CT1 Ee

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Date of Examination: …/11/2017

Date of showing evaluated answer books: ……………………

Rajkiya Engineering College, Azamgarh
B. Tech( Branch :ME/CE)
(SEM-I) Odd Semester
Class Test (II) 2016-2017

Subject Code: REE101 Subject: Electrical Engineering

Time: 01Hr. Max. Marks: 10

Note: Attempt all questions. Each question of 2 marks.

Q1. Discuss the three phase power measurement for balance and unbalance load?

Q2. Discuss the operating principle of moving iron and derive expression for torque

Q3. Explain operating principle of transformer and derive EMF equation?

Q4. A balance load of 30 kVA is connected to a three- phase three-wire system. Two

wattmeters are connected in the usual manner to measure power. Determine the readings of

two wattmeter’s if the power factor of the load is (a) 0.866 lagging (b) 0.5 leading(c) Zero


Q5. A single-phase 440/110V transformer takes a no load current of 6A at 0.2 power factor.

If the secondary supplies a current 100A at power factor of 0.8 lagging determine (a) the

current taken by primary (b) shunt parameters

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