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Hypotension in Cirrhosis
Ravi S. Vora, M.D., and Ram M. Subramanian, M.D., M.B.A.

CASE progressive splanchnic and systemic vasodilation mediated

via nitric oxide and other vasoactive molecules secondary
You are performing an inpatient consult for a 55-year-
to endothelial stretching and sheer stress.2 A hyperdy-
old man with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis cirrhosis who
namic state then ensues with an increase in cardiac output,
is admitted to the hospital for hepatic encephalopathy,
increase in heart rate, and a low systemic vascular resist-
which has since resolved. Although he is asymptomatic,
ance secondary to systemic vasodilatation. The decreased
the primary service is concerned about the patient’s low
effective arterial blood volume activates neurohormonal
blood pressure of 96/40 mm Hg and would like your input
systems such as the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
on whether he can be safely discharged with the low
(RAAS), leading to further volume expansion via sodium
blood pressure.
and water retention. However, because of portosystemic
shunting and splanchnic vasodilatation, effective central
blood volume remains low and the hyperdynamic state
continues, eventually leading to high-output heart failure
Circulatory and cardiac compromise in cirrhosis has (Fig. 1). A lower mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 60 to 65
been well studied. The primary pathophysiology stems mm Hg is often tolerated in compensated and stable pa-
from portal hypertension, which is induced from an in- tients through these compensatory mechanisms, which
creased resistance to flow secondary to distorted sinusoi- allow end-organ perfusion to be maintained.1,2 Any de-
dal architecture and is further sustained from an increase gree of insult to this system can result in significant hypo-
in portal venous flow.1 Portal hypertension induces both tension and decompensation.

Abbreviations: ADH, antidiuretic hormone; BP, blood pressure; CI, cardic index; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; CT,
computed tomography; CXR, chest X-ray; ECG, echocardiogram; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; GCS, Glasgow coma scale;
G-I, gastro-intestinal; Hb, hemoglobin; HCO3, bicarbonate; HRS, hepatorenal syndrome; IAP, intra-abdominal pressure; ICU,
intensive care unit; IJ, internal jugular; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PaO2, arterial partial pressure of oxygen; PCO2, partial
pressure carbon dioxide; PPS, portopulmonary syndrome; PVH, pulmonary venous hypertension; RAAS, renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system; RAP, right atrial pressure; RRT, renal replacement therapy; Rx, treatment; SCVO2, central venous oxygen
saturation; SNS, sympathetic nervous system; SVV, stroke volume variation.
From the Division of Digestive Diseases, Emory School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA.
Potential conflict of interest: Nothing to report.
Received July 30, 2018; accepted September 22, 2018.

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© 2019 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases

|   Clinical Liver Disease, VOL 13, NO 6, JUNE 2019 An Official Learning Resource of AASLD
Review Hypotension in Cirrhosis Vora and Subramanian

FIG 1  Pathophysiology of hypotension in cirrhosis.

The fragility of this system may not only be secondary these broad categories of shock: distributive, hypovolemic,
to circulatory abnormalities but also due to underlying and cardiogenic shock. Although adrenal insufficiency can
structural, electrical, and mechanical cardiac abnormal- be classified under distributive shock, recognizing adrenal
ities termed cirrhotic cardiomyopathy. This condition can insufficiency is paramount in patients with cirrhosis, so we
be seen in 40% to 50% of patients with cirrhosis, leading will discuss this as a separate entity.
to reduced cardiac contractility with systolic and diastolic
dysfunction, and electrophysiological abnormalities such as Distributive
prolongation of the QT interval.3 As opposed to patients Of the multiple etiologies that can precipitate distribu-
with cirrhosis without cardiomyopathy in whom cardiac tive shock, infections are by far the most common in pa-
output is increased, in patients with cirrhosis with cardiomy- tients with cirrhosis. Patients are at risk for both bacterial
opathy there is a blunted cardiac response to the activated and fungal infections largely as a result of dysbiosis, small
neurohormonal compensatory mechanisms secondary to bacterial overgrowth, bacterial translocation, an impaired
impaired cardiac function, leading to a further reduction in immunity, and increased rate of organism colonization.5,6
MAP.4 Thus, cirrhotic cardiomyopathy further impairs the Both sepsis and systemic inflammation can result in fur-
ability of the patient to tolerate any alteration to his or her ther deterioration of liver function via activation of tumor
hemodynamics. It is prudent to recognize the development necrosis factor α, interlukin-6, and other markers of the
of new-onset hypotension in cirrhosis, because this signals innate immune system. These factors contribute to hepa-
the presence of an insult that has the capability to induce tocellular microcirculatory dysfunction, leading to worsen-
multiorgan involvement and acute on chronic liver failure. ing portal hypertension and reduced hepatic blood flow,
which further worsens liver function.7
A systematic approach in evaluating new-onset hypo- Hypervolemia is often seen in this population due to third
tension includes classifying the different etiologies into spacing of volume, over-diuresis, and variceal bleeding, a

|  Clinical Liver Disease, VOL 13, NO 6, JUNE 2019 An Official Learning Resource of AASLD
Review Hypotension in Cirrhosis Vora and Subramanian

severe complication of portal hypertension. Hemorrhagic etiology of new-onset hypotension. Transfer to an intensive
shock secondary to variceal bleeding is more likely to occur care unit (ICU) is often necessary for further hemodynamic
when the hepatic venous pressure gradient is more than monitoring and treatment, and should be completed in a
12 mm Hg. Over-transfusion of volume in patients with hy- timely manner in patients who are showing signs of end-
potension should be done carefully because it can increase organ dysfunction, such as encephalopathy, acute renal
the portal pressures, and thus place patients at greater risk failure, and respiratory distress.
for variceal rupture.8
Assessment of volume status is difficult in patients with
cirrhosis due to the presence of ascites and edema. In crit-
Cardiogenic ically ill patients, arterial line catheters and central venous
As discussed previously, patients with cirrhosis are at access are helpful to guide resuscitative efforts. Change
risk for development of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy, which in central venous pressure after resuscitation is more in-
includes decreased contractility, impaired relaxation, and structive than a single measurement alone.7 In addition,
electrophysiological abnormalities causing cardiac dys- echocardiography is relatively inexpensive and can pro-
function. Signs and symptoms of this condition are not vide dynamic measurements of ventricular function and
readily identifiable until changes in demand occur, that is, response to volume resuscitation.6 Other minimally inva-
exercise, infection, hemorrhagic shock, transjugular porto- sive tools to assess hemodynamic parameters have gained
systemic shunt, and transplantation. QT prolongation can popularity in the ICU, such as stroke volume variation and
be an early indicator of this condition, which when un- pulse pressure variation; however, they have limited utility
masked can further renal hypoperfusion and lead to the in spontaneously breathing patients and furthermore have
development of hepatorenal syndrome (HRS).9 failed to demonstrate accuracy in patients with cirrhosis
who are undergoing liver transplantation.1,6

Adrenal Insufficiency Endpoints of resuscitative efforts have not been well

Adrenal insufficiency shares similar hemodynamic fea- studied in patients with cirrhosis; however, a goal mean ar-
tures with those that occur in cirrhosis and septic shock, terial blood pressure of 60 to 65 mm Hg is recommended
namely, increased cardiac output, decreased peripheral in critically ill patients with cirrhosis with additional organ
vascular resistance, decreased MAP, and a blunted re- failures (i.e., septic shock) to ensure organ perfusion (Fig.
sponse to vasopressors.10 Although adrenal insufficiency 2).1 For patients who are volume depleted secondary to
is seen in conjecture with stressed states such as sepsis, distributive shock, the use of crystalloid solutions (0.9%
patients with cirrhosis may have a relative adrenal insuf- saline) at a rate of 10 to 20 mL/kg is recommended. Other
ficiency that is more pronounced as the disease severity balanced salt solutions are preferred in patients with hy-
worsens. Several mechanisms likely contribute to impaired perchloremic acidosis and those with relative hyperchlore-
adrenal function in cirrhosis. An increase in inflammatory mia. If a volume overload state develops, fluids should be
markers such as cytokines has been shown to blunt the discontinued. Albumin should be used for specific indica-
cortisol response to corticotropin. Impaired synthesis of tions such as in suspected type 1 HRS, acute kidney injury,
adrenal steroid hormone and synthesis of cholesterol, a after large-volume paracentesis (>5 L), and in patients with
major precursor of steroid, in the liver may suppress the confirmed or suspected bacterial peritonitis.6 In patients
activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dur- who are unresponsive to appropriate repletion of volume,
ing periods of stress.10 the use of pharmacological management is indicated with
norepinephrine as the first-line vasopressor. Increasing
pressor requirements should signal the use of stress-dose
OVERALL MANAGEMENT OF steroids because adrenal insufficiency is common in criti-
HYPOTENSION cally ill patients with cirrhosis.1

The first step is recognition of new-onset hypotension Specific management of insult leading to hypotension
and responsiveness to volume challenge. In patients who should be treated according to current practice guide-
are not responsive to a simple volume challenge, it is nec- lines. Broadly accepted management strategies of septic
essary to then systematically evaluate their volume status, shock, such as tailoring antimicrobial therapy to a known
with either invasive or noninvasive measures, and for an pathogen after clinical improvement, apply to patients

151  |  Clinical Liver Disease, VOL 13, NO 6, JUNE 2019 An Official Learning Resource of AASLD
Review Hypotension in Cirrhosis Vora and Subramanian

A Hepatic Encephalopathy, GCS (< 7-9) Intubation A= Airway

C= Circulation
B Hypoxia FiO2
D, E BP consider etiology CPAP (non-invasive if co-operative)
metabolic CXR, CT, & ECG
Ventilation (consider portopulmonary syndrome)

• Central and/or Volume challenge –if responsive, observe

Peripheral Access
• Send blood tests • Sepsis
• Cross Match
• Cultures • Hypovolemia • G-I/loss excessive diuresis
Ongoing BP
consider etiologies &
• Bleeding Terlipressin
• Cardiac Index (if variceal)

• PaO2 Rx
•Central venous access (IJ) <70%
•Arterial access – clinical assessment SCV02 • Hb
of SVV on arterial trace
Do not assume volume replete
if hyperdynamic cardiac function,
•Measure RAP as is the norm in cirrhosis
•Assess response to volume
•Assess in context of IAP Blood Gas
•If elevated consider PPS/PVH

• Hb

• Cl – avoid NaCl containing fluids, e.g., 0.9% NaCl, 4.5% Albumin BP despite adequate volume

• Cl - may be NaCl deficient

• PaO2/PCO2/FiO2
lactate may need Invasive assessment of C.I.
• HCO3 - metabolic acidosis renal early RRT: bicarb buffer & volume status
• Na, Glucose, Mg, PO4

FIG 2  Management approaches for patients with cirrhosis who are admitted to the ICU. Reprinted with permission from Hepatology.
Copyright 2011, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.

with cirrhosis as well. Because patients with cirrhosis are bleeding should be considered in the differential because
at higher risk for fungal infections, if there is no clinical im- they can also lead to hypotension. Furthermore, a simple
provement, empiric coverage with antifungal therapy and volume challenge with 0.9% saline can be undertaken to
further evaluation for a source of infection with computed determine whether his blood pressure is responsive. If the
topography scans are indicated.1 initial workup is negative with no evidence of end-organ
damage, and he remains asymptomatic or responds to a
volume challenge, he can be safely discharged home with
CONCLUSION close follow-up. Discontinuation of antihypertensives, beta
blockers, and diuretics should also be strongly considered.
As it pertains to the aforementioned case of a patient
with cirrhosis who was admitted for hepatic encepha- Hypotension is not an uncommon occurrence in pa-
lopathy, now with a low blood pressure of 96/40 mm Hg tients with cirrhosis and is to be expected secondary to
(MAP of 59 mm Hg), albeit asymptomatic, the next step the circulatory and cardiac compromise seen in this popu-
should be to further investigate whether this is a change in lation. Compensatory mechanisms such as a hyperdynamic
his baseline blood pressure. Because he was admitted for circulation and a neurohormonal response to low effective
an episode of hepatic encephalopathy, precipitating fac- blood volume allow end-organ perfusion to be maintained
tors such as over-diuresis, infection, and gastrointestinal in the stable, compensated patient. Any protuberance to

|  Clinical Liver Disease, VOL 13, NO 6, JUNE 2019 An Official Learning Resource of AASLD
Review Hypotension in Cirrhosis Vora and Subramanian

this fragile system can cause new-onset hypotension and • Specific management of the insult leading to hypoten-
organ dysfunction; thus, it is imperative to both recognize sion should be treated according to current practice
and treat expeditiously. Of the multiple etiologies that can guidelines.
cause new-onset hypotension, sepsis and hypovolemia are
the most common. Initial management strategies include CORRESPONDENCE
a volume challenge. If unresponsive or there is evidence
Ram M. Subramanian, M.D., M.B.A., 1365 Clifton Road NE, Bldg. B,
of end-organ injury, closer monitoring in an ICU with 6th Floor, Ste. 6100, Atlanta, GA 30322. Email:
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153  |  Clinical Liver Disease, VOL 13, NO 6, JUNE 2019 An Official Learning Resource of AASLD

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