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Our Involvement Approach

2007 - 2009

Our Involvement Approach Version 4 1

Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
1. Our Involvement Approach -reviewing the Patient
and Public Involvement Policy

1.1 What do we mean by Involvement?

By its Involvement Approach SLaM means an on going
conversation and discussion between service users, carers,
members of the communities of South London and members
of staff at all levels, building on and sharing the knowledge,
skills and experiences of all in order to improve, develop and
sustain mental health services that:

• offer the people we serve the best mental health

services possible, tested against the best in the world
• go beyond the limits of health services to promote and
improve mental well being in our local communities
• reduce illness and promote social inclusion – “to keep
people in their lives” including supporting them when they
choose to change their lives

This policy sets out the framework for taking the conversation
forward. The policy has two main components:
A. The Involvement Standards at three levels:
o Team
o Service Directorate
o Trust

The contribution of service users and carers are vital in

taking forward this policy.
In this document we have used boxes like this to
highlight specific things service users and carers can do
to help us in developing Our Involvement Approach.

Our Involvement Approach Version 4 2

Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
B. The Involvement Payments Policy

1.2 How was the Involvement Approach developed?

The Involvement Approach has been developed in conversation
between service users, carers and staff.

The need for Involvement Standards was identified by the

Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group, (TWCIG) a group with
service user representatives from the four borough

The first draft of the Involvement Standards was developed

at a work shop with representation from service users from
TWCIG, staff from clinical governance and team leaders.

Feedback on the first draft was gathered from Connections,

(the Involvement Leads from each clinical directorate), EDICT,
(the Involvement Leads from infrastructure directorates) and
included in the second draft of the Involvement Approach.

The Involvement Standards were included in the Involvement

Approach that was consulted on at the open Partnership Time
Event 19th December 2006. A report from the event is
available from Karina Krogh, DOC Unit.

The Involvement Approach has also been (or is the process of

being) presented for feedback to service user groups in
Lewisham, Lambeth, Southwark and Croydon and the SLaM PPI
Forum. Please see appendix A for list of groups.

Our Involvement Approach Version 4 3

Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
2.0. Involvement Standards
2.1.Involvement Standards for Teams
Teams are expected to:

2.1.1 Promote and support user led approaches to

Involvement, particularly by
 Having information written by service users
 Service users involved in providing information
 Service user-led community meetings

 Let us know if you would like to hear more about other

ways of becoming involved.

2.1.2 Proactively involve service users in their own care,

 Care Programme Approach, following the CPA Policy
 Copying letters to patients, following the Copying
Letters to patients policy
 Information on medication and side effects

What service users and carers can do to help us:

 Inform staff what would make it easier for you to be
involved in your care plan, such as
a. How to ensure it is an on-going process
b. Who you would like to be there
c. When and where to hold review meetings
d. If a pre-planning meeting would be useful

 Tell staff which letters you would like copies of

 Tell staff if you have trouble understanding the
letters you receive

Our Involvement Approach Version 4 4

Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
2.1.3 Ensure service users and carers receive and
understand information in line with SLaMs Patient
Information Policy, particularly in relation to
 The treatment and care they receive
 The Service itself and other related services,
including services in the community
 PALS and Complaints procedures

 Let staff know what information you would like and

how and when to give it to you

2.1.4 Have systems in place for regular feedback from

service users and carers, such as
 Community meetings
 Service users present at team meetings
 Suggestion boxes
 Departure books/exit questionnaires
 Informing service users and carers on changes
happening as a result of feedback given
 Ensuring verbal feedback is regularly an item on
agendas for team meetings

 Please give the staff and team constructive feedback

in the way that suits you best
 Please encourage your carer and other service users
to give feedback

2.1.5 Have service user involvement in recruitment and

selection processes, including:
 Drafting person specification
 Partaking in short listing
 Participation in interview process
Our Involvement Approach Version 4 5
Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
2.2 Involvement Standards for Directorates
Directorates are expected to:

2.2.1 Have Service User and Carer Involvement in Training

and Education

2.2.2 Have systems in place to involve service users and

carers in service development, planning and delivery by
 Regular meetings with service users
 Regular meetings with service user groups
 Stakeholder events
 Service user representation on relevant committees
and groups
 Carry out Equality Impact Assessments
 Consult with PPI Forum and Overview and Scrutiny
Committees on service changes and developments
 Follow SLaMs Formal Consultation Process

2.2.3 Identify an Involvement Champion on the Directorate


2.2.4 Involve service users and carers in developing and

sharing information across the directorate

2.2.5 Allocate and identify specific funding and resources to

Service User and Carer Involvement, including
 Having an Involvement Lead
 Providing resources and facilities for service user
 Paying service users and carers through the
Involvement Register

Our Involvement Approach Version 4 6

Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
2.3. Involvement Standards for the Trust
The Trust is expected to:

2.3.1 Have service users and/or carers involved in service

development, planning and delivery through
 Service users and carers on relevant committees
 Focus groups
 Stakeholder events
 Equality Impact Assessments

2.3.2 Carry out ongoing evaluation of Involvement work in

the Trust

2.3.3 Review the performance of the Trust in terms of

Involvement on an annual basis

2.3.4 Review the Involvement Policy at least every second


2.3.5 Consult with Patient and Public Involvement Forum and

Overview and Scrutiny Committees on service changes
and developments

2.3.6 Ensure the SLaM Board show due regard for the views
of the Members’ Council in strategic planning

 Let us know if you would like to hear more about other

ways of becoming involved.

Our Involvement Approach Version 4 7

Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
3. Involvement Payments Policy

3.1. Introduction to Payments Policy

As set out in the Involvement Expectations there are
several ways service users and carers can become
involved in the Trust. This part of the Involvement Policy
sets out the procedures when being involved with paid
pieces of Involvement work through the Involvement

3.2. Paid Involvement Work

3.2.1. Paid pieces of involvement work include giving a service
user and/or carer perspective by
• Taking part in Service Planning meetings
• Attending regular committee meetings to provide a
Service User/Carer/Lay Persons perspective
• Working on an audit or research project
• Reading and commenting on Trust documents (sometimes
also collecting the views of other service users) and
sending written comments back
• Giving presentations
• Helping deliver training/briefing sessions for staff
• Asking the views of other Service Users and feeding
them back to clinicians/managers
• Taking part in recruitment panels for Trust staff

3.2.2. The Trust recognises payment is not appropriate for

some services, particularly Children and Adolescence
services where an alternative mechanism for rewarding
involvement is set up.

3.2.3. The financial constraints that the Trust works within

mean that sometimes opportunities to take part in the
above activities will only be offered on a voluntary basis,
Our Involvement Approach Version 4 8
Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
with expenses. This will always be made clear at the
outset, so that Service Users/Carers/ Lay Persons can
make an informed decision as to whether or not they
wish to undertake a particular activity or role.

3.3. Involvement Register

3.3.1. To take part in paid pieces of Involvement work, service
users, carers and lay people need to sign up to the
Involvement Register. Advice on how to sign up to the
Involvement register is available from the co-ordinator.
Contact details at the back of the policy.

3.3.2. The Trust has set up the Involvement Register to ensure

service users, carers and lay people are fully recognised
and rewarded for their contribution to the Trust.

3.3.3. The Involvement Register is also a mechanism for

ensuring service users, carers and lay people receive
appropriate support and accurate information when being
involved in the Trust, particularly in relation to benefits.

3.3.4. The Involvement Register follows guidance published by

Department of Health on the appropriate procedures to
follow when paying service users, carers and lay people
for Involvement Work.

3.3.5. If the service user, carer or lay person is in receipt of

benefits she/he needs to inform Job Centre Plus of their
Involvement work to clarify any impact on their benefits.
It is the responsibility the service user, carer or lay
person to inform Job Centre Plus.

Our Involvement Approach Version 4 9

Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
3.3.6. It is strongly recommended that Service Users discuss
their involvement with the Trust with their key worker
for this to be included in their CPA or Crisis Plan.

3.3.7. If a Service User is on sick leave from another employer,

it is strongly recommended that they discuss their wish
to do Involvement work for the Trust with their existing
employer to avoid any possible impact on their sick pay
or employment position with that employer.

When participating in paid Involvement Work through

the Involvement Register Service Users are expected to:
1. Have regard for their own well being when
undertaking Involvement work for the Trust
2. Ensure they know what is expected of them and feel
comfortable about carrying out the identified tasks
3. Be aware of the ground rules for the task and adhere
to these

3.4. Payment
3.4.1. An hourly rate will be paid for the following tasks

Taking part in service planning meetings £10

Attending regular committee meetings £10
Working on audit or research project £10
Reading and sending in a written £10
commentary on a Trust document
Giving presentations £15
Helping to deliver a training session £15
Asking the views of other Service Users £15
and feeding them back to
Sitting on a recruitment panel £7.10
Our Involvement Approach Version 4 10
Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
Preparation time (depending on activity) £10/£15

3.4.2. For each task carried out the service user, carer or lay
person will fill in a time sheet. The time sheet will be
authorized by the appropriate line manager and send to
the Involvement Register. Payments are made weekly,
two weeks in arrears.

3.4.3 For some tasks preparation time is required and will be

paid for. Preparation time must be agreed in advance
with the manager. Preparation time will be paid at the
same scale as the task prepared for, with exception for
recruitment panels where any agreed preparation time
will be paid at £10 an hour.

3.4.4. Service users, carers and lay people signed up to the

Involvement register will not be able to join the NHS
Pension Scheme nor receive sickness nor maternity pay.

3.4.5. Service users, carers and lay people on the Involvement

Register are entitled to claim for travel and related
expenses incurred while on Trust business (excluding
travel to and from work). The Service Manager will be
able to provide a copy of the Travel Expenses Policy and
claim forms if required.

3.4.6. These rates will be reviewed annually with the other

Trust rates used by Trust Temps.

3.4.7. Undertaking tasks on the involvement register is not

employment. However any payments may be subject to
tax and National Insurance deductions. This will be
dependent on any other income received.

Our Involvement Approach Version 4 11

Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
3.4.8. Though Involvement Work is not regarded as
employment per se, the Trust is keen to ensure a strong
link between Involvement Work and supported
employment and service user employment initiatives in the

3.5 Voluntary Work

3.5.1. Volunteers play an active role in the Trust,
complementing, but not replacing, the work of the staff
and the Trust supports and encourages the efforts of
the volunteers in a variety of roles. Service Users and
Carers are welcome to participate along with others.

A written policy which gives details about Volunteering

for the Trust is available from the SLaM website
( or the DOC Unit on 0207 919 2145

Our Involvement Approach Version 4 12

Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
Appendix A
Consultation process

Groups presented to When

Lewisham Joint Consultation Forum 21st November 2006
Partnership Time Event 19th December 2006
Southwark Mind User Council 8th January 2007
SLaM Patient and Public Involvement Forum 19th February 2007
Lambeth Service User and Carer 21st February 2007
Co-ordination Group

Our Involvement Approach Version 4 13

Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
Appendix B
Involvement Leads in SLaM

Where Who Contact details

Trust Wide Karina Krogh T: 0203 228 2145
Patient Advisory and Liaison Graeme Kerr T: 0800 731 2864
Service Email:
Training and Education Stephanie McKindley T: 0203 228 3349
Premila Trivedi Email:
T: 0203 228 3196

Lewisham Rachael Taylor T: 0208 218 3512

Lambeth Pauline Simpson-Shaw T: 0203 228 6356
Southwark Nick Hervey T: 0203 228 2411

Our Involvement Approach Version 4 15

Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
Croydon Steve Hill T: 0208 700 8752
Children and Adolescence Marianne Caitane T: 0203 228 3832
Nick Topliss Email:
T: 0208 690 1086 x 220
Older Adults Lorrayne Duggan T: 0207 764 544
Specialist Services Penny Brown T: 0207 188 7862
Involvement Register Sue Folan T: 0203 228 4564
Membership Laurence Whittle T: 0203 228 2441
SLaM PPI Forum Tommy MacDonald T: 0208 301 9199
(facilitator) Email: selondon.patientforums@shaw-

Our Involvement Approach Version 4 16

Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007
Appendix C
Abbreviations etc.

Connections Group of the clinical directorate Involvement leads

CPA Care Plan Approach
DOC Developing Organisation and Community Unit
EDICT Equality and Diversity Infrastructure Co-ordination Team; the Equality and Diversity and
involvement leads from infrastructure departments, such as Human Resources, Education
and Training, Information and Communication Technology,
Involvement Register hosted by Human resources that co-ordinates the pieces of paid involvement
Register work available in the Trust
PALS Patient Advisory and Liaison Service; provides information and advice on SLaM services
PPI Forum Patient and Public Involvement Forum; independent forum with the right to inspect and
monitor SLaM services
PTE Partnership Time Event; quarterly open events hosted by SLaM
Trust Wide Creative Group overseeing trust wide Involvement Initiatives, with participations from service
Involvement Group users from each borough, clinical governance and Trust Wide Involvement lead

Our Involvement Approach Version 4 17

Approved by
Trust Wide Creative Involvement Group 6th March 2007
Connections 8th March 2007
SLaM Formal Executive 21st March 2007
SlaM Board 27th March 2007

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