Straightforward Beginner Unit Test 6: Name - Score - Vocabulary

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Straightforward Beginner Unit test 6

Name _______________________ Score _____________


A Match the verbs to the nouns.

(1) read TV
(2) play free time
(3) eat coffee
(4) learn a book
(5) drink school
(6) watch English
(7) go to dinner
(8) have chess

B Add a, e, i, or u to make food label words.

(9) s _ p _ r
(10) l _ ght
(11) l _ w f _ t
(12) sp _ c _ _ l
(13) b _ g
(14) h _ t

Functional language

C Rewrite these times in full e.g. Afternoon; 2.10 – It’s ten past two pm.

(15) 6.55
(16) 11.00
(17) 9.45
(18) 10.10

Straightforward Beginner Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013

(19) 4.30
(20) 5.00
(21) 1.20

(22) 6.40
(23) 7.25
(24) 8.50
(25) 11.35


D Put the adverb in the correct place in the sentence.

(26) I am late for work. (hardly ever)

(27) She is tired. (often)
(28) I have eggs for breakfast. (usually)
(29) Pete works on Sunday. (never)
(30) She wakes up late. (sometimes)

E Rearrange the words to make sentences or questions.

(31) see I my times three grandparents a year

(32) play once football I a week
(33) drink How you often wine do ?
(34) has with every his family lunch week He
(35) go bed often he midnight after Does to ?

Straightforward Beginner Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013

F Complete the question with a question word.

When Where Who How much What

(36) ___________ does he usually wake up?

(37) ___________ do you have for lunch?
(38) ___________ is your factory?
(39) ___________ do you live with?
(40) ___________ does the salsa class cost?

G Match the answers below to questions 36–40.

(41) in the city centre

(42) my family
(43) 10 euros
(44) at 8 o’clock in the morning
(45) soup and salad

H Choose the correct question word to complete the question.

(46) Who / What / How is her name?

(47) Why / When / What does the class start?
(48) How often / How much / How does it cost?
(49) Where / When / Why is your flat?
(50) How / Who / Why do you play tennis with?

Straightforward Beginner Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013

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