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Lt 1.1 The fore, F, of the wind blowing against a building is given by F = CopV7A/2, where Vis the wind speed, p the density ofthe air, ‘A the cross-sectional area of the building, and Cpis a constant termed the drag coefficient. Determine the dimensions of the drag coefficient. FeQeVA or Cy =2F/eWA , where F=MLT™* ez mL* VeLT Thos, AeL* Cy 2(MLT™*)/ [OME ML (LY) = MPT? Hence , Cy is dimensionless. FE 1.2 Verify the dimensions, in both the FLT and MLT systems, Of the following quantities which appear in Table 1.1: (a) vol lume, (b) acceleration, (e) mass, (4) moment of inertia (area), and (e) work. (a) volume = (6) acceleration = time rade of change of velocity (¢) mass = or with F=2mir? masse FLT? (A) moment sf inertia (area) = second moment of area SL G2)es Ln (e@) work = fore x distance 2 fk er with F2Mm.r7* works ML? T7? 13 1.3 Determine the dimensions, in both the FLT system and the MLT system, for (a) the product of force times acceleration, (b) the prod- uct of force times velocity divided by area, and (©) momentum divided by volume. (a) force x acceleration = (F)(LT~?) = FLT? Since F3MLT™, Force x acceleration = (ogiT ALT?) 2 M77 * (h) force x velocity emt) 2 feTo area ye Me Cet Nit) = pgzm3 a auuaeeet ce) Rementum | mass x velocity volume volume. Je 1.4 Verify'the dimensions. in both the FLT system and the MLT system, of the following ‘quantities which appear in Table 1.1: (a) fre~ quency, (b) stress, (€) strain, (€) torque, and (e) work, (4) treguency = 6) shess = aes £ = FL? Since F# LT, i stress = war gg, COL fae ce) strain = characte lets 2 L © 1° Cbmegsimles) length Se on (4) torgue = force x disteonce = FL ©) work = force x distance = OT Yt) 2 mez 1-4 LS 15 Ifwisavelocity, xalength, and atime, ‘what are the dimensions (in the MLT system) of (a) au/at, (b) Pulaxat, and (c) f (au/at) dx? Cel acd @ sx oe ff &) CS A “2 axed yr) 2 lta) 7 = ©) ie dx = oe 1.6 If pis a pressure, Va velocity, and p a fluid density, ‘what are the dimensions (in the MLT system) of (a) p/p, (b) Vp, and (c) p/pV*? MicaiTiaer ae eT t= (a) Tei aaa SS 2,724 (b) pVp= Gren? (ut) (c?)= MeL eae GP ATR Tage MULT? (dunensinless ) ORE? Gla” 17 If Vis a velocity, €a length, and v a fuid propery (the kine- matic viscosity) having dimensions of L°T~', which of the fol- Jowing combinations are dimensionless: (a) Vév,(b) Ve/v, (e) V¥r, @ ven car VAY = CLT MeMAT) = LIT * (oud dimensionless) Mele BD) 3 EMO os LT? (dinansionlng) le) Vv = V1) = LT go dimensianlesa) a) Vo. Gt) . y« @) 7 gen” L* (not dimensionless) 18. If Vis a velocity, determine the dimensions of Z, a, and G, ‘which appear in the dimensionally homogeneous equation V=Za-1)+G Vv Z@&-i)+6 Ler] * [a][<-"] + [6] Since each term im the eguatwn must have the same diimensiins, (£ follows that ea of = FPL? C dimensionless since Combined with 4 number) ee EA 44 The volume rate of flow, Q, through a pipe containing a slowly moving liquid is given by the equation aRAp Bul where isthe pipe radius, Ap the pressure drop along the pipe, +a fluid property called viscosity (FL~*7), and £ the length of pipe. What are the dimensions of the constant 7/8? Would you classify this equation as a general homogeneous equation? Explain. . fry Lt] [Fe eae lis pre Pr ber] The Constant Tg is dimensionless, and the equation 13 @ general homogeneous Cguatibn That is valid in Un'+ system. Yes. tes. any Consistent 1.10 According to information found in an old hydraulics book, the energy loss per unit weight of fuid flowing through nozzle connected to a hose can be estimated by the formula = 0.04 to 0.09(D/d'V7/2g ‘where i is the energy loss per unit weight, D the hose diameter, d the nozzle tip diameter, V the fluid velocity in the hose, and 8g the acceleration of gravity. Do you think this equation is valid in any system of units? Explain. R= (0.04 f eos) (B)* Mt [Fes [oor oof) SEINE] [L | a [0.0% tb 00] [L] Since each term in The eguation must have the Same dimensions, the Constend Herm (0.04 40,09) must be di mensienless. Thus, The eguatiy 4 & general homogeneous ep uatien that 1s Valid pa any system of anit. Yes. | LAL The pressure difference, Ap, across a cosity (FL-*7), p the blood density (ML~*), D’| partial blockage in an artery (called a stenosis) isthe artery diameter, Ay the area of the unob- approximated by the equation structed artery, and A, the area of the stenosis. ee Vet Determine the dimensions of the constants K, spa KD +K fpr! ev? where V is the blood velocity, s1 the blood vis- ™ of units? tps ky Aes kel] PY Dec) = fe, CENSNE)] ES -] ETS] ec’) = [k][ecd + (k)(Fct] Since each term must have the same dimensions, K, and K, are dimensionless. Thus, the equation is a general homogeneous eguation that would be valicl ta ang Consistent system ef units. Yes I-10 LL fl’) aie 1.12 Assume that the speed of sound, c, in a fluid depends ‘on an elastic modulus, £,, with dimensions FL~, and the fluid density, p, in the form c = (E,)"(p)’. If this is to be a dimen- sionally homogeneous equation, what are the values fora and 5? Is your result consistent with the standard formula for the speed of sound? (See Eq, 1.19.) (e.)*6)* c= (E,)*(@) Sime C2LT' £,3FL* p= Petr? [sje (EL) fee a) TI” | £24] | ae For a climensionally homogeneous efuakion each term jn fhe eguation must have the same dimensions. Thus, the right hand side of £3.(1) must have the dimensions of LT There hre, arh=o0 (te elimnate F) 2b Ct sabisty condition on T) Lat¢b=-! Che atsty enditen on L) Lt flows Tht a=4 ana b= So That This result is consistent with The shandend Aornula hr the Speed of sound. Yes. 1.13 A formula to estimate the volume rate of the dam (called the head). This formula gives of flow, Q, flowing over a dam of length, B, is Qin ft/s when B and #f are in feet. Is the con- given by the equation stant, 3.09, dimensionless? Would this equation s pa be valid if units other than feet and seconds were Q = 3.09BH’ aoe where H is the depth of the water above the top GER on eiuie |. furr-]= Boru] LI" (u37-] = [zoe] [1 Since each term in the eguation must have the same dimensions the constant 3.04 cnust have dimensions of LAT-' and is therefore not dimensionless . Na. Since the constant has dimensions its value will chenpe with « change in units. No. 1-12. 1.15 Make use of Table 1.3 to express the following quantities in SI units: (a) 10.2 in./min, (b) 4.81 slugs, (¢) 3.02 Ib, (d) 73-1 ft/s", (e) 0.0234 Ib-s/ft’, () /o2 ae " (v2 # 2) (esx 2) Ein} Gos = 442x107 St = 432 20m (6) 48) slags= (49 shgs ) (1489 £10 3 4) (6) 3.02 = (3028 )(44ne X)= san 70,2 be ch) 73) = (732) 4) (4 04720" ot) = lbes | lb-s ce) o.oz3e BS « (0. cnay GE ‘- NS = “4/2 a I-13 cf ¢C eq 1.16 Make use of Table 1.4 to express the following quantities in BG units: (a) 14.2 km, (b) 8.14 N/m’, (¢) 1.61 kg/m’, (@) 0.0320 N-m/s, (e) 5.67 mm/hr. (4) 142 hm = (42.210 %m) (3.201 )= 466 x0! Ht Jb () 80 By = (84S ) (6 306x10? we )q sexi i. picseneimeiemaaEly fm te da: i ce) fay 48 = (167 4) (. 90x10? #2 Je 3.12 416° sls 4é? pears aie mm (d) 0.0320 ©” = (0,030 8") (1 s1ex10"' a ) Mm s = 236x110" Ft db (2) 5,67 7A = (507x107 =) (320; #) whe Sse ek BESSMAR ERE SEREC is LE. 1.17 Express the following quantities in SI units: (a) 160 acre, (b) 15 gallons (U.S), (€) 240 miles, (4) 79.1 hp, (e) 60.3 °F, (a) 160 are = (lod allan xo Se E) (9.2% x2) = 6.47 xl0om (b) 15 gallons = (15 gallons 3, tas See se) (if nd ) 56,8 x1 nn? so (4) 240 mé = (240 mi) (e200;5: ) (048 ai) (4) 79.1 hp = (74.1 hp)(s50 * es ee abe 2). saxo! 2 and |2= \w Bonen 79.1 hp= 5.90 x10" W. we) hes (bo.3°F -32) = 15.7°C 2 I9.7°C 4273 = 294 ie 418 1.18 For Table 1.3 verify the conversion re- lationships for: (a) area, (b) density, (¢) velocity, and (4) specific weight. Use the basic conversion. relationships: 1 ft = 0.3048 m; 1 Ib = 4.4482 N; and 1 slug = 14.594 kg. (a) | f= (140){(0so1)'20"|- 0,09290 am* Thus, rrultigly £47 by 9.290 E-2 +o convert tom. th) y Sug s slug ea) fe 1 (/ ) (45% a) ape Re = StS ee Thus, multiply slug tt? bg S.1S¥ E+2 40 convert to kg/m? ce) | . (| 4) (0.30% &)- As0ne & Thus, multiply ft/s by 3.048 E-I + comert to m/s. Lee? @) if: V2 Be) ) (4422 & [Atom] = 1st & Thus, multiply Ib/ft? by [S71 Et2Z + convert to N/m, (one) ail PEE ee ee lationships for: (a) acceleration, (b) density, (©) pressure, and (d) volume flowrate. Use the basic conversion relationships: 1m = 3.2808 ft; 1N = 0.22481 Ib; and 1 kg = 0.068521 slug. (a) 1% (1%) (3.2808 #)= 3.28) # Thus, rrultiply m/s? by 3.28) to convert to #t/s2, &. as, besa) slugs)[ Lan | yap a «(Bs , )(0.0 sal ar a = 23:-ish = 1. Go x10 SS Thus, multiply 2y/m? by 440 E-3 to convert to slug/t3. EN 0.2248) 1 po cele Ne (lege ut noe a Ce aregy* fe = 2.089 x07 BL Thus, multiply N/mm? by 2.084 E-2 to comert to Ib/ Fe, fd) | ne i (1 wt) [Gres 35:3! a? Thas, multiply m/s by 3.531 Etl to convert to £t%s. Pig Ci ae 7.20 1.20 Water flows from a large drainage pipe at a rate of 1300 gal/min. What is this volume rate of flow in (a) m/s, (b) liters/min, and (¢) £0 /s? (a) 3 5 MN Flowrate = (1202 92! ) (4 zo9 aid? “F ) Zl min S759 naeaee (6) Since | Miter = 10 m3, tlowrate = (757 xJo* a ) (122 lhe liters min = ¥540 2 ft3 (©) flowrate = (757x102) (3531x100 F_) = ia = Se reel ast 18 oO 1.24 An important dimensionless parameter the Froude number using SI units for V, g, and in certain types of fluid flow problemsis the Froude. Explain the significance of the results of these number defined as V/Vgt, where Vis a velocity, calculations. g the acceleration of gravity, and (a length, De- termine the value of the Froude number for V = 10 ft/s, g = 32.2 ft/s’, and f = 2 ft, Recalculate In 86 units, fe EE ce eePrrerertee Las: a 2.2 &)(24) In SI units: V= (lo € \(as009 BH). 05 F g2 48! ce Ve (2 te) (o3048 0.b10 m Thas, ee 3.05 5 = 25 meV , Wge Vai %) vim The value of a dimensienless Parameter 1s Independent of The unit system. I-19 oO 123 1.23 Atak conains 500 kg of gud whos speci ravi 2. Determine the volume of the liquid in the tank. = ery m=eV = $6 Cag V Thus, V= M(SG Pyy) = 500kg M2)( 999 28 )) = 0.250m? 124 1.24 Clouds can weigh thousands of pounds due to their liguid water content. Often this content is measured in grams per cubic meter (g/m). Assume that a cumulus cloud occupies a volume of one cubic kilometer, and its liquid water content is 0.2 g/m?. (a) What is the volume of this cloud in cubic ~ miles? (b) How much does the water in the cloud weigh in a) pounds? Folume = 1 Bam) = 10" m? Since Lm = 3.281 £4 { t 3 Vilma (1otmt) C8201 8) | S2m xi? £ FEN S ea G _ rsep- (043 )a' Sf aus Ota. x aw. )Cotm’) = | Ett | 2 J=[ gern th x10 N Mead xn )(z.268 110 2!) = 44) x10" |b 1-20 25 | 125 A tank of oil has a mass of 25 slugs (a) Determine its weight in pounds and in new- tons at the earth's surface. (b) What would be its “amass (in slugs) and its weight (in pounds) if lo- cated on the moon’s surface where the gravita- tional attraction is approximately one-sixth that at the earth’s surface? ca) weight = mass x 9 = (25 slugs) (22.2 ah 5054 = (25 slugs) (14. sp At L ) (491 % a 66) rmass = 25 slugs (rmass dots mot depend on gravitationa| attraction ) weight: (ar slugs ) ia #) = 134 Ib = ger”. ETI 1.26 A certain object weighs 300 N at the earth’s surface. Determine the mass of the object (in kilograms) and its weight (in newtons) when lecated on a planet with an acceleration of gravity equal to 4.0 fi/s? — weight Mass = “3 Png OC ALLL ee 3064 31 =u: ar anemE for gs #0 ii weight = (30.643) (40 2) (0.3048 2) 3372344 1.27 The density of a certain type of jet fuel is 775 kg/m. Determine its specific gravity and specific weight. 4 = 7538 e eo = = 0.775 6 Ree ie, yepg = (175 44) (44 %)= 760 24 1-22 123 1.28. A hydrometer is used to measure the specific gravity of liq- uids. (See Video V2.8.) For a certain liquid a hydrometer read- ing indicates a specific gravity of 1.15. What is the liguid’s den- sity and specific weight? Express your answer in SI units teas a 3 aN = 1.348 —— 1:24 An open, rigid-walled, cylindrical tank contains 4 1° of water at 40 °F. Over a 24-hour period of time the water temperature varies from 49 °F to 90 °F. Make use of the data in Appendix B to determine how miich the volume of water will ‘change. For a tank diameter of 2 ft, would the corresponding ‘change in water depth be very noticeable? Explain, inass of water = BARE Where 6 tre volume and / The densrly. Since The mass mast remath constant @s The temperature changes Woe = 4, Cpoe i, - sh From Table 8.1 Hee 1440 Sees z igs Jap @ gore = 1 P81 aa Therelore, tron Eg.) ne te Ce oe? a es ed Tay Thus, The increase th volume ss : 4 o19l -Kooo= Ooh ft The change wi weber dept, AL, 2 gue ~~ AY, oot 3 . eae carers = 592410 FL= 0.07/0in G This small change 1 clephn would mt be very hotceable. No. Mote: A slightly ditterent value for AL will be obtained if specifee weignt of water Is used reTher Than density. This 13 due te the fact tot there is seme ancertuitty It the fourth significant figure oF these, two Values, and The soluben + Sensitive ty This uncerfeinty [24 1.31 A mountain climber's oxygen tank contains 1 Ib of oxygen ‘when he begins his trip at sea level where the acceleration of grav- ity is 32.174 fUs*. What is the weight of the oxygen in the tank when he reaches to top of Mt, Everest where the acceleration of gravity is 32.082 fs"? Assume that no oxygen has been removed from the tank; it will be used on the descent portion of the climb, We mg Let ( ),, denote sea level and (ye denotethe top of Mt. Everest Thus, Wey = 115 = my 95s andl Wate = ng Gone However Mm.) = My, so that since m pee _ me wpa = Mate ~~ og of Vue * 2M, ge vl Pel 1b 32,082 ft/s* 32.174 Fis 25 1.3% The information on a can of pop indicates that the can contains 355 mL. The mass of a full can of pop is 0.369 kg while an empty can weighs 0.153 N. Determine the specific weight, density, and specific gravity of the pop and compare your results with the corresponding values for water at 20 °C. Express your results in SI units. weight of Flurl a) Y= plume of Fluid tobe! weight = mass xg = (0364 by )(2812 ) = £42V weight ef can= O/53N Volume of Fluid = (955x102 L)(0722)= B55.10 ot? Thus, fron Eg.) = 2462 ~ 2153N _ 977, a P55 410m? — Be 2 Pa Sale 9970 LS. ga AE 3) 2 me 4 se: = Thm. paul fierce 1m #E For water af 20°C (see Table B.2 1% Appendic B) nv E de. S ope 7787-*, i‘ aa 798.28 SG =0.9982 md A. comparison of These Values hr water with Those for The pop shows Thad The gpecitre Weight, density, aad qpecite gravity of The pop are all Slightly Jower Than The corresponding Values tor wader. 1-26 FW, 33 "1.33 The variation in the density of water, p, with tem- erature, 7, in the range 20°C = T= 50°C, is given in the following table. Density n/m) | 9982 | 9971 | 9957 | 9541 | 9922 | 9902 | suR Tenperaweo) 20 Tas Tao Tas Fao bas | wo ‘Use these data to determine an empirical equation of the form b= ¢; + GT + oT? which can be used to predict the density ‘over the range indicated. Compare the predicted values with the data given. What is the density of water at 42.1 °C? Fit tre deta to a secone order pelynomia! Using & stendard curve-Fitiig Prejrim such as found In EXCEL, Thus, (= (201 = 0.0539T ~ 0.00%) T* a) Set 8 OSPF T = 0007 TT As shown im the table below , 2 (predicted) tron E.l0 13 1a geod agreement with p (aren). TC p,koIm"S _p, Predicted ‘e982 20 998.3 5 997.1 997.1 0 9957 995.7 6 994.1 994.1 40 992.2 992.3 45 9902 9903 0 988.1 988.1 AL 7s vopee : , foo) ~ 0.0533 (42.)°¢)~ 0.0041 (42) tC) = TALS = /? — I-27 1.34 If 1 cup of cream having a density of 1005 kg/m’ is tamed into 3 cups of whipped cream, determine the specific gravity {and specific weight of the whipped cream. Mass of cream, mm = (1 005 44) « (om) where 4 ~ volume. Since am, Bee CaN ae e Whi a alg cree s “bina whipped for oxygen ana R= 1242x109 Fb Ay helium Slapee Thus, From £g.U1) sf tne gas 1s oxygen Beales slugs _ 1554108 Ae” and ter el ei -+ ee h2y2xio* oo &. sl 4S BX ae 4 Comparison of These Values with The actual dens ty of the gas ii the tank inavcates That The Gas rust be Ofggen. le3¢ [ 240 J 1.40 A compressed air tank contains 5 kg of air at a temperature of 80 °C. A gage on the tank reads 300 kPa. Determine the volume of the tank. valume =a e 3 , BP _ Goor s0l)*10 ame eee es 2 ey pelican: 213.90 Oe, RT (aze.d =, ) [foo + 473) k] ay k 5 4n 3 ee ee ee 3% &E in $5 Tl 1.11 A rigid tank contains air at a pressure of 90 psia and a temperature of 60 °F. By how much will the pressure increase ts the temperature is iesgcd to 110F? C&q, 1.8) ear For @ rigia closed tank The ath mass and Volume are Constant go f= Constant. Thus, From £9.18 (wits R constant) | TA et fe Eo Fa where ps Go pia, T= bo +Y¥b0 = 520°R, and 5 10°F +460 = 51% From ER.) ee pe 570°! ) Cr psia) = 98.7 psia Sz0°R 442 1.42 ‘The hetium-flled blimp shown in Fig. P1.A2 is used at var- ious athletic events, Determine the number of pounds of helium Within it if its volume is 68,000 ft? and the temperature and pres- sure are 80 °F and 14.2 psa, respectively. M@FIGURE pta2 W=EV where Y= 66,0008" and d-09=(p/RT)g Thos, v= [2 By (aes 10" EE Naot 460)'R)] (32.24) = 9,820" ptt ([b/ (slug #/s*)) = 9, 82 0B Hence, W- genni? tt (68000f!*) = 668 Ib }-33 Master Typing Shee 10% Reduction 1.43 Develop a computer program for calculating the density of an ideal gas when the gas pressure in pascals (abs), the tem- perature in degrees Celsius, and the gas constant in J/kg K are ‘specified. Plot the density of helium as a function of temperature ie from 0 °C to 200 °C and pressures of $0, 100, 150, and 200 kPa (abs), SESE er Hier tend gas. peprt EH: se That 4 Cnet Where p is| abselute pressure sara aistant, and 7 Ee Is absolute Femperature. Thus, 1 The temperd ture tea eG Then fF = He ae i spreadsheet (Exce.) Program fr caleulating follows . | | | [This program calculates the density of an ideal gas I _ fuhen the absolute pressure in Pasoals, the temperature lin degrees C, and the gas constant in J/kgrK are specified, [To use, replace current values with desired values of| | temperature, pressure, and gas constant. Ama eB, hel |go00, is | Pressure, |Temperature,| Gas constant, Density. | Pals eaeito) wikgk | kgim' Pp 4.01E+05 15, 286.9 423° | Rowi0 | a ! He ot Formula erga =A10/((B10+273,15)°C10) Example. Calculate ~ for = aeasia ig demperature = 20°C, ana R= 287 S/d k, i | A” B casa aor | Pre ‘Temperature, | Gas constant, | Density, | Pa zl wikgK | _kgim® 2.00E+05| 20 267 | 2.38 | Row 10 *143_| (con'h) The density of helivm is plotted inthe graph below. Density of Helium 04 -——____— . a 0.35 _ 03} — kg/m? 0.25 P= nee = 200kPa labs) SSS=s = f50. = 00 1-35 L458 1.45 For flowing water, what is the magnitude of the velocity gra- dient needed to produce a shear stress of 1.0 ae “uf where 4 = 1.12 x10? MS aye and Telok Thus, deere manos 1 dy & 12x10? WS = 373) 5 me 1.46 1.46 Make use of the data in Appendix B to determine the dynamic viscosity of glycerin at 85 °F. Express your answer in, both SI and BG units Te? $ (Ty -32)2 $ (esp -32) = 29.4°C Frome BI sa tA ppendie B: FB Glyeeria at BSF (atu) x 06 MS (55 units) PROG &) (2.069 xlo* 36 L47 1.47 One type of capillary-tube viscometer is shown in Video V1.5 and in Fig. PLAT. For this device the liquid to Glass be tested is drawn into the tube to a level above the top suenatheing ‘etched line. The time is then obtained for the liquid to drain ee to the bottom etched line. The kinematic viscosity, v, in m4/s is then obtained from the equation v = KR‘: where K is. a constant, R is the radius of the capillary tube in mm, and ¢ is the drain time in seconds. When glycerin at 20°C is used as acalibration fluid ina particular viscometer the drain time is 1,430s, When a liquid having a density of 970 kg/m? is ooay tested in the same viscometer the drain time is 900 s. What 7 is the dynamic viscosity of this liquid? v= KR m FIGURE P1.41 For glycerin @ 20°C V= L19x)0 Imi, a hex mh = Keel, 4305) KR 832x107 mre For un&nown ligaid with t= Tos Ve (3.2220 m2) G00 5) = 749 x)0' m*/s Since fz Ppy = G70 *fa)(1.99x0' mf ) Bs R = M5 = 0.727 SE = 0,127 3 ™m — 37 Master Typing S (0% Reduction 1.48 The viscosity ofa soft drink was determined by using scometet similar to that shown in Fig. P1.47 f this device the kinematic viscosity, v, is directly proportional to the time, 1, that it takes for a given amount of liquid to flow through a small capillary tube. That is, v = Ke. The following data were obtained from regular pop and diet pop. The corresponding measured specific gravities | are also given. Based on these data, by what percent is the I absolute viscosity, 4, of regular pop greater than that of diet Pop? Regular pop Diet pop cr as) 3778 300.3 SG 1.044 1.003 y neg Pcie | | th greater = Hires fies X1op = Mees =]. |x 100 Aer iF] Pact | Sie vs ye dike, am P= CYing oe 8 Fleas | that — | | | oh Greater = I} x 100 x 100 =| (E36 )rey I Cx Sl Jace | =/(377.85)(.049) 1) 18 | (CPee: ears Cn 205) | Pee aa boot Es 1-38 1.49 Determine the ratio ofthe dynamic vis- cosity of water to air at a temperature of 60 °C. Compare this value with the corresponding ratio ‘of kinematic viscosities. Assume the aris at stan- dard atmospheric pressure. From Table 8.2 i» Appendiz B: : 4 if 3m? (for water af bore) f= 4665 aid WE 5 V/=4796x10'% From Table 2.4 in Appendia 8: z se Chr ar at Go'e) p= Lata BE 5 y= Lebxio” Thus, i. so 4bbS X10 = oe = 437 alr Lars io’. uo . 4 45 x10" | » ae Vly L2b x10 [3% Master 1 g Sheet 10% Reducti Foor T 1.50 The viscosity of a certain fluid is 5 x 10~ poise. Determine its viscosity in both SI and BG units. lo Frem Appendix E, 10' 4, pp (5 210" poise ) (Ces and From Table |. 4 1.51 The kinematic viscosity of oxygen at 20 °C and a pressure of 150 kPa (abs) is 0.104 stokes. Determine the dynamic viscosity of oxygen at this temperature and pressure. ao Asx wit, RT = &,loy stokes = Of = (0.104 & P) (ee = Qosujo” AL fas = = / poise, HS 2 S410 Polse (5x10 "hes 4,089 X10 fos (ae, V[(co’e +413)k| ae 0/04 Thus, my 97. om? y(n 42) o Nes amn® 2.05 £10 10.4 «10 TMs f 3 oT Ibs ee Master Typing Sheet 10% Reduction 8 1/2 x 11 trim size “L.52 Fluids for which the shearing stress, 7, is not linearly = related to the rate of shearing strain, 7, are designated as non- Newtonian fluids. Such fluids are commonplace and can exhibit ‘unusual behavior as shown in Video V1.6, Some experimental data obtained for a particular non-Newtonian fluid at 80 °F are shown below. bE rdbife?) | 0 | 241 | 782 | 185 x) To Tso T100 Viso Plot these data and fita second-order polynomial to the data using | |. suitable graphing program, What is the apparent viscosity of this fluid when the rate of shearing strain is 70 s~"? Is this. apparent viscosity larger or smaller than that for water at the same temperature? Rate of Shearing shearing stress, (ee a strain, 4/s_Ibisq ft £40 =0,0008 7? +.0,0035 5, | 0 0 ie) 244 | 230 | 100 7.82 Boo 150185 5 200 317 gz Zo ca 0 50 100 150 200 250 Rate of shearing strain, Is. Om the graph tis 0.000857 4 0.003-% where ts the sheanng Stress ia |b/$t* and ¥ 13 the rate Shearing strain in st. z : | | Aapperea = 92 = 2910-0008) +-0.0035- | At $5705" i I HH sgeSr coneemameny | feapparns = (2)t0.d00b a5 ) (105 ') + 0.0088 EEE EEE et OL hel teat san } = =F ib im Table Bl 1a A ppendrs B, My ne@sorr = I TIKXI0 fae, ce waters a Newtonian Fluid this value is \Thus, The unknown non-NewLonay data has-a-tmuch| larger Value. | | — pean Master Typing Sheet 10% Reducti 812x 1 t size — 1.53 Water flows near a flat surface and some measure 483 ments ofthe water velocity, u, parallel to the surface, at different T heights, y, ove the surface are obtained. At the surface y= 0. | After an analysis of the data the lab technician reports thatthe velocity distribution in the range 0 < y <0.1 ft is given by | the equation, | | t 4 = 081 +92) +41 x 10 | — with w in fs when y isin ft. (@) Do you think that this equation ‘would be valid in any system of units? Explain. (b) Do you [think this equation is correct? Explain. You may want to look at Video 14 to help you arrive at your answer. 1 1 x Gay Oa ea ere y fire (ails Ig LL] + [revel [2] tr ezuation must |have the same dimensions, rave dimensions of LT — TS and 1X17 dimensyons of LT! in The €puation Have ae Meir wign a change tH units, Vo. ch would Viglate tne —‘no=sli eat | } rreck since at yo erat ie : / { | | 1.54 Calculate the Reynolds numbers for the flow of water and for air through a 4-mm-diameter tube, ifthe mean velocity — is3 m/sand the temperature is 30 °C in both cases (see Example 1.4) Assume the ai is at standard atmospheric pressure. |For water at 30°C (trom Table 8.2 14 Appendix B): Ps P957 ae: ne 7.975 x10" ae Et Sear (7957 4 =f) (3 2) (2.004 m) - | For adr at Sore (From Table B.4 in AppendixB) : rieiatoT Mee 7m = /5,000 752_ Ee Pues at Zee bbb xi Lae Le pe AYO tt ERIC 2) Case) ee 7 I-43, [44 ° OQ 455 1.55. Forair at standard atmospheric pressure the values of the constants that appear in the Sutherland equation (Eq. 1.10) are C = 1.458 x 10°* kg/(m: and S = 110.4 K. Use these values to predict the viscosity of air at 10 °C and 90 °C and compare with values given in Table B.4 in Appendix B 3 = CT? _ (a4se 04s, fara Tr ho4k For, T= 10°C = /0°C + A73, 15 = 28215K, ab 34, 453 XID A283 i5K SI rn Ce. usar ws Ae31S K + 110,4 pmecaseeene ee NE From Table 84 A Te x10” Mes For T= 90°C-=. FOC + AIRE = 203,15K, ath weg x10~*)( 303, bae\re ve 563,15 K + MO.4 -5 = 2410 MS ee yn From Table 8.4, - = Qiyxjor Ms 20 hs? 156* 1 Use the values of viscosity of air given in Table B.4 at temperatures of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100°C to determine the constants C and $ which appear in the Sutherland equation (Eq. 1.10). Compare your results with the values given in Problem 1.55, (Hint: Rewrite the equation in the form 7 1 Ss Pee and plot 7°%/y: versus T. From the slope and in- tercept of this curve C and S can be obtained.) Equation 410 Can be written 14 the form ae. = e =(¢)T+ ck 0) and with The data from Table BY: % ah Tl) Tk) Abuser) — TY [KL dgfors)] ° A735 111 £10°* 2beecn?® ao AGBIE bean 2758x108 Yo 31315 ABT XI eewoe bo 333,15 lar xe TAI 80 35815 aorKne 9. 20610 foo 37315 21741oS 3. 322 X10 A plot of rip te Ti shown babu: 35x10" SEE dhe 280 Bao 360 as (cont) [4s aCe!) ESES (Con't) Since the deta plot as an approxmede straight Iie Fg.) can be represented by an eguetion of The form y= bx ta where yu TY, xX~T, b~ We, and an S/C Fit the dete +o a linear eguation using a Standard eurve~f tiny program such as found In EXCEL. Thus, Y= b.%9X 10% 4 7. yy) x10" and gabe 6.969x 10> ~6 so tut = C= 143 x10 bi fim.s K*) treatin oa aha Sela l= 7 4ey x lo" Cc and therehre S= /07 K These values hr Cand S are in good agreement wth values given in Problem |. 55 . Reduction “57 Hee Assume al ote factors rman constant. 1.57 The viscosity of a fluid plays a very important role in determining how a fluid flows. (See Video V1.4) The value of the viscosity depends not only on the specific fluid but also on the fluid temperature, Some experiments show that when a liquid, under the action of a constant driving pressure, is forced with a low velocity, V, through a small horizontal tube, the velocity is given by the equation V = X/. In this equation K is a constant fora given tube and pressure, and is the dynamic viscosity, For a particular liquid of interest, the viscosity is given bby Andrade's equation (Eq 1.11) with D = 5 X 107" Ib s/f? and B = 4000 °R. By what percentage will the velocity increase as the liquid temperature is increased from 40 °F 10 100 °F? K Poo oh increase in V = [Mes ee { ‘and From F4.l)&(2) cs Inevease tt vo ee ~' ew = | | Ee "From Bndnades Gquacion ‘ooo Myg 2 Bxt0 le | Care me Yooo iat Cov F 460) any cz) (@) 0° Y LiSee 7 ASe0 tea aumenaieaae viscosity of water given in Table B.2 at temperatures of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 *C to determine the constants D and B which appear in Andrade’s equation (Eq. 1.11), Calculate the value ofthe viscosity at $0 °C and compare with the value given in Table B.2. (Hint: Rewrite the equation in the form 1 Ing = (B)2+InD and plot In y versus 1/7. From the slope and intercept of this curve B and D can be obtained. If a nonlinear curve fitting program is available the constants can be obtained directly from Eq, 1.11 without rewriting the equation.) © gua tion Li can be written in The form Inj =(B)% + InD and wits the deta trom Table B.2° Te) TK) Tt) (stn?) sn 3 o ARIE 3Bbb/ £10" L787 x07 6.527 to 93,15 24 L107 1.002 £10 ~6%6 ho 31315 2193 2107 6529 Kp" — ~ 7.334 60 33315 Boozxo? = K bE KW * = 7. bio 90 353.15) a.03z0? = 2 S47 Kio * — ~ 7.944 (00 37315 piévecwo™ = 2.80R x10" = - 8.174 A plot of Inn vs. W/T 15 shown below: ~ 7.0 Fars a) 58 Ceen't ) Since the deta plot as an approximate Straignt line, &§.U) Can be wsed to represent These deta. Te obtain Bana D, At the dade bo an exponen tia / Cig ant ten of the form 4=aEé such as fund 14 EXCEL bx Ths, , D=4@= 1. 767x10~ N.s/an? SRS EOE Son and 3 Bz b= L890 XK so That 1870 ~ Pa bTbT Ke At 50°C (323.15k), ‘ L870. ‘ ig hye7 410° @ EE 5.76 x10 sf? From Table B.2 , p= 5: 46X10 "W.s/m% 1-58 La 1.59 For a parallel plate arrangement of the type shown in Fig. 1.Sit is found that when the distance between plates is 2 mm, a shearing stress of 150 Pa develops at the upper plate when it is pulled at a velocity of 1 m/s. Determine the vis- cosity of the fluid between the plates. Express ‘your answer in SI units. Tap due Ue ay we “a Te 150 Za ee J-S0 1.60 1.60 Two flat plates are oriented parallel abowe a fixed lower plate ‘as shown in Fig, P1.60. The top plate, located a distance b above the fixed plate, is pulled along with speed V. The other thin plate is located a distance cb, where 0 < c < 1, above the fixed plate This plate moves with speed Vj, which is determined by the vis- tom. The fluid on the top is twice as viscous as that on the bot- tom, Plot the ratio VyV as a function of ¢ for 0 in, oe Sa pee im Poured BFIGURE P1687 Fe shear force on head =A, where, if the velocity profile in the gap between the disc and head is linear and uniform across the head, then Ve fh ae ont, where a 2 rev ¢ |min)/ 20 rad T= wR= 19 000 2% ( Lmit)( 2h rad) (2 4) 2 j 75 Ht rev mz Thus, T (374x107 so that Fe 7Ah=(ts7qa)E (22H) = 3.43210", ls =1s7H, 1-S8 1.68 The space berween two 6-in-long concentric cylinders is filled with glycerin (viscosity = 8.5 X 10"? Ib- s/f). The inner cylinder has a radius of 3 in. and the gap width between cylinders, is 0.1 in. Determine the torque and the power required to rotate the inner cylinder at 180 rev/min, The outer eylinder is fixed, As- sume the velocity distribution in the gap to be linear, Torgue, dT, due +o shearing shess on taner cylinder 13 egual * a7= TAA where dh =(h.d6)h, Thus, aT RAT 6 and torque veguired to rotate inner cylinder is 4. 2 qT. Ree r[v Bear top view ° (L~ cylinder length ) For a@ linear velocity distribution in the gap Rew Uae oe Tne Re ff Re and with ws (80 6 (ar ca (poe = em rad - 3 2)'(,6 r0) (4.5010? BE (or "*!) ve coe = 0,744 feelk (s ! £4) res 2 Since power = Tew ct Lllows that Power = (0.944 fellow ea) . fil 74 = 1-59 169 1.69 A pivot bearing used on the shaft of an electrical instrument is shown in Fig. P1.69. An oil with a viscosity of = 0,010 Ib-s/ff? fills the 0.001-in. gap between the rotating shaft and the station- ary base. Determine the frictional torque on the shaft when it ro- tates at 5,000 rpm. = 0.010 sat? Let d®= torgve on area element dA, where dA =29rdé = an Thus, df =rdF=rTd where reph YX so that, df= (HE) (20rdr Asin 8) = 2T uw Ur b sind Hence, reR = _ 2Thw (,3 Ty w T= Sak = a eae oe R" w Now, 4 Ib R=O.lin., b=0.001in,, 40 = 0.010 ee 9 =30de9 and Thus, Jel a I 7. rowley a0 ) ( 224)" 9.534107" FH-lb 2( %281 #4) singo" anaes 170 41.70. The viscosity of liquids can be measured through the use of a Freed rotating cylinder viscometer of the type illustrated in Fig. P70. In outer this device the outer cylinder i fixed and the inner cylinder is rotated oninder ‘with an angular velocity, The torque T required to develop w is ‘measured and the viscosity i calculated from these two measurements, (a) Develop an equation relating 4, w, J, £, Rp. and R, Neglect end effects and assume the velocity distribution in the gap is lin- ear, (b) The following torque-angular velocity data were obiained ‘with a rotating cylinder viscometer ofthe type discussed in part (a). Torgue(ft-Ib) | 13.1 | 260 | 395 | 52.7 | 649 | 786 ‘Angular velocity (rad/s) 201 301 ao! so For this viscometer R, = 2.50in., R, = 2.45 in., and € = 5.00 in, Make use of these data and a standard curve-fitting program to de~ termine the viscosity of the liquid contained in the viscometer, FIGURE P1.70 (\Torgue, dT, due to shearing shess en faner cylinder + egual + 47+ RTA where JA=(, Thas, d7= RL T do and forgne veguired to rotate inner cylinder is Peel Vatu Sine Te fe Hand br a ber Iinear Velocity distri bution Cove tijure) a ere dus. Ye @ AS ays) S Thus, . ; 5, a ’ Velocrty distribubicn ope pe fren = Me(E) ana with The date given eal? 7. 2 (0, 0313 4s \e Be (er ted) Lou #) Sf re) C4) = 6.0772 F4-h +63 173 1.73 Some measurements on a blood sample at 37 °C (98.6 °F) indicate a shearing stress of 0.52 N/m for a corresponding rate of shearing strain of 200s", Determine the apparent viscosity of the blood and compare it with the viscosity of water at the same temperature, ee Oe oe Pateca = pF SE = neon” ME From Table 8.2 1a Append's B: ° ae = MN. @ 30% Wy = 475 x10” We °¢ ‘ —¥ N. @ Yo Mugo? 6-524 x10” NS Thus, with lineur inberpelaboin , Mg lite) = bite x8 “ws ‘20 an and —4 NS Me ZbOXI ae 274 Pizo 6.46 xiv* Nes a 1-64 17s 1.78 A sound wave is observed to travel through a liguid with a speed of 1500 m/s. The specific gravity of the liquid is 1.5, De- termine the bulk modulus for this fluid. i {® , where 0 =S6Q,, and SG=15 This, E,=c'e = © S60 no =(5002)'(.5)(999 44) = 9 kgm = 3,37 10 sat or - 9M Ej = 3.37% 10" a3 176 Estimate the inerease in pressure (in psi) 10 decrease a unit volume of mercury —~ db wy (£5.12) eat aah ieas (4m xp B)E 0.001) - Speer 4I¢ x10" psd A > e 1.77 A 1-m’ volume of water is contained in a rigid container. Estimate the change in the vol- ‘ume of the water when g piston applies a pressure of 35 MPa. dp ( -_ 4 &g. 12 bh : d Thus, 4 Ch am? on ae ~ att = — Um )(a5x0tf,) = - 0.0463 m> v 215K 107%, er c decrease in volume ze 0, 0163 m3 1.78 J.78 Determine the speed of sound at 20°C in (a) air, (b) helium, and (¢) natural gas. Express your answer in mis. c= VRRT (£9. 120) With T= doc +aT3 = 293K: CA)! Fortvan = an 4) For air, cc (40 (26.1 FV aes) = 3432 rE Fe jum, = J om (h) For helium, ¢ = Cae )Qa93k) = joo % ce) For natural gas, ¢ 7,31 am, si =|(0.31) (578,37, i 44 a ( 8.3 ) latsk) = 44, @ 1-67 1.79 Air is enclosed by a rigid cylinder con- taining a piston. A pressure gage attached to the cylinder indicates an initial reading of 25 psi. De- termine the reading on the gage when the piston has compressed the air to one-third its original volume. Assume the compression process to be isothermal and the local atmospheric pressure to be 14.7 psi For isothermal compression, = constant 50 thet UE AE A lerellcce initial iedale and Qe hola staze,, Thus, b.- Bye. Foy 7% ; _ mass sh y ie + RHEE IIE, 2 fo, come net) and therefore 2 = (3)[(A5 + 14.7) psilbs))= 117 psd Cabs) er & Cgege) =()19- M7po = 104 ps6 Gage) 1.80 1.80 Repeat Problem 1.74 ifthe compression takes place without friction and without heat transfer (isentropic process) DP = constant so that For isentrepic compression, ae . aa where é~ initial state and eee fm Final state. Thus, & ’ o- &) t F(A & 5 amass Ze = thibiel volume | OS ae rslimer a ee nagialase! ao! bor come) ) and there fore 140 $e (3) [las+ 7) pse tats] = 1248. pse (ats) “ B Gpge)= (ee e-147 = 170 pst (gage) 1-64 1.81 1.81 Carbon dioxide at 30°C and 300 kPa absolute pressure expands isothermally absolute pressure of 165 kPa. Deter- ‘mine the final density of the gas. For ‘sotnermal expansion , B= constant so That fy Pe aihepe =) initial sta¥el and LAG f£~ final state. Thus, een) Boon ld 2, (193.4 Zz )[Geerer 273)k] : so That me 5.24 & fos A \isav 38 = 293 48 ay Be, ft" | Geode Bas I-70 For and er 1,82 Natural gas at 70 °F and standard atmospheric pressure ‘of 14,7 psi (abs) is compressed isentropically to a new absolute pressure of 70 psi, Detetmine the final density and temperature of the gas. /sentrepre compression , S = constant 50 thet %, a Where im inihal state and o ffx fina! state, (47 8, m4 ) 4 1 he MS. £129 116 shag re 3,094 x19? fé-lb 5 4 Sug A) [(ce%+H0 e] 1 ae te. oh NR) BER =3 sls 3th [425 416 sh! \(3, 09710 ee ) = 765 °R Ge 765% - Yeo = 305 A330 -3 slugs) Re | (129 x10 se) = 425 x10 slugs Fe3 Re }-71 183 1.83 _ Compare the isentropic bulk modulus of air at 101 kPa (abs) with that of water at the same pressure. For alr (& 3,117), E,2 Rp =Ch4el(torx wh) = 14) «108 B For water (Tbh ie) £5 216 x10'R Thus, E, (water) _ DIE K 10" Pe 4 ee Ot ENO Ly (aur) L4¢1X 10°F —- 1-72 has +1 OH *1.84 Develop a computer program for cal- culating the final gage pressure of gas when the initial gage pressure, initial and final volumes, atmospheric pressure, and the type of process (isothermal or isentropic) are specified. Use BG units. Check your progam against the results ob- tained for Problem 1.74. tT [eicompresnte a etpersion eee = Constont where k=! for isothermal process, and #+ specific het vali fer isentropic process. Thus, Ae Zs" ae where tm inital shite, £~ tinal stake, so That :(B)*g Bi(B)R a) Since ees P* Volume Then A. Me ye where Vi, Vy, are the initial and Fuel volumes, respectively Thus, trom © (1) k Bef Natl yt Bem * a) (454 fede ) Where the subscnpt g refers to gage pressure can be written as yy) ty (GB) by ten) - Ben es @ Eguation am A spreadsheet (Excel) program fr Caleulating the tial Gage pressure Follows. (con't ) 1 B4 Cont? [This program calculates the final gage pressure of an ideal gas when the intial gage pressure in psi the intial volume, the final volume, the jatmospheric pressure in psa, and the type of process (isothermal or isentropic) is specified. To use, replace current values and let k = 1 for isothermal process or k = specific heat for isentropie process. A 8 ci D E F ifal gage| Initial | Final | Atmospheric Final gage] pressure [volume | "volume | pressure pressure pats) [Vi Vi_ | Pan(psiay kT Pa(psi) 25 [03333 147 1 1044 [Row 10 4 Formula: =((B10/C10)%E10)"(A10+D10)-D10 Data from Problem 1.14 Wi The above table, giviig a Him! gage pressure of 104 psi. are included leat 485 1.85 An important dimensionless parameter concemed with very high speed flow is the Mach number, defined as Vic, where V is the speed of the object such as’an airplane or projectile, and cis the speed of sound in the fluid surrounding the object. For a projectile traveling at 800 mph through sir at ‘50 °F and standard atmospheric pressure, what is the value of the Mach number? Mech number = ¥ From Table 8.3 in Appendix B ft = lo “aie @ 50°F s Thus _ Goo mph)(5280 :) (sur) Mach numbey = eee sceeegl I-75 186 1.€6 Jet airliners typically fly at altitudes between approx- imately 0 to 40,000 ft. Make use of the data in Appendix C to show on a graph how the speed of sound varies over this range, c= ART Eg. 1.20) tor k= 1¥0 and R= 1716 Fb hag c= $40 Tee From Tee C1 si Appendic © at an altitude of 0 48 T= S¥.00+ $60 = SIPR 50 thet Cs ROWSE = 10 Similar calculations Can be made tor cher altitudes and the resulting graph is shown below. Atitude, ft Temp.°F _Temp.°R cs oO 59 519 1116 5000 41.47 801.17 1097 10000 23.36 483.36 1077 15000 5.55 465.55 1057 20000 12.26 487.74 1037 25000 -30.05 42995 1016 30000 47.83 41217 995 35000 -65.61 304.39 973, 40000 697 390.3968 ae eeeeeee reece Faso us Ga ae EE ‘5000 10000 15000, 20000 25000 s0000 35000 40000 Altitude, ft [-76 1.87 (See Fluids in the News article titled “This water jet is a blast.” Section 1.7.1) By what percent is the volume of water de- creased if its pressure;jis increased to an equivalent to 3000 at- ‘mospheres (44,100 psi}? Red AP: Eg. 112) noo te |S AY. — Ap 2 _ Hi t0o pola 17 pate yyy ar Ey Bla x10% psca Thus, ch decrease im volume = Ih 1% 1.88 During a mountain climbing trip it is observed that the wa- ter used to cook a meal boils at 90 °C rather than the standard 100 *C at sea level. At what altiude are the climbers preparing their ‘meal? (See Tables B.2 and C.2 for data needed to solve this prob- Jem.) When the water boils, Pari * far , Where from Table 8,2, at T= 90% fre 7.01x}0" 2 (abs) Also, from Table C.2, for a standard atmosphere pF zorxjo* (abs) af an altitude of 3000m bI7 1849 1.89 When a fluid lows through a sharp bend, low pres- sures may develop in localized regions ofthe bend. Estimate the minimum absolute pressure (in psi that can develop without * causing cavitation if the fuid is water at 160 °F. Cavitation may occur when the local pressure eguels the vaper pressure. For water at 10°F (ffam Teble 8.) 1 MpptadieB) B= 474 pst (abs) Thus, minimum pressure 474 psclabs) aa] 1.40 Estimate the minimum absolute pressure (in pascals) that can be developed at the inlet of a pump to avoid cavitation if the fluid is carbon tetrachloride at 20°C. Cavitation mag occur when the suction pressure at The Pump inlet eguals the Vapor pressure fer carbon betrachbide at 20°C p> 13 BR (obs) Thas, minimum pressure = (3 & Fa (abs ) 1.91 When water at 70 °C flows through a converging section of pipe, the pressure decreases in the direction of flow, Estimate the ‘minimum absolute pressure that can develop without causing cav- itation. Express your answer in bo BG and SI units. Caviteton may occur th The converging section of pipe when The pressure eguals the vapor pressure, From Table B2 1% Appentic B tor water at 70°C, Be 31.24 Cabs). Thus Minimum pressure = 31.2 &R Cabs) , Ln 86 anits -# Prmimum pressore = (Br2x we, be 450 x10 a ) xX = 452 psta na SI unts. HAG: 1.92 _ Atwhat atmospheric pressure will water boil at 35 °C? Express your answer in both ST and BG units. The vapor pressure of water of 35°C Is 5:91 42 (abs) (trom Table 6.a in Appendis B Using Vinear interpolation). Thus, if water beils ak ‘this temperatyre the atmospheric pressure must be Cgual to 5.8) 4Pe labs) th SL units, Ln BG wits, (a1 2107 4a senio" mn ) S42 pst (abs) 144 1.94 When a 2-mm-diameter tobe is inserted into a liguid in an ‘open tank, the liquid is observed to rise 10 mm above the free sur- face ofthe liquid. the contact angle between the liquid andthe tube is zero, and the specific weight of the liquid is 1.2 x 10* Nim’ Determine the value ofthe surface tension for this liquid. 6 h= Sa , where 020 Ths, ehR __n2x0°hs (10%10%m) (2x10? m2) "20050 ~ 2 cos 0 /-80 1495 1.95 Small droplets of carbon tetrachloride at 68 °F are formed with a spray nozzle. If the av- erage diameter of the droplets is 200 jam what is the difference in pressure between the inside and ‘outside of the droplets? ao p= ze Since O* 269 X10. 7M at b8°F(=20'C) , = ” a (2osr0? BZ) _ Bah Joo x10‘ m P /-81 146 1.46 A 12mm diameter jet of water discharges vertically into the atmosphere. Due to surface tension the pressure inside the jet will be slightly higher than the surrounding atmospheric pressure. Determine this difference in pressure. For eguilibrium (see figure ), plee Sl): (2) p Se Thad - oo Year = 73x A EZ x10? m R pris pu excess pressure surface tension forces 280 eh I-82. 1.97 As shown in Video VL, surface tension forces can be strong, enough to allow a double-edge steel razor blade to “float” on wa- ter, but asingle-edge blade will sink. Assume thatthe surface ten- eae sion forces act at an angle 0 relative to the water surface as shown asec in Fig. P197. (a) The mass of the double-edge blade is 0,64 X 10 kg, and the total length of its sides is 206 mm. De- termine the value of 6 required to maintain equilibrium between the blade weight and the resultant surface tension force. (b) The mass of the single-edge blade is 2.61 x 10~*kg, and the tol = FIGURE P1.97 length of its sides is 154 mm. Explain why this blade sinks. Sup- port your answer with the necessary calculstions. r ae (ay 2 Areca ee e Ww = Tsing Ud where 2) = mK and T= ox length of sides, 2 (0.bH xa) (4.81 mgr) = (134 ait) (0, 204 m ) sin8 sine = OWS e=245° (b) For single-edge blade DW * Am pina ® FF (2.41 x13 bg) (4.3) mie) 0.0256 N " da es rele Ope lensnlet sade) sine = (7.34x 107? Mim) (0.154 ) sind = 0.0113 sinB In order for blade to “float” W< Tsino. Since maximum value for sine is |, 1+ follows tnat W>Tsine and single-edge blade will sink. 498 ca) 1.48 To measure the water depth in a large open tank with ‘opaque walls, an open vertical glass tube is aitached to the side of the tank. The height of the water column in the tube is then used as a measure of the depth of water in the tank. (a) For 4 true water depth in te tank of 3 ft, make use of Ea. 1.22 (with @ = 0*) to determine the percent error due to capillarity as the diameter of the glass tube is changed. Assume a water temperature of 80 °F. Show your results on a graph of percent error versus tube diameter, D, in the range 0.1 in. < D < 1.0in, (b) If you want the error tobe less than 1%, what i the smallest, tube diameter allowed? The excess height, h, caused be the surface tensien us hz 25 6es8 Cg, 1.22) | rR For OF 0° with D=zR eee =e a) From Table B.{ in Appendix 8 for water at 30°F T= 4491 x10? Mbf/ft and = 62.22 1b/fe4, Thus From &¢.l1) h(t) = 4 (44x04) = ae xe? zy b) DGh) (2.22 Fes) BGA) x Since oh ebro = ee) x 100 (with inate depth E = 3 ft) (F follows from Eg (2) that -3 3.19, X10” vy 199 eb erroy = = 3 DGn.) = joni2e C3) DGn.) A plot of error versus tube chameter sé Shown en the ntct page. Diameter of tube, in ot 0.15 02 03 o4 05 06 07 08 09 1 &) Ctont? % Error 1.28 0.84 0.63 0.42 0.32 0.25 0.21 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.13 , [Values obtained rom Eq. (3) For ls errer fom £g.(3) L9G 1.44 Under the right conditions itis possible, due to surface tension, to have metal objects float on water. (See Video V1.4.) Consider placing a shor length of a small diameter stel (sp. wt, = 490 Ib/ft}) rod on a surface of water, What is the maximum diameter that the rod can have before it will sink? Assume that the surface tension forces act vertically upward. ‘Note: A standard paper clip has a diameter of 0.036 in. Partially unfold a paper clip and see if you can get it to float on water. Do the results of this experiment support your analysis? rh rh Th order for rod +o float (see figure) it follows fnat 2h =W = fos Steel te i = rod Thas | sev. the lhiitrhg case eee De iS 20h eelereoe mes (EVE Vetes| TB stee| Vy, so That fot! a ty 3 (5.03 x10 FE = Drnaal f a)". su xib? ar C420 He) = 0.06/14 In. Since a standard steel paper clip fas 4 diameter of 0.036 in, Which is less than 0. 06/4 In, 1 should Float. A symple experiment will verify This. Yes. /.100 1,100 Anopen, clean glass tube, having a diameter of 3 mm, is inserted vertically into a cish of mercury at 20 °C. How far will the column of mercury in the tube be depressed? Pe A: aoe (25.122) For 6 = 130% 2 Opec xm’ ° <3 4: zi ) Cos /30 = — 3.00 x/b m (133 «10°, )(o.o01s. m) Thus, column will be depressed 3.00 mm 1.404 1.101 An open, clean glass tube (0 = 0°) is inserted vertically into a pan of water. What tube diameter is needed if the water level in the tube is to rise one tube diameter (due to surface tension)? oF 20° Cos 8 Daze for 4=2R and O= 0° OR= ce Ch) wk -3 Ib = F03xI0 Fe 62.4 Es Gna 20 eae Re 8.99 xi Le diameter = 2R = 1,90 x10 ft (€ 4. 1.22) 1102. 1,102 Determine the height water at 60 °F will rise due to capillary action in a clean, }in-di- ameter tube. What will be the height if the di- ameter is reduced to 0.01 in.? a a aceee (eg. 1.22 4 rR ee 7 For weber at botF (From Table P./ th Apperdie B), sie x= 6237 4, Thug wit 70, w= S03x0" 2 and (hr R026.) 3 Hs 2 beer wt yay ee fe (62.37 #,) (#26 #) or = Fb I 4: (usexw fe)( 22 Similarly, (for R= 0.005 m) i m 0,125 in. i F A= (0.186 in) ( SOE ) = 4.65 in. I-88 4103 1.103. (See Fluids in the News article titled “Walking on waters" Section 1.9.) (a) The water strider bug shown in Fig. P1.103 is supported on the surface of a pond by surface tension acting along the interface between the water and the bug's legs, Determine the minimum length of this interface needed to support the bug. As- sume the bug weighs 10~*N and the surfice tension force acts vertically upwards. (b) Repeat part (a) if surface tension were to support a person weighing 750 N. BFIGURE Pi403 rh Fr equilibrium , We on a WwW (a) Ww. win : Ae S* Fae || WH ight ™m 7 ~ surface tension SG ies Dw length of interlice. ~3 3 (at xm) (lo mony) eaiha Liew (1) L ~ J90N = 1.02 xiolm (6.24 ani | 1.34 x10" N ca 3 1-89 L104 1.40% Fluid Characterization by Use of a Stormer Viscometer Objective: As discussed in Section 1.6, some fluids can be classified as Newtonian flu- ids; others are non-Newtonian. The purpose ofthis experiment is to determine the shearing stress versus rate of strain characteristics of various liquids and, thus, to classify them as Newtonian or non-Newtonian fluids, Equipment: Stormer viscometer containing a stationary outer cylinder and a rotating, concentric inner cylinder (see Fig. PLI0M; stop watch; drive weights for the viscometer; three Afferent liquids (silicone oil, Latex paint, and corn syrup). Experimental Procedure: Fill the gap between the inner and outer eylinders with one of the three fluids to be tested. Select an appropriate drive weight (of mass m) and attach it to the end of the cord that wraps around the drum to which the inner cylinder is fastened. Release the brake mechanism to allow the inner cylinder to start to rotate, (The outer cylinder remains stationary.) After the cylinder has reached its steady-state angular velocity, measure the amount of time, t, that it takes the nner cylinder to rotate N revolutions, Repeat the measurements us- ing various drive weights. Repeat the entire procedure for the other fluids to be tested, Calculations: For each of the three fluids tested, convert the mass, m, of the drive weight to its weight, W = mg, where g is the acceleration of gravity, Also determine the angular ve- locity of the inner cylinder, w = N/t. Graph: For each fluid tested, plot the drive weight, W, as ordinates and angular velocity, ‘@, a8 abscissas. Draw a best fit curve through the data, Results: Note that for the flow geometry of this experiment, the weight, W, is propor- tional to the shearing stress, r, on the inner eylinder. This is true because with constant an- gular velocity, the torque produced by the viscous shear stress on the cylinder is equal to the torque produced by the weight (weight times the appropriate moment arm). Also, the angu- lar velocity, w, is proportional to the rate of strain, du/d. This is tue because the velocity gradient inthe fui is proportional to the inner eylinder surface speed (which is proportional to its angular velocity) divided by the width of the gap between the cylinders, Based on your graphs, classify each of the three luids as to whether they are Newtonian, shear thickening, ‘or shear thinning (see Fig. 1.7) Data: To procced, prntthis page for reference when you work the problem and cic here to bring up an EXCEL paze with the data for this problem Rotating Ine yinder ater tinder ive wie Fis @ FIGURE PIsoH (cont ) I-40 ; L104 | (cont) Probe 1.108 Problem 1.08 lg, wrve Angus velo, © voit ve nar Vly, ie ce stone on com Sy 80 49 100 | 400 a0 30 209 20 2250 220 | 2200 = 20 ‘0 v0 ‘0 to 080 om 000 oo 0000s) 101s) 200 om aa ost os eae a ste 1408 lg, wrve Agu Vly, © ce att Pa 1.20 ; 1.00 T _ 0.80 , z & 0.60 T 0.40 W = 1.466 0°” 020 000 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 a 4105 1.105 Capillary Tube Viscometer Objective: The flowrate of a viscous fluid through a small diameter (capillary) tube is a function of the viscosity of the fluid, For the flow geometry shown in Fig. P1.05, the kine- ‘matic viscosity, v, is inversely proportional to the flowrate, Q. That is, » = K/Q, where K is the calibration constant for the particular device. The purpose of this experiment is to deter- ‘mine the value of K and to use it to determine the kinematic viscosity of water as a function of temperature Equipment: | Constan: temperature water tank, capillary tube, thermometer, stop watch, sraduated cylinder, Experimental Procedure: Adjust the water temperature to 15.6°C and determine the flowrate through the capillary tube by measuring the time, r, it takes to collect a volume, V, cof water in a small graduated cylinder, Repeat the measurements for various water temper” atures, 7. Be sure that the water depth, f, in the tank is the same for each trial. Since the flowrate is function ofthe depth (as well as viscosity), the value of K obtained will be valid for only that value of f, Calculations: For cach temperature tested, determine the flowrate, Q = V/t. Use the data for the 15.6°C water to determine the calibration constant, K, for this device. That is, K = v0, where the kinematic viscosity for 15.6°C water is given in Table 1.5 and Q is the measured flowrate at this temperature. Use this value of K and your other data to determine the vis- cosity of water as a function of temperature, Graph: Plot the experimentally determined kinematic viscosity, v, as ordinates and tem- perature, 7, as abscissas. Results: On the same graph, plot the standard viscosity-temperature data obtained from Table B.2. Data: To proceed, prin this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. ater Capiy te le Graduted etnaer @ FIGURE P1105 (cont ) 1-92 4105 CCon't ) Solution for Problem 1,105 Capillary Tube Viscometer V,ml ts T.degc 92 198 156 97 158 263 92 168 213 a1 213 123 92 131 343 94 101 50.4 91 89 581 KiQ —-K,m*2mils*2 5.21E-07 Qmils — v,m*2/s 0465 1.12E-06 0614 8.49E.07 0.548 © 9.51E-07 0.427 1.22E-06 0.702 7.426-07 0.931 §.60E-07 1.022 5.10E-07 v (at 15.8 deg C), m*2/s 1.12E-06 K =v. Q = 1.126-6 m'2/s * 0.465 mils = 5.21E-7 m*2 mils2 From Table B.2 T,degC v, m/2is 10 20 30 40 50 60 1.31E-08 4.00E-08 8.01E-07 6 58E-07 5.53E-07 4,75E-07 1.8E-06 1.0E-06 v, mA2is 5.0E-07 0.0+00 Problem 1.105 Viscosity, v, vs Temperature, T | | 20 40 60 80 T, degC >xperimental | From Table B.2 1-98) Bie 22 A closed, S-m-tall tank is filed with water to a depth of 4 m. ‘The top portion of the tank is filled with air which, as indicated by a pressure gage at the top of the tank, is at a pressure of 20 kPa. ‘Determine the pressure thatthe wale exerts on the bottom of the tank, fi= 20x/0M “fp N Ae ptth = zoxii 2 +9.80x/0 93 (4m) = S02K10M, = 592 kPa (0) a Sif 2.3 A closed tank is partially filled with plycerin. Ifthe air ‘pressure in the tank is 6 Ib/in2 and the depth of glycerin is 10 ft, what is the pressure in Ib/ft? atthe bottom ofthe tank? park f= (720 B, Yoo fe) (oH (eee) o oe = 1650 2, 24 2.4 Blood pressure is usually given as a ratio of the maximum pressure (systolic pressure) (0 the minimum pressure (diastolic pressure). As shown in Video V2.2 such pressures are commonly measured with a mercury mano- meter. A typical value for this ratio for a human would be 120/70, where the pressures are in mm Hg. (a) What would these pressures be in pascals? (b) If your car tire was inflated to 120 mm Hg, would it be suilicient for normal driving? i pevh (A) For 120 mm big: ps (132 x07 45 )(0, 120m)= Le0eR For To mm Hig: p= (133 x1 & fo. 070m)= 731 #R ~# Ibhin® () For 120 mm ig: ps (14.0 x10" )itesoxi0 am) = 4,92 pst Since a typical tire pressure 1s Fo-35P3¢, /Zommty Ys pot subhicrent for normal driang. 2.5 2.5 An unknown immiscible liquid seeps into the bottom of an ‘open oil tank, Some measurements indicate that the depth of the unknown liquid is 1.5m and the depth of the oil (specific ‘weight = 8.5 kN/m”) floating on top is 5.0 m. A pressure gage Connected to the bottom of the tank reads 65 kPa. What is the specific gravity of the unknown liquid? Baron ™ (38:1) (Sem) + (BJU Sem) where Ya unkennun Mju y= Fate = bis (5mm). psx - (25x08 )(=m) am = Is xo 5g- Me. aBm = J,53 Yuoere FerxeN, 2.6 2.6 Bathyscaphes are capable of submerging to great depths in the ocean, What is the pressure at a depth of 5 km, assum- ‘ng that seawater has a constant specific weight of 10.1 kN/m*? Express your answer in pascals and psi. perd+e At the surface ff =0 30 Thet P= (0.11107 BN 210% m) = 505 x0 H = 50.5 MP Mso, pe (G05 x1 # Nieso xi" im ) 7320 psi 2k peaezan] 2.1 For the great depths that may be en- countered in the ocean the compressibility of sea~ water may become an important consideration. (a) Assume that the bulk modulus for seawater is constant and derive a relationship between pressure and depth which takes into account the change in fluid density with depth. (b) Make use (a) d = oor anry Thus, dp. dz aa ae integrating &4.U), Since, Ccont) of part (a) to determine the pressure at a depth of 6 km assuming seawater has a bulk modulus of 2.3 x 10° Pa, and a density of 1030 kg/m’ at the surface. Compare this result with that ob- tained by assuming a constant density of 1030 kg/m’ (2g. 2.4) a) It p ss « funchon of p, we must dettrmne P=#(p) before ap Cee h3) Ey* ’. then ba IP p 4 fr ff 2 iA so Tht pik kee 2 Thus, rrh e* where p22 at pro 7 pro at surface From &4.0) i 7 es i sen where ,h= %-2,, the depth below surlece 2.7 __J (con't) (6) From part a), agt eee ai ) so thet at f= bb = -(asxiot )4n f - eres | 43x07 = bx = 614 Pe ce) For constant density perk: pgk = (03 x10?) (a1 % Nlexsem) = 6046 MA 1-5 2.8 2.8 Sometimes when riding an elevator or driving up or down a hilly road a person's ears “pop” as the pressure difference between the inside and outside of he ear is equalized. Determine the pressure difference (in psi) associated with this phenomenon if it occurs during a 150 ft elevation change, ap=voh = 0.0765 4, (rset) Lf = SF Tb n= = 0.0797 psi 2.4 Develop an expression for the pressure variation in a liquid in which the specific weight increases with depth, h, as y = Kh + 7, where Kis.a constant and is the specific weight at the free surface. (Eg, 24) 2-6 +2010 (cont) 72.10 Inacertain liquid at rest, measurements of the spe- 60 107 cific weight at various depths show the following variation: a nd 90 14 nto) ‘yabite) 100 us _—_——__ 0 70 10 c The depth A = 0 corresponds to a free surface at atmo- 20 si ~ spheric pressure, Determine, through numerical integration 30 a of Eq. 2.4, the corresponding variation in pressure and show 40 the results on a plot of pressure (in psf) versus depth (in 50 oo feet). op = =i fr) ae x & t [tee see ere ae That cla=-ch and there bre ops ~rd2 = rdh Thus, 2: Ae [o> i tah oO ° or he pez fxds a) ° where p. 1s the pressure at depth 4. Equation (1) Can be integrated numerical! the trapeZordal rule, at aw : Se eG, shes so that Ths _ pager SH M, ~— -2.a77 «G2 oe miCoan poe fs 2-12 2:16 | 2.16 Pikes Peak near Denver, Colorado has an elevation of 14,110 ft. (a) Determine the pres- sure at this elevation, based on Eq. 2.12. (b) If the air is assumed to have a constant specific weight of 0.07647 Ib/ft’, what would the pressure be at this altitude? (¢) If the air is assumed to have a constant temperature of 59 °F what would the pressure be at this elevation? For all three cases assume standard atmospheric conditions at sea level (see Table 2.1). 2) é a 2% {1- az ) (4, 2.12) for fyz diterds , 2000357 F , grazie Ta = 918.67°R , R= 111e EH, and slag: asia 5262 _ pela | as: fo (‘me i 7a) 200807 % ) . 5.152 on ‘ air ie (0.00357 M4 s10#) pe (ane.z ali nicer as = [240 ae (ats) (6) pzaR—xh = a2 B. ~ (aoner £, )ry ott) = 1040 B (abs) icicle Geek Eg.210) te) Pat e ®t (e3 al = 1270 1, (as) 2=|3, Z17_| | 217 Equation 2.12 provides the relationship | between pressure and elevation in the atmo- sphere for those regions in which the temperature varies linearly with elevation. Derive this equa- tion and verify the value of the pressure given in Table C.2 in Appendix C for an elevation of 5 km. a d [e--4[9 (E39. 29) ” let prp for 420, A~p fr 422, and T=T,-A2. Thus, - z “~ .. ¢ (| —— ¢ eR / ne te t ae e alt L- a oar be aes 4| a fn (Ta ol = § [Aon 4.7] ali #) and tuking logarithm of both sides 3 eguation yields iP ie (1- ea)* (4, 2.12) For 22 5h with 5 A i A= 0.000505 | Re 287 s a 4 Ta 8 28R IK, 52 28074 | Ante ; eee een ps 207,2)b,oves) polos ay Tk oN = StO x 10 ah (From Table 62 to Appendie C, p= S405x10'H -) 2alt 2.18 — As shown in Fig. 2.6 for the U.S. stan- dard atmosphere, the troposphere extends to an altitude of 11 km where the pressure is 22.6 kPa (abs). In the next layer, called the stratosphere, the temperature remains constant at —56.5 °C. Determine the pressure and density in this layer at an altitude of 15 km. Assume g = 9.77 m/s? in your calculations. Compare your results with those given in Table C.2 in Appendix C. For ssethermal conditons, ~ 2 C42) et eae (£4, 210) SJ “ let f= likn pr22thr Rear )G@2 78, and — Tr 565°C + ATI = DObEk Thas, ; igen et || 4: (22442) é (ae )(2u.egk) = lal &Pe 3 a 2 palate = 0,195 #8 2 ma (297 Fu (2b ere) (Ge Table C4 in Appendix C 5) Pla kPe and : 4 f= O194e SF ) 3 215 2.19 (See Fluids in the News article tied “Weather, barometers, and bars,” Section 2.5.) The record low sea-level baromettic pres- sure ever recorded is 25.8 in, of mercury, At what altitude in the standard atmosphere is the pressure equal to this value? For record Jow Pressure, P= Vig 4° coun, (25-2) ak -): iab ie (2 (4b ine From Table C.1 in Appendis C i @ OF altitude ps LG E> @ 50th clhtude p= 12.228 4b tn. Assume linear variation change in Raessure per Foot, Thus, pressure change per foot > Mb9t tha —l2228 te Feo Fe = 4. 93b xi’ Ye, per fe an fe me mu a Ca) [4.930 x10” t= le ao So thet a: 4250 Ft 2.20 2.20 On a given day, @ barometer at the base of the Washington Monument reads 29.97 in, of mercury. What would the barometer reading be when you carry it up to the observation deck 500 ft above the base of the monument? Let (), and ( }4 correspond to the base and observation deck, respectively. Thus, with H = height of the onment, Pro ~ fod = Gin = ZbSKIO™ ip (500 ft) = 38.5 F, But P=tigh, where by = 847-2 and h=barometer reading, hl iy ( 2227 #1) Uy hag = 38-5 Fs i: hog =(2E Ht) - eh HEA) - cones ting) tie = (29.97 -0.S 45) in. or hy = 29.43 in. AT 2.2) 2.21 Bourdon gages (see Video V2.3 and Fig. 2.13) are commonly used to measure pressure. When such a gage is attached to the closed water tank of Fig. P2.2! the gage reads ‘5 psi. What is the absolute air pressure in the tank? Assume standard atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi. a aa lee - Bw FG, = By. Wine Ghi+ n7# 2)— (ee )lernh, air m FIGURE P2.2) 2718 2.22 Onthe suction side of a pump a Bourdon pressure gage reads 40-kPa vacuum. What is the corresponding absolute pressure if the local at- ‘mospheric pressure is 100 kPa (abs) Plabs) = Plpage) + p latm) = ~WhR + woh = bo4R_ 224 2.24 A water-filled U-tube manometer is used to measure the pressure {inside a tank that contains air. The water Ieve inthe U-tube on the side that connects to the tank is 5 ft above the base of the ank. The water aie level inthe other side of the U:tube (which is open to the atmosphere) is 2 fabove the base. Determine the pressure within the tank. Bair +h (SH) “be, GH) =0 or fir = - GME, = -(3n)(62.4 B) 2-/? 2.25 2.25 A barometric pressure of 29.4 in. Hg ‘corresponds to what value of atmospheric pres- sure in psia, and in pascals? (inp) P= UA = (o47 ft, ) (B84 ay LE ) = ne psca Vy (th Pa) pz ahs G34 )(anin )lasv0 x16 ) = 19,3 4 (obs) 2-20 2.26 — For an atmospheric pressure of 101 kPa (abs) determine the heights of the fluid columns in barometers containing one of the following liq- uuids: (a) mercury, (b) water. and (c) ethyl alco- hol. Calculate the heights including the effect of vapor pressure, and compare the results with those obtained neglecting vapor pressure. Do these results support the widespread use of mer- cury for barometers? Why? (Tneluding raper pressure ) Plate) = rh+ b, where B ~ vapor pressure thas, f= Phin)~ Pe Yr x ay rt Jo] «10° 2, - Lexi (A) For mercury: R= 133 «10° 0.154 an sly. > foi 1b 2 = h77x10 # 4) for weter’ 4 7.80x10° & = 10.1 am «e) For ethy] , vorxso? -s90 e, alcohe/ ? = x VIEXIO Pe Is negh@i column (3 Feasenable, (Wrthovt vapor pressure ) p latn ) = th ds 4 Plat ) ¥ ay 101 £10 aya ane 133x1D ae barameters the effect of vapor pressure and the reguired height of The mercury 2.27 2.27 A mercury manometer is connected to a large reservoir of ‘water as shown in Fig. P2.27. Determine the ratio, hy/tg, of the distances i, and hy indicated in the figure, Or = %ahy + Shin but fi fo = %n(2hn) BFIGURE P2.27 Thus, Sy hw t+ bub = 2% hm or (By) by =(25n- Yu) Pm so that thw Bint) 22 56-1 , where S6m = ie <13.56 bn ow i 2 a =2.(13.56)-| = 2el 428 2.26 A U-tube manometer is connected to a closed tank ‘containing air and water as shown in Fig, P2.28 At the closed end of the manometer the air pressure is 16 psia. Determine the reading on the pressure gage for a differential reading of 4 ft a ‘on the manometer. Express your answer in psi (gage). Assume standard atmospheric pressure, and neglect the weight of the air columns in the manometer. Gage tuis (7=90 o/h) m FIGURE P2.28 hr Up Ga) + Uy, GA) = Pressure age Thus, - Page = (in a mr ba Yive 3) oo No + (e244, (2 #4) = on ZB, = (on 2.) ie.) £67 pst 2-23 2.24 A closed cylindrical tank filled with water has a hem- ispherical dome and is connected to an inverted piping system as shown in Fig. P2.29, The liquid in the top part ofthe piping system has a specific gravity of 0.8, and the remaining parts of | the system are filled with water. I the pressure gage reading at ‘Ais 60 kPa, determine: (a) the pressure in pipe B, and (b) the pressure head, in millimeters of mercury, atthe top ofthe dome (point C). (a) 4 % = (03 &R oS aaa a, x) + (S64) Gm) + 4,, (2m) = By = CoAR + (0.8)(fa1 (Rr Aten), 24k ¢ 2%, %, 4 “4 My To evaluate AR the neyehve sia 1s used since bh20 for Are. Tabulated values of SR for various values of are given 1h the Following table tor different values of (with b, =1014R Gnd Uy, = 123 BN/m2) A plot of te data follows, hi patm —-Yhg % _Ah(hy= 0) Ah(h=0.025) Ah(hy=0.05) an(h=0.075) anvh=0.1) (m) (kPa) (kN/m3) (kPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) 0.025 © 10113 0 ° 0 ° ° 0 005 = 101433 30 ° 0.0110 0.0212 0.0308 0.0304 007s 1011380 0 0.0182 0.0354 0.0517 0.0872 ot 101133, 90 0 0.0231 0.0454 0.088808 74 101133, 420 ° 0.0268 0.0528 0.0781 0.1026 ici emeeissett asa 0 0.0296 0.0585 0.0867. 1143 tor 133,180 o 0.0318 0.0680 0.0896 0.1236 yor 138,210 0 0.0335 0.0686 0.08910 1312 wt 1330 9 0.9360 0.0698 0.1037 otra 101) | 438. Zo) 0 00362 © 0.0721 0.1075 1426 or 133300 0 0372 0.0742 0.1108 4470 | 0.16 + T ee a | | h= 0.10 0.14 + = | | 0.12 L E | | n= 0075 ge O1+ ) i 4 [ 0.08 0.08 0.04 0.02 | h=o , —| 0 50 100 180 200 250 300 350 Pos KPa 2-33 2.40 The inverted U-tube manometer of Fig. P2.40 contains oil (SG = 0.9) and water as shown. The pressure differential between pipes A and B, pa ~ pp, is ~5 kPa. Determine the ifferential reading, mriGuURE Paw 4%, (arm) + bi, (k) + % | (a3m) = 4, Thus, 4 (F—-24) + Ving (0.2) ~ Yingy (0.3m) THRE TMi (OR Bigs HA? fe Yoi 1 sx %, ~ (4 goxu*¥,)(0.1m) = 0449 am 8.95 x10°-%, oes 2-37 241 2.44 An inverted U-tube manometer con- taining oil (SG = 0.8) is located between two reservoirs as shown in Fig. P2,!#1. The reservoir on the left, which contains carbon tetrachloride, is closed and pressurized to 8 psi. The reservoir ‘on the right contains water and is open to the ‘atmosphere. With the given data, cetermine the depth of water, fin the right reser Let p, be the air pressure Can be written as FIGURE P24 in TeEL veseryoir. Menometer eguabor Bot Leg (FH 1e-tce ort) +X, (nrhe)-¥, , (R-ite-14t) =0 Jo that A Fy + Yece, (0344) + bois (0.74) + 24 Sago Wt a ott (3 vy a )+(995 2.) (0.3%) sro flore) oZy von 2-35 2.42 2.42 Determine the pressure of the water in pipe A shown in Fig. 2.42 if the gage pressure of the air in the tank is 2 psi. ow fr ~Gyh, ~ (0.90 ha +8shs =fain BEISURE P24 or f= Pair thulh * 9.9 ha- hs) = 2p (eRe) +624 (- H+0.9(4#)~/#) oF 25 fe 2-36 DUET, 2.43 _ In Fig. P2.43 pipe A contains gasoline (SG = 0.2), pipe B contains oil (SG = 0.9), and the manometer fluid is mercury. Determine the new differential reading if the pressure in pipe A is decreased 25 kPa, and the pressure in pipe B remains constant. The initial differential reading is 0.30 mas shown. FIGURE P2.43 for the tavhal Configuration * Py + Ugas (0.30) ~ Ying (03m) — Yi, (Ota) * by a bite a dcrese fy te 4 Shown on figure. Thiss, for” (4h) ~&, (opera) =2 ey Bit Ge, (0.3-2)- 8, ig cs Where all lengths are in rm, Subtract Fg {2) trom Fg.01) to obtarn, gage fluid levels Change @s Anal Con Figuretion : Bod + Gea’*? 4, (0,3 -h) + & ja) =0 «7 Since 2a 4bh= 0,3 (see tgure) then a= 23-4hh z ana trom Fy 63) * 0.3 fy Py + Yas ( Thus, ate tet + Tyas (0.15) ~ Ging (0.3) +b) (0.15) =, + ae + Be and with 4 hao Af 2° EE + (0.210931 BM Yloutem) ~((23 2% loam) + (0 04812) — 133 AY (or) Gx BH) + 9049144) th) = diy (o3-an) + dis (2254) = 0,100 ™ 2a37 2.44 The inclined differential manometer of Fig. P2.44 contains carbon tetrachloride. Initially the pressure differential between pipes A and B, which contain a brine (SG = 1.1), is zero as illustrated in the figure. It is desired that the ma- nometer give a differential reading of 12 in, (mea- sured along the inclined tube) for a pressure differential of 0.1 psi. Determine the required angle of inclination, . FIGURE P2.44 When b-ty is increased to t'-t, the left column Falls 4 distance, a, and The right column vises a dislance b along The thclined tube 4s shoun in fgure. Br This final tontiguraticn « Be %, Ch. a)- Yea, (a +bsino)- ds, (4, -bsing )= 43 We + (4,- Lay, a rbene)-o ag The ditferential reading, Ah, along The tube is ahe sh rb Thus, trom 84.01) Tal te) + (ly Yeas, \(h vine *2 and with f'nf's Ovlepst otk) 4 BS 17g ma ee Wane ACS Ts = 0. 46k [Contes &.)- nist] (EH) fr dhe iain. Th ae) 0227.8" a-3e 2.45 Determine the new differential reading along the inclined leg of the mercury manometer of Fig. P2.45, if the pressure in pipe A is de- creased 10 kPa and the pressure in pipe B remains unchanged. The fluid in A has a specific gravity of 0.9 and the fluid in B is water. FIGURE P2.45 Fer the initial configuration B+ Y,(01) + ty, (0.06 sin 30°) - Yip (0.08) =f, 0) where all lengihs ave in m, When p decreases left column Moves up a destence,a, and wignt tolumn moves down @ distance a, aS shown in figure. For the firal conbiguratiin : i 30%, ae: Eads Te ¥ fol = 4 sin3o') + {hy ( @ sin30” + 0,08 sin 30 +a)— = a a Yano (0.08+a) = 4 ) where A 4 the new pressure in pipe 4 Subtract £3.02) from gl) to obtain Be-t + Y (a sin30*) ~ hig & (Sin 30%!) + ¥, 4%) Th = = Cam!) I SAAB Ti G1 SE Sd Y Stn 30° — Ying (sin 30's) + uno For A-he 10 AR AN — 10 =e m ase acre eee ineeeitrieitettdinecesdsticscasitanansnstocossoase (0,919.81 #5 )las) -(i33 #Y ose) + 9.204%, O, 0540 mm Mew differential veuding, Sh, measured along inclined tube is equal te & mn) Saie ef 008 @. Ahm Depth, d(m) Water rise, «, (m) 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.007 0.200 0.016 0.300 0.024 0.400 0.033 0.500 0.044 0.600 0.049 0.700 0,057 0.800 0.065 0.900 0.073 1.000 0.080 0.080 : 0.070 z 0.060 0.050 0.040 2 0.030 — + —— 0.020 +- += 0.010 0.000 = 0.000 0.200 0.400 +©0.600 += 0.800~S 1.000 Depth, d (m) 2-43 Bzeo0, 2.50 A Bourdon gage (see Fig. 2.13 and Video V2.3) is ‘often used to measure pressure. One way to calibrate this type ‘of gage is to use the arangement shown in Fig. P2.500. The container is filled with a liquid and a weight, W, placed on one Burdon Ga fa side with the gage on the other side. The weight acting on the liquid through a 0.4-in.~diameter opening creates a pressure that is transmitted to the gage. This arrangement, with a series of ‘weights, can be used to determine what a change in the dial movement, 8, in Fig. P2.S0b. corresponds to in terms of a change in pressure. For a particular gage, some data are given below. Based on a plot of these data, determine the relationship between @ and the pressure, p, where p is measured in psi? ‘w ab) | 0 | 1.04 | 2.00 | 3.23 | 405 | 5.24 | 6.31 ee) 80 [100] T: W FIGURE P2.50 2 = = 776Wb) a) free Ey)? 4 (where pts tn pst) From graph Ww = 0.0522 8 So that from &3.U) p (psc) 7.46 Plps') = 04/146 O = 0.05226 ann Theta, deg. W, Ib 0 0.00 20 1.04 8.00 210.0822 6 | 40 2.00 | 60 3.23 80 4.05 100 6.24 120 631 ° 50 100 4180 ‘Theta, degrees 2-44 2.51 You partially fill a glass with water, place an index card card on top of the glass, and then tur the glass upsice down while holding the card in place. You can then remove your hand fom — the cad and the caré remains in pace, holding the water in the ain glass. Explain how this works In order to hold the index card in place when +he glass is inverted, the pressure at the card-waler pee interlace , p,, must be 4 -W, where Ais the upright area of the glass opening and Wis the card weight. Thus, f, =-W/A. Hence, pz = f,-th, or Pr =~ W/A-th (gage). Since the amount of air in the glass remains the +2 same when it is inverted, GAN, =QAH: , where u and ¢ subscripts refer to the upright and inverted condityons. Thus, inverted w He & H, Bot p=eRT so that o ‘s = (oo) = t provided the temperature remains constant‘ T: = Ta . Note! Since we are using the pertect gas law the pressures myst be absolvje — gy, = fain, P= fo<-WA-Ph+ fal Hence, trom Eqs. (1) and (2) Psoh= aor ( H, ={——#la —) 1, That is, when the glass is inverted the colomn hie } of air inside expans slightly, casing a-smal! gap of size AH between the lip is the glase and the index card. From Eq.(3) this AH is Pin ee Fae Tf this gap is “large enorgh" the water wovld tlow ovtef the glass and air into if Ff if is'small enovgh;'surface tension will allow the slight pressure ditference across the air-water interface Ci,e., p, =-W/A) needed to prevent flow and thus keep the index card in place. Recall from Equation (1121) in Section 1.9 (4) AH = Hy-Hy (i (con't) 2-45 2.51 | (con't) that the pressure diffenence across an intertace is proportional to the surface tension of the liquid, 0, and the radins of curvatyre, R, of the infertace. That is, p,~ O/R Thus, for small enogh gap, H, which gives a small enoigh interface radius of cumvafure, ZR, sortace tension is large enough to keep the water from flowing and the index card remains in place. Consider come typical numbers to obtain an approximation of the gap prodyced. Assume h= Zin. =0.25H, H= 2in, = 0.1874, pyly, =/47 pig, and W/A<<0h. That is, the weight of the card is mich Jess than the weight of the water in the glass (¢- 2, W< For eguilibriam, ZMy=0 So That i (21.0120 ~ 20m) = pl Miom)* Clam) can pe (3,43 x0* W)C 1012) = Tk T Clan)*(an) a. 2-53 2.59 2.59 Along, vertical wall separates seawater from freshwater. Ifthe seawater stands ata depth of 7 m, what depth of freshwater is required to give a zero resultant force on the wall? When the resultant force is zero will the moment due to the fluid forces be zero? Explain. For a are resultad force Frs = Reg WA As =H Ae Ae Thus, for a unit Sength of well o (10.1 ay) (le (ts x tn) = (9.80 82,)(K om) (44 Loe) Pe Pe TAl tet In order for moment to be 70, Fe, and Feg must be collinear, For Fes: _ Dee 4 hrm) (40)? 4 rane zm sb de fa’ % (Delincimy 2” Similarly for Frgt Ue! lm Cam it eae (Zt) (Ten xm) Thus, the dhstunee to Fes trom the bottom (pornd 0) 1s Tom he2em = 233m. For Fay this distance 1s Film =4.Jem = 237m. The forces are rot tollnear, No. 2-S4 2.60 Sale Ae si ee shown in Fig. P2.60. The circular-plate valve ited in the short. es discharge pipe on the tank pivots abou: its diameter A-A and is held shot against the water pressure by ¢ latch at B. Show that the force onthe latch is independent ofthe supply pressure p, and the Pressure P-———— SF height of the tank, h i Water oF 3 @ FIGURE P2.60 qT te is the same Sere wt a bh ci eae as shown in the figure. & M, =0, or (ye-X) Fe = RF where F=f A= Sh (TR) = (ptth) (mR) an aR* cE yee petra tec Ren 2) YrYe* YA (EER) rR = E(B thy Thus, from Eqs, (land (2) = 4 ok 2 Fy = Jeet k — aeBany (PAH TR) or Fg = XBR? which is independent of both p and h. supply 2-55 2.61 2.61 A homogeneous, 4-ft-wide, 8-ft-long rectangular gate weighing 800 Ib is held in place by a horizontal flexible cable as shown in Fig. P2,6! Water acts against the gate which is hinged at point A. Friction in the hinge is negligible. Determine the tension in the cable. Re ¥AA there hz (Et) sm bo? Thus, Fs bruh, ME Noite Miter +f) = 3390 Ib TaIbeUEE,, Ie? x ve where 4,2 3tt so That / a 7 GANLEY gyg2 BOO. ates 40H (3 Fe (CAs 4A) Br eguili'brium, =M, 26 d T CattNor bo} = 9 (964) tosbet) + By (244) pe Geodata Nis boty Gate Ib) (2 Fe) 7 (8 FE) Cain Go") an = 1350 tb 2.63 . 2.63 An area in the form of an isosceles tri- angle with a base width of 6 ft and an altitude of 8 ft lies in the plane forming one wall of a tank which contains a liquid having a specific weight of 79.8 lb/ft’, The side slopes upward making an | angle of 60° with the horizontal. The base of the triangle is horizontal and the vertex is above the base. Determine the resultant force the fluid ex- erts on the area when the fluid depth is 20 ft above the base of the triangular area. Show, with the aid of a sketch. where the center of pressure is located. Yer (3,)4 fn s A043 ft he = Y, sin bo® jae CRA = (74.8 oe #4) sm bo') (4)( eee 864) = 33,900 Ib = + be where DL. 4 (oes\en) ae GANG) Ye eee A * lak FE (A043 44)(4)(6 feat Ht) wl The force, 4, acts Through The center of pressure which is located a distence of 22 py we th = 249 64 sihbo? above the base of the trianle 2s Shown jn shetch 2-57 exam 2,64Solve Problem 2.63if the isosceles triangle is replaced witha right triangle having the same base width and altitude as, the isosceles triangle center of Pressure (see solution fo Problenr 2.63 ) ieee eee ie) mee ce (3, 2.22) Where 2 A Dey = cesela deste) = 324% (see Fig. a.i24) and — Ye= 20.43 ft [see solution f Problem 2.63) Thas, 32 Ft? ‘ Gove eneen) ~ 3% = 2,07 ft The lerce fy, acts through The center of pressure witu Coordinates %t 2.07 FE ant 2 249 Ft (see sketch), 2.65 2.65 A vertical plane area having the shape shown in Fig. P2.65is immersed in an oil bath (specific weight = 8.75 N/m’). Determine the ‘magnitude of the resultant force acting on one side of the area as a result of the oil FIGURE P2.65 Break aren into two parts as shown th tiqure For areal: Gs rh A = (9.15 uy 4 2 Nm 44m) = 290 Ly For area 2: eo rhe Ar = (9.95 8 )( #0 E) (4m etm) = 93.3-4N Thus, Faz Ft y= AgoAn + 1334N 2.66 | 2.66 A 3.m-wide, 8-m-high rectangular gate is located at the | end of a rectangular passage that is connected to a large open tank filled with water as shown in Fig. P2.66. The gate is hinged at its bottom and held closed by a horizontal force, Fy, located at the center of the gate, The maximum value for Fy is 3500 KN, (a) Determine the maximum water depth, h, above the center of the gate that can exist without the gate ‘opening, (b) Is the answer the same if the gate is hinged at the top? Explain your answer. NE FIGURE P2.66 Br gate hinged at bottom ZMy =0 So That u Ye he4e Gm) Fy = L Fe (see Giere) (1) and -faw's ayn) Lh eben Fg= Ohh = (720% )(4)(3mx¥m) = = (9.90 x24) AN Bx I : Yez Ete ny , Emm! 9 As htins = ean ec A Cm fm) ; Senos HL) Thus, haya Ae Blok) = 4 8B ana From yl) (4 m)(3500&N) = (4- EBN 480 24)lb) AN so that a= 162 mm Ctont) For gete hinged at op = My =o So that a ee (4m) Fi, = by Fe (see figure) tH) 2, where i i Le 4p- h-4) = (232 +4) - (A-u) ® = Sg8 +9 fate (ha) Thus, From &3.0) Com) (3500-4N) = (EB? +4Y980x24) A) bw and A= /3.51m Maximum depth tov gate hingea at top 13 less than maximum depth fr gate hingea at Lottem 2-61 ZO 2.67 A gate having the cross section shown in Fig. P2.67 closes an opening 5 ft wide and 4 ft water reservoir, The gate weighs 500 Ib and its center of gravity is 1 ft to the left of AC and 2 ft above BC. Determine the horizontal re- action that is developed on the gate at C. F=V 4, A, where $e = B4br 264 Thus, Fxler4B, iott)(ste est) = 15,600 Ib % locate Fi, Lac band FIGURE P2.67 42.67 Ft 4° ga, te where Ye, = Ef wash = 12,58 = So That cae GHUSHY gras te iu Ca. SPE NEFEK St) Alse, Ra th, whre A=U, Ceterete) 0 that 3 For eguilibrim, ZM, 26 Bee Nyy (AAA) = or. By Vizte)(3 exs#) = 11,230 Ib eel ge a) + WH) - R)(ate) — & eee) e 50 Tat io fe os (15; 600 b)(12, 67 fe ott) + (500 le) (1 #8) ~ 1,230 b)l2 £4) B 330 Ie 2-62, 22.63 2.62 The massless, 4ft-wide gate shown in Fig. P2.68 piv- ‘ots about the frictionless hinge O. It is held in place by the 2000 Tb counterweight, W. Determine the water depth, h Water For eginh’bruim, = M, =° h d= wah) where do deg } So that h _ (2ee0 lb )(2 #4) 2 iy MEE ves (Meee Ik (GF) | (GARY NEM) d= S.2468 2-63 1Z.B4 *2.6% A 200-Ib homogeneous gate of 10-ft- width and 5-ft length is hinged at point A and held in place by a 12-ft-long brace as shown in Fig. P2.62. As the bottom of the brace is moved to the right, the water level remains at the top of the gate. The line of action of the force that the brace exerts on the gate is along the brace. (a) Plot the magnitude of the force exerted on the gate by the brace as a function of the angle of the gate, 0, for 0 = 0 = 90°. (b) Repeat the calculations for the case in which the weight of! the gate is negligible. Comment on the results as 0-0. 4) For the tree-body -diagram of The gate (see fugure), Zhzo So that RUF) + WIE cose) = (fy cos 6)(Lsii0) + [Fy s04)(Deore) Also, : | BL sthQ@=L sing Cassumng hinge and end of | brace at sume elevation) | | Ree eet eer i sin f= = 38 ana Ree vh As x (AS (Dur) where ur ts the gate widin, Thus, &g.0) can be writen as | 3 (LY sm dur + WA 050 ~ FA (tosh sin + si $0080) | so That pe ay | B= (Le) sine + Y ose (2) bane a & eres a c2) Cosp 576 + Sing asd Cosh tan + Sing For Y=02.4 b/f?, L=5tt, w= soft, and W = 200/6, Pe (624 #, 5H)? (oft) fang + 22 _ 2600 tab +100 | Ces tend +sing cos g tend + sing (con't) | 2-64 2.649 (con't ) Since sing = sing = and for @ glia 2 7 Cn be determined, Thus, £3.) cun be used to determine Fi for 4 given 8. Sin and fs Sft, L=l2# (b) For W=0, £3.(3) reduces te Ei = 2600 tind a ape rere | ana Egl4) can be used to determine Fy hr o gwen 8. Tabulated data of Fy vs. 6 for 4th W=Z00lh and Weo lb are given below. 8, deg Fg, lb (W=200 Ib) Fp, Ib (W= 0 Ib) 90.0 2843 2843 85.0 2745 2736 80.0 2651 2633 75.0 2563 2536 70.0 2480 2445, 65.0 2403 2360 60.0 2332 2282 55.0 269 2210 50.0 2213 2104 450 2165 2085 40.9 2125 2032 35.0 2084 1985 30.0 2075 1945 25.0 2089 1911 20.0 2083 1884 150 2130 1863, 10.0 2250 1847 50 2648 1838, 20 3858 1836 A plot of the date is given on The following Page. (on #) mw 2-65 42.69 Force, Ib | | fs w0 | att | | 0 - | 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90 Theta, deg (b) (cond) As 0-70 me value of Fe cay be debermmed trom Eg), B= 2600 tan® © ts$ tno tesing Since Sing = = Sim00 it follows That cosp=V1- sith = V/- 6E)3inb and there bre emote 2600 — (EF )*si5 = sj, 1- ()*s'9 tnd + 2 sing N-E)snte + F008 Thus, as 0-90 2600 ae eae (ne (+ = /84o Physically Ths result mens tut for 62 0, The value of Fy tS tndeferminate, but far any “very small” value of &,4 will @pproach 1840 /b, 2.7) An open tank has a vertical partition and on one side baitin contains gasoline with a density p = 700 kg/m at a depth of k 4m, as shown in Fig. P2.70.A rectangular gate that is 4 m high and 2 m wide and hinged at one end is located in the partition, ‘Water is slowly added to the empty side of the tank. At what depth, i, will the gate start to open? @ FIGURE P2.70 Fag = % te, As Where 9 reters to gasoline. fe (Too 48, )(4.91 2) (zm) (tmx 2m) = [lox N = lloRN Feu = Fin Fear Ave where us refers to water. Fe (4.80xp°)(4) (2mxh) where h is depth of water R= (4.80 xiv) 4? For eguilibrium , =M, 22 so that 4 4 Fe. tr © Fig fy wit 2 = Zana kgs gm Thus, (4.80. 109)(h*)(4) = Cio nln) (4 m) And he 3.55 m0 Whieh 13 the limiting Value for h 2-67 2.71 2.71 A 4eft by 3-ft massless rectangular gate is used to close the end of the water tank shown in Fig. P2.71. A 200 Ib weigh attached to the arm of the gate at a distance ¢ from the friction- less hinge is just sufficient to keep the gate closed when the water depth is 2 ft, that is, when the water fills the semicircular lower portion of the tank. If the water were deeper the gate ‘would open. Determine the distance €. patie ye aa a sate DS waco Cee SB FIGURE P27) Fat UheA have het $e (see Fo. 2.18) Thus, if Fat ie (SCE) = an p,)(408)("-Ge") = 333 Ib Te locate Fa, ie JR” ep doe = oleasR 4 SE (5. e218) Qe lft 4p ‘2R) (ret) 7 y = (6.1098) (2 fe)" 4 (2f) = Lie $4 (LEP) ee GH) Ge)" + Sr Foreege beim e: os Min =e o That = Fy (1% + 4a) ee Lae wines) . 3.43 ft Zoe Ie 2-68 Be 2.72 A rectangular gate that is 2 m wide is Water | | located in the vertical wall of a tank containing nie water as shown in Fig. P2.72. Itis desired to have Ye YR the gate open automatically when the depth of water above the top of the gate reaches 10 m. (a) At what distance, d, should the frictionless hor- pi ‘zontal shaft be located? (b) What is the magni- tude of the force on the gate when it opens? FIGURE P2.72, (4) As depth increases the certer of pressure roves tousrd the centroid of the gate. Lf we locate hinge at Y_ when depth =lomed, the gate will open automatically for any further increase in depth Since, 5 Tne Hi (am Cam) 7 + 2 cmesemrent fam = lalla Re ya tk Cm (tom x 4m) then d= Yy-lOm = Jallam ~ 10m hires (b) For The depth shown, Be YAM = (2.404" Viam)(om x 4m) 2-649 ATs 2.73 A thin4-fi-wide, right-angle gete with negligible mass . is free to pivot about @ frictionless hinge at point Q, as shown Wisth= 4 in Fig, P273. The horizontal portion ofthe gate covers aI-f- aig age gto diameter drain pipe which contains air at atmospheric pressure. Determine the minimum water depth, h, at which the pate will pivot to allow water to flow into the pipe. W FIGURE P2.73 Por eguili briam =M, =e Rahs neh a) Rerhe A, = (624 (4) (45 xh) = /25|h* for the force on the horizontal portion of the gate Cuhch 1s balanced by pressure on both sides except for the area of the pipe) Fes Yh(BG#) = Gav Bn lay = 49.0h Thus, Prom 9.01) with 2,24 ana Lz aft Cash?4) = G40) (3#) h= L&eft 2.74 An open rectangular tank is 2 m wide and 4 m long, The tank contains water toa depth of 2 m and oil (SG = 0.8) on top of the water to.adepth of 1 m. Determine the magnitude and location ofthe resultant fluid force acting on one end ofthe tank. oe eeeee Use the concept of The pressure ei foes Ca] 2 Ion prison (see figure) . = ‘1 - Fa= G4, 4 ens I ee 50 Thak Fes ae i Fe, = (0,2)(0.01 28 Yim z2m) al = 745 4” Let Ure width = 2m Fro BAa where B Is pressure of depth 4,. Thus, Fea = (Giz 4,) Cher) =(0,8)(9.81 2" Mim Namatm) = 3142N Aso, Festa 4 Ay 30 Thad Fiat Ugg (BVA sr) = (1.408% 22) (am xd) = 39.2 bw = Thus, Fae Fay t Fax they = 7.854 + 314k + 39.2 -2N = TE SAN To locate Jum moments around axis through 0, 50 That a oy eee reie) tates where dy ts distance to Fe. Since Fey, Figg andl Fey act Through The Centrojds of Their respective pressure prisms it follows That A= Flim), y= lt lm 2m, dg bm +3 (2m) 4, + hy ds and fren E40) _ (18SAWNZ Vim) + (31. ¥AW) 2m) GBa2ku ime 2) ‘ 7e5kw = 2.03 m Chelow oil free surface) ee 2-71 72.75 (Cont) | "27S Anopen rectangular seting tank contains @ liquid 20 123 | suspension that ata given time has a specific weight thal varies 24 127 approximately with depth according to che following data: 28 129 32 13.0 Se 3.6 BI hm) 7 (kNimn') remnant Free ene ee ac 0 10.0 04 10.1 ‘The depth h = 0 corresponds to the free surface. By means 08 102 of numerical integration, determine the magnitude and lo- 12 106 cation of the resultant force that the liquid suspension ex 16 113 ents on a vertical wall ofthe tank that is 6 m wide. The depth of fluid in the tank is 3.6 m. The magnitude of the Fluid free, R, an be found by summing The ai Fhereabas forces actiig on The horrgiatal strip shown Wi The Fryure. Thus, a ow fe [4G bf pan a o ‘o where p is the pressure at dept 4. To fui p we use Ep. 24 d. Sf =-4 and wih dez-dh 4 pa) [var a) apegor dal rule, c.e., Ts ¢ Fr, hee \,- x) Where Yu, xn bh and 73 number of dake positty The pressure astributen is given below, Equation?) Can be iategrated numerccally esis The if 7 ai el him y,kN/m*3_ Pressure, kPa 0 10.0 ) 04 10.1 4.02 08 10.2 8.08 12 106 12.24 16 13 16.62 20 123 21.34 24 127 26.34 28 129 31.46 32 13.0 36.64 36 13.4 41.86 a (cont) iL *2.75 Ceen't ) Eguahen(l) Can now be integrated numeri cally Using The tHrapegordal rule with Gu P and xo 4 The approximate valve of the ~vitegral is 107 ¥. Thus, wits # [pes = 7h07 by 5 -” B= (bm (1.07 2 ) = 426 &N To Iecate fe sum moments about axis termed by sotersectioy of vertical walt and Hatd Surface, Thus, Ek: feed (3) The integrand, hp) Can Now be determined ana fs tabulaten below. hm Pressure, kPa h *p, kN/m 0 0.00 a4 4.02 161 os 8.08 6.46 12 12.24 14.69 16 16.62 26.59 20 21.34 42.68 24 26.34 63.22 28 31.46 88.09 32 36.64 117.25 36 41.86 150.70 Egaation 13) can new be lategrated mumerically using the trapezoidal rule witr grhp and ex h. The approximate Value of me integral is /7% YAN. 4 w Thus, with {tpek Sei ) tt pollows trom £3,(3) That A g: $ Shas = Gmili7e ha) i z & #26 4M ac The resultant force acts 246m below £huid surface 2-73 2.76 2.76 The closed vessel of Fig. P2.76 contains water with an air pressure of 10 psi at the water surface. One side of the vessel contains a spout that is closed by a 6-in.-diameter circular gate that is hinged along one side as illustrated. The hor- zontal axis ofthe hinge is located 10 ft below the water surface. Determine the minimum torque that must be applied at the hinge to hold the gate shut. Neglect the weight of the gate and friction atthe hinge. 6:in, diameter ante FIGURE P2.76 let G~ free due t aiv My pressure, ant F.~ force due ae ul ee to hydrostatic. pressure cstri bubin a aye of water ¢ hye F Ho Ueelalee A= (io #, Yivy te (2) (& Bp T= By = Uo ths Yow )E)(8 ee) 3 = 283 |b and RrY4A ubee hye oft + [Buhler] = tours se That F,= (024 # $a) ( tor#t)(D) i“ #) = 124 bb Alsey a s Ix Jo ft Jer cai +4 where Y, = ae +tL(ta)sar so that ¢ 3 ea? (ByCa ee) + lbg2 fE > 1b.G2Ft 2 (nar AEN A)* For eguihibrium, Zalisee tt mee RH ta “B ) C= 083 bE te) + (129 (16.92 F4 ~ Be = /02 £t-lb a-7t 2.77 2.77 A d-fisll, 8-in.-wide concrete (150 Ib/) retaining wall is built as shown in Fig, P2.77, During a heavy rain, water fils the space between the wall and the earth behind it io a depth A. Deter- ‘mine the maximum depth of water possible without the wall ipping cover. The wall simply rests on the ground without being anchored twit. For equilibpivm, EM, #0, 07 BFR =(4in) W, where with L= wall length, 7 h ‘ Sarerote V = (1509) EMAL = 400L Ib = Ss an. Fa= fol = th.A =(62.44,)(B)Lh= 221" Also, : Ire fa i ah f= 3 - Ope) = B- FG 3 _GLe bh «4 (ih zh-f-4 Thus, Eq() becomes h (31.21 h2) = & (oot) Ye 4 4 iene ae (ee) Ta determne yy consider the pressure distnbuhox on the botone: = Fre wh & i 5 LRA yy Summing mements about A, RY? BE "2.78 Ceon't) se tht y= Fels & (ge) i 5 where F> Ft Bz. Subshitahen of expressions rr Fe and Fe yield y= 4 (ee Ah) Rt+h, For eguilibriam of tue dam, ZMp=0, so thet 4 - WN -~Ay + 4,20 is and with §= 62.4 i/ft?, ¥ = 150 Mhffe>, and Rsloft, then = 3/.2 £2 = = Biz E Re 3128 W= book Rs 2s 4, a Re 342 (Rri10) L 4° 2 CPE) Cigars Rehr 3K +10) Substitution of These expresscons sitto £3.) yields, (312 42%) ~ (Goo02) (FQ) - (222 \(12) a + [ar2 Chery All GReielt 7°) Which con be simplified to 32h? + 20.9 L'h ~ 39960? 10,400 - 6 ) Sin’ Thus, for a given 2, 6 can be determined from the condition +tanB=80/L and Eg.(2) solved fy h. the dam widths specitied, The maximum water depths sey Given below. Noke Dhak for ‘the tuo largest dam widths The water would overtlow The cam berore st would topple. Dam width, ¢, ft Maximum depth, h, ft 20 20 611 0 ne so a1 60 0: 2-77 2.79 279 (See Fluids in the Nows article tiled “The Three Gorges Dam,” Section 2.8.) (a) Determine tie horizontal hydrostatic force on the 2309-m-long Three Gorges Dam when the average depth of the water against iis 175 m. (b) Ifall ofthe 6.4 billion people on Earth were to push horizontally aguinst the Three Gorges Dam, could they generate enough force 0 hold it in place? Support your answer with appropriate calculations. (a Ra vh A= (480 x10" ) CE ) sim « 2, 307m) Pa = FM xio"N “ E B.ULxKIOv {bY Requires averaze force per person= Te Nv ib Ul eaiean (12.2 a) Yes. Tt ts \Wely that enough force could be generated Since Veguived auerage force per person is relatively Small. 2-78 2.8! 2.81 A 2-ft-diameter hemispherical plexiglass “bubble” is to be used as a special window on tke side of an above-ground swimming pool. The window is to be bolted onto the vertical wall of the pool and faces outward, covering a 2-ft-diameter opening in the wall, ‘The center of the opening is 4 ft below the surface. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of the force of the water on the hemisphere. Ek =o or yee fr This, Fy Sh A= 62.448 (HH EH = 7041 Uorightl | Dewar and . LA -0 oh =WH=kV =e EIR 2, i fH where R=/# Y LT Thus, Fy= 624 Bam HP /e) = 131 1b (donn on bubble) 2-79 2.82 2.82 Two round, open tanks containing the same type of fluid rest ‘on a table top as shown in Fig, P2.82, They have the same bottom weight, of gud supported area, A, but different shapes, When the depth fy of the liquid in by Mnclined walls the two tanks i the same the presuefoee ofthe ligudson the Ls Ll bottom of the two tanks is the same, However, the force that the table exerts on the two tanks is different because the weight in each of the tanks is different. How do you account for this apparent paradox? nels Baa M FIGURE pP2.s2 For the tank with The inclined walls, the pressure on The bottem is due fo the weight of The ligui ii The column Girectly above The bohom as shown by the dashed Mies ta the figure. This is the same werjnt as thet for the tank with the straight sides. Thus, the pressure on the boom of the two tanks 13 the same. The add:hoiel Wweight th the tank with the theluied loalls 13 supported by Tue Inclined Unlls, 43 illustrated 1h the figure. 2-80 2.83 ——4 2.83 Twohemispherical shells are bolted together as shown in Fig. P2.88. The resulting spherical container, which weighs 800 Ib, is filled with mercury and supported by a cable as shown, ‘The container is vented at the top. If eight bolts are symmetri- cally located around the circumference, what is the vertical force that each bolt must carry? Fl ~ free in one bolt pr pressure at mid-plane Aw area at md-plane Ww» weight of mercury im boltem helt My” “oe shell - Wi» weight of bottom half ef shel] Br eguilibriam, L Frertrcal mee Thus, PE = PA t My + Ws Bl B(F0}) + Hla )(Eo')+ 4 (oo) (847 ol SAVE) (544) 07 2) YE llone) + 122 f, = _/870 2-8] Zoe 2.84 The 18-ftlong gate of Fig. P2.S4is a quarter circle and is hinged at H. Determine the horizontal force, P, required to hold the gate in place. Neglect friction at the hinge and the weight of the gate. FIGURE P2.84 oe k P ; o For egushioriim (trom fret-boly~diegram F | ek Fluid mass), a4 | My gd Zhe ¢ mf Se thet a 6 ° % Bhs hb, = 24 Bs Forte set) = 29200 1b Simi larly , =F, ze So That Re W = Yi (velame of Hutt) = (62.4 Be) [FGA ‘eee. 31,800 1b Also, yg He) ok gy (see Fig. alee) i aT x and y= tf = 2fe Br eguibibriam Cfraon free-body-diigum of gate) 2M, =e so That P (ott) = Fy Gy,)+ & &) (20,r00 b\2 £4) + (31, R001b)( & F) = Ib aed 10,200 2.85 2.@5 The air pressure in the top of the two liter pop botle shown in Video V2,Sand Fig. P2.65is 40 psi, and the pop depth is 10 in. The bottom of the bottle has an irregular shape with a ein ameter: diameter of 43 in. (a) If the bottl cap has a diameter of 1 in, 0 pst ‘what is magnitude of the axial force required to hold the cap - in place? (b) Determine the force needed to secure the bottom 2 inches of the bottle to its cylindrical sides. For this calcula- tion assume the effect of the weight of the pop is negligible. (e) 22in By how much does the weight of the pop increase the pressure 10h 2 inches above the bottom? Assume the pop has the same spe- cific weight as that of water. [4.3 in dameter m FIGURE P2.95 (Reap? Tay * Arete, = (to ne in) = 341 jo etCe) Dare | | Fosaec? F,= (Pressure @ 2 in. above botom) | ieee x Brea) Fides | a = (Yo B.\(#) (4.3in)* F oe (ec) a vh = fo +(e Ee ging aj) Ib lb bee tt) 0:8 tao Cumich is less Tan |e of air pressure). bottom Thus , The tnerease in pressure due 40 weight = O284 pst 2-83 2,86 2.86 Hoover Dam (see Video 2.4) is the highest arch {gravity type of dam in the United States. A cross section of the am is shown in Fig. P2.96(a). The walls of the canyon in which the dam is located are sloped, and just upstream of the dam the ‘vertical plane shown in Figure P2846) approximately repre- sents the cross section of the water acting on the dam, Use this vertical cross section to estimate the resultant horizontal force of the water on the dam, and show where this force acts, 4 @ W@ FIGURE P2.86 Break area into 3 parts as shown For area | * 5 = dh Az(62.4 BaV5 (us QY) (ose inch) = 457 X10" Ib Por area 3: 'e,? ee 157x105 Ib For Grea 2: Fe? Yh, Ay = dau SV!) (75 $4) G40 4)Gis#) = 413x/07 lb Thus, fae ipt fet Fag 157X0 + AL3x 10%, + Ls7xp0% ls 7.77X 10" Ib Since The. moment of The resultant force about the base cf The dam must be egaal + the moments due to Fi, Fa. and Fy, (+ telows Wat (con €) ata 2.86 | (cat) Rxd=f Abst) + (4) Gist) + fe (2 )(us#4) ae (is7x10%ls E )( ste) + (443009 ING) (0542) + (sw QE) (ns#) 7.77 x 107 Ib = 406 #4 Thus, The resaltent heriqontal force on The dam 1s ZIT x 10" Ib acting Yok #¢ up trom The base of The dam along The _auis of symmetry of The area 87 2.87 A plug in the bottom of a pressurized tank is conical in shape as shown in Fig. P2.87, A) tora Air ‘The air pressure is 40 kPa and the liquid in the tank has a specific weight of 27 KN/m’. Determine the magnitude, direction, and line of action of the force exerted on the curved surface of the cone within the tank due to the 4¢KPa pressure and the liquid. Liquid For eguilibriam , ar ver dice! So thet fap A the force the Cone exerts =o where FL is of the flucd. Alias Pap Ae (ARM )(a*) = (404K )(F Yi. (5m) HLF AN and we ¥ t Gm) ~ F(A] " fr a FIGURE P287 amie acl a tan 30°= d= 249n 30°: 1.155 am volume of tone? © F(s)ay = yma (22-1) = (27 88 \(n)(1.385m) (Fm) = 754 bw Thus, Fos 47 AN + 15,44N = TITAN and the force on The cone has a magnitude of JITRN and 1s directed vertically downward along the Cone axis slightly and lets the water flow under it. Determine the weight of a) (2) (2 “#4 (s) (6) (7) 2.88. ‘The homogeneous gate shown in Fig. P2.88 consists of one Quarter of a circular cylinder and is used to maintain a water depth of 4 m, That is, when the water depth exceeds 4m, the gate opens ae i Ae Consider the free body diagram: of the gate and a portion of the water a gate EMo=0 , o wid BW +B, - fle - Fy lp20, where Fy =CheA = 9.8%10° fs (5m) (Jm)(Im) = 343 kM since for the Vertical side, he=4m-&5m =3.Sm Also, Fy ath = 98810" pps (Ym)(Imiltm) = 39.2 kW Als . W, = 8 im)? = B(Em)*) (Im) = 282% Fy) - Byte 2.10 Now, £, 205m and - po 3 B= 0.5m +(Yq-Ye) = 0.5m + 5 =0.5m + Blleiny ‘35a liminy ~OS24m and £, = |m~- #h =/- tle) < 0,576m To determine £,, consider a unit square that consits of a quarier circle and the remainder as shown inthe figure. The centroids of areas O and @ are as indicated. Thos, (0.5 - #)A, = (05-4) f, (con't) 2-87 (8) 2.88 \Ccon't) so that with A, = Bu) « # and Ael-E tis gives (0.5~ s)E =(05-4)(I- 2) or f= 0.223m Hence, by combining Eqs (1) through (8): (0.576m)W +(0,223m) (2.10 kM) - (34,3kN) (0,524m)~ (39.2 kN) (0.5m) =0 or Ws 644KkN 84 2.84 The concrete (specific weight = 150 Ib/fe’}) seawall of Fig. P2.84 has a curved surface and restrains seawater at a depth of 24 ft. The trace of the surface is a parabola as illustrated. Determine the moment of the fluid force (per unit Tength) with respect to an axis through the toe (point A). FIGURE P2.89 The compenents of the fluid force acting on the well are and W as shown on the tigure where B= Oh A = (o4ogs)(HF arte vige) = 184008 and y,* thf = PH Alse, wes Te determne ¥ find area 860, Thus, (see Figure to rignt) a * Ei As [rasg) de = [ (a¢ ) dx 0 e = [ane - al Cote: A lengths 1s £6) and with 442 Vee, A= 175 tt” 50 thed ws Axkilft = 175 £23 Leap 21s Bs )i75 #2) = Il, 200 lb To locate centroid of A? Nes a Xe 2 + x,A = [xan = [(av-g) eds [Gra oa) ax = 12K, - 22% 0 A + u ants MY Rm = ae S Is Thus, Mp = FY, ~ W UIs- %) C8, 400 Is 8-£e) ~ (11,200 b (1s Ft- kn #4) = 2 § 200 a) u 2-84 2.90 2.90 — Acylindrical tank with its axis horizontal has a diameter of 2.0 m and a length of 4.0 m. ‘The ends of the tank are vertical planes. A ver- tical, 0.1-m-diameter pipe is connected to the top of the tank. The tank and the pipe are filled with ethyl alcohol to a level of 1.5 m above the top of the tank. Determine the resultant force of the alcohol on one end of the tank and show where iach! he E Reith A Lom where 4g= Smt Lom = 25m ae So That fe* are )(2.5m)(F)(2.0m)"= 60,8 AN Also, ai ore 7 * euey fe where Y,2>4~ 50 thed 7 Clam )* 3 fae + 25m (asm YE) lem)* Thus, the vesulfaat force has 4 magnitude of 60. 8AW Gnd acts at a distance of BrY, = A bom - 250m below center ef tank end wall. centroid ae : Fa CLT YoYo center | of pressure 2-40 2.41 2.41 If the tank ends in Problem 2.90 are hemispherical, what is the magnitude of the re- sultant horizontal force of the alcohol on one of the curved ends? For eguilibruim , Fe = Fy) (see Rgure) = CO8AN Gince solution for heriyonte! force the Same as fer Problen 2.90). 2-4 2492 2.92 An open tank containing water has a bulge in its vertical side that is semicircular in shape as shown in Fig. P2.92. Deter ‘mine the horizonal and vertical components of the force that the water exerts on the bulge. Base your analysis on a I-ft length of the bulge. HFIGURE P2q2 Fi, ~ horigontal force of wall on Fluid Fy vertical force of wall on Fluid fi 2 Fagor f avs \( T82")(0 4) SFL Ib Rr ysA = (2.42, (bee +3) (bFeni te) = 3370Ib For egailibrium, Fy, =W = 832ib t and F,2F = 3370b< P31] 4 The forte the water exerts on the bulge 1s Cgual , buk opposite 1h divectien +e FG, and Fy above. Thus, (F,) 3370|b —> i gl meer (Fe dwan = 8826 4 2.93 2.93 A closed tank is filled with water and has a 4-ft- ( diameter hemispherical dome as shown in Fig. P2.93 A U-tube manometer is connected to the tank. Determine the vertical 4 clameter force of the water on the dome if the differential manometer Qe For eguilibrium, Z Frehcal =? ee Roa f= pA- j Where Fy & the force the dome exerts on the flyid i deme exerts on the Fluid and pp is The water Pressure at the hase of The dome. Frem The manometer, tht UG F) -%,, GH) = Jo That a 5) u lb in (rz. tt, (ine he) + 3 s)cas}, lp &)-(b2 yA )ba) = 2580 ae Thus, From £3.) wits volume of sphere =F Giameter )> = ly iS Fy= (aso 2. Yon) — 4 [8 G4) (244,) = 35,)00 |b The Sree thet the vertiial force thet the water exerts on The dome 1s 35 )00lb ‘ . 2-493 2.44 2.94 A 3m-diameter open cylindrical tank contains water and. has a hemispherical bottom as shown in Fig. P2.9% Determine the magni- tude, line of action, and direction of the force of the water on the curved bottom Force = weight of water supported by hemispherical bettow Yl (olan of cylinder )- (volume of hemisphere) | 4 4" q 8s (¥ (sm) (2m) = © (sm)?] 4" 485 &N The force is divectec vertically downward , «nd due to symmetry it acts on the hemisphere alogg The Vertical axis of The Cylinder. 495 4N 2.45 2.95 Three gates of negligible weight are used to hold back ‘water in a channel of width bas shown in Fig. P2.48. The force Of the gate against the block for gate (b) is R. Determine (in terms of R) the force against the blocks for the other two gates. For Case Cb) m FIGURE P2495 Hy Faz dheh= dh vhes) = 2h i ii and oe 2h de Thus, Bone) ciate q ; - ne- (SL) (28 Le (Zhe) 2 2 Re Sse a) HA (Ke 302 * Fy 218) for Case (a) on free-body- chegram shows My} He kt a= (esta) en p ct 9p Hh Sk and We Ix Vl Fe = wh A + [Bu] fe = wehb 16 Thy 5 My =0 50 that. w(4- ft) + fel) = fA qa EHPN(4 - Bh )-+ HEA 34) BA Cont ) 2-95 [2.95 | Ctont ) LL follows Tat Fy = wh? (0.340) From £9.0) th =, thes Fee IIR for case ¢), for the Free- body hagram shou, the force Fz 07 MO Curved Sectin Passes Through the hinge ana Therefore does not Contribute + the moment around Y. On boHtem part of gate = 24 fae oh A = 4 (BANS 0b) = pus ana a Tike HOME) kt +4 > S= + 3h i Da ay = 28h Thas, = My =0 So thet oF a 2 “ 6-(Bub es) = Axes Frem £3 OO) gh*h= JF, thus A= Fes 2875 2.97 A freshly cut log floats with one fourth of its volume pro- truding above the water surface. Determine the specific weight of the lo. ev Y= vole i) Fa =W or i Yio Vio i hy v Nor ra be y, Vie yy av hy = ns no 7 or Yong = Figg 4 (62-4) = 46.8 B 2-97 2.98 Ariver barge. whose cross section is ap- proximately rectangular, carries a load of grain. ‘The barge is 28 ft wide and 90 ft long. When unloaded its draft (depth of submergence) is 5 ft, and with the load of grain the draft is 7 ft. De- termine: (a) the unloaded weight of the barge, and (b) the weight of the grain. (2) Br eguilibriim, She Zs Fverbical a Se that Lees. r Wpeusiat of heme Wee Ae a (sutmteged delume Pages) 4 (62.4 8.) (564 284% t08) = 78,000 Ib ee se § Verkical ~° Wari = Fi = 8, + (submerg slam) i Wan weight of grain Ways (242, (nee <28FEX 908) ~ Tal, ooo lb = 315; 000 Ib 2798 2.99 2.99 A tank of cross-sectional area is filled with a liquid of specific weight 7, as shown in Fig. P299a. Show that when a iT cylinder of specific weight y and volume Vis floated in the lig na uid (see Fig, P2.995), the liquid level rises by an amount “a Ah = (n/n) ¥/A. = Pai @ W = weight of cylinder = 4% secure race For equilibrivm, W= weight of liquid displaced = 0h, A, =%% where %e=h, As Thus, OY=0%, or “-BY However, the final volume within the tank is eqval fo the in tia/ volume plis the volume, %% , of the cylinder that is submerged. That is, (H+ah)A = HAY or ye ahs ote 2.100 2.100 When the Tucurui dam was constructed in northern Brazil, the lake that was created covered a large forest of valu- able hardwood trees. It was found that even after 15 years un- derwater the trees were perfectly preserved and underwater log- ‘ging was started. During the logging process a tree is selected, trimmed, and anchored with ropes to prevent it from shooting to the surface like @ missile when cut. Assume that a typical large tree can be approximated as a truncated cone with a base diameter of 8 ft, a top diameter of 2 ft, and a height of 100 ff. Determine the resultant vertical force that the ropes must resist when the completely submerged tree is cut. The specific grav- ity of the wood is approximately 0.6. For eguilibriim, ZFrerhea| =? so Tht Ts h-wW (1) For a truncated cone, Volumes BP (42+ hn, +1) Ht Where: = base radius Do weight ns Pop radius Fa~ buoyant force he height Tx tension tn ropes Thus, ¥ vee = MEN tyes) (pte a ite) + O48) ] = 2200 ft? For buoyant force, Fe iy* Voge = (02.4 He) (2200ft) = 137, 000 |b Br weght , ; W = Ie «Hg = C-bNba fr) areoft) «85 dol Fam &3.01) T = 137,000 |b - 82,400/h = 54 boo lb 2-[00 2.102 2102 An inverted test tube partially filled with air floats in a plastic water-filled soft drink bottle és shown in Video V2.7 and Fig. P2.102.The amount of air in the tube has been adjusted so that it just floats. The bottle cap is securely fastened. A slight squeezing of the plastic bottle will cause the test tube to sink {0 the bottom of the bottle. Explain this phenomenon. When the test tube is floatiis The weight of the tube, W, ts balonced by the bucyent farce, Fy, 2s shown sh The figure . The bieyené Force 43 due te The displaced volume of water 43 Shown. This displaced volume is due te te ak pressure p trapper si The tube where P= Bt h, When he bette ie sguce qed, The ah pressure in The Jeb, 1s Ineveased shghtly and This’ in’ turn increases 2, the pressure Compressing The aie ti the'best tube Thus, the displececs volume 1s decreawd with a subsequent decrease m Fy Since W "constant, a decrease ih Fe will Cause the test tube % sink Test te Woter m FIGURE P2.102 Volume displaced! 2-101 2.103 2.103 An irregularly shaped piece of a solid material weighs 8.05 Ib in air and 5.26 Ib when completely submerged in water. Determine the density of the material Wi aids Pain lvelume) * there p~ density of metensl W Ch water) = Ag £ (volume) - bucyent foree * Ag « (volume) ~ Baa? * (velume) Thus, W bin air) _ ? i j W (in water) ?-Cno i= One er ip cared er (94 28 = Sho slit PT Wits water) preach ege caret W Cin air) fork 2-102 2.104 2.104 A 1-m-diameter cylindrical mass, M. is connected to a 2-m-wide rectangular gate as y shown in Fig. P2.J0%; The gate is to open when a the water level, h, drops below 2.5 m. Determine the required value for M. Neglect friction at the gate hinge and the pulley. a Ws 1 diameter um FIGURE P2.104 Fea Uh A i = ¥fA) RG) = ee Fe where all lengths are tn mm, Hy a a pe For equilibrium, ° ZMp=0 so that at = (aya vd and 3 For the tylindneel mass Z Keyeg “2 and Ts Mg Figs Mao 0%, Mr ye Take Ws HOR) ee sam 981 = 2480 24 2-103 2.105 2.108 When a hydrometer (see Fig. P2105 and Video V2.8) hay ‘ng a stem diameter of 0.30 in. is placed in water, the stem pro- trudes 3.15 in, above the water surfece. If the water is replaced Hydrometer with a liquid having a specific gravity of 1.10, how much of the stem would protrude above the liquid surface? The hydrometer ERE weighs 0.042 Ib, Flu surtace BFIGURE P2105 When the hydrometey 1s Floating tts weeght , 2,18 balancea by the buoyant force, Fig, For Eguilsbniam , ares Vertreal Thus, fr water Fg = 0 (%,)% = W ay where 4% 1s The submerged volume. With the new pon 6a) (h,,) A=’ a) Combing Egs.G) anda) witn Fd constant Qing) H = S40.) Pe and yi 4 a 156 Ceon't ) 2-104 2.105 (Cent) From &%.0) ip cae = COIL Case et ' %re0 zu, oe thet from £4.0) “4 a 45 67x08 ft? 2 giaxw ft? Thus of ci 4 a abs: hiz)xwft?= o.e1xi ft? Te obtam This difference the change mi length, AL, ‘s (F)(0.30m.)"Al= (a.b1 x0? £e3)(1728 He th”) AL= 1.49 tn. With the new Ngua the stem would protrude Bis in. +149 in = Hoyin. above the surface 2-105 2.106 2.106 A 2-ft-thick block constructed of wood. (SG = 0.6) is submerged in oil (SG = 0.8). and er ow has a 2-{t-thick aluminum (specific weight = 168 Ib/ft) plate attached to the bottom as indicated ue in Fig. P2106. Determine completely the force = required to hold the block in the position shown. ac ‘Aumioun Locate the force with respect to point A oe cy 44102 —| FIGURE P2.106 ks for eguilibnium , We Dilrerhesea Foul Wa So that A * = Wy haut Wane pein where : ae Mur = (56,,)%.,) Ye us ~ wood val a aw aluminum = (0.0) (62.4 2s) (4)(loseantex 244) = 1500 lb Fin force to hold bleck Wa (18s (0.5 tex otex 264) = |ba0 Fou = (Sli) ) (Sua) Mir = (OrBd (on Bs Yt) lode x ¥f4 42 fe) « 2000 Ie fat (seit) (Sino) A = (0.8)(62.4 2, )(0.54 + wf x 2H) = 499 Ib Thus, F = [001, —2ee0 lb + 1680 Ib- $99 1b = G81 lb upwa Also, Z Mgz0 So Thet QF = (2 ¢4)(w,.- Faw) + (S#t)(We- Fe.) 4 (eel w) = (2 #£)(is00Wb- deoole) + (5 £4)(i4e0 lb ~ 449 Ie) ° ana A= G22 Ft te right of pont A 2-106 2.107 2.107 (See Fluids in the News article titled “Concrete eanoe,” ‘Section 2.11.1.) How much extra water does a 147-Ib concrete ca- noe displace compared to an ultalightweight 38-1b Kevlar cance of the same size certying the same load? for equilibrium, Deivernoes ae Ok Dy = Fa = YH ank ¥ is displace valume For Concrete Canoe, \w 147 w=(b2.4 #,) ss = 2.36 fF fe Ry Kevlar cance, Belb=(o24 BM, Yi = 0.609 FE 3 Extra water displacement = 2.3hf¢% 0. 604 ft 3 2-107 2.103 2.108 An ice berg (specific pravity 0.917) floats in the ocean (spe- cific gravity 1.025). What percent of the volume of the iceberg is under water? For equilibrivm, W =weight of iceberg = Fy = buoyanl force or % ‘ice One Y, Sreean » where Y= volume of ice submerged. SGice _ 9,9/7 Song, 7 Fons = 0.895 = 895% 2-108 ZNO 2.110 Itis noted that while stopping, the water surface ina glass of ‘water sitting in the cup holder of a car is slanted at an angle of 15° relative to the horizontal street, Determine the rate at which the car is decelerating, fe sald ya, dy” Gtas where 4z=0 and g 2 fa iS 20.268 This, % ay Ce ane 3 =~ 32.2AG* or” ft a= = (0.248)(32.2 Ey 8.635 2-104 2.11 An open container of oil rests on the flatbed of a truck that is traveling along a hori- zontal road at 55 mi/hr. As the truck slows uni- formly to a complete stop in 5 s, what will be the slope of the oil surface during the period of con- stant deceleration? ae ee ay a slope = $2 = — 2 dy Gt 4 = Pinal velecity cn o - Gsmphrlo4i10 = ) = id aa ac ers os az, _ #2) 278 +O 2-110 2.112 A 5-gal, cylindrical open container with a bottom area of 120 in is filled with glycerin and rests on the floor of an ‘elevator. (a) Determine the fluid pressure at the bottom of the container when the elevator has an upward acceleration of 3 fr/s?. (b) What resultant force does the container exert on the floor of the elevator during this acceleration? The weight of the container is negligible. (Note: 1 gal = 231 in.*) £ (a 8h 2 para) (By.228) el Wag DRA= volume o [er 5 =p (gets) [a2 ba n®) el) (BLM jae % A= 9.63 in he e(geae)t (oy Ho (ana + 34) 28 a) oq & u Fee (b) From free-body -diagnam of container) Fee ta ta = (629 $4, ) (2sine) Rene) ie = S74 Thus, force of conteimer on floor 1s 57.4 |b downward. 2-M a 2c112 An open rectangular tank 1 m wide and 2m long contains gasoline to a depth of 1 m. If the height of the tank sides is 1.5 m, what is the maximum horizontal acceleration (along the long axis of the tank) that can develop before the gas- line would begin to spill? To prevent spilling, dz = bh S om — Om dg Tae =- 0,50 (see figure), Smee, gg ty iY 9rag er, with A270, dz @y* (Sane so That (ay) = - (-aso)(a31%) = 44 lana. (Wote: Acceleration could be either +o the Fight or the left, ) 2-112 2M 2.114 If the tank of Problem 2.113 slides down a frictionless plane that is inclined at 30° with the horizontal, determine the angle the free surface makes with the horizontal. From Newkons Ind laur, ZF, = am a, Since the only force in the 4*direchiiy ts the Component of weight (1mg)sin 8 , (an g)sin@ = am 24 mm mass of tank and So That “ee 3 sin® Gasoline and therefre eee ge ales NS Gy Ay wos6 z= - 44 sino ae a Also, A "2 dee 4 (eg, 2.28) 3 gran ' a ay ease. — _gsing cose 3 - a,sine 3 -¢ sinO sine = - nhs _ _ sin Oons8 }-si"@ = —~—~pe9 =-tan? dz Hence, 5 =-16n8, so that the free 4 | gs GE + constent 73 Rew inihal depth For free surface with Reo at F=0, cole 23 The velume of Fluid th rotating tink is given by R R ey Wet fanrhdr = am wo rae - TOR 24 Jo o t¢ Since the tnitial volume, Y= R*hy, must egual the Liral Volume, He, so That marr" rh, 44 or 2-116 2.118 2.118 An open, 2-diameter tank contains water to a depth of 3 fi when at rest. Ifthe tank is rotated about its vertical axis with an angular velocity of 180 rev/min. what is the minimum height of the tank walls to prevent water from spilling over the sides? For free surface, we a +4 (es, 2.32) LZZZZZZZZ2 & Lao The volume of Fluid in the rotating Hank is given by R R ye [ark dr = 20 0 apt 2 = HOR . whR +3 is + = ow (190 fh 20 bad g Linis) (14) = es + WA, (fey © (32.28 ) at = wl2z7 rh) £3 Cuith 2, tn Fe) Since the inital volume , eee h, = 1 (144)? (ate) = a0? and the final volume must be egual, Bey lz th) Fet= ae FEF and 4, = 0.240 Ft Thus, from ‘the first eguation (@4.23+) he oe 240 Ft Leics (120-3, « am Yad « tnt) ce) +OU0ft = S.1b ft Eun 2 (32.2 ) ZAu7 Zia 2.114 A child riding in a car holds a string attached to a flost ing, helium-filled balloon, As the car decelerates to a stop, the balloon tilts backwards. As the car mekes a right-hand turn, the balloon tilts to the right. On the other hand, the child tends to be forced forward as the car decelerates and to the left as the cat makes a right-hand tum, Explain these observed effects on the balloon and child A floating balloon attached to 4 stringwill align itself so that the string it normal to lines of constant pressure. Thus, if the car is net accelerating, the lines of f= constant pressure are hortzontal (gravity acts vertically down), and the balloon floats ‘Straight up" (.e.8=0), If forced to Ales Fa-W. vant force the side (8#0), the balloon will rem gp, — jg" to the vertical (9=0) eqlibrivm fp - position. in which the two forces Tand fa-W line up constant | ~~“ pressure lines Fig.) Mo acceleration, 9=9 tor equilibrium: Consider what happens when the car decelerates with an amount ay<0. As show by Eg, (2.28), cor f z +— decele~ the lines of constant pressure are not iB = ae horizontal, but have q slope of metjon dz a Q, Fy yt 270 Since 0320 dy 9? a 3 since Gz and 4y<0, Again, the balloon's equilibrivm — 2 position is with the stritg normal to p cons « lines. That is, the balleon tilts back ge |” the car stops. a Le When the car turns, ay= g (the centrifugal < a egal ae of ava are gs Si , shown, and the balloon tilts to the : Les outside of the curve ee lines Fig, (3) Left turn; balloon tiffs te tight ae ays VR — 2.120 A closed, 0.4-m-diameter cylindrical tank is completely filled with oil (SG = 0.9) and rotates about its vertical longitudinal axis with an angular velocity of 40 rad/s. Determine the dif- ference in pressure just under the vessel cover between a point on the circumference and a point on the axis. Pressure tn « robabrig fad vanes ta accordance with the eguahion, pe (ae v2 + constent — (E9,2.33) Since Z,=%5 , ~p = PB (pK? BR = Pe nay : arn 3 “a: = (ant BN t0 8) Farm) 0] = agvaR 2-119 2.121 2.121 (See Fluids in the News article titled “Rotating mercury aed mirror telescope,” Section 2,12.2.) The largest liquid mirror tele- bays scope uses a 6-ft-diameter tank of mercury rotating at 7 rpm to pro- duce its parabolic-shaped mirror as shown in Fig. P2.121. Deter- ‘mine the difference in elevation of the mercury, Af, between the edge and the center of the mirror, Mereuly BFIGURE P2it2t For free surface of rotating higucd > @tr® ‘Eg, 2.32) = 2g + constant (3 let £20 at r=0 and ‘thevefwe Constant =o, Thus, dh=de for = 3£b and with vad \/ tema co = (7 rpm) (20 ¥83)( 22) it follows that 2-120 2.122 2.122 Force Needed to Open a Submerged Gate Objective: A gate, hinged at the top, covers a hole in the side of a water filled tank as shown in Fig. P2.122 and is held against the tank by the water pressure. The purpose of this experiment is to compare the theoretical force needed to open the gate to the experimentally ‘measured force, Equipment: Rectangular tank with a rectangular hole in its side; gate that covers the hole and is hinged at the top; force transducer to measure the force needed to open the gate; ruler to measure the water depth. Experimental Procedure: Measure the height, H, and width, bof the hole in the tank and the distance, L, from the hinge to the point of application of the force, F, that opens the gate. Fill the tank with water to a depth h above the bottom of the gate. Use the force transducer to determine the force, F, needed to slowly open the gate. Repeat the force mea- surements for various water depths. Calculations: For arbitrary water depths, h, determine the theoretical force, F, needed to ‘open the gate by equating the moment about the hinge from the water force on the gate to the moment produced by the applied force, F Graph: Plot the experinentally determined force, F, needed 10 open the gate as ordinates and the water depth, fh, as abscissas, Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical force as function of water depth. Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem m FIGURE P2.122 (cont) 2-121 2uZz, (Cont ) Solution for Problem 2.122: Force Needed to Open a Submerged Gate Lin, Hin bin. toss 55 60 40 62.4 hin Fb Fy, Ib 24 10.1 15.69 185 89 13.43, 162 76 11.46 145 67 9.97 12.8 58 3.49 4 47 7.02 10.1 43 615 74 29 3.81 Since h > H, A= H" = constant and le = bYH*3/1 constant. Yer Vo,ft 0.0138 0.0161 0.0189 0.0217 0.0255 0.0309 0.0352 0.0568 oy AMG 0.003472 4. ft 0.264 0.266 0.269 0.272 0.276 0.281 0.285 0.307 F = Fy"diL, where Fy = y"(h- H/2)"A, d= H/2 + (y,~ ye), and Y_~ Ye = le/(h - H/2)"A, Problem 2.122 Force, F, vs Water Depth, h 12 10 ne F, Ib 20 25 Fb 9.03 7.80 671 591 5.11 4.30 3.83 2.55 ‘Theoretical sen Ss Experimental | 2-122, 2e/ 2) 2.123 Hydrostatic Foree on a Submerged Rectangle Objective: A quarter-circle block with a vertical rectangular end is attached to a balance beam as shown in Fig. P2.123. Water in the tank puts a hydrostatic pressure force on the block which causes a clockwise moment about the pivot point. This moment is balanced by the counterclockwise moment produced by the weight placed at the end of the balance beam. ‘The purpose of this experiment is to determine the weight, W, needed to balance the beam. as a function of the water depth, A. ‘Equipment: Balance beam with an attached quarter-crele, rectangular cross-section block, pivot point dreetly above the vertical end of the beam to support the beam; tank weights; ruler. Experimental Procedure: Measure the inner radius, R, outer radius, R, and width, b, Of the block. Measure the leagth, L, of the moment arm between the pivot point and the ‘weight. Adjust the counter weight on the beam so that the beam is level when there is no weight on the beam and no water in the tank. Hang a known mass, m, on the beam and ad- just the water level, f, inthe tank so that the beam again becomes level. Repeat with differ- ent masses and water depths. Calculations: For a given water depth, h, determine the hydrostatic pressure force, Fx = 7h.A, on the vertical end of the block, Also determine the point of action ofthis fore a distance yp — y- below the centroid of the area, Note that the equations for Fy and Ye ~ Y. are different when the water level is below the end of the block (h < R; — R,) than when itis above the end of the block (i > Ry ~ Ry). For a given water depth, determine the theoretical weight needed to balance the beam by summing moments about the pivot point. Note that both Fy and W produce a moment. However, because the curved sides of the block are circular arcs centered about the pivot point, the pressure forces on the curved sides of the block (which act normal to the sides) do nat produce any moment about the pivot point. Thus the forces on the curved sides do not enter into the moment equation. Graph: Plot the experimentally determined weight, W, as ordinates and the water depth, ‘a8 abscissas. Result: On the same graph plot the theoretical weight asa function of water depth Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page withthe data for this problem, wont ‘areca ack FIGURE P2.123 (con't) 2-123 2.123 Cont) Solution for Problem 2.123: Hydrostatic Force on a Submerged Rectangle Ry. in 5.0 m, kg 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.10 0.12 014 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 W= 32.2 flls'2 * (m kg * 6.825E-2 slugikg) Re, in, Lin, bain 9.0 120 3.0 Experimental hain. W, Ib 0.00 0.00 41 0.04 1.58 0.09 1.92 0.13 251 0.22 276 0.26 2.99 0.31 3.20 0.35 3.41 0.40 3.60 0.44 3.80 0.48 3.99 0.53 4.17 0.87 4.33 0.62 450 0.66 4.95 0.7 5.39 0.88 5.83 0.99 6.27 1.10 6.70 1.21 Forh R2-R; Fa=y'(h =(Re-Ry)/2)"(Rp- Ri)"b = Re ~ (Re - Ri)/2 + (Ys Ye) YeYe= laceXA rR: - R)*3/12 = 0.000771 fh = (Re- RiV2 *(Re-Ry) Cet ) Fr, Ib 0.00 0.07 0.14 0.20 0.34 0.41 0.48 0.55 0.63 0.70 078 0.86 0.94 4.01 1.08 1.28 1.47 1.66 1.85 2.04 fst 7, lors 32.2 Yee ft 0.0512 0.0476 0.0444 0.0376 0.0328 0.0290 0.0260 0.0236 62.4 4, ft 0.750 o719 0.708 0.697 0.680 0.673 0.667 0.681 0.655 0.650 064s 0.639 0.634 0.631 0.628 0.621 0616 0612 0.609 0.607 ‘Sum moments about pivot to give W"t Theoretical W, Ib 0.000 0.048 0.095 0.139 0.232 0.278 0.323 0.367 0.413 0.456 0.504 0.551 0.597 0.637 0.680 0.794 0.905 1.016 4.127 1.236 = Fad a Fay 2.123 Clon ze vy Problem 2.123 Weight, W, vs Water Depth, h | —Theoretical _= Experimental | 0.0 2.0 40 6.0 8.0 | h, in. 2-125 2.72% 2.124 Vertical Uplift Force on an Open-Bottom Box with Slanted Sides Objective: _When a box or form as shown in Fig. P2.124 is filled with a liquid, the ver- tical force of the liquid on the box tends to lift it off the surface upon wich it sits, thus al- lowing the liquid to drain from the box. The purpose of this experiment isto determine the ‘minimum weight, W, needed to keep the box from lifting off the surface Equipment: An open-bottom box that has vertical side walls and slanted end walls; weights; ruler; scale. Experimental Procedure: Determine the weight, Woy of the empty box and measure its length, L, width, b, wall thickness, , and the angle of the ends, 8. Set the box on a smooth surface and place a known mass, m, on it, Slowly fill the box with water and note the depth, ‘hat which the net upward water force is equal tthe total weight, W + Wa, where W = mg. ‘This condition will be obvious because the friction force between the box and the surface on Which it sits will be zero and the box will “float” effortlessly along the surface. Repeat for various masses and water levels. Calculations: Foran arbitrary water depth, h, determine the theoretical weight, W, needed to maintain equilibrium with no contact force between the box and the surface below it. This can be done by equating the total weight, W + Won to the net vertical hydrostatic pressure force on the box. Calculate this vertical pressure force for two different situations, (1) As- sume the vertical pressure Zorce is the vertical component of the pressure forces acting on the slanted ends of the box. 2) Assume the vertical upward force is that from part (1) plus the pressure force acting under the sides and ends of the box because of the finite thickness, £, of the box walls. This additional pressure force is assumed to be due to an average pres- Sure of Parg = Yk/2 acting on the “foot print” area of the box walls Graph: Plot the experimentally determined total weight, W + Wig as ordinates and the water depth, h, as abscissas. Results: On the same graph plot twa theoretical total weight verses water depth curves— cone involving only the slanted-end pressure force, and the other including the slanted end nd the finite-thickness wall pressure forces. Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem, @ FIGURE P2.124 2ai2e (Cont) Solution for Problem 2.124: Vertical Uplift Force on an Open-Bottom Box with Slanted Sides @deg Lin. bin tin Ween ID tbs 45 10.3 40 0.25 o.ga2 62.4 Experimental Theory 4 Theory 2 mkg hin, W+Wag tbh in, W+ Woy IB Pvp IBMRZ WW + Woe, I 0.00 2.08 o.g42 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.05 2.23 1.052 0.25 0.008 0.85 0.047 0.10 2.42 1.162 0.50 0.036 1.30 011 0.15 2.53 1.272 0.75 0.081 1.95 0.194 0.20 2.87 1.382 1.00 0.144 2.60 0.295 0.25 2.81 1.491 1.25 0.226 3.25 0.414 0.30 2.94 1.601 1.50 0.325 3.90 0.581 0.35 3.06 4711 1.78 0.442 4.55 0.706 0.40 3.16 1.821 2.00 0.578 5.20 0.879 2.25 0.731 5.85 1.070 2.60 0.903 6.50 1.279 2.75 1.092 7.15 1.506 3.00 1.300 7.80 4.782 3.25 1.526 8.45 2.015 W= gtm = 32.2 fl's"2 * (m kg * 6.825E-2 slug/kg) ‘Theory 1. Including only the slanted-end pressure force: W+ Woox = 7*Vol Vol = b"h"h Theory 2. Including the slanted-end pressure force and the finite-hickness wall pressure force: W + Wor = 7°V0l + Ba" Png = O5ty"h A= (b+ 2°)*(L + 2"sind) - brL = 8.39 in.*2 = 0.0579 "2 (cont ) 2-127 ae Problem 2.124 Total Weight, W + Wyo,, vs Water Depth, h * Experimental Theory 1 (slanted ends only) | | —-—-Theory2 | | (slanted ends and bottom edge) 2-128 2125 2125 Air Pad Lift Foree Objective: As shown in Fig. P2.125, itis possible to lift objects by use of an air pad con- sisting of an inverted box that is pressurized by an air supply. If the pressure within the box is large enough, the box will lift slightly off the surface, air will low under its edges, and there will be very litle frictional force between the box and the surface, The purpose of this ‘experiment is to determine the lifting force, W, as a function of pressure, p, within the box. Equipment: Inverted rectangular box; air supply; weights; manometer, Experimental Procedure: Connect the air source and the manometer to the inverted square box. Determine the weight, Wy, of the square box and measure its length and width, L, and the wall thickness, , Set the inverted box on a smooth surface and place a known ‘mass, m, on it. Increase the air flowrate until the box lifts off the surface slightly and “floats” with negligible frictional force. Record the manometer reading, f, under these conditions. Repeat the measurements with various masses, Calculations: Determine the theoretical weight that can be lifted by the ar pad by equat- ing the total weight, W + Waa to the net vertical pressure force on the box. Here W = mg. Calculate this pressure force for two different situations. (1) Assume the pressure force is equal to the area of the box, A = 12, times the pressure, p = yet, within the box, where is the specific weight of the manometer fluid. (2) Assume thatthe net pressure force is that from part (1) plus the pressure force acting under the edges of the box because of the finite thickness, 1, of the box walls. This additional pressure force is assumed to be due to an av- rage pressure of Pug = Yohi/2 acting on the “foot print” area of the box walls, 4(L +) Graph: Plot the experinentally determined total weight, W + Wyou as ordinates and the pressure within the box, p, as abscissas, Results: On the same graph, plot two theoretical total weight verses pressure curves— ‘one involving only the pressure times box area pressure force, and the other including the pressure times box area and the finite-thickness wall pressure forces, Data: To proceed, print his page fr reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page withthe data for this problem, Airs —— w FIGURE P2.125 Cont) 2-129 2.125 Cteat) Solution for Problem 2.12: Air Pad Lift Force Lin. tin Wow Ib “Yazo, IBIAS 75 0.25 1.25 624 Experiment Theory 1 m, kg hin W+ Wher bp, Ib/ftA2 W+ Wyo, ID re) 0.54 1.25 2.81 1.10 on O64 1.47 3.33 1.30 02 0.74 1.69 3.85 1.50 03 0.82 1.91 426 1.87 4 0.94 2.13 4.89 1.91 05 1.04 2.35 Bat ait 068 1.12 257 5.82 2.28 07 1.23 2.79 6.40 2.50 08 1.32 3.01 6.86 2.68 og 1.42 3.23 7.38 2.88 10 1.52 3.45 7.90 3.09 4A 1.63 3.67 8.48 331 12 172 3.89 8.94 3.49 13 1.83 4a 9.52 372 14 1.96 4.33 10.19 3.98 15 2.08 4.55 10.71 418 16 2.12 477 41.02 431 17 2.23 4.99 11.60 453 18 2.32 5.21 12.06 4am W = g'm = 32.2 fi/s*2 * (m kg * 6.825E-2 slugikg) ‘Theory 1. Involving only the pressure times the box area: W+ Woo. = pLA2. P= tH2o"h Theory 2 W+ Wee Ib VAT 1.39 1.81 1.78 2.04 2.26 2.43 267 2.87 3.08 3.30 3.54 3.73 3.97 4.26 447 460 4.84 5.04 ‘Theory 2. Involving the pressure times the box area plus the average pressure times the edge area: W+ Waog= prL*2 + (p/2)*(L + 21)'2- LA2) (Coat ) 2-130 2.125 (cont ) Problem 2.125 Total Weight, W + Whox, vs Pressure, p © Experimental —Theory 1 (box area only) Theory 2 (box area plus edge area) W+Wbox, Ib 2-131 3.2. Air flows steadily along a streamline from point (1) to point (2) with negligible viscous effects. The following conditions are mes- sured: At point (1) z; = 2m and p, = 0 kPa; at point (2) z, = 10 1m, p; = 20 Nim? and V, = 0, Determine the velocity at point (1). arto +z, “fe +40, 82, Thus with f= 0 and V0, tow az, =p, 40%, =? Eua98gyy = 20d fins ghee oman) | air “Ve 2020) Nim j rEg 4209818) (9m) = 1092 (Wate: Thos, V=3.7m& 3.3 3.3 Water flows steadily through the vari- able area horizontal pipe shown in Fig. P3.3. The velocity is given by V = 10(1 ~ x)i ft/s, where xis in feet. Viscous effects are neglected. (a) De- termine the pressure gradient, dp/ax, (as a func- tion of x) needed to produce this flow. (b) If the Pressure at section (1) is 50 psi, determine the ‘pressure at (2) by: (i) integration of the pressure gradient obtained in (a); (ii) application of the FIGURE P3.3 Bernoulli equation, (a) -%sine-3€ = eve bet OO and V=10(/ 4x) fh/s = a or # = -evit = -@ (Jol1+x)) (0) - $e = -1.94 bE (10 #)" (14x) , with X in feet = a 194C1tX) By (bx) B= -/94 (14x) 50 that i = ~/98 {nde a ssopsi Xx co or f= sopsi— 194 (a4Z ) ie (Hee = 50 -/0.1 = Ui) ptteMrayz, =p thou or with 2-2, 027 0,42 0(V-*) where Oe Vy = 10 (143) = vot Thus, : i P= S0psi + £ (1.94 85) (0 go) EE ( LE 3.4 Repeat Problem 3.3 ifthe pipe is vertical with the flow down, | (a) -Wsino -3@ = eV With 0 = - 90° and V=10 HH =-pVEL HY or Pe =-evdl +r =-e(iolien) (in) +0 Thus, 2B 2-194 He 10#) (14) + 62.4 by with x in feet = ~/9# (IX) + 62.4 2, Xa=3 (bt) = -194 (14x) +824 0 that ($ = ffoucvin +62.4] de Arse X20 on p= Sopsi -194 (3+), (iti) + cancop. (HE) = 50-/0.1+/.3 = 412 pst Gi) ag they, + tz, = Pt tperrte or with 220, 2-3 tt and Y= s0llt0) =f? | Ke lolita) -K0 Pxfi tbe Uru) ~ tz, = Sopsi tt (1.9% 248 )(10*-40*) ~ 62.4 fa(-3 ft) = psr 3.5 3.5 An incompressible fluid with density p flows steadily past the object shown in Video V37 and Fig. P3.S, The fluid Dhising velocity along the horizontal dividing streamline steaming (©

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