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BEEKEEPING:General Information

by R. A. Morse and E. J. Dyce

A Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication Information Bulletin 90

The New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is a statutory college of the State University, at Cornell
University, Ithaca, N.Y.

BEEKEEPING: This bulletin provides general informa­ Honey Bee as a Pollinator

tion about beekeeping that is not usually
General Information The pollination of agricultural crops is
included in current publications. Informa­
by R. A. Morse and E. J. Dyce tion on specific beekeeping problems can the most important contribution of honey
be obtained by writing to the Office of bees to our national economy. Although
Apiculture, Department of Entomology, the value of honey bees for pollination
Contents Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. cannot be estimated , it is many times the
2 Extent of Beekeeping Industry total value of both the honey and bees­
wax that they produce . Without cross­
2 Honey Bee as a Pollinator pollination many crops would not set seed
Extent of Beekeeping Industry
3 Who Keeps Bees? or produce fruit. Many insects other than
In New York State about 8,500 people the honey bee can carry pollen from one
3 Where Bees Can Be Kept
keep at least 125,000 colonies of honey plant to another; but in areas where agri­
4 A Skilled Occupation bees. The annual production is about 8 culture has been intensified, such as the
million pounds of honey and 120,000 fruit areas in New York State, the number
4 How to Acquire a Knowledge of
pounds of beeswax. These figures are of these other insects is inadequate for
higher than the national average of state commercial pollination.
4 State Apiary Inspection production but not as high as those for Several conditions have contributed to
4 the leading honey-producing states in the a decline of the native pollinating insects
Beekeeping Literature and
Midwest. New York ranks first in the East in certain areas. In recent years there has
Beekeepers Associations
in honey production and is usually among been a trend toward intensive and special­
7 Cornell Home Study Course in the first 7 in the country in the number of ized agriculture. General or diversified
Beekeeping colonies and production. farming is neither popular nor profitable.
7 Cornell Summer Short Course in Land that is used to grow only one crop
Beekeeping does not provide nectar and pollen for
wild pollinating insects over a long period
7 Visual Material of time. The elimination of hedgerows
7 When to Start Beekeeping when fields are made larger reduces the
nesting locations for pollinating insects.
8 Buying Bees Pesticides can affect the populations of
8 Equipment certain insects.
9 Bee Stings IN NEW YORK

9 Causes for Success or Failure in 1 Primary ~

Beekeeping 2 Secondary G:::J

3 Marginal D
10 Summary of Seasonal Management 4 Submarginal §


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Figure 1. A single colony of honey bees will survive almost anywhere In New York State. However, profitable
beekeeping Is undertaken only In those areas where honey plants abound.

It is estimated that over 15,000 colo­ Where Bees Can Be Kept Beekeepers who have remote apiaries
nies of honey bees are used to pollinate may suffer from vandalism and the occa -
apples and other fruits in New York State A small number of people have a great sional curious person who removes a hive
each year Additionally, New York State fear of honey bees. Often such people cover without knowing what is withi_n For
bees are moved to Vermont, Massachu ­ confuse bees and wasps . They may also these reasons beekeepers usually hide
setts, Connecticut, and Maine for the be unaware of the service honey bees their apiaries behind or in woods. This too
same purpose . Although fruit pollination is perform for mankind. Beekeepers will prevents their flying where they may be a
the primary use for which beekeepers are testify that bees busy pollinating flowers or nuisance .
paid, about 1 000 colonies are rented for gathering nectar will not sting unless A good apiary location receives a max­
the pollination of other agricultural crops , disturbed. imum of sunlight. It should have good air
including birdsfoot trefoil, cucumbers, and Bees have been kept successfully and and water drainage and slope to the south
cantaloupes . Beekeepers tend to think in without being a nuisance in large cities. or east. A windbreak is helpful. A source
terms of crops from which they receive For a number of years, for example , about of clean water is needed by bees, which
compensation, but conservationists are 10 hives of bees were kept in the Brook­ use water to dilute the food fed to larvae
aware of the pollination of wild fruit, nut, lyn Botanical Garden, which is located in and also to cool the hive in warm
and seed crops that benefit from an a densely populated area . Since 1925 weather .
abundance of honey bees. there has been a fairly large apiary im­ It is an unwritten law among beekeep­
mediately adjacent to the Cornell Univer­ ers that no sizable apiary should be
sity campus. It is surrounded by a hedge placed within 2 miles of another such
Who Keeps Bees? of evergreens about 10 feet thick and 15 apiary . If this practice is violated, there
feet high. There is only a single , narrow may be too little forage, and the colonies
Bees are kept by persons in all walks of
entrance to the apiary , and the bees are in both the old and new apiary will suffer .
life . For some , beekeeping is an interest­
forced to fly over the hedge and above
ing hobby; for those who operate several
the heads of people or the tops of cars
thousand colonies , it is an important
driving in the vicinity .
source of income . Figure 2. Although the primary source of income
When bees fly unhindered across a for the New York State beekeeper Is the honey
road or from their hive along a path used produced, thousands of colonies of bees are rented
by walking people, the bees could be a for pollination. Many crops, including these onions
nuisance. Bees accidentally hitting a per­ grown In muck In central New York, require cross­
pollination by insects to set seed.
son are not inclined to sting ; however, if
such a bee is hit or struck , she may sting .
Races of bees vary in their propensity to
sting . Beekeepers in cong ested areas are
advised to check their colonies and to
requeen those that show a greater ten­
dency to sting .

A Skilled Occupation State Apiary Inspection Beekeeping Literature and

Beekeepers Associations
Beginners in beekeeping are often mo­ Most states, including New York, hire a
tivated by a desire to make a living from chief apiary inspector and, during the
honey production. So many things are active bee season, several assistant
Honey Bee Brood Diseases by Henrik
involved that it is impossible to state the inspectors to inspect colonies of bees for
Hansen. Wicwas Press, 425 Hanshaw
number of colonies needed to accomplish disease One bacterial disease of honey
Road, Ithaca , N.Y. 14850. 32 pages.
this. If bees are given proper attention, bees. American foulbrood, is particularly
1981 .
500 colonies are cons idered the maxi­ troublesome. It is a disease that affects
Beekeeping in the Midwest by Elbert A.
mum that a skilled beekeeper can man­ only honey bees; colonies that become
Jaycox. Office of Agricutural Publications,
age without extra help. The complete infected almost invariably perish.
1301 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, Ill.
equipment necessary to operate such an New York State law requires that bees
61801. 169 pages. Revised, 1981 .
outfit efficiently may require an investment sold or moved intrastate must be accom­
Making Mead by Roger A. Morse. Wic­
of $100,000. No beginners should con­ panied by a permit from the Department
was Press, 425 Hanshaw Road, Ithaca,
sider such an outlay until they have had of Agriculture and Markets. Seasonal
N.Y. 14850. 127 pages. 1980 .
several years of experience with bees and permits are issued to those individuals
Rearing Queen Honey Bees by Roger
are convinced that they have the neces­ who have bees in more than one location
A. Morse. Wicwas Press, 425 Hanshaw
sary ability to produce and sell enough and must move healthy bees and used
Road, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850. 128 pages
honey to make the venture a financial apiary supplies and equipment between
1979 .
success. A good plan is to increase the established apiaries and between apiaries
Comb Honey Production by Roger A.
number of colonies each year while con­ and the honey house. Many states into
Morse. Wicwas Press, 425 Hanshaw
tinuing a full- or part-time job. which New York State beekeepers move
Road, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 . 128 pages
their bees also require a certificate of
How to Acquire a ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture by A.I.,
The inspection of colonies and the de­
Knowledge of Beekeeping E.R., H.H , and J.A. Root. A.I. Root Co.,
struction of those infected with American
Medina, Ohio 44256. 723 pages 1978.
foulbrood are in the best interest of the
Success with even a few colonies The Hive and Honey Bee, edited by
beekeeping industry. The request for the
requires a thorough knowledge of the life Dadant and Sons. Dadant and Sons, Inc.,
original inspection laws was strongly sup­
and the behavior of bees. A good way to Hamilton. Ill. 62341. 740 pages. 1975.
ported by the New York State Horticultural
obtain this knowledge and at the same The Complete Guide to Beekeeping by
Societi whose members are concerned
time to learn whether beekeeping is a Roger A. Morse. E.P. Dutton Inc., 201
about having a healthy industry and bees
congenial occupation is to work with a Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y.
available to be moved into orchards in the
skilled beekeeper. While obtaining practi­ 10003. 21 9 pages. Revised edition.
spring for pollination. Support for apiary
cal experience, one should devote spare 1974 .
inspection has also come from conserva­
time to reading the best books and bulle­ Queen Rearing by H.H. Laidlaw and J .E.
tionists interested in the pollination of wild
tins on the subject . Few persons make a Eckert. University of California Press. Ber­
fruit, nut, and seed crops needed by
success of beekeeping without practical keley, Calif. 94790. 165 pages.
experience. 1962.
For their own protection and that of
Honey Plants Manual by Harvey B.
their neighbors, persons owning bees
Lovell. A.I. Root Co., Medina, Ohio 44256.
must register with the Chief Apiary In­
64 pages. 1956.
spector. Those needing certificates of
Starting Right with Bees, revised and
inspection can write to the Department of edited by Walter Barth. A.I. Root Co.,
Agriculture and Markets. Building 8, State
Medina, Ohio 44256. 100 pages. 1956.
Campus, Albany, N.Y. 12235 . Five Hundred Answers to Bee Ques­
tions revised and edited by Walter Barth.
A.I. Root Co., Medina. Ohio 44256. 100
pages. 1955 .

Figure 3. This apiary Is surrounded by trees that

protect It from high winds, but Is large enough for
the colonies to receive a maximum of sunlight. The
building in the rear Is used for the storage ol extra
supers and equipment.


Honey Bee Pests, Predators and Dis­ ASSOCIATIONS. Beekeepers associa­
eases, edited by Roger A. Morse. Cornell tions in several states issue journals or
University Press, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850. newsletters to their members. New York
432 pages. 1978. State currently has 11 local (often county)
Sociobiology by Edward 0. Wilson. associations as well as the statewide
Belknap Press of Harvard University Empire State Honey Producers Associa­
Press, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. 416 tion. This latter group issues a newsletter
pages. 1975. twice a year, immediately before its
Bees and Beekeeping by Roger A. annual 2-day meeting, which is usually
Morse. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, held in December, and its annual summer
N.Y. 14850. 320 pages. 1975. picnic, usually held in late July. Dues for
The Social Behavior of the Bees by the Empire State Honey Producers Asso­
Charles D. Michener. Belknap Press of ciation are $10 per year. Information
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, about local associations and the state
Mass. 02138. 404 pages. 1974. association can be obtained by writing the
The Insect Societies by Edward 0. Office of Apiculture, Department of Ento­
Wilson. Belknap Press of Harvarc Univer­ mology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
sity Press, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. 14853.
548 pages 1971. The following monthly journals have
Bees: Their Vision, Chemical Senses national and international distribution. They
and Language by K. von Frisch. Cornell are available on a subscription basis by
University Press, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853. writing directly to the publishers. Each
157 pages. Revised edition. 1971. carries extensive advertising by suppliers
Communication among Social Bees by of beekeeping equipment.
Martin Lindauer. Harvard University Press, The American Bee Journal, published by
Cambridge, Mass. 02138. 161 pages. Dadant and Sons, Hamilton, Ill. 62341.
Revised edition. 1971. Gleanings in Bee Culture, published by
Insect Pollination of Crops by John B. the A.I. Root Company, Medina, Ohio
Free. Academic Press, 111 Fifth Avenue, 44256.
New York, N.Y. 10003. 544 pages. Pie Speedy Bee, published by Troy H.
1970. Fore, Jr., P.O. Box 998, Jesup, Ga.
The Dance Language and Orientation 21545.
of Bees by Karl von Frisch. Belknap Of the bee journals published in other
Press of Harvard University Press, Cam­ countries, Bee World, published by the
bridge, Mass. 02138. 566 pages. International Bee Research Association
1967. (IBRA), Hill House, Chalfont St. Peter,
Anatomy and Dissection of the Honey­ Gerrards Cross, Bucks , England SL9
bee by HA Dade. Bee Research Asso­ 0NR, is outstanding. For many years this
ciation, 11 Poplar Grove, Maidstone, Kent, journal has published articles and
England. 158 pages, plus plates. 1961. abstracts in English of all the important
Anatomy of the Honey Bee by R.E. scientific papers on beekeeping
Snodgrass. Comstock Publishing Co., throughout the world. To serve bee
Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853. research and beekeeping more effec­
330 pages. 1956. tively, the association changed its policy
in 1962 and now publishes 3 separate
bee journals: Bee World, Apicultural
Abstracts, and Journal of Apicultural
Membership in the IBRA is open to all
persons interested in bees and
beekeeping. Application forms can be
obtained by mail.

Figure 4. To inspect a colony, the outer telescopic

lid and Inner cover are removed. The beekeeper
next smokes the top bars of the frames. Note that
the beekeeper stands to one side of the colony so as
not to interfere with flight to and from the entrance.

Interstate beekeepers organizations. County and state organizations exist in Park, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y
The best source of information about most states and welcome persons from 14850.
beekeepers meetings and organizations is out of state. Many persons in New York Wintering Honey Bees in New York State
a current bee journal. The American Bee City, for example, regularly attend meet­ by E.J. Dyce and RA Morse. Information
Journal, Gleanings in Bee Culture, and ings in New Jersey . Information about Bulletin 109. 1O pages. 1978.
The Speedy Bee carry notes on county, such meetings will be found in the bee Package Bees: Their Installation and
state, interstate, national, and international journals or can be obtained by writing to a Immediate Care by G.F. Combs and RA
mec 1ings. state college of agriculture. Morse. Information Bulletin 7. 8 pages.
The Eastern Aplcultural Society was 1971.
formed in the late 1950s to bring bee­ BULLETINS. Three bulletins pertaining to Bait Hives in Northeastern States by R.
keepers together at an annual meeting, to bees and beekeeping are available by Morse. Information Bulletin 187. 8 pages.
talk about mutual problems. The society writing the Distribution Center, 7 Research 1982 .
meets in one of the New England states,
Ontario, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, or Vir­
ginia, usually at a state college. The 3-
day meeting, often held in August,
includes a honey, beeswax, and gadget
show. Demonstrations are given during
good weather .
The American Beekeeping Federa­
tion is one of two national organizations
that represent the industry. The federation
publishes i1s own newsletter and holds an
annual meeting , usually in January . The
location of the annual meeting is changed
from year to year to provide beekeepers
in ditterent sections of the country a better
opportunity to attend .
The American Honey Producers
Association is a group of commercial
beekeepers who have joined together to
solve industry problems. The association
publishes its own newsletter. It, too ,
moves the location of its annual meeting
from year to year so as to accommodate
beekeepers in various parts of the
County and local associations. Active
beekeepers ' associations meet in several
areas in New York: Finger Lakes Bee­
keepers Club, Long Island Beekeepers
Club, Mid-York Beekeepers Associa­
tion, Monroe County Beekeepers
Association, Northeast & Schenectady
County Beekeepers Association, South­
eastern Beekeepers Club, Southern
Tier Beekeepers Association, Ulster
County Beekeepers Association, West­
chester County Beekeepers Associa­
tion, and Western New York Honey
Producers Association.
For further information the local Figure S. To check on colony condlllon, the frames are removed one at a Ume. The beekeeper holds the
county agricultural agent should be smoker between his legs for Immediate use should additional smoke be needed to calm the colony.
contacted .

USDA PUBLICATIONS. The United Cornell Home Study Course When to Start Beekeeping
States Department of Agriculture has bee in Beekeeping
laboratories in Maryland, Wisconsin, Utah, The best time to start beekeeping is in
Wyoming, Arizona, and Louisiana. These The Cornell home study course in bee­ the spring. Many beginners start by buy­
are research laboratories; but in each keeping is designed :o help beekeepers ing packages that consist of 2 or 3
case there is a close association with the make their apiaries more profitable pounds of bees and a mated queen,
state land-grant college, and some teach­ Ownership of an apiary or at least one shipped in a temporary wire cage without
ing and extension are usually done with colony of bees is desirable but not neces­ combs from the southern states. It is
persons interested in beekeeping. The sary. The course requires a limited knowl­ advisable to install package bees on full
USDA has several bulletins and circulars edge of the handling of bees Written sheets of comb foundation instead of
about certain aspects of beekeeping reports on 9 lessons and 3 practical drawn combs and to feed them sugar
available without charge. For further exercise s are required . All papers are syrup instead of honey. These precau­
information about USDA publications write graded and returned. The enrollment fee tions are taken to guard against the pos­
USDA, Bioenvironmental Bee Laboratory, for the course is $20. One textbook must sibility of spreading American foulbrood .
Plant Protection Institute, Agricultural be purchased . The same precautions should be taken in
Research Station, Beltsville, Md. 20705. Applications and information concerning hiving stray swarms of bees . Established
the course should be addressed to Office colonies purchased from a neighboring
Annual statistics for the USDA. Figures of Apiculture, Department of Entomology, beekeeper should be well supplied with
on the number of colonies and the annual Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853. honey and should be in standard hives in
production of honey and beeswax for good condition and accompanied by a
each state can be obtained without cost ce rtificate of disease inspection from the
from the Crop Reporting Board, Statistical
Cornell Summer Short Course Chief Apiary Inspector, Department of
Reporting Service, USDA, Washington , in Beekeeping Agriculture and Markets, Building 8, State
D.C . 20250. Campus, Albany, N.Y. 12235.
The Cornell summer short course in
beekeeping, which starts on a Friday
evening and continues through Sunday , is
UNIVERSI TY. The Everett Franklin Phil­
offered each year, usually in mid-July.
lips Beekeeping Library consists of thou­
Participants stay in the Univer sity dormi­
sands of books, bulletins , pamphlets, and
tories and eat in the University cafeteria
volumes of beekeeping Journals. It is
for the weekend .
probably the most valuable collection of
The program consists of lectu res and
beekeeping literature in the world. Some
demonstrations designed for beginners
notable collections have been included ,
and those in their first years as bee­
such as the entire beekeeping library of
keepers. Weather permitting, colonies are
Moses Quinby , all books known to remain
examined by participants under the
from the libraries of L.L. Langstroth, Dr.
guidance of instructors.
CC. Miller, and Dr. John Anderson, the
Applications and information concerning
Dr. Ludwig Armbruster Library, the Evard
the course can be obtained from Office of
French Library, and a large collection of
Apiculture , Department of Entomology ,
first editions . Among the most valuable
Cornell University, Ithaca , N.Y. 14853 .
items are Langstroth's handwritten journal,
his letterpress book, and a diary of Moses
Quinby . Visual Material
Most items in the library , except the
special treasures, are available to serious Motion pictures on the life, habits, and
users through Interlibrary Loan Service . behavior of honey bees can be obtained
Applications should be made to any pub­ from Audio-Visual Resources Center , 8
lic library . Research Park, Cornell University , Ithaca,
Some of the most valuable parts of this N.Y. 14850. A catalog listing the films
library have been obtained by exchange available and the procedure for obtaining
Figure 6. The ropey substance being pulled from a
with foreign institutions and libraries , and them will be forwarded on request. cell Is the remnants of a larva killed by the bacteria
there is constant need for extra copies of that causes American foulbrood, a difficult disease
to control. Beekeepers should always be alert to
older books and all volumes of beekeep­
diseases and pests that may affect their bees
ing journals . Such gifts are welcome and adversely.
should be addressed to the Office of Api­
culture, Department of Entomology, Cor­
nell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853.

PACKAGE BEE INSTALLATION. For Figure 7 . This package of bees, shipped north from a southern state, contains about 12,000 bees and a queen.
the best results package bees should be Persons starting with package bees In New York should receive their bees between Aprll 15 and May 15; only
by starting the package this early will the bees gather the 60 to 80 pounds of honey they need to winter
received and installed between April 15
and May 15 in New York State . Packages
installed at a later date usually do not
have time to build sufficient colony popu­
lation to gather the 60 to 75 pounds of
honey needed by a colony for wintering
successfully in the state.
Information Bulletin 7, Package Bees:
Their Installation and Immediate Care, is
available by writing to Distribution Center ,
7 Research Park, Cornell University,
Ithaca , NY 14850. The price of the
bulletin is 35¢

Buying Bees


QUEENS. Package bees and queens
can be purchased from southern produc­
ers, most of whom advertise in the bee­
keeping journals. Established colonies and
equipment for sale are also advertised in
the journals.


bees are recommended for beginners
because they are most commonly used Some beginners produce section comb WHERE EQUIPMENT CAN BE PUR­
by beekeepers in this country and are honey, but a high-quality product requires CHASED. Hives and other beekeeping
raised by practically all the queen and considerable skill in colony management. equipment are manufactured by several
package-bee producers. A few breeders For home use, comb honey can be pro­ companies in various parts of the United
raise Caucasian and Carniolan bees , but duced in shallow frames of standard States. Beekeepers can obtain the names
most beekeepers consider Italian bees the length on thin comb foundation made and addresses of these firms from any of
best. especially for this purpose (embossed the beekeeping journals and write for
sheets of pure beeswax, which form the catalogs.
midribs of the combs). Most beekeepers
Equipment produce extracted honey for which full­ HOMEMADE EQUIPMENT. Many
depth supers are generally used. A cen­ commercial beekeepers believe that it
TYPE OF EQUIPMENT TO USE. In trifugal honey extractor is required for the pays to buy accurate factory-made
1851, L.L. Langstroth discovered the "bee removal of the honey; for a beginner it equipment. The frames fit better in the
space" and invented a beehive that has need not be an expensive model . hives and require less effort for removal
become standard in the United States and Items required by the beginner are and replacement. On the other hand ,
in many other countries. The "bee space" listed in the catalogs of supply manufac­ beginners often wish to make their own
(1 / 4 to 5 / 16 in.) is an area large enough turers, and additional equipment needed equipment. If hives are to be made at
to permit the free passage of bees but too for any one type of honey production can home, the best plan is to buy a complete
wide to induce bees to deposit propolis be ordered separately. The 10-frame hive hive for a model. Exact dimensions must
and too narrow for comb building . The is the type most widely used in the United be adhered to, or the bees will build comb
Langstroth or standard hive opens at the States. Because this equipment is avail­ and deposit propolis where neither is
top, and the frames (9 1 /8 in. high by 17 able at all bee supply houses and has the desired. (Information on dimensions for
5/8 in. long) that contain the individual greatest resale value, the beginner should beekeeping equipment is available by writ­
combs are hung in each hive body to purchase hives of this type. ing to the Office of Apiculture, Department
provide a bee space all around each of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca,
frame . The portion of the hive used for NY 14853.)
rearing brood (brood chamber) consists of
1 or 2 hive units, and the space for stor­
age of honey consists of additional units
(supers) placed above.

Bee Stings When disease breaks out in any one BEE POISONING. Very rarely are honey
portion of the state, all colonies surround­ bee colonies killed by insecticides in New
Bee stings are annoying to most expe­ ing the source of infection must be exam­ York State. However, each year many
rienced beekeepers as well as beginners , ined. For this reason it is required that all colonies lose their entire field force and
but the degree of sensitivity varies con­ colonies be housed in hives with frames may suffer some loss of brood as a result
siderably. Experienced beekeepers suffer that can be removed without difficulty. The of air spray used to protect forests and
pain from the initial prick of a sting, but keeping of bees in boxes or hives from farm crops or in public health programs.
they quickly build up an immunity to bee which the combs cannot be removed is Diagnosing a bee loss from pesticides is
venom, which reduces or eliminates the illegal. not always an easy matter. In the case of
aftereffects. At one time European foulbrood caused some insecticides there will be large
The degree of pain and swelling result­ enormous losses in New York State; but numbers of dead bees on the bottom
ing from a sting depends on the length of with the use of improved methods of col­ board and immediately in front of the col­
time the sting remains in the skin and the ony management and by the introduction ony. Under normal circumstances, even
amount of poison that enters the flesh. of Italian stock, this disease has been though the normal death rate in a colony
Therefore, it is important to rub or scrape held under control. It is still present in the of honey bees may be 1000 or 1500
out the sting immediately. state, however, and remains a problem in bees a day, worker bees within the colony
Bees and other stinging insects seem many apiaries. carry the bodies of their dead some dis­
to be disturbed by the odor of sweat and A virus disease known as sacbro od tance from the hive; and the dead bodies
most perfumed substances. They are less occurs throughout the state. Because this are neither found nor seen. Therefore, an
inclined to sting light-colored, smooth­ disease and European foulbrood resemble accumulation of more than 3 or 4 dead
textured clothing. Beekeepers should American foulbrood in certain respects, bees per day immediately in front of a
therefore prepare for work in the apiary by and since there is such a wide difference colony entrance is cause for suspicion.
washing with nonfragrant soap and dress­ in their destructiveness , exact diagnosis is In the case of certain pesticides, the
ing in clean, white coveralls or khaki important. Information on differences in foraging bees may not be able to return to
clothing that covers their bodies as much symptoms of these 3 diseases is given in the hive and may die in the field where
as possible. Farmers' Bulletin No. 2255, Identification they are little noticed by the beekeeper.
and Control of Honey Bee Diseases, However, in the case of any loss due to
which can be obtained from the Superin­ pesticides, there should be a slightly
Causes for Success or Failure
tendent of Documents, U.S. Government larger than normal accumulation of dead
in Beekeeping
Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. bees in front of the colony entrance.
Four primary considerations contribute The price is $1.00. Depletion of a field force means that there
to the success of beekeeping: (1) control The Bioenvironmental Bee Laboratory , may be fewer than the normal number of
of American foulbrood , (2) control of wax Plant Protection Institute, Agricultural bees in a hive; and oftentimes, because
moths, (3) keeping the colo nies headed Research Station, Beltsville, Md. 20705, there are fewer bees, there may be some
with young productive queens, and (4) examines samples of brood and adult chilled brood. Also, colonies that suffer
enough room for the rearing of brood and bees without charge. For diagnosing from losses due to pesticides will often
the storage of honey. brood or brood remains, one should send suffer from stress diseases such as Euro­
In recent years pesticides have in­ a sample of comb, about 4 by 4 inches, pean foulbrood and sacbrood . This is
creasingly become a problem for bee­ containing the affected brood or brood especially visible 2 to 6 weeks following
keepers in some areas. Most such losses remains; avoid including any honey in the the pesticide application.
can be avoided by the selection of the sample. The fact that some honey bees die
proper pesticide and time of application . from pesticides each year is evidence that
we still have much to do to make our
DISEASES OF BEES. The control of bee environment safe and c lean. When honey
diseases is a major problem in bee­ bees die, our data indicate that many
keeping. Of the diseases that affect the species of beneficial insects are also
brood of bees, American foulbrood is the affected. During the decade of the 1970s,
most serious. Losses normally result the federal government compensated
because beekeepers fail to examine each beekeepers who lost bees because of
colony thoroughly for this disease in the pesticides. This program was halted in
spring, the summer, and the fall. late 1980 because it had done nothing to
The bacterium that causes the disease stop the problem.
(Bacillus larvae) forms a resistant spore
capable of withstanding high temperatures
and existing in bee equipment for years.
Colonies of bees can die of American
foulbrood without the owner's realizing Figure 8. This colony of honey bees has plugged its
what caused their death. Beginners in entrance with propolls, which Is the gums and resins
collected from pine and poplar trees. The excessive
beekeeping should be cautious about buy­
use of propolis, a trait typical of Caucaslon bees,
ing used equipment. makes keeping them a nuisance although they are
good honey collectors.

The New York State Department of IMPORTANCE OF GOOD QUEENS. A Summary of Seasonal
Environmental Conservation has super­ colony of bees normally consists of 1 Management
vision over the use of pesticides in the queen (the mother of the hive), thousands
state. It works closely with the National of worker bees (sexually undeveloped It is not difficult or time consuming to
Environmental Protection Agency. When­ females), which do all the work in the field manage a few colonies for honey produc­
ever honey bees are killed by a pesticide, and the hive, and some drones (males), tion or pollination, but it is imperative to
the loss should be reported and docu­ whose sole function is to mate with the give the colonies adequate attention at
mented by calling one of the department's young queens. Since the queen lays all definite periods during the active season.
regional offices. Representatives from the the eggs in the hive, the growth and pro­ The following summary of seasonal
department will determine if the material ductivity of the colony is entirely de­ management for central New York State
was misused and what steps should be pendent on her. It is therefore highly is designed to help beekeepers manage
taken to avoid a similar loss in the future. important that each colony contain a their colonies efficiently .
young, prolific queen. The degree of suc­ The dates given are approximate for
APIARY PESTS. The wax moth (Galleria cess among large and small beekeepers central New York in a normal season.
melonelia), often referred to as the bee normally depends on the amount of atten­ Southern counties are usually from 1
moth, wax worm, and web worm, is found tion given to queens. Good queens result week to 10 days earlier and northern
throughout the state and causes severe in better wintering, faster buildup in popu­ counties from 1 week to 10 days later.
damage to co mbs. The moths lay eggs in lation in the spring, less trouble with This plan of operation is satisfactory dur­
the crevices of the hives. On hatching, the swarming, and a larger crop of honey. ing an average year, but should be modi­
minute, highly mobile larvae make their fied to meet changing honey/low
way to the combs. The laNae grow ROOM FOR BROOD REARING ANO conditions. Successful beekeeping is a
rapidly and construct strong tunnels of silk STORAGE OF HONEY. Insufficient combination of art and science; the bee­
as they burrow through and among the room for the queen to lay eggs and for keeper who produces a maximum crop
combs, feeding on the pollen, cocoons, the bees to store honey is one of the combines both.
and honey. On reaching maturity, the lar­ greatest causes for failure in beekeeping . First warm day during late March or
vae spin tough silken cocoons around Swarming is the natural method of repro­ early April when the bees are flying:
themselves, emerging later as adult duction in honey bees. A crowded or 1. Clean the entrances of the colonies.
moths. congested brood chamber stimulates the In the fall, colony entrances are reduced
During warm weather, weak colonies as colony to swarm. Honey bees normally in size (about 2 1 /2 in. long by 3/8 in.
well as combs in storage are subject to expand their brood nest in an upward high) to help the bees keep warm and to
wax-moth attack. Destruction is rapid and direction. If this expansion is restricted, prevent mice from entering. Sometimes
so complete that the combs are reduced even weak colonies prepare to swarm. dead bees or dislodged insulating mate­
to a mass of webs and debris in a few Swarming usually takes place during the rials restrict or clog the entrances and
weeks. period of greatest brood rearing. In New should be removed. As the weather
Stored com bs should be examined York State this peak is normally in the becomes warm in the spring, the en­
every 2 weeks When the first signs of spring after the dandelions commence to trances should be enlarged.
wax moth appear, they should be fumi­ bloom and before the clovers start to yield
gated. Paradichlorobenzene is the fumi­ nectar. During this period it is especially 2. Close the entrances of dead colonies
gant most commonly used. important to provide ample worker comb or remove them to a bee-tight building or
A circular, Wax Moths and Their Con­ in which the queen can expand her nest cellar where it is impossible for bees to
trol, can be obtained by writing to the in an upward direction. rob the honey from the combs. This pre­
Office of Apiculture, Department of Ento­ The problem of swarm control is great­ caution prevents the spread of American
mology, Cornell University, Ithaca , N.Y. est between the dandelion and clover foul brood.
14853. honey/lows, but continues later into the 3. Unite queenless colonies or those
season if there is not enough room for the with failing queens by placing them above
bees to store nectar. Bees short of stor­ strong queen -right colonies separated
age space are forced to hold the nectar in with a sheet of newspaper. The paper
their honey stomachs. When these bees should be pierced in 2 or 3 places . If time
are unable to work in the fields, they and temperature permit, it is advisable to
crowd the brood chamber; the crowding remove the failing queens.
stimulates swarming and results in a
reduction in the honey crop.

Figure 9. A hive stand, made of heavy wood treated

with a wood preservative, serves a useful function.
The colonies are raised about 6 Inches off the damp
ground and above the grass. In the winter, 2 colo­
nies can be pushed together and wrapped with
black paper on the stand. The dead air space below
the colonies keeps the hive dry.

4. Strengthen weak co lonies containing 4. Colonies can be checked for queen

young prolific queens by placing them cells by separating the hive bodies and
above strong colonies with a queen examining the bottom of the combs of the
excluder and a piece of newspaper upper hive bodies. If queen cells are
between them . The colonies should be being built in anticipation of swarming, use
united during the latter part of March or one of the following methods to prevent
early April and separated toward the end swarmi ng:
of the dandelion or fruit-bloom flow. When a. Remove all queen cells and
the colonies have been separated, set the reverse the brood chamber.
stronger of the 2 colonies on a new stand. b. Divide the colony into 2 parts
This helps to equalize the field forces of making certain that the brood,
the 2 colonies because many of the field bees, and honey are divided
bees in the stronger colony will return to about equally. All the queen ce lls
their old location . should be removed from the divi­
sion containing the queen, but 1
5. Feed the colonies if necessary with a
or 2 of the largest queen cells
mixture of 1 or 2 parts of white sugar to 1
should be left in the queenless
part of water , by weight or measure . Feed­
ing is rarely necessary if ample food is
c. Remove all the queen cells
provided in the fall.
Figure 10. Two colonies of bees have been placed and exchange the position of
Late April or early May when the dan­ side by side on a hive stand and wrapped in black strong colonies in the apiary with
delions and fruit start to bloom: tarpaper. The black paper serves to warm the colo­ weak ones. Enough field bees
nies on cool winter days and to give the adult bees
1. Unpack the colonies and check for usually leave the strong colonies,
an opportunity to fly and void fecal matter. Occa­
food, diseases, and performance of the sional flights In December through March are neces­ return to their old locations, and
queens in egg laying. sary ii colonies are to winter successfully. enter the weak colonies to prevent
2. Provide ample worker comb in which further trouble from swarming for
the queen can lay and freely expand her at least 2 weeks.
nest in an upward direction . This is 5. It is unnecessa ry to clip the wings of
necessary to prevent the bees from pre­ the queens if enough room is provided .
paring to swarm . The brood nest can be
6. Fumigate stored combs if even 1 wax
expanded in 2 general ways:
moth larva is found in them.
a. Reverse the brood chambers
of all strong colonies , and add a At the beginning of clover honeyflow
super of worker comb when the (usually during the last half of June):
colonies need more room. Beekeepers manipulate their -colonies in
b. Add a super of worker comb different ways at the beginning of the
on top of each colony. clover flow to discourage swarm ing. Two
In each method a frame of sealed of the most popular ways are as follows:
brood is raised from lhe lower 1. Place the queen in the lowest
brood c hamber into the super, chamber. This is usually accomplished by
which is added. Both of these driving the bees down out of the supers
methods provide enough room for into the lowest chamber with smoke, cer­
the bees to work in an upward tain acid fumes, or shaking them from the
direction. combs. Add a queen exc luder and a
super of drawn combs, and then place
3. Feed if necessary. Starvation of bees
Figure 11. In this partially completed winter pack the hive body or hive bodies containing
between the dandelion and clover flow is
the wheat straw, which has been placed on top of brood on top of this super of drawn
one of the principal causes of unprofitable the 2 colonies, Is visible. Wheat straw absorbs
combs . An additional super of combs
beekeeping. Never let a colony get _below excess moisture; and with the straw heaped in the
middle of the 2 colonies, the winter pack sheds should be placed on top of the colony to
the equivalent of 3 full combs of honey,
snow and rain. insure ample space for the storage of
especially at this critical time of year .
honey . Confining the queen to 1 hive
body during the light honeyflow is a popu­
lar method among beekeepers.

2. Allow the queen to lay in 2 brood At the end of the clover honeyflow (lat­ Pack the colonies for winter (usually
chambers throughout the entire season. ter part of July or early August): about the middle of October):
With this method, swarming is usually 1. Requeen or, at least, mark the colo­ 1. Colonies in 2 hive bodies should
prevented by reversing the brood nies that need new queens so that they weigh about 130 pounds. Feed colonies
chambers at least once or twice during can be requeened as soon as time per­ that do not meet this weight.
May and early June. At the beginning of mits. Young queens ensure good wintering
2. Detailed information on wintering
the clover flow, remove 5 or 6 frames of and a maximum honey crop the following
honey bees in New York State is con­
brood from each colony and place them year.
tained in Information Bulletin 109 available
in the center of the third super, which is
2. Examine the colonies for disease by writing to Distribution Center, 7
added at this time. Shake each frame of
before removing the honey crop. Research Park, Cornell University, Ithaca,
brood as it is removed to dislodge the
New York 14850. There is a 50¢ charge
bees. This permits inspection of the 3. Remove and extract the clover honey
for this bulletin.
combs for American foulbrood and, at the crop, and return the supers to the colo­
same time, prevents the queen from being nies for buckwheat or other fall To complete their work on schedule,
carried up into the supers. Next, place a honeyflows. commercial beekeepers who operate
queen excluder between the second several apiaries will usually find it neces­
At the end of buckwheat and (or) fall
chamber and the third super, which now sary to start their work earlier and con­
honeyflow (usually during the latter
contains 5 or 6 frames of brood. This tinue later than the dates indicated.
part of September):
method provides ample room for the 1. Unite all weak and queenless colo­
queen to lay in the 2 lower brood
nies with other strong colonies.
chambers and at the same time stimu­
lates the bees to work in the supers 2. Examine the colonies for disease.
above the excluder. 3. Remove the supers and queen
3. Examine the colonies for room and excluders and reduce each colony to 2
for queen cells about every 2 weeks dur­ hive bodies for winter. Make certain that R. A Morse is a professor and E. J_ Dyce,
ing the clover honey/low. the top hive body or second brood deceased, was a professor emeritus in
chamber is full of honey. the Department of Entomology, New York
State College of Agriculture and Life
4. Remove and extract the surplus Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
honey, and store the supers for winter. 14853.


Cooperative Extension, New York State

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences,
New York State College of Human
Ecology, and New York State College of
Veterinary Medicine, at Cornell University,
and U.S. Department of Agriculture,
cooperating. In furtherance of acts of
Congress May 8 and June 30, 1914, and
providing equal opportunities in
employment and programs.

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090/125 Revised 4/82 CP SM 7704

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