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EMC -12 (Batch- A, Roll 01-44)
Subject: Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Paper: II) (SAQ)

1. a. Define menopause.
b. Mention six important causes of post-menopausal bleeding.
c. Name four indications of Hormone Replacement Therapy.
2. a. Define infertility.
b. Mention 4 important causes of secondary female infertility.
c. Mention the name of four Artificial Reproductive Techniques (ART).
3. A 30 year old lady came with H/O vaginal discharge with itching.
a. What are the differential diagnosis of this condition?
b. How will you differentiate clinically?
c. Write down the treatment of vaginal discharge.
4. A 20 year old primi present with 3 months pregnancy with intermittent per
vaginal bleeding. She is pale and SFH is 20wks. USG shows no foetal parts.
a. What is her diagnosis?
b. Mention two investigation findings that favour diagnosis.
c. Mention her treatment and follow up.
5. a. What are the different types of hysterectomy?
b. Mention 2 indications of each type.
6. A 25 year old lady para 1+0 comes with H/O progressive menorrhagia, O/E
uterus 16 wks size.
a. What is your diagnosis?
b. What investigations would you want to do?
c. How will you manage this case?
7. A 25 year old lady came with H/O oligomenorrhoea, O/E she is obese,
hirsutism, USG shows increased number of peripheral cysts.
a. What is your clinical diagnosis?
b. What are the biochemical abnormalities in this case?
c. What drugs can be used for ovulation induction in this case?

1. a. What is endometriosis?
b. What are the common sites of endometriosis?
c. What are the clinical features of endometriosis?
2. A 20 year lady para 1+0 with C/O continuous dribbling of urine since her last
delivery 4 months back at home.
a. What is your diagnosis?
b. How will you manage this case?
c. How can this condition be prevented?
3. A 40 year old lady, para 4+2 came with H/O something coming down per
vagina for 3 years and difficulty during micturition for 1 year.
a. What is your diagnosis?
b. What are the activating factors for this condition?
c. How will you manage the patient?
4. a. What do you mean by LARC?
b. How Implanon acts?
c. Write down the non-contraceptive benefits of OCP.
5. A 55 year old lady with C/O postcoital bleeding for 2 months. P/S
examination shows a cauliflower like friable growth in cervix.
a. What should be the probable diagnosis?
b. Which are the screening tests used to prevent such conditions?
c. Mention the treatment modalities of the disease.
6. A 50 year old lady with H/O dyspepsia and rapidly growing lower abdominal
mass. Investigations reveal Hb% 6 mg/100 ml, CA 125-200 right ovary is
a. What is your diagnosis?
b. What are the points in favour of your diagnosis?
c. How will you treat this case?
7. A 16 year old girl attended in GOPD with complain of non-establishment of
menstruation. Her secondary sexual characteristics are well developed.
a. What is your diagnosis?
b. What are the possible causes of this condition?
c. What are the investigations needed for her management?

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