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Sermon Writer - James Dina

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JOB 12:22 “He discovers deep things out of darkness, and

brings to light the shadow of death”.
The attributes of God, as revealed in the Bible, are crucial to understanding the truth
about God, who He is and what He does. He created everything according to His perfect
plan to reveal and reflect Himself in the creation. As creator of the heavens and the
earth, there is nothing made that He has not known (John 1:3). God knows all things
because He created the world, the light and darkness and everything therein. God
Himself said: ‘I form the light, and create darkness…’ (Isaiah 45:7). Therefore, God is the
creator of both the light and the darkness.

God reveals Himself to mankind through His works, which shows His infinite power to
reveal/uncover mysteries about His works that are invisible to human eyes. King
Nebuchadnezzar attested to this when the Lord gave him the interpretation of his
dream through Daniel, He referred to God as a revealer of mysteries. “The king
answered Daniel and said, Surely, your God is a God of gods and a Lord of kings and a
revealer of mysteries, since you have been able to reveal this mystery.” (Daniel 2:47)

The mystery of Darkness.

Darkness is a complete absence of light, which blurs human’s vision. It is a state

of being in misery and adversity (Psalm 107:10); It’s also a symbol of ignorance
(Ephesians 4: 18). Those who walk in the darkness do not know where they are
going; a confused and chaotic situation. God can reveal everything in darkness,
even the deep things that are in the darkness; because the darkness is not dark to
Him, and the night is as bright as the day, darkness and light are alike to the
Almighty God (Psalm 139: 12).

He can unfold what is wrapped up and manifest what is hidden. Deep places are
hidden places; God discovers those things which are most hidden, even deep
things out of darkness. What is deep is usually dark. The further we move away
from the fountain of light, the more darkness prevails over us; and therefore,
every degree of deepness adds a degree of darkness, all depth being downward.
In the beginning, darkness was upon the face of the deep (Genesis 1:1) but (after
creation) darkness is always at the bottom of the deep. He discovers deep things
out of darkness, that is, the remotest, lowest and most retired depths.

The shadow of death.

The shadow of death can be described as extreme darkness, thick darkness. It

denotes the strength and veracity of darkness. It is the highest, the superlative
degree of thick darkness.

Grave is a place of darkness, and things that are buried lie in the dark. (Job 34:22)
- there is no darkness, no shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity may
hide themselves. According to this scripture, the workers of iniquity cannot be
hidden in the thickest darkness. God does not only bring deep things out of
darkness but also the deepest things out of the darkest darkness; even out of
that darkness that is as deep and dark as the grave. God can bring to light those
hidden plans and conspiracy in the depth of a man’s heart, those hidden secrets
concealed for ages. This is an assurance for us as believers when we walk in
extreme danger, through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil,
because God’s light will overshadow us in the dark.


The creator of all things knows all things that He made. He can make unknown
things to be known, and easily known. The God who discovers deep things out of
darkness can see those things which lie on the open sun. God’s knowledge of all
things does not limit His intimate knowledge of us. It’s only God, who is infinite in
knowledge and can reveal deep things. Nobody on earth can unravel deep
things; those things which are far off, and exceeding deep, who can find them
out? (Eccl. 7:24). He knows your place in His creation (Psalm 139:2–3), He even
knows your thoughts (Psalm 139:4). God knows exactly where you are and
what you’re thinking about right now.

There is a depth in a man, bigger than his words, and that is the depth of his
thoughts (Psalm 64: 6), both the inward thought of every one of them, and the
heart is deep. The inward thought is an act of the heart, and the heart is the
faculty, or power of thinking. Counsel in the heart of a man is like deep water
(Proverbs 20: 5). The heart of man is so deep that none can find it out but God,
Himself (Jeremiah 17:10).

Some men flatter themselves thinking God cannot find out the things in their
spirits, but (Isaiah 29 15) says “Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their
counsel from the lord”. No degree of the depth of a man’s heart can hide his
counsel from God. God needs no one to tell Him about the content of man’s
heart, He makes His way into the depths of the core darkness with His own eyes.


God is light and dwells in the light. As He has no darkness at all in Him, so also
nothing is dark to Him. Nothing is hidden to Him. His creating wisdom is perfect
and is beyond human comprehension. No man, not even the angels can search
out His great wisdom. Many things are hidden to the human eyes, they have
masks and clouds cast over them, which eyes of flesh cannot see through; but
these are all naked before the eyes of God.

God sees all things. “He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what is in
the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.” (Daniel 2:22).
Sometimes God reveal to man, what is always and already opened to Him. The
deep things of God are His words. Unless God expound His own words, human
beings would have distorted it. No prophesy of scripture (whether doctrinal or
prophetical) is of any private interpretation (2Peter 2:20). His words contain
either doctrines to be believed, or prophesies to be fulfilled. The word of God has
its shallows and its depths, in there a lamb (a new believer) may wade in, and a
Whale (the saints of God) may swim.

Man, with all its wits and knowledge cannot interpret the word of God, only the
Spirit of God can. However, Man can be assisted by the Spirit of God for its

The word of prophesy needs to be heeded carefully “For the prophesy were not
revealed in the old time by the will of Man, but holy men of God spoke as
they were moved by the Holy ghost”. (2 Peters 1:21). The prophets were the
interpreters of the mind of God to the people, not the messengers of their own
minds. False prophets render their own dreams, and render private
interpretations to the things of God to deceive the gullible. They opened to the
people things they authored by themselves, unlike the old prophets.

As the Scripture itself is not the interpretation of man’s mind, so neither can any
true interpretation of the scripture come from the mere mind of man. The spirit
of God (in man) searches all things, even the deep things of God (1Corinthians
2:10). Without the Holy Spirit, man cannot find anything of God, whether what
lies in the uppermost or most hidden in sight.


Surely the Lord will not do anything until He reveals His secrets to His servant the
prophets (Amos 3: 7). The secret of God’s decree (to bring evil upon a land, to
take away the voice of mirth and gladness, and to make them offer an
astonishment, or experience a perpetual desolation) is revealed to His prophets
that they may warn the people, either to prevent or prepare for the evil which is
to come.
When God was about to destroy Sodom, He said, “Shall I hide from Abraham that
thing which I do (Genesis 18: 17). God revealed the rise and fall of the kingdom of
Antichrist, the making of the kingdoms of this world, the kingdom of the Lord
Jesus Christ to Apostle John through the Spirit of God, which was recorded in the
book of Revelation.

When King Nebuchadnezzar desired to hear the interpretation of his dream,

Daniel ascribed all glory to the Almighty God for revealing the interpretation of
the King’s dream. He reveals the deep and secret things, He knows what is in the
darkness and the light dwell with Him (Daniel 2: 22).

Besides these deep and dark things which concern future events, the Lord also
reveal the deep things of doctrine, the supernatural mysteries of religion: the
incarnation of His son Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the body, the mystery of
justifying faith and of the new birth, which are absurdities to nature; these are all
revealed in the word of God to our ears, and by the Spirit of God to our hearts.


The actions of man revealed by God may be good or evil. Though the sinner may
go as deep as hell, yet his life and sin are under the eyes of God. As our secret
iniquity is before him, so He sometimes sets it before man (Ecclesiastes10:20).

It is hard for a man to conceal his own thoughts (when the mind is full, it may
quickly run over out of the mouth). However, it is easier with God to find out a
way for the revealing of our thoughts even when it is concealed deep down in
our hearts.

What can be more secret than a thought? Who can hear the sound of our
thoughts? A thought is the most secret act. Thought is free. Thoughts do not fall
under the censure of any court. Those things which fear no evidence, fear no
sentence. Yet, God can send in evidence against our thoughts.

A bird of the air shall carry the voice of that which has no voice
(Ecclesiastes10:20). It is a proverbial speech, that by the most unlikely means, if
other means fail, God will reveal those curses and reveal them speedily.
a) It shall be revealed by some unexpected means, or by least suspected means.
God can make birds speak, chamber doors, the stone out of the wall, and the
beam out of the timber shall speak rather than silence to cover wickedness.

b) It also means that the matter shall be revealed by some speedy means. A bird
shall do it; the messenger shall fly; a winged messenger shall be dispatched on
this errand.

Furthermore, God bring good things as well as evil, just and holy actions as well
as sinful and unjust, out of the deep of darkness. Many works of light lie in the
darkness, many excellent things are under concealment. David’s integrity laid in
the dark, yet God brought it forth as the light, and his innocence as the noon day.
God is not unrighteous, to forget or conceal, either our labor of love, or labor in
holiness, though men do.

The Psalmists cried out to God,” Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked, from
the plots of evildoers.” (Psalms 64: 2). Evil has been in existence since ages, many
of them concealed. There are many evil plots that are done, hidden and
concealed in the palace of justices, courts of law, King’s palaces, Government and
religious institutions, which can’t be discovered by men except God’s divine
intervention. God, in His infinite wisdom, reveal such deep secrets out of darkness
and make them known in the public, where it can’t be hidden again.

There are three ways by which God can reveal and expose Evil plots
lying in deepest darkness:

1. By the confession of the person whose head has contrived, or whose

hand did the evil plots. They are trapped in their own answers and their
tongue witness against them. Evil in the heart drops out at the mouth
by queries/questions put to the guilty (Proverbs 20: 5). He draws it out
by questions and examinations, when those black waters do not flow
out of themselves, they are pumped up by the art and industry of
others. A confession of these deep things out of darkness is made by
the workings of a man’s own conscience. Whatever you do, is done in
the eye of conscience. Therefore, take heed. Conscience will examine a
man as strictly as any inquisitor.
2. God reveals deep things immediately by His own Spirit. As the Spirit
reveal the holy counsels of God to us, He can expose the most secret
evil designs and counsel of men. (2kings 6:11); from this scripture the
Spirit of God revealed the deep counsels of the Syrian king to the
prophet, and the prophet revealed them to men.
3. The Lord discovers deep things out of darkness by wonderful
providences. He makes some acts of His own providence, as keys to
unlock the secrets of men, as hands to remove the veil, as winds to
dispel clouds and scatter the mists which hid their actions or intentions.
In the story of Joseph, we have a good demonstration of this. It was a
secret, a deep thing of darkness that his brethren conspired against him,
they sold him out of Egypt, and brought his bloody torn cloth to his
father, which caused the plain hearted old man to conclude, “that some
evil beast has devoured him” (Genesis 37:20). Thus, the matter was
locked up; yet God makes several acts of His providence as keys to
open it. First, Famine pinched Jacob and his family, then Joseph’s
brother must go to Egypt, and then Benjamin must be detained and
Simeon bound. Here was a strange series and succession of providences
till the whole matter was discovered.

Also, a letter written with uncouth expressions mistakenly put into a

wrong hand can bring all deep things and secret things to light. The best
intelligence we have had of secret counsels have been from the cabinets
who contrived them.

There are so many lessons learnt from the study above, about God’s discovery of
deep things out of darkness. God’s eye is everywhere, nowhere to hide, darkness
cannot hide from Him. Therefore, let us take note of the following inferences:
1. Be afraid to do or to plot any evil secretly. Usually, those that do things
that are not fit to be seen do conceal them, for them not to be seen either
in doing them or when they are done.
2. Be not afraid of the secret plotting of evil men, or of the deep things done
in darkness. No matter how deep the way and counsels of men are laid, yet
they are all above board to God. Suppose enemies are taking counsel
against us, yet we have a powerful friend behind them, who hears every
word they say, and will in surest season, both discover and disappoint
them. Our father in heaven knows and overrules the darkest designs of
wicked men on earth.
3. When men are plotting, let us be praying. David knew Ahithophel could
give desperate and deep counsel against him, therefore he prayed. “Lord,
turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness”.
4. Man’s uprightness shall not be hidden. God will vindicate the innocent.
God, who can expose the guilty can also defend the innocent. In the midst
of all these dark thoughts of men concerning our works, God knows them
and will bring them to limelight just as they are (Matthew 10:25).

I will encourage us to do good, even if it is hidden from people or not recognize

by men or we forget them; the Lord will redeem our works out of this darkness
(darkness of our ignorance or forgetfulness). No secrecy nor oblivion can cover a
good work for a long time.

It is our duty to do good. Through the uncompromising faithfulness of Jesus

Christ, no good which we have done shall be lost or left in perpetual darkness.
God has made discoveries of many deep things out of darkness in the past, He
will yet do it again and again and will make universal discoveries at last.

God has revealed many deep things out of darkness to us, which our forefathers
never saw. Those divine and human deep things stretched out of darkness by the
mighty power and unsearchable wisdom of God. It is well thought to note that
there are deep things about this world that will be revealed to the next
generation, things that are still in darkness to our generation, same way it was
concealed by divine providence from our forefathers.

The deep things of God can be revealed to us through a deeper walk with Jesus
Christ (John 14: 16-18). We should avoid sin and have a close relationship with
Him, He will reveal hidden things to us easily. Even Salvation itself is a mystery of
God that is now revealed (Ephesians 3:9), a plan conceived before the
foundations of the world (Ephesians 1: 3-14). Salvation means death to sin and
freedom from sin (Romans 6).

Everyone wants to know about heaven and everyone wants to go there. We were
made to live forever somewhere. In a real sense we were made for heaven, a
dwelling place of God.

(John 14: 1 -3) "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I
am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for
you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I

The throne of God is there, the angels are there, and the Lord Jesus Christ is in
heaven. It also includes every true believer from every continent and every
denomination. Everyone who has genuinely trusted in Christ as Lord and Savior
will be there and the saints of God who died on this earth are in heaven.

The things we can know for certain about heaven are those revealed in the Bible.
Everything else is just speculation and hearsay. The Bible tells us everything we
need to know and I believe it also tells us everything we can know for certain
about heaven.

Not everyone is in heaven now. Some people won't make it. The Bible speaks of
the saved and the lost. The saved are those who trust Jesus Christ as their eternal
Savior. The lost are those who do not trust Christ as Savior. This is the great
dividing line of humanity; you are either saved or you are lost. And there is no
middle category. You will either spend eternity in heaven or eternity in hell. If you
were to die tonight, do you know for certain that you would go to heaven?
What we need is solid ground on which to stand. And we have it in the death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our entire hope of heaven is wrapped up in what
Jesus did when he died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose from the
One of our most beloved hymns puts it this way:
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ the solid rock I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
That says it all. If you want to go to heaven, and see the deep things of God,
you must base your hope on the solid rock of Jesus' blood and
righteousness. Are you standing on the Rock? Are you wholly leaning on Jesus'
No one goes to heaven by accident. Heaven is God's prepared place for prepared
people. We prepare for heaven and then God prepares heaven for us. Most
people believe in heaven and most people think they are going there. But are
they on the right road? Are they building their lives on Jesus Christ; the solid
rock? Too many, I fear, are standing on sinking sand and do not know it.
What is your hope for heaven? Mine is Jesus Christ. I have staked everything I
have on him. If He can't take me to heaven, then I am not going there. What
about you? When the dark night falls, the lights go out, and the waters of death
swirl around you, what will happen to you then? If you know Jesus, you have
nothing to fear. Put your trust in Jesus. Run to the Cross. Stand with your full
weight on the Solid Rock of our salvation. May God help you to trust in Jesus
Christ and Him alone for your salvation. And may God grant that we will all meet
one day in heaven and live in the light of God where there is no darkness, in
Jesus name, Amen.

1 Corinthians 4:5
5Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord
comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness (whether good or
bad) and will expose the motives of the heart (whether just or unjust). At
that time every man (who is praise worthy) will receive their praise from

Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever, Wisdom and Power are His. And
the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the
mouth of the LORD has spoken.

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be
with you all." (2 Corinthians 13:14).

James Dina
30th June,2020

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