive; want + infinitive

1a Look at the destinations.
What can you see in the photos?

b Read the How To box. What activities can you do at each destination?

2 ~rÓqpJ.lí(i)r~ What's a nice place you like to visit?

What can you do there? .•·!'!'~ ~l:iout;.th'.i;ng¡;¡tó••iiq
Use You can ... or We can ... to talk
Listening about things to do in a place.
You can play gol{ in Paim Springs.
3a Listen. What is Gary and Annie's problem?
We cango sightseeing in San Francisco.
b Listen. Complete the sentences.
1. Gary wants to go to _ _ _ __ 3. They both want to go to _ _ _ __
2. Annie wants to go to _ _ _ _ __

Pronunciation I reduction of sounds: want to

4a Listen. How is want to pronounced in these sentences?

b Listen again. Then repeat.

Grammar 1/ike + gerund/infinitive; want + infinitive
5 Complete the Active Grammar box with want ar like. Check Audioscript 2.23 on
page 127 far help.

Active Grammar
O ___ ______ playing (ar to play) golf. ~
··~ 1-· · - - - - - to go sightseeing.
1 don't like going (orto go) sightseeing. / don't want to play golf.

See Reference page 88

6 Circle the corree! forms of the verb to complete the sentences.

1. 1 like(Qoinq ouO!to qo ou~with friends. 5. She doesn't want qoinq out/to qo out to eat.
2. Gary doesn't want watchinq{to watch)TV. 6. Do they like plavinq/to plav chess?
3. Do you want plavinq/to plav ten nis? 7. 1 don't like swimminq/to qo swimminq.
4. We like qoinq!to qo sightseeing. 8. Martín wants reodinq/to read now.

Vocabulary I adjectives
boring exeitiilg fun
7 Match each word in the box to its situation below. difficult interesting easy

1. 3. 5.

This is really excitína Thisis~~~-

2. 4. 6.

This is very ..e_~~'-'- This is--~~--

8 ~írfiiit.~~k,'*
Choose a destination from Exercise 1a far next weekend. Stand
and find other students to go with you.

9 Look at the Writing Bank on page 119. Then write an email to a hotel in one of
the destinations in Exercise ta.

Say what things you possess ".i'~?
GRAMMAR havefhas

Vocabulary I rooms and furniture

la :iítífl!ii! ~ook at the house. Ask and answer questions. Where do you:
a. cook? b. watch TV? c. take a shower? d. go to bed? e. park your car? f. play soccer?

Where do you cóok? 1 cook in the kitchen.

b Match the words in the box to the items in the picture.

_sofa bed bicycle bathtub e wardrobe

coffee table lamp car cabinet window armchair
mirror toilet sink fridge stove
=,_J American British
· · / English English
stove cooker
Listen and check your answers. Then listen and repeat.

2a Listen. Which items from Exercise 1b do you hear? Circle them.

b Listen again. Puta check(.!) next to the things in Exercise 1b that Pablo's sister has.

e Look at Jo's suggestion for a wedding present on page 111 in the Speaking
Exchange. Do you think it's a good idea? Why or why not?
Grammar I have/has
Active Grammar
3a Look at Audioscript on page 127.
Underline examples of have and has.

b Complete the Active Grammar box o bicyc/e.

with have, has, do, or does. a safo.
a yard.
4 i~~l!lffij; Ask your partner questions o garage.
with the words in Exercise 1b.

Do you hove any armchairs?

1/you/we/they hove a bicyc!e?
l\í*±08t':::!fh,e/she/it hove on armchair?
Yes, 1 da. 1 have two armchairs
Yes, 1/you/we/they ·-'-=~· Yes, he,tsh,e/// _i":.±L?E
in my living room, and I have
one armchair in my bedraom. No, 1/you/we/they ~ - No, he/she/itc..:~,--"-'"''

See Reference page 88

5 'fíll'lti\19Éis' Find a new partner. Talk about your house, apartment, or bedroom.
Myfamily has an apartment. lt's pretty big. 1have a small bedroom.
1have a TV anda computer in my bedroom, but I don't have . ..

6 S!'EAKl.NG EXCHANGE Do the Techno/ogy quiz on page 113. Ask your partner the
questions and write his or her answers.

[)o you have an e-book reader? No, 1 don't, but i want one.

7a Add your points and find your score.

b ijjlfMi~ Read your score results. Are the

score results true? Discuss with your partner.

Suggest a restaurant; make "<?ºº
reservations; order food
GRAMMAR wh- question words: which/how

la Listen to Mark and Anna. Which restaurant do
they want to go to?
__ a. Sinatra's __ b. Wasabi __ c. Carlito's

b Listen again. Number the questions in the arder you

hear them.
__ Where's that?
__ What kind of faod do they serve?
_1_How about dinner next Friday?
__ How big is it?
__ What about Carlito's?
__ Which restaurant do you want to go to?

2 ~~/Í!,Ípl,~~~f<' Read the How To box. In groups of faur, suggest local restaurants far tonight.

What about dinner next week? • Good idea!/Yes./OK.

How about Luciono's Restaurant? • No, 1don't like that restaurant.

Grammar I question words Active Grammar

3 Match the questions in the Active Grammar box to the Where 1. Where is Carlito's?
answers below.
Who 2. Who is he?
__ a. He likes all kinds __ d. lt's very big.
of faod. What 3. What does she do?

__ b. lt's near my house. __ e. 1like the new one. What kind 4. What kind of food
of + noun does he /ike?
__ c. She's a chef. ___ f. He's my friend.
Which + 5. Which restaurant do
noun you like-the new
4 Complete the sentences with question words from the one or the old one?
Active Grammar box.
How + 6. How big is it 7
1. How rich is she? adjective
2. _ _ _ _ _ fruit do you like?
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ do you live? See i?eíerence page 88
4. is your boss?
5. 's your name?
6. sofa do you like-this ene
or that one? Customer: J'd like to reserve a table far
Friday aftemoon/Saturday night.
Waiter: How man y peop/e?
5 Read the How To box. Make reservations. What time?
Student A: Call Carlito's restaurant. Reserve a What's the name, please?
table far Saturday evening.
Student B: You work at Carlito's restaurant. Answer the phone.
Vocabulary I food
6a Match the underlined words in the menu
to the pictures.
1. chicken 6. _ _ _ _ __
2. - - - - - - 7. - - - - - -
3. - - - - - - 8. - - - - - - Sea[ooá cocfitaí[
4. - - - - - - 9. - - - - - - 'Físli soup
5. 10. _ _ _ _ __ ·House salaá

b Listen and check your answers.

'Roast Geef *
e j~~~,j~ij~ Say what food you like or don't 'Roast c/Í íc fien *
like from the menu.
Lam6 cliaps *
d it:qip'{,lf:gr~'
Choose your favorite appetizer, Ve3eta6Ce _pasta
* wítli oootatoes or -rice
main course, and dessert from the menu.
Tell the group.

!' d like the ffsh soup, the lamb 1ce cream

chops for the main course, and Cliocofate cake
the ice cream for dessert. Clieese anáji-uít [IJ

7a Listen. What do Mark and Anna

choose from the menu?

b ijr9'¡fi;l:;N\tqt~
Work in groups of three. look
at Audioscript 2.29 on page 127. Read the
conversation aloud but change the food.

Are you ready to arder?

Yes. !'d like a house salad, p/ease.

8 SPEAKING EXCHANGE Work in groups ofthree.
Student A: You are the waiter at Salt and
Pepper restaurant.
Students B and C: You are customers at
Salt and Pepper restaurant. Look at the
menu on page 114. Enter the restaurant and
arder your meaL

Good evening. Do you hove a reservation? Yes, we do. My name is . ..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · ·----·-e·-·-··-

Unit Wrap Up

1 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in parentheses.
Then practice with a partner.
A: Do you want to qo (1. go) to a movie this afternoon?
B: There's a good movie on TV. Do you want -'""-"~~'-- (2. watch) TV?
A: 1don't like --"~.....c.;-'-"-- (3. watch) TV.
B: OK. Well, 1 like ~_.cc~ec-- (4. swim), and it's hot today. Do you want
- - - = - - (5. go) swimming?
A: 1can't swim. Do you want -~~~- (6. go) sightseeing?
B: Ves. 1 want ~-~~- (7. take) sorne photos with my new camera.

2 Complete the email with the correct form of have.

3 Write questions and answers using have and Hi Benita,

the words in parentheses. Then practice with
Thanks far your email. Please come to
a partner. my house when you visit Vancouver.
1. A: Does~===~======~-
your sister have a cfi~~washer i ! have (1. 1/v') a guest bedroom, so
(your sister / dishwasher) \fl you can stay there. _ _ _ _ _ _ (2. itlv') a
B: Yes she does . (Ves) '.fJ big bed and an armchair. _ _ _ _ _ (3. ít/X)
2. A: ?
iJ a televísíon, but _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (4. itlv') a
,, bathroom. Can you drive? - - - - ( s . 1/X)
(you/car) a car, bu\ _ _ _ _ _ _ (6. my parentslv')
B: . (No) one. (7. you) a bicycle?
3. A: - - - - - - ( 8 . My husband/v') one, and
you can use it.

B: . (No) See you next week!

l¡. A: Lave,
B: (Yes)
5. A:
(they/new email address)
6. A:
(she/good dictionary)
B: . (Ves)

4 Write a question for each answer. Use what, where, who, how, which, or what
kind of. Then practice with a partner.
1. A: What do you do ? 4. A: - - - - - - - - - - · 7

B: l'm a teacher. B: l like this coffee table. That coffee table is small.
2. A: i A:
5, ?
B: She's not very tall. B: 1 live in Quito in Ecuador.
3. A: ? 6. A: ?
B: l like ltalian food and Chinese food. B: She's my friend.
Con1.rn1v111.ication ! ask for and give info,mation about peop1e

5 I?ªir'llf/9f~
Look at the people and their apartments. What does each person
like doing? Tell your partner.

9c: He likes playing golf. 9b: She likes to watch sports.

6 ijgiÍ'í;Íi'\Íli!l'fy Complete four of the addresses below. Don't show your partner.
Student A: Look at page 111 in the Speaking Exchange.
Student B: Look at page 114 in the Speaking Exchange.

~'f .;1
Mr. O. Pamuk Mí. A. Walker Mr.S.Kato Ms. T. Morrison1.:..,}\l··' Mr. J. Heller
7 Oak. lane _'"_"-

Ms. Z. Smith Mr. J. Coe Mr. M. Haddon Ms. M.AtwooqC§J Mrs. A.

7 OakLaue _ _ . 7 Oak Lane _:. _··_ 7 Oak Lane _ _·. 70akLane _ _ 7 Oak Lane _ · _

7 ri!i~lW!>ff< Ask your partner Yes/ No questions with /ike to complete the other
four addresses.

Does Mr. .Cae !ike reading? No, he doesn't. Does Ms. Wa/ker .• .

Unit 8 Reference
like + gerund/infinitive; want • Use what kind of + noun for types.
What kimi of ice cream is there?
+ infinitive What kind af books do you have?
Whena verb follows like, it is in the gerund form
• Use which for things when there is a choice.
(cing) orthe infinitiveform (to+ verb).
Which dictionary da you have?
1/ike reading. l like to reod.
Which John lennon song is your favorite?
When a verb follows wont, it is always in the
• Use how + adjective for amounts.
infinitive form (to +verb).
Hawtall is he?
1 want to reod.
How o/d are you?
• Note these questions:
ha.ve How much is it? (price)
Hove is an irregular verb. How many cárs da you have? (quantity)
How often do yau go out? (frequency)

have Make suggestions

a bicycle.
don't have Use What about. .. ?ar How about. .. ? + noun to
a televisan. make suggestions.
---------------------------------- --- --, --------------------- ---- --------- "'a brother. Whot about the new restaurant on C/ark Street?
has two sisters. How about a week at the beach this summer?
doesn't hove
Unit Vocabulary
Leisure activities
he/she/it a cat?
- -· - ---- --·---------- -- - ----·---- go biking go sightseeing play soccer
Yes, 1/you/we/they do. go hiking go out to eat work out
Yes, he/she/it does. play tennis read a book
No, 1/you/we/they don't. watch TV go swimming
No, he/she/it doesn't. play chess go to the theater
boring exciting fun
Question words easy difficult interesting

• Use where for places. Rooms and furniture

living room: sofa coffee table
Where are you{rom?
lamp armchair
Where do you/ive? bedroom: bed window wardrobe
• Use whofor people. kitchen: sink fridge dishwasher
Whoareyou? stove cabinet
Who do youplay tenniswith? bathroom: sink mirror
toilet bathtub
You can also use who to ask about the company
garage: car bicycle
so meo ne works far.
Who do you work for? food
fish lamb potatoes chocolate
• Use what for things.
rice pasta seafood
What' s yourname? chicken
What-do you do?
Mandela: New Presiden!
of South Africa

Warm Up
1 Look at the photos. Match each photo to a year. ___ 1989 ____ 1994 _ _ 2008 ____ 1929

2a Match ayear in the box to a headline below. 1946 2011 1977 2004 1912 2002 2010

__ a. First iPod in Stores e. Martín Luther King: "I have a dream"

_ _ b. William and Kate Royal Wedding f. Haiii Earihquake
___ c. Tsunami in Southeast Asia g. Juan Peron: President of Argentina
__ d. Titanic Disaster h. Elvis Presley Is Dead

b l?léÍ{!Í0~~f~ Tell your partner what you think.

1 think "First iPod in
e 1think 1rs 2002.
Listen and check your answers. Stores" is 2004.

Make simple statements about people ~~º
from history ·
GRAMMAR simple past of be: affirmative statements

1a Read the biographies. Match a biography to a photo.

He was a singerand dancer. He was

bom on August 29, 1958 .. He was
the lead singer of a group at the
age of 11. His album Thrillerwas the
top albu.m of all time. He was "The
King of "
2 ••••,.,.,.., •••• ,y,••,•,•··············'······,························•· ,.y.. _ L 4.

b Complete the sentences with names from the photos.

1. Michae/ /ackson and E/vis Preslev · - - - were singers.
2. -"""''-"-"""--"-'"-'-----ªnd -"-"''.é..2-'--'-"-""'-"----were actors.
3. --'--~-',.-'o.~~'-'----ªnd were poor as chi!dren.
4. ___cc.!....',~c2.e_.L..'.~~---was rich.

e ¡jfj(i1\lgr~ Close your books. What can you remember about the people in
the paragraphs in Exercise ia?

Bruce Lee was bom in 5án Francisco. Hi.s parents were ...
Grammar I simple past of be: affirmative statements
Active Grammar
2a Complete the Active Grammar box with was or were.
was an actor.
You were a singer.
3 Complete the sentences with was or were. He --·~ happy.
1. Coco Chane! ~w=a=s___ a fashion designer. She bom in 1982.
2. Picasso and Matisse famous for their ft
paintings. We were singers.
3. Colonel Tom Parker _____ Elvis Presley's They rich.
4. Jackie Chan and Oprah Winfrey _ _ _ _ born
See Reference page 98
in 1954.
5. We _____ good soccer players in 1990. We don't play soccer now.
6. 1 a good pianist at school.

4a Read the How To box. Then write two true

sentences and one false sentence about you
and your family. When 1 was a chi/d, I was a good singer.
When they were young, they were very poor.
b ijJ1~,\\lf(9i~ Read your sentences to your partner.
Your partner guesses true or false.

When my father was young, he was an actor. False. No, it's true!

Vocabulary I coHocations with prepositions

5a Complete the biographies with prepositions from the box. with m of

She was born in (1.) 1929 Billie Holiday was born

inNew York. She was good - - ~ (4.) April 7, 1915,
-~~ (2.) hors.eback- in Philadelphia. Shewas
ridinga~t:l painting•. Her famous ___ (5.) her
hw,bands were John F. music. She was friends
Kennedy, the presiden! - - - (6.) the jazz
~~ (3,)theUS,.and. musician Lester Young.
then Aristotl!! Onassis, a Hechusbands were oad
Gfeek businessman. men and she was llnhappy.

b 'i,iij'\IÍ(~rj
Say an underlined word from the paragraphs above. good good at
Your partner says the preposition.

6a Who is your favorite person from the 20th century? Write notes about him or her.

b ~jiij!li!ltl Tell your partner about this person. Your partner guesses the person.
He was born in t/¡e UK. He was a singer and songwriter.

Give a short description of a past experience ~~ºº
GRAMMAR simple past of be: negatives and questions

~t.· rfli'I ~··.V..

¡1.•.• ·. ·. '.· .·
..·..·...•.·.•.·.....· . ·.•.. ···.·.·.'··· ·(l····~f.·.·.·4J•·······
, •. ·.... J i · ...

:/i.\l'' 'J' ,- '


l iéliiítiikl. Talk about the games. Use the phrases below.

1 don't know how to play . ..

lt's dífficult/easy/boring/
/ k.now how to play . ..

2a Listen to Kenji, lsabella, and Mei ling playing a game called my first,
my last. In the game you can't answer questions with yes orno. What does
lsabella talk about?

b Listen again. Circle the correct words about Kenji and Mei Ling below.


1. Her narnewas Miss/@gJLloyd.
2. She W?S ahout ,¡0/60 years old.
3. She>was a qood/ bad tea eher.
4. Her.favorite studentwas Koii/Keníi;

Grammar I simple past of be: negatives and questions

3 Look at Audioscript 2.32 on page 128 and complete the Active Grammar box
with was, wasn't, or were.

Active Grammar
O / --·----- (was not) a good student. Was ! a good student?

You weren't happy at school. .. ·----------YºU happy at schooi'

He/She/lt _________ . interesting. ~~~- he/she/it interesting?
We weren't good students. Were we good students?
in my c!ass. Were they
Who was your favorite teacher?
Where were your books? When was your class?

See Reference page 98


4 Complete the sentences with was, wasn't, were, or weren't.

1. 1 was very qui et at school. (v') 4. What ____ your favorite
2. My first car ____ very big, but subject at school?
it was fun. (X) 5. You _ _ _ _ _ at school. (X)
3. Who ______ your friends at school? 6. ______ you late this morning?

Pronunciation I sentence siress

5 Listen. Mark the stress.
1. 1was a good student. 3. They weren't very happy. 5. Who were your friends?
2. He wasn't very intelligent. 4. Was she a good teacher?

Vocabulary I time expressions: yesterday, last, ago

6 Complete the time expressions with yesterday, ago, or last.
1. today 5. two days _ _ _ _ __ 8. six months _ _ _ _ __
2. yesterday 6. _ _ _ _ _ _ week 9. ______ year
3. - - - - - night 7. month 10. ten years _ _ _ _ __
4. morning

7a ;ij¡¡¡¡l:~t~ When were these past experiences? Tell your partner.
• your first day at school • your first vacation • your first job
• your last meal in a restaurant • your last flight • your first email

My first day at schoo! was 22 years ago.

b iif~,fl;¡~ Ask your partner questions with Wherewere you

1 wos ot home.
Where were you . .. ? and a time expression. yesterdoy aftemoon?

8 S!'EAl(ING EXCHANGE Work in groups of three or four. Play my first, my last on page 115.

9 Write a paragraph about your first teacher or your last vacation. You can start like this:

My fiv$\-- reO\c\\ev WO\$ , , • S\\e/\-le W<'\$ •••

My lvi.st- voi.car.+-i:6>1 w;;;is (si;;: lA'\ó>'ri:-·V\s) 0\30 ... H· tv.::-'\S to .••

Make a simple request an.d ask permission ~,m
GRAMMAR can/could /: permission; can/cou/d you: requests

Vocabulary I housework
1a Match a picture below to a phrase in the box.

_ _ do the laundry _ _ vacuum the house __ cook dinner

_ _ clean the bathroom _ _ wash the dishes _ _ iron a shirt )

2 ifltf!IIÍl¡! Who does these things in your house? Tell your partner.
My wife does the /aundry. / iron my shirts.

3a Read the article.

Jeff: 1 was a sales rep. 1 was a good sales rep,

and I was happy. But my children are my job now.
In the 1950s, lile was simple. Women were housewives
and men were factory workers, managers, sales reps, Jeff: Yes, but not now. My kids are very young.
sales assistants, etc. But in the 21 st century, life is They want their dad, nota stranger.
different. Now, there are over 140,000 househusbands
in the US. They stay at home and look alter the children.
We talk to one househusband, Jeff Timberland.

Jeff: Yes, 1do. Plus, childcare is $250 for one week,

for one child. lt's very expensive.

Jeff: She's an architect.

Jeff: 1don't like ironing-it's very boring. And I don't

like washing the dishes. But I like vacuuming the house
and cooking dínner.

b Take turns asking and answering the questions below.

1. How rnany househusbands are there in 4. What housework does Jeff like doing?
the US now? 5. What did Jeff do before?
2. Does Jeff like his job as a househusband? 6. Does Jeff want to gel a new job now?
3. What is Jeff's wife's occupation?
e ~r~W~lttfqrk Work in small groups. Discuss.
1. Are there a lot of househusbands in your country?
2. Who usually looks after young children in your country?
3. Jeff says, "They want their dad, nota stranger." Do you agree?

4a Listen to four events in Jeff's week. Match each conversation to its picture.

__ Conversation 1 __ Conversation 2 __ Conversation 3 __ Conversation 4

b Listen again. Write the questions you hear beginning with How was . .. ?
1. How was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? 3. How was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
2. How was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 4. How was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7

5 l§r~!{P!'~~~kRead the How To box. Work

in small groups. Ask questions with
Howwas ... ?
How was : your weekend?/your week?/
How was your weekend? your day?/your [light?

lt was great. !t was OK.

!t was ¡'íne,
thanks. 1 went
to a concert on Sunday 1t wasn't very good. !t was awfuL

Grammar I Can/Cou!d 1... 7; Can/Cou/d you . .. ?

6 Complete the Active Grammar box with I or you.
Active G:ramma:r
Speaking Can use your te!ephone?
'7 !!aír{lf!lqf!{ Use the cuesto ask your partner Cou/d

questions. Yes, ----·~ can. No, r m sorry.

• use your pen Can
• spel! your name Cou!d
• use your cell phone Yes. ofcourse. j'm sorry. ! can't.
• give me your email address
• give me sorne money See Reference page 98

• open the window

• look at your book

Cou/d I use yourpen? Yes~ of course.

• Extra Listening Activity
U:nit Wrap Up in ACTJVEBOOK

1 Complete the paragraph with was or were and guess the famous person.
1ama singer with a very famous b.and. l was (1.) born on July 26, 1943, in the UK. My father
and my grandfather c,J ó )· (2.) teachers. My mother '' (3.) from Australia.
--'"=~--(4.) a student at the London School of Economics~ but only for two years. Jerry
Hall and Bianca Moreno de Macias ===,Hc.scc;;.¡(5.) my wives. "Paint lt Black" and "Satisfaction"
• ,,<. ./: (6.) two of my band's famous songs.

2 Use the words to write sentences.

1. Sally/late/early Sal/y wasn't late. She was earlv.
2. My parents/at home/ata restaurant Mv oarents weren't at home. Thev were ata restaurant.
3. Rick/born in 1981/born in 1979

4. lt/a good movie/very boring

5. We/rich/very poor

6. Kerry and Mark/in Bogotá/in Cali

3 Use the words to write questions. Match the questions with the answers
below. Then ask and answer them with a partner.
1. born? /When/you/were When were vou born? =_e_
2. was/Who/manager? /your
3. school? /your /Where/was "--C"-'-'-"·-·c.:"'--~"-'--~-'-'---..-- = __
4. first/What/your /job? /was
5. weekend? /your /was/How
a. 1was a factory worker. c. Her name was Ms. Dickson. e. In 1990.
b. lt was great, thanks. d. lt was on Peak Street, near the hospital.

4 Cirde the corree! word to complete each sentence.

1. Can 1/@b tell me the time?· 4. Can íkyoutell me your name, please?
2. Could [/youopen the door? 5. Could L[voupass me the salt, please?
3. Can(ftyog help you? 6. Coukt'Dvog listen to your new CD?

5 Cirde the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Where wereyou(v'ésterdm/;[last/aqo night? 5. Where were you yesie¡t:Úv/last/aqo
"'"-·-··-------·-"" ..--
afternoon? ··
2. Who usually vacuums/cleans/troes,the
laundry? --- 6. Can you,wasrt/vacuum/iron the house today?
3. l "@sin Colombia six months vesterdav/ 7. He's frie~d; of/with[to Mark Heller.
(fast[aqo. 8. Are you good on/to1attennis?
4. What was she famous on/to[(Ür?
Con1.1.nunication I ta11z about schoo1 c1avs
6 Match a subject in the box to a picture. Then listen and repeat.

math _ _ languages _ _ science _ _ music _ _ art _ _ sports

American British
English Engtish
math maths
sports sport

[TI Hello B,mjour

\-\o\a 1mtz:F

7a Listen and complete the

form for Louise. Mv schooa davs
Sc.hool name: Good at: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
b Listen again. Check your answers. Washington Hiqh School Bad at, _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Where, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Favorite class: _ _ _ _ __
8a Complete the form in Exercise 7a Years, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Best friend: _ _ _ _ _ __
so that it is true for you.
Good/bad school Good/bad student
b (~j{iji;l'~iji Make sentences based
on the chart. Tell your partner.

1was very good a¡moth. Real/y? J wasn't. i was good at music.

9 (lose your books and ask other students about their school days.

What was the.name of your hígh school? Were you a good student?

Simple past of be Asking permission

was cal/ you this evening?

Can I
were a teacher. speak to Mrs. Walsh?
Could I
born in 1983. use your computer?

very good. Yes, of course./Sure.

She was
No, l'm sorry.
We were teachers.
Use Can / and Could / to ask permission. Can I and
They were born in 1983. Could I have the same meaning. Co_uld I is a bit more

wasn't Making requests

a teacher.
You Can you cal/ me this evening?
bom in 1983.
Could you answer the phone?
He very good.
wasn't Yes, of course./Sure.
(was not)
No, l'm sorry.

We Use Can yau and Cauld you to make a request. Can

you and COl1/d yau have the same meaníng, but
born in 1983.
They Cou/d yau is a bJt more polite or formal.

Tin1e expressions
Was yesterday yesterday evening yesterday afternoon
Were you a teacher 7 yesterday morning
he born in 1983? Last
Was she very good? last night last week last month last year
it Ago
Were we teachers? five months ago eight years ago two days ago
a week ago
• Were they born in 1983?

Unit Vocabulary
Adiectives and prepositions
Who was your manager? born in (París) born on (October 3rd)
What were their names? bad at (soccer) famous for (his books)
friends with (Madonna)
Where was your school?
good at (tennis/dancing)
. Which store was your favorite?
the president of the United States
When was the interview?
How old were you in 2000? do the laundry vacuum the house
cook dinner clean the bathroom
iron a shirt wash the dishes
Warm Up
1a Complete each sentence with a verb from the box.

get meet steals find break stay move

1. You lose your wallet. 6. You $10 on the street.

2. A thief your cell phone. 7. A police officer you.
3. You in bed ali day. s. You to a new house.
4. You the lottery. 9. You your leg.
5. You married. 10. You your favorite actor.

b Listen and check your answers.

e Look at the photos. Match each picture to a sentence in Exercise 1a.

Understand a simple n.arrative of past events º~ºº
GRAMl\iAR simple past: regular verbs

1 Read "The Story of the Mona Lisa (Part 1)" aloud. Complete the information below.
Place (now): The Louvre. Paris Finished painting: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Artist: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Moved to France: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Started painting: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Grammar I simple past affirmative: regular verbs

2a Underline the verbs in "The Story of the Mona Lisa (Part 1)."

b Which verbs are in the simple past?

Active Grammar
e How do you make the simple past of
regular verbs?
simple present . simple past

3 Complete the Active Grammar box 1!ike the painting. l liked the painting.
with the corree! form of the verb. She stays with her She . _ _ _ with her
friends. friends.
4 Complete each paragraph with verbs
from each box in the simple past. See Reference page 108

-· start

Pope Julius 11 wanted


(1.) a new
work play move (X2)

Marce! Duchamp was an artist. He was born

ceiling in the Sistine Chapel. He in 1887. He _ _ _ _ _ (5.) in Paris, and he
_ _ _ _ _ (2.) Michelangelo to paint _ _ _ _ _ (6.) chess with his brothers. In
the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. 1914, he _ _ _ _ _ (7.) to New York. He
Michelangelo _ _ _ _ _ (3.) it in 1508. - - - - - · (s.) in a library in New York. In
He _ _ _ _ _ (4.) it in 1512. 1918, he _ _ _ _ _ (9.) to Argentina.
Pronunciation I simple past -ed endings
5a Listen and repeat the simple past form of the verbs in the box.

wanted _ asked _ moved_ started _ finished _ lived _

talked _ closed _ cooked _ arrested _ walked__ listened

b How do you pronounce the -ed ending of each verb? Write t, d, or id next to each verb in the box.

e Listen and check your answers. Then repeat.

6 Listen to "The Story of the Mona Lisa (Part 2)." Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F).
__ a. The "Mona Lisa" moved to the Louvre. __ d. The police talked to Picasso.
__ b. lt stayed in Napoleon's bedroom. __ e. The police talked to Vincenzo Peruggia.
_ _ c. The Louvre closed in 1910.

Grammar I simple past: negatives and questions

7 Complete the Active Grammar box with did or didn't.

Active Grammar
1/You/He/She/ didn't stay • in Ita/y.
lt/We/They ___ ta!k to the po!ice.
f/you/he/she/it/ sray in Ita/y? Yes, 1/you/he/she/it/we/they
we/they ta!k to the police? No, 1/you/he/she/it/we/they ______ _

See Reference page 108

8a Use the words to write negative sentences.

1. Picasso/not like/the "Mona Lisa" Picasso didn't !ike the "Mona lisa."
2. Leonardo da Vinci/not live/Spain
3. the "Mona Lisa" /not stay/ltaly

b Use the words to write questions and answers.

1. the police/arrest/Picasso? A: Did the po/ice arrest Picasso? B: No, thev didn't
2. AndyWarhol/work for/Vogue? A: ____________ ? B: Yes, _ _ _ __
3. Van Gogh/move to/London? A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? B: Yes, _ _ _ __

9 SPEAKING EXCHANGE Read the last part of the story on page 114. Ask and answer the questions.
1. Who was the thief? 3. How did the thief steal the "Mona Lisa"?
2. Where was the "Mona Lisa" for two years?

Give a simple summary of a news event ~J'.,,
GRAMMAR simple past: irregular verbs

la Read the magazine page. Fill in the blanks in each story with good or bad.

1. lt was a ______ week far actor Romero Cline, age 43. He went
to Las Vegas lasi week and he met Monica Hawkins, a waitress in a fast faod
restaurant. Three days later, they got married.

2. lt was a _ _ _ _ __
week far Mr. and Mrs. Blatt
from the US. They had fish far
dinner, and they faund three
gold coins inside the fish. "The
fish was $3.50," said Mrs.
Blatt, "but the gold coins are
worth $1,000 each!"

L 7

3. lt was a _ _ _ _ __ 9

week for pop group Gilt. Gilt's

10. 11
concert was last Friday, but the 12
4. lt was a ______
tickets said "Saturday." "Only week far Emiliana Rotman
live people carne and saw the 13 ! from Sweden. She won €14

concert," said Sia Kahn, Gilt's ! 14: million in the Euro lottery, bui
singer. "They took photos and she lost her ticket. "Never
bought a T-shirt, but it wasn't a mind," said Emiliana, "That's
good day." 16 1 1 1 '(See page 103, Exercise 4) life!"

b Listen and check your answers.

e Mark these statements true (T) or false (F).

1. Romero Cline got married last week. _ _ 5. Gilt's concert was on Saturday.
_ _ 2. Monica Hawkins works in a restaurant. __ 6. Sia Kahn bought a T-shirt.
__ 3. Emiliana Rotman doesn't have _ _ 7. The Blatts found coins under
€14 million. the fish.
__ 4. Emiliana Rotman is very sad. _ _ 8. Mr. and Mrs. Blatt bought three fish.

2 Clase your books. What can you remember about the four stories?
Grammar I simple past: irregular verbs
Active Grammar
3a Look at the magazine page in Exercise ia
on page 102 again. Underline ali the verbs 1/You/He went to París.
in the simple past.
didn't go to París.
b Complete the Active Grammar box with
take or took. d,.-~d,n,',t======photos.
1/you/he/ go to París?
4 Complete the crossword on page 102 with she/we/ _ _ _ _ photos?
the simple past form of the regular and
irregular verbs below. Yes, 1/you/he/she/we/they did.
No, 1/you/he/she/we/they didn't.
3· ~orn~ s Pl11y .· .· ? see 9 buy
12. fütish 14. have ,, move 1.6. go See Reference page 108
1 meet 2 ask 4 listen 6 gel
7 win 10 find 11 say 13 fose
go to a supermarket lose something
5 P~irw'.~r~ Look at the phrases in the box. Which have fish far dinner find money
did or didn't you do last week? Tell your partner. come to class late take a photo
buy new clothes see a concert

6a 1G!º~¡¡[lºij~ Ask five people, "How was last week for you?" Ask why.

b Tell a new partner about the people you talked to. ft was a goad week for Pedro.
He started d new job, ahd
he' went to a concert.
Vocabulary I large numbers
7a Read the How To box. When is and used?

1,000 a thousand/one thousand was $,'12_ was$, _ __ was$, _ __

2,690 two thousand síx hundred and nínety sale prke sale prks sale ¡:irke
$149 $, _ __ $, _ __

8 fii.tífllflijii{ Now tell your partner the prices.

The DVD piayer was $199. Now ít's $149.

was$. _ __ was$, _ __ was$, _ __

Writing prke sale p,i<s sale prke

$, _ __ $, _ __ $, _ __
9 Write a short good week/bad week news story.

Talk about immediate and long=term plans "'S
GRAMMAR be going to

1 ij~(~¿f~r~ Ask and answer the questions below.
1. How was your week? 2. What happened in the last seven days?

2a Listen and match a person in the photo to their week below. Write the na mes.
1. an exciting week 2. an interesting week 3. busy week (x2)

b Listen again. Complete the chart below with notes.

Nick talked to manager find a new job


Grammar I be going to
Active Grammar
3 Complete the Active Grammar box
with 's, is, not, and are. Look at f'm get married.
Audioscript 2-44 on page 128 to She _ _ going to
find a new job.
help you.
He~s not going to move to Texas.

going to
_ _ she see Daniei tonfght?
What ___ you do tomorrow?
going to
Where _ _ he stay?

See Reference page 108

4a Look at Nick, Haley, and Charlie's plans for tomorrow. Write complete sentences.

. . . •.

N1ck ·. . · Haley and Charlie

1 tomorrow play fMl'fratl play ten nis stay al home
1 next Sunday Wfi!e a I epeFI stay in bed ali day ge-fer-a-watk have lunch with friends
rnext Monday QQefk frnm fleme visit a customer W&fk take a day off

Nic\<.'s ~o\- 3oi¼3 \-o pl"'y .(\,ofo0il \-o<Móvvow.

He's 3oi~3 \-o plo,y t-e,,¼is.

h P~ir'Wi:irk Ask questions from the chart above.

e ~ªjJ(j9r.~ Tell your partner your plans for next week.

Vocabulary I future plans

5a Match each phrase in the box to a photo.

_ _ get in shape _ _ retire _ _ start a business

learn to drive _ _ go to college _ _ havea

h ~iÍctriW¡;¡t~
Which of the phrases did you, your friends, or your family do in the
past? Which of these things are you going to do in the future? Tell your partner.

6 '¡,i~jj,,\Wqfi Imagine you win $3 million in the lottery. What are you going to do?
Make notes and then tell your partner.

Unit Wrap Up

1 Complete the email with the simple past form of the verbs in the box.

' watch talk cook visit stay

Hi Felicia,
How was your weekend? 1 worked (1.) on Saturday ©-
1have a lot of work at the
moment. In the evening, my friend _ _ _ _ _ (2.) dinner forme and we _ _ _ _ _ (3.)
a movie. That was nice! On Sunday morning, 1_ _ _ _ _ (4.) ten nis with my friends, and in
¡ the afternoon, my cousin _ _ _ _ _ (5.) me. He lives in Taipei. We _ _ _ _ _ (6.) at
home and _ _ _ _ _ (7.) about our lives. He's very happy in Taipei.
Hope you're OK.Send me an email soon!

2 Use the words to write complete sentences in the simple past.

1. My friend/start/a new job 4. you/play chess/with Michelle?
Mv friend started a new iob _______________ ?
2. Julio/move/to America? 5. Mei and 1/cook/dinner
______________ ?
3. 1/not talk/to my boss 6. Paul/not like/his present

3 ',iJi}[f(lfi Work with a partner. Find the simple past form of the e y u b f
verbs below in the word grid.
1. have 3. take 5. give 7. go m e t o o k
2. find 4. meet 6. steal 8. say s a d u k
4 Complete each sentence with the simple past form of the
verb in parentheses. oghadv
1. How ~d1'-"·d,_____ you break your arm? (break) Í f V d f
2. They _ _ _ _ _ a lot of money. (win) eswent
3. Why _ _ _ _ _ the police _ _ _ _ _ them? (arrest)
4. Your mother _ _ _ _ _ to the supermarket. (go)

5 Write questions to find the missing information. Then practice with a partner.
Make up answers.
1. ? 's going to retire. 4. l'm going to call ?
Who's going to retire ? ?

2. l'm going to buy a ? 5. Lucy's going to go to ? University.

What are vou going to buv ? ?
3. They're going to 6. Tom and Minnie are going to move to
? ?
Co1n:n1unication i iatk about past and ruture vacations
6a Think about your favorite vacation from your past. Answer the questions.
1. When was it? _______ 4. How long did you stay? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2. Where did you go? ______ 5. Where did you stay (hotel, B&B, etc.)? _ _ _ __
3. Who did you go with? _____ 6. What did you do? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

h j~ªiri,W~r!< Use your notes to tell your partner about your vacation.
My favorite vacation was in 2010. ! went to South Africa with my
wife, and we went an a safarí. We stayed for two weeks and . ..

7a ffijJi:\lit~; What places are in the photos? Which places would you like to
visit? What other places would you really like to visit?

h Imagine you and your partner win a

vacation of a lifetime. Read the rules.

e J;¡l@lgi~ Plan your vacation. Choose

three destinations and make notes on:
1. where (Ex: Beijing, China)
2. how long (Ex: four days)
3. plans (Ex: eat Chinese food, see the palace)

How about Beijing? Yes, good idea. 1 want to go there. How long are we going to stay?

8 Find a new partner. Explain your vacation plans to your new partner.

First, we' re going to fly to Beijíng, China. We' re going to stay there
for four days. We' re going to see the Forbidden City and we' re
going to eat Chinese food. Then we're going to f/y to . ..

Unit 10 Reference
Simple past
Regular verbs you move
to work?
he wa/k
Did she to schooi?
it go
to London?
You we come
He lived in Rome. they
She worked with my sister.
lt stayed in a nice hotel.
We Use Did + subject + verb to make questions. Do not
They use the past form in the question.
Dltf die-y 1"11aveef te, Palis.?
Did they move to París?
To make the simple past of regular verbs, add -ed or
-d to the end of the verb.
Irregular verbs Use going to+ verb to talk about plans far the

He saw a new camera. 'm
She baught a nice car:
lt had a computer.
· We going to get in shape.
• They notgoing reUre.
to get married.

A lot of verbsare irregular in the simple past

. affirmaJive;for example:
buy--'bought carne-come do-did
eat~ate flnd-found get-got Are you
give-,gave go-111/ent have-had
he take the bus?
make..cmade read /rid/-read /red/ Is she going to
say-said see-saw speak-spoke ít vísh my sister?
win.-won write-wrote Are we
Are they

He didn't ta!k to Cynthia.
She didn't listen to the pop star. Unit Vocabulary
lt didn't go out. Verbs + nouns
We steal a cell phone lose your wallet
They break your arm win the loitery
move to a new house find money
Use didn't + verbto make the neg¡¡tive..Do not use meet a famous person stay in bed
the past form in the negative. Future plans
She ditin'H,entta the cMcel't. get in shape learn to drive
go to college have a child/children
She didn' t go to the concert.
start a new business retire
Unit 2 1Page 23, Exercise 5a
You are Terri. You are Victoria.

Name: f:·
Terri Nie\son Victoria
- ~ ~ - - ! ;f
- - -Lornbardi
A.ge: 2~1s~--- Age:~'º~----- if
From: ~ew York From: Mia,-,,i 1
""-""'p.,""ct"'.dress: 1'1 Filmore Street Address: C,0 13eacl, Avenve
Cell t,lo: '117-555-010'1 Cell No: 78C,-555-017'1

You are Bae.

· Bae Park

Age: 2cc.4~----
From: Chicago
Address: qo Clapton Road
Cell No: 812-555-0027

Unit 3 \ Page 35, Exercise 6

Student B

Empire State
=--=-- ----==----=7c-
Where? - - - - - 100 Universal City Plaza
!,os Angeles. CA
Admission $69

Open today? - - - - Open 7 days a week

Free?------ L.A.'s big, exciting movie theme park!

Unit 4 1Page 47, Exercise Sb Unit 6 1Page 63, Exercise 7
Student B Student A

1 From: the US
1 Live in: Vancouver, Canada
¡ Reason here: business

Mercer Street 1 Job: Sales rep (sel! suitcases ~

¡ backpacks to stores) j

!Work for: The Big Bag Compa~ 1

1 Work where: near Vancouver
William Young (Student B)

Student B

Ask for:
• the sports store • the bus station
• the shoe store • the City Hotel
• the museum \ From: Australia - 1
l Live in: Van~ouver, Canada l
S------ -===========:1
Eºn here: business_ _ __J
l . . --------i
i Job: Sales rep (sel! tea and coffee ¡
\ to supermarkets~- _ _ _J
\ Work for: Love Coffee Compa~-:;---J
_ _ ______,
Work where: in Vancouver 1
¡ Wife:
l Sandra Young (Student A)
_ _ _ ____,
Unit 7 1Page 71, Exercise Sb

See page 112 for answers.

Unit 5 1Page 53, Exercise 5 Unit 8 1Page 87, Exercise 6

Student A Student A
You are a hotel receptionist.
Person Address
Mr. M. Haddon 7 Oak Lane, 10a
Ms. A. Walker 7 Oak lane, 9b
Ms. Z. Smith 7 Oak Lane, 8c
Mr. J. Heller 7 Oak lane, 7b
Mr. S. Kato 7 Oak Lane, 7a

Unit 8 l Page 82, Exercise 3c

A good present for Pablo's sister: money

Unit 4 1Page 47, Exercise 8b Unit 6 1Page 63, Exercise 7

Student A Student C


Live in: Tokyo, Japan

Reason here: vacation

Job: Bag designer

Mercer Street

Hushand: Ron Price (Student D)

Student D

Ask for:
• the burger place • the English school
• the department store • the bookstore
• the d rugstore the UK

Unit 6 1Page 61, Exercise 6b Tokyo,Japan

Student B Reason here: vacation

Job: English teacher

Work for: Gotham English school

Work where: in Tokyo

Unit 7 1Page 71, Exercise 8b
Answers: Wife: Keiko Price (Student C)
1. October /Fall 3. April/Spring
2. January /Winter 4. July/Summer
Unit 6 1Page 67, Exercise 8
findan ice pres e nt.com

work long hours?


hove children? it
' - - - - - - - - " " ' ;pi,

trove! a lot?

can cook?

watch a lot of

listen to a lot of

Unit 8 i Page 83, Exercise 6

Read the quiz questions. Check(,/) A,
B, or C.
A= Yes, 1do. 2. Do you have an MP3 player?
B = No, but I want one.
3. Do you have a digital camera?
C = No, and I don't want one.
4. Do you have a camera-phone?

5, Do you have a phone with apps?

6. Do you have a flat-screen TV?

7. Do you have broadband on your TV?

8. Do you have a GPS device?

9. Do you have an e-book reader?

Unit 8 1Page 85, Exercise 8 Unit 5 1Page 53, Exercise 5
Students B and e Student B
You are a hotel guest. Ask questions with is
there a . .. near here? or Are there any . .. near
Salt and Pepper here? Complete the chart.

Menu Yes1Nii Where?

APPETIZERS Restaurant Yes (2) 1= across from the
Chicken J·tdad coffee shop
1/egetab!e soup 2=next to the bank
f-!ouse s1dad Outdoor
Se,!fóod cocfctail market


Beef with vegembles and rice
Lamb chops with rice
Roast chicla:JJ wirh potatoes
Setifood pastrt
Fish with vegettLbles mu/ rice Train station

Chocolrtte ice creíltn
Chocolate cake Drugstore
Cheese and Jhtit

Unit 8 1Page 87, Exercise 6

Unit 10 1Page 101, Exercise 9
Student B

Ms. M. Atwood 7 Oak Lane, 7c

Mr. J. Coe 7 Oak Lane, 8b
Ms. T. Morrison 7 Oak Lane, 8a
Mr. O. Pamuk 7 Oak Lane, 9c
Mrs. A. García 7 Oak Lane, 9a
Unit 9 1Page 93, Exercise 8



Write a subject
far your email.

The first sentence:

Begin the email: How are you? or
Hi or Helio+ name, ----+::. HfGfaüi;fi¡i, 0 º"---- Thanks for your

·. 8i;i'l\,;iíf~ríciM
Talk about the ~~Íf~,~~'X?A?i\ci~;i\'i'i§l<'/cif~~Ir~~~á)tV~'.r!'l(!l
place: if?J.\!P§(l!J!¡,CQurbot!'li¡i;¡\Jt,e;/>.!lápti¡, f;lojeL
lf~ great Lausanne is small and beautiful. End the email:
your hotel/the 'lt'iton Lake Geneva.
town, etc. Use See you on + day
contractions: or See you soon or
we're, it's, ... Hope to see you

Explain any
attachments. For your close to
friends, write Lave,
+ your name. For
other peop!e, write
Best wishes, + your

Writing tip I punctuation Use capital letters for countries, nationalities,

. = period 7 = a question mark and languages .
® She's from S_pain. She's Spanish.
, = a comma '= an apostrophe
A, B, C, etc. = capital letters Commas
Periods Use commas in lists.
e !t's sma/1, o/d, and beautííul.
Use a period at the end of a sentence.
• The attachment is a photo of Laura, Adam,
® Our hotel is The At/antis Hotel,
and Sarah.
Capital letters Use a comma befo re please and after yes and no.
Use a capital letter at the beginning of a • What's yaur name, p!ease?
• A: Coffee? B: No, thank you.
s Ihe two attachments are photos.
Use capital letters for the names of people,
places, days, months, books, and movies. Use an apostrophe to show a contraction.
e !lf/y favorite author is !jemingway.
• We are on vacation.---,; We're on vacation.
® S_ee you on Ihursday.
Use an apostrophe + s to show possession.
Use a capital letter for the pronoun l. • Da you like Jason's car?
e Can ! have a cup of coffee, please?
• They are Susan's baoks.
A descri

My favorite place to visit is ]\.f~,;y)'orl)'.Qity. >é--...c_ Use capital letters for

It's on the East Coast. There are a lot of cities and countries:
museums, shops, restaurants, and other New York, Mexico City,
tourist attractions. Japan, etc.

Use apostrophe + s ('s) -----'> New York's parks are great. Central Park is
to show possession: in the center of New York. It's very big, and in
New York's parks, summer there are concerts in the park. Bryant
Seoul's museums, etc. Park is beautiful, too. It's a small park near
Grand Central Station.

The Metropolitan Museum is very popt1li:Jr.<i-----"- Use adjectives to

It's very .pjg, and the building is l:¡eau,jful. describe a place:
But I think The Museum of Modern Art is popular, great, modem,
beautifu/, o/d, etc.
New York's top attraction. It's in Midtown,
near Fifth Avenue. The exhibitions are grel).f!

The Empire State Building is a popular

tourist attraction. It's a very tall building.
Talk about location: in, ---,It's ,ínMidtown, :iJ"'.~fTimes Square. It's
on, near, next to, etc. expensive, but the views of New York are

Writing tip i and, but

Use and before the last item in a lisi. Use but to join two different (contrasting)
® There are a !ot of museums, s/Jops, sentences,
restaurants, a.nd other tourist attractíons, • The country is beautífu/. The beac/Jes
• lt's very big, very o/d, and very popular, are owful.
• He' s an actor 911!1 o teacher, -,, lile country is beautifu/, the beaches
Use and to join two similar sentences. ore awfu!.
• lhere' s a museum in the town, T/Jere isn' ta
• The country is beoutífu/. The beoches
theme park.
ore greot.
-,, T/Jere's o museum in the town, but t/Jere
-,, The country is beoutiful, oncf_ the beoches
are great. isn't a theme park.
• Central Park is very big. There are concerts
in the pork.
-,, Central Park is very big, ond there ore
concerts in the pork.
A letter to a friend

·IS' ~ 7~t-'Q,.:?<l\~o"'J.
J>.<>~fo~;MAQ2:lt8 Write your address here.
Write the date here.

Begin the letter:

Dear + name, _____ ;.:·~·ie;r·F~tt·~~; First paragraph: How are
f.-------,-~ you? or J hope al/ is we/1.

1 Ji.ve i\.\ Bósto\.\ \.\ów. t--\y \\ew O\J.J.vess 'is O\t" tl,,,e
Join two sentences with top o.f Hüs lette,. ¡'..,"' Aesi3,e, "'t "' coW1pL1te,
and or but. - - - - - > co1Mp01.\.\Y, '.·fW{~/ JeveiMy i.s O\ IMO\\.\O\R"~V-._O\r O\
J..epowttMe\.\t stove. U.Pe is ,900.::l..,;0:_\,:,0.; l11M vevy
V-0\f py. 1 jet Llp "'t 7 o' cloc\c "''" eO\l- 'Qve"'lc.fotsl-,
}¡>tí,fJevev.,y 3ets Llp "'t 'l o'cloc\c. \.le sh"vts. w~~\c
Ask about his or her life. "'l- \ O o' cloc\c. We .fi,isl,, wo,\c "'l- s o' cloc\c, .,;¡,;.
Jeve"""y coo\::.s J.lia.\.\ev. I\.\ tV\e eVe\.\'i\.\,9, we wod·cV\
íV ov ve01.d. oi. 'ooo\c.

For close friends, write

End the letter.--------, love, or From, + your
For other peo ple, write
Best wishes, + your

Writing tip I spelling ofverbs in the simple present with he/she/it

With he, she, and it, add -s to the verb. For verbs ending in consonant + -y, change y to i
• 1get up ear/y. He getéi up late. and add -es.
• 1 start work at nine o'c!ock. She start~ work at * / carry the iJig iJogs, and my iJrother carries
ten o' c!ock. the smo/1 bags.
For verbs ending in -ch, -sh, -s, -x, ·Z, and -o, add For verbs ending in vowel + -y, add s.
-es to the verb with he, she, and it. * / play ten nis, and my sister play"
* They watch TV. She watch?5. TV. basketball.
• 1 finish work at five o'c/ock. She finishes work
at six o' clock.
fonnal emaH

Write a subject for your ~ amywatson@

email. waterbridgehotél
c,Room for June 3f

Begin the email:

pe~rWalerorictge.Hd!el, >E---------,
Dear+ name,
Don'! use -------++ 1would like sorne more information about
contractions. your hotel.
• Is there a room available on Saturday
June 3 and Sunday June 4?
• How much is the room for two nights?
• Is breakfast included?
• Is there a swimming pool at the hotel?
End !he email with l /ook For formal letters
----Ji& 1. l<lokfor,vard to your rep!Y:,
forward to your reply. and emails, end with
SincereJy; <e-------------~- Sincere/y, or Best
Ar¡¡fV\la\¡.;on wishes, + your name.

Writ:l.ng tip I formal English and informal English

These are the main differences between formal English and informa! English in writing.

\/Vritingto á friend Writing to a business co.ntact
Start with: Start with:
Hi+ first narrre, • Dear+ Mr./Mrs./N(i;;s/Ms. + last náme,
NOT~: we.don'tus.e Wh.en you don't know the person's name, start wilh:
= oeai Frfeiftlr • Dear Sir orMac/mr¡,
• 11/frlend,
Befare you end the ern~il use: Before you .en,! the emaíl, use:
• Seeyousoon. • , J lookforward tcryoar reply.
••• .· Speak tq yoµ soon. • /lqokforw:arc/ to hearingfrom.yoasoofl.
End.with: End with:
• .Lave,· • ;Sincere/y,
•· Tak'e·care, • Best Wishes,
Wherr you don'! kílowthe peison very weH, end with: Do not use ,:ontractions. Use:
e Best, • 1am, you are, they are, etc.
• Be;;twishes, NOTEdtis OKto us.e dofl' t.
Use contractions:
• Frtí;iyou~re~-Jhéy'1e. ·etC:,
Part 11 English phonemes Part 2 1 Sound-spelling correspondences

Sound Spelling : Examples
Symbol · Key word Symbol . Key word ··'-·-----------"·--·~
this listen
d date Q going
y gym typical
b bed s sofa ui build guitar
e pretty
ten z zero
ee green sleep
p park J shop
ie niece believe
k car 3 television ea read teacher
/i/ e these complete
g game h hat ey key money
ei receipt receive
tJ child m menu
cl3 job TI near
/re/ a can man land
f four like
a pasta
V visit r ride /a/ al calm
ea heart
0 three y young
u fun sunny husband
o this w wife
¡,¡ o sorne mother month
ou cousin double young
Vowe!s ou bought
Symbol l<ey word Symbol ·• Key word au daughter taught
hl al bald small always
be ~ about aw draw jigsaw
sit e1 day
like time island
e red ar by y dry shy cycle
ie fries die tie
re cat au house /a1/ igh light high right
01 boy ei height
a father
ey eyes
ou boat ar car uy buy

o bought or door a lake hate shave

u book ur tour ai wait train straight
ay play say stay
u shoe ¡¡ here /c1/ ey they obey
ei eight weight
A but er there
ea break
ª' word
o home phone open
ow show throw own
/oo/ coat road coast
ol cold told
Part 31 Syllable stress
Words with more than one syllable have the stress on one of the syllables.

1-syllable words 2-syllable words : 2-syllable words
eo oe
one six big young read happy seven listen .: Japan address between
learn friend great lake morning passport father . today behind Chinese
house beach road west website photo awful .. design July explain
teacher picture modern mistake dessert because
: Sunday
-----··=·----·"·-·3-syllab!e words
3-syllable words 3-syllable words
eoo oeo •ooe
ltaly favorite beautiful eleven computer cathedral · afternoon engineer
Saturday visitar medium espresso attachment . introduce
popular interview architect important piano designer
hospital reporter together September
tomorrow exciting patato

Part 41 Questions
We often use weak forms at the beginning of questions.
Are you al home? &....El
Are they ready? /c,r 6e1/
Do you like it? /d;i v;;,/
Do you write reports? /d;i V'd/
What do you do? W'ddiya
Where do they work? w2rdiv;i
Are vou going to get married? /'dr v;i qour11 te,/
o r /;ir v;i q;in;i/
Are you going to call her? bL::J.;;, qoun¡ t;;,/
o r /;;,r y;;, g;;,n;;,/
Were you a good student? Lwa--r v;;,/
Did you see him? /¡j¡ d3;;,/
Did you talk to her? /dr d3'd/
Irregula,r Verbs
Verb Simple Past Past Participte Verb Simple Past Past Partíciple

be was/were been teave left left

beC:ome became become let let let
begin began begun lose lost los!
break broke broken make made made
bring !Jrought brought mean meant meant
build built built meet met met
buy bought bought pay paid paid
.can could been able pu! put put
catch caught caught read/rid/ read/red/ read/red/
choose chose chosen ride rode ridden
come carne come ring rang ru,ng
c.ost cost cost run ran run
dig dug dug say said said
do did done see saw seen
ciraw drew drawn sell sold sold
drink drank drunk send sent sent
drive .drove driven shine shone shone
eat ate eaten show showed shown
.fall fell fallen si.ng sang sung
leed fed fed sit sal sat
feel felt felt sleep slept slept
find found found speak spoke spoken
fly flew flown spend spent spent
forget forgot forgotten stand stood stood
get gol got steal stole stolen
give gave given swim swam swum
go went gone/been take took taken
g:row grew grown teach taught taught
have had had tell told told
hear heard heard think thought thought
hold held held throw threw throWn
hurt hurt hurt understand understood understood
keep kept kept wear wore worn
know knew known win won won
fearn learned/learnt learned/learnt write wrote wrítten
(Page 6) 3. 8: l'm twenty-nine.
t. supermarket 2. restaurant A: l'm hungry, J2: What's your address?
3. movie theater 4. camera 5. doctor B: Excuse me ... B: Seventeen Melrose Street.
6. soccer 7. bus 8. television 4. J1: What's your phone number?
9. pizza 10. tennis 11. taxi 12. potice A: He's Rona!dlnho from Brazil. 8: My home number is three-two-three,
13. university 14. telephone 15. hotel B: Pardon? five-five-five, zero-one-five-four. And
my ceU number is three-one-oh, five-
(Page 8) (Page 17) five-five, zero-zero-nine-eight.
2. read 3. write 4. speak Austr,tlia, six, one. )1/)2: Thank you.
match 6. repeat 7. look BrazH: five, five. J2: OK, Mr. Gibson!
China: eight, six. B: Oh! OK! Yes ...
Japan: eight, one. B: Every morning, she's on my train,
UNIT1 Int:mductions where ís she from, and what's her
Mexico: five, two.
Íf/I~!{t~:i\i/ (Page 11) Russia: seven.
Spain: three, four.
D=David B=Betty C=Carla J=Jeff (Page 23)
F=Friends Turkey: nine, zero.
1. the UK: four, four.
the US: one. A: What's your name, please?
D: Good morning. B: Símon Ambrose.
B: Good morning.
vji¡¼),(l/,1:});: (Page 1 7) A: How do you spell that?
W=Woman M=Man Mch=Machine B: Ambrose. A - M - B - R - O - S - E.
D: Good afternoon. 2.
C: Good afternoon. W: Directory assistance.
M: The Royal Hawaiian, p[ease. A: What's your address, please?
3. 8: 82 via Speranza, Rome.
D: Good evening. W: Where is it?
M: lt's in Honolulu, Hawaii. A: How do you spel! that, p!ease?
J: Good evening. B: Vía: V - 1- A. Speranza: S - P - E- R -
4. W: Thank you.
D: Good night. Mch: The number is: five-five-five, eight-
nine-two, three-zero-one-one.
F: Good night. dk*$~ (Page 23)
/1=/udge 1 /2=/udge 2 /3=/udge 3
(Page 12) UNIT 2 Fa:rnily and friend.s /4=/udge 4 /5=/udge 5
Australia 3. Argentina
2. Be=Ben T=Terri V=Victoria Ba=Bae
4. Japan 5. the LIS 6. Brazil (Page 19) 1,
7. the LIK 8. Spain 9. ltaly Be: Every morning, she's on my train, where
10. Colombia
number 3. laptop
2. email address 4. passport is she from, and what's her name.
9. address 7. first name J1: Thank you. Ben. Goodbye. He's awfuL
ili{liif1 (Page 13) 6. ceU phone 8. last name 5. map J2: Yes, awfuL
1. She's Shakira. She's from Colombia. J3/J4: Yeah. Lih-huh.
She's in Portugal.
2. He's Johnny Depp. He's from the LIS.
-~¡~~j) (Page 20) 2.
L=liz S=Sabrina T: 1am in love with you, in love with you.
He's in Japan. L: Ooh! Who's he? J3: Thank you, Terri.
3. She's Penelope Cruz. She's from Spain.
She's in the LIS. 5: Car!? He's my brother. He's 26 years old. T: OK. Thank you. Goodbye.
L: Twenty-six? He's cute. )3: Goodbye. She's good.
S: Thanks. And she's my slster, Anna. She's
íií\i!it\ (Page 14) twenty-two. And he's my father, Marek.
J2: Yes, she's good.
)3/)4: Yeah. Lih-hmm.
L=Luisa B=Boris A=Andy He's sixty.
A: Hi Boris. 3.
L: Who's she? V: 1am in !ove with you, in !ove with you.
B: Hi, Andy. This is Luisa. 5: She's my mother, Sofia. She's from !taly. ]1: Thank you Victoria.
A: Nice to meet you, Luisa. She's fifty-seven. And my daughter,
l: Nice to meet you, too. V: Oh, thank you.
Sarnh. She's almost one. And my son,
)1: Goodbye.
Tom. He's three.
d)!!1t~{ÍfY/ (Page 14) L: Oh! Who's he?
V: Goodbye.
)1: She's OK.
A=Andy L=Luisa S: He's my husband, James.
L: Where are you from, Andy? L: Oh! How o!d is he? J4: Yes, she's OK.
A: l'm from the LIS. S: He's thirty-eight. )3/)5, Yeah.
L: Where are you from in the US? 4.
A: !'m from New York. Where are you from? ílf~!\~11 (Page 22)
Ba: 1 am in [ove with you, in !ove with you.
)3: Thank you Bae. Thank you.
l: l'm from Argentina. B=Ben /1=/udge1 /2=/udge 2
A: Where are you from in Argentina? B: Helio. Ba: OK. Thank you. Goodbye.
L: l'm from Rosario. J1/J2: Helio. J3: He's great!
J2: Yes, he's great.
]1: What's your name?
{Page 15) B: Ben Gibson. )3/)4: Mm-hmm. Yeah.
1. ]1: How do you spe!t that?
A: Coffee? B: Gibson. G -1- B - S - O- N
B: Yes, p[ease. h: Where are you from, Ben?
2. B: !'m from Los Angeles.
A: Black pepper? ]1: How old are you?
B: No, thank you.
~ijf¡¡¡ (Page 24) ~'.'i/,{ªJ~ (Page 33) (Page 42)
A: What's the website? C=Customs }=Jane Smith 1. a green T-shirt 2. a pair of white shoes
B: w-w-w dot emailfriends dot net C: Excuse me. What's your name? 3. an orange dress 4. a red coat
A: Uh-huh. Who's she? J: Jane Smith. 5. a yellow hat 6. a pair of black pants
C: What's in your suitcase, Miss Smith? 7. a blue bag 8. a brown skirt
B: Her name's Frieda Lang.
J: l'm not Miss Smith. !'m Ms. Smith. 9. a plnk b!ouse
A: What's her occupation?
B: She's a teacher. C: Sorry. OK, a camera ...
A: What's her email address? J: lt isn't a camera. !t's an MP3 player. -~~~~½ (Page 43)
C: An M P3 player .. , and two books ... S=Sales clerk [=Claudia
B: frieda@teachernet.de
J: They aren't books. They're maps. S: Helio. Can I help you?
A: What's his name?
C: Yes, how much is this blue hat?
B: Tom Mackintosh.
A: What's his occupation?
ilR?,,:,.c,t,A,'f.J (Page 34)
5: lt's $25.
H=Hotel Clerk W=Woman C: Ooh! And how much are these beautifu!
B: Uh.,. He's an accountant.
A: What's his emai[ address? H: Good morning.
S: They're $99.95.
B: lt's tom@mackintosh.com. W: Good morning. Is the museum open
today? C: How much is that yellow skirt?
A: Hmm ... What's her name?
H: Yes, it is. 5: lt's $68.99.
B: Her name's Junko Nakamura. She's a
W: Is it near here? C: Sixty-eight ninety-nine? How much are
those white shirts?
A: Oh! !'m a student, too. What's her email H: Yes, it is. !t's just off Fifth Avenue.
5: They're $35. The orange shirts are $40.
address? W: Oh, OI<.
B: junura@jmail.jp H: !t's about six btocks from here. Here's a
map. We're here, and it's there. (Page 44)
A: How do you spell that?
B: Junura: J - U - N - U - R -A, at jmail: W: Is the museum free?
J-M-A-1-Ldot J - P. H: No, it isn't. Admtssion is twenty do!lars. A: Can l have three tickets to Boston,
ptease? Two adults and one child.
A: Thank you!
B: One-way or round-trip?
(Page 25)
UNIT4 Stores and A: Round-trip, p!ease.
accountant 4. student 5. actor restaurants B: That's $42.30, please. Thank you. Here
you are.
10. manager 7. engineer 9. sales clerk
3. teacher 6. police officer 2. artist (Page 39) 2.
1. doctor bank I<. bus stop A: Can I have two tickets far Legally
l. drugstore G. bookstore Blande, please?
A. restaurant j. supermarket B: That's $98.90, please.
UNIT3 'fravellng D. newsstand F. parking lot A: Can! pay by credit card?
B. train station E. movie theater B: Sure. Sign here, please. Thank you. Here
(Page 32) L outdoor market you are.
2. a camera 9. a T-shirt 1. a book A: Thanks.
6. a map 7. a skirt 4. a btouse (Page 40) 3.
5. a sweater 8. an MP3 player 1. A: Your groceries come to $31.07.
10. a suitcase 3. a backpack A: Helio. Can I help you? B: Here you are. !t's a debit card.
12. a pair of pants 11. a pair of shoes
B: Yes. Can I have a house salad, please? A: Enter your PIN number, please.
Thank you.
d~ii:tJ (Page 32)

Certainly. Anything else?
Yes. Can! have a large bottled water, too?
C=Customs R=Ron D=Diane E=Eva (Page 47)
A: Sure.
2. 1.
C: What's in your suitcase, sir? A: Excuse me. Where is the cell phone
A: Good afternoon.
R: What's in my sultcase? Um, a map, a store?
B: Good afternoon. A cheese sandwich and
camera, two books, a shirt, and two 8: Um ... Let me see. lt's next to the
a smal! orange ju ice.
pairs of pants. Oh, anda pair of shoes.
A: Anything else? restaurant on Mercer Street.
B: No, thank you. A: Great. Thank you.
C: What's in your suitcase, ma'am? B: You're welcome.
A- To eat here?
D: Oh, uh, !et me see. A camera - no! Two
B: Pardon? 2.
cameras, an MP3 ptayer, a pair of shoes,
two skirts, two blouses, a sweater, three A: To eat here or take out? A: Excuse me. Where's the train station?
books, and a backpack. B: Oh, take out, ptease. B: l'm sorry, l don't know.
3. 3. A: 01<. Thanks anyway. Excuse me, where's
C: What's in your suitcase, miss? A: Yes, sir. Can l help you? the train station?
B: Yes, can I have a cup of tea and a piece C: The train station? ... !t's on E!m Street,
E: What's in my suitcase? Umm, a camera,
two maps, two books, two blouses, a of chocolate cake, please? across from the coffee shop.
sweater, an MP3 player, a paír of pants A: Certainly. Anything else? A: Great. Thank you.
anda skirt and ... um ... five pa!rs of B: No, that's it. C: You're we!come.
shoes. A: So, one cup of tea and one piece of 3.
chocolate cake. A: Excuse me. Where's the nearest
l\li¡j¡i¡ (Page 32) B: Thank you_ supermarket?
C=Customs E=Eva A: No problem. B: Uh, the nearest supermarket is across
C: What's in your suitcase, Miss? from the parking !ot on Meicer Street.
E: What's in my suitcase? Umm, a camera, (Page 41) A: Great. Thank you.
two maps, two books, two b!ouses, a 1. a ten B: No problem.
sweater, an MP3 player, a pair of pants 2. three do!lars and ninety-eight cents
and a skirt and ... um ... five pairs of
3. eight dollars and nineteen cents
4. fifty-euros seventy
5. four euros and forty-three
6. three pounds thirty-nine pence
P: Here's one. Can you drive? JDS: Yes, 1do. lt's very nice.
C: Yes, 1 can drive. DJ: You're a singer. Do you like American
P: Alt right. Can you swim? hip hop music?
(Page 49)
C: Yes, 1can. But ! can't play golf ... golf JDS: No, not reatly. ! like Brazilian music,
is in the north of Australia. especially samba.
isn't my favorite sport.
Perth is in the west of Australia. DJ: OK. What's your favorite sport?
P: OK. Well, can you cook?
Brisbane is in the east of Austra\1a. JDS: Soccer, of course! l'm Brazilian.
C: Yes, 1can cook. And I can use a
4. Adelaide is in the south of Australia. computer, and I can dance. DJ: Of course. What about food? Do you
5. Alice Springs is in the center of Australia. P: Hmm ... Can you sing? like lndian food?
C: Yes, 1can sing. But I can't play the piano. JDS: No, 1 don't. 1 like French food.
(Page 52) P: Is that interesting to you? DJ: What are your favorite things in life?
1. The bookstore is next to the ltalian C: Yes. JDS: ! tike Brazilian music, German cars,
restaurant. P: Is two to four in the afternoon OK far !talian fashion ..
2. The coffee shop is in front of the train you? DJ: Ah! Time is up. Thank you Joao da
station. C: Yes, that's fine. SHva!
3. The drugstore is across from the shoe JDS: You're welcome.
P: OK, Carla. lt's open. Class 173 it is.
store. DJ: That was our 60-second lnterview!
4. The theater is near the hotel.
(Page 55)
5. The parking lot is behind the department (Page 60)
store. 1. can cook. 2. 1 can't swim.
3. ! can play the piano. 4. ! can't sing. you like ltatian food?
5. ! can drive. 2. Do you !ike coffee?
1ifi*¼W&lJ (Page 52) 3. Are you from Brazil?
R=Receptionist M=Man W=Woman (Page 57) 4. Are you a student?
R: Helio sir, ma'am. Can I help you?
N=Nick B=Brenda
M: Yes. !s there a coffee shop near this
T: We!come to our B and B. l'm Teresa. í!llz1\\i'i_¡ (Page 62)
Nice to meet you. 1. Architects design buildings.
R: Yes, sir, there is. There's a coffee shop
behind this hotel and there's another N/B: Nice to meet you, too. 2. Sales reps sel! things.
coffee shop in front of the train station. T: Come with me. Your bedroom is thls 3. Fashion designers design dothes.
way. So, where are you from? 4. Reporters write artides.
W: Are there any good restaurants near 5. Chefs cook food.
here? N: We're from Texas.
T: Well, welcome to the mountains. This 6. Construction workers bui!d buildings.
R: Yes, there are. There's a good Mexican
is your bedroom. There's a king-sized
restaurant next to the hotel. There's
a Chinese restaurant across from the bed, and the bathroom is here. tiíiiijij;j (Page 62)
museum that's very good. And there's an B: Oh, this looks nice. S=Sharon C=Catherine
ltalian restaurant next to the bookstore. T: And there's a hot tub outside. Come P=Pot A=Anthony
There's also a good seafood restaurant with me. !t's right out here. S: Excuse me. Your coat is on the floor.
called the Blue Fin GriU across from the B: This is a very nice house. C: Pardon?
lta\ian restaurant. T: Thanks very much. Here we are: the S: Your coat. lt's on the floor.
M: Great. And, is there a bank near here? hot tub. C: Oh, yeah. Thanks a lot.
R: Yes, sir, there is. There's a bank next to N: Oh, wow. That's great. S: No problem! Are you here on vacation?
the theater, but it isn't open today. B: There's a nfce view of the mountains. C: Yes, 1am. l'm here with my husband.
M: Oh no! T: The hot tub is open from eight thirty He's in our room. We really like this city.
R: But there's an ATM in this hotel. lt's rlght in the morning to ten thirty at níght. 5: Yes, it's great. By the way, my name's
over there. B: DI<. Sharon.
M: Great! T: And there's a free continental C: Hi, Sharon. !'m Catherine.
W: Are there any touríst attractions near breakfast in the morning-croissants, S: So where are you from?
here? fruit, coffee, and orange ju ice. C: l'm from Canada and my husband is
R: Yes, ma'am, there are. There's the B: Great. What time is that? from Australia. We live in Toronto. Where
museum near the traln station, across T: Breakfast is from seven fifteen to ten are you from?
from the Chinese restaurant. Here's a fifteen in the dining room. S: We're from the US. We !ive in Seatt!e.
map. We're here, and the museum is N: OK, sounds good. And what time is C: Are you here on vacation?
here. checkout? S: No, we aren't. We're here on business.
W: Great. Thank you. T: Checkout is at eleven forty-five. C: What do you do?
R: You're wetcome. B: OK, thanks. 5: We're architects.
C: That's nice. What kinds of things do you
(Page 53) design?
is a French restaurant. S: We design houses and offlce buHdings.
The Taj Maha! is an !ndian restaurant.
La Spiga is an ltalian restaurant.
Wong Li is a Chinese restaurant.
•z~~i~fr (Page 60)
DJ= Disk Jockey JDS= Joiio da Silva
C: l'm a sales rep and my husband is a
5: Oh, rea!ty? What do you sel!?
Azteca is a Mexican restaurant. DJ: Now it's time far our 60-second C: 1 sel! c!othing to department stores.
Sushi Taro is a Japanese restaurant. P: And who do you work for?
Today Joao da Silva is in the studio.
Welcome to Radio Chicago, Joao. C: lt's a smaH Canadian company. lt's caUed
(Page 54) JDS: Thank you. PDS Fashions,
P=Peter [=Carla DJ: Joao ... your 60-second interview S: Oh, l'm sorry. This is my husband, Pat.
P: Hi, Carla. How are you? starts ... now. C: Nice to meet you. My name's Catherine.
C: Fine, thanks. And you? DJ: So, joao What do you do? What's your Ah! Here's my husband, Anthony, this is
P: !'m OK. Are you here for the summer oce:upation? Sharon and Pat. They're from the US.
dasses? JDS: !'m a singer. A: Nice to meet you.
C: Yes, 1am. Dj: Where are you from? P: Nice to meet you, too.
P: OK, these are our summer dasses. JDS: l'm from Bahia, but Ria de Janeiro is C: Sharon and Pat are architects. They
They're "Engtlsh Plus" dasses. They're my home now. design houses and office buildings.
English plus another dass. DJ: Do you like Chicago? A: Oh rea!ly? Where do you work?
C: DI<.
iJ/4~1,~f:, (Page 67)
A: Jake Parker?
M: Are there any other visits this month?
5: Um, yes, there are. There's Mrs. King on
J=Jim N=Nancy June 14th.
J: Oh, man! J: Yes.
A: l'm Alice Fisher. Nice to meet you. M: Mrs. King - June 14th.
N: What's the problem, Jim? 5: And there's Ms. Brown on June 24th.
J: 1 can't find a present for Luz. J: Nice to meet you, too.
A: Come in, Mr. Parker. Please sit down. M: OK, June 24th. Is that ali?
N: Who's luz? 5: No, there's one more. !t's Mr. Rodríguez.
J: She's my friend. !t's her birthday on J: Thank you.
3. M: Mr. Rodriguez - he's the big boss from
Thursday. Bogotá! He's very important! When is
N: Do you know www.findanicepresent. J: OK, class, be quiet. Look at page 32 in
your books. Page 32. OK? Now listen to his visit?
com? 5: )une 6th.
the conversation.
J: No. What is ít? J: Steven. Please turn off your cell phone. M: June 6th?! ... But, but that's today.
N: lt's a great website. lt finds presents for 5: Uh-huh. Hello, 5arah Walker speaking.
5: 5orry.
you. Look. This is the website. Helio Mr. Rodriguez. You're at the

-~i41i¡, (Page 67)

.i:itf{i\t (Page 71)
reception desk? Great. See you in
five minutes. Goodbye. That's Mr.
M=Man W=Woman Rodriguez. He's at the reception desk.
J=Jim N=Nancy
J: !s it free? M: Please come with me. Your table is
M: Ugh!
N: Yes, it is. OK, there are sorne questions
here. TeU me about Luz. How old is she?
•flll#;~i; (Page 75)
J: She's, um, twenty-nine. W: Taylor! Be QUIET.
M=Michelle R=Mr. Rodriguez K=Ms. Khan
N: And what does she do? M: Ptease, come in. Have a seat. What
J: She's a reporter. 3. would you like to drink? Tea? Coffee?
W: This is a message far Dr. Margan. Please
N: Who does she work for? go to Room 200 immediately. R: l'd like coffee.
J: Newstime magazine. 4.
K: l'd Uke a cup of tea, p!ease.
N: She's a reporter. OK. So does she work M: This is a customer announcement. Visit M: Would you like mi!k or sugar?
long hours? our great kitchen sale on the ground R: No, thank you.
J: Yes, she does. floor. Saucepans for níneteen ninety- K: Milk, no sugar, please.
N: Is she married? níne, cookbooks far six ninety-nine.
J: No, she isn't.
N: What about children? Does she have any
Thank you far shopping at Madisons. -~~itti\f (Page 75)
5. M=Michelle R=Mr. Rodriguez K=Ms. Khan
chHdren? W: This is a message for all passengers on M: Ali right. Well, this is the company
J: No, she doesn't. flight FH453 to Hong Kong. Please go to cafeteria. Are you hungry?
N: How about travet? Does she travel a lot? gate 23 immediately. That's flight FH453. R/K: Yes.
J: Yes. 5he travels aU over the world. Please go to gate 23 immediate!y. Thank M: Good. OK, the drinks are here on the
N: She's lucky. Can she cook? you. right. And there are snacks next to the
J: No, she can't. drinks. There's bottled water, orange
N: How about movies? Does she watch a e1,t,4/i1 (Page 72) ju ice, etc. There are sorne appetizers
next to the snacks. Would you like an
tot of movies? H=Game show host J=John
J: Let me think. No, she doesn't. H: l'm Susan SuUivan and welcome to appetizer?
N: Does she listen to a lot of music? What's your job?Today we have John R: Um, no thank you. 1think l'd like a
J: Yes. She laves music. with us. Hi, John. Are you ready? salad.
N: OK-there are three good presents on J: Yes, l'm always ready! M: OK. There's a salad bar in the middle
H: OK, let's start. Do you attend meetings? of the cafeteria.
this website.
J: Yes, 1 sometimes attend meetings. K: !'d like sorne fruit.
H: Do you give presentations? M: The frult is over there, next to the
UNIT 7 A day at wo:rk J: Yes, 1 often give presentations. salad. And there are sorne desserts
H: Do you caU customers? next to the cash register.
(Page 69) R: Great. Thank you.
J: Yes,! usual!y catl customers.
a waiter. ! work in a restaurant. H: Do you write reports?
A. l'm an office worker. 1 work in an
J: Yes, l do, but ! don't often write reports. 'll!!ffw"""'"e·" (Page 77)
office. H: Do you trave! far work? R=Receptionist WJL= Woo-jin Lee
3. G. l'm a factory worker. 1 work in a j: Yes, 1 sometimes travel far work.
R: Good morning. Can! help you?
factory. WJL: Good morning. l'm here to see
H: Do you answerthe phone?
4. B. l'm a nurse. l work in a hospital. Martina Hafner.
5. E. l'm a sales clerk. ! work in a shop.
J: Yes, 1 aiways answer the phone. R: Do you have an appointment?
H: Do you work outside?
6. C. !'m a professor. 1 work in a university. WJL: Yes.
j: No, 1 never work outside.
7. D. !'m a researcher. ! work in a lab. R: What's your name, please?
H: Do you help people?
8. H. l'm a teacher. 1 work in a school. WJL: Woo-jin Lee.
J: Yes, 1often help people. R: How do you spel! that?
H: Are you a ... sales rep?
(Page 70) WJL: W-0-0 J-1-N Lee. L-E-E.
J: Yes, l am! R: OK, Mr. Lee. Take the elevator to the
R=Receptionist J=Jake A=Alice S=Steven
R: Helio. Parkside 5chool.
84itJí&l (Page 74)
third floor. Turn right. Ms. Hafner's
offlce is the third door on the left.
M=Michelle S=Sarah WJL: Thank you.
J: Can! speak to Mrs. Fisher, please?
M: Good morning, 5arah! R: You're welcome.
R: Hold on, please.
S: Morning, Michelle. Nice weekend?
A: HeUo. Atice Fisher.
M: Yes, thank you. And you? R=Receptionist }=James
J: Helio, Mrs. Fisher. My name's Jake 5: Good, thanks. R: Good morning.
Parker. l'm interested in the teaching
job. lt's in today's newspaper ... M: Oh, 5arah, when is Mr. Wu's visit? ): Good morning. l have a meeting with
5: Let me see, Mr. Wu's visit is June 8th. Lorda Romero.
A: Oh, yes. Great.
M: What's the date today? R: What's your name, please?
5: lt's )une 6th. J: James Wood.
R: James - Wood. 01<, Mr. Wood. Take the A: Hmm. How big is it?
(Page 80)
elevator to the third f!oor. Turn right. M: lt's pretty big.
Mrs. Romero's office ís the second on want to go out to eat.
1 want to go shopping. A: Oh, l don't really like big restaurants.
the right. 1 know! What about Carlito's? My friend
1 want to go to the theater.
J: Thank you. is the manager there.
1 don't want to go hiking.
M: Who is your friend?
R=Receptionist J=Jessica
R: Good afternoon.
J: Good afternoon. l'm here to see Patrick
d/~,JifJ (Page 82)
A: Thomas. You know, Thomas.
M: Oh yeah. OK. Carlito's is good.
J. dishwasher N. coffee table
Swinton. G. mirror L. sofa M. !amp
R: Do you have an appointment? E. toilet B. bed P. car F. sink (Page 85)
J: Yes, 1 do. Q. bicycle !. cabinet K. fridge 1. 2. seafood 3. fish

R: What's your name, please? D. bathtub A. window H. stove 4. potatoes 5. [amb 6. rice 7. cheese
C. wardrobe O. armchair 8. beef 9. pasta 10. chocolate
J: My name's Jessica Hayes.
R: How do you spell Hayes?
J: H-A-Y-E-5. fl/l!~~f~/ (Page 82) (Page 85)
W=Waiter A=Anna M=Mark
R: 01<, Ms. Hayes. Mr. Swinton's office is P=Pablo /=Jo
P: Hi, Jo. How are you? W: Hello. Do you have a reservation?
on the third floor. Take the elevator and
turn right. !t's the first door on the left. J: Oh, hi Pablo. l'm fine. How are you? A: Yes, My name is Anna Pierce.
J: Thank you. P: Oh, so-so. !t's my s1ster's wedding next W: Ms. Pierce. A table far two?
week and I want to buy her a really nice A: That's right.
present, but I can't find one. W: Come with me, please.
UNIT8 Your likes and J: 1 can help. (later)
dislikes P: Really? W: Are you ready to arder?
J: Sure. M: Yes, !'d like the flsh soup, p!ease, and
(Page 79) P: Thanks a !ot. the lamb chops.
1. go to theater 2. go out to eat ]: No problem. What does she like doing? W: Certainly, sir. And for you ma'am?
3. play chess 4. go swimming P: WeH, she likes doing things at home: A: l'd like the seafood cocktail, please, and
5. play soccer 6. go hiking she Ukes watching TV, she likes cooking. the vegeta ble pasta.
7. watch TV 8. go sightseeing Oh, and she likes modern furniture. Her W: Certainly. What would you like to drink?
9. read a book 10. play tennis husband Hkes furniture, too. M: Bottled water, p!ease.
11. go cycling 12. work out J: Do they have an armchair? A: And can I get orange juice, please?
P: Yes, they do. W: Certainly.
(Page 80) J: Do they have a lamp? (la ter)
A=Annie P: Yes, they do. M: Oh, look at the time. lt's pretty late.
A: Gary. J: Does your sister have a nice sofa? A: Oh, my. lt's 10:30.
G: Yeah? P: No, she doesn't. M: Yes, it is. Excuse me. Can I have the
A: Are you happy? J: Buy her a sofa. check, p[ease?
G: Happy? P: But my parents want to buy a nice sofa W: Of course.
A: Yes. Are you happy? far her.
G: Yeah. l'm happy. J: Oh, too bad. Well, do they have a coffee
A: l'm not. l'm bored. We never go out. table? UNIT9 Your li:fe
G: Oh. P: Yes.
A: We never go to the theater. We don't go j: Okay, then does she have a bicyde? •ii1W~l (Page 89)
First iPod in Stores:2002
sightseeing ar stay at hotels. We never P: No, she doesn't.
go out to eat. We always just stay home J: There you are. Wi!liam and l<ate - Royal Wedding: 2011
and watch television. P: But he has a bicyde and she uses it. Tsunami in Southeast Asia: 200Lf
G: But ! like watching television. J: Oh ... 1 know! Titanic Disaster: 1912
A: Gary! P: What? Haiti Earthquake: 2010
J: lt's always a good wedding present. Martin Luther l<ing -1 have a dream: 1963
~/;~11~~). {Page 80) P: What? Juan Pe ron: President of Argentina: 1946
G=Gary A=Annie J: Give them ... Elvis Presley is dead: 1977
G: 01< ... So, !et's go away next weekend.
A: Go away?
G: Yes. What about going to Yosemite? We
~j'f,:*J~4 (Page 84) (Page 91)
was an actor.
M=Mark A=Anna
cango hiking, we can see the views. We You were a singer.
M: Hi, Anna.
cango biking, or go swimming. He was happy.
A: Hmm ... ! don't want to go hiking.
A: Hi, Mark. What's new?
M: 1gota new job! She was born in 1982.
1 want to go out to eat, l want to go
A: Hey, that's great! Congratu!ations. lt was great.
shopping, ! want to go to the theater.
How about dinner next Friday? We can We were singers.
What about San Francisco?
celebrate. They were rich.
G: San Francisco?
A: Yes, we can go sightseeing and see the M: Good idea. Which restaurant do you
city. You like to go sightseeing. want to go to?
G: Yes, but, ! don't like to go sightseeing A: How about Sinatra's?
in cities. ! like golng hiking, swimming, M: Where's that?
ptaying tennis-outdoor things. A: lt's in Melrose.
A: Hmm ... WeU what about Pa!m Springs? M: Hmm, that's pretty far. What about
You cango swimming-you !ike to swim. Wasabi?
And we can play ten nis, maybe sorne A: Wasabi? What kind of food do they
golf. And I cango shopping. And we can serve?
go out to eat. M: Japanese food.
G: You like to go out to eat ... OK, 1want
to go to Pa!m Springs.
-. ---------------------··- ----·---

B: No! 1was very bad! lt was funny. Daddy, A fantastic DVD player was a hundred and
(Page 92)
can I have ice cream far dinner? ninety-nine dollars. Sale price: one hundred
Ling /= /sabella K= Kenji and forty·nine.
J: No. lee cream's not good for dinner.
ML: OK. Your turn, Kenii.
K: Four! One, two, thÍee, four. My first
3. A great !aptop computer was thirteen thirty-
K: Hi, Jeff. l'm home. nine. Sale price: one thousand and fifteen!
1: OK, Kenji. Your first teacher. Forty-five
J: Hello, darling. How was work? A beautifu! Kenroko washing machi ne was
seconds. Starting now! K: lt was OK. What's far dinner? six hundred and twenty-five dortars. Sale
K: OK, my first teacher was Mrs. lloyd. J: Spaghetti. price: four hundred and sixty-five!
She was about fifty years old. K: Oh. OK. Can I turn on the TV? Hurry. Sale end5 soon.
ML: Was she a good teacher? ): Uh, yeah, sure.
A great 32-inch flat screen TV was one
K: She was a good teacher, but ! wasn't a 4. thousand eighty-nine do!lars Sale price:
good student. F: So, Jeff. How was your week? seven hundred and fifty.
1: Were you her favorite student? J: lt wasn't very good. My Aunt Dorothy is
here, my son is ... A new fridge was flve-oh-flve. Sale price:
K: 1wasn't her favorite student. Koj1 was
F: Oh! What's the matter? Jeff, cou!d you four twenty-seven!
her favorite student.
ML: Was Koji your friend? pass the milk? Anda fantastic Bilman stove was four
K: Yes, he ... Oh no! J: Yeah, sure. hundred and sixty·nine dollars. Sale prke:
ML: Too bad, Kenji. OK, lsabeUa, your turn. three hundred and twenty-five!
1: Two! One, two. Your last mea! ata ~¡t~~fil~i (Page 97) Remember, our sale ends tomorrow, so
restaurant. Louise: My school was called Washington hurry on down to Discount Electronics
ML: OK, lsabella. Your last meal ata High School. lt was in San today!
restaurant. Forty-five seconds. Starting Francisco. ! was there from 1981 to
now! 1986. lt was a good school, but 1 sj/t/gi,F~1i (Page 104)
!: OK, my [ast mea! ata restaurant was wasn't a very good student. ! was A=Abby C=Charlie N=Nick H=Haley
last week at Carluccio's. good at sports and art, but l was A: Hi, everyone. Sorry l'm late.
pretty bad at math and science and
I<: Oh - that's great. C: No probtem. Nice to see you.
!anguages. My favorite class was
1: Yes, and ... Oh no! art. My teacher was Mr. Uttle, and A: You, too Charlie. Hi Haley. You look
ML: Too bad, lsabella. OK, my turn. Five! he was great. My best friend was great.
One, two, three, four, five. My last Katie Wilson. She was in my class H: You, too.
vacation. and she was a lot of fun! A: Thanks. Hi Nicle
K: OK, Mei Ling Your last vacation. Forty- N: Nice to see you, Abby.
five seconds. Starting NOW! A: So how was your week, Nick?
ML: My tast vacation was two years ago. lt UNIT 10 Pa.st and future N: Wel!, it was pretty interesting. ! talked
was to a Pacific island caUed Palau. eve:n.ts to my manager on Tuesday, and he gave
K: Were you wíth your parents? me sorne news.
ML: l wasn't with my parents. ! was with my (Page 99) A: What?
friend, He!en. 1. You your wa!let. N: My company ís going to move to Texas.
J: Was ita good vacation? 2. A thief steals your cell phone. H: To Texas! What are you going to do?
ML: !t was a very good vacation. The hotel 3. You stay in bed a!l day. N: l'm not going to move to Texas. !'m going
was very nice. 4. You win the !ottery. to find a new Job.
!: Were there any tourlst attractions? 5. You get married. C: Well, l'm glad you're going to stay here.
Castles or palaces or ... ? N: Yeah, me, too. You know, 1was bored in
·6. You find $10 on the street.
ML: There weren't any castles or pa!aces, that job, so it's OK rea!!y. How was your
but there were sorne beautiful beaches. 7. A potice officer arrests you.
8. You move to a new house. week,Abby?
!: Was the weather nice? A: Awful. Someone sto!e my cell phone.
ML: lt was great. Sunny and hot ...
9. You break your !eg.
10. You meet your favorite actor. H: That's terrible. Where? When?
K: Time's up! That's forty-five seconds. A: Yesterday morning. On the train ! think.
Good job, Mei Ling.
1: Yes, good job. Your turn again. Uá~4f~ii (Page 1 O 1)
wanted /rd/; worked /t/; asked /t/;
N: Too bad. So did you get a new phone?
A: No, l'm so busy, there wasn't time. l'm
ML: Oh great! Six! One, two ... golng to get a new phone tomorrow.
talked /ti: moved /d/: closed /d/:
C: My week was busy, too. Lauren and !
U'1t~~j¡; (Page 94)
started /id/; cooked /t/: finished /t/:
arrested /1d/; lived /d/: walked /t/; moved to a new apartment on Monday.
4. do the laundry2. clean the bathroom played /d/; listened /d/ N: Oh great. How is it?
1.vacuum the house 3. wash the dishes C: !t's 01<, but we're not going to stay there
6. cook dinner 5, 1ron a shirt long. We're going to buy a house next
(Page 101)
year. How about you Haley?
Uii~ii.; (Page 95)
story of the Mona Lisa (Part 2)
The Mona Lisa moved to Versail!es, and H: Well, my week was very exciting. Daniel
AD=Aunt Dorothy J=Jeff B=Bil/y K=Karen then to the Louvre. In 1800, Napoleon asked me to marry h1m.
F=friend moved itto his bedroom, but it didn't stay A: He asked you to marry him! That's great!
1. there. Four years later, it was back in the N: What did you say?
AD: Helio, Jeff. How are you? Louvre. H: ! said yes!
J: Fine, thank you, Aunt Dorothy. How was Then, on August 21st, 1911, the Louvre C: Wow! Congratulations!
your füght? closed its doors. There was a big problem. A: That's reaUy exciting. When are you
AD: Awful. Awful. There wasn't any coffee. The Mona Lisa wasn't there! Who was the going to get married?
There was no movie. And the flight was thief? The police talked to lots of people. H: Oh, next year, ! think, maybe in the
late. l'm so tired. Cou[d you carry my They talked to Picasso. Was he the thief? summer. And of course you're all going
suitcases? There are three. He wasn't. But they didn't talk to Vincenzo to come to the wedding, ...
J: Uh, yeah, sure. Peruggia.
j: So, how was schoo!, BiHy? (Page 103)
B: Good! lt's Chr1stmas in July at Discount Electronics!
j: Were you good for your teacher? Come down to Discount Electronics today.
We've got low, low prices on hundreds of

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