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Aphorisms From


《荀子》 名言 / 本社编选;李 晓 亮 等 译;王 铭 基

绘 . —济南:齐鲁书社,2006.8
ISBN 7 - 5333 - 1663 - 0

Ⅰ . 荀 . . . Ⅱ . ①本 . . . ②李 . . . ③ 王 . . . Ⅲ . 荀子
格言 汉、英 Ⅳ . B222.65

中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字(2006)第 056936 号

本社 编选

社 址 济南经九路胜利大街 39 号
邮 编 250001
网 址 www. qlss. com. cn
电子邮箱 qlss@sdpress. com. cn
印 刷 山东新华印刷厂
开 本 787 × 1092 / 16
印 张 10.25
插 页 2
字 数 121 千
版 次 2006 年 8 月第 1 版
印 次 2006 年 8 月第 1 次印刷
标准书号 ISBN 7—5333—1663—0 /B・218
定 价:19.00 元
Aphorisms from XunZi

致士篇 ………… 73
议兵篇 ………… 75
强国篇 ………… 79
天论篇 ………… 81
正论篇 ………… 83 131
礼论篇 ………… 84 132
乐论篇 ………… 85 133
解蔽篇 ………… 87 139
正名篇 ………… 89 141
君子篇 ………… 92 146
赋篇 …………… 94 148
大略篇 ………… 95 149
法行篇 …………100 154

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 1

C onte nts

Pr eface ……………………………………1

Of Learning ………………………………1 1
Self鄄Cultivating ………………………… 12 12
Nothing Indecorous …………………… 18 18
Honor and Disgrace ………………………
23 23
Criticizing Physiognomy ……………………
30 30
Criticizing Twelve Philosophers …………37 69
Confucius ……………………………… 41 73
The Teachings of the Ru …………………
43 77
The Regulations of a King …………………
59 97
Enriching the State …………………………
Of Kings and Lords鄄Protector ………………
The Way of Lords ……………………………
The Way of Ministers ………………………
Attracting Scholars …………………………

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi

Debate on the Principles of Warfare …… 75119

Strengthening the State ………………… 79123
Discourse on Heaven ……………………81127
Discourse on Rectifying …………………83131
Discourse on Ritual Principles ………… 84132
Discourse on Music ………………………
Dispelling Blindness …………………… 87139
Correcting Names ……………………………
The Gentleman ………………………… 92146
Fu鄄Style Poems ………………………… 94148
The Great Compendium …………………95149
The Model for Conduct …………………100154

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 1

凡一种文化, 必有一种思想为之核心, 其核心之思

想, 又必有一人物为之代表。 吾中国传统文化之核心为
儒家思想, 其代表即为孔子, 此孔子之所以立于世界文
化思想之林而垂之不朽也。 儒家思想赖以保存者为儒家
经典, 而其思想之精粹往往浓缩于简要之语句, 辞约而
旨丰, 事近而喻远, 家弦户诵, 百读不厌, 此简括之语句
即世所谓“名言”是也。 如《诗经》“他山之石,可以攻玉”;
“高山仰止, 景行行止”; “投我以桃, 报之以李”; “既明且
“学而时习之, 不亦说乎”; “温故而知新, 可以为师矣”;
“学而不思则罔, 思而不学则殆”; “知之为知之, 不知为
之气”;“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”。 《荀子》
“赠人以言,重于金石珠玉”;“锲而不舍,金石可镂”。 《左
传》“多行不义,必自毙”;“皮之不存,毛将安傅”。 《礼记》
道之行也, 天下为公”。 综而观之, 实为吾中华民族人格

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi

之所在。 夫儒家文化固以孔子为代表, 其影响于中国历

史乃至世界历史者至巨至深。 唯儒家思想虽熔铸于孔
子, 其渊源亦至深至远。 孔子祖述尧舜, 宪章文武, 继轨
周公, 实为吾国传统文化之集大成者。 其所以为历代尊
为祖师,奉为准绳,要在于此,所谓 “为往圣继绝学,为万
世开太平”者,非孔子不足以当之也。 吾国自鸦片战争以
来, 屡为外族所侵迫, 割地赔款, 卑躬屈膝, 实为数千年
来未有之奇耻大辱。 奋发图强,后生之责。 唯面对列国,
或生自鄙之心, 以为强国之路, 在于全盘西化, 甚或以国
家落后归咎于孔子, 必欲去之而后快。 真邯郸学步之腐
儒也。 犹忆上世纪之末, 有外国人所撰 《学习的革命》 一
书, 号称 “一天读四本书”、 “四至八周掌握一门外语”, 真
骇人听闻之事, 而国人大好其奇, 争相购读, 创一天发行
二十五万册之罕见记录。 此风虽骤来又复骤去, 却可见
国人对于数千年学习成法已信心大减, 甚至弃如敝屣。
学习如是, 余可知也。 然则, 探讨儒家思想之现代意义,
弘扬吾国传统文化,实为当务之急。 齐鲁书社有鉴于此,
撷取儒家经典之名言隽语, 翻为今言, 译成英文, 并配以
图画,非单有益国人讽诵,亦且便于外国研习。 其于吾国
文化之继承,功莫大焉,故乐为之序。 二千又六年八月八

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 1


Every culture has a thought as its core熏 and the

thought is usually represented by a great figure. The
thought as the core of the Chinese culture is the Confucian
thought熏 which is represented by Confucius熏 who thus
stands out immortally among the forest of cultures and
thoughts of the world. The Confucian thought dwells in the
Confucian classics熏 whose quintessence is condensed into
terse sentences which熏 rich in purport and meaningful熏 be-
come household sayings upheld by the world as epigrams熏
such as “Stones from other mountains can be used to cut
jade”熏 “Great is your virtue like a mountain high熏 like a
broad way for people to go” 熏 “You throw me a peach熏 and
I requite it with a plum”熏 “clear鄄sighted and wise熏 You
may assure your own safety”熏 “Careful and cautious熏 I be-
have熏 as if I were approaching an abyss熏 as if I were tread-
ing on thin ice” 穴 The Book of Songs雪 鸦 “Is it not pleasant
to study and at due times to practice what one has
learnt芽 ”熏 “If a man acquires new when he reviews what he
has learnt熏 he is qualified to be a teacher”熏 “He who just

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
2 荀子名言

studies but does not think will be puzzled. He who just

thinks but does not study will be perilous”熏 “To say you
know a thing when you know it 熏 and to admit you do not
know a thing when you do not know it”熏 “Listen widely but
set aside the doubtful points 熏 while speaking of the undoubt-
ed parts with caution熏 and you will make few mistakes”
穴 The Analects雪 鸦 “He who rules in the proper course will
be assisted by many熏 he who does not rule in the proper
course will be assisted by few”熏 “A superior man neither
complains about Heaven nor blame others”熏 “I am skillful
in nourishing my noble spirit”熏 “I will not be shaken by
wealth or high rank熏 nor changed by poverty or humble posi-
tion熏 nor will I give myself up to power or force”
穴 Mencius雪 鸦 “Presenting the gift of truth to another is more
valuable than gold熏 gems熏 pearls熏 and jade”熏 “Work with
perseverance熏 even metal and stone can be engraved”
穴 Xun Zi 雪 鸦 “One will walk up to perdition if he has done
many bad things”熏 “What would fur grow on if there were
no skin芽 ” 穴 Zuo Zhuan雪 鸦 “Courtesy demands reciprocity.
It doesnot come up to courtesy if there would be no reciproci -
ty”熏 “The greatest course is that all the people under Heav-
en share all under Heaven” 穴 The Book of Rites雪 . General-
ly熏 these epigrams and aphorisms plainly tell the personali -
ty of the Chinese people. With Confucius as its represen-

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 3

tative熏 the Confucian culture has extended its influence up-

on the Chinese history and even upon the world history to
the utmost. Confucius integrated the Confucian thoughts熏
whose source熏 however熏 traced back far and deep. Confu-
cius kept to the great virtue and noble deeds of Yao and
Shun熏 modeled on King Wen and King Wu熏 followed the
course of Duke Chow熏 hence the greatest epitomizer of the
Chinese culture. And right for this熏 Confuciushasbeenhigh-
ly revered as master and canon熏 just as the saying goes押 it
was no other than Confucius that was wise enough to
“inherit the past sages' wisdom and open up peace for all
ages”. Since the OpiumWar熏 our country熏 repeatedly invad-
ed and oppressed by the foreign countries熏 ceding territory
and compensating cringingly熏 suffered unprecedented
shames. Therefore熏 as the posterity of the sages熏 we must
shoulder the glorious duty to rise up and strive to be
strong. Faced with the powers熏 some people used to be-
come self鄄abased熏 fancying that, to become strong熏 our
country must be westernized鸦 some ascribed our country' s
backwardness to Confucius熏 clamoring that Confucianism
must be eradicated. What stupidity 选 I recall that at the
end of the last century some foreigners wrote a book so
called Revolution of Study熏 claiming that following his
method one would be able to “finish four books within a

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
4 荀子名言

day”熏 and “master a foreign language within four to eight

weeks”. Fantastic though it is熏 some of our countrymen be-
came so fascinated with it that they fervently bought the
book and hopefully read it熏 making the book a best seller押
250熏 000 books were issued a day熏 setting a rare record
high in the publication circle. Though it flashed past in a
blink熏 the vogue revealed that our countrymen had lost
their confidence in the learning tradition set up by our ances-
tors thousands of years ago熏 or even cast it aside like an
old shoe. Such being this熏 other things are analogous. In
this case熏 it is of great urgency to probe into and extend
the modern meaning of the Confucian thoughts and carry for-
ward our traditional culture. In this light熏 Qilu Press have
the Confucian epigrams and aphorisms selected熏 compiled
and translated intomodernChinese and English with anillus-
trationadded to each of them. These booksare not only bene-
ficial to the Chinese readers熏 but also good for the overseas
readers who are interested in Confucianism. A good inheri -
tance of our country' s culture熏 they are valuable and ad-
mirable efforts熏 hence the above lines as the preface.
Du Zexun of Tengzhou
at the Huaiying Apartment Building 熏 Shandong University.
Aug. 8熏 2006

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 1

眼原 文演

青, 取之于蓝, 而青于蓝; 冰, 水为之, 而寒



眼译 文演

靛青是从蓝草中提取出来的, 却比蓝草更

Although blue comes from the indigo plant熏 it

is bluer than indigo鸦 and ice is made of water熏 but
it is colder than water.
Of Learning

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi

眼原 文演

木受绳则直, 金就砺则利, 君子博学而日参


眼译 文演

木材经过墨线的比量, 才可以取直; 金属经

过磨刀石的磨砺,就会变得锋利。 君子广泛地进
行学习, 并且天天省察自己, 就会心智聪明, 而

The wood that has been marked with the

plumbline will be straight and metal that has been
put to the whetstone will be sharp. A gentleman
should broaden his knowledge and examine himself
to make himself wise and free from mistakes.
Of Learning

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 1

眼原 文演

不登高山, 不知天之高也; 不临深谿, 不知


眼译 文演

不登上高山, 就不知道天的高远; 不走近深

谷, 就不知道地的深厚; 没有听过先王遗留下来

If you do not climb up a high mountain熏 you

will not be aware of the height of the sky. If you do
not overlook a deep gorge熏 you will not be aware of
the depth of the earth. If you have not heard the
words passed down from the ancient Kings熏 you will
not be aware of the greatness of the learning.
Of Learning

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi

眼原 文演

吾尝终日而思矣, 不如须臾之所学也; 吾尝

眼译 文演

我曾经整天思索, 可是不如一瞬间的学习
所得; 我曾经踮起脚跟远望, 可是不如登高远望

I once spent a whole day deep in thought熏 but

it was not so valuable as one moment in studying.
Once I stood on my tiptoes to look out into the dis-
tance熏 but I could not see as far as when I climbed
to a high place.
Of Learning

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 1

眼原 文演

君子居必择乡, 游必就士, 所以防邪僻而近


眼译 文演

君子居留必定要选择乡里, 交游必定要接
近贤士, 这样才能防止自己误入歧途而接近正

When the gentleman resides in a place熏 he

must choose the area carefully. And when he
seeks the society of others 熏 he should approach
scholars熏 so that he can keep away from evil and
align himself with what is fair and upright.
Of Learning

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi

眼原 文演

积土成山, 风雨兴焉; 积水成渊, 蛟龙生焉;


眼译 文演

积聚泥土就会形成大山, 风雨从中发作起
来; 汇集水流就会形成深渊, 蛟龙就在这里成长
起来。 积累善行就会成就美德,同时自然就会心

If you accumulate enough earth to build up a

high mountain熏 rain and wind will follow. If you ac-
cumulate enough water to fill a chasm熏 scaly drag-
ons will come into being. If you accumulate e -
nough benevolent actions to develop your moral
character 熏 a divine clarity of intelligence will be
naturally realized and a sagelike mind will come
to you.
Of Learing

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 1

眼原 文演

不积跬步, 无以至千里; 不积小流, 无以成


眼译 文演

不一步两步地积累, 就无法到达远处; 不汇

If you do not go pace by pace熏 there is no way

to reach 1熏 000 li 鸦 and if you do not accumulate
small streams熏 there is no means to form a river or
Of Learning

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi

眼原 文演

骐骥一跃, 不能十步; 驽马十驾, 功在不


眼译 文演

良马一跳, 没有十步远; 劣马跑十天也能跑


Even a splendid horse could not exceed ten

paces in a single stride熏 but in ten days a inferior
horse could. Its success lies in its persistence.
Of Learning

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 1

眼原 文演

锲而舍之, 朽木不折; 锲而不舍, 金石可


眼译 文演

雕刻东西时如果半途而废, 就是腐朽的木
头也刻不断; 坚持雕刻下去, 就是金属和石头也

If you do carving but quit half way熏 you could

not even sculp a piece of rotting wood. However熏
if you work with perseverance熏 even metal and
stone can be engraved.
Of Learning

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10 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

眼睛不能同时看两处, 而且看得分明; 耳朵

The eyes can not look at two objects at the

same time and see either clearly鸦 the ears can not
listen to two things at one time and hear both distinct-
Of Learning

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 11

眼原 文演

百发失一, 不足谓善射; 千里跬步不至, 不


眼译 文演

射出一百支箭, 有一支没有射中, 就不足以

称作长于射箭。 走一千里的路程,有一二步没有
走完, 就不足以叫做善于驾车。 事理不通达, 仁

A man can not be called an expert archer if he

misses one shot in 100. A man can not be called
an expert carriage driver if he travels a journey of
1熏 000 li but fail to take the last half 鄄step. A man
can not be called an expert in learning if he does
not deal with various categories of things appropriat-
ly and does not fully grasp the principles of human-
ity and justice.
Of Learning

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
12 荀子名言

眼原 文演

见善, 修然必以自存也; 见不善, 愀然必以


眼译 文演

看到好的行为, 必定端端正正地以此来对
照自己; 看到不好的行为, 必定诚惶诚恐地借此

He must preserve it with delight when a man

catches sight of good. He is sure to reflect on him-
self with sorrowful apprehension when a man finds
what is not good.

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 13

眼原 文演

善在身, 介然必以自好也; 不善在身, 碦然


眼译 文演

自身有良好的行为, 必定会坚定不移地爱
好自己; 不良的行为在身上, 必定会如同受到灾

He is certain to cherish his being with a sense

of firmness if a man catches sight of what is good
within himself. He is sure to hate that it is there if
a man finds what is not good.

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

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14 荀子名言

眼原 文演

人无礼则不生, 事无礼则不成, 国家无礼则


眼译 文演

做人不讲礼义, 就不能生存; 做事不讲礼


One who has no sense of propriety or ritual

will not survive熏 endeavors engaged in without ritu-
al will not be successful熏 a nation without ritual
will not be stable.

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 15

眼原 文演

良农不为水旱不耕, 良贾不为折阅不市, 士

眼译 文演

优秀的农夫不会因为旱涝就不去耕种, 优
秀的商人不会因为赔本就不去做买卖, 有操守

A good farmer will not fail to plow because of

flood and drought. A good merchant will not fail to
do business on account of occasional losses. The
scholar 鄄gentleman will not neglect the Way be-
cause of poverty.

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

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16 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

一步两步地走个不停, 瘸腿的龟鳖也能够
走完一千里路。 把土不停地堆积起来,山丘也能
堆成。 塞住它的水源, 给它开通沟渠, 江河也可
以枯竭。 一会儿前进,一会儿后退,一会儿向左,

A lame turtle can go 1熏 000 li if it goes ahead step

by step鸦 a high mountain could be completed if we pile
up earth persistently. The Yangtze and Yellow River
can be drained dry if you dam up its sources and open
their sluices. If six strong horses go after stop熏 chop
and change熏 sometimes left熏 sometimes right熏 even
they will not reach their destination.

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

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荀子名言 17

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

道路虽然近, 如果不去走, 就无法到达目的


Although the road is short熏 you will never

reach the destination unless you walk it鸦 although
the task is small熏 you will never complete it unless
you do it.

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
18 荀子名言

眼原 文演

君子行不贵苟难, 说不贵苟察, 名不贵苟


眼译 文演

君子对于行为, 不以虚假的难能为可贵; 对
于学说, 不以虚假的明察为可贵; 对于名声, 不

As matter of conduct熏 the gentleman does not

respect inappropriate熏 though difficult熏 feats鸦 as
far as his doctrine熏 he does not take pride in improp-
er investigations鸦 in matters of reputation he does
not cherish groundless talk.
Nothing Indecorous

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

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荀子名言 19

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

君子有才能, 人们就以向他学习为光荣; 没
有才能, 人们就乐于告知他。 小人有才能, 人们
就以向他学习为鄙贱; 没有才能, 人们也不愿意

If the gentleman is a man of ability熏 others

will be honored to learn from him鸦 on the contrary熏
if he is not熏 they will be glad to inform him of what
he does not know. If the petty man is capable熏 oth-
ers will consider it shameful to learn from him鸦 on
the contrary熏 if he is not 熏 they will be ashamed to
inform him of what he does not know.
Nothing Indecorous

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

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20 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

君子崇尚别人的德行, 赞扬别人的优点, 并

If the gentleman uphold the virtue of others or

praises their merits熏 not for flattery.
Nothing Indecorous

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眼原 文演


眼译 文演

君子修养内心,没有比真诚更好的。 真诚到

When the gentleman engages in self鄄cultiva鄄

tion熏 honest is the most important . If he can be com-
pletely honest熏 he has nothing else to worry about.
If he has achieved the perfection of sincerity熏 he
will has nothing to do.
Nothing Indecorous

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
22 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

君子职位尊贵 熏 但内心仍然严肃恭逊; 心只

Even when the gentleman occupies a lofty posi-

tion熏 he should be serious and modest. His mind
is small熏 but the Way in his mind is great.
Nothing Indecorous

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 23

眼原 文演

与人善言, 暖于布帛; 伤人之言, 深于矛


眼译 文演

跟别人说些善意的话, 比给他穿件衣服还

To hear words of praise makes one feel

warmer than thick cotton clothes. But hurtful
words sting sharper than a spear.
Honor and Disgrace

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
24 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

凡是争斗的人, 必定认为自己是对的, 而认

As far as fighting is concerned熏 one must con-

sider himself right and others wrong.
Honor and Disgrace

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 25

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

有自知之明的人不埋怨别人, 懂得命运的

Those who know themselves never blame oth-

ers熏 and those who know the way of the world nev-
er blame Heaven.
Honor and Disgrace

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
26 荀子名言

眼原 文演

先义而后利者荣, 先利而后义者辱; 荣者常


眼译 文演

把道义放在利益前面的人是光荣的, 把利
益放在道义前面的人是可耻的; 光荣的人常常

Those who put humaneness and righteousness

over profit are honorable鸦 Those who put matters of
profit over humaneness and righteousness are dishon-
orable. Those who are honorable always gain suc-
cess鸦 Those who are dishonorable will always be pen-
niless and frustrated.
Honor and Disgrace

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 27

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

君子对别人讲究诚信, 同时也希望别人信

As far as the gentleman is concerned熏 he

trusts others and he hopes that others could trust
him as well.
Honor and Disgrace

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
28 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

在困顿的时候, 名声不会被埋没; 在通达的

时候, 名声会很显赫; 自己死了, 名声却更响

When a gentleman is penniless and frustrat-

ed熏 his reputation will not be buried. When a gentle-
man is successful熏 his reputation will be splen-
dent. And when he is dead熏 his reputation will be-
come more eminent than ever.
Honor and Disgrace

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 29

眼原 文演

以治情则利, 以为名则荣, 以群则和, 以独


眼译 文演

用 穴 《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》 雪 来修治情欲,就
能够有利; 用它们来求取名声, 就会获得荣耀;
用它们来和众人相处, 就可以和睦融洽; 用它们

You will benefit if you employ The Book of

Songs熏 The Book of History 熏 The Rites and The
Music to restrain your desires鸦 you will gain honor if
you make use of them to seek reputation鸦 you will
live with others in harmony if you take advantage of
them to get along with others鸦 and you will be hap-
py if you utilize them when you are alone.
Honor and Disgrace

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
30 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

观察人的表面不如考察他的思想, 考察他

Observing one蒺s appearance is not so impor-

tant as observing his mind熏 and observing his mind
is not as important as selecting his ways of behav-
ing himself.
Criticizing Physiognomy

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 31

眼原 文演

术正而心顺之, 则形相虽恶而心术善, 无害

眼译 文演

立身处世的方法纯正, 而思想顺随着它, 那
么外表虽然丑陋, 而思想、 行为善良, 也妨碍不
了他成为君子; 外表虽然美好, 思想、 行为丑恶,

Even if a man蒺s appearance is ugly熏 when his

actions are right and his mind complies with them 熏
and his mind is good熏 nothing can prevent him
from becoming a gentleman. Although a man蒺s ap-
pearance may be handsome熏 when his actions are
wrong熏 his mind is evil熏 nothing can hinder him
from being a petty man.
Criticizing Physiognomy

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
32 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

根据近世了解远古, 由一事知道万事, 通过

One can understand what is far away based on

what is near. One can understand the ways of count-
less things based on knowing one thing . One can un-
derstand what is evident through what is subtle.
Criticizing Physiognomy

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 33

眼原 文演

以人度人, 以情度情, 以类度类, 以说度功,


眼译 文演

通过一人猜测另一人, 通过自己的内心推
测别人的内心, 通过一类事物推断另一类事物,
通过言语推断功效, 通过规律去观察一切事物,

The sage makes use of one man to measure

the others熏 takes advantage of conditions to gauge
conditions熏 uses one category of things to measure
the other category熏 utilizes the doctrine to measure
achievements熏 and exploits the Way to observe every-
thing. This has been true ever since ancient times.
Criticizing Physiognomy

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
34 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

君子对于正确的学说, 在心里喜欢它, 在行

The gentleman蒺s attitude towards the truth is

that in his heart he loves it熏 his actions comply
with it熏 and he likes to spread it.
Criticizing Physiognomy

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 35

眼原 文演

赠人以言, 重于金石珠玉; 观人以言, 美于


眼译 文演

把良言赠送给别人, 比金银财宝还要贵重;
把良言拿给别人看, 比礼服上的花纹还要美丽;
把良言讲给别人听, 比让人听到钟鼓琴瑟之声

Presenting the gift of truth to another is more

valuable than gold熏 gems熏 pearls熏 and jade. Show-
ing it to another is more beautiful than the decora-
tive design on formal gowns. Making one hear it is
more enjoyable than the music played on bells and
Criticizing Physiognomy

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
36 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

辨论细节不如找出头绪, 找出头绪不如揭

Discrimination of trivial matters is not as impor-

tant as finding its source鸦 finding its source is not
as important as finding out its essence.
Criticizing Physiognomy

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 37

眼原 文演

纵情性, 安恣睢, 禽兽行, 不足以合文通


眼译 文演

纵情任性, 放荡骄矜, 行为像禽兽一样, 谈


If a man indulges his desires熏 does not re-

strain his passions熏 and behaves himself like an ani-
mal熏 he is not competent for conforming to the
right ideals and correct political principles.
Criticizing Twelve Philosophers

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
38 荀子名言

眼原 文演

知而无法, 勇而无惮, 察辩而操僻熏 淫大而

眼译 文演

明智却不守法度, 勇敢而无所顾忌, 明察善

辩而所持论点荒诞不经, 奢侈无度而刚愎自用,
喜好奸邪而同党众多, 就像善于奔跑而走入歧
途, 背着石头而失足掉下, 这些都是天下人所抛

People all through the world will discard those

who are intelligent but without standards熏 those
who are brave but unscrupulous熏 those who are capa-
ble of precise discriminations but persist in per-
verse principles熏 those who are extravagant but with-
out limit熏 those who are fond of evil and make oth-
ers indulge in it熏 those who go astray despite be-
ing good at racing熏 and those who carry a stone on
their back only to loose their footing.
Criticizing Twelve Philosophers

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 39

眼原 文演

君子耻不修, 不耻见污; 耻不信, 不耻不见


眼译 文演

君子把自己品德不好看作耻辱, 而不把被
人诬蔑看作耻辱; 把自己不诚信看作耻辱, 而不
把不被信任看作耻辱; 把自己能力不济看作耻

The gentleman considers not cultivating him-

self as shameful熏 but he is not ashamed to show his
flaws. He considers it as shameful not to be trustwor-
thy熏 but he is not ashamed that he does not appear
trustworthy. He considers incompetence as shame-
ful熏 but he is not ashamed not to be appointed.
Criticizing Twelve Philosophers

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
40 荀子名言

眼原 文演

佚而不惰, 劳而不 , 宗原应变, 曲得其宜,


眼译 文演

安逸, 但是并不懒惰; 劳顿, 但是并不懈怠,

奉行基本原则来随机应变地处理事务, 使它们
各得其宜。 做到这样,然后才能成为圣人。

Although he is casual熏 he is not lazy. Al-

though he is working hard熏 he will never slack. To
the ancestral origins and ultimate roots of things熏
he could deal with everything and bring everything
in its proper place. Only in this way could he be-
come a sage in the end.
Criticizing Twelve Philosophers

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 41

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

地位高贵但不表现奢侈, 受到信任但不忘

When a gentleman is exalted熏 he will not be

extravagant. When he is trusted熏 he will not give
excuse for suspicion. When he is entrusted with im-
portant responsibilities熏 he will not want only above
his power.

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
42 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

君子在现实情况需要退缩的时候, 就要退
缩; 在现实情况需要施展抱负的时候就要施展

The gentleman should bend himself when the

conditions require熏 but straighten out when the condi-
tions permit.

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 43

眼原 文演

虽穷困冻 , 必不以邪道为贪; 无置锥之


眼译 文演

即使穷困潦倒、 受冻挨饿, 也一定不要用歪

门邪道去谋取利益; 即使没有立足之地, 也要明

Even when a man is impoverished and belea-

guered熏 starving and freezing熏 he will not make
use of perverse ways to benefit鸦 Even when he has
no space to live熏 he will understand the meaning of
maintaining his country.
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
44 荀子名言

眼原 文演

志意定乎内, 礼节修乎朝, 法则度量正乎


眼译 文演

意志安定于本身, 礼节修正于朝廷, 法律准

则、 规章制度持正于官府, 忠诚、 信义、 仁爱、 利

The aspirations of a man蒺s will are embedded

in his mind. The rituals are cultivated in court熏
the laws and rules are in order in official bureaus熏
and loyalty熏 faithfulness熏 love熏 and beneficence
will be manifested in the people.
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 45

眼原 文演

近者歌讴而乐之, 远者竭蹶而趋之, 四海之


眼译 文演

近处的人们都歌颂而且喜欢他, 远方的人
们争先恐后地来归顺他, 四海之内就如同一家
人一样, 凡是交通便利的地方没有不想归服的,

Those who are near him will sing praise of him

and rejoice in him鸦 those who are far away will vie
with each other in rushing to him. The people all
through the world will be as of one family熏 for wher-
ever his reputation penetrates熏 none will fail to fol-
low him and submit to him. This kind of man can
be called a real teacher.
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
46 荀子名言

眼原 文演

言必当理, 事必当务, 是然后君子之所长


眼译 文演

说话一定要符合道理, 做事一定要符合要

When a man speaks熏 he must be reasonable.

When a man undertakes something熏 he must be in
accord with proper demand熏 all of which a gentle-
man is good at.
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 47

眼原 文演

凡事行, 有益于理者立之, 无益于理者废


眼译 文演

凡是事情和行为, 对于治理有益的就做, 对

Those things and behaviors that are favorable

for governing熏 we should embrace them. Those
things and behaviors that are useless to governing熏
we should abolish them.
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
48 荀子名言

眼原 文演

凡知说, 有益于理者为之, 无益于理者舍


眼译 文演

凡是知识学说, 对于治理有益的就确立它,

When knowledge and doctrine are beneficial

for governing熏 we should implement them. When
doctrine is useless towards governing熏 we should re-
ject it.
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 49

眼原 文演

君子无爵而贵, 无禄而富, 不言而信, 不怒


眼译 文演

君子没有爵位也尊贵, 没有俸禄也富有, 不
辩说也有信誉, 不发怒也有威严, 身处贫困也能

Although the gentleman has no noble rank熏 he

can still be respectable. Although he has no offi-
cial salary熏 he is wealthy. Even when he does not
speak熏 he will be trusted. Although he does not
show anger熏 he will be looked up to with owe. Al-
though he is poor熏 he flourishes. Although he lives
alone熏 he is happy.
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
50 荀子名言

眼原 文演

君子务修其内而让之于外, 务积德于身而
处之以遵道。 如是, 则贵名起如日月, 天下应之

眼译 文演

让, 自身积累德行并按照正确的原则去处理事

A gentleman commits himself to cultivating

his morality with a reserved attitude towards the oth-
ers熏 devotes himself to accumulating his own virtue
in compliance with the Way. Only like this熏 will his
noble reputation arise just like the sun and the
moon熏 and the people all over the world will respond
to him just like the reverberations of thunder.
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 51

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

君子即使隐微也会显赫, 即使地位低下也
会光荣, 即使谦逊退让也会在气势上胜过别

Although the gentleman is subtle熏 he will be

outstanding. Although he is disadvantaged熏 he will
be brilliant. Although he is modest and subtle熏 he
will gain advantage over the other people.
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
52 荀子名言

眼原 文演

以从俗为善, 以货财为宝, 以养生为己至


眼译 文演

把遵从习俗看作美德, 把货物钱财看作宝
贝, 把修身养性看作自己应遵循的最高准则, 这

The virtue of the masses is that they consider

following certain customs to be good熏 consider trea-
sure to be valuable熏 and consider cultivating morali-
ty to be the highest standard.
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 53

眼原 文演

彼大儒者, 虽隐于穷阎漏屋, 无置锥之地,


眼译 文演

那伟大的儒者, 即使隐居在穷乡陋室中, 没
有立足之地, 但君王和诸侯也没有能力和他竞

As a great sage熏 although he hid himself in an

impoverished village and leaky house and had no
space to live in熏 still the kings and the dukes can
not contend with him for fame.
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
54 荀子名言

眼原 文演

知之曰知之, 不知曰不知, 内不自以诬, 外

不自以欺, 以是尊贤畏法而不敢怠傲, 是雅儒者

眼译 文演

知道就说知道, 不知道就说不知道, 对内不

欺骗自己, 对外不欺骗他人, 通过这种方法尊重
贤士, 畏惧法令, 不敢懈怠傲慢, 这才算是雅正

When a gentleman knows something熏 he will

say he knows it鸦 and when he does not know some-
thing熏 he will say he does not know it熏 he will not
be self鄄deceptive and not deceive the other people.
In this way熏 he will respect sages and be afraid of
the laws and decrees without loosening himself and
being overbearing. Such is an upright confucian.
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 55

眼原 文演

不闻不若闻之, 闻之不若见之, 见之不若知


眼译 文演

没有听到不如听到, 听到不如亲眼见到, 亲
眼见到不如理解, 理解不如实行, 学习到了实行

Having heard something is better than not熏 hav-

ing heard it is not as good as having seen it熏 having
seen it is not as good as understanding it熏 under-
standing it is not as good as putting it into practice
which is the highest level of learning.
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
56 荀子名言

眼原 文演

有师法者, 人之大宝也; 无师法者, 人之大


眼译 文演

有师长, 懂法度, 是人们最大的宝物; 没有


Having a teacher and complying with laws

are men' s greatest treasure熏 and not having a teach-
er and not complying with laws are men' s greatest
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 57

眼原 文演

积土而为山, 积水而为海, 旦暮积谓之岁。

至高谓之天, 至下谓之地, 宇中六指谓之极; 涂

眼译 文演

积累起土来就成为山, 积累起水来就成为
海, 积累起昼夜就叫做年。 最高的叫做天, 最低
的叫做地,空间中的六个方向叫做极。 走在路上
的老百姓把善行积累起来达到尽善尽美, 就叫

A hill can be formed by accumulating earth熏 a

sea can be created by accumulating water熏 and a
year is formed by accumulating days and nights鸦 the
extreme of the height is heaven熏 the extreme of the
lowness is earth熏 and the six directions of the space
are the poles. A man who walks in the street and culti-
vates his morality completely could be called a
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
58 荀子名言

眼原 文演

匹夫问学不及为士, 则不教也; 百家之说不


眼译 文演

一般人请教学问, 如果没有涉及到如何做
一个有德行的学士, 就不教给他; 各家的学说,

If a commoner seeks learning without doing

his best to become a gentleman熏 then do not teach
him鸦 if the theories of all kinds of the schools do
not relate with the contemporary Kings熏 then do
not listen to them.
The Teachings of the Ru

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 59

眼原 文演

以善至者待之以礼, 以不善至者待之以

眼译 文演

带着好建议来的人就用礼节对待他, 带着

The men who come forward with pieces of

good advice熏 we should treat them with courtesy熏
the men who come forward with evil intentions熏 we
should treat them with punishment.
The Regulations of a King

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
60 荀子名言

眼原 文演

贤不肖不杂, 则英杰至; 是非不乱, 则国家


眼译 文演

起, 英雄豪杰就会来归附; 是非不混淆, 国家就

If the gentlemen and the evil men are not con-

fused with each other熏 the brave and the heroic
will come forward鸦 if right and wrong are not mixed
with each other熏 the country will be prosperous.
The Regulations of a King

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 61

眼原 文演

有良法而乱者, 有之矣, 有君子而乱者, 自


眼译 文演

具备良好的法律制度而政治紊乱, 这种情
形是有的, 拥有德才兼备的君子而政治紊乱的,

Even if there are good laws and regulations熏

the political conditions may be out of order. But I
have never heard the case of there being gentlemen
in the government which resulted in the chaos.
The Regulations of a King

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
62 荀子名言

眼原 文演

修礼者王, 为政者强, 取民者安, 聚敛者


眼译 文演

修整礼仪的人就能成就王业, 善行政教的
人就能强大, 得到民心的就会安定, 剥削搜刮民

One who cultivates ritual principles will be a

king. One who governs his country effectively will
be strong. One who gains the heart of the people
will be stable. One who exploits people will per-
The Regulations of a King

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 63

眼原 文演

无德不贵, 无能不官, 无功不赏, 无罪不


眼译 文演

没有德行就不能让他显贵, 没有才能就不
能让他做官, 没有功劳就不能给他奖励, 没有犯

A man would not be respectable if he were not

moral. He would not be appointed to the office if
he was not competent. He would not be rewarded if
he had no accomplishments熏 and he should not be
punished if he commits no crime.
The Regulations of a King

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
64 荀子名言

眼原 文演

善择者制人, 不善择者人制之; 善择之者


眼译 文演

善于选择的人就会制服别人, 不善于选择
的人就会被制服; 善于选择的人能成就王业, 不

The man who is good at choosing could pro-

vide regulations for others. The man who is not
good at choosing would be regulated by others. The
man who is good at choosing would be a king; The
man who is not熏 would perish.
The Regulations of a King

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 65

眼原 文演

其知虑足以治之, 其仁厚足以安之, 其德音


眼译 文演

民, 仁爱厚德足够用来安抚民众, 道德声望足够
用来 感化 人民 ; 得到这 样有 德行的 人国 家就会

The gentleman蒺s intelligence is sufficient to

bring the masses in order. His humaneness is ade-
quate to appease them. His good prestige is ade-
quate to galvanize them. If such person is ob-
tained熏 the country will be prosperous. On the con-
trary熏 if this kind of person is lost熏 the country will
be out of control.
Enriching the State

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
66 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演


The gentlemen make use of virtues鸦 the petty

men depends on physical strength.
Enriching the State

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 67

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

国家危亡就没有快乐的君主, 国家安定就

If the nation is in danger熏 there is no happy

lord; if the nation is prosperous熏 there are no unhap-
py people.
Of Kings and Lords鄄Protector

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
68 荀子名言

眼原 文演

人主者, 以官人为能者也; 匹夫者, 以自能


眼译 文演

君主以能够任用人为有能力; 平民百姓以

A ruler bases his ability on that of the people

whom he appoints鸦 commoners base it on their own
Of Kings and Lords鄄Protector

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 69

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

君上无不爱护他的臣下, 因而用礼仪来管

There is no lord who does not love his subordi-

nates熏 so he governs them on the basis of ritual prin-
Of Kings and Lords鄄Protector

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
70 荀子名言

眼原 文演

君者, 民之原也; 原清则流清, 原浊则流


眼译 文演

君主, 是人民的源泉; 源泉清澈, 水流就清


The lord is the source of the masses. If the

source is clear熏 the stream is clear熏 if the source is
contaminated熏 the stream is contaminated.
The Way of Lords

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 71

眼原 文演

取人之道, 参之以礼; 用人之法, 禁之以


眼译 文演

考察人的方法, 就是要用礼制来衡量; 任用

The way to observe a man is to examine him

in terms of ritual principles. The way to assign a
man is to restrict them based on rank.
The Way of Lords

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
72 荀子名言

眼原 文演

忠信以为质, 端悫以为统, 礼义以为文, 伦

类以为理,喘而言, 而动,而一可以为法则。

眼译 文演

把忠诚和信用作为本质, 把正直端正作为
纲纪, 把礼仪制度作为法度, 把伦理规范作为原
则, 稍微说一句话, 轻微一行动, 都可以成为别

If a man considers loyalty and trustworthiness

as essence熏 considers uprightness and decency as
guiding regulations熏 considers ritual principles as
standard熏 and considers ethical code as principle熏
then although he speaks in the softest voice and un-
dertakes something in the slightest action熏 the oth-
ers will take him as an example.
The Way of Ministers

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 73

眼原 文演

川渊深而鱼鳖归之, 山林茂而禽兽归之, 刑

眼译 文演

江河湖泊的水深了, 鱼鳖就会聚集; 山上的

树林茂密了, 野兽就会归往; 刑罚政令公平了,
天下的百姓就会归依; 礼制道义完备了, 贤能的

When the water of the river and the lake is

deep熏 the fishes and turtles will turn towards
there鸦 when the forests of the hill flourish熏 the
beasts will turn towards there鸦 when the punish-
ments and laws are well conducted熏 the people all
over the country will turn towards there; and when
the ritual principles are perfectly established熏 the
gentleman will turn towards there.
Attracting Scholars

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
74 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演


Rewarding can not exceed certain limitation熏

and neither can punishment.
Attracting Scholars

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 75

眼原 文演

上得天时, 下得地利, 观敌之变动, 后之发,


眼译 文演

在上得到有利的作战时机, 在下得到有利
的作战形势, 观察敌方的变化, 比敌人后出发但

Gain the timeliness of Heaven熏 make use of

the natural conditions on the ground熏 and observe
the enemy蒺s changes熏 so that you can take actions
after the enemy but reach success before them熏
which are the essential principles of war.
Debate on the Principles of Warfare

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
76 荀子名言

眼原 文演

知莫大乎弃疑, 行莫大乎无过, 事莫大乎无


眼译 文演

明智没有比抛弃疑惑更重要的, 行动没有
比无过错更好的, 事务没有比无悔恨更完美

Nothing is more important to intelligence than

discarding hesitation鸦 nothing is more important in
action than not making mistakes, and nothing is
more important in one蒺s undertakings than having
no cause for regrets.
Debate on the Principles of Warfare

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 77

眼原 文演

坚甲利兵不足以为胜, 高城深池不足以为

眼译 文演

坚固的铠甲和锐利的兵器并不足以取胜, 高
耸的城墙和深阔的护城河不足以用来固守, 严厉

The strong armor and sharp weapons are not e-

nough to win. High walls and deep moats are not suf-
ficient for defense. Strict orders and various kinds
of punishments are not enough to be feared and re-
Debate on the Principles of Warfare

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
78 荀子名言

眼原 文演

凡兼人者有三术: 有以德兼人者, 有以力兼


眼译 文演

凡是兼并别国的君主一般有三种方法: 有
依靠德行兼并他们的, 有依靠武力兼并他们的,

Those lords who annex the other nations have

three methods of doing so押 annexe the other na-
tions by means of morality; by means of military pow-
er; by means of wealth.
Debate on the Principles of Warfare

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 79

眼原 文演

威有三: 有道德之威者, 有暴察之威者, 有


眼译 文演

威严有三种形式: 有讲究道德的威严, 有严
酷督察的威严, 有放肆妄为的威严; 这三种威

Might has three forms押 moral might熏 majesty

of harsh and cruel observation熏 and might of de-
ranged madness熏 all of which must be carefully inves-
Strengthening the State

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
80 荀子名言

眼原 文演

礼乐则修, 分义则明, 举错则时, 爱利则


眼译 文演

礼制音乐完善, 名分道义就会显现, 措施得


When ritual principles and music are perfectly

established熏 social values and justice appear鸦
when good measures are taken熏 the love for people
and the desire to benefit them will appear.
Strengthening the State

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 81

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

大自然的运行有自己的客观规律, 不会因
为尧的存在而存在, 不会因为桀的灭亡而消

The operation of the Nature has its own laws.

It will not survive on account of Yao熏 and it will
not perish because of Jie.
Discourse on Heaven

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
82 荀子名言

眼原 文演

天不为人之恶寒也辍冬, 地不为人之恶辽

眼译 文演

的运行, 大地不会因为人们厌恶遥远而消除宽
广, 君子不会因为小人的心胸狭窄而停止行

Heaven will not abolish winter because of

cold weather. Earth will not stop broadening be-
cause people dislike distances. The gentleman will
not stop taking actions because of the petty men
with a small mind.
Discourse on Heaven

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 83

眼原 文演

君子可以有势辱, 而不可以有义辱; 小人可


眼译 文演

君子可能会因为势位而受到侮辱, 不会因
为道义而受到侮辱; 小人可能会因为势利而得

The gentleman may be insulted because of spe-

cial conditions熏 but not be insulted because of morali-
ty and justice鸦 the petty men may be honored owing
to special conditions熏 but not be honored owing to
morality and justice.
Discourse on Rectifying

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
84 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

所谓礼就是截长补短, 减少有余, 增加不

足, 实行爱怜恭敬的礼节, 从而形成美好的德

The so鄄called rites is to cut what is too long

and extend what is too short熏 reduce the excess熏
complement deficiency熏 and reach the purpose of
putting ritual principles into practice熏 then the per-
fect morality and justice are formed.
Discourse on Ritual Principles

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 85

眼原 文演

君子耳不听淫声, 目不视邪色, 口不出恶


眼译 文演

君子不听淫佚的音乐, 不看邪恶的颜色, 不

The gentleman will not allow himself to hear in-

decent music熏 nor his eyes to look at the sinister col-
or熏 nor his mouth to utter evil words.
Discourse on Music

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
86 荀子名言

眼原 文演

乐行而志清, 礼修而行成, 耳目聪明, 血气


眼译 文演

音乐推行, 人们的志向就能高洁, 礼仪修

整, 人们的德行就能形成, 人们耳聪目明, 血脉
气色平和, 能根据情况改变风俗, 天下方能安

When music is put into action熏 the ambition

of the people will be clear熏 when rituals are cultivat-
ed熏 the virtue of the people will be established鸦
the ears are acute and the eyes are bright熏 the emo-
tion is stable熏 manners vary based on certain cus-
toms熏 then the nation will keep peace鸦 so the nice
and the graceful will interact with each other peace-
Discourse on Music

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 87

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

凡是观察事物有疑惑, 内心犹豫不决, 就看

In general熏 when a man feels unsure about the

things he observes熏 and his mind is uncertain熏
then he could not observe the things outside clear-
Dispelling Blindness

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
88 荀子名言

眼原 文演

若夫非分是非, 非治曲直, 非辨治乱, 非治


眼译 文演

至于那种不分辨正确与错误, 不理清歪曲
与正直, 不分清繁荣与动乱, 不实行人类的道
义, 即使掌握它, 也不会对人有好处 鸦 即使不掌

As for the kind of people not able to distin-

guish right from wrong熏 not able to separate the
straight from the crooked熏 not able to differentiate
the stable and the chaotic熏 and not able to put the
moral regulations into practice熏 although they may
be proficient in them熏 it is of no good for others鸦
but even if people are not proficient in them熏 it
does no harm to others.
Dispelling Blindness

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 89

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

约定俗成的, 就可以称作是适宜的, 与约定


The agreement which is fixed based on the cus-

tom is appropriate鸦 the agreement which is differ-
ent from what is fixed based on custom is inappropri-
Correcting Names

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
90 荀子名言

眼原 文演

性者, 天之就也; 情者, 性之质也; 欲者, 情


眼译 文演

本性, 是天然成就的; 情感, 是本性的内容;


The inborn nature is derived from Heaven. E-

motion constitutes the content of the inborn nature.
Desire is our reaction to the things outside.
Correcting Names

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 91

眼原 文演

无稽之言, 不见之行, 不闻之谋, 君子慎


眼译 文演

没有根据的言论, 没有见到的行为, 没有听


Theories that have no foundation in fact熏 ac-

tions that have not been witnessed熏 and plans that
have not been heard熏 all of these must be treated
cautiously by the gentlemen.
Correcting Names

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
92 荀子名言

眼原 文演

论知所贵, 则知所养矣; 事知所利, 则动知


眼译 文演

讨论时知道应该尊重什么样的人, 就会懂
得所要修养的品德; 做事情的时候知道有利的
方面, 在行动的时候就会知道从什么地方开始

If one knows who should be respected during

discussion熏 he will understand how to cultivate him-
self鸦 if he knows what is beneficial in the course of
undertaking something熏 he will know how to start.
The Gentleman

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 93

眼原 文演

尊圣者王, 贵贤者霸, 敬贤者存, 慢贤者亡,


眼译 文演

尊重圣人的君主能够成就王业, 重视贤人
的君主能够称霸天下, 敬重贤人的能够生存下
去, 怠慢贤人的君主会灭亡, 从古到今都是一样

The lords who respect the sage will become a

king鸦 the lords who attach importance to the gentle-
man will be a conqueror鸦 the lords who respect the
gentleman will survive; the lords who neglect the
gentleman will perish. It is the same principle in
all ages.
The Gentleman

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
94 荀子名言

眼原 文演

大参乎天, 精微而无形; 行义以正, 事业以


眼译 文演

君子的智慧之高大可与天相齐, 而细微不
显其形; 用端正的德义来实践它, 所做的事情就

The height of the gentle man蒺s wisdom and intel-

ligence is the same as Heaven熏 but it is too minute
to be seen鸦 if we take advantage of it by upright
morality熏 we can succeed.
Fu鄄Style Poems

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 95

眼原 文演

君子处仁以义, 然后仁也; 行义以礼, 然后


眼译 文演

君子根据道义来处理仁, 然后就能行仁; 依
靠礼节来处理道义, 然后就有了义; 制定礼制的
时候抓住它的根本而完成它的细节, 然后就有

The gentleman uses morality and justice to

deal with humane principles熏 then the humane princi-
ples will be formed鸦 the gentleman makes use of ritu-
al principles to carry out morality and justice熏 then
the morality and justice are built up鸦 when he regu-
lates with ritual principles熏 returning to the source
and perfecting the details熏 then the ritual princi-
ples are constructed鸦 when the three are made com-
prehensive熏 then the Way is formed.
The Great Compendium

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
96 荀子名言

眼原 文演


眼译 文演


Morality and justice and profits are what peo-

ple need in common.
The Great Compendium

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 97

眼原 文演


眼译 文演

擅长学习的人彻底搞清事物的原理, 擅长

Those who are good at learning exhaust them-

selves to search the principle of things熏 those who
do well in undertaking things exhaust themselves to
overcome all the difficulties during the course.
The Great Compendium

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
98 荀子名言

眼原 文演

多知而无亲, 博学而无方, 好多而无定者,


眼译 文演

知识丰富但是没有特别的爱好, 知识渊博
而没有主业, 喜好的东西很多却没有确定的目

The gentleman will not make friends with

those who are knowledgeable but without special in-
terests. those who are profound in learning but with-
out certain major熏 and those who are fond of broaden-
ing his view but without explicit purpose.
The Great Compendium

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi
荀子名言 99

眼原 文演

君子能为可贵, 不能使人必贵己; 能为可


眼译 文演

君子能够做到受人尊敬, 但不能使别人一
定尊重自己; 君子能够受到任用, 但不能使别人

The gentleman can be respectable熏 but he can

not make the others respect him鸦 the gentleman
can be employable熏 but he can not make others em-
ploy him.
The Great Compendium

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics

Aphorisms from XunZi

眼原 文演

君子苟能无以利害义, 则耻辱亦无由至

眼译 文演

君子如果能够不因为私利妨碍道义, 也就

If a gentleman does not hinder morality and

justice熏 then disgrace will never come.
The Model for Conduct

Aphorisms from Confucian Classics


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