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Name: Jose Luis Zambrano Panezo Date: 25/September/2019


Sitcom: Can we please avoid discussing politics?


A. Check the polite expressions Marie and her friends use to agree and to

disagree in the video episode.

❏ That’s ridiculous! ❏ That’s true, but I think . . . ❏ No way!

❏ Absolutely not! ❏ Of course not! ❏ That’s one way to look at


❏ Are you crazy? ❏ But on the other hand . . . ❏ I see what you mean,
but . . .

B. Match each person with the issue he or she supports.

d 1. Paul a. fighting corruption

c 2. Marie b. using government money on cooking schools

a 3. Bob c. eliminating poverty

b 4. Cheryl d. building a stronger military

C. Write the reasons each person gives for supporting his or her opinions

on the topics in Exercise B.

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classroom use.

That’s true, but I think we need to spend more money on the military.

1. Without a strong military, the world won’t be very safe.

That’s one way to look at it. But maybe the world would be safer - and

2. better - if we tried to eliminate poverty.

They should spend more money on fighting corruption. If they were able

3. to stop corrupt officials, maybe they wouldn’t need to raise our taxes.

Most people don’t know how to cook well. I think the government should

4. help teach them.

Top Notch TV 3, Second Edition

Activity Worksheet 9
Name: Jose Luis Zambrano Panezo Date:


Sitcom: Can we please avoid discussing politics?


A. Check each statement True or False.

True False

1. Marie thinks Paul is a conservative. ❏ ❏

2. Paul does not consider himself a conservative. ❏ ❏

3. Paul thinks Marie is a moderate. ❏ ❏

4. Bob considers himself a liberal. ❏ ❏

5. Marie agrees that Bob is a liberal. ❏ ❏

B. Complete each statement with a word from the box and the reason

each person gives.

moderate radical liberal conservative reactionary

1. Marie says Paul is a Conservative because you always seem

to want things to

be just like they used to be


2. Paul thinks Marie is a Radical because you always want

to change

Copyright © 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for
classroom use.

3. Marie thinks Bob is a Moderate because you’re always

in the middle.

C. Answer the questions in your own words.

1. What does Marie say the government should realize?

She just want our government to realize that it’s the twenty-first century and they
need new

ways of doing things.

2. Why does Marie say she knows the definitions of political beliefs?

Because she studied politics is school.

3. At the end of the video episode, what does Cheryl say she believes?

She believes that these are the best chips she has ever tasted.

Top Notch TV 3, Second Edition

Activity Worksheet 9
Name: Jose Luis Zambrano Panezo Date:


Interview: How do you feel about . . . ?

A. Check the two big problems Christiane says the world has.

❏ pollution ❏ overpopulation ❏ war

❏ poverty

❏ crime ❏ racism ❏ government corruption

❏ hunger

B. Check the things Christiane says people need to do to help solve the

problems in Exercise A.

❏ understand different cultures ❏ study history

❏ learn foreign languages ❏ make more compromises

❏ communicate better ❏ spend more time in other


C. Complete Stephan’s comments about censorship.

1. “I am 100 percent against censorship of any books or

moves or any

expression of creativity.”

2. “I feel that when governments try to censor books or

movies, then it creates
Copyright © 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for
classroom use.

a sort of atmosphere of fear.”

3. “People don’t have ready access to information

that should be available to

D. How do Ian and Christiane feel about prohibiting smoking indoors?

Why? Complete the statements with information from the video


1. Ian doesn't appreciate him all the time because he

is a smoker but he

understands why he is forbidden

2. Christiane think it’s fantastic. He think it’s great because If

you go to restaurants and

nobody can smoke, the food tastes better and your clothes don’t smell.

Top Notch TV 3, Second Edition

Activity Worksheet 9

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