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“Seres humanos competentes para un mundo mejor”


Grade: Eighth Grade

Student’s name: Classroom: DD MM

8th - 0____ 2020
Subject: Term:
Program Administrator:
English First
Lic. Dianis Montes Pérez
Topics: Present simple, linking verbs, Conjunctions, Lic. Juan Carlos Zuleta Valera
so /such, pronouns, articles, zero and first conditional.

I. Present simple
Choose the correct option.
1. What time does Karen get up on Saturday mornings?
a. Yes, she does.
b. At 8.30am.
c. She gets up at 8.30am.

2. Where does your aunt live, Steve?

a. She lives London.
b. Yes, she does, in London.
c. She lives in London.

3. How do you usually go to school?

a. I go by bike.
b. I do, on the bike.
c. I going to school by bike.
Meeting Betty
Put the correct verb in each space.
Betty (4) __________twenty-two years old. She (5) __________ in a house in the state of Vermont
near the sea. In the morning, she always (6) __________on the beach for half an hour, then she
sometimes (7) __________ aerobics, but she usually swims.
"There is a swimming-pool in my house, so I can (8) __________in the sea or in the swimming-
pool, but I (9) __________swimming in the sea and I never do it."
She never (10) __________ candy or chocolates. "I'm a model and I can't (11) __________ things
like that." She usually (12) __________a really big breakfast and then just a sandwich for lunch.
She always (13) __________a lot of water.
a. Eats f. walks
b. Swim g. don’t like
c. Practice h. eat
s i. drinks
d. Has j. lives
e. is

Revisado Y Verificado por: Resp. de Área 20/03/2020 Validado y Aprobado por Coord. Académico Page 1 from 4
“Seres humanos competentes para un mundo mejor”

II. choose the correct form of

personal pronouns or possesives

14. Please give ______ water. 19. Who has the box? Daniel has ______.
a. I a. Him
b. Me b. It
c. my c. his
15. I send ______ a letter every month. 20. Thomas and Betty like ______.
a. Him a. He
b. He b. Him
c. his c. she
16. George cooks fish for ______ every day. 21. Jim drives ______ to work.
a. Them a. Her
b. They b. She
c. their c. His
17. Please show ______ the trains. 22. Look at ______!
a. Us a. I
b. We b. Me
c. our c. My
18. This orange is for ______. 23. The books are heavy. I can't carry _____.
a. She a. Them
b. You b. They
c. He c. I

III. Conjunctions
Match the two parts of the sentence and write a–h next to the numbers 24 – 31.

24…….. We wanted to go to the show a. so we don’t get there late.

25…….. I often make omelettes b. or at the football match?
26…….. Shall we go to the cinema c. because he laughs in his sleep.
27…….. Burgers are very tasty d. and watch that film you were talking about?
28…….. My neighbours are friendly e. because they’re quick and easy.
29…….. Do you know if he’s at home f. although they are not very healthy.
30…….. Pick me up early, please, g. but they’re noisy.
31…….. We know he has great dreams h. but there weren’t any seats left.

IV. Choose either "so" or "such" to fill each space in these sentences.

So Rich, Such Wealth!

32. I was ____ happy to see my aunt yesterday. I haven't seen her for nearly two years.
33. Greg plays tennis ____ well! I played him today and lost 6-0, 6-1. It was embarrassing!
34. Greg is____ a good tennis player. He should try to turn professional.
35. Look at those people vandalising the flowers.____ people make me really angry.
36. It was ____ cold yesterday that the TV was warning people not to go out unless it was really
37. it’s ____ a nice day today. Let's go for a picnic!
38. You haven't used that camera for ____ long that the batteries are probably flat by now.
39. Look at your daughter dancing. It's great to watch.____ elegance!
40. Your grandmother is 98. I knew she wasn't young but I didn't know she was ___ old!
Choose the correct article Articles

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“Seres humanos competentes para un mundo mejor”

41. They said on the radio this morning that___ lions at the zoo have all got flu!
a. The b. an c. a
42. And we also saw___ Louvre Art Gallery.
a. The b. an c. a
43. The Mississippi is one of ___ biggest rivers in the world.
a. The b. an c. a
44. I hated___ music they were playing last night at the party.
a. The b. an c. a
45. Let's go to the shops. We only have ___ few eggs!
a. The b. an c. a
46. I'm ___ teacher. I teach children in a large, private school.
a. The b. an c. a

V. Match the sentence endings in the box with the first half of each sentence below.
Write the correct letter (a-h) in the box.
a. If you call out a technician to repair it. 47. It will start to rain heavily_____
b. The telephone and the doorbell will ring together. 48. If a bus finally arrives, ______
49. If you are looking for your new
c. The electricity will go out ten minutes before it blue sweater, ____
begins. 50. You will open an e-mail with a
d. If you are waiting for a bus. 51. Your television/computer will work
e. Your gate will be the furthest away. perfectly _____
52. If you organize a large dinner
f. If you use your friend's new computer. party, ____
g. It will be in the last drawer you open. 53. lf you get into the bath with a big
book and a glass of wine,_____
h. It will not be the one you want. 54. If you are late for your flight, ____

VI. Linking verb or action verb. What type of verb

55. Carlos played soccer at recess.
a. Action verb
b. Linking verb
c. No linking verb
56. Camila and Anna are the only girls in team 4.
a. Linking verb.
b. Action verb.
c. No linking verb.
57. Isaac enjoys salmon fishing.
a. Linking verb.
b. Action verb.
c. No linking verb.

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“Seres humanos competentes para un mundo mejor”

Answer sheet
Name _______________________________Date____________ Score ____________

1 a b c
2 a b c
3 a b c
4 a b c d e f g h i j
5 a b c d e f g h i j
6 a b c d e f g h i j
32 to 40 write in the space so or such
7 a b c d e f g h i j
depending on the sentences.
8 a b c d e f g h i j
9 a b c d e f g h i j 41 a b c
10 a b c d e f g h i j 42 a b c
11 a b c d e f g h i j 43 a b c
14 a
a bb cc d e f g h i j 44 a b c
15 a
a bb cc d e f g h i j 45 a b c
16 a b c 46 a b c
17 a b c
18 a b c
19 a b c
20 a b c 4 a b c d e f g h
21 a b c 7
22 a b c 4 a b c d e f g h
23 a b c 8
4 a b c d e f g h
5 a b c d e f g h
5 a b c d e f g h
5 a b c d e f g h
5 a b c d e f g h
3 a b c
24 a b c d e f g h
5 a bb c c d e f g h
25 a b c d e f g h 56 a
26 a b c d e f g h 57 a b c
27 a b c d e f g h
28 a b c d e f g h
29 a b c d e f g h
30 a b c d e f g h
31 a b c d e f g h

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