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Book Review Templc1te

• Summaty: Write a summary of the book

1st pai--agr-aph- Write a bout the setting, (where the story takes pface, usual! y time and
pface). Introduce the main charader or charaders in the story. Ex. What are
cha1-adds qualities, name, etc. Discuss what conflict/problem the main charactet·
faces in the sto1y If you're still having troub[e starting, you can answedhe questions
who, what, when, whe1-e, and how.
• 2nc:f paragraph- Summarize what happens up until the high point of the
story, (don't give away the ending, this should be [ust enough to tease the reading
into wanting to get this book. Use some of these transition words to help you write
you review.

first afso because another

second between next as a resu[t
third flnalfy then later
fast after that for example during

• Opinion: Write a patagr-aph giving your opinion on the book. Use these
Write about why you like or dislike the book. Give detaifs, For example: Was the
book confusing? Was it too easy to read or too hard? Was it predictable/
believable? Did you like the ending? What was yom favorite part? What connections
did you make with your life or other- books? Talk about the authoi--'s style of writing
and give examples From the book. Min 5 sentences.
• Recommenclation: Explain whether you would recommend this book to student rn­
not? Rate the book from 1 sta do 5 stars, <1nd give examples why you gave it the
rating you did. Examples shoulq include a quote or quotes fi-om the book or a
summaty of the pat"t of the book that you liked or dici not like.

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