JIWA: Jakarta Biennale 2017

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Faqih Muhammad Azka (1206617009) until December 10th, 2017.

The “Biennale”
Muhammad Alfaridzi (1206617047) means is the exhibition is held once every
two years in Jakarta returns in 2017 with a
“Sunda Kelapa: Selamat Datang Jakarta” rather different take on the theme from
JIWA: Jakarta Biennale 2017 the previous editions. On the first three
editions, the curators and artists had an
outward outlook that were poured into
the arts, in which they tried to respond to
Jakarta’s urban problem. Taking a
different approach, in 2017 they go with
the theme JIWA, Jakarta Biennale present
human’s urge by observing various
relations that come afterwards.
Performance artists Melati Suryodarmo is
appointed as the Art Director of the
exhibition. She was assisted by four
curators which are Anissa Gultom
(Jakarta), Hendro Wiyanto (Jakarta),
Philippe Pirotte (Frankfurt), and Vit
JIWA: Jakarta Biennale 2017 was Havranek (Praha). Together, they picked
the exhibition we’ve visited in 2017, it has 51 artists to display their artworks in three
so many works from artists not only from main venues of the exhibition there are
Indonesia, but also from other country. It Gudang Sarinah Ekosistem at Pancoran,
was a good exhibition to visit because Museum Sejarah Jakarta (Fatahillah) and
every artworks we have seen has a soul Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik at Kota
even in the very small things, and that Tua. The theme was chosen as an
soul comes from within which later affects emergency measure in times of
various senses, feelings, knowledge that fanaticism, intolerance, madness are
reside within humans. This notion is tried growing stronger and stronger these days,
to be captured into the artworks especially in the capital city of Indonesia
displayed on Jakarta Biennale 2017 that where culture clashes and facts are easily
has been opened since November 4th distorted. Albeit picking a theme that has
more retrospective direction, that does in regard to its residents, floods, and fires.
not mean Jakarta Biennale becomes He splits his performance between teo
distant with the reality of society today. separate places. In the first place, he
As explained by Ade Darmawan, the grinds up the remnants of debris in
Executive Director of Yayasan Jakarta, kampung akuarium as a sign of the artist’s
Jakarta Biennale 2017 aims to enrich the presence. The debris is then crushed to
knowledge of art and entice the critical dill a punching bag, which is taken to his
side of society with a more contemplative performance space at the jakarta
and sublime ways. Melati also stated that biennale. This is his second performance
Jakarta Biennale acts as a window for space. The sandbag serves as a means for
people to know more about the existing the public to be physically involved as well
local problems in the city. Culture and the as a symbolic presence of the violence and
product from culture like artworks have wrath of the social landscape.
become a benchmark that could measure The social landscape which
society’s development as she added. So, aliansyah has observed since 2016 is a
JIWA: Jakarta Biennale 2017 is hoped to consequence of policing and residential
become a measuring tool to assess relocation by the greater Jakarta
whether the society is in good condition administration. A number of residents
or not. who have moved to a new area have
From all of the artworks we’ve always tried to return to their previous
seen there is one work that we think it home despite it having been levelled to
was eye catching, it is a performance art the ground. As if one within a reciprocal
by Aliansyah Caniago. At Jakarta Biennale relation with their old landscape, mani
2017, Aliansyah observes the fast residents of kampung akuarium have built
changing drama in the residential new homes from debris.
community of Kampung Akuarium in His focuses are identity, memory,
Penjaringan, Sunda Kelapa, North Jakarta social circles, tradition, and modernity. He
in installation and performance art uses landscape and social space
punching bag with HD Video that played interchangeably. According to Aliansyah,
on screen 8 hours straight per day. Landscape cannot be unders tood as a
Kampung Akuarium is an area outskirts of panorama or static vista. Landscape art
jakarta that has grown out of proportion experts can show that landscape
(landschaft, landscipe) is formed by two
things, that is, land and scabe, schaffen or
ship (partnership). There is a human
element and space formation in every
landscape because of human presence
and interaction.
He is a former amateur boxer in
Bandung, Aliansyah is trained to use the
body's physical movements and potential
to face an opponent. The body's ability to
take a punch becomes a symbolic
narrative to evoke our me mory of social
spaces imbued with indiscernible
struggle.and he show he's boxing ability in
performance in second performance
space, represent the public to be
physically invalved as well as a symbolic
presence of the violence and wrath of the
social landscape.

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