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By Group 1; Taufiq, Yola,

Suci, Faqih, Ira
What is Realism?
• Realism in the arts is generally the attempt to represent the
subject matter truthfully, without any artificially and
avoiding artistic conventions, implausible, exotic, and
supernatural elements.

• In the visual arts, illusionistic realism is the accurate

depiction of life forms, perspective, and the details of light
and color. But realist or naturalist works of art may, as well
or instead of illusionist realism, be “realist” in their subject
matter and emphasize the mundane, ugly or sordid.
Example 1

Realism is the precise, detailed and accurate

representation in art of the visual appearance of
scenes and objects. Realism in this sense is also
called naturalism, mimesis, or illusionism.

The Toilet of Venus

Francois Boucher, 1751
Example 2

Realism as a style meaning the honest,

unidealizing depiction of the subjects, can be
used in depicting any type of subject, without
any commitment to treating the typical

Yellow Fever Episode

Juan Manuel Blanes, 1871
Non-artist person known to
have helped shape this
Ebiet G. Ade // Indonesian musician,
theory producer, songwriter
b. Banjarnegara, 21 April 1954

Main contributions Relevance to Theory

Ebiet known for his song Ebiet’s songs are simple

which nature-themed and but realistic, depicting
life of the outcasts. His about life, nature, and
songs are about society which his listeners
Indonesian life from the could relate. The truth of
late 70’s until now. His the lyrics are taken from
songs are mostly about problems in everyday life.
social-politic, disaster,
family, religious, etc.
Sapardi Djoko Damono//
Indonesian poet, lecturer, literary critic and expert
b. Surakarta, March 20, 1940

Main contributions Relevance to Theory

Realism in literature – defined
as ‘the faithful representation of Sapardi's role is very Sapardi is known for his
reality’. Realism was based on important in Indonesian various poems about
objective reality. It focused on literary life, he is a young simple things but so
scholar who began writing much meaningful
showing everyday activities and since 1960. There is a
life, primarily among the middle clear development in his
or lower class society without poetry, especially in terms
romantic idealization or of the formal composition
dramatization. of his poems.
Time period or art movements when this
theory was used

Renaissance period
The Renaissance was a period of
European cultural, artistic, political and
economic ‘rebirth’ following the Middle
Ages. Generally described as taking place
from the 14th to the 17th century. The
Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of
classical philosophy, literature, and art.

School of Athens
Raphael, 1511
• Renaissance era is the ‘rebirth’ of art which in the Middle
Ages, art only made and controlled by the church. It means
that artist doesn’t have freedom to make art, if they do, they
only create works that commissioned by the church.
• In the Renaissance era, artist are free to create what they like.
But mostly art in the renaissance era follows some rule which
their works are made in balanced ratio, and realistic.
• Realism that used in renaissance era that is following the
accurate form and perspective
Example 1

Salvator Mundi is a painting by Leonardo da

Vinci which made around 1500s. The painting
depicts Jesus in Renaissance dress, looking
straight ahead, making the sign with his right
hand, while holding a transparent non-
refracting crystal orb in his left hand, signaling
his role as Salvator Mundi (Savior of the World)
and representing the ‘celestial sphere’ of the

Salvator Mundi
Leonardo da Vinci, c.1500
Oil on canvas, 45 cm x 66 cm
da Vinci are famous for his
anatomical study and his realistic
painting. Many of renaissance
artist are influenced by his
anatomical study for their

da Vinci’s study about

body shape anatomy
Example 2

The Creation of Adam

Michelangelo, 1512
Fresco, 280 cm x 570 cm

The Creation of Adam (Italian: Creazione di Adamo) is a fresco painting by Italian artist
Michelangelo, which forms part of the Sistine Chapel's ceiling, painted c. 1508–1512. It illustrates
the Biblical creation narrative from the Book of Genesis in which God gives life to Adam, the first
man. The fresco is part of a complex iconographic scheme and is chronologically the fourth in the
series of panels depicting episodes from Genesis.
Michelangelo artworks are realism which
mean he made accurate depiction of life
forms, perspective, and the details of light
and color.

Michelangelo’s study
for Libyan Sybil
Time period or art movements when this
theory was used

Realism period
Realism was an artistic movement that
emerged in France in the 1840s. Realists
rejected romanticism, which had
dominated French literature and art since
the early 19th century.
Realism revolted against the exotic
subject matter and the exaggerated
emotionalism and drama of the Romantic
movement. Instead, it sought to portray
real and typical contemporary people and
situation with truth and accuracy, and not
Rustamadji, c. 1950 avoiding unpleasant or sordid aspects of
Example 1

It depicts three peasant women

gleaning a field of stray stalks of
wheat after the harvest.
The painting is famous for
featuring in a sympathetic way
what were then the lowest rank
of rural society. This was
received poorly by the French
upper class

Jean-François Millet, 1857
Oil on canvas, 82 cm x 110 cm
Example 2

The painting depicts middleman

surrounded by fishermen.
Fishermen an his family seems
so poor that they only wears
simple clothes while the
middleman and her daughter
looks neat and clean.

Lelang Ikan
Itji Tarmizi, 1963
Oil on cnvas 140 cm x 195 cm
Characteristics of
1. It represent subject matter truthfully

2. Does not add artificially and supernatural elements

3. Follows accurate depiction of life forms and proportions

4. Object in painting look like the same in real life

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