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2008 Congress on Image and Signal Processing

Simulation of Three-phase Voltage Source PWM Rectifier

Based on Direct Current Control *

Wang Xu, Huang Kaizheng, Yan Shijie, Xu Bin

Department of Measurement Technology &Instrumentation University of Northeastern Shenyang
, Liaoning, Province, China

Abstract system stability. The current regulating fashion in

synchronous frame has the advantages of fast dynamic
This paper is concerned with the design and current response, good accuracy, fixed switching
simulation of a pulse width modulation (PWM) frequency and less sensitive to parameter variations [3].
rectifier for three-phase Permanent Magnetic motor In actual implementations, the direct current control
drive. Based on the mathematical model of PWM scheme is widely adopted.
rectifier, the dual-close-loop engineering design with Various control strategies have been proposed to
decoupled feed-forward control is applied in the 3- regulate the dc bus voltage while improving the quality
phase voltage source rectifier. The objective to be of the input ac current in direct current control scheme
reached is to realize unity power factor at the input ac [4]. The traditional control strategies establish two
mains and regulate output voltage. The paper presents loops: a line current inner loop of power factor
the MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation model. The compensation and an output voltage outer loop for
results confirm the validity of the model and its control voltage regulation. In this paper, the design method
method. and controller model based on direct current control
Keywords: PWM rectifier, unity power factor, are analyzed.
decoupled feed-forward control This paper briefly reviews the principles and the
topologies of 3-phase PWM rectifier, gives a dual-
1. Introduction close-loop design method of system controller. The
control strategy is proved feasibility by
Power electronics equipments become more widely MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation with different loads.
used. Unfortunately, the standard diode/Thyristor
bridge rectifiers at the input side cause several 2. Three-phase voltage source PWM
problems as: Low input power factor, high values of rectifier model
harmonic distortion of ac line currents, and harmonic
pollution on the grid. In recent years, the research Figure 1 shows the circuit diagram of the three-
interest in the area of PWM rectifiers has grown phase voltage source rectifier structure. In order to set
rapidly [1] [2]. up math model, it is assumed that the AC voltage is a
The PWM rectifier offers several advantages such balanced three phase supply, the filter reactor is linear,
as: control of DC bus voltage, bi-directional power IGBT is ideal switch and lossless [5]. Where ua , ub
flow, unity power factor, and sinusoidal line current. and uc are the phase voltages of three phase balanced
Many pulse-width modulation (PWM) techniques
have been adopted for these rectification devices to voltage source, and ia , ib and ic are phase currents,
improve the input power factor and shape the input vdc is the DC output voltage, R1 and L mean
current of the rectifier into sinusoidal waveform. The resistance and inductance of filter reactor, respectively,
phase and amplitude control (PAC) seems to be the C is smoothing capacitor across the dc bus, RL is the
most simple structure and provides a good switching
pattern, but the dc offset on input current of the DC side load, ura , urb , and urc , are the input voltages
rectifier during transient state deteriorates the control of rectifier, and iL is load current.

Project Supported by National 863 plan project(2006AA04Z183)

978-0-7695-3119-9/08 $25.00 © 2008 IEEE 194

DOI 10.1109/CISP.2008.705
idc iL

VT3 id _ ωL
_ +
ua R1 VD1 VD3 VD5 u*dc + i*d + urd
L ia
u'rd + PWM
udc Rectifier
L ib R1 vdc
RL _ _
+ u'rq urq
uc L ic R1 PI
_ ωL +
VT4 VT6 VT2 uq


Figure 2. Control block diagram of d-q dual-close-loop

Figure 1. Circuit schematic of three-phase two-level boost- controller of the rectifier
type rectifier Let us take into account this assumption in (1) and
The following equations describe the dynamical get the following equations:
behavior of the boost type rectifier in Park coordinated  did
or in d-q:  L dt = −id R1 + u 'rd
 did  (3)
 L dt = ud − id R1 + ω Liq − urd  L diq = −i R + u '
  dt q 1 rq

 diq The simple proportional-integral (PI) controllers

L = uq − iq R1 − ω Lid − urq (1)
 dt are adopted in the current regulation, urd and urq are
 dVdc V 3
C = − dc + ( Sd id + S q iq ) controlled by the following expression:
 dt R L 2
 KiI *
Where, urd = Sd Vdc , urq = Sq Vdc , urd , urq and Sd , urd = −( Kip + s )(i d − id ) + ω Liq + ud
 (4)
Sq are input voltage of rectifier, switch function in u = −( K + KiI )(i* − i ) + ω Li + u
 rq ip
q q d q
synchronous rotating d-q coordinate, respectively. ud ,
Assume that the d–q voltage commands are not
uq and id , iq are voltage source, current in synchronous saturated for linear operation of PWM modulation and
rotating d-q coordinate, respectively. ω is angular the d–q current control loops have been fully
frequency. decoupled. For d-axis current control loop, the
structure can be simplified to Figure 3.
2.1. Design of current loop KiP (1 + sTs ) K PWM 1/ R
sTi 1.5Ts s + 1 1 + ( L / R) s
It is seen from (1) that mutual interference exists in
the d-q current control loops. The voltage decouplers
are therefore designed to decouple the current control
loops and suitable feed forward control components of
source voltages are also added to speed up current Figure 3. Equivalent control block diagram of the d–q current
control loop
responses. The d–q current control loop of the rectifier
When the current responses speed is concerned, the
in the proposed system is shown in Figure 2.
Where the d – q voltage commands can be current regulator can be designed as the typical Ⅰ
expressed as model system. For pole-zero cancellation, take
Ti = L / R . The open-loop current transfer function can
urd = −u 'rd + ω Liq + ud
 (2) be expressed as
urq = −u 'rq + ω Lid + uq KiP K PWM
Wi ( s ) = (5)
RTi s (1.5Ts + 1)
According to Parameter adjusting method for
typical Ⅰmodel system, when damping ratio ξ =0.707,
we have the following equation
1.5Ts K iP K PWM 1
= (6)
RTi 2

The parameters of the PI controller should be Finally the result obtained is:
chosen as  C
 RTi  K vP = 5T
 (13)
 K iP = 3T K

 S PWM  K = K vP
 (7)  vI 20Ts
 K = iP = R
 iI Ti 3Ts K PWM
KvP (1 + sTv ) 0.75 1
sTv 4Ts s + 1 sC

2.2. Design of voltage loop

The transfer function of voltage regulator is

1 + Tv Figure 4. Equivalent control block diagram of the voltage
G ( s ) = K vP (8)
Tv s control loop
Where K vI = (9) 3. Simulation results
By Figure 4, the open transfer function of system The decoupled dual-close-loop controller has been
can be expressed as simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK to test the
0.75K vP (1 + sTv ) performance of VSC described by the proposed model.
Wov ( s ) = (10)
CTv s 2 (4Ts s + 1) The whole system behavior is simulated as a discrete
Due to the main function of voltage control loop is control system. The simulation model is shown in
to keep stability of output voltage, so the noise figure 5 and figure 6. The actual rectifier is shown at
immunity must be taken into account in the course of the top of the model in figure 5. In the circuits, the ac
design voltage loop. The proper choice to this end is to source is an ideal balanced three-phase voltage source
adopted typical Ⅱ model system. So with frequency of 50Hz. The phase to phase voltage is
0.75K vP hv + 1 380V. The line resistor of each phase is 0.0lΩ. The line
= (11) inductance of each phase is 5mH. The output capacitor
CTv 32h 2 vT 2 s
is 4700uF. In steady state, the dc voltage is set to be
Where, hv = Tv / 4Ts is the frequency width in the 500V. The switching frequency is 10kHz.
voltage loop, take hv = 5 , then
Tv = 20Ts (12)

Figure 5.Three-phase voltage source PWM rectifier system model

source rectifier is designed in the paper. Simulation
result shows that very fast response can be achieved in
both dc quantity and reactive power control. The
solution proposed in this paper requires the sensing of
input voltage, line current and output voltage.
Generally speaking, industrial loads for this rectifier
are variable loads, this being the main drawback to
obtain simple controllers. Achieving robustness to load
Figure 6.The current regulator unit variations is not a simple control problem because
The following two figures summarize the results of whenever load varies, the amplitude of the line current
the simulation. The first figure shows the transient must change to a new value to keep dc voltage
response of the output voltage during the load variation. regulation, but keeping the control objective over the
The second figure shows transient response of input line current shape. It is difficult to treat this problem as
current for a step load change. At t=200 ms, a 10-kW a tracking problem without measuring the load since
load is switched-in. We can see that the dynamic the line current reference depends on it. A robust
response of the DC regulator to this sudden load controller for rectifier using the IDA approach and
variation (10 kW to 20 kW) is satisfactory. The DC GSSA modeling is proposed in [7].It is said that the
voltage is back to 500 V within 1.5 cycles and the unity method transform the nonstandard tracking control
power factor on the AC side is maintained. problem into a regulation one. The same solution by
the IDA-PBC is presented in Work [8].But it is worth
to further study to prove the feasibility in actual

5. References
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