Pamantasan NG Cabuyao

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Pamantasan ng Cabuyao

College of Business Administration and Accountancy 1

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the results and discussion of the important details

of the study. Tables and their respective description and interpretation are discussed


1. What is the demographic profile of the selected franchise businesses in the

City of Cabuyao, Laguna in terms of:

1. 1. Type of Business

Table 1.1
Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to the Type Of Franchise
Indicators Frequency Percentage Rank
Water Station 2 5.41 10
Pharmacy 2 5.41 10
Convenience Store 8 21.62 1
Pawnshop/Remittance Center 3 8.11 6
Salon/Parlor 3 8.11 6
Pizza Parlor 3 8.11 6
Fast Food Chain 2 5.41 10
Doughnut House 3 8.11 3
Burger House 5 13.51 2
Tea/Beverage House 3 8.11 6
Lechon Manok Retailer 3 8.11 6
TOTAL 37 100.00  
Table 1.1 shows the frequency distribution of the franchise business based

on the type of business. Majority of the selected franchise business (8 or 21.62%)

are convenience store. There are 5 franchisee (13.51%) that venture in

franchising burger houses, 18 franchise business are into pawnshop/remittance

Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
College of Business Administration and Accountancy 2

center (3 or 8.11%), salon/parlor (3 or 8.11%), pizza parlor (3 or 8.11%), doughnut

house (3 or 8.11%), beverage house (3 or 8.11%), and lechon manok retailer (3 or

8.11%), and the two least number of franchise business (2 or 5.26%) operates

water station and food chain.

1. 2. Location of the Business

Table 1.2
Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to the Location Of The
Indicators Frequency Percentage Rank
Brgy Dos 9 23.68 1
Niugan 1 2.63 8
BanayBanay 5 13.16 3.5
Pulo 7 18.42 2
San Isidro 2 5.26 7
Banlic 5 13.16 3.5
Butong 2 5.26 7
Marinig 4 10.53 5
Mamatid 2 5.26 7

Table 1.2 shows the frequency distribution of the franchise business based

on the location of business. Majority of the selected franchise business (9 or

23.68%) are located in Barangay Dos City of Cabuyao, Laguna. There are 7

franchise business (18.42%) located in Barangay Pulo City of Cabuyao, Laguna, 5

(13.16%) of the franchise business are located in Barangay Banay-banay City of

Cabuyao, Laguna, and another 5 (13.16%) are located in Barangay Banlic City of

Cabuyao, Laguna. 4 (10.53%) out of 37 franchise business are located in

Barangay Marinig City of Cabuyao, Laguna. 6 of them are located in Barangay

Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
College of Business Administration and Accountancy 3

San Isidro City of Cabuyao, Laguna (2 or 5.26%), in Barangay Butong City of

Cabuyao, Laguna (2 or 5.26%) and in Barangay Mamatid (2 or 5.26%). And 1

(2.63%) of them is located in Barangay Niugan City of Cabuyao, Laguna.

1. 3. Year of service/ existence

Table 1.3
Frequency and Percentage Distribution Accordimng to the Number of Years
of Existence
Indicators Frequency Percentage Rank
0-3 27 71.05 1
4–6 7 18.42 2
7–9 0 0.00 5
10 – 12 1 2.63 4
13-15 1 2.63 4
16-18 1 2.63 4
TOTAL 37 97.37  
Table 1.3 shows the frequency distribution of the franchise business based on

the number of years of existence. The highest number of years of existence for the

selected franchise business is 18 years and the shortest is 7 months. Majority of the

franchise business (27 or 71.05%) are in the first 3 years of operation. There are 7

franchise business (18.42%) that are in operation for 4-6 years; 1 franchise business

(2.63%) for 10-12 years, 1 franchise business (2.63%) for 13-15 years and 1

franchise business (2.63%) that is in the operation for 18 years.

1. 4. Number of Staff (registered in Cabuyao)

Table 1.4
Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to the Number of Staff
Total No. of Cabuy Percent Non- Percent
Staff eño age Cabuyeño age
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
College of Business Administration and Accountancy 4

Water Station 21 21 100 0 0

Pharmacy 9 7 77.78 2 22.22
Convenience Store 84 72 85.71 12 14.29
18 15 83.33 3 16.67
e Center
Salon/Parlor 24 17 70.83 7 29.17
Pizza Parlor 8 6 75 2 25
Fast Food Chain 115 70 60.86 45 39.13
Doughnut House 5 5 100 0 0
Burger House 17 17 100 0 0
Tea/Beverage House 8 7 87.5 1 12.5
Lechon Manok
15 15
Retailer 100    
Table 1.3 shows the frequency distribution of the franchise business based on

the number of staff registered in the City of Cabuyao and those who are not. The fast

food chain with a highest total of employees or staffs, 70 (60.86%) of them are

registered in the City of Cabuyao, Laguna and the remaining 45 (39.13%) employees

or staffs are registered in other city. The convenience store with a total of 84

employees or staffs has a 72 (85.71%) of employees who are registered in the city of

Cabuyao, Laguna and 12 (14.29%) are not. With a total of 24 employees or staffs,

the salon/parlor has a 17 (70.83%) employees that are cabuyeño and 7 of them are

non cabuyeño. The water station with a 21 employees, has a 100% of a cabuyeño

employees or staffs. 15 (83.33%) out of 18 employees or staffs of a pawnshop or

remittance center are registered in the City of Cabuya, Laguna. The burger house

has a 17 employees or staffs and all of them are registered in the City of Cabuyao,

Laguna. And also all the employees or staffs of the lechon manok retailers (15 or

100%) are registered in the City of Cabuyao, Laguna. The pharmacy has 2 (22.22%)

out of 9 employees or staffs that are not registered in the City of Cabuyao and the
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
College of Business Administration and Accountancy 5

remaining 7 (77.78%) are already registered. The tea/beverage house with a total of

8 employees or staffs, 7 (87.5%) of them are Cabuyeño and only 1(12.5%) of them is

not. Also the pizza parlor has a total of 8 employees or staffs but only 6 (75%) of

them are registered in the City of Cabuyao, Laguna and the other 2 (25%) of them

are registered in other cities.

2. What is the impact of franchise business in the economic development of the City

of Cabuyao, Laguna in terms of:

2.1. Labor Force

The following scale was used in determining the impact of franchise business in the

economic development of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna in terms of Labor Force.


3.50 - 4.49 Strongly Agree

2.50 - 3.49 Agree

1.50 - 2.49 Disagree

1.00 - 1.49 Strongly Disagree

Responses of the Respondents on The Impact of Franchise Business in
terms of the Labor Force
Indicators WM INT
1. Creates Opportunities hiring the jobless Cabuyeño 3.24 Agree
2. Offers Cabuyeño the chance to choose where to apply 3.24 Agree
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
College of Business Administration and Accountancy 6

considering their skills

3. Minimize the rate of unemployment since Cabuyeño are
3.24 Agree
hired even as contractual workers
4. Provides extra income for the students who work as
2.89 Agree
working students.
5. Decrease the rate of unemployed Cabuyeño. 3.21 Agree
6. Laborers can work efficiently due to work proximity. 3.21 Agree
Average Weighted Mean 3.19 Agree
Table 2.1 shows the l the impact of franchise business in the economic

development of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna in terms of Labor Force. The franchise

business owners are all ‘agreed’ that the franchise businesses can creates

opportunities hiring the jobless cabuyeño, offers cabuyeño the chance to choose

where to apply considering their skills,minimize the rate of unemployment since

cabuyeño are hired even as contractual workers, provides extra income for the

students who work as working students, decrease the rate of unemployed cabuyeño,

laborers can work efficiently due to work proximity.

In overall assessment, the franchise business owners are ‘agreed’ that they

have an impact to the economic development of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna in

terms of labor force.

It indicates that the franchise business can decrease the unemployment rate

in the City of Cabuyao, Laguna because applicants can apply according and

considering their skills. And since most of the franchise business accepts working

students, they can provide an extra income for those students who work for them.

According to International Franchise Association (IFA), franchises are

expected to add more jobs starting 2014, so it indicates that more franchise

businesses, more labor force needed.

Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
College of Business Administration and Accountancy 7

2.2. Job Opportunities

The following scale was used in determining the impact of franchise business in the

economic development of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna in terms of Job Opportunities.


3.50 - 4.49 Strongly Agree

2.50 - 3.49 Agree

Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
College of Business Administration and Accountancy 8

1.50 - 2.49 Disagree

1.00 - 1.49 Strongly Disagree

Responses of the Respondents on The Impact of Franchise Business in
terms of Job Opportunity
Indicators WM INT
1.Serves as training grounds especially for the
3.16 Agree
undergraduate Cabuyeño
2. More job opportunities. 3.26 Agree
3. Invite suppliers and become partners in franchise
3.16 Agree
4. Helps fuel the growth of entrepreneurship in the City of
3.24 Agree
Cabuyao, Laguna
5. Boost investor's confidence. 3.26 Agree
6. A powerful tool to expand one's owned business. 3.21 Agree
3.21 Agree
e Weighted Mean
Table 2.2 shows the impact of franchise business in the economic

development of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna in terms of Job Opportunities. The

franchise business owners are all ‘agreed’ that the franchise businesses serves as

training grounds especially for the undergraduate cabuyeño, can have more job

opportunities, invite suppliers and become partners in franchise business, helps fuel

the growth of entrepreneurship in the city of cabuyao, laguna, boost investor's

confidence, a powerful tool to expand one's owned business.

In overall assessment, the franchise business owners are ‘agreed’ that they

have an impact to the economic development of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna in

terms of job opportunities.

The results indicates that by boosting the investor’s confidence to invest or

become one of the partner in franchise businesses, they can offer more job
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
College of Business Administration and Accountancy 9

opportunities where educational attainment is not often necessary to be their

employees because franchise businesses conducts training before operating the

business so it can serves as training grounds for them.

Bing Sibal- Limjoco (2015), vice president of Philippine Franchise Association,

said that the local franchise business have been preparing for the expected entry of

foreign competitors into the Philippine market.

Also, the result indicates that franchising is one of a powerful tool for

expanding one’s owned business.

2.3. Consumption Growth

The following scale was used in determining the impact of franchise business in the

economic development of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna in terms of Consumption



3.50 - 4.49 Strongly Agree

2.50 - 3.49 Agree

Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
College of Business Administration and Accountancy 10

1.50 - 2.49 Disagree

1.00 - 1.49 Strongly Disagree

Responses of the Respondents on The Impact of Franchise Business in
terms of Consumption Growth
Indicators WM INT
1. Offers more products to choose for the consumer. 3.13 Agree
2. Improve the flow of goods and services in the market of
3.37 Agree
the City of Cabuyao.
3. Is an aid to facilitate the flow of money from production
3.32 Agree
to consumption.
4. Create Cabuyeño to consume rather than to save. 2.89 Agree
3.18 Agree
age Weighted Mean
Table 2.3 shows the impact of franchise business in the economic

development of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna in terms of Consumption Growth. The

franchise business owners are all ‘agreed’ that the franchise businesses offers more

products to choose for the consumer, improve the flow of goods and services in the

market of the city of cabuyao, is an aid to facilitate the flow of money from production

to consumption, create cabuyeño to consume rather than to save.

In the overall assessment, the franchise business owners are ‘agreed’ that

they have an impact to the economic development of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna in

terms of consumption growth.

It indicates that, since the franchise businesses offers more products and

services to choose for the consumers, it can result in improving the flow of goods and

services in the market of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna. So that the Cabuye ños don’t

need to go other places just to buy their needs. And because of this, franchise
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
College of Business Administration and Accountancy 11

business can be an aid to facilitate the flow of money from production to


The PSA’s chairman emeritus once said that the Philippines has become

Asia’s attractive destination for franchising because of its young and huge population,

strong domestic consumption and its growing economy.

“The franchising association can play a pivotal role because you’re at the

heart of the Filipino, which is consumption, which is shopping. We should take

advantage of that.”(Purisima, 2015)

Also, it indicates that the franchise business create the Cabuyeño to consume

rather than to save, while it has a negative impact to the individual, it will have a

positive impact to the economic development of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna.

2.4. Economic Status

The following scale was used in determining the impact of franchise business in the

economic development of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna in terms of Economic Status.


3.50 - 4.49 Strongly Agree

2.50 - 3.49 Agree

1.50 - 2.49 Disagree

1.00 - 1.49 Strongly Disagree

Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
College of Business Administration and Accountancy 12

Responses of the Respondents on The Impact of Franchise Business in
terms of Economic Status
Indicators WM INT
1. Has a positive impact in sustaining the development of Strongly
the economy of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna agree
2. Declares their financial statement truth and liable. 3.66
3. Gives added income to the government as they are
3.32 Agree
paying business taxes.
4. Promotes the City of Cabuyao, Laguna to encourage the
franchisees to invest or locate their businesses in the City 3.82
of Cabuyao, Laguna.
Average Weighted Mean 3.59
Table 2.4 shows the impact of franchise business in the economic

development of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna in terms of Economic Status. The

franchise business owners ‘strongly agreed’ that the franchise businesses has a

positive impact in sustaining the development of the economy of the city of cabuyao,

laguna, declares their financial statement truth and liable, promotes the city of

cabuyao, laguna to encourage the franchisees to invest or locate their businesses in

the city of cabuyao, laguna and ‘agreed’ that the franchise business gives added

income to the government as they are paying business taxes.

In the overall assessment, the franchise business owners are ‘strongly

agreed’ that they have an impact to the economic development of the City of

Cabuyao, Laguna in terms of the economic status.

The results indicates that by declaring the financial statement of the franchise

business truth and liable, and by paying their taxes to the government, franchise
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
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business will have or has a positive impact in sustaining the development of the

economy of the City of Cabuyao, Laguna.

According to Limjoco (2015), foreign entreprenuers are now looking at the

Philippines as an incubation place for their franchise businesses to hike revenues

and eventually expand throughout the Asean region.

Those existing franchise businesses can be a use in promoting the City of

Cabuyao, Laguna to encourage future franchisees to locate their business in one of

its barangay.

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