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Study 906-WVS1995.

World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V1 Wave
3.- 1995
V2 Country
(See annex)
V2A Country/region [with split ups]
(See annex)
V2B Dataset (when more than one)
1.- 1
2.- 2
-1-.- Don't know
-2-.- No answer
-3-.- Not applicable
-4-.- Not asked in sur
-5-.- Missing; Unknown
V3 Interview number
0-999999.- 0-9999999
-4-.- Not asked
V4 Importance in life: Family
1.- Very important
2.- Rather important
3.- Not very important
4.- Not at all important
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V5 Importance in life: Friends
1.- Very important
2.- Rather important
3.- Not very important
4.- Not at all important
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V6 Importance in life: Leisure time
1.- Very important
2.- Rather important
3.- Not very important
4.- Not at all important
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V7 Importance in life: Politics
1.- Very important
2.- Rather important
3.- Not very important
4.- Not at all important
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V8 Importance in life: Work
1.- Very important
2.- Rather important
3.- Not very important
4.- Not at all important
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V9 Importance in life: Religion
1.- Very important
2.- Rather important
3.- Not very important
4.- Not at all important
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V10 Feeling of happiness

1.- Very happy
2.- Quite happy
3.- Not very happy
4.- Not at all happy
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V11 State of health
1.- Very good
2.- Good
3.- Fair
4.- Poor
5.- Very poor
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V12 Respect and love for parents
1.- Always respect
2.- Respect if earned
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V13 Parents responsibilities to their children
1.- Parents´ duty is to do their best for their children even at the expense of their own well-being
2.- Parents have a life of their own and should not be asked to sacrifice their own well-being for the sake of
their children
3.- Neither
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V14 Children qualities: Good manners
1.- Important
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V15 Children qualities: Independence
1.- Important
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V16 Children qualities: Hard work
1.- Important
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V17 Children qualities: Responsibility
1.- Important
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V18 Children qualities: Imagination
1.- Important
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V19 Children qualities: Tolerance and respect for other people
1.- Important
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V20 Children qualities: Thrift, saving money and things
1.- Important
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V21 Children qualities: Determination, perseverance
1.- Important
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V22 Children qualities: Religious faith
1.- Important
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V23 Children qualities: Unselfishness

1.- Important
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V24 Children qualities: Obedience
1.- Important
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V25 What children should learn 1
0.- Not available Poland
1.- Thrift, saving money and things
2.- Obedience
3.- Determination, perseverance
4.- Religious faith
7.- None
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V26 What children should learn 2
0.- Not available Poland
1.- Thrift, saving money and things
2.- Obedience
3.- Determination, perseverance
4.- Religious faith
7.- None
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V27 Trust in people
1.- Most people can be trusted
2.- Can't be too careful
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V28 Membership of voluntary organisations: Church or religious organization
1.- Active member
2.- Inactive member
3.- Not a member
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V29 Membership of voluntary organisations: Sport or recreation
1.- Active member
2.- Inactive member
3.- Not a member
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V30 Membership of voluntary organisations: Art, music or educational
1.- Active member
2.- Inactive member
3.- Not a member
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-3-.- Not applicable
-4-.- Not asked
V31 Membership of voluntary organisations: Labor union
1.- Active member
2.- Inactive member
3.- Not a member
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V32 Membership of voluntary organisations: Political party
1.- Active member
2.- Inactive member
3.- Not a member
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V33 Membership of voluntary organisations: Environmental organization

1.- Active member
2.- Inactive member
3.- Not a member
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V34 Membership of voluntary organisations: Professional association
1.- Active member
2.- Inactive member
3.- Not a member
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V35 Membership of voluntary organisations: Charitable organization
1.- Active member
2.- Inactive member
3.- Not a member
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V36 Membership of voluntary organisations: Any other voluntary organization
1.- Active member
2.- Inactive member
3.- Not a member
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V37 Discuss political matters
1.- Frequently
2.- Occasionally
3.- Never
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V38 Environment: I would agree to an increase in taxes if the extra money were used to prevent
environmental damage
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V39 Environment: I would buy things at a 20% higher price if it helped to protect the environment
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V40 Environment: Environmental problems can be solved without any international agreements to
handle them
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V41 Environment vs economic growth
1.- Protecting the environment should be given priority, even if causes slower economic growth and some loss
of jobs
2.- Economic growth and creating jobs should be the top priority, even if the environment suffers to some
3.- Other answer
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V42 Environmental action: Chosen products that are better for environment
1.- Have done
2.- Have not
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V43 Environmental action: Recycle something rather than throw it away
1.- Have done
2.- Have not
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V44 Environmental action: Reduce water consumption for environmental reasons
1.- Have done
2.- Have not
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V45 Environmental action: Attend meeting, signed petition aimed at protecting the environment
1.- Have done
2.- Have not
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V46 Environmental action: Have you contributed to an environmental organization
1.- Have done
2.- Have not
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V47 Tradition vs high technology
1.- Tradition
2.- High technology
3.- Other answer (Both, neither,...)
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V48 Understand others´ preferences vs express one´s own preferences clearly
1.- Others preferences
2.- Own preference
3.- Other answer (Both, neither,...)
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V49 Human beings should master nature vs coexist with nature
1.- Human beings should master nature
2.- Humans should coexist with nature
3.- Other answer (Both, neither,...)
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V50 Humanity has a bright future vs Humanity has a bleak future
1.- Humanity has a bright future
2.- Humanity has a bleak future
3.- Other answer (Both, neither,...)
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V51 Neighbors: Criminals
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V52 Neighbors: People of different race
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V53 Neighbors: Political extremists

1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V54 Neighbors: Heavy drinkers
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V55 Neighbors: Emotionally unstable
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V56_01 Neighbors: Muslims
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V56_02 Neighbors: Jews
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V56_03 Neighbors: People with different religion
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V56_04 Neighbors: Narcotraficants
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V56_05 Neighbors: North-American persons
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V56_06 Neighbors: Haitians
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V56_07 Neighbors: Christians
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V56_08 Neighbors: Members of new religious movements
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V56_09 Neighbors: Jews, Arabs, Asians, Gypsies, etc
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V56_10 Neighbors: Black
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V56_11 Neighbors: Whites
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V56_12 Neighbors: Coloured
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V56_13 Neighbors: Indians
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V56_14 Neighbors: Gypsies

1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V56_15 Neighbors: Kurds, Esids
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V57 Neighbors: Immigrants/Foreign workers
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V58 Neighbors: have AIDS
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V59 Neighbors: drug addicts
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V60 Neighbors: homosexuals
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V61 Unemployment: When jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women
1.- Agree
2.- Neither
3.- Disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V62 Unemployment: When jobs are scarce, older people should be forced to retire from work early
1.- Agree
2.- Neither
3.- Disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V63 Unemployment: Jobs for our nationality
1.- Agree
2.- Neither
3.- Disagree
-1-.- DK
-2-.- NA
-4-.- Not asked
V64 Financial satisfaction
1.- Dissatisfied
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Satisfied
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V65 Life satisfaction

1.- Dissatisfied
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Satisfied
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V66 Freedom of choice about control over life
1.- None at all
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- A great deal
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V67 Work: I almost always continue to work on a task until I am satisfied with the result
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V68 Work: I feel disappointed in myself when I don't accomplish my personal goals
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V69 Work: I like work so much that I often stay up late at night to finish it
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V70 Work: One of my main goals in life has been to make my parents proud
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V71 Work: I make a lot of effort to live up to what my friends expect
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V72 Work vs leisure

1.- Leisure makes life worth living, not work
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- Work is what makes life worth living, not leisure
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V73 important in job 1
1.- Good income
2.- Safe job, no risk
3.- Working with people I like
4.- Important job, feeling of accomplishment
5.- [Colombia 98] Do something for community
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V74 important in job 2
1.- Good income
2.- Safe job, no risk
3.- Working with people I like
4.- Important job, feeling of accomplishment
5.- [Colombia 98] Do something for community
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V75 Job: Good pay
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V76 Job: Not too much pressure
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V77 Job: Good job security
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V78 Job: A job respected by people in general
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V79 Job: Good hours
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V80 Job: An opportunity to use initiative
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V81 Job: Generous holidays
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V82 Job: A job in which you feel you can achieve something
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V83 Job: A responsible job
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V84 Job: A job that is interesting
1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V85 Job: A job that meets one's abilities

1.- Mentioned
2.- Not mentioned
-4-.- Not asked
V86 Efficient secretary is paid more
1.- Fair
2.- Not fair
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V87 How business and industry should be managed
1.- The owners should run their business or appoint the managers
2.- The owners and the employees should participate in the selection of managers
3.- The government should be the owner and appoint the managers
4.- The employees should own the business and should elect the managers
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V88 Following instructions at work
1.- Follow instructions
2.- Be convinced first
3.- Depends
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V89 Marital status
1.- Married
2.- Living together as married
3.- Divorced
4.- Separated
5.- Widowed
6.- Single
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V90 How many children
0.- None
1.- 1 child
2.- 2 children
3.- 3 children
4.- 4 children
5.- 5 children
6.- 6 children
7.- 7 children
8.- 8 + children
-2-.- NA
-4-.- Not asked
V91 Ideal number children
0.- None
1.- 1 child
2.- 2 children
3.- 3 children
4.- 4 children
5.- 5 children
6.- 6 children
7.- 7 children
8.- 8 + children
-2-.- NA
-4-.- Not asked
-5-.- NZ: Missing
V92 Child needs both parents
1.- Tend to agree
2.- Tend to disagree
3.- Other answer
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V93 Woman needs children

1.- Needs children
2.- Not necessary
3.- Other answer
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V94 Marriage is outdated
1.- Agree
2.- Disagree
3.- Other answer
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V95 Enjoy sexual freedom
1.- Tend to agree
2.- Tend to disagree
3.- Neither/it depends
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V96 Woman as single parent
1.- Approve
2.- Disapprove
3.- Depends
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V97 If only one child allowed: boy or girl
1.- Boy
2.- Girl
3.- It makes no difference
-1-.- DK
-2-.- No answer
-4-.- Not asked
V98 A working mother can establish just as warm and secure a relationship with her children as a
mother who does not work
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-1-.- Don't know
-2-.- No answer
-4-.- Not asked
V99 Being a housewife is just as fulfilling as working for pay
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- No answer
-1-.- Don't know
-4-.- Not asked
V100 Both the husband and wife should contribute to household income
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- No answer
-1-.- Don't know
-4-.- Not asked
V101 On the whole, men make better political leaders than women do
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- No answer
-1-.- Don't know
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V102 If a women earns more money than her husband, it's almost certain to cause problems
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- No answer
-1-.- Don't know
-4-.- Not asked
V103 A university education is more important for a boy than for a girl
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- No answer
-1-.- Don't know
-4-.- Not asked
V104 Aims of country: first choice
1.- Economic growth
2.- Strong defence forces
3.- People more say
4.- Beautiful cities and countryside
-2-.- No answer
-1-.- Don't know
-4-.- Not asked
V105 Aims of country: second choice
1.- Economic growth
2.- Strong defence forces
3.- People more say
4.- Beautiful cities and countryside
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V106 Aims of respondent: first choice
1.- Maintaining order in nation
2.- People more say
3.- Fighting rising prices
4.- Protecting freedom of speech
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V107 Aims of respondent: second choice
1.- Maintaining order in nation
2.- People more say
3.- Fighting rising prices
4.- Protecting freedom of speech
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V108 Most important: first choice
1.- Stable economy
2.- Humane and less impersonal society
3.- Society where ideas count more than money
4.- Fight against crime
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
V109 Most important: second choice
1.- Stable economy
2.- Humane and less impersonal society
3.- Society where ideas count more than money
4.- Fight against crime
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
V110 Willing to fight in war
1.- Yes
2.- No
3.- Other answer
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V111 Future: Less emphasis on money and material possessions

1.- Good
2.- Do not mind
3.- Bad
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V112 Future: Less importance placed on work in our lives
1.- Good
2.- Do not mind
3.- Bad
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V113 Future: More emphasis on the development of technology
1.- Good
2.- Do not mind
3.- Bad
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V114 Future: Greater respect for authority
1.- Good
2.- Do not mind
3.- Bad
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V115 Future: More emphasis on family life
1.- Good
2.- Do not mind
3.- Bad
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V116 In the long run, do you think the scientific advances we are making will help or harm mankind
1.- Help
2.- Harm
3.- Some of each
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V117 How interested would you say you are in politics
1.- Very interested
2.- Somewhat interested
3.- Not very interested
4.- Not at all interested
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V118 Political Particicpation: Signing a petition
1.- Have done
2.- Might do
3.- Would never do
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V119 Political Participation: Joining in boycotts
1.- Have done
2.- Might do
3.- Would never do
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V120 Political Participation: Attending lawful demonstrations
1.- Have done
2.- Might do
3.- Would never do
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V121 Political Participation: Joining unofficial strikes

1.- Have done
2.- Might do
3.- Would never do
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V122 Political Participation: Occupying buildings or factories
1.- Have done
2.- Might do
3.- Would never do
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V123 Left-Right self placement
1.- Left
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Right
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V124 Modes of societal change
1.- The entire way our society is organised must be radically changed by revolutionary action
2.- Our society must be gradually improved by reforms
3.- Our present society must be bravely defended against all subversive forces
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V125 Income equality
1.- Incomes should be more equal
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Need larger income differences
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V125_PR Income equality (Puerto Rico)
1.- equal
10.- effort
-1-.- dk
V126 Ownership of business
1.- More private
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- More government
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V127 Responsibility to ensure that everyone is provided for

1.- State responsible
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Individual responsible
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V128 Competition is good or harmful
1.- Competition is good
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Competition is harmful
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V129 Hard work or luck bring a better life
1.- Hard work
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Luck+Connections
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V130 Wealth accumulation
1.- Expense of others
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Enough for everyone
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V131 Making changes cautiously or boldly
1.- Be cautious
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Act boldly
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Question Title and categories

V132 New vs old ideas

1.- Old ideas
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- New ideas
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V133 Import goods or strictly limite foreign goods
1.- Import goods
2.- Limit imports
3.- Other answers
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V134 Immigration policy
1.- Let anyone come who wants to
2.- Let people come as long as there are jobs available
3.- Place strict limits on the number of foreigners who can come here
4.- Prohibit people coming here from other countries
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V135 Confidence:The churches
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V136 Confidence: The armed forces
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V137 Confidence: The legal system
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V138 Confidence: The press
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V139 Confidence: Television
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Question Title and categories

V140 Confidence: Labor Unions

1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V141 Confidence: The police
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V142 Confidence: The national government
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V143 Confidence: Political Parties
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V144 Confidence: Parliament
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V145 Confidence: The civil service
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V146 Confidence: Major Companies
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V147 Confidence: The Green/Ecology movement
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V148 Confidence: The women's movement
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Question Title and categories

V149_00 Confidence: The European Union

1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V149_01 Confidence: The Mercosur
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V149_02 Confidence: South Asian Association Regional Cooperation SAARC
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V149_03 Confidence: The APEC
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V149_04 Confidence: The Organization for African Unity-OAU
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V149_05 Confidence: The Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA)
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V149_06 Confidence: The Association of South East Asian Nations -ASEAN
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V149_07 Confidence: The NAFTA
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V149_08 Confidence: The Tratado de Libre Comercio
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Question Title and categories

V149_09 Confidence: The Andean Pact

1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V150 Confidence: United Nations
1.- Great deal
2.- Quite a lot
3.- Not very much
4.- None at all
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V151 Rating: Previous political system
1.- Very bad
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Very good
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V152 Where on this scale would you put the political system as it is today
1.- Very bad
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Very good
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V153 Where on this scale would you put the political system as you expect it will be ten years from now?
1.- Very bad
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Very good
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V154 Having a strong leader who does not have to bother with parliament and elections
1.- Very good
2.- Fairly good
3.- Fairly bad
4.- Very bad
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V155 Having experts, not government, make decisions according to what they think is best for the
1.- Very good
2.- Fairly good
3.- Fairly ba
4.- Very bad
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Question Title and categories

V156 Political system: Having the army rule

1.- Very good
2.- Fairly good
3.- Fairly bad
4.- Very bad
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V157 Having a democratic political system
1.- Very good
2.- Fairly good
3.- Fairly bad
4.- Very bad
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V158 Party leader behavior
1.- Stand firm
2.- Cooperate
3.- Other answer
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V159 Government responsibility: To maintain order in society vs respect freedom of the individual
1.- Maintain order in society
2.- Respect freedom of the individual
3.- Other answer
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V160 In democracy, the economic system runs badly
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V161 Democracies are indecisive and have too much squabbling
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V162 Democracies aren't good at maintaining order
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V163 Democracy may have problems but it's better than any other form of government
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V164 Using violence to pursue political goals is never justified
1.- Strongly agree
2.- Agree
3.- Disagree
4.- Strongly disagree
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Question Title and categories

V165 Satisfaction with people in national office

1.- Very satisfied
2.- Fairly satisfied
3.- Fairly dissatisfied
4.- Very dissatisfied
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V166 Country is run by a few big interests looking out for themselves or that for the benefit of all the
1.- Run by a few big interests
2.- Run for all the people
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V167 Least liked group in society
(See annex)
V168 Least liked group allowed to: Hold public office
1.- Yes
2.- No
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V169 Least liked group allowed to: Teach in our schools
1.- Yes
2.- No
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V170 Least liked allowed to: Hold public demonstrations
1.- Yes
2.- No
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V171 Poverty compared to 10 years ago
1.- Larger share
2.- Same share
3.- Smaller share
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V172 Why are there people in this country who live in need
1.- Poor because of laziness and lack of will power
2.- Poor because unfair society
3.- Other answer
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V173 Chance to escape from poverty
1.- They have a chance
2.- There is very little chance
3.- Other answer
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V174 How much the government is doing for people in poverty in this country
1.- Too much
2.- About the right amount
3.- Too little
4.- Other answer
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Question Title and categories

V175 Amount of help for less developed countries

1.- Too much
2.- About the right amount
3.- Too little
4.- Other answer
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V176 Economic aid to poorer countries
1.- Very much for
2.- For to some extent
3.- Somewhat against
4.- Very much against
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V177 How often do you think about the meaning and purpose of life
1.- Often
2.- Sometimes
3.- Rarely
4.- Never
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V178 Good and evil
1.- Clear guidelines
2.- No clear guidelines
3.- Neither
4.- Other answer
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V179 Religious Denomination
(See annex)
V180 Raised religious
1.- Yes
2.- No
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
-3-.- INAP (TR: No Religious Denomination)
V181 Attendance of services
1.- More than once a week
2.- Once a week
3.- Once month
4.- Only on special holy days
5.- Once year
6.- Less often
7.- Never, practically never
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
-3-.- INAP (TR: No Religious Denomination)
V182 Are you religious
1.- A religious person
2.- Not a religous person
3.- A convinced atheist
4.- Other answers
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
-3-.- INAP (TR: No Religious Denomination)
V183 Do you believe in God
1.- Yes
2.- No
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
-3-.- INAP (TR: No Religious Denomination)

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Question Title and categories

V184 Do you believe in life after death?

1.- Yes
2.- No
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V185 Do you believe people have a soul
1.- Yes
2.- No
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V186 Do you believe the Devil exists
1.- Yes
2.- No
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V187 Do you believe in hell
1.- Yes
2.- No
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V188 Do you believe in heaven
1.- Yes
2.- No
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V189 Do you believe in sin
1.- Yes
2.- No
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
-3-.- INAP (TR: No Religious Denomination)
V190 Importance of God in your life
1.- Not at all
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Very
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V191 Get comfort and strength from religion
1.- Yes
2.- No
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V192 Justifiable: Claiming government benefits to which you are not entitled
1.- Never justified
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Always justified
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Question Title and categories

V193 Justifiable: Avoiding a fare on public transport

1.- Never justified
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Always justified
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V194 Justifiable: Cheating on taxes if you have a chance
1.- Never justified
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Always justified
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V195 Justifiable: Buying something you knew was stolen
1.- Never justified
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Always justified
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V196 Justifiable: Someone accepting a bribe in the course of their duties
1.- Never justified
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Always justified
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V197 Justifiable: Homosexuality
1.- Never justified
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Always justified
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V198 Justifiable: Prostitution

1.- Never justified
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Always justified
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V199 Justifiable: Abortion
1.- Never justified
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Always justified
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V200 Justifiable: Divorce
1.- Never justified
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Always justified
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V201 Justifiable: Euthanasia-ending the life of the incurably sick
1.- Never justified
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Always justified
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V202 Justifiable: Suicide
1.- Never justified
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Always justified
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V203 Geographical group belongs first

1.- Locality or town
2.- Region or state of country
3.- Nation as a whole
4.- Continent
5.- World
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V204 Geographical groups belongs second
1.- Locality or town
2.- Region or state of country
3.- Nation as a whole
4.- Continent
5.- World
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V205 How proud are you to be [nationality]
1.- Very proud
2.- Quite proud
3.- Not very proud
4.- Not at all proud
5.- Not applicable (not of country)
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V206 Born in this country
1.- Yes
2.- Latino America
3.- USA/Canada
4.- Asian
5.- Europe
6.- African
7.- Other
8.- Oceania
-2-.- DK/NA
-4-.- Not asked
V207 When came to country
1.- Within past 2 years
2.- Within past 3-5 years
3.- 6-10 years ago
4.- 11-15 years ago
5.- More than 15 years ago
-3-.- Not applicable (Born in this country)
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V208 National identity
(See annex)
V209 Language at home
(See annex)
V210 Which party would you vote for: First choice
(See annex)
V211 Which party would you vote for: Second choice
(See annex)
V212 Party that would never vote
(See annex)
V213 Extent of political corruption in this country
1.- Almost no public officials engaged in it
2.- A few are
3.- Most are
4.- Almost all public officials are engaged in it
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Question Title and categories

V214 Sex
1.- Male
2.- Female
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V215 Year of birth
1901-1978.- 1901-1978
1979-1985.- Warning
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V216 Age
12-17.- Age less than 18
18-25.- 18-25
26-36.- 26-36
37-47.- 37-47
48-58.- 48-58
59-69.- 59-69
70-120.- More than 70
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V217 Highest educational level attained
1.- None
2.- Primary incomplete
3.- Primary
4.- Secondary technical/vocational incomplete
5.- Secondary technical/vocational
6.- Secondary university preparatory incomplete
7.- Secondary university preparatory
8.- Some university education
9.- University degree
-3-.- Not applicable
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V217CS Education (CS)
(See annex)
V218 What age did you complete your education
(See annex)
V219 Do you live with your parents
1.- Yes
2.- No
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V220 Employment status
1.- Full time 30 hours a week or more
2.- Part time less than 30 hours a week
3.- Self employed
4.- Retired pensioned
5.- Housewife not otherwise employed
6.- Student
7.- Unemployed
8.- Other
-1-.- DK
-2-.- No answer
-4-.- Not asked

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Question Title and categories

V221 Occupation/job
1.- Employer manager of establishment with10 or more employees
2.- Employer manager of establishment with less than 10 employees
3.- Professional worker lawyer, accounta
4.- Supervisory - office worker: superv
5.- Non-manual - office worker: non-sup
6.- Foreman and supervisor
7.- Skilled manual worker
8.- Semi-skilled manual worker
9.- Unskilled manual
10.- Farmer
11.- Agricultural worker
12.- Armed forces
13.- Never worked
14.- Other
-1-.- DK
-2-.- NA
-3-.- Not applicable
-4-.- Not asked
-5-.- Missing
V222 Are you the chief wage earner in your house
1.- Yes
2.- No
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
-3-.- INAP (DE: Non active persons)
V223 Is the chief wage earner employed now
1.- Yes
2.- No
-1-.- DK
-2-.- NA
-3-.- Not applicable (R is the chief wage earner)
-4-.- Not asked
V224 Chief wage earner occupation
1.- Employer manager of establishment with10 or more employees
2.- Employer manager of establishment with less than 10 employees
3.- Professional worker lawyer, accounta
4.- Supervisory - office worker: superv
5.- Non-manual - office worker: non-sup
6.- Foreman and supervisor
7.- Skilled manual worker
8.- Semi-skilled manual worker
9.- Unskilled manual
10.- Farmer
11.- Agricultural worker
12.- Armed forces
13.- Never worked
14.- Other
-1-.- DK
-2-.- NA
-3-.- Not applicable
-4-.- Not asked
-5-.- Missing
V225 Family savings during past year
1.- Saved money
2.- Got by
3.- Spend some savings
4.- Borrowed money
-1-.- Don´t know
-2-.- No answer
-4-.- Not asked
-5-.- Missing
V226 Subjective social class position
1.- Upper class
2.- Upper middle
3.- Lower middle
4.- Working class
5.- Lower class
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked

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Question Title and categories

V227 Subjective scale of income

1.- Lowest decile
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- 5
6.- 6
7.- 7
8.- 8
9.- 9
10.- Highest decile
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V227CS Income (CS)
(See annex)
V228 Frequency watches TV
1.- No, no tv
2.- 1-2 hours daily
3.- 2-3 hours daily
4.- 3+ hours daily
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V229 Time at end
1-9999.- 1-9999
0.- No Data
-5-.- Missing
-4-.- Not asked
-2-.- No answer
V230 Interview duration in Hours:Minutes
0.1-9999.- 0-9999
0.- No Data
-4-.- Not asked
V231 Interest in interview
1.- Very interested
2.- Somewhat interested
3.- Not very interested
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V232 Size of town
1.- <2000
2.- 2-5000
3.- 5-10000
4.- 10-20000
5.- 20-50000
6.- 50-100000
7.- 100-500000
8.- >500000
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V232CS Size of town (Country specific)
(See annex)
V233 Ethnic group
(See annex)
V234 Region
(See annex)
V235 Interview language
(See annex)
V236 Original weight
1.- Unweighted
0.01-10.- OK
V236A Weight [with split ups]
1.- Unweighted
0.01-10.- OK

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

V237A National goals: Maintain order in the nation

1.- Very important
2.- Important
3.- Not very important
4.- Not at all important
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V237B National goals: Giving people more say in important government decisions
1.- Very important
2.- Important
3.- Not very important
4.- Not at all important
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V237C National goals: Fighting rising prices
1.- Very important
2.- Important
3.- Not very important
4.- Not at all important
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V237D National goals: Protecting freedom of speech
1.- Very important
2.- Important
3.- Not very important
4.- Not at all important
-2-.- NA
-1-.- DK
-4-.- Not asked
V238 Year of survey
1994.- 1994
1995.- 1995
1996.- 1996
1997.- 1997
1998.- 1998
1999.- 1999
-4-.- Not asked in survey
EE_166 Creation of a free market economy is right or wrong for country’s future
1.- Right
2.- Wrong
-2-.- NA
-4-.- Not asked
EE_167 Satisfaction with the way democracy is developing in your country
1.- Very satisfied
2.- Rather satisfied
3.- Not very satisfied
4.- Not at all satisfied
-2-.- NA
-4-.- Not asked
EE_168 Respect for human rights in the country
1.- A lot of respect
2.- Some respect
3.- Not much respect
4.- No respect at all
-2-.- NA
-4-.- Not asked
Y001 Materialist/postmaterialist 12-item index
0.- Materialist
1.- 1
2.- 2
3.- 3
4.- 4
5.- Post-materialist
-2-.- No answer

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Question Title and categories

Y002 Post-materialist index (4-item)

1.- Materialist
2.- Mixed
3.- Postmaterialist
-1-.- Don´t know
-2-.- No answer
-3-.- Not applicable
-4-.- Not asked in survey
-5-.- Missing; Unknown
Y003 Autonomy Index
-2-.- Obedience/Religious Faith
-1-.- -1
0.- 0
1.- 1
2.- Determination, perseverance/Independence
-5-.- Missing
G001_CS Geographical Group 1 (country specific)
(See annex)
G002_CS Geographical Group 2 (country specific)
(See annex)
SACSECVAL Overall Secular Values
0.- 0-0.1
0.1.- 0.1-0.2
0.2.- 0.2-0.3
0.3.- 0.3-0.4
0.4.- 0.4-0.5
0.5.- 0.5-0.6
0.6.- 0.6-0.7
0.7.- 0.7-0.8
0.8.- 0.8-0.9
0.9-1.- 0.9-1
-99-.- Missing
SACSECWGT Weight for overal secular values
0-1.- 0-1
RESEMAVAL Emancipative values
0.- 0-0.1
0.1.- 0.1-0.2
0.2.- 0.2-0.3
0.3.- 0.3-0.4
0.4.- 0.4-0.5
0.5.- 0.5-0.6
0.6.- 0.6-0.7
0.7.- 0.7-0.8
0.8.- 0.8-0.9
0.9-1.- 0.9-1
-99-.- Missing
RESEMAWEIGHT Weight for emancipative values
0-1.- 0-1
-99-.- Missing
I_AUTHORITY Overall Secular Values-1: Inverse respect for authority
0.- Low
0.5.- Medium
1.- High
-99-.- Missing
I_NATIONALISM Overall Secular Values-1: Inverse national pride
0.- Very low
0.33.- Low
0.66.- High
1.- Very high
-99-.- Missing
I_DEVOUT Overall Secular Values-1: Inverse devoutness
0.- Very low
0.33.- Low
0.66.- High
1.- Very high
-99-.- Missing

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Question Title and categories

DEFIANCE Overall Secular Values-1: Defiance sub-index

0.- 0-0.1
0.1.- 0.1-0.2
0.2.- 0.2-0.3
0.3.- 0.3-0.4
0.4.- 0.4-0.5
0.5.- 0.5-0.6
0.6.- 0.6-0.7
0.7.- 0.7-0.8
0.8.- 0.8-0.9
0.9-1.- 0.9-1
-99-.- Missing
WEIGHT1A Overall Secular Values-1: Weight1a
1.- 1
0.66.- 0.66
I_RELIGIMP Overall Secular Values-2: Inverse import of relig
0.- 0
0.33.- 0.33
0.66.- 0.66
1.- 1
-99-.- -99
I_RELIGBEL Overall Secular Values-2: Inverse relig person
0.- 0
1.- 1
-99-.- Missing
I_RELIGPRAC Overall Secular Values-2: Inverse relig practice
0-1.- 0-1
-99-.- -99
DISBELIEF Overall Secular Values-2: Disbelief sub-index
0.- 0-0.1
0.1.- 0.1-0.2
0.2.- 0.2-0.3
0.3.- 0.3-0.4
0.4.- 0.4-0.5
0.5.- 0.5-0.6
0.6.- 0.6-0.7
0.7.- 0.7-0.8
0.8.- 0.8-0.9
0.9-1.- 0.9-1
-99-.- Missing
WEIGHT2A Overall Secular Values-2: Weight2a
1.- 1
0.66.- 0.66
I_NORM1 Overall Secular Values-3: Inverse norm conform1
0.- 0
1.- 1
-99-.- Missing
I_NORM2 Overall Secular Values-3: Inverse norm conform2
0.- 0
1.- 1
-99-.- -99
I_NORM3 Overall Secular Values-3: Inverse norm conform3
0.- 0
1.- 1
-99-.- -99
RELATIVISM Overall Secular Values-3: Relativism
0.- 0-0.1
0.1.- 0.1-0.2
0.2.- 0.2-0.3
0.3.- 0.3-0.4
0.4.- 0.4-0.5
0.5.- 0.5-0.6
0.6.- 0.6-0.7
0.7.- 0.7-0.8
0.8.- 0.8-0.9
0.9-1.- 0.9-1
-99-.- Missing

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Question Title and categories

WEIGHT3A Overall Secular Values-3: Weight

1.- 1
0.66.- 0.66
I_TRUSTARMY Overall Secular Values-4: Inverse trust in army
0.- 0
0.33.- 0.33
0.66.- 0.66
1.- 1
-99-.- Missing
I_TRUSTPOLICE Overall Secular Values-4: Inverse trust in police
0.- 0
0.33.- 0.33
0.66.- 0.66
1.- 1
-99-.- -99
I_TRUSTCOURTS Overall Secular Values-4: Inverse trust in courts
0.- 0
0.33.- 0.33
0.66.- 0.66
1.- 1
-99-.- -99
SCEPTICISM Overall Secular Values-4: Scepticism index
0.- 0-0.1
0.1.- 0.1-0.2
0.2.- 0.2-0.3
0.3.- 0.3-0.4
0.4.- 0.4-0.5
0.5.- 0.5-0.6
0.6.- 0.6-0.7
0.7.- 0.7-0.8
0.8.- 0.8-0.9
0.9-1.- 0.9-1
-99-.- Missing
WEIGHT4A Overall Secular Values-4: Weight 4a
1.- 1
0.66.- 0.66
I_INDEP Emancipative Values-1: Independence as kid quality
1.- 1
0.- 0
-99-.- -99
I_IMAGIN Emancipative Values-1: Imagination as kid quality
1.- Yes
0.- No
-99-.- Missing
I_NONOBED Emancipative Values-1: Obedience not kid quality
1.- Yes
0.- No
-99-.- Missing
AUTONOMY Emancipative Values-1: Autonomy subindex
0.- 0-0.1
0.1.- 0.1-0.2
0.2.- 0.2-0.3
0.3.- 0.3-0.4
0.4.- 0.4-0.5
0.5.- 0.5-0.6
0.6.- 0.6-0.7
0.7.- 0.7-0.8
0.8.- 0.8-0.9
0.9-1.- 0.9-1
-99-.- Missing
WEIGHT1B Emancipative Values-1: Weight1b
1.- Complete
0.66.- Incomplete
-99-.- Missing
I_WOMJOB Emancipative Values-2: Gender equality: job
0.- 0
0.5.- 0.5
1.- 1
-99-.- -99

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Question Title and categories

I_WOMPOL Emancipative Values-2: Gender equality: politics

0.- 0
0.33.- 0.33
0.66.- 0.66
1.- 1
-99-.- -99
I_WOMEDU Emancipative Values-2: Gender equality: education
0.- 0
0.33.- 0.33
0.66.- 0.66
1.- 1
-99-.- -99
EQUALITY Emancipative Values-2: Equality sub-index
0.- 0-0.1
0.1.- 0.1-0.2
0.2.- 0.2-0.3
0.3.- 0.3-0.4
0.4.- 0.4-0.5
0.5.- 0.5-0.6
0.6.- 0.6-0.7
0.7.- 0.7-0.8
0.8.- 0.8-0.9
0.9-1.- 0.9-1
-99-.- Missing
WEIGHT2B Emancipative Values-2: Weight2b
1.- Complete
0.66.- Incomplete
-99-.- Missing
I_HOMOLIB Emancipative Values-3: Homosexuality acceptance
0.- 0-0.1
0.1.- 0.1-0.2
0.2.- 0.2-0.3
0.3.- 0.3-0.4
0.4.- 0.4-0.5
0.5.- 0.5-0.6
0.6.- 0.6-0.7
0.7.- 0.7-0.8
0.8.- 0.8-0.9
0.9-1.- 0.9-1
-99-.- Missing
I_ABORTLIB Emancipative Values-3: Abortion acceptable
0.- 0-0.1
0.1.- 0.1-0.2
0.2.- 0.2-0.3
0.3.- 0.3-0.4
0.4.- 0.4-0.5
0.5.- 0.5-0.6
0.6.- 0.6-0.7
0.7.- 0.7-0.8
0.8.- 0.8-0.9
0.9-1.- 0.9-1
-99-.- Missing
I_DIVORLIB Emancipative Values-3: Divorce acceptable
0.- 0-0.1
0.1.- 0.1-0.2
0.2.- 0.2-0.3
0.3.- 0.3-0.4
0.4.- 0.4-0.5
0.5.- 0.5-0.6
0.6.- 0.6-0.7
0.7.- 0.7-0.8
0.8.- 0.8-0.9
0.9-1.- 0.9-1
-99-.- Missing

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Question Title and categories

CHOICE Emancipative Values-3: Choice sub-index

0.- 0-0.1
0.1.- 0.1-0.2
0.2.- 0.2-0.3
0.3.- 0.3-0.4
0.4.- 0.4-0.5
0.5.- 0.5-0.6
0.6.- 0.6-0.7
0.7.- 0.7-0.8
0.8.- 0.8-0.9
0.9-1.- 0.9-1
-99-.- Missing
WEIGHT3B Emancipative Values-3: Weight3b
1.- Complete
0.66.- Incomplete
-99-.- Missing
I_VOICE1 Emancipative Values-4: Voice 1
1.- 1
0.66.- 0.66
0.33.- 0.33
0.- 0
-99-.- -99
I_VOICE2 Emancipative Values-4: Voice2
1.- 1
0.5.- 0.5
0.- 0
-99-.- -99
I_VOI2_00 Emancipative Values-4: Voi2_00 (auxiliary)
0-1.- 0-1
-99-.- -99
VOICE Emancipative Values-4: Voice sub-index
0.- 0-0.1
0.1.- 0.1-0.2
0.2.- 0.2-0.3
0.3.- 0.3-0.4
0.4.- 0.4-0.5
0.5.- 0.5-0.6
0.6.- 0.6-0.7
0.7.- 0.7-0.8
0.8.- 0.8-0.9
0.9-1.- 0.9-1
-99-.- Missing
WEIGHT4B Emancipative Values-4: Weight 4b
1.- Complete
0.66.- Incomplete
-99-.- Missing
S001 Study
2.- WVS
S007 Unified respondent number
1.- 1-9999999999
S018 1000 equilibrated weight
0-100.- 0-100
S019 1500 equilibrated weight
0-100.- 0-100
S021 Country - wave - study - set - year
(See annex)
S024 Nation-Wave
(See annex)
S025 Nation Year
(See annex)
COW COW Country Code
(See annex)
(See annex)

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Pv2 Country

Code Label
-4- Not asked in survey
8 Albania
31 Azerbaijan
32 Argentina
36 Australia
50 Bangladesh
51 Armenia
76 Brazil
100 Bulgaria
101 SrpSka Republic
112 Belarus
152 Chile
156 China
158 Taiwan
170 Colombia
191 Croatia
203 Czech Rep.
214 Dominican Rep.
222 El Salvador
233 Estonia
246 Finland
268 Georgia
276 Germany
348 Hungary
356 India
392 Japan
410 South Korea
428 Latvia
440 Lithuania
484 Mexico
498 Moldova
554 New Zealand
566 Nigeria
578 Norway
586 Pakistan
604 Peru
608 Philippines
616 Poland
630 Puerto Rico
642 Romania
643 Russia
703 Slovakia
705 Slovenia
710 South Africa
724 Spain
752 Sweden
756 Switzerland
792 Turkey
804 Ukraine
807 Macedonia
826 United Kingdom
840 United States
858 Uruguay
862 Venezuela
911 Serbia
912 Montenegro
914 Bosnia

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Pv2a Country/region [with split ups]

Code Label
-4- Not asked in survey
8 Albania
31 Azerbaijan
32 Argentina
36 Australia
50 Bangladesh
51 Armenia
76 Brazil
100 Bulgaria
101 SrpSka Republic
112 Belarus
152 Chile
156 China
158 Taiwan
170 Colombia
191 Croatia
203 Czech Rep.
214 Dominican Rep.
222 El Salvador
233 Estonia
246 Finland
268 Georgia
348 Hungary
356 India
392 Japan
410 South Korea
428 Latvia
440 Lithuania
484 Mexico
498 Moldova
554 New Zealand
566 Nigeria
578 Norway
586 Pakistan
604 Peru
608 Philippines
616 Poland
630 Puerto Rico
642 Romania
643 Russia
703 Slovakia
705 Slovenia
710 South Africa
724 Spain
752 Sweden
756 Switzerland
792 Turkey
804 Ukraine
807 Macedonia
826 United Kingdom
840 United States
858 Uruguay
862 Venezuela
900 West Germany
901 East Germany
911 Serbia
912 Montenegro
914 Bosnia

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Pv167 Least liked group in society

Code Label
1 Jews
2 Capitalists
3 Stalinist/Hard line Communists
4 Immigrants
5 Homosexuals
6 Criminals
7 Neonazis/Right extremists
8 ETA Terrorists
9 Anarchists/Terrorists
10 Members of new religious movements
11 Influential people occupying positions nepotism ridden areas
12 The para-military
13 Guerrilla
14 Narcotraficants/Drug traficants
15 Muslims
16 Shiv sena/VHP/Bajrang Dal
17 People from other states/Foreigners
18 Radical Maori activists
19 Christian Organization Council
20 Socialists
21 Human Right activists
22 Mulsim Organisation Council
23 Leftists
24 Sendero Luminoso y el MRTA
25 Independentists
26 Dominicans
27 Atheists
28 Christian fundamentalist
29 Non-christian fundamentalist
30 Racists
31 Gypsies
32 Turks
33 Kurds/Esids
34 Christians
35 Arabs/Fundamentalists
36 Serbs
80 Other
81 None
98 NA
99 DK
-4- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Pv179 Religious Denomination

Code Label
1 Roman Catholic
2 Protestant
3 Orthodox
4 Jew
5 Muslim
6 Hindu
7 Buddhist
8 Catholic: doesn´t follow rules
10 Evangelical
11 Pentecostal
12 Adventist/Seven Day Adventist
13 Baptist
15 New Testament Christ/Bibleist
17 Jehovah witnesses
19 Greek Catholic
21 Christian
22 Paganism
30 Free church/Non denominational church
37 Methodists
40 Jain
43 Church of Christ
44 Born again
47 Assembly of God
48 Filipinista
51 United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP)
54 Spiritista
56 Iglesia ni Cristo (INC)
57 Aglipayan
58 Jesus is Lord (JIL)
59 Israelita Nuevo Pacto Universal (FREPAP)
65 C & S Celestial
66 Independent Church
67 Sunni
68 Al-Hadis
69 Shia
70 Qadiani
71 Mita
72 Essid
73 Zionist
74 Tac
75 Confucianism
76 The Church of Sweden
77 Gregorian
78 Armenian Apostolic Church
79 Hussite
80 Other
81 Other: Oriental
82 Other: Philippines (less 0.5%)
83 Other: Brasil: Espirit,candomblé,umbanda,esoterism,occultism
84 Other: Christian com
85 Other: Taiwan (taoism, protestant fundamentalism, ancient cu
96 No, not a member
98 NA
99 DK
-4- Not asked

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Pv208 National identity

Code Label
301 Albanian
302 Armenian
303 Azerbaijanian
304 Balkarian
305 Belorussian
307 Bulgarian
308 Croatian
310 Estonian
311 Georgian
313 Greek
314 Gypsy/Roma
315 Hungarian
316 Italian
318 Karbardian
319 Komi
320 Mordovian
321 Latvian
322 Lithuanian
323 Macedonian
324 Moldovian
325 Montenegrin
327 Muslim
328 Polish
329 Romanian
330 Russian
331 Serbian
333 Slovenian
335 Tatarian
336 Turkish
337 Ukrainian
338 Yugoslavian
339 Citizen of [own country] first and a member of some ethnic
340 Representative of a national minority
397 Other
801 Only [Rs region]
802 More [Rs region] than spanish
803 As [Rs region] than spanish
804 More spanish than [Region]
805 Only spanish
1101 I am Hispanic American
1102 I am Black American
1103 I am White Amertican
1104 I am Asian American
1105 I am American First
1401 Sobre todo soy latino
1402 Sobre todo soy mestizo
1403 Sobre todo soy español
1404 Sobre todo soy indígena
1405 Primero Mexicano, luego uno de los anteriores
1501 Black
1502 White
1503 Coloured
1504 Indian
1505 Zulu
1506 Xhosa
1507 South Sotho
1508 Tswana
1509 Sepedi
1510 Venda
1511 English-Speaking South African
1512 Afrikaans speaking South African

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Code Label
1513 Africaner
1514 South African First
1515 Muslim
1516 Swazi
1517 African
1518 Other
1519 None
1901 Swedish
1902 Other language
1903 Other culture
1904 Other religion
1905 Other language, culture
2602 Swiss-French
2603 Swiss-German
2604 Swiss-Italian
2701 Hispano-puertorriqueño
2702 Negro-puertorriqueno
2703 Blanco-puertorriqueño
2704 Mulato-puertorriqueño
2705 Puertorriqueno primero
2706 Puertorriqueno y punto
2707 Caribeno-puertorriqueño
2708 Norteamericano primero
2801 Negro Brazilian
2802 Indio Brazilian
2803 Branco Brazilian
2804 Oriental Brazilian
2805 Brazilian First
2806 None
2901 Hausa Nigerian
2902 Yoruba Nigerian
2903 Igbo Nigerian
2904 Minority ethnic Nigerian
2905 Nigerian first
3001 Soy latino
3002 Soy indigena
3003 Soy blanco
3004 Soy mestizo
3005 Soy chileno
3205 Indian first
3206 Hindu
3207 Muslim
3208 OBC
3210 Indian
3211 Dalit
3801 Punjabi Pakistani
3805 Pakistani First
4001 Taiwanese
4002 Chinese
4003 Taiwanese, then Chinese
4004 Chinese, then Taiwanese
5101 Solo se siente provinciano/Limeño
5102 Más provinciano/Limeño
5103 Tan provinciano/Limeño como Peruano
5104 Más Peruano que provinciano/Limeño
5105 Sólo se siente Peruano
5301 I am Hispanic American
5302 I am Black American
5303 I am White Amertican
5304 I am Asian American
5305 I am American First
5401 Sobre todo, soy latino
5402 Sobre todo, soy mestizo
5403 Sobre todo, soy español

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Code Label
5404 Sobre todo, soy indígena
5405 Primero soy uruguayo y luego miembro de algún grupo étnico
5801 Hispanic Filipino
5802 American Filipino
5803 Chinese Filipino
5804 Japanese Filipino
5805 Filipino then ethnic
5806 Ethnic then Filipino
6901 Bengali
6902 Urdu
6903 Other
7301 Hispan
7302 Black
7304 Asian
7305 American
7351 Negro
7352 Mestizo
7353 Indígena
7354 Blanco
7355 Other
8801 Maori
8802 Pakeha
8803 European
8804 Pacific Islander
8805 Asian
8806 New Zealander first
9998 NA
9999 DK
-4- Not asked
-2- No answer
-1- Don't know

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Pv209 Language at home

Code Label
-4- Not asked
-2- No answer
-1- Don´t know
8 Afrikaans
13 Albanian
20 Arapca
25 Armenian
28 Asirien
36 Avarian
38 Aymara
40 Azerbaijani
42 Balkarian
52 Basque
55 Belarusian
57 Bengali
65 Bosnian
66 Bosnakca
69 Bulgarian
75 Catalan; Valencian
90 Croatian
92 Czech
101 Chinese
107 Diger
120 Dutch; Flemish
128 English
130 EOS
132 Estonian
141 Finnish
144 French
151 Gallegan
157 Georgian
158 German
166 Greek
173 Hausa
179 India: Hindi/Hindu
184 Hungarian
190 Igbo
202 Iranian
207 Italian
208 Japanese
210 Jotain Muuta
213 Kabardian
219 Kankana-ay
220 Kannada
238 Komi
247 Kurdish/Esid
248 Kurtce
256 Latvian
257 Lazca
258 Lezgin; Lezghian
261 Lithuanian
279 Macedonian
286 Malayalam
289 Mandarin
295 Maori
296 India: Marathi
309 Moldavian
313 Montenegrin
314 Mordovian
320 Ndebele
333 Northern Sotho, Pedi; Sepedi

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Code Label
344 India: Oriya
347 Ossetian; Ossetic
349 Pacific Island
363 Polish
364 Portuguese
368 Punjabi
370 Quechua
377 Romanian
378 Romany/Gypsi
379 Ruotsia
380 Russian
397 Serbian
398 Serbo-Croatian
415 Slovak
416 Slovenian
422 Sotho, Southern, Ssesotho
426 Spanish; Castilian
431 Suomea
434 Swazi
435 Swedish
437 Tagalog
440 Taiwanese
442 Talish
444 Tamil
445 Tatar
446 India: Telegu
462 Tsonga/Shangaan
463 Tswana
466 Turkish
475 Ukrainian
478 Urdu
481 Venda
482 Vietnamese/Kiinaa
493 Xhosa
498 Yoruba
502 Zaza
505 Zulu
506 Jewish
800 Other
802 Other European
803 Other Indian Language
804 Other Philipinan language
805 Other Yugoslavian
806 More than one
158003 TW: Hakka
158004 TW: Aborigine language
566002 NG: Pidgin English

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Pv210 Which party would you vote for: First choice

Code Label
-5- Missing, Not available
-4- Not asked
-2- No answer
-1- Don´t know
1 No right to vote
2 I would not vote
3 I would cast a blank ballot; White vote
4 None
5 Other
8001 AL: Partia Socialiste - Socialist Party
8002 AL: Partia Demokratike - Democratic Party
8004 AL: Partia Social Demokrate - The Social Democrat Party
8005 AL: Partia Republikane - The Republican Party
8006 AL: Partia e Alencës Demokratike - The Democratic Alliance Party
8007 AL: Partia e të Drejtave të Njeriut - The Human Rights Party
8008 AL: Partia e Ballit -The Front Party
8009 AL: Partia e Legalitetit - The Legalization Party
8010 AL: Partia Agrare The Agricultural Party
8011 AL: Partia e Demokristiane -The Demochristian Party
8012 AL: Partia Komuniste - The Communist Party
8013 AL: Partia Djathtë Demokratike - The Right (wing) Democratic Party
8021 AL: Levizja per Demokraci (PLD)
8022 AL: Party of Union for Democracy (PUD)
8023 AL: Other
31003 AZ: Khalg Jabkhesi Partyasi (AKhCh)
31004 AZ: Azerbaijan Milli Dovletchilik Partyasi (AMDP)
31006 AZ: Azerbaijan Demokratik Sakhibkarlar Partyasi (ADSP)
31008 AZ: Musavat Party
31015 AZ: Azerbaijan Namine Alyans
31017 AZ: Communist Party
31030 AZ: Azerbaijan Milli Istiglal Partyasi (AMIP)
31031 AZ: Yeni Azerbaijan (YAP)
32006 AR: Frepaso
32007 AR: Modin
32012 AR: Justicialista Party
32013 AR: Alianza UCR Frepaso
32015 AR: Other
36001 AU: Australian Labour Party
36002 AU: Liberal Party
36003 AU: National Party
36004 AU: The Greens
36005 AU: Australian Democrats
36006 AU: Country Liberal Party (Nor.Terr)
36007 AU: Independent
36012 AU: Other
50001 BD: Awami League
50002 BD: Bangladesh National Party (BNP)
50003 BD: Jatiya Party
50004 BD: Jamat
50005 BD: Other
51001 AM: Pan-Armenian National Movement - Hayots Hamazgayin Shargzum (HHSh)
51002 AM: Armenian Revolutionary Federation - Hay Heghapokhakan Dashnaktsutyun (HHD)
51003 AM: Armenian Communist Party - Hayastani Komunistakan Kusaktsutyun (HKK)
51004 AM: Armenian Democratic Liberal Party - Hayastani Ramkavar Azatakan Kusaktsutyun (HRAK)
51005 AM: National Unity - Azgayin Gzoghovrdakan Miutyun (AGzM)
51006 AM: Azgayin Inknoroshum Miavorum
51007 AM: Democratic Party of Armenia - Hayastani Demokratakan Kusaktsutyun (HDK)
51008 AM: Sotsial-Demokratakan Hnchakyan Kusaktsutyun
51009 AM: Republican Party of Armenia - Hayastani Hanrapetakan Kusaksutyun (HHK)
51010 AM: Kristonya-Demokratakan Miutyun (KDM)
51011 AM: Sahmanadrakan Iravunk Miutyun (SIM)

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Code Label
51012 AM: Tagavorakan Kusaktsutyun (TaK)
51013 AM: Gita-ardyunaberakan ev Kaghakatsiakan Miutyun (GKM)
51014 AM: Artsakh-Hayastan Hasarakakan-Kaghakakan Kazmakerputyun AHKK
51015 AM: Shamiram Women's Movement (SWM)
70003 BA: Socijalistia partija Republike Srpska (SPRS)
70004 BA: Srpska demokratska stranka (SDS)
70005 BA: Srpska radikalna stranka Republike Srpske (SRS RS)
70009 BA: Stranka Demokratske Akcije (SDA)
70010 BA: Stranka za Bosnu i Hercegovinu (SB&H)
70012 BA: Bosanska Stranka (BOSS)
70020 BA: Demokratski patriotski blok Republike Srpske (DPBRS)
70021 BA: Serbian National Union of Biliana Plavsic
70023 BA: Srpska patriotskia stranka (SPAS)
70024 BA: Srpska radikalna stranka Nicola Pasic (SRPNP)
70025 BA: Strnka srpskog jedinstva (SSJ)
70029 BA: United List for Bosnia and Herzegovina
70030 BA: Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (HDZ)
70031 BA: National Democratic Union
70032 BA: Liberalna stranka Bosne i Hercegovine (LS BiH)
70033 BA: Stranka privednog prosperiteta (SPP)
70034 BA: Liberalna b. organizacija (LBO)
70035 BA: Gradanska demokratska stranka (GDS)
70036 BA: Woman Bosnia and Hercegovina
70037 BA: Hrvatska stranka prava (HSP)
70038 BA: Bosanskohercegovacka patriotska stranka (BPS)
70039 BA: Socijal-demokratska partija (SDP)
70041 BA: Party of the New Social Democrats
76001 BR: PMDB - Party of Brazilian Democratic Movement
76002 BR: PT - Workers´Party
76003 BR: PSDB - Brazilian Social Democracy
76004 BR: PDT - Democratic Labor Party
76005 BR: PPB
76006 BR: PFL - Liberal Front
76007 BR: PTB - Brazilian Labor Party
76008 BR: PL
76009 BR: PC do B
76010 BR: PV
76011 BR: PRN - National Reconstruction Party
76012 BR: PSB
76013 BR: PDC
76014 BR: PPS
76017 BR: PMN
76019 BR: PC
76020 BR: PPR
100001 BG: Suyuz na demokratichnite sili (SDS) - Union of Democratic Forces
100003 BG: Balgarska Socialisticheska Partiya (BSP) - Bulgarian Socialist Party
100004 BG: Bulgarska Evrolevitza (BEL) - The Euro-Left
100005 BG: Bulgarska biznes blok (BBB) - Bulgarian Business Block
100006 BG: Dvijenie za Prava i Svobodi (DPS) - Movement for Rights and Freedom
100011 BG: Bulgarian Social-Democratic Party (BSDP)
100012 BG: Balgarski Zemedelski Naroden Sajuz (BZNS) - Bulgarian Agrarian National Union
100013 BG: Vnatrena Makedonska Revol. Org./Dem. Partija (VMRO/DPMNE) Internal Macedonian Revolutionary
100038 BG: Other
112002 BY: Liberalâna-Demakratycnaja Partyja Belarusi (LDP) - Liberal-Democratic Party
112009 BY: Partyja Kamunistau Belaruskaja (KPB) - Communistic Party of Belarus
112010 BY: Belaruski patryjatycny Ruch (BPR) - Belarussian Patriotic Movement
112013 BY: Belaruskaja Sacyjal-Demakratycnaja Gramada (BSDH) - Belarussian Social-Democratic Gramada
112015 BY: Agrarnaja Partyja Belarusi (AP) - Agrarian Party
112019 BY: Narodnaja Partyja Adradzenne (NFB-A)
112020 BY: Belaruskaja Partyja zancyn Nazeja (BPZN)
112023 BY: Belaruskaja Chryscijanska Demokratycnaja zlucnasc(BCD)
112024 BY: Common Sense Party (PZS)
112025 BY: Partyja Usebelaruskaga Adzinstva Izgody (UAZ)

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Code Label
112026 BY: Belaruskaja Partyja Pracy (PP)
112028 BY: Partyja Amatarau Piva (PAP)
112030 BY: Republikanskaja Partyja Pracy i Spravjadlivasci (RPPSDEU)
112031 BY: Slavjanski Sabor Belaja Rus
112032 BY: President Lukashenko
112043 BY: Avadnanaja Gramadzjanskaka Partyja
152001 CL: Unión Demócrata Independiente, UDI (Union of Independent Democrats)
152002 CL: Renovación Nacional, RN (National Renovation)
152003 CL: Unión de Centro Centro Progresista - UCCP (Progressive Union of the Centrist Center )
152005 CL: Partido Radical Social Democrático, PRSD (Radical Social Democratic Party)
152006 CL: Partido Por la Democracia, PPD (Party for Democracy)
152007 CL: Partido Socialista, PS (Socialist Party)
152008 CL: Partido Humanista Verde - PHV (Green Party)
152009 CL: Partido Comunista, PC (Communist party)
152010 CL: Partido Demócrata Cristiano, PDC (Christian Democratic Party)
158001 TW: Nationalist Party
158002 TW: Democratic Progressive Party
158003 TW: New Party
158016 TW: Other party
170001 CO: Conservador
170002 CO: Liberal
170003 CO: Partido de la U
170009 CO: Candidatos Independientes (no partidistas)
170014 CO: Cristiano
170018 CO: Alianza democrática M-19
170019 CO: Independent
191001 HR: Akcija Socijaldemokrata Hrvatske (ASH)
191002 HR: Dalmatinska Akcija (DA)
191004 HR: Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica (HDZ)
191005 HR: Hrvatska Krscanska Demokratska Unija (HKDU)
191007 HR: Hrvatska Narodna Stranka (HNS)
191009 HR: Hrvatska Seljacka Stranka (HSS)
191010 HR: Hrvatska Socijalno Liberalna Stranka (HSLS)
191011 HR: Hrvatska Stranka Prava (HSP)
191012 HR: Hrvatska Stranka Prava - 1861 (HSP 1861)
191014 HR: Hrvatski Nezavisni Demokrati (HND)
191016 HR: Istarski Demokratski Sabor (IDS)
191020 HR: Slavonsko-Baranjska Hrvatska Stranka (SBHS)
191021 HR: Socijaldemokratska Partija Hrvatske (SDP/SDPH)
191023 HR: Socijalno-demokratska Unija Hrvatske (SDU)
203001 CZ: Ceskoslovenská strana sociálnà demokracie (CSSD) - Czechoslovak Party of Social Democracy
203002 CZ: Ceska strana narodne socialni (CSNS) - Czech National Social(ist) Party
203003 CZ: Krestâanská a demokratická unie-Ceskoslovenská lidová strana (KDU-CSL) Christian Democratic Union-
Czechoslovak Peopleâs Party
203004 CZ: Demokraticke Unie (DEU) - Democratic Union
203006 CZ: Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy (KSCM) - Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
203007 CZ: Morovska demokraticka strana (MDS) - Moravian Democratic Party
203008 CZ: Nezavisli (N) - Independents
203009 CZ: Obcanska Demokraticka Strana (ODS) - Civic Democratic Party
203011 CZ: Sdruzeni pro Republiku - Rep. Strana Ceskoslovenska (SPR-RSE) - Rally for the Republic-Republican Party of
203012 CZ: Strana zelenych (SZ) - Green Party
203013 CZ: Unie Svobody (US) - Freedom Union
203022 CZ: Obcanska demokraticka alliance (ODA) - Civic Democratic Alliance
203026 CZ: Alternative 2000 (Alternativa 2000)
203029 CZ: Duchodci za zivotnà jistoty (DZJ) - Pensionersâ for a Secure Life
203032 CZ: Obcanská koalice-Politický klub (OK-PK) - Civil Coalition-Political Club
203034 CZ: Strana Ceskoslovenských komunistu (SCK) - Party of Czechoslovak Communists
203035 CZ: Sdrueni Duchodcu ER
214001 DO: Partido de Liberación Dominicana (PLD)
214002 DO: Partido Revolucionario Dominicano (PRD)
214003 DO: Partido Reformista Social Cristiano (PRSC)
214005 DO: Unidad Democrática (UD)
214006 DO: Partido Revolucionario Independiente (PRI)

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Code Label
214007 DO: Nueva Izquierda
214008 DO: Partido de los Trabajadores Dominicanos (PTD)
222001 SV: ARENA
222002 SV: FMLN
222003 SV: PDC
222004 SV: CDU
222005 SV: PCN
222006 SV: LIDER
222007 SV: USC
233002 EE: Eesti Keskerakond (EK) - Estonian Centre Party
233003 EE: Eesti Koonderakond - Estonian Coalition Party
233005 EE: Eesti Maarahva Erakond (EME) - Estonian Country Peopleâs Party
233008 EE: Eesti Reformierakond (RE) - Estonian Reform Party
233009 EE: Eesti Sinine Erakond (ESE) - Estonian Blue Party
233010 EE: Isamaaliit (I) - Pro Patria
233012 EE: Moodukad (M) - Moderates
233014 EE: Vene Erakond Eestis (VEE) - Russian Party in Estonia
233016 EE: Eesti Demokraatlik Liit
233017 EE: Eesti Demokraatlik Toepartei
233018 EE: Erakond Eesti Kodu
233019 EE: Eesti Maaliit (EM)
233020 EE: Eesti Rahva jaegerpartei
233021 EE: Eesti Rahvuslaste Keskliit
233022 EE: Erakond ´Eesti Rohelised´ (ER)
233023 EE: Eesti Rojalistik Partei
233024 EE: Eesti talurahva Erakond
233025 EE: Metsaerakond
233026 EE: Tuleviku Eesti Erakond (TEE)
233027 EE: People Party of Republicans and Conservatives
233028 EE: Arengupartei
233035 EE: Eesti Pensionaeride ja Perede Liit (PPL)
233036 EE: Pollumeeste Kogu
246001 FI: Social Democratic Party of Finland - SDP
246002 FI: Centre Party of Finland (centre, big, conservative) - KESK
246003 FI: National Coalition Party (right, big, conservative) - KOK
246004 FI: Left Alliance (left, medium, progressive) - VAS
246005 FI: Swedish Peoples Party in Finland - RKP
246006 FI: Green League (centre, medium, progressive) - VIHR
246008 FI: True Finns (right, small, conservative) - PS
246021 FI: NUSU (Nuorsuomalainen Puolue)
246024 FI: SKL (Suomen Kirstillinen Liitto)
246025 FI: Jokin muu ryhmittymä
268001 GE: Agrarian Party (Agraruli Partia)
268002 GE: Bloki 'Agordzineba'
268003 GE: Ertiani Komunisturi Partia
268004 GE: Respublikuri Partia
268005 GE: Erovnul-Demokratuli Partia (EDP)
268006 GE: Fraqtsia Saxalxo Erovnul-Demokrati
268007 GE: Bloc XXI Century (Bloki XXI Saukune)
268008 GE: Socialisturi Partia (SP)
268009 GE: Social-Demokratiuli Partia (SDP)
268010 GE: Society Lemi (Sazogadoeba 'Lemi')
268011 GE: Gaerianebuli Respublikuri Partia (GRP)
268012 GE: Round Table (Mrgvali Magida)
268013 GE: Saqartvelos Moqalaqeta Kavashiri
268014 GE: Reformatorta Kavashiri
268015 GE: Saqartvelos Tradicionalistta Kavashiri
268017 GE: Erovnuli-Damoukideblobis Partia
268018 GE: Merab Kostavas Sazogadoeba
268019 GE: Liberal-Demokratiuli Erovnuli Parti (LDP)
268020 GE: Ilia Chavchadzis Sazigadoeba
268021 GE: Saqartvelos Gvtis Shvilta Kavshiri
268022 GE: Qristianul-Demokratiuli Kavshiri
276001 DE: Christlich-Demokratische Union/ Christlich-Soziale Union (CDU/CSU) - Christian Democrats

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Code Label
276002 DE: Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) - Social Democrats
276003 DE: Freie Demokratische Partei Deutschlands (FDP) - Free Democratic Party
276005 DE: Partei des demokratischen Sozialismus (PDS)
276011 DE: Die Republikaner (REP)
276014 DE: Autofahrerpartei - Car DriversParty
276016 DE: Freie Waehler - Free Voters
276017 DE: Graue Panther - Grey Panthers
276018 DE: Oekologisch Demokratische Partei (OEDP) - Ecological Democratic Party
276019 DE: PBC
276020 DE: Rosa Liste - Pink List
276030 DE: Alliance 90/The Greens (Buendnis 90/Die Gruenen)
348001 HU: Magyar Demokrata Forum (MDF) - Hungarian Democratic Forum
348002 HU: Szabad Demokratak Szovetsege (SZDSZ) - Aliance of Free Democrats
348003 HU: Fuggetlen Kisgazda Part (FKGP) - Independent Smallholders Party
348005 HU: Kereszteny Demokrata Neppart (KDNP) - Christian Democratic Peoples Party
348006 HU: Magyar Szocialista Part (MSZP) - Hungarian Socialist Party (ex Communists)
348007 HU: Magyar Igazsag es Elet Partja (MIEP) - Party of Hungarian Justice and Life
348009 HU: Magyar Demokrata Neppart (MDNP) - Hungarian Democratic Peopleâs Party
348010 HU: Magyarorszagi Szocialdemokrata Part (MSZDP) - Social Democratic Party of Hungary
348013 HU: Magyarorszagi Zoeld Part (MZP) - Green Party of Hungary
348021 HU: Munkáspárt
348022 HU:Vállalkozók
348023 HU:Fiatal Demokratak Szoevetsege (FIDESZ-MPP)
356001 IN: Indian Congress (Socialist)
356003 IN: Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) - National People's Party)
356004 IN: CPI
356005 IN: CPI(M)
356006 IN: BSP
356014 IN: Shiv Sena (SHS)
356017 IN: Samajwadi Party (SP)
356018 IN: Samatha Party
356021 IN: RSP
356030 IN: Akali Dal
356037 IN: Dravida Munnetra Kazhgam DMK (Dravidian Progressive Federation)
356038 IN: All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhgam (AIADMK)
356047 IN: Congress Tiwary
356052 IN: Left Front
356054 IN: Republican Party of India
356055 IN: United Front
356060 IN: MIM
356063 IN: TMC
356068 IN: Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP)
356071 IN: Telugu Desam (Land of Telegu)
392001 JP: The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan - LDP ( Jiyū-Minshutō)
392004 JP: The Japanese Communist Party - JCP (, Nihon Kyōsan-tō)
392010 JP: New Frontier Party - NFP (Shinshintō) ( - 1997)
392011 JP: The Social Democratic Party-SDPJ ( Shakai Minshu-tō)
392024 JP: The New Party Sakigake ( Shintō Sakigake or The Forerunner)
428001 LV: Savieniba Latvijas cels (LC) Alliance Latvias Way
428004 LV: Latvijas Zemnieku savieniba (LZS) - Latvian Farmers Union
428010 LV: Latvijas Liberala Partija (LLP)
428011 LV: Latvijas Zemnieku savienibas/ Kristigo Latgale (LZS/KDS/LDP)
428012 LV: Maznodrosinato politiska apvieniba
428013 LV: Latvijas Vienibas partija (LVP)
428014 LV: Coal. Latvian Dem. Labor/ Soc-Dem Wkrs/Defense Defrauded Ppl
428015 LV: Tautas Saskanas Partija (TSP)
428017 LV: Latvijas Krievu pilsonu partija (LKPP)
428018 LV: Demokratiska Partija Saimnieks (DPS) - Democratic Party Master
428019 LV: Latvijas Socialistiska Partija (LSP)
428020 LV: Latvijas Nacionali demokratiska partija
428021 LV: Partija Our Land un pretkomunistu apvieniba
428022 LV: Tautas kustiba Latvijaj (Zigerista partija)
428023 LV: Apvieniba Tevzemei un Brivibai (TB)
428024 LV: Latvijas Tautas Front (LTF)

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Code Label
428025 LV: Tautsamnieku politiska apvieniba Tautsaimnieks
428027 LV: Latvijas Nacionala Kons./Zala Part.LNNK/LZP(Electoral Union)
428028 LV: Latgale Democratic Party (LDP)
440001 LT: Tevynes Sajunga (Lietuvos konservatoriai) (TS-LK) - Homeland Union/ Lithuanian Conservatives
440002 LT: Lietuvos krikscioniu demokratu partija (LKDP) - Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party
440003 LT: Lietuvos demokratine darbo partija (LDDP) - Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party
440004 LT: Lietuvos centro sajunga (LCS) - Lithuanian Center Union
440005 LT: Lietuvos socialdemokratu partija (LSDP) - Lithianian Socialdemocratic Party
440006 LT: Lietuviu nacionaline partija Jaunoji Lietuva (LNPJL) - Lithuanian National Party ´Young Lithuania´
440007 LT: Lietuvos moteru partija (LMP) - Lithuanian Women´s Party /New Democracy
440009 LT: Lietuvos Lenku Rinkimu Akcija (LLRA) - Polish Election Action
440013 LT: Lietuvos liberalu sajunga (LLS) - Lithuanian Liberal Union
440015 LT: Lietuvos rusu sajunga (LRS) - Lithuanian Russians Union
440016 LT: Lietuvos politiniu kaliniu ir tremtiniu sajunga (LPKTS) -Lithuanian Political Prisoners and Deported People
440019 LT: Lietuvos Laisves Lyga (LLL) - Lithuanian Liberty League
440020 LT: Lietuvos socialinio teisingumo sajunga (LSTS) - Lithuanian Social Justice Union
440021 LT: Lietuvos socialistu partija (LSP) - Lithuanian Socialist Party
440022 LT: Respublikonu partija (RP) - Republican Party
440024 LT: Lietuvos gyvenimo logikos partija (LGLP) - Lithuanian Logic of Life Party
440026 LT: Lietuvos liaudies partija (LLP) - Lithuanian People Party
440051 LT: Lietuvos Tautininku Sajunga/Lietuvos Dem. Part. (LTS + LDS) - Lithuanian National Union/
440052 LT: Lietuvos Tautiniu Matumu Aljansas (LTMA) - Alliance of the Lithuanian National Minorities
440058 LT: Lietuvo Ukio Partija (LUP) - Lithuanian Party of Economy
440059 LT: Tautos pazangos judejimas (TPJ) - National Progress Movement
484001 MX: PRI - Institutional Revolutionary Party
484002 MX: PAN -National Action Party
484003 MX: PRD - Democratic Revolutionary Party
484004 MX: PT
498015 MD: Liga Nationala a Tineretului Moldovei
498016 MD: Partidul Democrat Agrar din Moldova (PDAM)
498017 MD: Union of Youth (Uniunea tuneretului Moldovei)
498018 MD: Fostilor Detinuti Pol/Victimelor Reg. Total.Com (AFDP/AVRTC)
498019 MD: Asociatia Femeilor (AF)
498020 MD: Partidul national-crestin al Moldovei
498021 MD: Miscarea demokratica âDemnitateaâ
498022 MD: Frontul popular crestin-democratic (FPCD)
498023 MD: Liga democrat - crestina a femeielor Moldovei
498024 MD: Partidul Ecologist/Alianta Verde (AVE)
498025 MD: Miscarea de egalitate âUnitate-Edinstvoâ (UE)
498026 MD: Partidul Social Democrat (PSD)
498027 MD: Partidul Socialist al Moldovei (PS)
498028 MD: Organizatia Tineretului Crestin-Democrat (OTCD)
498029 MD: Republican Party (Partidul republican al Moldovei)
498030 MD: Organizatia radical-democratica a tineretului Moldovei
498031 MD: Liberal Party (Partidul liberal al Moldovei)
498032 MD: Partidul fortelor democrate a Republicii
498033 MD: Partidul popular al gagausilor
498034 MD: National FarmersParty (Partidul national crestin)
498036 MD: Partidul reformelor
498037 MD: Liga pedagogilor Moldovei
498038 MD: Partidul renasterii economice a Moldovei
498039 MD: Miscarea pacifistilor Moldovei
498040 MD: Partidul comunist al Republicii Moldova
498041 MD: Partidul crestin-democratic taranesc al Moldovei
498042 MD: Partidul centrist democratic al renasterii
498044 MD: Aliante tinerutelui democratic al Moldovei
498045 MD: Partidul fortelor progresiste a Moldovei
498046 MD: Partidul progresului social al Moldovei
498047 MD: Partidul renasterii si al concilierii Moldovei
498048 MD: Miscarea social-politca emeia Moldovei
498049 MD: Partidul actiunii socialiste
554001 NZ: ACT
554002 NZ: Alliance

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Code Label
554003 NZ: Christian Coalition / Christian Heritage
554004 NZ: Greens
554005 NZ: Labour
554006 NZ: National
554007 NZ: New Zealand First
554008 NZ: United Future
578001 NO: Labour Party (DNA)
578002 NO: Progressive Party (FrP)
578003 NO: Conservative Party (H)
578007 NO: Center Party (SP)
578008 NO: Socialist Left Party (SV)
578009 NO: Liberals (V)
578010 NO: Red Alliance
578027 NO: Christian Peoples Party
604002 PE: Partido Aprista Peruano APRA
604005 PE: Unión por el Perú UPP
604006 PE: Acción Popular AP
604008 PE: Cambio 90- Nueva Mayoría
604012 PE: FREPAP
604015 PE: MDI
604016 PE: IU
604017 PE: PPC
604019 PE: OBRAS
604020 PE: CODE País Posible
608002 PH: Partido Liberal ng Pilipinas - Liberal Party of the Philippines (LP)
608003 PH: Nacionalista Party (NP)
608004 PH: Nationalist People's Coalition (NPC)
608005 PH: Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban)
608012 PH: Partido ng Masang Pilipino (PMP)
608014 PH: Kilusang Bagong lipunan (KBL)
608015 PH: Laban ng demokratikong (LDP)
608017 PH: LAKAS-NUCD-UMDP (Lakas NG Tao-National union of Christian Democrats-United Moro Democratic party)
608018 PH: PDSP (Partido Demokratiko Sosyalista ng PiliPinas)
608026 PH: Bicol Saro
608027 PH: Lapiang manggagawa
608028 PH: Natural Law party (NLP)
608029 PH: Partido Panaghiusa
608030 PH: People's reform party (PRP)
608031 PH: Hindi pa nakapag-dec
616002 PL: PSL Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe (Polish Peasants Party) (PSL)
616003 PL: ROP - Movement for Reconstruction of Poland
616004 PL: SLD - Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (Alliance of Democratic Left) (SLD)
616005 PL: UPR - Union of Real Politics
616006 PL: UP - Union of Labor
616007 PL: UW - Union of Freedom
616008 PL: KPEIR - Country Party of Pensioned and Retired Persons
616009 PL: Narodowo-Chrzescijansko-Demokratyczny Blok dla Polski
616047 PL: Solidarnosc (NSZZ)
630001 PR: Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP)
630002 PR: Partido Popular Democratico (PPD)
630003 PR: Partido Independentista Puertoriqueño (PIP)
642002 RO: Polul Democrat-Social din Romania (PDSR) - Democratic-Social Pole of Romania
642003 RO: Partidul Democrat (PD) - Democratic Party
642004 RO: Partidul National Taranesc Crestin si Democrat (PNTCD) - National Peasant Party Christian Democrat
642005 RO: Partidul National Liberal (PNL) - National Liberal Party
642006 RO: Uniunea Democrata a Maghiarilor din Romania (UDMR) - Hungarians Union
642007 RO: Partidul Romania Mare (PRM) - Greater Romania Party
642009 RO: Partidul Unitatii Nationale Romane (PUNR) - Party of Romanian National Unity
642010 RO: Alianta pentru Romania (ApR) - Alliance for Romania
642016 RO: Conventia Democratica din Romania (CDR) as a whole
642023 RO: Partidul Socialist al Muncii (PSM) Socialist Labor Party
642030 RO: Partidul National Liberal Campeanu (PNL-C) National Liberal Party Campeanu
642031 RO: National Romanian Party (PNR)

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Code Label
642032 RO: Social-Democratic Union (USD)
642064 RO: PL (Partidul Liberal)
643001 RU: Agrarnaya Partiya Rossii (APR) - Agrarian Party of Russia
643002 RU: Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) - Коммунистическая партия Российской Федерации
643003 RU: Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) Либерально-Демократическая Партия России (ЛДПР)
643004 RU: Nas dom - Rossija (NDR) - Our Home is Russia
643012 RU: Rossiyskaya Demokraticheskaya Partiya ´Yabloko´ Yavlinsky-Boldyrev-Lukin-Bloc
643014 RU: VlastNarodu (VN)
643015 RU: Vpered Rossija (VR)
643016 RU: Demokraticeskaja Rossija (DR)
643017 RU: Dem. Vybor Rossii-Obyedinennyi Dem. (DVR-OD;Electoral Union)
643018 RU: Power (Derzava)
643019 RU: Zensciny Rossii (ZR)
643020 RU: For the Motherland (Za Rodinu)
643022 RU: Komunisty - Trudovaja Rossija- Za Sovetskij Sojuz
643023 RU: Kongress russkich obscin (KRO)
643024 RU: Ivana Rybkina (IR- Electoral Union)
643027 RU: Republican Party of Russia (Pamfilova-Gurov-Lysenko) PGL
643028 RU: Partiya Samoupravleniya (PS)
643029 RU: Profosuzoj i promyslenniki - Sojuz Truda
703001 SK: Demokraticka Strana (DS) - Democratic Party
703003 SK: Hnutie za demokraticke Slovensko (HZDS) - Movement for a Democratic Slovakia
703004 SK: Komunistická strana Slovenska (KSS) - Communist Party of Slovakia
703005 SK: Krestanskodemokraticke hnutie (KDH) - Christian-Democratic Movement
703006 SK: Slovenska narodna strana (SNS) - Slovak National Party
703009 SK: Madrskkoalia (SMK) Hungarian Coalition
703010 SK: Strana obcianskeho porozumenia (SOP) - Party of Civil Understanding
703012 SK: Strana zelenych na Slovensku (SZS) - Party of Greens in Slovakia
703014 SK: Zdruzenie Robotnikov Slovenska (ZRS) - Association of Workers of Slovakia
703015 SK: Democratic Coalition (SDK)
703019 SK: Krestanska Socialna Unia Slovenska (KSU) - Christian Social Union of Slovakia
703020 SK: Nase Slovensko (NSK)
703022 SK: Slovenska Zelena Alternativa (SZA) - Slovak Green Alterntive
703023 SK: Strana Demokratickej Zavice (SD1/4)
703043 SK: Socialnodemokraticka Strana na Slovensku (SDSS)
703044 Demokraticka Unia Slovenska DUS (Electoral Union)
705003 SI: Liberal Democracy of Slovenia (LDS)
705004 SI: Slovene Peoples Party (SLS)
705005 SI: Slovene National Party (SNS)
705007 SI: Slovene Christian Democrats (SKD)
705008 SI: Associated List of Social Democrats (ZLSD)
705009 SI: Green Party (ZS)
705014 SI: Social Democratic Party of Slovenia (SDSS)
705017 SI: Demokratska Stranka Slovenije (DSS)
705018 SI: Slovenska Nacionalna Desnica (SND)
705019 SI: Sivi Panterji - Stranka Upokojencev Slovenije (SP)
710002 ZA: African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP)
710003 ZA: African National Congress (ANC)
710005 ZA: Azanian people´s organisation (AZAPO)
710007 ZA: Freedom Front
710008 ZA: Inkatha Freedom Party
710013 ZA: Conservative Party (CP)
710014 ZA: Democratic Party (DP)
710015 ZA: National Party (NP)
710016 ZA: Pan Africanist Communist Party (PAC)
710017 ZA: South African Communist Party (SACP)
710018 ZA: Coloured Resistance Movement
724001 ES: PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español) - Spanish Socialist Workers Party
724002 ES: PP (Partido Popular) - Peoples Party (1981: AP)
724003 ES: IU (Izquierda Unida) - United Left (1981: PCE, Communist party)
724005 ES: Verdes - The Green Party
724006 ES: CDS (Centro Democratico y Social) - Democratic and Social Centre (1981: UCD)
724011 ES: BNG (Bloque Nacionalista Galego) - Galician Nationalist Bloc

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Code Label
724021 ES: CC (Coalicion Canaria) - Canarian Coalition
724025 ES: Izquierda Canaria ICAN
724031 ES: UPN (Union del Pueblo Navarro) - Union of the Navarrese People
724041 ES: HB - EH (Herri Batasuna - Euskal Herritarrok)
724042 ES: PNV (Partido Nacionalista Vasco) - Basque Nationalist Party
724043 ES: EA (Eusko Alkartasuna) - Basque Solidarity
724052 ES: PAR (Partido Aragones Regionalista) - Aragonese Party
724062 ES: CiU (Convergencia i Unio) - Convergence and Union
724063 ES: ERC (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) - Republican Left of Catalonia
724071 ES: PA (Partido Andalucista) - Andalusian Party
724072 ES: Partido Andaluz Progresista PAP
724081 ES: Unio Valenciana - Valencian Union
752001 SE: Centerpartiet
752002 SE: Folkpartiet
752003 SE: Kristdemokraterna
752004 SE: Miljöpartiet
752005 SE: Moderata samlingspartiet / Moderaterna
752006 SE: Socialdemokraterna
752007 SE: Vänsterpartiet
756001 CH: Freisinnig-demokratische partei FDP
756002 CH: Sozialdemokratische partei SPS
756003 CH: Christlich-demokratische volkspartei CVP
756004 CH: Schweizerische volkspartei SVP
756005 CH: Gre / gre partei GPS
756006 CH: Freiheitspartei FPS
756007 CH: Schweizer demokraten SD
756008 CH: Liberale partei LPS
756009 CH: LdU
756010 CH: Evangelische volkspartei EVP
756011 CH: Partei der arbeit PdA
756012 CH: Christlichsoziale partei CSP
756013 CH: Frap
756041 CH: Keine
756042 CH: Kann s n entsch
756043 CH: Keine Angabe
792001 TR: ANAP - Motherland Party -
792002 TR: CHP - Republican Peoples Party
792003 TR: DSP - Democratic Left Party -
792004 TR: DYP - True Path Party -
792005 TR: HADEP - Peoples Democracy Party -
792006 TR: MHP - Nationalist Action Party -
792013 TR: BBP - Great Unity Party -
792015 TR: RP Prospetiry Party - Religious Fundamentalist
792018 TR: HICBIRI
792019 TR: ASIRI SAG
792055 TR: DIGER
804005 UA: Demokratychna Partiya Ukrainy (DPU) - Democratic Party of Ukraine
804006 UA: Komunistychna Partiya Ukrainy (KPU) - Communist Party of Ukraine
804007 UA: Kongres ukrainskich nacionalistiv (KUN)- Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists
804008 UA: Liberalna Partiya Ukrainy (LPU) - Liberal Party of Ukraine
804009 UA: Narodno-demokratina Partija Ukraini - Peoples Democratic Party of Ukraine
804020 UA: Sotsialtstychna Partiya Ukrainy (SocPU) - Socialistic Party of Ukraine
804022 UA: Ukrainska Republikanska Partiya (URP) - Ukrainian Republic Party
804023 UA: Khrystiyansko-Demokratychna Partiya Ukrainy (KhDPU/UKhDP) - Christian Democratic Party of Ukraine
804024 UA: Vseukrainske politicne obednannja Derzavnakij kongres
804025 UA: Grazhdanskij Kongress Ukrainy (GKU)
804029 UA: Konstitucijno-demokratina Partija Ukraini
804031 UA: Liberalno-Demokratychna Partiya Ukrainy (LDPU)
804032 UA: Narodnij Ruch Ukraini (RUCH)
804034 UA: Obednannja Nova Ukraina
804035 UA: Mizhrehionalnyi Blok Reformiv (MBR)
804036 UA: Partiya Ekonomicheskogo Vozrozhdeniya Kryma (PEVK)
804037 UA: Partiya Zelenykh Ukrainy (PZU)

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Code Label
804038 UA: Partiya Truda Ukrainy (PTU)
804039 UA: Partija slovjanskoednosti Ukraini
804040 UA: Selianska Partiya Ukrainy (SelPu)
804041 UA: Sotsial-Demokratychna Partiya Ukrainy (SDPU)
804043 UA: Ukrainska Konservatyvna Republikanska Partiya (UKRP)
804044 UA: Ukrainska Natsionalna Assembleia (UNA)
804046 UA: Ukrainska partija ljubiteliv piva
804048 UA: Ukrainska Selianska Demokratychna Partiya (USDP)
807002 MK: Democratic Party of Albanians in Macedonia (DPA)
807003 MK: Liberal-Democratic Party (LDP)
807007 MK: Partija za Demokratski Prosperitet (PDP)
807008 MK: Socijaldemokratski Sojuz na Makedonija (SDSM)
807011 MK: Vnatrena Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija VMRO
807012 MK: Demokratska Partija (DP)
807013 MK: Socijalistika Partija na Makedonija (SPM)
807014 MK: Demokratska Partija na Turcite (DPT)
807015 MK: Party of Zinzars and Romanians in Macedonia
807016 MK: Demokratska Partija na Srbite (DPS)
807017 MK: Independent Candidate
807037 MK: Other 1
807038 MK: Other 2
826001 GB: Conservative
826002 GB: Labour
826003 GB: Liberal Democrat
826006 GB: Scottish/Welsh National Party
826007 GB: Referendum Party
826009 GB: Green Party
840001 US: Republican
840002 US: Democrat
840003 US: Independent
858001 UY: Partido Colorado
858002 UY: Partido Nacional
858003 UY: Frente Amplio
858005 UY: Nuevo Espacio
862002 VE: AD
862003 VE: MAS
862004 VE: COPEI
862007 VE: La Causa R
862009 VE: Convergencia
911001 RS: Democratic Party - DS
911002 RS: Democratic Party of Serbia - DSS
911003 RS: Serbian Radical Party - SRS
911015 RS: Socialist Party of Serbia - SPS
911025 RS: Serbian Renewal Movement - SPO
911027 RS: Civic Alliance of Serbia (Građanski savez Srbije)
911031 RS: New Democracy (Nova demokratija - ND)
911036 Jugoslovenska Levica (Yugoslav Left)
911037 Democratic Union of Vojvodina's Magyars (Demokratska Zajednica Vojvodanskih Madara) - DZVM
911038 Party of Democratic Action for Sandzak
911039 Udruzenje za jugoslovensku demokratsku inicijativu (UJDI)
911040 Democratic Alliance of Kosova
911041 Demokratska partija socijalista (DPS)
911042 Narodna stranka (NS)
911043 Liberalni savez Crne Gore (LSCG)
911044 Srpska radikalna stranka Crne Gore (SRSCG)
911045 Coalition Zajedno
911046 Koalicija Vojvodina (KV)
912020 Socijalisticka partija Srbije (SPS)
912021 Srpski pokret obnove (SPO)
912023 Srpska radikalna stranka (SRS)
912027 Jugoslovenska levica (JUL)
912029 Party of Democratic Action for Sandzak
912030 Udruzenje za jugoslovensku demokratsku inicijativu UJDI
912031 Democratic Alliance of Kosova

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Code Label
912032 Demokratska partija socijalista (DPS)
912033 Narodna stranka (NS)
912034 Liberalni savez Crne Gore (LSCG)
912035 Srpska radikalna stranka Crne Gore (SRSCG)
912040 Coalition People’s Accord
912042 Savez komunista Crne Gore (SKCG)

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Pv211 Which party would you vote for: Second choice

Code Label
-5- Missing, Not available
-4- Not asked
-3- Not applicable
-2- No answer
-1- Don´t know
1 No right to vote
2 I would not vote
3 I would cast a blank ballot; White vote
4 None
5 Other
8001 AL: Partia Socialiste - Socialist Party
8002 AL: Partia Demokratike - Democratic Party
8004 AL: Partia Social Demokrate - The Social Democrat Party
8005 AL: Partia Republikane - The Republican Party
8006 AL: Partia e Alencës Demokratike - The Democratic Alliance Party
8007 AL: Partia e të Drejtave të Njeriut - The Human Rights Party
8008 AL: Partia e Ballit -The Front Party
8009 AL: Partia e Legalitetit - The Legalization Party
8010 AL: Partia Agrare The Agricultural Party
8011 AL: Partia e Demokristiane -The Demochristian Party
8012 AL: Partia Komuniste - The Communist Party
8013 AL: Partia Djathtë Demokratike - The Right (wing) Democratic Party
8015 AL: Partia e Unitetit Kombëtar - The National Unity Party
8021 AL: Levizja per Demokraci (PLD)
8023 AL: Other
31003 AZ: Khalg Jabkhesi Partyasi (AKhCh)
31004 AZ: Azerbaijan Milli Dovletchilik Partyasi (AMDP)
31006 AZ: Azerbaijan Demokratik Sakhibkarlar Partyasi (ADSP)
31007 AZ: Liberal Party of Azerbaijan
31008 AZ: Musavat Party
31009 AZ: United Azerbaijan (Vakhid Azerbaijan)
31030 AZ: Azerbaijan Milli Istiglal Partyasi (AMIP)
31031 AZ: Yeni Azerbaijan (YAP)
32006 AR: Frepaso
32007 AR: Modin
32012 AR: Justicialista Party
32013 AR: Alianza UCR Frepaso
32015 AR: Other
36001 AU: Australian Labour Party
36002 AU: Liberal Party
36003 AU: National Party
36004 AU: The Greens
36005 AU: Australian Democrats
36006 AU: Country Liberal Party (Nor.Terr)
36007 AU: Independent
36012 AU: Other
50001 BD: Awami League
50002 BD: Bangladesh National Party (BNP)
50003 BD: Jatiya Party
50004 BD: Jamat
50005 BD: Other
51001 AM: Pan-Armenian National Movement - Hayots Hamazgayin Shargzum (HHSh)
51002 AM: Armenian Revolutionary Federation - Hay Heghapokhakan Dashnaktsutyun (HHD)
51003 AM: Armenian Communist Party - Hayastani Komunistakan Kusaktsutyun (HKK)
51004 AM: Armenian Democratic Liberal Party - Hayastani Ramkavar Azatakan Kusaktsutyun (HRAK)
51005 AM: National Unity - Azgayin Gzoghovrdakan Miutyun (AGzM)
51006 AM: Azgayin Inknoroshum Miavorum
51007 AM: Democratic Party of Armenia - Hayastani Demokratakan Kusaktsutyun (HDK)
51008 AM: Sotsial-Demokratakan Hnchakyan Kusaktsutyun
51009 AM: Republican Party of Armenia - Hayastani Hanrapetakan Kusaksutyun (HHK)
51010 AM: Kristonya-Demokratakan Miutyun (KDM)

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Code Label
51011 AM: Sahmanadrakan Iravunk Miutyun (SIM)
51012 AM: Tagavorakan Kusaktsutyun (TaK)
51013 AM: Gita-ardyunaberakan ev Kaghakatsiakan Miutyun (GKM)
51014 AM: Artsakh-Hayastan Hasarakakan-Kaghakakan Kazmakerputyun AHKK
51015 AM: Shamiram Women's Movement (SWM)
70003 BA: Socijalistia partija Republike Srpska (SPRS)
70004 BA: Srpska demokratska stranka (SDS)
70005 BA: Srpska radikalna stranka Republike Srpske (SRS RS)
70009 BA: Stranka Demokratske Akcije (SDA)
70010 BA: Stranka za Bosnu i Hercegovinu (SB&H)
70012 BA: Bosanska Stranka (BOSS)
70020 BA: Demokratski patriotski blok Republike Srpske (DPBRS)
70021 BA: Serbian National Union of Biliana Plavsic
70022 BA: Federalist Democratic Party
70023 BA: Srpska patriotskia stranka (SPAS)
70024 BA: Srpska radikalna stranka Nicola Pasic (SRPNP)
70025 BA: Strnka srpskog jedinstva (SSJ)
70026 BA: Srpska stranka Krajine (Krajisnici) (SSK Krajisnici)
70028 BA: Popular Party of SR Peopleâs Party
70029 BA: United List for Bosnia and Herzegovina
70030 BA: Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (HDZ)
70031 BA: National Democratic Union
70032 BA: Liberalna stranka Bosne i Hercegovine (LS BiH)
70033 BA: Stranka privednog prosperiteta (SPP)
70034 BA: Liberalna b. organizacija (LBO)
70035 BA: Gradanska demokratska stranka (GDS)
70036 BA: Woman Bosnia and Hercegovina
70037 BA: Hrvatska stranka prava (HSP)
70038 BA: Bosanskohercegovacka patriotska stranka (BPS)
70039 BA: Socijal-demokratska partija (SDP)
70040 BA: Serbian Party for Kraina and Posavina (SSK)
70041 BA: Party of the New Social Democrats
76001 BR: PMDB - Party of Brazilian Democratic Movement
76002 BR: PT - Workers´Party
76003 BR: PSDB - Brazilian Social Democracy
76004 BR: PDT - Democratic Labor Party
76005 BR: PPB
76006 BR: PFL - Liberal Front
76007 BR: PTB - Brazilian Labor Party
76008 BR: PL
76009 BR: PC do B
76010 BR: PV
76011 BR: PRN - National Reconstruction Party
76012 BR: PSB
76013 BR: PDC
76014 BR: PPS
76016 BR: PST
76017 BR: PMN
76018 BR: PRONA
100001 BG: Suyuz na demokratichnite sili (SDS) - Union of Democratic Forces
100003 BG: Balgarska Socialisticheska Partiya (BSP) - Bulgarian Socialist Party
100004 BG: Bulgarska Evrolevitza (BEL) - The Euro-Left
100005 BG: Bulgarska biznes blok (BBB) - Bulgarian Business Block
100006 BG: Dvijenie za Prava i Svobodi (DPS) - Movement for Rights and Freedom
100011 BG: Bulgarian Social-Democratic Party (BSDP)
100012 BG: Balgarski Zemedelski Naroden Sajuz (BZNS) - Bulgarian Agrarian National Union
100038 BG: Other
112002 BY: Liberalâna-Demakratycnaja Partyja Belarusi (LDP) - Liberal-Democratic Party
112009 BY: Partyja Kamunistau Belaruskaja (KPB) - Communistic Party of Belarus
112010 BY: Belaruski patryjatycny Ruch (BPR) - Belarussian Patriotic Movement
112013 BY: Belaruskaja Sacyjal-Demakratycnaja Gramada (BSDH) - Belarussian Social-Democratic Gramada
112015 BY: Agrarnaja Partyja Belarusi (AP) - Agrarian Party
112019 BY: Narodnaja Partyja Adradzenne (NFB-A)
112020 BY: Belaruskaja Partyja zancyn Nazeja (BPZN)

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Code Label
112023 BY: Belaruskaja Chryscijanska Demokratycnaja zlucnasc(BCD)
112024 BY: Common Sense Party (PZS)
112025 BY: Partyja Usebelaruskaga Adzinstva Izgody (UAZ)
112026 BY: Belaruskaja Partyja Pracy (PP)
112028 BY: Partyja Amatarau Piva (PAP)
112030 BY: Republikanskaja Partyja Pracy i Spravjadlivasci (RPPSDEU)
112031 BY: Slavjanski Sabor Belaja Rus
112032 BY: President Lukashenko
112043 BY: Avadnanaja Gramadzjanskaka Partyja
152001 CL: Unión Demócrata Independiente, UDI (Union of Independent Democrats)
152002 CL: Renovación Nacional, RN (National Renovation)
152003 CL: Unión de Centro Centro Progresista - UCCP (Progressive Union of the Centrist Center )
152005 CL: Partido Radical Social Democrático, PRSD (Radical Social Democratic Party)
152006 CL: Partido Por la Democracia, PPD (Party for Democracy)
152007 CL: Partido Socialista, PS (Socialist Party)
152008 CL: Partido Humanista Verde - PHV (Green Party)
152009 CL: Partido Comunista, PC (Communist party)
152010 CL: Partido Demócrata Cristiano, PDC (Christian Democratic Party)
158001 TW: Nationalist Party
158002 TW: Democratic Progressive Party
158003 TW: New Party
158016 TW: Other party
170001 CO: Conservador
170002 CO: Liberal
170003 CO: Partido de la U
170009 CO: Candidatos Independientes (no partidistas)
170014 CO: Cristiano
170018 CO: Alianza democrática M-19
170019 CO: Independent
191001 HR: Akcija Socijaldemokrata Hrvatske (ASH)
191002 HR: Dalmatinska Akcija (DA)
191004 HR: Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica (HDZ)
191005 HR: Hrvatska Krscanska Demokratska Unija (HKDU)
191007 HR: Hrvatska Narodna Stranka (HNS)
191009 HR: Hrvatska Seljacka Stranka (HSS)
191010 HR: Hrvatska Socijalno Liberalna Stranka (HSLS)
191011 HR: Hrvatska Stranka Prava (HSP)
191012 HR: Hrvatska Stranka Prava - 1861 (HSP 1861)
191014 HR: Hrvatski Nezavisni Demokrati (HND)
191016 HR: Istarski Demokratski Sabor (IDS)
191020 HR: Slavonsko-Baranjska Hrvatska Stranka (SBHS)
191021 HR: Socijaldemokratska Partija Hrvatske (SDP/SDPH)
191023 HR: Socijalno-demokratska Unija Hrvatske (SDU)
203001 CZ: Ceskoslovenská strana sociálnà demokracie (CSSD) - Czechoslovak Party of Social Democracy
203002 CZ: Ceska strana narodne socialni (CSNS) - Czech National Social(ist) Party
203003 CZ: Krestâanská a demokratická unie-Ceskoslovenská lidová strana (KDU-CSL) Christian Democratic Union-
Czechoslovak Peopleâs Party
203004 CZ: Demokraticke Unie (DEU) - Democratic Union
203006 CZ: Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy (KSCM) - Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
203007 CZ: Morovska demokraticka strana (MDS) - Moravian Democratic Party
203008 CZ: Nezavisli (N) - Independents
203009 CZ: Obcanska Demokraticka Strana (ODS) - Civic Democratic Party
203011 CZ: Sdruzeni pro Republiku - Rep. Strana Ceskoslovenska (SPR-RSE) - Rally for the Republic-Republican Party of
203012 CZ: Strana zelenych (SZ) - Green Party
203013 CZ: Unie Svobody (US) - Freedom Union
203022 CZ: Obcanska demokraticka alliance (ODA) - Civic Democratic Alliance
203026 CZ: Alternative 2000 (Alternativa 2000)
203029 CZ: Duchodci za zivotnà jistoty (DZJ) - Pensionersâ for a Secure Life
203032 CZ: Obcanská koalice-Politický klub (OK-PK) - Civil Coalition-Political Club
203034 CZ: Strana Ceskoslovenských komunistu (SCK) - Party of Czechoslovak Communists
203035 CZ: Sdrueni Duchodcu ER
214001 DO: Partido de Liberación Dominicana (PLD)
214002 DO: Partido Revolucionario Dominicano (PRD)

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Code Label
214003 DO: Partido Reformista Social Cristiano (PRSC)
214004 DO: Partido Quisqueyano Demócrata (PQD)
214005 DO: Unidad Democrática (UD)
214006 DO: Partido Revolucionario Independiente (PRI)
214007 DO: Nueva Izquierda
214008 DO: Partido de los Trabajadores Dominicanos (PTD)
233002 EE: Eesti Keskerakond (EK) - Estonian Centre Party
233003 EE: Eesti Koonderakond - Estonian Coalition Party
233005 EE: Eesti Maarahva Erakond (EME) - Estonian Country Peopleâs Party
233008 EE: Eesti Reformierakond (RE) - Estonian Reform Party
233009 EE: Eesti Sinine Erakond (ESE) - Estonian Blue Party
233010 EE: Isamaaliit (I) - Pro Patria
233012 EE: Moodukad (M) - Moderates
233014 EE: Vene Erakond Eestis (VEE) - Russian Party in Estonia
233016 EE: Eesti Demokraatlik Liit
233017 EE: Eesti Demokraatlik Toepartei
233018 EE: Erakond Eesti Kodu
233019 EE: Eesti Maaliit (EM)
233020 EE: Eesti Rahva jaegerpartei
233021 EE: Eesti Rahvuslaste Keskliit
233022 EE: Erakond ´Eesti Rohelised´ (ER)
233023 EE: Eesti Rojalistik Partei
233024 EE: Eesti talurahva Erakond
233025 EE: Metsaerakond
233026 EE: Tuleviku Eesti Erakond (TEE)
233027 EE: People Party of Republicans and Conservatives
233028 EE: Arengupartei
233035 EE: Eesti Pensionaeride ja Perede Liit (PPL)
233036 EE: Pollumeeste Kogu
246001 FI: Social Democratic Party of Finland - SDP
246002 FI: Centre Party of Finland (centre, big, conservative) - KESK
246003 FI: National Coalition Party (right, big, conservative) - KOK
246004 FI: Left Alliance (left, medium, progressive) - VAS
246005 FI: Swedish Peoples Party in Finland - RKP
246006 FI: Green League (centre, medium, progressive) - VIHR
246008 FI: True Finns (right, small, conservative) - PS
246021 FI: NUSU (Nuorsuomalainen Puolue)
246024 FI: SKL (Suomen Kirstillinen Liitto)
246025 FI: Jokin muu ryhmittymä
268001 GE: Agrarian Party (Agraruli Partia)
268002 GE: Bloki 'Agordzineba'
268003 GE: Ertiani Komunisturi Partia
268004 GE: Respublikuri Partia
268005 GE: Erovnul-Demokratuli Partia (EDP)
268006 GE: Fraqtsia Saxalxo Erovnul-Demokrati
268007 GE: Bloc XXI Century (Bloki XXI Saukune)
268008 GE: Socialisturi Partia (SP)
268009 GE: Social-Demokratiuli Partia (SDP)
268010 GE: Society Lemi (Sazogadoeba 'Lemi')
268011 GE: Gaerianebuli Respublikuri Partia (GRP)
268012 GE: Round Table (Mrgvali Magida)
268013 GE: Saqartvelos Moqalaqeta Kavashiri
268014 GE: Reformatorta Kavashiri
268015 GE: Saqartvelos Tradicionalistta Kavashiri
268017 GE: Erovnuli-Damoukideblobis Partia
268018 GE: Merab Kostavas Sazogadoeba
268019 GE: Liberal-Demokratiuli Erovnuli Parti (LDP)
268020 GE: Ilia Chavchadzis Sazigadoeba
268021 GE: Saqartvelos Gvtis Shvilta Kavshiri
268022 GE: Qristianul-Demokratiuli Kavshiri
348001 HU: Magyar Demokrata Forum (MDF) - Hungarian Democratic Forum
348002 HU: Szabad Demokratak Szovetsege (SZDSZ) - Aliance of Free Democrats
348003 HU: Fuggetlen Kisgazda Part (FKGP) - Independent Smallholders Party
348005 HU: Kereszteny Demokrata Neppart (KDNP) - Christian Democratic Peoples Party

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Code Label
348006 HU: Magyar Szocialista Part (MSZP) - Hungarian Socialist Party (ex Communists)
348007 HU: Magyar Igazsag es Elet Partja (MIEP) - Party of Hungarian Justice and Life
348009 HU: Magyar Demokrata Neppart (MDNP) - Hungarian Democratic Peopleâs Party
348010 HU: Magyarorszagi Szocialdemokrata Part (MSZDP) - Social Democratic Party of Hungary
348013 HU: Magyarorszagi Zoeld Part (MZP) - Green Party of Hungary
348021 HU: Munkáspárt
348022 HU:Vállalkozók
348023 HU:Fiatal Demokratak Szoevetsege (FIDESZ-MPP)
356001 IN: Indian Congress (Socialist)
356003 IN: Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) - National People's Party)
356004 IN: CPI
356005 IN: CPI(M)
356006 IN: BSP
356014 IN: Shiv Sena (SHS)
356015 IN: Indian Union Muslim League (IUML)
356017 IN: Samajwadi Party (SP)
356018 IN: Samatha Party
356021 IN: RSP
356030 IN: Akali Dal
356037 IN: Dravida Munnetra Kazhgam DMK (Dravidian Progressive Federation)
356038 IN: All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhgam (AIADMK)
356047 IN: Congress Tiwary
356051 IN: Karnataka Congress Party
356052 IN: Left Front
356054 IN: Republican Party of India
356055 IN: United Front
356058 IN: Local/regional parties
356059 IN: Independent parties
356062 IN: SULI
356063 IN: TMC
356068 IN: Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP)
356071 IN: Telugu Desam (Land of Telegu)
428001 LV: Savieniba Latvijas cels (LC) Alliance Latvias Way
428004 LV: Latvijas Zemnieku savieniba (LZS) - Latvian Farmers Union
428010 LV: Latvijas Liberala Partija (LLP)
428011 LV: Latvijas Zemnieku savienibas/ Kristigo Latgale (LZS/KDS/LDP)
428012 LV: Maznodrosinato politiska apvieniba
428013 LV: Latvijas Vienibas partija (LVP)
428014 LV: Coal. Latvian Dem. Labor/ Soc-Dem Wkrs/Defense Defrauded Ppl
428015 LV: Tautas Saskanas Partija (TSP)
428017 LV: Latvijas Krievu pilsonu partija (LKPP)
428018 LV: Demokratiska Partija Saimnieks (DPS) - Democratic Party Master
428019 LV: Latvijas Socialistiska Partija (LSP)
428020 LV: Latvijas Nacionali demokratiska partija
428021 LV: Partija Our Land un pretkomunistu apvieniba
428022 LV: Tautas kustiba Latvijaj (Zigerista partija)
428023 LV: Apvieniba Tevzemei un Brivibai (TB)
428024 LV: Latvijas Tautas Front (LTF)
428025 LV: Tautsamnieku politiska apvieniba Tautsaimnieks
428027 LV: Latvijas Nacionala Kons./Zala Part.LNNK/LZP(Electoral Union)
428028 LV: Latgale Democratic Party (LDP)
440001 LT: Tevynes Sajunga (Lietuvos konservatoriai) (TS-LK) - Homeland Union/ Lithuanian Conservatives
440002 LT: Lietuvos krikscioniu demokratu partija (LKDP) - Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party
440003 LT: Lietuvos demokratine darbo partija (LDDP) - Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party
440004 LT: Lietuvos centro sajunga (LCS) - Lithuanian Center Union
440005 LT: Lietuvos socialdemokratu partija (LSDP) - Lithianian Socialdemocratic Party
440006 LT: Lietuviu nacionaline partija Jaunoji Lietuva (LNPJL) - Lithuanian National Party ´Young Lithuania´
440007 LT: Lietuvos moteru partija (LMP) - Lithuanian Women´s Party /New Democracy
440009 LT: Lietuvos Lenku Rinkimu Akcija (LLRA) - Polish Election Action
440013 LT: Lietuvos liberalu sajunga (LLS) - Lithuanian Liberal Union
440015 LT: Lietuvos rusu sajunga (LRS) - Lithuanian Russians Union
440016 LT: Lietuvos politiniu kaliniu ir tremtiniu sajunga (LPKTS) -Lithuanian Political Prisoners and Deported People
440019 LT: Lietuvos Laisves Lyga (LLL) - Lithuanian Liberty League

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Code Label
440020 LT: Lietuvos socialinio teisingumo sajunga (LSTS) - Lithuanian Social Justice Union
440021 LT: Lietuvos socialistu partija (LSP) - Lithuanian Socialist Party
440024 LT: Lietuvos gyvenimo logikos partija (LGLP) - Lithuanian Logic of Life Party
440026 LT: Lietuvos liaudies partija (LLP) - Lithuanian People Party
440051 LT: Lietuvos Tautininku Sajunga/Lietuvos Dem. Part. (LTS + LDS) - Lithuanian National Union/
440052 LT: Lietuvos Tautiniu Matumu Aljansas (LTMA) - Alliance of the Lithuanian National Minorities
440058 LT: Lietuvo Ukio Partija (LUP) - Lithuanian Party of Economy
440059 LT: Tautos pazangos judejimas (TPJ) - National Progress Movement
484001 MX: PRI - Institutional Revolutionary Party
484002 MX: PAN -National Action Party
484003 MX: PRD - Democratic Revolutionary Party
484004 MX: PT
498015 MD: Liga Nationala a Tineretului Moldovei
498016 MD: Partidul Democrat Agrar din Moldova (PDAM)
498017 MD: Union of Youth (Uniunea tuneretului Moldovei)
498018 MD: Fostilor Detinuti Pol/Victimelor Reg. Total.Com (AFDP/AVRTC)
498019 MD: Asociatia Femeilor (AF)
498020 MD: Partidul national-crestin al Moldovei
498021 MD: Miscarea demokratica âDemnitateaâ
498022 MD: Frontul popular crestin-democratic (FPCD)
498023 MD: Liga democrat - crestina a femeielor Moldovei
498024 MD: Partidul Ecologist/Alianta Verde (AVE)
498025 MD: Miscarea de egalitate âUnitate-Edinstvoâ (UE)
498026 MD: Partidul Social Democrat (PSD)
498027 MD: Partidul Socialist al Moldovei (PS)
498028 MD: Organizatia Tineretului Crestin-Democrat (OTCD)
498029 MD: Republican Party (Partidul republican al Moldovei)
498030 MD: Organizatia radical-democratica a tineretului Moldovei
498031 MD: Liberal Party (Partidul liberal al Moldovei)
498032 MD: Partidul fortelor democrate a Republicii
498033 MD: Partidul popular al gagausilor
498034 MD: National FarmersParty (Partidul national crestin)
498035 MD: Partidul National Liberal (PNL)
498036 MD: Partidul reformelor
498037 MD: Liga pedagogilor Moldovei
498038 MD: Partidul renasterii economice a Moldovei
498039 MD: Miscarea pacifistilor Moldovei
498040 MD: Partidul comunist al Republicii Moldova
498041 MD: Partidul crestin-democratic taranesc al Moldovei
498042 MD: Partidul centrist democratic al renasterii
498044 MD: Aliante tinerutelui democratic al Moldovei
498045 MD: Partidul fortelor progresiste a Moldovei
498046 MD: Partidul progresului social al Moldovei
498047 MD: Partidul renasterii si al concilierii Moldovei
498048 MD: Miscarea social-politca emeia Moldovei
498049 MD: Partidul actiunii socialiste
554001 NZ: ACT
554002 NZ: Alliance
554003 NZ: Christian Coalition / Christian Heritage
554004 NZ: Greens
554005 NZ: Labour
554006 NZ: National
554007 NZ: New Zealand First
554008 NZ: United Future
578001 NO: Labour Party (DNA)
578002 NO: Progressive Party (FrP)
578003 NO: Conservative Party (H)
578007 NO: Center Party (SP)
578008 NO: Socialist Left Party (SV)
578009 NO: Liberals (V)
578010 NO: Red Alliance
578027 NO: Christian Peoples Party
604002 PE: Partido Aprista Peruano APRA
604005 PE: Unión por el Perú UPP

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Code Label
604006 PE: Acción Popular AP
604008 PE: Cambio 90- Nueva Mayoría
604012 PE: FREPAP
604015 PE: MDI
604016 PE: IU
604017 PE: PPC
604019 PE: OBRAS
604020 PE: CODE País Posible
608002 PH: Partido Liberal ng Pilipinas - Liberal Party of the Philippines (LP)
608003 PH: Nacionalista Party (NP)
608004 PH: Nationalist People's Coalition (NPC)
608005 PH: Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban)
608012 PH: Partido ng Masang Pilipino (PMP)
608014 PH: Kilusang Bagong lipunan (KBL)
608015 PH: Laban ng demokratikong (LDP)
608017 PH: LAKAS-NUCD-UMDP (Lakas NG Tao-National union of Christian Democrats-United Moro Democratic party)
608018 PH: PDSP (Partido Demokratiko Sosyalista ng PiliPinas)
608026 PH: Bicol Saro
608027 PH: Lapiang manggagawa
608028 PH: Natural Law party (NLP)
608029 PH: Partido Panaghiusa
608030 PH: People's reform party (PRP)
608031 PH: Hindi pa nakapag-dec
616002 PL: PSL Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe (Polish Peasants Party) (PSL)
616003 PL: ROP - Movement for Reconstruction of Poland
616004 PL: SLD - Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (Alliance of Democratic Left) (SLD)
616005 PL: UPR - Union of Real Politics
616006 PL: UP - Union of Labor
616007 PL: UW - Union of Freedom
616008 PL: KPEIR - Country Party of Pensioned and Retired Persons
616009 PL: Narodowo-Chrzescijansko-Demokratyczny Blok dla Polski
616047 PL: Solidarnosc (NSZZ)
630001 PR: Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP)
630002 PR: Partido Popular Democratico (PPD)
630003 PR: Partido Independentista Puertoriqueño (PIP)
642002 RO: Polul Democrat-Social din Romania (PDSR) - Democratic-Social Pole of Romania
642003 RO: Partidul Democrat (PD) - Democratic Party
642004 RO: Partidul National Taranesc Crestin si Democrat (PNTCD) - National Peasant Party Christian Democrat
642005 RO: Partidul National Liberal (PNL) - National Liberal Party
642006 RO: Uniunea Democrata a Maghiarilor din Romania (UDMR) - Hungarians Union
642007 RO: Partidul Romania Mare (PRM) - Greater Romania Party
642009 RO: Partidul Unitatii Nationale Romane (PUNR) - Party of Romanian National Unity
642010 RO: Alianta pentru Romania (ApR) - Alliance for Romania
642016 RO: Conventia Democratica din Romania (CDR) as a whole
642023 RO: Partidul Socialist al Muncii (PSM) Socialist Labor Party
642030 RO: Partidul National Liberal Campeanu (PNL-C) National Liberal Party Campeanu
642031 RO: National Romanian Party (PNR)
642032 RO: Social-Democratic Union (USD)
642064 RO: PL (Partidul Liberal)
643001 RU: Agrarnaya Partiya Rossii (APR) - Agrarian Party of Russia
643002 RU: Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) - Коммунистическая партия Российской Федерации
643003 RU: Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) Либерально-Демократическая Партия России (ЛДПР)
643004 RU: Nas dom - Rossija (NDR) - Our Home is Russia
643012 RU: Rossiyskaya Demokraticheskaya Partiya ´Yabloko´ Yavlinsky-Boldyrev-Lukin-Bloc
643014 RU: VlastNarodu (VN)
643015 RU: Vpered Rossija (VR)
643016 RU: Demokraticeskaja Rossija (DR)
643017 RU: Dem. Vybor Rossii-Obyedinennyi Dem. (DVR-OD;Electoral Union)
643018 RU: Power (Derzava)
643019 RU: Zensciny Rossii (ZR)
643020 RU: For the Motherland (Za Rodinu)
643022 RU: Komunisty - Trudovaja Rossija- Za Sovetskij Sojuz

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Code Label
643023 RU: Kongress russkich obscin (KRO)
643024 RU: Ivana Rybkina (IR- Electoral Union)
643027 RU: Republican Party of Russia (Pamfilova-Gurov-Lysenko) PGL
643028 RU: Partiya Samoupravleniya (PS)
643029 RU: Profosuzoj i promyslenniki - Sojuz Truda
703001 SK: Demokraticka Strana (DS) - Democratic Party
703003 SK: Hnutie za demokraticke Slovensko (HZDS) - Movement for a Democratic Slovakia
703004 SK: Komunistická strana Slovenska (KSS) - Communist Party of Slovakia
703005 SK: Krestanskodemokraticke hnutie (KDH) - Christian-Democratic Movement
703006 SK: Slovenska narodna strana (SNS) - Slovak National Party
703009 SK: Madrskkoalia (SMK) Hungarian Coalition
703010 SK: Strana obcianskeho porozumenia (SOP) - Party of Civil Understanding
703012 SK: Strana zelenych na Slovensku (SZS) - Party of Greens in Slovakia
703014 SK: Zdruzenie Robotnikov Slovenska (ZRS) - Association of Workers of Slovakia
703015 SK: Democratic Coalition (SDK)
703019 SK: Krestanska Socialna Unia Slovenska (KSU) - Christian Social Union of Slovakia
703020 SK: Nase Slovensko (NSK)
703021 SK: Nova Agrarna Strana (NAS)
703022 SK: Slovenska Zelena Alternativa (SZA) - Slovak Green Alterntive
703023 SK: Strana Demokratickej Zavice (SD1/4)
703043 SK: Socialnodemokraticka Strana na Slovensku (SDSS)
703044 Demokraticka Unia Slovenska DUS (Electoral Union)
705003 SI: Liberal Democracy of Slovenia (LDS)
705004 SI: Slovene Peoples Party (SLS)
705005 SI: Slovene National Party (SNS)
705007 SI: Slovene Christian Democrats (SKD)
705008 SI: Associated List of Social Democrats (ZLSD)
705009 SI: Green Party (ZS)
705014 SI: Social Democratic Party of Slovenia (SDSS)
705017 SI: Demokratska Stranka Slovenije (DSS)
705018 SI: Slovenska Nacionalna Desnica (SND)
705019 SI: Sivi Panterji - Stranka Upokojencev Slovenije (SP)
710002 ZA: African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP)
710003 ZA: African National Congress (ANC)
710005 ZA: Azanian people´s organisation (AZAPO)
710007 ZA: Freedom Front
710008 ZA: Inkatha Freedom Party
710013 ZA: Conservative Party (CP)
710014 ZA: Democratic Party (DP)
710015 ZA: National Party (NP)
710016 ZA: Pan Africanist Communist Party (PAC)
710017 ZA: South African Communist Party (SACP)
710018 ZA: Coloured Resistance Movement
724001 ES: PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español) - Spanish Socialist Workers Party
724002 ES: PP (Partido Popular) - Peoples Party (1981: AP)
724003 ES: IU (Izquierda Unida) - United Left (1981: PCE, Communist party)
724005 ES: Verdes - The Green Party
724006 ES: CDS (Centro Democratico y Social) - Democratic and Social Centre (1981: UCD)
724011 ES: BNG (Bloque Nacionalista Galego) - Galician Nationalist Bloc
724012 ES: Coalición Gallega CG - Galician Left
724021 ES: CC (Coalicion Canaria) - Canarian Coalition
724023 ES: Partido Nacionalista Canario PNC
724026 ES: Asamblea Majorera
724031 ES: UPN (Union del Pueblo Navarro) - Union of the Navarrese People
724041 ES: HB - EH (Herri Batasuna - Euskal Herritarrok)
724043 ES: EA (Eusko Alkartasuna) - Basque Solidarity
724052 ES: PAR (Partido Aragones Regionalista) - Aragonese Party
724062 ES: CiU (Convergencia i Unio) - Convergence and Union
724063 ES: ERC (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) - Republican Left of Catalonia
724071 ES: PA (Partido Andalucista) - Andalusian Party
724072 ES: Partido Andaluz Progresista PAP
724081 ES: Unio Valenciana - Valencian Union
752001 SE: Centerpartiet
752002 SE: Folkpartiet

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Code Label
752003 SE: Kristdemokraterna
752004 SE: Miljöpartiet
752005 SE: Moderata samlingspartiet / Moderaterna
752006 SE: Socialdemokraterna
752007 SE: Vänsterpartiet
756001 CH: Freisinnig-demokratische partei FDP
756002 CH: Sozialdemokratische partei SPS
756003 CH: Christlich-demokratische volkspartei CVP
756004 CH: Schweizerische volkspartei SVP
756005 CH: Gre / gre partei GPS
756006 CH: Freiheitspartei FPS
756007 CH: Schweizer demokraten SD
756008 CH: Liberale partei LPS
756009 CH: LdU
756010 CH: Evangelische volkspartei EVP
756011 CH: Partei der arbeit PdA
756012 CH: Christlichsoziale partei CSP
756013 CH: Frap
756041 CH: Keine
756042 CH: Kann s n entsch
756043 CH: Keine Angabe
792001 TR: ANAP - Motherland Party -
792002 TR: CHP - Republican Peoples Party
792003 TR: DSP - Democratic Left Party -
792004 TR: DYP - True Path Party -
792005 TR: HADEP - Peoples Democracy Party -
792006 TR: MHP - Nationalist Action Party -
792013 TR: BBP - Great Unity Party -
792015 TR: RP Prospetiry Party - Religious Fundamentalist
792018 TR: HICBIRI
792055 TR: DIGER
804005 UA: Demokratychna Partiya Ukrainy (DPU) - Democratic Party of Ukraine
804006 UA: Komunistychna Partiya Ukrainy (KPU) - Communist Party of Ukraine
804007 UA: Kongres ukrainskich nacionalistiv (KUN)- Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists
804008 UA: Liberalna Partiya Ukrainy (LPU) - Liberal Party of Ukraine
804009 UA: Narodno-demokratina Partija Ukraini - Peoples Democratic Party of Ukraine
804020 UA: Sotsialtstychna Partiya Ukrainy (SocPU) - Socialistic Party of Ukraine
804022 UA: Ukrainska Republikanska Partiya (URP) - Ukrainian Republic Party
804023 UA: Khrystiyansko-Demokratychna Partiya Ukrainy (KhDPU/UKhDP) - Christian Democratic Party of Ukraine
804024 UA: Vseukrainske politicne obednannja Derzavnakij kongres
804025 UA: Grazhdanskij Kongress Ukrainy (GKU)
804029 UA: Konstitucijno-demokratina Partija Ukraini
804031 UA: Liberalno-Demokratychna Partiya Ukrainy (LDPU)
804032 UA: Narodnij Ruch Ukraini (RUCH)
804034 UA: Obednannja Nova Ukraina
804035 UA: Mizhrehionalnyi Blok Reformiv (MBR)
804036 UA: Partiya Ekonomicheskogo Vozrozhdeniya Kryma (PEVK)
804037 UA: Partiya Zelenykh Ukrainy (PZU)
804038 UA: Partiya Truda Ukrainy (PTU)
804039 UA: Partija slovjanskoednosti Ukraini
804040 UA: Selianska Partiya Ukrainy (SelPu)
804041 UA: Sotsial-Demokratychna Partiya Ukrainy (SDPU)
804043 UA: Ukrainska Konservatyvna Republikanska Partiya (UKRP)
804044 UA: Ukrainska Natsionalna Assembleia (UNA)
804045 UA: Ukrainska nacionala konservativna partija
804046 UA: Ukrainska partija ljubiteliv piva
804048 UA: Ukrainska Selianska Demokratychna Partiya (USDP)
807002 MK: Democratic Party of Albanians in Macedonia (DPA)
807003 MK: Liberal-Democratic Party (LDP)
807007 MK: Partija za Demokratski Prosperitet (PDP)
807008 MK: Socijaldemokratski Sojuz na Makedonija (SDSM)
807011 MK: Vnatrena Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija VMRO
807012 MK: Demokratska Partija (DP)

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Code Label
807013 MK: Socijalistika Partija na Makedonija (SPM)
807015 MK: Party of Zinzars and Romanians in Macedonia
807016 MK: Demokratska Partija na Srbite (DPS)
807017 MK: Independent Candidate
807037 MK: Other 1
807038 MK: Other 2
840001 US: Republican
840002 US: Democrat
840003 US: Independent
858001 UY: Partido Colorado
858002 UY: Partido Nacional
858003 UY: Frente Amplio
858005 UY: Nuevo Espacio
858006 UY: Undocumented
862002 VE: AD
862003 VE: MAS
862004 VE: COPEI
862007 VE: La Causa R
862009 VE: Convergencia
911001 RS: Democratic Party - DS
911002 RS: Democratic Party of Serbia - DSS
911003 RS: Serbian Radical Party - SRS
911015 RS: Socialist Party of Serbia - SPS
911025 RS: Serbian Renewal Movement - SPO
911027 RS: Civic Alliance of Serbia (Građanski savez Srbije)
911031 RS: New Democracy (Nova demokratija - ND)
911036 Jugoslovenska Levica (Yugoslav Left)
911037 Democratic Union of Vojvodina's Magyars (Demokratska Zajednica Vojvodanskih Madara) - DZVM
911038 Party of Democratic Action for Sandzak
911039 Udruzenje za jugoslovensku demokratsku inicijativu (UJDI)
911040 Democratic Alliance of Kosova
911041 Demokratska partija socijalista (DPS)
911042 Narodna stranka (NS)
911045 Coalition Zajedno
912020 Socijalisticka partija Srbije (SPS)
912021 Srpski pokret obnove (SPO)
912022 Demokratska stranka (DS)
912023 Srpska radikalna stranka (SRS)
912025 Gradanski savez Srbije (GSS)
912026 Nova demokratija (ND)
912027 Jugoslovenska levica (JUL)
912029 Party of Democratic Action for Sandzak
912030 Udruzenje za jugoslovensku demokratsku inicijativu UJDI
912031 Democratic Alliance of Kosova
912032 Demokratska partija socijalista (DPS)
912033 Narodna stranka (NS)
912034 Liberalni savez Crne Gore (LSCG)
912035 Srpska radikalna stranka Crne Gore (SRSCG)
912042 Savez komunista Crne Gore (SKCG)

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Pv212 Party that would never vote

Code Label
-5- Missing, Not available
-4- Not asked
-3- Not applicable
-2- No answer
-1- Don´t know
1 No right to vote
2 I would not vote
3 I would cast a blank ballot; White vote
4 None
5 Other
8001 AL: Partia Socialiste - Socialist Party
8002 AL: Partia Demokratike - Democratic Party
8004 AL: Partia Social Demokrate - The Social Democrat Party
8005 AL: Partia Republikane - The Republican Party
8006 AL: Partia e Alencës Demokratike - The Democratic Alliance Party
8008 AL: Partia e Ballit -The Front Party
8009 AL: Partia e Legalitetit - The Legalization Party
8010 AL: Partia Agrare The Agricultural Party
8011 AL: Partia e Demokristiane -The Demochristian Party
8012 AL: Partia Komuniste - The Communist Party
8013 AL: Partia Djathtë Demokratike - The Right (wing) Democratic Party
8014 AL: Partia e Re e Punës - The New Labor Party
8021 AL: Levizja per Demokraci (PLD)
8022 AL: Party of Union for Democracy (PUD)
8023 AL: Other
31003 AZ: Khalg Jabkhesi Partyasi (AKhCh)
31004 AZ: Azerbaijan Milli Dovletchilik Partyasi (AMDP)
31005 AZ: Ana Veten Partyasi (AVP)
31006 AZ: Azerbaijan Demokratik Sakhibkarlar Partyasi (ADSP)
31007 AZ: Liberal Party of Azerbaijan
31008 AZ: Musavat Party
31009 AZ: United Azerbaijan (Vakhid Azerbaijan)
31010 AZ: Azerbaijan Derchelish ve Tereggi Partyasi
31012 AZ: Dogru Yil Partyasi (DYP)
31013 AZ: Iurddash (Yurddash)
31014 AZ: Azerbaijan Democratik Istiglal Partyasi (ADIP)
31015 AZ: Azerbaijan Namine Alyans
31017 AZ: Communist Party
31030 AZ: Azerbaijan Milli Istiglal Partyasi (AMIP)
31031 AZ: Yeni Azerbaijan (YAP)
32006 AR: Frepaso
32007 AR: Modin
32012 AR: Justicialista Party
32013 AR: Alianza UCR Frepaso
32015 AR: Other
36001 AU: Australian Labour Party
36002 AU: Liberal Party
36003 AU: National Party
36004 AU: The Greens
36005 AU: Australian Democrats
36006 AU: Country Liberal Party (Nor.Terr)
36007 AU: Independent
36012 AU: Other
50001 BD: Awami League
50002 BD: Bangladesh National Party (BNP)
50003 BD: Jatiya Party
50004 BD: Jamat
50005 BD: Other
51001 AM: Pan-Armenian National Movement - Hayots Hamazgayin Shargzum (HHSh)
51002 AM: Armenian Revolutionary Federation - Hay Heghapokhakan Dashnaktsutyun (HHD)
51003 AM: Armenian Communist Party - Hayastani Komunistakan Kusaktsutyun (HKK)

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Code Label
51004 AM: Armenian Democratic Liberal Party - Hayastani Ramkavar Azatakan Kusaktsutyun (HRAK)
51005 AM: National Unity - Azgayin Gzoghovrdakan Miutyun (AGzM)
51006 AM: Azgayin Inknoroshum Miavorum
51007 AM: Democratic Party of Armenia - Hayastani Demokratakan Kusaktsutyun (HDK)
51008 AM: Sotsial-Demokratakan Hnchakyan Kusaktsutyun
51009 AM: Republican Party of Armenia - Hayastani Hanrapetakan Kusaksutyun (HHK)
51010 AM: Kristonya-Demokratakan Miutyun (KDM)
51011 AM: Sahmanadrakan Iravunk Miutyun (SIM)
51012 AM: Tagavorakan Kusaktsutyun (TaK)
51013 AM: Gita-ardyunaberakan ev Kaghakatsiakan Miutyun (GKM)
51014 AM: Artsakh-Hayastan Hasarakakan-Kaghakakan Kazmakerputyun AHKK
51015 AM: Shamiram Women's Movement (SWM)
70003 BA: Socijalistia partija Republike Srpska (SPRS)
70004 BA: Srpska demokratska stranka (SDS)
70005 BA: Srpska radikalna stranka Republike Srpske (SRS RS)
70009 BA: Stranka Demokratske Akcije (SDA)
70010 BA: Stranka za Bosnu i Hercegovinu (SB&H)
70012 BA: Bosanska Stranka (BOSS)
70020 BA: Demokratski patriotski blok Republike Srpske (DPBRS)
70021 BA: Serbian National Union of Biliana Plavsic
70022 BA: Federalist Democratic Party
70023 BA: Srpska patriotskia stranka (SPAS)
70024 BA: Srpska radikalna stranka Nicola Pasic (SRPNP)
70026 BA: Srpska stranka Krajine (Krajisnici) (SSK Krajisnici)
70028 BA: Popular Party of SR Peopleâs Party
70029 BA: United List for Bosnia and Herzegovina
70030 BA: Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (HDZ)
70031 BA: National Democratic Union
70032 BA: Liberalna stranka Bosne i Hercegovine (LS BiH)
70034 BA: Liberalna b. organizacija (LBO)
70035 BA: Gradanska demokratska stranka (GDS)
70036 BA: Woman Bosnia and Hercegovina
70037 BA: Hrvatska stranka prava (HSP)
70038 BA: Bosanskohercegovacka patriotska stranka (BPS)
70039 BA: Socijal-demokratska partija (SDP)
70040 BA: Serbian Party for Kraina and Posavina (SSK)
70041 BA: Party of the New Social Democrats
76001 BR: PMDB - Party of Brazilian Democratic Movement
76002 BR: PT - Workers´Party
76003 BR: PSDB - Brazilian Social Democracy
76004 BR: PDT - Democratic Labor Party
76005 BR: PPB
76006 BR: PFL - Liberal Front
76007 BR: PTB - Brazilian Labor Party
76008 BR: PL
76009 BR: PC do B
76010 BR: PV
76011 BR: PRN - National Reconstruction Party
76012 BR: PSB
76013 BR: PDC
76014 BR: PPS
76015 BR: PSC
76017 BR: PMN
76018 BR: PRONA
76019 BR: PC
100001 BG: Suyuz na demokratichnite sili (SDS) - Union of Democratic Forces
100003 BG: Balgarska Socialisticheska Partiya (BSP) - Bulgarian Socialist Party
100004 BG: Bulgarska Evrolevitza (BEL) - The Euro-Left
100005 BG: Bulgarska biznes blok (BBB) - Bulgarian Business Block
100006 BG: Dvijenie za Prava i Svobodi (DPS) - Movement for Rights and Freedom
100011 BG: Bulgarian Social-Democratic Party (BSDP)
100038 BG: Other
112002 BY: Liberalâna-Demakratycnaja Partyja Belarusi (LDP) - Liberal-Democratic Party
112009 BY: Partyja Kamunistau Belaruskaja (KPB) - Communistic Party of Belarus

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Code Label
112010 BY: Belaruski patryjatycny Ruch (BPR) - Belarussian Patriotic Movement
112013 BY: Belaruskaja Sacyjal-Demakratycnaja Gramada (BSDH) - Belarussian Social-Democratic Gramada
112015 BY: Agrarnaja Partyja Belarusi (AP) - Agrarian Party
112019 BY: Narodnaja Partyja Adradzenne (NFB-A)
112020 BY: Belaruskaja Partyja zancyn Nazeja (BPZN)
112023 BY: Belaruskaja Chryscijanska Demokratycnaja zlucnasc(BCD)
112024 BY: Common Sense Party (PZS)
112025 BY: Partyja Usebelaruskaga Adzinstva Izgody (UAZ)
112026 BY: Belaruskaja Partyja Pracy (PP)
112028 BY: Partyja Amatarau Piva (PAP)
112030 BY: Republikanskaja Partyja Pracy i Spravjadlivasci (RPPSDEU)
112031 BY: Slavjanski Sabor Belaja Rus
112032 BY: President Lukashenko
112043 BY: Avadnanaja Gramadzjanskaka Partyja
152001 CL: Unión Demócrata Independiente, UDI (Union of Independent Democrats)
152002 CL: Renovación Nacional, RN (National Renovation)
152003 CL: Unión de Centro Centro Progresista - UCCP (Progressive Union of the Centrist Center )
152005 CL: Partido Radical Social Democrático, PRSD (Radical Social Democratic Party)
152006 CL: Partido Por la Democracia, PPD (Party for Democracy)
152007 CL: Partido Socialista, PS (Socialist Party)
152008 CL: Partido Humanista Verde - PHV (Green Party)
152009 CL: Partido Comunista, PC (Communist party)
152010 CL: Partido Demócrata Cristiano, PDC (Christian Democratic Party)
158001 TW: Nationalist Party
158002 TW: Democratic Progressive Party
158003 TW: New Party
158016 TW: Other party
170001 CO: Conservador
170002 CO: Liberal
170003 CO: Partido de la U
170009 CO: Candidatos Independientes (no partidistas)
170014 CO: Cristiano
170018 CO: Alianza democrática M-19
170019 CO: Independent
191001 HR: Akcija Socijaldemokrata Hrvatske (ASH)
191002 HR: Dalmatinska Akcija (DA)
191004 HR: Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica (HDZ)
191005 HR: Hrvatska Krscanska Demokratska Unija (HKDU)
191007 HR: Hrvatska Narodna Stranka (HNS)
191009 HR: Hrvatska Seljacka Stranka (HSS)
191010 HR: Hrvatska Socijalno Liberalna Stranka (HSLS)
191011 HR: Hrvatska Stranka Prava (HSP)
191012 HR: Hrvatska Stranka Prava - 1861 (HSP 1861)
191014 HR: Hrvatski Nezavisni Demokrati (HND)
191016 HR: Istarski Demokratski Sabor (IDS)
191020 HR: Slavonsko-Baranjska Hrvatska Stranka (SBHS)
191021 HR: Socijaldemokratska Partija Hrvatske (SDP/SDPH)
191023 HR: Socijalno-demokratska Unija Hrvatske (SDU)
203001 CZ: Ceskoslovenská strana sociálnà demokracie (CSSD) - Czechoslovak Party of Social Democracy
203002 CZ: Ceska strana narodne socialni (CSNS) - Czech National Social(ist) Party
203003 CZ: Krestâanská a demokratická unie-Ceskoslovenská lidová strana (KDU-CSL) Christian Democratic Union-
Czechoslovak Peopleâs Party
203004 CZ: Demokraticke Unie (DEU) - Democratic Union
203006 CZ: Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy (KSCM) - Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
203007 CZ: Morovska demokraticka strana (MDS) - Moravian Democratic Party
203008 CZ: Nezavisli (N) - Independents
203009 CZ: Obcanska Demokraticka Strana (ODS) - Civic Democratic Party
203011 CZ: Sdruzeni pro Republiku - Rep. Strana Ceskoslovenska (SPR-RSE) - Rally for the Republic-Republican Party of
203012 CZ: Strana zelenych (SZ) - Green Party
203013 CZ: Unie Svobody (US) - Freedom Union
203022 CZ: Obcanska demokraticka alliance (ODA) - Civic Democratic Alliance
203026 CZ: Alternative 2000 (Alternativa 2000)
203029 CZ: Duchodci za zivotnà jistoty (DZJ) - Pensionersâ for a Secure Life

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Code Label
203032 CZ: Obcanská koalice-Politický klub (OK-PK) - Civil Coalition-Political Club
203034 CZ: Strana Ceskoslovenských komunistu (SCK) - Party of Czechoslovak Communists
203035 CZ: Sdrueni Duchodcu ER
214001 DO: Partido de Liberación Dominicana (PLD)
214002 DO: Partido Revolucionario Dominicano (PRD)
214003 DO: Partido Reformista Social Cristiano (PRSC)
214004 DO: Partido Quisqueyano Demócrata (PQD)
214005 DO: Unidad Democrática (UD)
214007 DO: Nueva Izquierda
214008 DO: Partido de los Trabajadores Dominicanos (PTD)
233002 EE: Eesti Keskerakond (EK) - Estonian Centre Party
233003 EE: Eesti Koonderakond - Estonian Coalition Party
233005 EE: Eesti Maarahva Erakond (EME) - Estonian Country Peopleâs Party
233008 EE: Eesti Reformierakond (RE) - Estonian Reform Party
233009 EE: Eesti Sinine Erakond (ESE) - Estonian Blue Party
233010 EE: Isamaaliit (I) - Pro Patria
233012 EE: Moodukad (M) - Moderates
233014 EE: Vene Erakond Eestis (VEE) - Russian Party in Estonia
233016 EE: Eesti Demokraatlik Liit
233017 EE: Eesti Demokraatlik Toepartei
233018 EE: Erakond Eesti Kodu
233019 EE: Eesti Maaliit (EM)
233020 EE: Eesti Rahva jaegerpartei
233021 EE: Eesti Rahvuslaste Keskliit
233022 EE: Erakond ´Eesti Rohelised´ (ER)
233023 EE: Eesti Rojalistik Partei
233024 EE: Eesti talurahva Erakond
233025 EE: Metsaerakond
233026 EE: Tuleviku Eesti Erakond (TEE)
233027 EE: People Party of Republicans and Conservatives
233028 EE: Arengupartei
233035 EE: Eesti Pensionaeride ja Perede Liit (PPL)
233036 EE: Pollumeeste Kogu
246001 FI: Social Democratic Party of Finland - SDP
246002 FI: Centre Party of Finland (centre, big, conservative) - KESK
246003 FI: National Coalition Party (right, big, conservative) - KOK
246004 FI: Left Alliance (left, medium, progressive) - VAS
246005 FI: Swedish Peoples Party in Finland - RKP
246006 FI: Green League (centre, medium, progressive) - VIHR
246008 FI: True Finns (right, small, conservative) - PS
246021 FI: NUSU (Nuorsuomalainen Puolue)
246024 FI: SKL (Suomen Kirstillinen Liitto)
246025 FI: Jokin muu ryhmittymä
268001 GE: Agrarian Party (Agraruli Partia)
268002 GE: Bloki 'Agordzineba'
268003 GE: Ertiani Komunisturi Partia
268004 GE: Respublikuri Partia
268005 GE: Erovnul-Demokratuli Partia (EDP)
268006 GE: Fraqtsia Saxalxo Erovnul-Demokrati
268007 GE: Bloc XXI Century (Bloki XXI Saukune)
268008 GE: Socialisturi Partia (SP)
268009 GE: Social-Demokratiuli Partia (SDP)
268010 GE: Society Lemi (Sazogadoeba 'Lemi')
268011 GE: Gaerianebuli Respublikuri Partia (GRP)
268012 GE: Round Table (Mrgvali Magida)
268013 GE: Saqartvelos Moqalaqeta Kavashiri
268014 GE: Reformatorta Kavashiri
268015 GE: Saqartvelos Tradicionalistta Kavashiri
268017 GE: Erovnuli-Damoukideblobis Partia
268018 GE: Merab Kostavas Sazogadoeba
268019 GE: Liberal-Demokratiuli Erovnuli Parti (LDP)
268020 GE: Ilia Chavchadzis Sazigadoeba
268021 GE: Saqartvelos Gvtis Shvilta Kavshiri
268022 GE: Qristianul-Demokratiuli Kavshiri

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Code Label
276001 DE: Christlich-Demokratische Union/ Christlich-Soziale Union (CDU/CSU) - Christian Democrats
276002 DE: Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) - Social Democrats
276003 DE: Freie Demokratische Partei Deutschlands (FDP) - Free Democratic Party
276005 DE: Partei des demokratischen Sozialismus (PDS)
276011 DE: Die Republikaner (REP)
276012 DE: Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD)
276013 DE: Deutsche Kommunistische Partei (DKP) - Communist Party of Germany
276014 DE: Autofahrerpartei - Car DriversParty
276017 DE: Graue Panther - Grey Panthers
276030 DE: Alliance 90/The Greens (Buendnis 90/Die Gruenen)
348001 HU: Magyar Demokrata Forum (MDF) - Hungarian Democratic Forum
348002 HU: Szabad Demokratak Szovetsege (SZDSZ) - Aliance of Free Democrats
348003 HU: Fuggetlen Kisgazda Part (FKGP) - Independent Smallholders Party
348005 HU: Kereszteny Demokrata Neppart (KDNP) - Christian Democratic Peoples Party
348006 HU: Magyar Szocialista Part (MSZP) - Hungarian Socialist Party (ex Communists)
348007 HU: Magyar Igazsag es Elet Partja (MIEP) - Party of Hungarian Justice and Life
348009 HU: Magyar Demokrata Neppart (MDNP) - Hungarian Democratic Peopleâs Party
348010 HU: Magyarorszagi Szocialdemokrata Part (MSZDP) - Social Democratic Party of Hungary
348011 HU: Nemzetisegi
348013 HU: Magyarorszagi Zoeld Part (MZP) - Green Party of Hungary
348021 HU: Munkáspárt
348022 HU:Vállalkozók
348023 HU:Fiatal Demokratak Szoevetsege (FIDESZ-MPP)
356001 IN: Indian Congress (Socialist)
356003 IN: Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) - National People's Party)
356004 IN: CPI
356005 IN: CPI(M)
356006 IN: BSP
356014 IN: Shiv Sena (SHS)
356015 IN: Indian Union Muslim League (IUML)
356017 IN: Samajwadi Party (SP)
356018 IN: Samatha Party
356021 IN: RSP
356030 IN: Akali Dal
356037 IN: Dravida Munnetra Kazhgam DMK (Dravidian Progressive Federation)
356038 IN: All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhgam (AIADMK)
356047 IN: Congress Tiwary
356052 IN: Left Front
356053 IN: National Front
356054 IN: Republican Party of India
356055 IN: United Front
356058 IN: Local/regional parties
356061 IN: Communal parties
356062 IN: SULI
356063 IN: TMC
356066 IN: Uttra Khand
356068 IN: Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP)
356071 IN: Telugu Desam (Land of Telegu)
428001 LV: Savieniba Latvijas cels (LC) Alliance Latvias Way
428004 LV: Latvijas Zemnieku savieniba (LZS) - Latvian Farmers Union
428010 LV: Latvijas Liberala Partija (LLP)
428011 LV: Latvijas Zemnieku savienibas/ Kristigo Latgale (LZS/KDS/LDP)
428012 LV: Maznodrosinato politiska apvieniba
428013 LV: Latvijas Vienibas partija (LVP)
428014 LV: Coal. Latvian Dem. Labor/ Soc-Dem Wkrs/Defense Defrauded Ppl
428015 LV: Tautas Saskanas Partija (TSP)
428017 LV: Latvijas Krievu pilsonu partija (LKPP)
428018 LV: Demokratiska Partija Saimnieks (DPS) - Democratic Party Master
428019 LV: Latvijas Socialistiska Partija (LSP)
428020 LV: Latvijas Nacionali demokratiska partija
428021 LV: Partija Our Land un pretkomunistu apvieniba
428022 LV: Tautas kustiba Latvijaj (Zigerista partija)
428023 LV: Apvieniba Tevzemei un Brivibai (TB)
428024 LV: Latvijas Tautas Front (LTF)

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Code Label
428025 LV: Tautsamnieku politiska apvieniba Tautsaimnieks
428027 LV: Latvijas Nacionala Kons./Zala Part.LNNK/LZP(Electoral Union)
428028 LV: Latgale Democratic Party (LDP)
440001 LT: Tevynes Sajunga (Lietuvos konservatoriai) (TS-LK) - Homeland Union/ Lithuanian Conservatives
440002 LT: Lietuvos krikscioniu demokratu partija (LKDP) - Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party
440003 LT: Lietuvos demokratine darbo partija (LDDP) - Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party
440004 LT: Lietuvos centro sajunga (LCS) - Lithuanian Center Union
440005 LT: Lietuvos socialdemokratu partija (LSDP) - Lithianian Socialdemocratic Party
440006 LT: Lietuviu nacionaline partija Jaunoji Lietuva (LNPJL) - Lithuanian National Party ´Young Lithuania´
440007 LT: Lietuvos moteru partija (LMP) - Lithuanian Women´s Party /New Democracy
440009 LT: Lietuvos Lenku Rinkimu Akcija (LLRA) - Polish Election Action
440013 LT: Lietuvos liberalu sajunga (LLS) - Lithuanian Liberal Union
440015 LT: Lietuvos rusu sajunga (LRS) - Lithuanian Russians Union
440016 LT: Lietuvos politiniu kaliniu ir tremtiniu sajunga (LPKTS) -Lithuanian Political Prisoners and Deported People
440019 LT: Lietuvos Laisves Lyga (LLL) - Lithuanian Liberty League
440020 LT: Lietuvos socialinio teisingumo sajunga (LSTS) - Lithuanian Social Justice Union
440021 LT: Lietuvos socialistu partija (LSP) - Lithuanian Socialist Party
440022 LT: Respublikonu partija (RP) - Republican Party
440024 LT: Lietuvos gyvenimo logikos partija (LGLP) - Lithuanian Logic of Life Party
440026 LT: Lietuvos liaudies partija (LLP) - Lithuanian People Party
440051 LT: Lietuvos Tautininku Sajunga/Lietuvos Dem. Part. (LTS + LDS) - Lithuanian National Union/
440052 LT: Lietuvos Tautiniu Matumu Aljansas (LTMA) - Alliance of the Lithuanian National Minorities
440058 LT: Lietuvo Ukio Partija (LUP) - Lithuanian Party of Economy
440059 LT: Tautos pazangos judejimas (TPJ) - National Progress Movement
484001 MX: PRI - Institutional Revolutionary Party
484002 MX: PAN -National Action Party
484003 MX: PRD - Democratic Revolutionary Party
484004 MX: PT
498015 MD: Liga Nationala a Tineretului Moldovei
498016 MD: Partidul Democrat Agrar din Moldova (PDAM)
498017 MD: Union of Youth (Uniunea tuneretului Moldovei)
498018 MD: Fostilor Detinuti Pol/Victimelor Reg. Total.Com (AFDP/AVRTC)
498019 MD: Asociatia Femeilor (AF)
498020 MD: Partidul national-crestin al Moldovei
498021 MD: Miscarea demokratica âDemnitateaâ
498022 MD: Frontul popular crestin-democratic (FPCD)
498023 MD: Liga democrat - crestina a femeielor Moldovei
498024 MD: Partidul Ecologist/Alianta Verde (AVE)
498025 MD: Miscarea de egalitate âUnitate-Edinstvoâ (UE)
498026 MD: Partidul Social Democrat (PSD)
498027 MD: Partidul Socialist al Moldovei (PS)
498028 MD: Organizatia Tineretului Crestin-Democrat (OTCD)
498029 MD: Republican Party (Partidul republican al Moldovei)
498030 MD: Organizatia radical-democratica a tineretului Moldovei
498031 MD: Liberal Party (Partidul liberal al Moldovei)
498032 MD: Partidul fortelor democrate a Republicii
498033 MD: Partidul popular al gagausilor
498034 MD: National FarmersParty (Partidul national crestin)
498035 MD: Partidul National Liberal (PNL)
498036 MD: Partidul reformelor
498037 MD: Liga pedagogilor Moldovei
498038 MD: Partidul renasterii economice a Moldovei
498039 MD: Miscarea pacifistilor Moldovei
498040 MD: Partidul comunist al Republicii Moldova
498041 MD: Partidul crestin-democratic taranesc al Moldovei
498042 MD: Partidul centrist democratic al renasterii
498043 MD: Partidul popular âVatanâ
498044 MD: Aliante tinerutelui democratic al Moldovei
498046 MD: Partidul progresului social al Moldovei
498047 MD: Partidul renasterii si al concilierii Moldovei
498048 MD: Miscarea social-politca emeia Moldovei
498049 MD: Partidul actiunii socialiste
578001 NO: Labour Party (DNA)

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Code Label
578002 NO: Progressive Party (FrP)
578003 NO: Conservative Party (H)
578007 NO: Center Party (SP)
578008 NO: Socialist Left Party (SV)
578009 NO: Liberals (V)
578010 NO: Red Alliance
578027 NO: Christian Peoples Party
604002 PE: Partido Aprista Peruano APRA
604005 PE: Unión por el Perú UPP
604006 PE: Acción Popular AP
604008 PE: Cambio 90- Nueva Mayoría
604012 PE: FREPAP
604015 PE: MDI
604016 PE: IU
604017 PE: PPC
604019 PE: OBRAS
604020 PE: CODE País Posible
608002 PH: Partido Liberal ng Pilipinas - Liberal Party of the Philippines (LP)
608003 PH: Nacionalista Party (NP)
608004 PH: Nationalist People's Coalition (NPC)
608005 PH: Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban)
608012 PH: Partido ng Masang Pilipino (PMP)
608014 PH: Kilusang Bagong lipunan (KBL)
608015 PH: Laban ng demokratikong (LDP)
608017 PH: LAKAS-NUCD-UMDP (Lakas NG Tao-National union of Christian Democrats-United Moro Democratic party)
608018 PH: PDSP (Partido Demokratiko Sosyalista ng PiliPinas)
608026 PH: Bicol Saro
608027 PH: Lapiang manggagawa
608028 PH: Natural Law party (NLP)
608029 PH: Partido Panaghiusa
608030 PH: People's reform party (PRP)
608031 PH: Hindi pa nakapag-dec
616002 PL: PSL Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe (Polish Peasants Party) (PSL)
616003 PL: ROP - Movement for Reconstruction of Poland
616004 PL: SLD - Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (Alliance of Democratic Left) (SLD)
616005 PL: UPR - Union of Real Politics
616006 PL: UP - Union of Labor
616007 PL: UW - Union of Freedom
616008 PL: KPEIR - Country Party of Pensioned and Retired Persons
616009 PL: Narodowo-Chrzescijansko-Demokratyczny Blok dla Polski
616047 PL: Solidarnosc (NSZZ)
630001 PR: Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP)
630002 PR: Partido Popular Democratico (PPD)
630003 PR: Partido Independentista Puertoriqueño (PIP)
642002 RO: Polul Democrat-Social din Romania (PDSR) - Democratic-Social Pole of Romania
642003 RO: Partidul Democrat (PD) - Democratic Party
642004 RO: Partidul National Taranesc Crestin si Democrat (PNTCD) - National Peasant Party Christian Democrat
642005 RO: Partidul National Liberal (PNL) - National Liberal Party
642006 RO: Uniunea Democrata a Maghiarilor din Romania (UDMR) - Hungarians Union
642007 RO: Partidul Romania Mare (PRM) - Greater Romania Party
642009 RO: Partidul Unitatii Nationale Romane (PUNR) - Party of Romanian National Unity
642010 RO: Alianta pentru Romania (ApR) - Alliance for Romania
642016 RO: Conventia Democratica din Romania (CDR) as a whole
642023 RO: Partidul Socialist al Muncii (PSM) Socialist Labor Party
642030 RO: Partidul National Liberal Campeanu (PNL-C) National Liberal Party Campeanu
642031 RO: National Romanian Party (PNR)
642032 RO: Social-Democratic Union (USD)
642064 RO: PL (Partidul Liberal)
643001 RU: Agrarnaya Partiya Rossii (APR) - Agrarian Party of Russia
643002 RU: Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) - Коммунистическая партия Российской Федерации
643003 RU: Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) Либерально-Демократическая Партия России (ЛДПР)
643004 RU: Nas dom - Rossija (NDR) - Our Home is Russia

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Code Label
643012 RU: Rossiyskaya Demokraticheskaya Partiya ´Yabloko´ Yavlinsky-Boldyrev-Lukin-Bloc
643014 RU: VlastNarodu (VN)
643015 RU: Vpered Rossija (VR)
643016 RU: Demokraticeskaja Rossija (DR)
643017 RU: Dem. Vybor Rossii-Obyedinennyi Dem. (DVR-OD;Electoral Union)
643018 RU: Power (Derzava)
643019 RU: Zensciny Rossii (ZR)
643020 RU: For the Motherland (Za Rodinu)
643022 RU: Komunisty - Trudovaja Rossija- Za Sovetskij Sojuz
643023 RU: Kongress russkich obscin (KRO)
643024 RU: Ivana Rybkina (IR- Electoral Union)
643027 RU: Republican Party of Russia (Pamfilova-Gurov-Lysenko) PGL
643028 RU: Partiya Samoupravleniya (PS)
643029 RU: Profosuzoj i promyslenniki - Sojuz Truda
703001 SK: Demokraticka Strana (DS) - Democratic Party
703003 SK: Hnutie za demokraticke Slovensko (HZDS) - Movement for a Democratic Slovakia
703004 SK: Komunistická strana Slovenska (KSS) - Communist Party of Slovakia
703005 SK: Krestanskodemokraticke hnutie (KDH) - Christian-Democratic Movement
703006 SK: Slovenska narodna strana (SNS) - Slovak National Party
703009 SK: Madrskkoalia (SMK) Hungarian Coalition
703010 SK: Strana obcianskeho porozumenia (SOP) - Party of Civil Understanding
703012 SK: Strana zelenych na Slovensku (SZS) - Party of Greens in Slovakia
703014 SK: Zdruzenie Robotnikov Slovenska (ZRS) - Association of Workers of Slovakia
703015 SK: Democratic Coalition (SDK)
703019 SK: Krestanska Socialna Unia Slovenska (KSU) - Christian Social Union of Slovakia
703020 SK: Nase Slovensko (NSK)
703021 SK: Nova Agrarna Strana (NAS)
703022 SK: Slovenska Zelena Alternativa (SZA) - Slovak Green Alterntive
703023 SK: Strana Demokratickej Zavice (SD1/4)
703043 SK: Socialnodemokraticka Strana na Slovensku (SDSS)
703044 Demokraticka Unia Slovenska DUS (Electoral Union)
705003 SI: Liberal Democracy of Slovenia (LDS)
705004 SI: Slovene Peoples Party (SLS)
705005 SI: Slovene National Party (SNS)
705007 SI: Slovene Christian Democrats (SKD)
705008 SI: Associated List of Social Democrats (ZLSD)
705009 SI: Green Party (ZS)
705014 SI: Social Democratic Party of Slovenia (SDSS)
705017 SI: Demokratska Stranka Slovenije (DSS)
705018 SI: Slovenska Nacionalna Desnica (SND)
705019 SI: Sivi Panterji - Stranka Upokojencev Slovenije (SP)
710002 ZA: African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP)
710003 ZA: African National Congress (ANC)
710005 ZA: Azanian people´s organisation (AZAPO)
710007 ZA: Freedom Front
710008 ZA: Inkatha Freedom Party
710013 ZA: Conservative Party (CP)
710014 ZA: Democratic Party (DP)
710015 ZA: National Party (NP)
710016 ZA: Pan Africanist Communist Party (PAC)
710017 ZA: South African Communist Party (SACP)
710018 ZA: Coloured Resistance Movement
724001 ES: PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español) - Spanish Socialist Workers Party
724002 ES: PP (Partido Popular) - Peoples Party (1981: AP)
724003 ES: IU (Izquierda Unida) - United Left (1981: PCE, Communist party)
724005 ES: Verdes - The Green Party
724006 ES: CDS (Centro Democratico y Social) - Democratic and Social Centre (1981: UCD)
724011 ES: BNG (Bloque Nacionalista Galego) - Galician Nationalist Bloc
724012 ES: Coalición Gallega CG - Galician Left
724023 ES: Partido Nacionalista Canario PNC
724041 ES: HB - EH (Herri Batasuna - Euskal Herritarrok)
724042 ES: PNV (Partido Nacionalista Vasco) - Basque Nationalist Party
724043 ES: EA (Eusko Alkartasuna) - Basque Solidarity
724045 ES: Unidad Alavesa (UA)

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Code Label
724062 ES: CiU (Convergencia i Unio) - Convergence and Union
724063 ES: ERC (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) - Republican Left of Catalonia
724081 ES: Unio Valenciana - Valencian Union
752001 SE: Centerpartiet
752002 SE: Folkpartiet
752003 SE: Kristdemokraterna
752004 SE: Miljöpartiet
752005 SE: Moderata samlingspartiet / Moderaterna
752006 SE: Socialdemokraterna
752007 SE: Vänsterpartiet
756001 CH: Freisinnig-demokratische partei FDP
756002 CH: Sozialdemokratische partei SPS
756003 CH: Christlich-demokratische volkspartei CVP
756004 CH: Schweizerische volkspartei SVP
756005 CH: Gre / gre partei GPS
756006 CH: Freiheitspartei FPS
756007 CH: Schweizer demokraten SD
756008 CH: Liberale partei LPS
756009 CH: LdU
756010 CH: Evangelische volkspartei EVP
756011 CH: Partei der arbeit PdA
756012 CH: Christlichsoziale partei CSP
756013 CH: Frap
756041 CH: Keine
756042 CH: Kann s n entsch
756043 CH: Keine Angabe
792001 TR: ANAP - Motherland Party -
792002 TR: CHP - Republican Peoples Party
792003 TR: DSP - Democratic Left Party -
792004 TR: DYP - True Path Party -
792005 TR: HADEP - Peoples Democracy Party -
792006 TR: MHP - Nationalist Action Party -
792013 TR: BBP - Great Unity Party -
792015 TR: RP Prospetiry Party - Religious Fundamentalist
792018 TR: HICBIRI
792019 TR: ASIRI SAG
792020 TR: ASIRI SOL
792021 TR: SAG
792055 TR: DIGER
804005 UA: Demokratychna Partiya Ukrainy (DPU) - Democratic Party of Ukraine
804006 UA: Komunistychna Partiya Ukrainy (KPU) - Communist Party of Ukraine
804007 UA: Kongres ukrainskich nacionalistiv (KUN)- Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists
804008 UA: Liberalna Partiya Ukrainy (LPU) - Liberal Party of Ukraine
804009 UA: Narodno-demokratina Partija Ukraini - Peoples Democratic Party of Ukraine
804020 UA: Sotsialtstychna Partiya Ukrainy (SocPU) - Socialistic Party of Ukraine
804022 UA: Ukrainska Republikanska Partiya (URP) - Ukrainian Republic Party
804023 UA: Khrystiyansko-Demokratychna Partiya Ukrainy (KhDPU/UKhDP) - Christian Democratic Party of Ukraine
804024 UA: Vseukrainske politicne obednannja Derzavnakij kongres
804025 UA: Grazhdanskij Kongress Ukrainy (GKU)
804029 UA: Konstitucijno-demokratina Partija Ukraini
804031 UA: Liberalno-Demokratychna Partiya Ukrainy (LDPU)
804032 UA: Narodnij Ruch Ukraini (RUCH)
804034 UA: Obednannja Nova Ukraina
804035 UA: Mizhrehionalnyi Blok Reformiv (MBR)
804036 UA: Partiya Ekonomicheskogo Vozrozhdeniya Kryma (PEVK)
804037 UA: Partiya Zelenykh Ukrainy (PZU)
804038 UA: Partiya Truda Ukrainy (PTU)
804039 UA: Partija slovjanskoednosti Ukraini
804040 UA: Selianska Partiya Ukrainy (SelPu)
804041 UA: Sotsial-Demokratychna Partiya Ukrainy (SDPU)
804043 UA: Ukrainska Konservatyvna Republikanska Partiya (UKRP)
804044 UA: Ukrainska Natsionalna Assembleia (UNA)
804045 UA: Ukrainska nacionala konservativna partija

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Code Label
804046 UA: Ukrainska partija ljubiteliv piva
804048 UA: Ukrainska Selianska Demokratychna Partiya (USDP)
807002 MK: Democratic Party of Albanians in Macedonia (DPA)
807003 MK: Liberal-Democratic Party (LDP)
807007 MK: Partija za Demokratski Prosperitet (PDP)
807008 MK: Socijaldemokratski Sojuz na Makedonija (SDSM)
807011 MK: Vnatrena Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija VMRO
807012 MK: Demokratska Partija (DP)
807013 MK: Socijalistika Partija na Makedonija (SPM)
807014 MK: Demokratska Partija na Turcite (DPT)
807015 MK: Party of Zinzars and Romanians in Macedonia
807016 MK: Demokratska Partija na Srbite (DPS)
807017 MK: Independent Candidate
807037 MK: Other 1
807038 MK: Other 2
840001 US: Republican
840002 US: Democrat
840003 US: Independent
858001 UY: Partido Colorado
858002 UY: Partido Nacional
858003 UY: Frente Amplio
858005 UY: Nuevo Espacio
862002 VE: AD
862003 VE: MAS
862004 VE: COPEI
862007 VE: La Causa R
862009 VE: Convergencia
911001 RS: Democratic Party - DS
911002 RS: Democratic Party of Serbia - DSS
911003 RS: Serbian Radical Party - SRS
911015 RS: Socialist Party of Serbia - SPS
911025 RS: Serbian Renewal Movement - SPO
911027 RS: Civic Alliance of Serbia (Građanski savez Srbije)
911031 RS: New Democracy (Nova demokratija - ND)
911036 Jugoslovenska Levica (Yugoslav Left)
911037 Democratic Union of Vojvodina's Magyars (Demokratska Zajednica Vojvodanskih Madara) - DZVM
911038 Party of Democratic Action for Sandzak
911039 Udruzenje za jugoslovensku demokratsku inicijativu (UJDI)
911040 Democratic Alliance of Kosova
911041 Demokratska partija socijalista (DPS)
911043 Liberalni savez Crne Gore (LSCG)
911044 Srpska radikalna stranka Crne Gore (SRSCG)
912020 Socijalisticka partija Srbije (SPS)
912021 Srpski pokret obnove (SPO)
912023 Srpska radikalna stranka (SRS)
912024 Demokratska stranka Srbije (DSS)
912025 Gradanski savez Srbije (GSS)
912027 Jugoslovenska levica (JUL)
912029 Party of Democratic Action for Sandzak
912030 Udruzenje za jugoslovensku demokratsku inicijativu UJDI
912031 Democratic Alliance of Kosova
912032 Demokratska partija socijalista (DPS)
912033 Narodna stranka (NS)
912034 Liberalni savez Crne Gore (LSCG)
912035 Srpska radikalna stranka Crne Gore (SRSCG)
912040 Coalition People’s Accord

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Pv217cs Education (CS)

Code Label
-5- Missing
-4- Not asked
-2- No answer
-1- Don´t know
8001 AL: No formal education
8002 AL: Incomplete primary school
8003 AL: Complete primary school
8004 AL: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
8005 AL: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
8006 AL: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
8007 AL: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
8008 AL: Some university-level education, without degree
8009 AL: University-level education, with degree
31001 AZ: No formal education
31002 AZ: Incomplete primary school
31003 AZ: Complete primary school
31004 AZ: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
31005 AZ: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
31006 AZ: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
31007 AZ: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
31008 AZ: Some university-level education, without degree
31009 AZ: University-level education, with degree
32001 AR: Without studies
32002 AR: Unfinished Primary school
32003 AR: Finished Primary school
32004 AR: Unfinished High school
32005 AR: Finished high school
32006 AR: Unfinished 3rd level studies
32007 AR: Finished 3rd level studies
32008 AR: Unfinished University
32009 AR: Finished University
36002 AU: Incomplete primary
36003 AU: Complete primary
36012 AU: Incomplete Secondary technical/vocational
36013 AU: Complete Secondary technical/vocational
36014 AU: Incomplete Secondary university preparatory
36015 AU: Complete Secondary university preparatory
36016 AU: Some university education
36017 AU: University degree
50001 BD: Never studied in a school
50002 BD: Not completed primary education
50003 BD: Completed primary education
50004 BD: Studied up to Secondary School Certificate (SSC)
50005 BD: Passed SSC
50006 BD: Studied up to Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)
50007 BD: Passed HSC
50008 BD: Studied up to Bachelor Degree
50009 BD: Passed Bachelor Degree
50010 BD: Masters/similar other degree
50011 BD: Other
51001 AM: No formal education
51002 AM: Incomplete primary school
51003 AM: Complete primary school
51004 AM: Incomplete secondary school: technical
51005 AM: Complete secondary school: technical
51006 AM: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory
51007 AM: Complete secondary: university-preparatory
51008 AM: Some university-level education, without degree
51009 AM: University-level education, with degree
70001 BA: No formal education
70002 BA: Incomplete primary school

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Code Label
70003 BA: Complete primary school
70004 BA: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
70005 BA: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
70006 BA: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
70007 BA: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
70008 BA: Some university-level education, without degree
70009 BA: University-level education, with degree
100001 BG: No formal education
100002 BG: Incomplete primary school
100003 BG: Complete primary school
100004 BG: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
100005 BG: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
100006 BG: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
100007 BG: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
100008 BG: Some university-level education, without degree
100009 BG: University-level education, with degree
112001 BY: No formal education
112002 BY: Incomplete primary school
112003 BY: Complete primary school
112004 BY: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
112005 BY: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
112006 BY: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
112007 BY: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
112008 BY: Some university-level education, without degree
112009 BY: University-level education, with degree
152001 CL: Ninguno
152002 CL: Básica incompleta
152003 CL: Básica completa
152004 CL: Media incompleta
152005 CL: Media completa
152006 CL: Instituto superior/técnico profesional incompleta
152007 CL: Instituto superior/técnico profesional completa
152008 CL: Universitario incompleto
152009 CL: Universitario completo
156011 CN: Primary school uncompleted
156012 CN: Primary school completed
156013 CN: Secondary technical/vocational uncompleted
156014 CN: Secondary technical/vocational completed
156015 CN: Secondary university preparatory uncompleted
156016 CN: Secondary university preparatory completed
156017 CN: Some university education
156018 CN: University degree
156019 CN: None
158001 TW: None
158002 TW: No studies, can read/write
158003 TW: Primary incomplete, can read/write
158004 TW: Primary completed
158005 TW: Technical/Vocational incomplete
158006 TW: Technical/Vocational complete
158007 TW: Secondary incomplete
158008 TW: Secondary complete
158009 TW: Public career incomplete
158010 TW: Public career complete
158011 TW: University incomplete
158012 TW: High Technical university incomplete
158013 TW: University complete
158014 TW: High technical university complete, engineer
170001 CO: None
170006 CO: Incomplete primary
170007 CO: Complete primary
170008 CO: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
170009 CO: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
170010 CO: Intermediate education; Incomplete secondary
170011 CO: Intermediate education; Complete secondary

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Code Label
170012 CO: Incomplete University
170013 CO: Complete University
203002 Incomplete primary school
203003 Complete primary school
203004 Incomplete secondary school: technic
203005 Complete secondary school: technical
203006 Incomplete secondary: university-pre
203007 Complete secondary: university-prepa
203008 Some university-level education, wit
203009 University-level education, with deg
214001 DO: None
214002 DO: Primary school uncompleted
214003 DO: Primary school completed
214004 DO: Secondary technical/vocational uncompleted
214005 DO: Secondary technical/vocational completed
214006 DO: Secondary university preparatory uncompleted
214007 DO: Secondary university preparatory completed
214008 DO: Some university education
214009 DO: University degree
222001 SV: None
222002 SV: Primary uncomplete
222003 SV: Primary completed
222004 SV: Intermediate education; Incomplete secondary
222005 SV: Intermediate education; Complete secondary
222006 SV: BTO. uncomplete
222007 SV: BTO. complete
222008 SV: Incomplete University
222009 SV: Complete University
233001 EE: No formal education
233002 EE: Incomplete primary school
233003 EE: Complete primary school
233004 EE: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
233005 EE: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
233006 EE: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
233007 EE: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
233008 EE: Some university-level education, without degree
233009 EE: University-level education, with degree
246001 FI: No vocational training
246002 FI: Short professional training
246003 FI: Training school, tech/commercial school, business school
246004 FI: Secondary school, Institute
246005 FI: University
246006 FI: Other
268001 GE: No formal education
268002 GE: Incomplete primary school
268003 GE: Complete primary school
268004 GE: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
268005 GE: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
268006 GE: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
268007 GE: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
268008 GE: Some university-level education, without degree
268009 GE: University-level education, with degree
276001 DE: No formal education
276002 DE: Incomplete primary school
276003 DE: Complete primary school
276004 DE: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
276005 DE: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
276006 DE: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
276007 DE: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
276008 DE: Some university-level education, without degree
276009 DE: University-level education, with degree
348001 HU: No formal education
348002 HU: Incomplete primary school
348003 HU: Complete primary school

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Code Label
348004 HU: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
348005 HU: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
348006 HU: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
348007 HU: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
348008 HU: Some university-level education, without degree
348009 HU: University-level education, with degree
410001 KR: No formal education
410002 KR: Primary school
410003 KR: Middle school
410004 KR: High school
410005 KR: Some university-level education, without degree
410006 KR: University-level education, with degree
428002 LV: Incomplete primary school
428003 LV: Complete primary school
428004 LV: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
428005 LV: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
428006 LV: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
428007 LV: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
428008 LV: Some university-level education, without degree
428009 LV: University-level education, with degree
440001 LT: No formal education
440002 LT: Incomplete primary school
440003 LT: Complete primary school
440004 LT: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
440005 LT: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
440006 LT: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
440007 LT: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
440008 LT: Some university-level education, without degree
440009 LT: University-level education, with degree
484001 MX: None
484002 MX: Primary incomplete
484003 MX: Primary completed (1 to 6 years)
484004 MX: Secondary NOT completed
484005 MX: Secondary completed
484006 MX: University preparatory NO completed
484007 MX: University preparatory completed
484008 MX: University SIN completed
484009 MX: University completed with diploma
498001 MD: No formal education
498002 MD: Completed primary
498003 MD: Incomplete secondary
498004 MD: Complete secondary
498011 MD: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
498012 MD: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
498013 MD: Some university-level education, without degree
498014 MD: University-level education, with degree
554001 NZ: No formal schooling
554002 NZ: Kura kaupapa/primary school (including intermediate)
554003 NZ: Secondary school for up to 3 years
554004 NZ: Secondary school for 4 years or more
554005 NZ: Some university, wananga, polytechnic or other tertiary
554006 NZ: Completed university or polytechnic degree
566001 NG: No formal education
566002 NG: Incomplete primary school
566003 NG: Complete primary school
566004 NG: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
566005 NG: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
566006 NG: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
566007 NG: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
566008 NG: Someuniversity-level education without degree
566009 NG: University-level education with degree
578010 NO: No formal education
578011 NO: Incomplete primary school
578012 NO: Complete primary school

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Code Label
578013 NO: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
578014 NO: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
578015 NO: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
578016 NO: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
578017 NO: Some university-level education, without degree
578018 NO: University-level education, with degree
586001 PK: Illiterate/ No formal education
586002 PK: Incomplete primary education
586003 PK: Complete primary education
586016 PK: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
586017 PK: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
586018 PK: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
586019 PK: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
586020 PK: Some university-level education, without degree
586021 PK: University-level eduacion, with degree
604001 PE: No formal education
604002 PE: Incomplete primary school
604003 PE: Complete primary school
604004 PE: Incomplete secondary school: technical-vocational type
604005 PE: Complete secondary school: technical-vocational type
604006 PE: Incomplete secondary school: university-preparatory type
604007 PE: Complete secondary school: university-preparatory type
604008 PE: Some university-level education, without degree
604009 PE: University-level education, with degree
703001 SK: Incomplete primary school
703002 SK: Complete primary school
703003 SK: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
703004 SK: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
703005 SK: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
703006 SK: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
703007 SK: Some university-level education, without degree
703008 SK: University-level education, with degree
705000 SI: No formal education
705001 SI: Incomplete primary school
705002 SI: Complete primary school
705003 SI: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
705004 SI: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
705005 SI: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
705006 SI: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
705007 SI: Some university-level education, without degree
705008 SI: University-level education, with degree
710001 ZA: No schooling
710002 ZA: Some primary school
710003 ZA: Primary school completed
710004 ZA: Some high school
710008 ZA: University degree completed
710012 ZA: Other
710014 ZA: Some university
710015 ZA: Postgraduate
710016 ZA: High school complete
724001 ES: No sabe leer
724002 ES: Sabe leer
724003 ES: Primarios completos
724004 ES: EGB-EPO
724005 ES: FP-Módulos
724006 ES: BUP-ESO
724007 ES: COU-Bachiller
724008 ES: Grado Medio
724009 ES: Universitarios
756001 CH: Aucune formation scolaire/professionnelle
756002 CH: Ecole obligatoire (primaire, pr. supérieure, régionale)
756003 CH: Apprentissage professionnel / École prof. Ã plein
756004 CH: Ecole de maturité (collège, gymnase)
756005 CH: Formation supérieure technique et professionnelle

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Code Label
756006 CH: Ecole technique supérieure (ETS, HWV)
756007 CH: Université, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale
804007 UA: No formal education
804008 UA: Incomplete primary school
804009 UA: Complete primary school
804010 UA: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
804011 UA: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
804012 UA: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
804013 UA: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
804014 UA: Some university-level education, without degree
804015 UA: University-level education, with degree
807001 MK: No formal education
807002 MK: Incomplete primary school
807003 MK: Complete primary school
807004 MK: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
807005 MK: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
807006 MK: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
807007 MK: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
807008 MK: Some university-level education, without degree
807009 MK: University-level education, with degree
840115 US: No formal education
840116 US: Incomplete primary school
840117 US: Complete primary school
840118 US: Incomplete secondary school
840119 US: Complete secondary school
840120 US: Incomplete secondary
840121 US: Complete secondary
840122 US: Some university-level
840123 US: University-level education
858001 UY: No estudió
858002 UY: Incomplete primary
858003 UY: Complete primary
858004 UY: Intermediate education; Incomplete secondary
858005 UY: Intermediate education; Complete secondary
858006 UY: Incomplete University preparatory
858007 UY: Complete University preparatory
858008 UY: Incomplete University
858009 UY: Complete University
862001 VE: No formal education
862002 VE: Incomplete primary
862003 VE: Complete primary
862004 VE: Incomplete secondary school: technical/vocational type
862005 VE: Complete secondary school: technical/vocational type
862006 VE: Incomplete secondary: university-preparatory type
862007 VE: Complete secondary: university-preparatory type
862008 VE: Some university-level education, without degree
862009 VE: University-level education, with degree
912000 MG: No formal education
912001 MG: Incomplete primary
912002 MG: Complete primary
912003 MG: Incomplete secondary
912004 MG: Complete vocational training school
912005 MG: Complete gymnasium and other secondery schools
912006 MG: Incomplete University
912007 MG: Complete college
912008 MG: Complete University

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Pv218 What age did you complete your education

Code Label
0 No formal education
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19
20 20
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
27 27
28 28
29 29
30 30
31 31
32 32
33 33
34 34
35 35
36 36
37 37
38 38
39 39
40 40
41 41
42 42
43 43
44 44
45 45
46 46
47 47
48 48
49 49
50 50
51 51
52 52
53 53
54 54
55 55
57 57
58 58
59 59
60-69 60 to 69
70-79 70 to 79

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Code Label
80-89 80 to 89
90-97 90 to 97
-2- NA
-1- DK
-4- Not asked

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Pv227cs Income (CS)

Code Label
1 Lowest decile
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 Highest decile
301 Lowest decile
302 2
303 3
304 4
305 5
306 6
307 7
308 8
309 9
310 Highest decile
311 Difficult to answer
399 NA
1101 A
1102 B
1103 C
1104 D
1105 E
1106 F
1107 G
1108 H
1109 I
1110 J
1199 DK
1301 A
1302 B
1303 C
1304 D
1305 E
1306 F
1307 G
1308 H
1309 I
1310 J
1501 R14 000+
1502 R12 000-R13 999
1503 R10 000-R11 999
1504 R9 000-R9 999
1505 R7 000-R8 999
1506 R5 000-R6 999
1507 R4 000-R4 999
1508 R3 000-R3 999
1509 R2 000-R2 999
1510 R1 000-R1 999
1511 Up to R999
1512 No answer/ refused
1701 Less than $20,000
1702 $20,000 - $24,999
1703 $25,000 - $29,999
1704 $30,000 - $34,999
1705 $35,000 - $39,999
1706 $40,000 - $49,999

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Code Label
1707 $50,000 - $59,999
1708 $60,000+
1710 J
1799 DK
2201 1
2202 2
2203 3
2204 4
2205 5
2206 6
2207 7
2208 8
2209 9
2210 10
2298 DK/NA
2401 < 300 thousand won (< about 300 US dollars)
2402 300-590 thousand won (300-599 US dollars)
2403 600-890 thousand won (600-899 US dollars)
2404 900-1190 thousand won (900-1199 US dollars)
2405 1200-1490 thousand won (1200-1499 US dollars)
2406 1500-1790 thousand won (1500-1799 US dollars)
2407 1800-2290 thousand won (1800-2299 US dollars)
2408 2300-2990 thousand won (2300-2999 US dollars)
2409 3000 thousand won+(3000 US dollars+)
2499 DK/NA
2601 Moins de 20.000 Frs
2602 De 20.000 à 26.999 Frs
2603 De 27.000 à 31.999 Frs
2604 De 32.000 à 37.999 Frs
2605 De 38.000 à 44.999 Frs
2606 De 45.000 à 51.999 Frs
2607 De 52.000 à 59.999 Frs
2608 De 60.000 à 69.999 Frs
2609 De 70.000 à 89.999 Frs
2610 Plus de 90.000 Frs
2699 NR
2701 Menos de 5000$ anuales
2702 d
2703 e
2704 f
2705 g
2706 h
2707 i
2708 j
2709 k
2710 Más de 100.000$ anuales
2799 no sabe
2801 a
2802 b
2803 c
2804 d
2805 e
2806 f
2807 g
2808 h
2809 i
2810 j
2899 DK
2901 a
2902 b
2903 c
2904 d
2905 e

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Code Label
2906 f
2907 g
2908 h
2909 i
2910 j
2911 DK
2998 DK
3001 Hasta $65.000
3002 66.000-106.000
3003 107.000-125.000
3004 126.000-145.000
3005 146.000-177.000
3006 178.000-232.000
3007 233.000-300.000
3008 301.000-432.000
3009 433.000-800.000
3010 801.00 y mas
3098 NS/NR
3801 C
3802 D
3803 E
3804 F
3805 G
3806 H
3807 I
3808 J
3809 K
3810 L
3901 C
3902 D
3903 E
3904 F
3905 G
3906 H
3907 I
3908 J
3909 K
3910 L
4010 1000-1500
4011 1500-2000
4012 2000-3000
4013 3000+
-1- Don't know
-2- No answer
-4- Not asked

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Pv232cs Size of town (Country specific)

Code Label
-4- Not asked
-2- No answer
31001 AZ: More than 100.000.000
31002 AZ: 100.000 - 500.000
31004 AZ: 5.000 - 50.000
31005 AZ: Less than 5.000
51001 AM: Capital
51002 AM: 100.000 - 500.000
51003 AM: 50.000 - 100.000
51004 AM: 10.000 - 50.000
51005 AM: Less than 10.000
76001 BR: Capital City
76002 BR: 200.001 or more
76003 BR: 100.001 to 200.000 inhabitants
76004 BR: 50.001 to 100.000 inhabitants
76005 BR: 30.001 to 50.000 inhabitants
76006 BR: 20.001 to 30.000 inhabitants
76007 BR: 10.001 to 20.000 inhabitants
76008 BR: 5.001 to 10.000 inhabitants
76009 BR: Until 5.000 inhabitants
203001 CZ: < 1.000
203002 CZ: 1.000 - 5.000
203003 CZ: 5.000 - 20.000
203004 CZ: 20.000 - 100.000
203005 CZ: > 100.000
233001 EE: Less than 2.000
233002 EE: 2.000 - 50.000
233003 EE: More than 50.000
233004 EE: Tallinn
246001 FI: Less than 4.000
246002 FI: 4.000 - 8.000
246003 FI: 8.001-30.000
246004 FI: 30.001-80.000
246005 FI: More than 80.000
268001 GE: Village (Less than 5.000)
268002 GE: Small town (5.000 - 50.000)
268003 GE: Medium town (50.000 - 100.000)
268004 GE: Big city (100.000 - 500.000)
268005 GE: Capital
392001 JP: 12 major large cities(i.e.Tokyo,Osaka,etc.)
392002 JP: 150,000 more residents cities
392003 JP: 50,000 to 150,000 residents cities
392004 JP: Up to 50,000 residents cities
392005 JP: Rural districts
410001 KR: Rural area
410002 KR: Rural area with urban characters or suburb rural area
410003 KR: Urban residence
410004 KR: Urban commercial area
410005 KR: Urban industrial area
410006 KR: Other
554001 NZ: Farm or rural property
554002 NZ: Village (under 2,000 people)
554003 NZ: Small town (2,000 to 9,999 people)
554004 NZ: Large town (10,000 to 29,999 people)
554005 NZ: Small city (30,000 to 49,999 people)
554006 NZ: Medium city (50,000 to 99,999 people)
554007 NZ: Large city (100,000 people or more)
604007 PE: 600.000-1.000.000 habitantes
604008 PE: Lima
604011 PE: 50-100.000 habitantes
604012 PE: 100-200.000 habitantes

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Code Label
604013 PE: 200-300.000 habitantes
604014 PE: 300-400.000 habitantes
604015 PE: 400-500.000 habitantes
604016 PE: 500-600.000 habitantes
752001 SE: countryside
752002 SE: 200-999 inhabitants
752003 SE: 1000-5000 inhab
752004 SE: -10000 inhab
752005 SE: -20000 inhab
752006 SE: -50000 inhab
752007 SE: 100000 inhab
752008 SE: 100000+ inhab

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Pv233 Ethnic group

Code Label
-5- Missing; Not specified
-4- Not asked
-2- No answer
-1- Don´t know
520 Gypsy
522 Half breed of black and white
524 Half breed of white and indian
640 Indigenous
1400 White / Caucasian White
31001 AZ: Avarian
31002 AZ: Azerbaijanian
31003 AZ: Chekh
31004 AZ: Iranian
31005 AZ: Jew
31006 AZ: Lezgin
31007 AZ: Moldovian
31008 AZ: Russian
31009 AZ: Spanish
31010 AZ: Tatarian
31011 AZ: Turkmenian
36001 AU: Australian (English speaking)
36002 AU: European
36003 AU: South Asian (Indian, Pakistani, etc)
36004 AU: East Asian (Chinese, Japanese, etc)
36005 AU: Middle Eastern (Arabic, etc)
36006 AU: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
36007 AU: Other
50002 BD: Muslim
50003 BD: Hindu
50004 BD: Christian
50005 BD: Other
51001 AM: Armenian
51002 AM: Greek
51003 AM: Jew
51004 AM: Kurd/Esid
51005 AM: Russian
70001 BO: Croatian
70002 BO: Bosnian/ Muslim
70003 BO: Serbian
70004 BO: Other
76001 BR: Caucasian (White)
76002 BR: Negro (Black)
76003 BR: South Asian (Indian)
76004 BR: East Asian Chinese,Japanese
100001 BG: Bulgarian
100002 BG: Gypsy
100003 BG: Turkish
100004 BG: Other
112001 BY: Belorussian
112002 BY: Polish
112003 BY: Russian
112004 BY: Ukrainian
112005 BY: Other
152001 CL: Caucasian
152003 CL: South Asian (hindu, pakistani, brown)
152004 CL: East Asian (chinese, japanese, korean,..)
152005 CL: Arab (light brown)
152006 CL: Other
152008 CL: Indigenous
156001 CN: Chinese
214001 DO: White

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Code Label
214002 DO: Black
214003 DO: Mulatto
214004 DO: Chinese, Japonese
214005 DO: Arab
214006 DO: Other
268001 GE: Georgian
268009 GE: Other
276001 DE: German
276002 DE: Southern European
276003 DE: Other
276004 DE: Turkish
276005 DE: Yugoslavian
356006 IN: Scheduled Castes
356007 IN: Scheduled Tribes
356008 IN: Muslims
428001 LV: Armenian
428002 LV: Belorussian
428003 LV: Gypsy
428004 LV: Jew
428005 LV: Latvian
428006 LV: Lithuanian
428007 LV: Moldovian
428008 LV: Polish
428009 LV: Russian
428010 LV: Ukrainian
428011 LV: Other
484001 MX: White
484004 MX: Black
484006 MX: Other
484007 MX: South Asian (Indian, Pakistani)
484008 MX: East Asian (Chinese, Japanese)
484009 MX: Arabic (Central Asia)
484010 MX: Undocumented 1
566001 NG: Caucasian white
566002 NG: Negro Black
566003 NG: South Asian Indian P
566004 NG: East Asian Chinese J
566006 NG: Others
604001 PE: White
604002 PE: Crossbreed Andino
604004 PE: Black or crossbreed
604005 PE: Asiatic or crossbreed
604006 PE: Other
604007 PE: Indian
604008 PE: Arab
608001 PH: Tagalog
608002 PH: Bisaya
608003 PH: Ilonggo
608004 PH: Bicolano
608005 PH: Ilocano
608006 PH: Waray
608010 PH: Kapampangan
608015 PH: Aklanon
608016 PH: Boholano
608020 PH: Bilaan
608025 PH: Zambal
608026 PH: Antiqueno
608027 PH: Masbateno
608028 PH: Pangasinense
608029 PH: Kankana-ay
608030 PH: Ibaloy
608031 PH: Tausog
608032 PH: Suriganon
608033 PH: Muslim

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Code Label
608034 PH: Bagubu
608035 PH: Chinese
608036 PH: Litinya
608037 PH: Davaoeno
608038 PH: Maranao
608039 PH: Maguindanao
608040 PH: Bungolanon
608041 PH: Kanglo
608042 PH: Manobo
608043 PH: Kulanan
608044 PH: Kalagan
608045 PH: Minority
608046 PH: Lubano
630001 PR: White
630002 PR: Black
630003 PR: Arabic
630004 PR: Mulatto
630005 PR: Indian
630006 PR: Other
642001 RO: German
642002 RO: Gypsy
642003 RO: Hungarian
642004 RO: Romanian
642005 RO: Other
703001 SK: Gypsy
703002 SK: White
703003 SK: Other
703004 SK: Slovenian
710001 ZA: Black
710002 ZA: White
710003 ZA: Coloured
710004 ZA: Indian
724001 ES: White
724002 ES: Black
724003 ES: South Asian Indian,
724005 ES: Arabic, Central Asia
724006 ES: Other
756001 CH: Swiss German
756002 CH: Swiss French
756003 CH: Swiss Italian
807001 MK: Macedonian
807002 MK: Albanian
807003 MK: Turkish
807005 MK: Serbian
807007 MK: Other
807008 MK: Gypsy
826001 GB: White
826002 GB: Black-Caribbean
826003 GB: Black-African
826004 GB: Black-Other
826005 GB: Indian
826006 GB: Pakistani
826007 GB: Bangladeshi
826008 GB: Chinese
826009 GB: Other ethnic group
840004 US: Other, Non-Hispanic
840007 US: South Asian (Indian, Pakistani, etc.)
840008 US: East Asian (Chinese, Japanese, etc.)
840009 US: Arabic (Central Asian)
840010 US: White
840011 US: Black
858001 UY: Caucasian (White)
858002 UY: Black
858003 UY: South Asian (hindu, pakistani, brown)

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Code Label
858004 UY: East Asian (chinese, japanese, korean,..)
858005 UY: Arab (light brown)
858006 UY: Other
862001 VE: White
862004 VE: Black
862006 VE: Other
862007 VE: Brown

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Pv234 Region

Code Label
-4- Not asked
-2- No answer
8001 AL: Tirana
8002 AL: South
8003 AL: Center
8004 AL: North
31001 AZ: Baku city
31002 AZ: Giandja
31003 AZ: Kazakh
31004 AZ: Sheki
31005 AZ: Shemakha
31006 AZ: Lenkoran
31007 AZ: Saliani
31008 AZ: Cuba
32001 AR: Capital Federal
32002 AR: Gran Buenos Aires
32003 AR: Córdoba
32004 AR: Santa Fé
32005 AR: Mendoza
32006 AR: Tucumán
36001 AU: Northern Territory (NT)
36002 AU: New South Wales and ACT (NSW&ACT)
36003 AU: Victoria (Vic)
36004 AU: Queensland (Qld)
36005 AU: South Australia (SA)
36006 AU: Western Australia (WA)
36007 AU: Tasmania (Tas)
50001 BD: Dhaka
50002 BD: Chittagong
50003 BD: Barisal
50004 BD: Mymensingh
50005 BD: Tangail
50006 BD: Sherpur
50007 BD: Faridpur
50008 BD: Kishoreganj
50009 BD: Feni
50010 BD: Coxex Bazar
50011 BD: Brahmanbaria
50012 BD: Sylhet
50013 BD: Habiganj
50014 BD: Rajshahi
50015 BD: Sirajgonj
50016 BD: Jhenaidah
50017 BD: Chuadanga
50018 BD: Nator
51001 AM: Erevan
51002 AM: Shirak Masrz
51003 AM: Lori Marz
51004 AM: Tavush Marz
51005 AM: Aragatsotn Marz
51006 AM: Kotayk Marz
51007 AM: Ghegharkunic Marz
51008 AM: Armavir Marz
51009 AM: Ararat Marz
51010 AM: Vayots Dzor
51011 AM: Siunik Marz
70001 BA: Srpska Republik of Bosnia
70002 BA: Bosnia Federation
76001 BR: South
76002 BR: Southeast
76003 BR: Northeast

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Code Label
76004 BR: Northwest
100003 BG: Varna
100011 BG: Lovech
100012 BG: Montana
100016 BG: Plovdiv
100017 BG: Razgrad
100021 BG: Sofia-City
100024 BG: Haskovo
100027 BG: Burgaska - province of Burgaska -
100032 BG: Sofia-province
112001 BY: Minsk
112002 BY: Minsk oblast
112003 BY: Brest oblast
112004 BY: Vitebsk oblast
112005 BY: Gomel oblast
112006 BY: Grodno oblast
112007 BY: Mogilev oblast
156025 CN: Hua'zhong area
156026 CN: Hua'bei area
156027 CN: Hua'dong area
156028 CN: Zhong'nan area
156029 CN: Xi'bei area
156030 CN: Xi'nan area
158001 TW: North
158002 TW: Center
158003 TW: South
158004 TW: East
170001 CO: Atlántica
170002 CO: Centro Oriental
170003 CO: Central
170004 CO: Pacífica
170005 CO: Bogotá
203001 CZ: Prague
203004 CZ: Støedoèeský kraj - Central Bohemia -
203005 CZ: Západoèeský kraj - West Bohemia -
203006 CZ: Jihoèeský kraj - South Bohemia -
203007 CZ: Severoèeský kraj - North Bohemia -
203008 CZ: Východoèeský kraj - East Bohemia -
203009 CZ: Jihomoravský kraj - South Moravia -
203010 CZ: Severomoravský kraj - North Moravia -
214001 DO: Santo Domingo
214002 DO: Santiago
214003 DO: Barahona
214004 DO: San Pedro de Macorís
222001 SV: Ahuachapán
222002 SV: Santa Ana
222003 SV: Sonsonate
222004 SV: La Libertad
222005 SV: Chalatenango
222006 SV: San Salvador
222007 SV: Cabañas
222008 SV: Cuscatlán
222009 SV: San Vicente
222010 SV: La Paz
222011 SV: Usulután
222012 SV: San Miguel
222013 SV: Morazán
222014 SV: La Unión
233006 EE: Talinn
233007 EE: Harjumaa
233008 EE: Laane-Viruma
233009 EE: Raplama
233010 EE: Parnumaa
233011 EE: Polvamaa

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Code Label
233012 EE: Vorumaa
233013 EE: Tartumaa
233014 EE: Hiiumaa
233015 EE: Isa-Virumaa
233016 EE: Jogevamaa
233017 EE: Valgamaa
233018 EE: Saaremaa
233019 EE: Vijandimaa
233020 EE: Jravamaa
233021 EE: Laanemaa
246011 FI: Pohjois-Karjala
246012 FI: Keski-Suomi
246021 FI: Uudenmaan
246022 FI: Turun ja Porin
246023 FI: Hämeen
246024 FI: Kymen
246025 FI: Mikkelin
246026 FI: Kuopion
246028 FI: Vaasan
246030 FI: Oulun
246031 FI: Lapin
268001 GE: Tbilissi
268002 GE: Shida Kartli
268003 GE: Kvemo Kartli
268004 GE: Kakheti
268005 GE: Imereti
276001 DE: Schleswig-Holstein
276002 DE: Hamburg
276003 DE: Niedersachsen
276004 DE: Bremen
276005 DE: Nordrhein-Westfalen
276006 DE: Hessen
276007 DE: Rheinland-Pfalz
276008 DE: Baden-Wurttemberg
276009 DE: Bayern
276010 DE: Saarland
276012 DE: Brandenburg
276013 DE: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
276014 DE: Sachsen
276015 DE: Sachsen-Anhalt
276016 DE: Thueringen
276019 DE: West-Berlin
276020 DE: Ost-Berlin
348001 HU: Budapest
348034 HU: North-Danubian
348035 HU: South-Danubian
348036 HU: Central-Hungary
348037 HU: North Hungary
348038 HU: East Hungary
356001 IN: Andhra Pradesh
356003 IN: Bihar
356006 IN: Gujarat
356007 IN: Haryana
356009 IN: Karnataka
356010 IN: Kerala
356011 IN: Madhya Pradesh
356012 IN: Maharashtra
356013 IN: Orrisa
356014 IN: Punjab
356015 IN: Rajasthan
356016 IN: Tamil Nadu
356017 IN: Uttar Pradesh
356018 IN: West Bengal
392001 JP: Hokkaido/Tohoku

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Code Label
392002 JP: Kanto
392003 JP: Chubu,Hokuriku
392004 JP: Kinki
392005 JP: Chugoku,Shikoku,Kyushu,Okinawa
410001 KR: Seoul
410002 KR: Pusan / Busan
410003 KR: Taegu / Daegu
410004 KR: Incheon
410005 KR: Kwangju / Gwangju
410006 KR: Tawjeon / Daejeon
410007 KR: Kyeonggi / Gyeonggi Do
410008 KR: Kangwon / Gangwon Do
410009 KR: Chungbuk / North Chungcheong
410010 KR: Chungnam / South Chungcheong
410011 KR: Jeonbuk / North Jeolla
410012 KR: Jeonnam / South Jeolla
410013 KR: Kyeongbuk / North Gyeongsang
410014 KR: Kyeongnam / South Gyeongsang
428001 LV: Riga
428002 LV: Vidzeme
428003 LV: Kurzeme
428004 LV: Zemgale
428005 LV: Latgale
428006 LV: Centra reg.
428007 LV: Ziemelu reg.
428008 LV: Daugavpils
428009 LV: Jelgava
428010 LV: Jurmala
428011 LV: Liepaja
428012 LV: Rzekne
428013 LV: Ventspils
428014 LV: Liepajas d.
428015 LV: Ventpils d.
428016 LV: Saldus d.
428017 LV: Talsu d.
428018 LV: Kuldigas d.
428019 LV: Jelgavas d.
428020 LV: Bauskas d.
428021 LV: Jekapils d.
428022 LV: Aizkraukles d.
428023 LV: Dobeles d.
428024 LV: Tukuma d.
428025 LV: Aluksness d.
428026 LV: Cesu d.
428027 LV: Gulbenes d.
428028 LV: Limbazu d.
428029 LV: Madonas d.
428030 LV: Ogres d.
428031 LV: Valmieras d.
428032 LV: Valkas d.
428033 LV: Daugavpils d.
428034 LV: Rezeknes d.
428035 LV: Balvu d.
428036 LV: Kraslavas d.
428037 LV: Ludzas d.
428038 LV: Preilu d.
440006 LT: Vilnius
440007 LT: Kaunas
440008 LT: Klaipeda
440009 LT: Siauliai
440010 LT: Panevezys
484001 MX: Norte
484003 MX: Centro
484004 MX: Sur

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Code Label
484005 MX: Zona metropolitana
498004 MD: City of Kishinev (Chisinau)
498005 MD: Anenij Noj
498006 MD: Besarabskij
498007 MD: Kagulskij
498008 MD: Kantemirskij
498009 MD: Kalarashskij
498010 MD: Kaushanskij
498011 MD: Tshimishlijskij
498012 MD: Drokievskij
498013 MD: Edineckij
498014 MD: Faleshtskij
498015 MD: Floreshtskij
498016 MD: Chyntsheshtskij
498017 MD: Orgeevskij
498018 MD: Ryshkantskij
498019 MD: Synzherejskij
498020 MD: Sorokskij
498021 MD: Strashenskij
498022 MD: Sholdaneshtskij
498023 MD: Teleneshtskij
498024 MD: Ungenskij
498025 MD: Vulkaneshtskij
498026 MD: Autonom Gaugasian Republic
554001 NZ: Northland
554002 NZ: Auckland
554003 NZ: Thames Valley
554004 NZ: Bay of Plenty
554005 NZ: Waikato
554006 NZ: Tongariro
554007 NZ: East Cape
554008 NZ: Hawkes Bay
554009 NZ: Taranaki
554010 NZ: Wanganui
554011 NZ: Manawatu-Rangitikei
554012 NZ: Horowhenua
554013 NZ: Wellington
554014 NZ: Wairarapa
554015 NZ: Nelson Bays
554016 NZ: Marlborough
554017 NZ: West Coast
554018 NZ: Canterbury
554019 NZ: Aorangi
554020 NZ: Clutha-Central Otago
554021 NZ: Coastal-North Otago
554022 NZ: Southland
566001 NG: Lagos
566002 NG: West
566003 NG: East
566006 NG: North
566007 NG: Middle belt
586010 PK: Punjab
604006 PE: Lima
604007 PE: Arequipa
604008 PE: Trujillo
604009 PE: Chiclayo
604010 PE: Iquitos
604011 PE: Huancayo
604012 PE: Piura
604013 PE: Chimbote
604014 PE: Cusco
604015 PE: Pucallpa
604016 PE: Juliaca
608001 PH: NCR

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Code Label
608003 PH: VISAYAS
630001 PR: Norte
630002 PR: Sur
630003 PR: Oeste
630004 PR: Este
630006 PR: Centro
630007 PR: Metropolitana
642001 RO: Bucuresti
642002 RO: Mutenia
642003 RO: Moldova
642004 RO: Transylvania
642005 RO: Oltenia
642006 RO: Banat
642007 RO: Crisana-Maramures (region)
642008 RO: Dobrogia
643001 RU: Northern
643002 RU: North-Western
643003 RU: Central
643004 RU: Volgo-Vyatki
643005 RU: Central Black Earth
643006 RU: North Caucasus
643007 RU: Volga; Povolzskij
643008 RU: Urals
643009 RU: Western Siberia
643010 RU: Eastern Siberia
643011 RU: Far East
703001 SK: Bratislava County
703009 SK: Northern Slovakia
703010 SK: Central Slovakia
703011 SK: Eastern Slovakia
710001 ZA: Northern Province/Limpopo
710002 ZA: KwaZulu/ Natal (KZN)
710003 ZA: Gauteng
710004 ZA: Mpumalanga
710005 ZA: Eastern Cape
710006 ZA: Northern Cape
710007 ZA: Western Cape
710008 ZA: Free State
710009 ZA: North West
724001 ES: Andalucia
724002 ES: Aragon
724003 ES: Asturias
724004 ES: Baleares
724005 ES: Canarias
724006 ES: Cantabria
724007 ES: Castilla-Mancha
724008 ES: Castilla Leon
724009 ES: Cataluna
724010 ES: C Valenciana
724011 ES: Extremadura
724012 ES: Galicia
724013 ES: Madrid
724014 ES: Murcia
724015 ES: Navarra
724016 ES: Pais Vasco
724017 ES: Rioja
752009 SE: Sodermanland
752010 SE: Östergötland
752011 SE: Jönköping
752012 SE: Kronoberg
752013 SE: Kalmar
752014 SE: Blekinge

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Code Label
752017 SE: Halland
752020 SE: Värmland
752021 SE: Västmanland
752023 SE: Gävleborg
752024 SE: Västernorrland
752026 SE: Västerbotten
752027 SE: Norbotten
752028 SE: Skåne
752029 SE: Västra Götaland
752030 SE: Örebro
752031 SE: Dalarna
752032 SE: Gotland
752034 SE: Stockholm
756001 CH: AG
756002 CH: AI
756003 CH: BL
756004 CH: BS
756005 CH: BE
756006 CH: FR
756007 CH: GE
756008 CH: GR
756009 CH: LU
756010 CH: NE
756011 CH: OW
756012 CH: SH
756013 CH: SZ
756014 CH: SG
756015 CH: TI
756016 CH: TG
756017 CH: SO
756018 CH: VD
756019 CH: VS
756020 CH: ZH
792001 TR: Adana
792002 TR: Ankara (center)
792004 TR: Bursa
792008 TR: Istanbul
792010 TR: Konya
792053 TR: Ege-Marmara
792054 TR: Karadeniz
792055 TR: IC Anadolu
792056 TR: D.G Dogu
792057 TR: Izmir
792058 TR: Akdeniz
804001 UA: Crimea
804002 UA: Vinnytsia oblast
804003 UA: Volyn oblast
804004 UA: Dnipropetrovsk oblast
804005 UA: Donetsk oblast
804006 UA: Zhitomyr oblast
804007 UA: Zakarpattia oblast
804008 UA: Zaporizhia oblast
804009 UA: Ivano-Frankivsk oblast
804010 UA: Kyiv oblast
804011 UA: Kyiv city
804012 UA: Kirovograd oblast
804013 UA: Luhansk oblast
804014 UA: Lviv oblast
804015 UA: Mykolayiv oblast
804016 UA: Odessa oblast
804017 UA: Poltava oblast
804018 UA: Rivnå oblast
804019 UA: Sumy oblast
804020 UA: Ternopil oblast

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Code Label
804021 UA: Kharkiv oblast
804022 UA: Kherson oblast
804023 UA: Hmelnytsk oblast
804024 UA: Cherkasy oblast
804025 UA: Chernivtsi oblast
804026 UA: Chernigiv oblast
807001 MK: Skopski
807002 MK: Pelagoniski
807003 MK: Ohridski
807004 MK: Poloski
807006 MK: Kumanovski
807007 MK: Bregalnicki
807008 MK: Vardarska
826002 GB: North West
826003 GB: Yorks & Humberside
826004 GB: East Midlands
826005 GB: West Midlands
826009 GB: South West
826010 GB:Wales
826011 GB: Scotland
826012 GB: North
826015 GB: East Anglia
826016 GB: Greater London
826017 GB: South East (excluding London)
840001 US: New England
840002 US: Middle Atlantic States
840003 US: South Atlantic
840004 US: East South Central
840005 US: West South Central
840006 US: East North Central
840007 US: West North Central
840008 US: Rocky Mountain state
840009 US: Northwest
840010 US: California
858001 UY: Montevideo
858002 UY: Paysandú
858003 UY: Las Piedras
858004 UY: Tacuarembó
858005 UY: Florida
858006 UY: Rocha
858007 UY: Pando
858008 UY: San Carlos
858009 UY: Fray Bentos
862025 VE: Capital: D.F./Miranda
862026 VE: Occidental: Zulia/Falcón
862027 VE: Central: Aragua, Carabobo, Lara
862028 VE: Oriente:Anzoátegui,Bolivar,Sucre,Monagas,Espar.,Amazon
862029 VE: Andes: Mérida, Táchira, Trujillo
862030 VE: Llanos: Apure,Barinas,Portuguesa,Cojedes,Guárico,Yaracuy

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Pv235 Interview language

Code Label
-5- Missing
-4- Not asked
-2- No answer
-1- Don´t know
8 Afrikaans
57 Bengali
101 Chinese
128 English
144 French
158 German
172 Hakka
173 Hausa
190 Igbo
207 Italian
208 Japanese
289 Mandarin
333 Northern Sotho, Pedi; Sepedi
334 Norwegian
364 Portuguese
368 Punjabi
422 Sotho, Southern, Ssesotho
426 Spanish; Castilian
437 Tagalog
440 Taiwanese
462 Tsonga/Shangaan
463 Tswana
478 Urdu
481 Venda
493 Xhosa
498 Yoruba
505 Zulu
800 Other
801 Other local; aboriginal; tribal, community
804 Other Philipinan language
158004 TW: Aborigine language

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Pg001_cs Geographical Group 1 (country specific)

Code Label
158001 TW: Locality or town
158002 TW: Region
158003 TW: Taiwan
158004 TW: Chinese
158005 TW: Asia
158006 TW: The world
158009 TW: Don´t know
170001 CO: Barrio / Vereda
170002 CO: Conjunto residencial
170003 CO: Pueblo / ciudad donde vive
170004 CO: Región del país donde vive
170005 CO: Colombia como un todo
170006 CO: Latinoamérica
170007 CO: El mundo como un todo
170008 CO: No sabe
630001 PR:pueblo
630002 PR:region
630003 PR:puerto rico
630004 PR:estados unidos
630005 PR: caribe
630006 PR:america latina
630007 PR:toda america
630008 PR:mundo
630099 PR:no sabe

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Pg002_cs Geographical Group 2 (country specific)

Code Label
158001 TW: Locality or town
158002 TW: Region
158003 TW: Taiwan
158004 TW: Chinese
158005 TW: Asia
158006 TW: The world
158009 TW: Don´t know
170001 CO: Barrio / Vereda
170002 CO: Conjunto residencial
170003 CO: Pueblo / ciudad donde vive
170004 CO: Región del país donde vive
170005 CO: Colombia como un todo
170006 CO: Latinoamérica
170007 CO: El mundo como un todo
170008 CO: No sabe
630001 PR:pueblo
630002 PR:region
630003 PR:puerto rico
630004 PR:estados unidos
630005 PR: caribe
630006 PR:america latina
630007 PR:toda america
630008 PR:mundo
630099 PR:no sabe

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

PS021 Country - wave - study - set - year

Code Label
803211998 Albania [1998]
3103211997 Azerbaijan [1997]
3203211995 Argentina [1995]
3603211995 Australia [1995]
5003211996 Bangladesh [1996]
5103211997 Armenia [1997]
7603211997 Brazil [1997]
10003211997 Bulgaria [1997]
10103211998 SrpSka [1998]
11203211996 Belarus [1996]
15203211996 Chile [1996]
15603211995 China [1995]
15803211994 Taiwan [1994]
17003211998 Colombia [1998]
17003211997 Colombia [1997]
19103211996 Croatia [1996]
20303211998 Czech Republic [1995]
21403211996 Dominican Republic [1996]
22203211999 El Salvador [1999]
23303211996 Estonia [1996]
24603211996 Finland [1996]
26803211996 Georgia [1996]
27603211997 Germany [1997]
34803211998 Hungary [1998]
35603211995 India [1995]
39203211995 Japan [1995]
41003211996 South Korea [1996]
42803211996 Latvia [1996]
44003211997 Lithuania [1997]
48403211996 Mexico [1996]
49803211996 Moldova [1996]
55403211998 New Zealand [1998]
56603211995 Nigeria [1995]
57803211996 Norway [1996]
58603211997 Pakistan [1997]
60403211996 Peru [1996]
60803211996 Philippines [1996]
61603211997 Poland [1997]
63003211995 Puerto Rico [1995]
64203211998 Romania [1998]
64303211995 Russian Federation [1995]
70303211998 Slovakia [1998]
70503211995 Slovenia [1995]
71003211996 South Africa [1996]
72403211995 Spain [1995]
75203211996 Sweden [1996]
75603211996 Switzerland [1996]
79203211996 Turkey [1996]
80403211996 Ukraine [1996]
80703211998 Macedonia [1998]
82603211998 Great Britain [1998]
84003211995 United States [1995]
85803211996 Uruguay [1996]
86203211996 Venezuela [1996]
91103211996 Serbia [1996]
91203211996 Montenegro [1996]
91403211998 Bosnia Federation [1998]
-4- Not asked in survey

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

PP239 Nation-Wave

Code Label
-4- Not asked in survey
83 Albania (3)
313 Azerbaijan (3)
323 Argentina (3)
363 Australia (3)
503 Bangladesh (3)
513 Armenia (3)
763 Brazil (3)
1003 Bulgaria (3)
1013 SrpSka republic (3)
1123 Belarus (3)
1523 Chile (3)
1563 China (3)
1583 Taiwan (3)
1703 Colombia (3)
1913 Croatia (3)
2033 Czech Republic (3)
2143 Dominican Republic (3)
2223 El Salvador (3)
2333 Estonia (3)
2463 Finland (3)
2683 Georgia (3)
2763 Germany (3)
3483 Hungary (3)
3563 India (3)
3923 Japan (3)
4103 South Korea (3)
4283 Latvia (3)
4403 Lithuania (3)
4843 Mexico (3)
4983 Moldova (3)
5543 New Zealand (3)
5663 Nigeria (3)
5783 Norway (3)
5863 Pakistan (3)
6043 Peru (3)
6083 Philippines (3)
6163 Poland (3)
6303 Puerto Rico (3)
6423 Romania (3)
6433 Russian Federation (3)
7033 Slovakia (3)
7053 Slovenia (3)
7103 South Africa (3)
7243 Spain (3)
7523 Sweden (3)
7563 Switzerland (3)
7923 Turkey (3)
8043 Ukraine (3)
8073 Macedonia (3)
8263 Great Britain (3)
8403 United States (3)
8583 Uruguay (3)
8623 Venezuela (3)
9113 Serbia (3)
9123 Montenegro (3)
9143 Bosnia Federation (3)

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Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

PP240 Nation Year

Code Label
-4- Not asked in survey
81998 Albania (1998)
311997 Azerbaijan (1997)
321995 Argentina (1995)
361995 Australia (1995)
501996 Bangladesh (1996)
511997 Armenia (1997)
761997 Brazil (1997)
1001997 Bulgaria (1997)
1011998 Srp Ska (1998)
1121996 Belarus (1996)
1521996 Chile (1996)
1561995 China (1995)
1581994 Taiwan (1994)
1701997 Colombia (1997)
1701998 Colombia (1998)
1911996 Croatia (1996)
2031998 Czech Republic (1998)
2141996 Dominican Republic (1996)
2221999 El Salvador (1999)
2331996 Estonia (1996)
2461996 Finland (1996)
2681996 Georgia (1996)
2761997 Germany (1997)
3481998 Hungary (1998)
3561995 India (1995)
3921995 Japan (1995)
4101996 South Korea (1996)
4281996 Latvia (1996)
4401997 Lithuania (1997)
4841996 Mexico (1996)
4981996 Moldova (1996)
5541998 New Zealand (1998)
5661995 Nigeria (1995)
5781996 Norway (1996)
5861997 Pakistan (1997)
6041996 Peru (1996)
6081996 Philippines (1996)
6161997 Poland (1997)
6301995 Puerto Rico (1995)
6421998 Romania (1998)
6431995 Russian Federation (1995)
7031998 Slovakia (1998)
7051995 Slovenia (1995)
7101996 South Africa (1996)
7241995 Spain (1995)
7521996 Sweden (1996)
7561996 Switzerland (1996)
7921996 Turkey (1996)
8041996 Ukraine (1996)
8071998 Macedonia (1998)
8261998 Great Britain (1998)
8401995 United States (1995)
8581996 Uruguay (1996)
8621996 Venezuela (1996)
9111996 Serbia - Yugoslavia (1996)
9121996 Montenegro - Yugoslavia (1996)
9141998 Bosnia (1998)

Pág 106
Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

PCOW COW Country Code

Code Label
2 USA United States of America
6 PRI Puerto Rico
42 DOM Dominican Republic
70 MEX Mexico
92 SAL El Salvador
100 COL Colombia
101 VEN Venezuela
135 PER Peru
140 BRA Brazil
155 CHL Chile
160 ARG Argentina
165 URU Uruguay
200 UKG United Kingdom
225 SWZ Switzerland
230 SPN Spain
260 GFR German Federal Republic
265 GDR German Democratic Republic
290 POL Poland
310 HUN Hungary
316 CZR Czech Republic
317 SLO Slovakia
339 ALB Albania
341 MNG Montenegro
343 MAC Macedonia
344 CRO Croatia
345 YUG Yugoslavia
346 BOS Bosnia and Herzegovina
349 SLV Slovenia
355 BUL Bulgaria
359 MLD Moldova
360 ROM Romania
365 RUS Russia
366 EST Estonia
367 LAT Latvia
368 LIT Lithuania
369 UKR Ukraine
370 BLR Belarus
371 ARM Armenia
372 GRG Georgia
373 AZE Azerbaijan
375 FIN Finland
380 SWD Sweden
385 NOR Norway
475 NIG Nigeria
560 SAF South Africa
640 TUR Turkey
710 CHN China
713 TAW Taiwan
732 ROK South Korea
740 JPN Japan
750 IND India
770 PAK Pakistan
771 BNG Bangladesh
840 PHI Philippines
900 AUL Australia
920 NEW New Zealand

Pág 107
Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995


Code Label
7520114 SE: Upplands Väsby Municipality
7520127 SE: Botkyrka Municipality
7520128 SE: Salem Municipality
7520136 SE: Haninge Municipality
7520139 SE: Upplands-Bro Municipality
7520162 SE: Danderyd Municipality
7520163 SE: Sollentuna Municipality
7520180 SE: Stockholm Municipality
7520181 SE: Södertälje Municipality
7520182 SE: Nacka Municipality
7520183 SE: Sundbyberg Municipality
7520184 SE: Solna Municipality
7520186 SE: Lidingö Municipality
7520319 SE: Älvkarleby Municipality
7520380 SE: Uppsala Municipality
7520381 SE: Enköping Municipality
7520480 SE: Nyköping Municipality
7520484 SE: Eskilstuna Municipality
7520562 SE: Finspång Municipality
7520580 SE: Linköping Municipality
7520581 SE: Norrköping Municipality
7520683 SE: Värnamo Municipality
7520761 SE: Lessebo Municipality
7520763 SE: Tingsryd Municipality
7520764 SE: Alvesta Municipality
7520780 SE: Växjö Municipality
7520861 SE: Mönsterås Municipality
7520880 SE: Kalmar Municipality
7520881 SE: Nybro Municipality
7520885 SE: Borgholm Municipality
7520980 SE: Gotland Municipality
7521080 SE: Karlskrona Municipality
7521083 SE: Sölvesborg Municipality
7521121 SE: Östra Göinge
7521137 SE: Örkelljunga
7521163 SE: Osby
7521165 SE: Perstorp
7521180 SE: Kristianstad
7521183 SE: Hässleholm
7521230 SE: Staffanstorp Municipality
7521231 SE: Burlöv Municipality
7521233 SE: Vellinge Municipality
7521261 SE: Kävlinge Municipality
7521262 SE: Lomma Municipality
7521265 SE: Sjöbo Municipality
7521266 SE: Hörby Municipality
7521267 SE: Höör Municipality
7521280 SE: Malmö Municipality
7521281 SE: Lund Municipality
7521283 SE: Helsingborg Municipality
7521285 SE: Eslöv Municipality
7521287 SE: Trelleborg Municipality
7521380 SE: Halmstad Municipality
7521383 SE: Varberg Municipality
7521384 SE: Kungsbacka Municipality
7521415 SE: Stenungsund Municipality
7521480 SE: Gothenburg Municipality
7521481 SE: Mölndal Municipality
7521482 SE: Kungälv Municipality
7521484 SE: Lysekil Municipality
7521485 SE: Uddevalla Municipality

Pág 108
Study 906-WVS1995. World Values Survey wave 3 (1995-1998) Enero 1995

Code Label
7521486 SE: Strömstad Municipality
7521552 SE: Tranemo
7521560 SE: Boräs
7521561 SE: Mellerud
7521580 SE: Vänersborg
7521581 SE: Trollhättan
7521583 SE: Boräs
7521585 SE: Åmål
7521660 SE: Vara
7521681 SE: Liddköping
7521683 SE: Skövde
7521684 SE: Hjp
7521685 SE: Tidaholm
7521686 SE: Falköping
7521737 SE: Torsby Municipality
7521760 SE: Storfors Municipality
7521763 SE: Forshaga Municipality
7521766 SE: Sunne Municipality
7521780 SE: Karlstad Municipality
7521781 SE: Kristinehamn Municipality
7521782 SE: Filipstad Municipality
7521860 SE: Laxå Municipality
7521880 SE: Örebro Municipality
7521883 SE: Karlskoga Municipality
7521884 SE: Nora Municipality
7521885 SE: Lindesberg Municipality
7521907 SE: Surahammar Municipality
7521980 SE: Västerås Municipality
7522034 SE: Orsa Municipality
7522080 SE: Falun Municipality
7522081 SE: Borlänge Municipality
7522082 SE: Säter Municipality
7522085 SE: Ludvika Municipality
7522121 SE: Ovanåker Municipality
7522180 SE: Gävle Municipality
7522181 SE: Sandviken Municipality
7522183 SE: Bollnäs Municipality
7522262 SE: Timrå Municipality
7522280 SE: Härnösand Municipality
7522283 SE: Sollefteå Municipality
7522421 SE: Storuman Municipality
7522460 SE: Vännäs Municipality
7522480 SE: Umeå Municipality
7522482 SE: Skellefteå Municipality
7522560 SE: Älvsbyn Municipality
7522580 SE: Luleå Municipality
7522581 SE: Piteå Municipality
7522582 SE: Boden Municipality
7522584 SE: Kiruna Municipality

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