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Submitted by:
Azarraga, Aina Lorraine B.
BSA 1-1

Submitted to:
Dr. Annabelle A. Gordonas
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Branches and Campuses

Rocky Roads: A Journey of College Students Facing Identity Crisis

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”- Aristotle

Many students of today face identity crisis most especially those who are in their adolescence
stage. Meanwhile, identity crisis is only one of the major struggles a student is facing. According to Erik
Ericson in his theory of psychosocial development, identity crisis represents the struggle to find a
balance between developing a unique, individual identity while still being accepted and "fitting in"
(1950). Moreover, he also stated that one must have to know what a person wants to be and how he
wants to be perceived by others. But the problem is, many are confused between what they should
follow: what they want to be or what the society wants them to become?

College students, when choosing a career considers many factors such as interest, attitude,
financial status, educational attainment and parental influence (Adefolaju, n.d.). These are the common
factors a student considers when he is choosing for his career. In a study of GTI media (2019), of which
factors influenced students in choosing their career the most, they found out that 69% of the students
had chosen their careers because their parents’ choice and influence. Some parents decide for their
children because they believe that their choices are more to be trusted than their children. And that,
they chose a course that promise a high paying salary after graduating and / or making their children
continue their unfulfilled dream. Most students have no choice left but to follow their parents’ choice
and typically setting aside their passion for the sake of practicality. However, not all students have the
ability to carry the burden of not having the chance to do what they really want. So, in return, they
become unmotivated that most likely leads students to fail. The struggles that students who chose to
follow their parents’ choice of career for them include the following: Low academic performance,
shifting of courses and worst effect is the risk of having depression (Carpio, 2018).

Going back to Erikson’s theory, he also said that the transition of childhood to adulthood is a
major developmental change because it is when the person seeks for independency and is beginning to
look forward of the future by establishing one’s career and relationships. This is also the stage when he
is trying to find out who exactly he is. There are two identities that are involved: sexual and occupational
identities. In adolescent stage, changes in the body structure happens. According to Bee (1992), what
should happen at the end of this stage is “a reintegrated sense of self, of what one wants to do or be,
and of one’s appropriate sex role”. The changes that happened takes time for the adolescent to adapt
with, but one will learn how to accept differences and will be able to commit to others despite of the
difference or acquiring the virtue of fidelity. The other one would be the occupational identity. This
merely talks about the identity based on their knowledge, interest and capability. It answers the
question, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” but when someone in adolescence stage still doesn’t
know or cannot envision himself in the future then probably, he is having the uncertainty of his role in
the society or called as Role Confusion, or he doubts of who he really is.

Gen Santos Ave. Lower Bicutan, Taguig City 1772; (Direct Line) 837-5858 to 60; (Telefax) 837-5859;
website: email:
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Branches and Campuses

Those students facing identity crisis or role confusion has something to do with how they were
raised as a child. Having parents who seem to be over controlling of their children can affect the identity
crisis of the student. If children are criticized, overly controlled, or not given the opportunity to assert
themselves, they begin to feel inadequate in their ability to survive and they become more overly
dependent upon others and will develop lack of self-esteem. Plus, pressuring someone into something
they don’t like to do only gives the child a feeling of discontentment and unhappiness.

So, the question is, how does one can overcome identity crisis or role confusion? It’s as simple
as taking the time to know the self-first. It involves weighing of what a person truly wants and what
makes them happy. Not following what makes other people happy. And probably not listening too much
of the opinion of others. Knowing the self is deeper than just knowing personal preferences. It is when
one gets to discover his greatest fears, self-doubts, unspoken pain and insecurities and knowing how to
accept those. It is sticking with one’s wants, desires and virtues in life. Knowing the self will become
one’s distinction over another and that even when they have associated and interacted with others,
they won’t be able to lose their identity because he knows who exactly he is.

As Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Meaning, once a
person gets to know himself, he learns to evaluate and assess himself as to what his actions are and
learn from it. No one could best evaluate you other than you. So, one must learn how to evaluate
oneself and work on things that he needs improvement. The relationship with oneself is one of the most
important relationships in life. If one does not have a full understanding of oneself, then how are others
supposed to get to know you? Building a healthy and positive self-esteems is probably the most
important factor that leads to happiness and living a fulfilling life (Hickey, 2015). So, in the battle of
choosing passion over practicality, always choose what the heart desires, choose passion. One will not
be able to feel lost if he pursues what he desires and not what others desire of him. Because a life lived
knowing that you risked is better than a life lived with regrets.

Gen Santos Ave. Lower Bicutan, Taguig City 1772; (Direct Line) 837-5858 to 60; (Telefax) 837-5859;
website: email:
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Branches and Campuses


Oswalt, A. (n.d.). Erik erikson and self-identity. Retrieved from


Adefolaju, A. (n.d.). Effect of parental influence on the choice of career among secondary school
Retrieved from on the

GTI Media. (2019). Survey reveals parental influence on students' career choices. Retrieved from
McLeod, S. A. (2018, May 03). Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development. Retrieved from

Bee, H. L. (1992). The developing child. London: HarperCollins.

Hickey, D. (2015, February 01). Flow experiences: the secret to ultimate happiness. Retrieved from

Gen Santos Ave. Lower Bicutan, Taguig City 1772; (Direct Line) 837-5858 to 60; (Telefax) 837-5859;
website: email:

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