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Anti-parasitic activity of garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (Allium cepa) juice
against crustacean parasite, Lernantropus kroyeri, found on European sea
bass (Dicentrarchus labrax...

Article  in  Italian Journal of Animal Science · April 2019

DOI: 10.1080/1828051X.2019.1593058


2 243

4 authors, including:

Hijran Yavuzcan G. Parisi

Ankara University University of Florence


Dam Sao Mai

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City


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Italian Journal of Animal Science

ISSN: (Print) 1828-051X (Online) Journal homepage:

Anti-parasitic activity of garlic (Allium sativum)

and onion (Allium cepa) juice against crustacean
parasite, Lernantropus kroyeri, found on European
sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)

Hijran Yavuzcan Yildiz, Quyet Phan Van, Giuliana Parisi & Mai Dam Sao

To cite this article: Hijran Yavuzcan Yildiz, Quyet Phan Van, Giuliana Parisi & Mai Dam Sao
(2019) Anti-parasitic activity of garlic (Allium�sativum) and onion (Allium�cepa) juice against
crustacean parasite,�Lernantropus�kroyeri, found on European sea bass (Dicentrarchus�labrax),
Italian Journal of Animal Science, 18:1, 833-837

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© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa

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Published online: 05 May 2019.

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2019, VOL. 18, NO. 1, 833–837


Anti-parasitic activity of garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (Allium cepa) juice
against crustacean parasite, Lernantropus kroyeri, found on European sea
bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
Hijran Yavuzcan Yildiza , Quyet Phan Vana , Giuliana Parisib and Mai Dam Saoc
a € u€nleri Mu€hendislig
Su Ur i, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey; bDipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie, Alimentari, Ambientali e
Forestali, University of Florence, Firenze, Italy; cVi^en C^ong ngh^e Sinh hoc va Thuc ph^am, Dai hoc C^ong nghi^ep, Ho Chı
Minh, Vietnam


The copepod parasite Lernantropus kroyeri impairs the productivity of European sea bass Received 17 January 2019
(Dicentrarchus labrax) culture by leading to a direct infection or as a vector for other disease Revised 22 February 2019
agents. In current conditions, the parasitic infections in mariculture are usually treated with the Accepted 7 March 2019
chemicals, mainly with the pesticides. However, therapeutic chemical use has potential risks on
the overall aquatic environment. Thus, the aquaculture sector needs to find alternative substan- Crustacean parasite;
ces to the treatment or prophylaxis of the diseases instead of chemicals. In the present study, in Lernantropus kroyeri;
vitro exposure tests were performed to elucidate the effects of garlic (Allium sativum) and onion garlic; onion
(Allium cepa) on adult L. kroyeri. Female individuals of L. kroyeri were exposed to different con-
centrations of garlic or onion juice (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% of the plant juice) for a specified
time. Garlic juice exposure at a ratio of 100% resulted in instantaneous death of all individuals
in five minutes. Although the killing time varied by the concentration, garlic juice killed the
L. kroyeri females within 30 min even at the lowest concentration. Onion juice had lower killing
effect at low concentrations, however, higher concentrations of onion juice killed the female
parasites within 60 min. Results revealed that garlic and onion juices had killing effect on
L. kroyeri females in a time and concentration-dependent manner. It can be concluded that
against parasitic copepods alternative solutions can be developed in aquaculture, using these
plant juices with emphasising necessity of further in vivo tolerance tests in fish.

 Garlic and onion juices had anti-parasitic effect in vitro on the crustacean parasite,
Lernantropus kroyeri found on the gills of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax).
 After exposure of L. kroyeri to garlic and onion juices, the mortality was time and concentra-
 The killing activity of garlic juice for L. kroyeri was stronger than that of onion juice.

Introduction KAYIS 2015). The morphological characteristics of

Copepod parasites as all other parasites have L. kroyeri and the pathological effects on the European
serious negative impacts on aquaculture production sea bass have also been well documented (Ozel € et al.
with considerable economic loss. Lernantropus is a 2004; Toksen 2007). Copepod parasites destroy the tis-
frequently observed parasitic copepod genus in cul- sue, feed on the mucus, skin and blood of the fish,
tured European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in causing osmoregulation stress, impaired feed conver-
the Mediterranean region. Lernanthropus kroyeri sion and increase in secondary infections associated
(Copepoda, Siphonostomatoida: Lernanthropidae) is a with weakening of the fish (Misganaw and Getu 2016).
gill copepod and L. kroyeri invasions have previously The intensification of aquaculture practices creates
been reported in cage-cultured European sea bass appropriate conditions for the over-growth of para-
in various locations (Antonelli et al. 2012; ER and sites in the aquatic environment. Parasite elimination

CONTACT Prof. Hijran Yavuzcan Yildiz Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Ankara University, Ziraat Fakultesi, Su
Urunleri, Ankara 06100, Turkey
ß 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Table 1. Dosage formulation for the plant juice (garlic or onion) concentrations.
Trial group Volume of garlic/onion juice, mL Volume of seawater, mL Final percentage of garlic or onion juice, %
I 250 0 100
II 200 50 80
III 150 100 60
IV 100 150 40
V 50 200 20
Control 0 250 0

strategies in intensified aquaculture have been crustacean parasite L. kroyeri were carefully removed
neglected over the years. Most of the research has from sea bass gills by using forceps, as soon as fish
focussed on how to reduce financial losses caused by were harvested and died. A garlic press was used to
parasitic infections of farmed fish and the practical sol- get liquid from garlic and onion bulbs which were
utions are mostly driven by short-term chemical treat- purchased from the local market. Five concentrations
ment targeting the elimination of the parasites of the plant juice (fresh garlic or onion) and control
directly or reducing transmission. (seawater) were tested. Groups of 10 individuals were
Several pesticides were the most common applied placed in each of the 96-well plates containing the
agents to treat the parasitic crustaceans in aquacul- amount of filtered seawater needed to dilute the
ture. The control of the parasitic crustaceans such as working solution. After a 1–3 min acclimation, garlic or
Caligus rogercresseyi in salmon industry relies mainly onion juices at different concentrations were added to
on chemical treatments, with reported resistance to each well to achieve the final plant juice ratio
deltamethrin and emamectin benzoate (Agusti et al. (Table 1), in four replicates. For controls, 250 ml filtered
2016). In sea-cage cultured European sea bass ema- seawater was used. Parasites were observed for their
mectin benzoate has been used in the control of motility over 60 min, under the microscope. At the
L. kroyeri (Toksen et al. 2006). Today, emamectin time of no movement to touch with a needle, the par-
benzoate is still being used in marine aquaculture of asites were considered as dead. Adverse effects were
sea bass against the crustacean parasites. However, considered as reduced movement and tremors with
the treatment of the disease agents using natural sub- contraction.
stances is required to be compatible with sustainable For the garlic-exposed groups, the parasites were
aquaculture elements. In approaching to solve the dis- examined at 4 time periods: (1) 5 min immediately
ease problems in aquaculture one of the reasonable after adding the garlic juice to the well (immediate),
solutions is the using of plant extracts, including those (2) 10 min, (3) 15 min and (4) 30 min (final) after add-
from garlic and onion, as natural treatments or ing the garlic juice to the well. For the onion-exposed
prophylaxis. The studies on the effects of plant-derived groups the examinations were done at 5 time periods:
substances on fish parasites have been widely 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 min after adding the onion juice
reviewed in the literature (Pico n-Camacho et al. 2012; to the well.
Erguig et al. 2015; Wunderlich et al. 2017; Tavares-Dias Statistical analysis to detect the differences in
2018). Anti-parasitic activities of garlic and onion spec- cumulative mortality for the concentrations and expos-
ifying the anti-protozoan, anti-myxozoan and anthel- ure time as previously defined was conducted using
mintic activities were studied in different parasites and one-way ANOVA. Differences were considered statistic-
fish (Martins et al. 2002; Buchmann et al. 2003; Pico n- ally significant at p < .05.
Camacho et al. 2012; Fridman et al. 2014; Wunderlich This study was conducted in vitro and complies
et al. 2017; Hyun Kim et al. 2019). To our knowledge, with the ethics of experimentation.
the anti-crustacean parasite activity of garlic and onion
was not studied in aquaculture. Therefore, we carried
Results and discussion
out preliminary in vitro tests to evaluate the anti-crust-
acean parasitic effect of garlic or onion juices on The current study aimed to research the effects of the
L. kroyeri female individuals. use of garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (Allium cepa)
juices against the crustacean parasite L. kroyeri female
individuals in vitro, in order to provide a base for pos-
Material and methods
sible alternatives and natural treatments of crustacean
European sea bass was obtained from a commercial parasites. In the present investigation, we report that
marine aquaculture company located in Kazikli Bay both garlic and onion juices exerted a strong anti-
(Mugla, Turkey). The females with egg sac of the parasitic crustacean activity.

Figure 1. Effect of garlic juice on the mortality of female Lernantropus kroyeri. Garlic juice was used at a ratio of 100 (I), 80 (II),
60 (III), 40 (IV), 20 (V) and control (100% seawater).

In our tests, cumulative mortality of L. kroyeri the monogenean Sparicotyle chrysophrii found on the
females varied by the garlic or onion juice concentra- gills revealed that garlic was ineffective in killing these
tions and exposure time (F (critical value 2.31)¼275.67 parasites (Villar-Torres et al. 2014).
for garlic experiment and F (critical value 2.29)¼9.73 In our tests, parasites treated with onion juice
for onion experiment, p < .05). In garlic experiments, showed a time- and dose-dependent response as
by 30 min after exposure to garlic juice, the cumula- observed in the garlic-exposed groups (Figure 2). In
tive parasite mortality reached 100% in all groups. The onion exposed groups the time elapsed to the death
quickest parasite mortality was observed at a ratio of was longer than in the garlic exposed groups, reach-
100% in Group I in 5 min in garlic experiments ing 60 min even in the groups treated with higher lev-
(Figure 1). In the garlic-exposed groups, the maximum els of onion juice concentrations (60, 80 and 100%). In
elapsed time to the death for the minimum concentra- the onion-exposed groups at the ratio of 40 and 20%,
tion (20% garlic) was recorded at 30 min. The anti- the mortality rate was 50% after 60 min. The studies
parasitic effect of garlic in different fish species was on onion (A. cepa) effects on fish parasites are rela-
studied. The garlic effect was evaluated by Hyun Kim tively scarce when compared to those regarding the
et al. (2019) in guppy infected with the ciliate parasite garlic effects on fish parasites. A destroying impact of
Cryptocaryon irritans. Garlic had an anti-parasitic onion on myxozoan parasite found in tilapia was
potential to C. irritants in vitro, however, in vivo experi- reported (El-Mansy and Mohamed 2003).
ments with applying garlic orally or by immersion The phytochemical analysis of the garlic and onion
route to fish revealed that the effect was not revealed the presence of biologically active com-
similar to the results obtained in in vitro pounds, thiosulfinates, phenolic and steroidal substan-
experiments. In another study, the effect of garlic in ces, showing a wide range of activities such as
the feed on Anacanthorus penilabiatus (Monogenea: antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiprotozoal
Dactylogyridae) was the reduction of parasites from effects (Harris et al. 2001; Lanzotti 2006; Mikaili et al.
the gills of pacu (Martins et al. 2002). On the other 2013). There is no any previous study on the action
hand, water-ethanol extracts of garlic and onion mechanism of garlic or onion on crustacean parasites
applied as immersion were ineffective to the fish para- of fish. However, the quick death of L. kroyeri individu-
site Neobenedenia sp. (Trasvin ~a-Moreno et al. 2019). In als after garlic or onion juice exposure may be linked
another experiment, the killing capacity of garlic to the breakdown of nervous system of the parasite.
extract on Ichthyophthirius multifiliis was dependent Hence, Chaubey (2017) reported that essential oils of
on the concentration of garlic extract (Buchmann et al. A. sativum have neurotoxic effect on insects, causing
2003). In a study performed on gilthead sea bream rapid paralysis and killing effects. It has been ascer-
(Sparus aurata), the efficacy tests of garlic against to tained that garlic with more sulphur compounds than

Figure 2. Effect of onion juice on the mortality of female Lernantropus kroyeri. Garlic juice was used at a ratio of 100 (I), 80 (II),
60 (III), 40 (IV), 20 (V) and control (100% sea water).

onion exhibits stronger activity against the pathogens in vitro. The efficacy of garlic juice to L. kroyeri was
(Krstin et al. 2018). Compatibly, in our study, we higher. This may be related to the amount and the spe-
detected the more strong effect of garlic than onion cific profile of bioactive metabolites present in the gar-
regarding the killing time of L. kroyeri. Furthermore, L. lic. This study describes the efficacy of garlic and onion
kroyeri individuals immediately showed abnormal juices against the crustacean parasite L. kroyeri firstly,
behaviour, such as strong contraction as soon as they thus making it possible to develop the new prophylac-
were in contact with garlic or onion juice. tic agents against parasitic crustaceans in aquaculture.
Lernantropus kroyeri is a copepod parasite, infecting
mainly cage-cultured European sea bass (D. labrax)
and leading to economic losses in the marine aquacul-
ture industry. Considerable dimensions of parasite Time and dose-dependent killing effects of garlic and
problems have been defined (Agusti et al. 2016). onion juice on L. kroyeri collected from the cage-cul-
Despite the crucial roles of the parasite to sustain the tured European sea bass (D. labrax) were indicated by
aquaculture, the parasite elimination has been this study results. Both plants as applied in fresh juice
neglected. There is no a well- developed action plan form showed potential for alternative treatment to
that had been taken in order to prevent parasitic dis- manage copepod parasitic disease in aquaculture.
eases, thus the existing methods for the prevention of However, the identification of active compounds avail-
copepod parasites attacks are mainly based on the able in garlic and onion bulbs that are specifically
pesticide application. In general, L. kroyeri in the involved in killing the crustacean parasites should be
European sea bass aquaculture industry is controlled done as a next step. This is the first study reporting
by the chemical treatments with broad-spectrum pes- the killing effect of garlic or onion juices on the cope-
ticides. Natural treatments of fish diseases with various pod parasite L. kroyeri obtained from European sea
plant extracts have received much more attention in
bass. Further investigation is necessary to test the tol-
recent years, whereas plant extracts against the crust-
erance of fish to these plant extracts and to reveal the
acean parasites infecting fish have not been studied.
active metabolites of garlic and onion that have killing
Due to challenges in chemicals used for disease treat-
activity against the crustacean parasites.
ment in aquaculture, it is considered the fact that the
plants can be utilised in the treatment of various fish
disease agents, as an alternative to chemicals hazard- Acknowledgements
ous for human and environment (Sahandi et al. 2012). The authors thank Ozge Otgucuoglu and Dilara Cam from
In the present study, garlic and onion as plant extracts Ak-Ya Veterinary Consultancy and Hasan Kostekci from
were proven to their anti-crustacean parasitic capacity AgroMey for providing and collecting the parasites.

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