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20 Simple Tweaks

To Decluter Your Life

By Christne Lee


I love sharing my organizing ideas and would love to reach out to as many
people as i can. I'm grantng you the rights to give this eBook (worth $39) to
anyone who would like to know more about organizing themselves to a
happier life, as long as you DO NOT CHANGE the content in any way!

The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creaton of this eBook,
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While all atempts have been made to verify informaton provided in this publicaton, the
Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretaton of the subject
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I would like to thank
• my parents, Michael and Pauline who has love me unconditonally
• my sister, Elaine, who tolerant my nonsense and support me 24/7
• my soul mate, Dawei, who love me for who i am
• my friends who has given me feedback for my ebook
• and YOU for downloading this because you want more happiness in life.
Promise me you will take acton afer reading my book and start living a
happier life!
Hi, I'm Christne Lee.

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for downloading this eBook. You might
be curious about how simple organizing tps can change one's life. I hope by the end
of the book, you will fnd at least 1 tp that will change and improve your life.

Before we get to these awesome tps that i use day in day out of my life, let me
share a bit of my story and how these amazing tweaks change my hectc life to a life
where i enjoy everyday doing the things i love.

I'm an avid romance book reader (tll the point that my hubby thinks i have an
obsession with reading). I read almost a book each day. In 2014, i read 288 books.

My reading challenge for 2014: I was originally aiming at

reading 250 books and i outdo myself with 288 books read.

You must be wondering where i fnd the tme to do so. Like most of you, i have a 9
to 5 sales job where i have to crunch numbers to hit my sales target. In additon, i'm
an online business owner too. I'm also the “housekeeper” of the house to a lazy
husband and a super cute golden retriever. Well, i'm defnitely not a super human. I
just organize my stuf and tme well so i have a lot of spare tme to enjoy doing the
things i love.
Organizing starts young
I actually start organizing myself since i was a teenager. When i was 16, my
dad's business was not making any money due to a recession in the 1990s. During
my high school days, i had to work at a supermarket as a cashier to help out with the
fnances. I worked about 30 hours a week usually on the weekends and afer school.
Despite having to work, i managed to get my diploma and got into one of the top
universites in the country to further my studies. During that period, i was also a TV
junkie. I love watching the TV and never miss any episode of my favorite TV shows
despite my working hours. I actually have a daily planner that helps to organize my
work schedule to assignments deadline and even when to record my favorite TV
shows. Even with my hectc life, by being organized actually allowed me to have
tme enjoy doing things i love and not get burn out between juggling work and
school assignments. There is a saying “Doing What You Love Is Where Happiness
Lives”. Therefore, always enjoy something you love daily and happiness will thrive.

Organizing 24/7 - work, home, life!

Moving forward 15 years, i am now a sales executve doing a 9 to 5 job.
Organizing not only works with our student life but also a work day. I have a few
greats tps that help me to get tasks done efectvely and efciently at your work
place. We always get distractons at work – a phone call, a quick chat with colleague,
an urgent email to reply. I actually use a “sectons” system to help me to stay focus
and complete tasks in no tme. Start each work day by listng all the tasks needed.
Then sort and guide them into 2 to 3 tasks in a secton with whichever suit you the
best. The important part to note is having a clear fnishing point based on your task
list and not the tme to more on to new task. Take a cofee break or freshen up
yourself with each secton done.

Organizing your home is as important as organizing at work. Comfort and cluter

cannot co-exist. Many people say that one of their favorite things to do when
stressed out is to clean! Hard to imagine, right? Well, it is true. Cleaning gives order
and purpose to your life, even if only in smaller chunks at a tme. Getng rid of your
cluter and organizing your home top to botom will free your mind to remember
your daily chores. Be vigilant about cleaning about once a month and you will fnd it
much easier to keep up, week-by-week.

Organizing actually starts with ourselves. Do you know, thousands of thoughts goes
through our mind in a day.Do you always have tasks to do or a great idea for your
upcoming project in your mind and before you could take acton, you forget them?
Being well organized takes lots of tme and efort and there is a lot to remember. A
simple jotng down of your ideas or tasks can free your mind for more amazing

Do more of what you love!

Beside reading and being a TV junkie, i love traveling too. Doing more of what
I love each and every day brings happiness to my life. In the past 3 years, i have
been to more places than i have ever travelled in my entre life - enjoying the place,
the culture, the food and the people. I am at the happiest point in my life now doing
what i love everyday.

Gamcheondong Culture Village, Korea, 2015 Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA, 2015
Status of Liberty, NYC, USA 2013(Did i mentoned Me with Mickey @ Disneyland, Orlando,
i love NY? I have been to NYC 3 tmes in the past USA 2014
3 years!)

You can do all these too! Do what you love every single day. I know these tweaks
that helps me will defnitely help you in getng a beter quality of life where you will
have more tme everyday for doing the things you love!

Organizing Start With Ourselves.

Start Small And Enjoy More Of Your Time For The Things You Love.
Tweak #1

With the many details that you have to remember in any given day, if you don't
write in down, you are going to forget it. How are you going to get things done if
you don't even know what you are supposed to do? I use a planner to keep track of
all my appointments, to do list, grocery list, bill payment etc. Even a note taking app
on your phone works too.

I actually carry my planner around with me everyday – from work to out shopping.
You can easier can get A6 planner just to jot down your stuf. Having a pen atached
to the planner is important. How ofen do we fnd ourselves wantng to jot down a
note and fnd the pen missing (even the organized me tends to misplace my pen too
*smile*)? You can either get a planner with a pen holder or simply get one adhesive
holder and atached it to your planner.

This is the adhesive pen holder i use for my planner.

Beside using the notebook, i actually uses my note taking app in my phone too. It is
a supplementary tool i use when i have no access to my planner. You can always
transfer these notes back to your planner at the end of the day.
Tweak #2

Once you have developed the knack of writng everything down, your next step will
be to keep your writng all in one place. You will remember beter this way.
Otherwise, you are going to spend valuable tme searching for your notes. I always
keep my planner in my bag of the day as i bring it out with me everywhere.

This tweak can also be used to organize stuf that we use daily. When i'm home, i
would usually put my car and house keys in a basket on the entryway table every
tme. Have you ever experience that you are in a rush and fnd your keys missing
and you cannot leave your house? This tweak will defnitely help you with
misplacing keys problem.

Do you have sheet of takeout meals laying around in the house? You can place them
into a folder and chuck it in a drawer next to your phone or in the kitchen. Next tme
when you are in the mood for chinese or pizza, you will be able to fnd all your
choices available!

Looking into your junk drawer but you just can't seem to fnd you spare batery or
the tape. You can organize the junk drawer too. The frst big step to organizing a
drawer is creatng dividers. This can be done easily. You will need cardboard,
scissors and shelf paper. Start by cutng strips of cardboard to size and cover them
with shelf paper. Leave a wee notch on each of the ends so that the cardboard
dividers can interlock. Use an egg carton or a cutlery organizer for the litle items
that end up in a junk drawer. This will keep your items tdy. It also helps keep visual
order in the drawer so that you can instantly see what is in each small space. Always
place back the item into the same slot afer use. Now you will have a uncluter junk

You can use egg carton or a cutlery tray to organize your junk drawer.
Tweak #3

A day planner can help to plan your day around. Your planner will help you
efectvely lay out your day on paper, so you know where you are going and what
you are doing. It can also be a good avenue for you to jot down your tasks, ideas and

There are a lot of choices around these day, you can look around for a bit before
selectng one you like best. Make sure it suits your every need. You will fnd day
planners in all materials and sizes. Alternatvely, you can make your own custom
printable or grab free printable online.

Here are some ideas that you can use to include in your planner:
• Monthly calendar for important events, bill due, reminders
• Daily calendar for each day schedule and task to do
• To-do list for task that need to be done
• Meal planner for planning weekly meals and the shopping list needed
• Shopping list for notng the items that you would need to purchase, the next
tme you run to the stores
• Thoughts/Ideas for a secton to write down your ideas
Tweak #4

You must be thinking, what another planner? YES, buy another planner for your
entre family. This way, everyone in the family knows what everyone else is up to
and when. You can plan much beter this way.

Consider buying those dry-erase boards or

a wall monthly calendar that big enough
for scribbles. They are available in most
ofce stores. Mom can put her important
luncheons on there, dad can put his
coaching meetngs, and the kids can put
their afer-school events on it. Place it up
in a convenient locaton, which might be
the refrigerator or somewhere in a high-
trafc area.

If you are tech savvy, why not create a shared calendar on your phone with the

Now everyone will know where is everyone.

Tweak #5


I would usually take 5 minutes each night before bed, planning 5 important tasks
that i need to get done the next day and jot in down on my planner. Do you have
the habit of harping on tasks need for the next day when you laying in bed? This
actually can lead to stress buildup and insomnia. Well, this simple tweaks can help
you to actually sleep beter as you have free your mind.

You can start by keeping your planner in the bed stand. Make a habit of spending 5
minutes before bed each day to note down the task needed for tomorrow. Be it
simple task like buying milk to cleaning a closet, just jot it down. I promised you will
start to sleep beter each night.
Tweak #6

A keen memory is a well-nourished mind.

Start by eat healthy; get plenty of rest and lots of good exercise. These will all see
you through to having a good memory, staying focused and being alert.

I always believe in startng small. Here are some ideas where you can kickstart your
healthier lifestyle:
• Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes. You can break them up to three 10-
minute sessions for a start. You can enjoy actvites like swimming in the
summer, atend a class of Zumba, running or even walking your dog works.
Most important is to enjoy it and not think it as a chore.
• Get a good night sleep. If you have problem with sleeping, try mediaton or
yoga before bedtme. Or even eatng a bedtme snack may help get your body
prepare for sleep mode – cereal with milk or chamomile tea.
• Find some healthy recipes and buy the ingredient. Find a recipe that is easy to
start with and you can start eatng healthier in no tme.
• Choose a healthier snack. You can opt for a non-sweeten tea instead of a
sugar laden drink to quench your thirst. Or a bag of dried fruits instead of a
bar of chocolate.
Tweak #7


Confdent is not given but create by oneself. If you keep saying you have a bad
memory, you will probably contnue to have a bad memory. It is important to have a
motvated, I CAN REMEMBER attude. Believe in yourself and if you believe you
will jotng down your thoughts, you will jot them down happily and not thinking it
as a chore.

Always focus on the positve and not the negatve. Think of what you have and not
what you do not have.

One trick i always do is to look into the mirror at myself and tell myself “i can do
this”. I always use this before a big presentaton or a sales meetng with an
important client.
Tweak #8

Alarm clock are not just for waking you up. Timer are not just for use in the kitchen.
Take advantage of alarm clocks and tmers throughout your day. I fnd this tweak
really useful as it helps me to complete task and get to appointments on tme.

Use the alarm as an reminder for your chores too. Have to take the clothes out of
the dryer by 12 noon? Set your alarm clock to remind you. How about leave for the
ladies luncheon by 7 p.m.? Set your tmer to beep a few minutes before it is tme to
start to get ready.

Do you tend to take a long tme to get ready and ofen late for work or
appointment? You can set an alarm for 10 minutes before the tme you need to
leave so you can speed up in the last 10 minutes in getng ready. Another great way
to get ready on tme is to have a “get ready” playlist. I have 8 of my favorite songs
on my “get ready” playlist and i'll play it when getng ready. By the tme it reaches
the 4th song, i know i have to speed up.

I always use my phone alarm clock to schedule in tme to remind myself of eatng
my medicine or vitamins. Try this and you will miss not another dose of your
antbiotcs or vitamins.
Tweak #9

People ofen say mult-tasking is bad for you. It make you lose focus and get
distracted. Well, i agree with that especially when we are doing some important and
we need to focus on doing a task at a tme.

However, i'm a Queen of mult-tasking. Mult-tasking allow me to get more things

done in a day. For some reason, I feel like my tme is wasted if I’m only doing one
thing. We can mult-task when doing task that is routne or laborious. Mult-tasking
allow you to use your tme more wisely when doing this kind of chores.

For instance, when i'm washing the dishes, i'm catching up on my reading with an
audiobook. When i'm exercising, i'm watching the TV. When i'm driving, i listen to
the news to catch up with the current afairs of the world. When i'm writng this, i'm
actually playing a game of fetch with my dog too.

I guess the most common form of mult-tasking is reading a book or play a game on
your phone when doing your business in the toilet. I'm sure everyone of use has
done this one tme or another.

This is a tweak you have got to use. You can actually use your chore tme doing
chore and enjoy sometme you love at the same tme. So start a new way of mult-
tasking today.
Tweak #10


Try spotng me in the line above. Well, you can't. You will never fnd me in a line
day dreaming or wondering why is the queue so long today.

Do you know we usually waste each day with a lot of waitng tme. To me, waitng
tme is always my reading tme (hint: there is how i managed to read 200 over books
in a year). If i'm not reading, i'll be catching up on my work email, or scheduling my

So, the next tme you are visitng your dentst, or waitng in line for a cupf of cofee
or even while waitng for your dinner to cook, take the tme to catch up on reading
or planning. You can also use this tme to sort, tdy or just think.

No more wastng your waitng tme away!

Tweak #11

With the advance of technologies and apps. There are many good and free e-mail
reminder services or message reminder apps available.

You can use them to get a reminder on your important tasks or events. Type in what
you want to remember, such as a welcome party, anniversary or special event, and
schedule it so you will receive an e-mail reminder when the date is approaching.
This is a terrifc way to jog your memory by the internet.

Most of us would send at least one or two text message a day. But have you ever
sent one to yourself? Our mobile phone is one of the best tools available for taking
short notes and sending reminders to yourself about things you see and hear about
throughout the day.

Here is an example. Just a few days ago, i got a call for a slot open up for my dental
appointment while i was waitng in the checkout line at the supermarket. I went on
a quick trip to the supermarket o get milk, as such i do not have my planner or a pen
with me. Instead of reminding myself constantly on the tme and date of my
appointment. I simply took out my mobile phone and send myself a text consistng
the tme and date of my dental appointment. And now, i have a text reminding
myself to write down my dental appointment in the planner when i got home. Isn't
it awesome!
Tweak #12

Our mind tends to remember image beter than words. Visual reminders will help
you remember and stay focused. Use visual reminders for remembering your goals.
If your goal is to take a trip to a Ireland in a few years, keep a magazine photograph
of Ireland right on your desk. If your goal is to lose 30 lbs. in six months, fnd a
picture or ornament that will help remind you of this goal each day.

Visual memory joggers works beter

than a boring one liner in your
planner. I ofen use cute stckers and
drawings in my planner to help me
with reminder of my tasks. Not only
these cute colorful stckers made my
day but it aids as a visual reminder to
my tasks or appointments.

I would draw a dog paw next to a task or appointment related to my dog. Or use a
“PAY BILL” stckers on the days where i need to pay my bills. I would also use
diferent colored pens in writng down diferent tasks in the planner – blue for work
related task, red for home.
Tweak #13

We ofen mistake what is urgent as what is important. In the book, 7 Habits of
Highly Efectve People by Steven Covey, it mentoned there are 4 quadrants in tme

Obviously, we have to deal with Quadrant 1 tasks, which are integral to keep going.
Ofen, people get stuck with task in Quadrant 3 that feel important due to its
urgency. Quadrant 2 are the important but not urgent task that people tends to
overlook, believe there is always a tomorrow for it. However, that is the key to good
healthy personal life that one should cultvate.
Tweak #14


You are only one person, afer all and you cannot do it all! Exercise your stress
management techniques by saying "no" occasionally when you are asked to do
things that are of litle priority to you.

I'm a crowd pleaser and i used to say “Yes” to every favors and tasks given to me.
One day i stumped upon a quote from Paulo Coelho - “When you say yes to others,
make sure you are not saying no to yourself. Then i realized that i am not
superwoman, i can't possibly help all my colleagues with their tasks and get stuck at
work late trying to fnish my work. You have get to know when to say “no”, if not we
will be stuck with tasks resultng in a unhappy self. It is only when you say “no”, then
you will be able to have tme to do things that really maters.

“NO”is not a negatve word. Sometmes saying “NO” can save you from life's
greatest pains!
Tweak #15

The next tme someone helps you out with something, be sure to ofer praise. This
can be to a subordinate, co-worker or to a member of the family for any efort you
have notced. One day when you are in need of a helping hands, you will be
surprised that many will step up and ofer their help.

There is a cofee place near my house that i ofen frequent. I would usually
have a cup of cofee and start my day of work in the cafe.. I would usually
strike up a conversaton with the staf and give thanks when i'm being served.
Once i even help them clearing up tables when they were short handed. A
couple of months ago, i forgot my wallet and only to realize when i'm paying
the bill (imagine how embarrassed i was). I told the waitress i lef my wallet at
home and ofer to leave my laptop before while i go home to grab my wallet.
Instead, she told me the cofee will be on the house.

Always help and give thanks to people and maybe one day you may need their
helping hands too.
Tweak #16

We all are lazy people and love to procrastnate, who doesn't. If you do, this will
only stress you out when you think about that hateful "to do" item on your list. You
will end up blowing your “to do” list right out of proporton and it will become
almost impossible to accomplish.

One of the reason many procrastnate is due to the fact that our mind
subconsciously fnd the work too overwhelming for us. Always divide the work into
manageable tasks. Start by tackling the largest or most disliked task frst, the other
task will be a breeze!

Sometmes the change of environment can change our productvity. Maybe it is the
aromatc smell of the cofee, I always fnd myself working best when in a cafe and
not at my ofce desk. Ofen so when i'm in need to get things done, i'll pack up my
laptop and head to the nearby cafe. Find a place that will change your productvity.

Are you ofen waitng for a perfect tme to do certain task, perhaps because it is not
the best tming to start due to multple reasons. Abandon that thought, as there is
never going to be a perfect tme. If you keep waitng for one, you will never
accomplish anything.

You can do all the planning and strategizing, but remember if you do not take any
acton, nothing is going to happen.
Tweak #17

You can save tme and footwork by collectng everything to bring with you to
complete errands or to distribute in each room of the house instead of making too
many trips. Make a fast list while planning out your route and be sure to plan each
stop along the way so you do not have to backtrack and lose tme.

Do you ofen spend tme sortng through the grocery bags and walking all over the
house to place the stuf in their locaton afer a trip to the grocery store? I start
organizing my groceries when i'm bagging them at the checkout. Upon reaching
home, i would just bring the bags to its supposed locaton – the canned and dried
food to the pantry, the perishables to the fridge, toiletries to the bathroom. By
doing this, you would not have to walk around the house multple tmes to store
things away.

Group efort works for planning meals too. You would make chicken broth in the
weekend and freeze them up in smaller bag, now you have broth for any meal in the
week. How about making 2-3 lasagna one shoot, and freeze up the rest and you can
use them later in the week.

This same goes for grocery shopping. Instead of going to the store multple tmes a
week, come up with a list of grocery that you will need throughout the week before
heading to the store. A great tps is to put a note on your family planner to let them
know when would be grocery day, so they can list down what they might need too.
Tweak #18

Handle each leter and each piece of paper only once. Read it and fle it, redirect it
to somewhere else, schedule it in your day planner or toss it. Do not add it to a
never-ending pile on your desk in hopes that you will get to it eventually.

Do you hate sortng laundry from the colors to whites to delicates? Why not just just
deal with it once. I found this cool tp of the internet. You can color code your
basket, so everyone in the family will know where each piece of their clothing goes
into each basket. Even a 3 year old can do this too.
Tweak #19


Reading makes me happy. I start and end each day with reading, so i start and end
every single day being happy. So what makes you the happiest? Spending tme with
your children? Going out to the movies? Indulging at the spa? Atending sports or
shows? Take a minute to think of what you love to do most and then get out there
and do it all!

Schedule some "me tme" in that great new planner you have bought and treat it
like an appointment with self! Although doing something such as gardening may
sound like a bit of a chore, if you fnd it relaxing, pencil it in. Everything has a tme of
its own so make tme for yourself.
Tweak #20

The key to happiness and being positve.

Happiness is an attude. The only diference between a good and a bad day is your
attude. We can either make ourselves sad and miserable or make ourselves
positve and happy. The amount of work is the same. Would you rather have more
happy and good day then sad and bad day?

Look at what you got and not have a tunnel version harping over what you do not
have. Happiness is a choice. Happiness is not about what happens to you, but how
you choose to respond to what happens. That why it is call happiness and not

Do you have a problem in life, if not why worry about it. Maybe you do have a
problem, but can you do something about it? If yes, then why worry about it. Even if
you can't do anything about it, why let it worries and bother you since nothing can
be done. Don't worry and be happy!
Thank you for reading this book. I have shared 20 simple and awesome tweaksthat
will give you more tme to enjoy things you love daily. I hope you have enjoyed it
and would like using 1 or 2 of tps.

Start small and an establish a good routne. Keep writng in your planner daily and
keep scheduling tme for yourself. Throw in the occasional "no." and get into a good
routne. Stck with your new routne and you will fnd you will be happier and with
much less stress.

I hope to provide more tps in future so that you can use to have a beter quality of
life. Doing What You Love Is Where Happiness Lives.

If you like my book, do subscribe to my newsleters at

To A Happier Life!
XOXO, Christne Lee
Founder of Bringing Happiness Movement
Here are some books and tools that i have used and they are awesome!

The Acton Machine | Get Thing Done!


Lock In Your Power To Manifest Success & Happiness in Your Life


Put A Stop To Your Your Procrastnaton Now!


An Awesome Tools To Help You With Setngs And Completng Your Daily Goals

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