Assignment Solution GRP 4

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6/29/2020 Assignment 1


Submitted By – Group 4
1 190301001 Abhinava Sarkar
2 190301003 Aniket Jain
3 190301018 Sanyam Agarwal
4 190301015 Praveen Kumar Goldar
5 190301019 Syamantak Sen
6 190301004 Ankita

1. Based on the Titanic data, please statistically confirm whether there is significant difference in the
mean age of the survivors ( coded as 1) compared to those who could not survive ( coded as 0)
• Import the data in the spss
• In the variable view, see the scales and other information and do necessary correction
• Identify what type of T-test would be required
• Write the null hypothesis
• Execute the T-Test and Interpret

Answer –

Age – Scale and Survived – Nominal , Pclass - Ordinal

Independent T-test would be used

Null Hypothesis – there is no significant difference in mean age of survivors and non survivors

T-Test Result Interpretation –

Group Statistics
Survived N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Age Survived 342 28.4084 14.42786 .78017
Not survived 545 30.1385 13.89832 .59534

• While checking significance for Equal variances assumed, 0.076>0.05 and hence value is not
• Again we test for Equal variances not assumed and p value of 0.078 >0.05 and hence value is not
• Null hypothesis is retained and we can conclude that there is no significant difference between
mean age of survivors and mean age of non-survivors.

2. From the internet usage data (Table 15.1) shared with you, please test whether there is significant
different in the mean of user’s attitude towards technology and internet.
As a marketing manager, what conclusion you would draw from it?

Answer –

In the Internet usage example (Table 15.1), a paired t test could be used to determine if the
respondents differed in their attitude toward the Internet and attitude toward technology.
The resulting output is

As a marketing manager, I can conclude that -

We can say from mean, that respondents have a more favourable attitude
towards internet compared to technology.

So, internet service providers can also market their services to consumers who
are not tech savy.

3. The SPSS dataset (University student’s dataset) is a data about university students, University allows
the students to stay in campus hostel and also stay outside the campus. It is general belief among
the professors, that while students in engineering and science stream tend to stay in campus,
students in arts and commerce prefer to commute from outside. Please use your new found
knowledge in Cross-tab to examine this belief.

In the cross-tab, dependent variable should be in row and independent variable in column.
a) Please mention what is the primary hypothesis and null hypothesis.
b) Interpret the cross-tab table and the related statistical test and the strength of the association.

Solution -3
Primary hypothesis –
Students in engineering and science stream tend to stay in campus, students in arts and commerce
prefer to commute from outside.
Null hypothesis (H0) –
(Science and Engineering students) tend to stay outside the campus
(Arts and Commerce students) tend to stay inside the campus

Merged the departments as below -

Dep. 1 – Engineering & Science
Dep. 2 – Art & Commerce

Below are the output from SPSS Log file –

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
MergeDep * LiveOnCampus 388 89.2% 47 10.8% 435 100.0%

• Above table shows the valid cases in the dataset is 388 out of 435, so almost 11% of data have
missing values which will not be considered in the analyses.

• Above table shows the Cross-tabulation of Dep-1 & Dep-2 with the Stay of students, which
shows the students living in campus and outside the campus.
• Dep -1 Almost 65.2% of students are living inside the campus on the other hand in Dep-2 only
6% stays in the campus.

• As its 2X2 matrix we would look for the Pearson Chi-Square value. The value of the test statistics
is 138.926.
• All the values are greater than minimum expected count.

Symmetric Measures
Value Significance
Nominal by Nominal Phi -.598 .000
Cramer's V .598 .000

N of Valid Cases 388

Analysis/Conclusion –
As the p value is less than the value of α = 0.05 i.e. Significance level, we can reject the Null Hypothesis
and conclude that there is association between the department and stay of students in the campus.

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