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Like every other city in the United States, Las Vegas, Nevada did not start with its

infamous nickname of
“Sin City.” It was just as similar as the others. Beyond the casino and the bright lights that it is known for,
Las Vegas, Nevada is a desert, and it is interesting to know how it came to be. If you fancy yourself
having a Las Vegas experience that is beyond the gambling and the city, you should try to check out the
Springs Preserve which is still located in the same city.

The Springs Preserve spans to about 73 hectares of land offered primarily for walks and nature
appreciation. Operated by the Las Vegas Valley Water District, the Preserve was built atop the original
water source for Las Vegas. The said Preserve started its construction on the year 2005. By June 8, 2007,
The Preserve had formally opened its doors for visitors to see.

Just like any other museum and notable sites, the Preserve provides various exhibits for everyone to
enjoy. One of these exhibits is the Origen Experience. The word Origen derives itself from the words
original and generations. From the name itself, you will learn what Las Vegas looked like originally. This
also includes knowing about the dinosaurs which used to reside in the area.

Another unique exhibit that they have is the Desert Living Center. The Desert Living Center provides
interactive galleries for viewers to actually know what it feels like to live and know how to survive in a
desert such as the outskirts of Las Vegas.

Other exhibits and features that you should consider visiting in the Springs Preserve are the trails, state
museums, and the popularly interactive Nature Exchange.

The Springs Preserve has a lot to offer for people of all ages. If you find yourself in Las Vegas, Nevada
you might want to consider a break from the gambling and bring the whole family here for some fun.

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