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GRE MIN.IDICTIONARY This Minidictionary provides you with the definitions of many common GRE words, Use this list not only when you work with the vocabulary exercises but whenever you encounter an unfamiliar word anywhere —such as in released tests or everyday reading. A ABANDON (1) toa ak of inhibition ABASE_ to humble, disgrace ABASHT_(oembae ABATEMENT decrease, ruetion ABDICATE_ to give up position, righ, or power ABERRANT atypical, not normal ABERRATION somthing diferent rom tho usual, ‘or normal ABET (0 id ct a accomplice ABEYANCE temporary suppression or suspension ABHOR Co loate, detest ABIDING enduting, continuing ABIECT misrsble, pitiful ABIURE to rect abandon formally ABLUTION ct of deansing ABNEGATE. to deny, renounce ABOLITIONIST. one who opposes the practice of avery AROMINATE to hate ABORTIVE interupted while incomplete ABRIDGE to condense, shorten ABROGATE to abolish or invalidate by authority ABRUPT sudden, unexpected ABSCOND (o depart secretly ABSOLVE. to forgive, fie from blame ABSTAIN” to refain deliberately from something ABSTEMIOUS moderate in appetite ABSTRACT (adj) theoretical; complex, file ABSTRUSE dificult to comprehend ABUT to touc, te i contact with ABYSS an extremely great depth ACCEDE. to expressapproval;agresto ACCESSIBLE atanable,avalable:approachable ACCESSORY attachment, ortament; accomplice ACCLAIM. praise ACOOLADE. praise distinction ACCOMMODATING. helpful ACCORD to rezoncile,come to an agreement ACCOST toapproach and speak to someone ACCRETION growth in siz or inerease in amount ACCRUE: to accumulate, gow by editions pe ACERBIC. biter, sharp in aster temper ACIDULOUS sour in iste or manner ACME, highest poi, surumit ACQUIESCE to agree, comply quietly ACQUITTAL ‘eleas from blame ACRID harsh, biter ACRIMONY biterness, animosity ACUITY. sharpness ese sharpness of insight ACUTE sharp, pointed ADAGE. old saying or prover ADAMANT. uncompromising, unyielding ADAPT to accommodate, adjust ADHERE. to cling oto fllow without deviation ADIACENT next to ADIUNCT something aed, attached or joined ADMONISHT to caution or reprimand ADROIT skilful accomplished, highly competent [ADULATION high praise ADULTERATE to corrupt or make impure ADUMBRATE. to sketch, outline na shadowy way ADVANTAGEOUS favorable, set ADVENTITIOUS accidental ADVERSARIAL antagonistic, competitive ADVERSE. unfavorable, unlucky, bantu ADVOCATE. to peak i fivor of, [AERIAL having to do withthe ir [AERIE. nook or nest built high in the sit AERODYNAMIC relating to objects moving through the ir AESTHETIC. pertaining to beauty or at AFFABLE. fionly, easy to approach AFFECTED (adj) pretentious, pony AFFINITY fondness, liking: simileity [APFLUENT ich, abundant APFRONT (0) personal offense, insult 32 ED AGENDA. plan schedule AGGRANDIZE to makelurgeror gestern power AGGREGATE (n)_ collective mss. o sum; total AGGRIEVE totic, distress AGILE. welleoordinated ime AGITATION commotion, excitement; uneasiness [AGNOSTIC one doubting that poope can know God AGRARIAN eltng to farmingorrural matters ALACRITY cheerfl willingness cageressispecd ALCHEMY medieval chensical philosophy based on quest to ‘change met! into gold ALGORITHM. mechanic] problem-solving procedure ALIAS assumed name ALIENATED dlstencedestanged ALIGNED precisely adjusted; commit to one side or parry ALLAY to essen, case, or soothe ALLEGORY symbolic representation [ALLEVIATE to relieve, improve patally ALLITERATION repetition ofthe beginning sounds of words ALLOCATION allowance, portion, bare ALLURE (v) to-ntice by charm tact ALLUSION nv reterence ALLUSIVENESS quality of making many indirect, references ALOOF detached, indore ALTERCATION noisy dispute ALTRUISM. unselfish concer for thers! welire aN mixture, combination, lloy AMBIDEXTROUS blew we both bends equally well AMBIGUOUS certain; subjeet to multiple interpretations AMBIVALENCE. at se of wocerainy; confiting AMBULATORY itinerant; ested to walkingaround AMELIORATE to make bots, improve ER AMENABLE agreeable cooperative AMEND to improve or eorest favs in AMENITY pleasantnss something increasing comfort AMIABLE Giendly, peasant, ikable AMICABLE fiendly,aprecabie AMITY friendship AMORAL unprincipled, unethical AMOROUS strongly atrated (0 love; showing lowe AMORPHOUS having no defini AMORTIZE. to diminish by instalment payments AMPHIBIAN (n) ctetureequallyat home on lan or in form AMPHITHEATER arena theater with ing ers around » central open space AMPLE abundant, plentiful AMPLIFY to increas, intensity AMULET omament worn asa charm against evilspirits ANACHRONISM something chronological i ANACHRONISTIC outdated ANALGESIA. lesseningot pain ANALOGOUS. comparable, parallel propriate ANARCHY’ absence of goverament or law; chaos ANATHEMA bn, curse: something shunned oF disliked ANCILLARY accessory subordinate, helping ANECDOTE short, usally funny account of an event ANGULAR, chuructriod by sharp angles; lean end gaunt ANIMATION ethusise, excitement ANIMOSITY hated hstliy ANNUL tocancl nullify dear void or make legally invalid ANODYNE something that cans or soothes pin ANOINT. to apply cl to, ep. aba sacred rite ANOMALY imegulaity or deviation from the norm ANONYMITY condition of hayingne name or an unknown ANTAGONIST foc, opponent, adversary i ANTECEDENT (adj) coming before in place or time ANTEDATE dated priorto the actual occurence ANTEDILUVIAN prebistori,an ont beyond ANTEPENULTIMATE: tied from last. ANTERIOR preceding, previous, before, prior (Yo) ANTHOLOGY olleton of literary works ANTHROPOMORPHIC. attributing human qualities to ‘nonhumans ANTIPATHY dist, hostility; extreme opposition or ANTIQUATED outdated, obsolete ANTIQUITY anclont mes; the quality of being old or snciet ANTITHESIS. exact opposite or dtet contrast APACE done quickly APATHETIC indifferent, unconcerned APATHY lack of felingor emotion APERTURE. an opening or hole APHASIA. inability to speak or use words [APHELION point ina plants orbit that is farthest from the APHORISM ol sayingor short pithy statement APLOMB poise confidence APOCRYPHAL not gensng; tional APOSTATE (n) one whe renouncesa religious faith APOSTROPHE spec othe eaderor someone not rosont a superscript sign) APOTHEGM. ashort instructive saying APOTHEOSIS.slorifiaton; lorited ideal APPEASE. to satis, place, calm, pacify APPEND to attach APPLAUSE praise APPRAISE to evaluate the value of something APPREHENSION the act of comprehending; Far, Foreboding APPRISE to give notice of infor approbation APPROBATION praise; official approval, APPROPRIATE(Y)_ to take posession of AQUATIC. belonging oF ving in water ‘ARABLE suitable for eultivation ARBITRARY. depending solely on individal wil ‘inconsistent ARBITRATOR mediator, negotiator ARBOREAL relating to teesliving in tees ARBORETUM, place where tres are displayed and studied ARCA secre, obscure, known only 04 fey ARCHAIC antiquated, from an cvir tne; outdated ARCHIPELAGO large group of islands ARDENT passionste, enthusiastic fervent ARDOR grat emotion or passion ARDUOUS extremely dificult laborious ARID extremely dry or deathly boring ARRAIGN 10 cll court to answer a charge ARROGATE: to demand, clatnarogantly ARSENAL ammonition storehouse ARTICULATE (a) wellspoken,expresing oneself cleaty ARTIFACT istorii item made by human eat ARTISAN eafsperson; expert ARTLESS_open and honest, ASCEND to rise or climb [ASCENDANCY stat of ssing, ascending; power o contol [ASCERTAIN” to determine discover make certain of ASCETIC a8) selEenying, abstinent, austere ASCRIBE toat ibote to, assign ASHEN, resembling ashes; deathly pale AASININE. lacking iteligence or sound judgment ASKANCE.seomflly ASKEW crooked, ited ‘ASOCIAL unable or unwilling to interact socially ASPERITY antes, roughness ASPERSION fils rumor, damaging report, slander ASPIRE. to fave great hopes to im ata goal ASSAIL tosttack, assault ASSAY toamalyze or estimate ASSENT (0) to express agreement ASSERT to afi, atest ASSIDUOUS ligent, persistent, hardworking ASSIGNATION appointment for loves meetings asignment ASSIMILATION et of blending in, becoming similar [ASSONANCE resemblance in sound, especially vowel sounds; part rhyme ASSUAGE. 40 make les sever case lieve ASTRAL exaltedolovatedin position; ting 0 thestars ASTRINGENT hash, svere,stern ASTUTE having good judgment ASUNDER (ade) into dierent pars [ASYMMETRICAL aot eonssponding in size, shape, postion tetera ATONE to make amends fora wrong ATROCIOUS monstrous, shockiigybad, wicked ATROPHY (v) to waste vay wither from disuse ATTAIN. twaccomplish, szin ATTENUATE to make thin or slender; weaken [ATTEST to tex stand a proof of bear witness AUDACIOUS bold, daring, erless AUDIBLE capable of beingheard [AUDIT (n) formal examination of financial records ‘NUDITORY having to do with hearing AUGMENT to expand, extend AUGURY (ad) prophecy, predition of events AUGUST dignified, awe-inspiring, venerable AUSPICIOUS having favorable prospet AUSTERE stom, strict, adorned orniing [AUTHORITARIAN extemely sti, bossy AUTOCRAT dictator AUTONOMOUS separate, independent AUXILIARY supplementary, reserve AVARICE greed AVIENGE to retaliate take revenge fo an injury or erie VER, to dodaro obo tre, ata _AVERSE, boing disinclined towardsometing AVERSION intense dsike AVERT to urn (Something) vay; prevent ANTARY large endosure housing birds AVOW (state openly or declare AWRY crooked, ashen, amiss AXIOM premix, ps ult, seFevident truth \CCHANALIAN. deunkenty five BALEFUL harm‘, with evil intentions BALK (v) (0 refs, shiek; povent BALLAD, folksong, narrative poem BALM soothing, healing in uence BAN (v) 10 forbid, outlaw BANAL tite and overly common [BANE something causing run, death, or destruction BANTER play conversation BASE. being flow value or position BASTION foniteaton, stronghold [BAY (¥) to bark, expecially in a deep prolonged way [BEATIFIC appearing obessinly, angelic BECALM to makecalmor stl; kp motionlessby lack of| wind BECLOUD to confuse; darken with clouds BEGUILE. to deceive, mislead: charm BEHEMOTH. huge erature [BELABOR to insist repetedlyor harp on BELATED late BELEAGUER. to harass, plague BELIRY. bell ower, room in which abel is hung [BELIB. to misrepresent; expose as false BELITTLE to represent as unimportant, make light of BELLICOSE ware, aggresive BELLIGERENT hostile, tending fight BELLOW toroar,shout BEMUSE 0 conse stupoty plunge deep into thought [BENCHMARK standard of measure BENEFACTOR someone giving aid or money [BENEFICIAL advantagoous [BENEFICENT kindly, charitable; doing good desis, producing good effets BENIGHTED unenlightened BENIGN kindly, gene of harness BENISON blessing BENT natural inclination toward something BEQUEATH to giveor leave through a wil to hand down ERATE. to scold harshly [BEREAVED suffering he death ofa loved one BESEECH to beg plead, implore BESMEAR tosmear BESPATTER tospater “BESTIAL, beastly animal ce BESTOW to giveasa gih [BETOKEN_ to indicate, sgl, give evidenceot BEY group BIAS. prejudice slant BIBLIOGRAPHY ist of books BIBLIOPHILE book lover BICKER to havea petty argument BIFURCATE divide into to ports BILATERAL two-sided BILIOUS bad-natured BILK to cheat, defraud [BILLET board and lodging fo troops IPED two-foted sins! BISECT. to ctinto wo (asi equ pats BIANCH, toe tke the color ot of BIANDISH tocosx with fatory BLASPHEMOUS cursing, profs, reverent BLATAST husing, obvious, showy BLIGHT (toatl, destoy BLITHE joy cheerful or without appropriate thought BLUDGEON. to hit a wth ashort heavy eb [BLUSTER t0 Bost o make tests loudly BOISTEROUS ron, loud, urestsined BOLSTER to support; nine BOMBASTIC. using bgh-sounding but meaningless language BONANZA extremely large amount; something profitable BONHOMIE. good-natured goat; atmosphere of good cheer BOOK, blessing something tobe thankful or ‘BOOR crude person, one licking manners or taste BOTANIST sins! who studies plans BOUNTIFUL plentiful BOUQUET bunch of ent lowers BOURGEOIS. midle-clas BOVINE telatingto cows BRAZEN boli shameless impudent; of or tik Brass BREACH act of breaking, violation BREVITY the quslity of being bre in time BRIGAND bandit, ouew ROACH to mention or suggest forthe first time BROMIDE «dull, commonplace person a idea BRUSQUE rough and abrupt in manner [BUFEET (x) strike hit BUFFOON clown or fac! TBULWARK. defers wal anything serving as defense BUROEON tosprout or flourish BURLY, brawny, husky BURNISHL topos make smooth and bright BURSAR wear BUSTLE commotion, energetic aciviy BUTT person or thing hati ojet of ridicule BUTTRESS (1) to reinforce or suppor BYWAY back road c ‘CABAL, secret group seeking o overturn something CACOPHONOUS jain, unpleasantly noisy CADAVER dead body CADENCE rhythmic low of poetry; marching beat CCAJOLE to fatter, cons, persude CALAMITOUS. disastrous, catastrophic CALLOUS shick-skinned, insensive CCALLOW immature, lacking sophistication CCALUMNY. filse and malicious accusation, misrepresents: tion, slander CANARD aie CANDID frank or fir CANDOR honesty of expression ‘CANN CCANOMIZE to decarex pron ints to highest, tonort EANVASS to examine thoroughly conduct pol {CAPACIOUS, lag, roomy entensve CCAPITULATE:tosubit compel surender CAPRICIOUS. impulsive, whinsil, without much hough CARDIOLOGIST physician specializing in diseases ofthe east founded on common sense CAREEN to lean 10 one side CARICATURE exaggerated portrait, cartoon CARNAL ofthe Mesh CARNIVOROUS meat-eating CAROM tostrke and rebound CARP (0) to find fault, complain constantly a atistrophobia CARTOGRAPHY scene or a of aking maps CAST (a) copy, eplice CAST(Y) tog, 0 trow CASTIGATE to punish, chasis, CATACLYSMC lsaseous severely CCATALYSP_ something easing change without bsing hanged CATEGORICAL absolute, without exception CATHARSIS. puritiaton,deansing CATHOLIC universal; broad and comprchensive CAUCUS smaller group within an organization; a meeting ‘of such a group (CAULK tomate watertight CAUSALITY cast-off relationship CAUSTIC biting sarcesicable to bun CCAVALCADE.« procession ‘CAVALIER a) cae haoy; wih lady didin CCAVIL. 10 ate via objstions LCAVORT wo Gli isk {CEDE. tosuenderposessionof something ‘CELEBRITY fame, widespesd acim CELERITY quick moving rating CENSORIOUS severely evita! ENSURE tei dal with CENTRIPETAL dlectd or moving toward the CERTITUDE. assurance cortanty (CESSATION temporary or complete halt CESSION ser ofsutendesing something CHAGRIN. shame, embarrassment, humiliation CHALICE goble,cup CHAMP (¥) chew noisily CHAMPION CHAOS confision CHAOTIC extremely sorely CHARLATAN quack, fohe (0) tw defend o support, CHARM compelling atractiveness CCHARY watchful cauious,extemely shy CCHASTISE to punish discipline, xold ‘GHATTEL piece of personal property CCHAUVINIST someone prejudiced inthe ble of theit Kind’ superiority CHEEKY tacking prudence or discretion CHERUBIC sweet, innocent, resomblings cherub angel CCHICANERY trickery, fraud deception CHIDE co xold, express disapproval CHIMERICAL fait imaginary, visionary; impossible CHOICE (adi) specially selected, preferred CHOLERIC easily angered shor-empered CHORTLE to chuckle CHROMATIC. relating to color (CHRONICLER_one who keeps records of historical events (CHURLISH rude CIRCUITOUS roundabout CIRCUMFERENCE boundary or dstnce around aczeleor sphere CIRCUMLOCUTION roundabout, ngthy nay of eying something CIRCUMNAVIGATE. to sil completely around CIRCUMSCRIBE to encircle; se limits 09, confine CIRCUMSPECT cautious, wary CIRCUMVENT to go around: void CISTERN tank for sainwater CITADEL forrest or stronghold CIVIL polit; relating to citizens CMLITY courtesy, politeness CLAIRVOYANT (a). having PSP, psychic CLAMOR (n) iy outery CLAMOR (v) to make nosy outery CLANDESTINE secretive, conealed fora darker purpose CLARITY dearess; clea understanding CLAUSTROPHOBIA, fer of small, confined pases ee [CLEAVE to spt or separate; ost ling, edhe ‘CLEMENCY merciful lenieney CLEMENT. itd CCLOISTER () to confine elude CLOYING. indulging to exces CCOAGULATE toclt orange fom & Ti tow soit COALESCE to grow tgsberor cus to mite a one CCODDLE. to bby, et iduleety CCOERCE to eompsthy Free oritimidation OFFER. songbo, lage cet for money COGENT logy fret compeling convincing COGNATE, related, sini, akin GOGNITION mental process by which knowledge is sequied COGNOMEN. fanity name; any name, especialy a nickxame COKABIT. to lve together COHERENT ‘teil, held, understandable COLLATE. toatrange in an order COLLATERAL accompanying COLLECTED acting calm and composed COLLOQUIAL chatacters of informal speech COLLOQUY dialogue or conversation, conference COLLUSION collaboration, complicity, conspiracy CCOMELINESS physical grace and beauty COMMEND to compliment praise COMMENSURATE. propertions! COMMISSION fox payable tan agent; authorization CONMODIOUS roomy, spacious COMMONPLACE ordinary, found every day COMMUNICABLE tansmittable COMMUTE to change po 109 lesssever one COMPATRIOT. fellow counteyman COMPELLING (oi) having powerful and iresitible ‘effect, cow (DIOUS summarizing completely and briey ae CED COMPENSATE: to cepay or reimburse COMPLACENT selRsatsficd, smug afble COMPLATSANT ogreablfiendly ‘COMPLEMENT to complet, perfect, COMPLIANT submissive and yielding COMPLICITY, kaowing partnership in wrongdoing ‘COMPOSED. acting clin COMPOSURE 1 calm manne or appearance COMPOUND (adi) complex; composed of several pats COMPOUND (¥) 10 combine, xd to COMPRESS (9) 10 reduce, squeeze COMPULSIVE obsessive, fanatic COMPUNCTIOUS felng guily or ving misgivings COMPUNCTION felng of uneasiness caused by guilt or regret CCONCATENATE inked together CONCAVE curving nwa CONCEDE to yield, admit CONCEPTUALIZE toenvision, imagine CONCERN a matter of importenceor worthy of consideration CONCERTO. musical composition for orcesta and soloists) CONCILIATORY overcoming distrust or hostity (CONCOMIPANE. sesompanying someting CONCORD agreement CONCUR toagree CONDONE. to pardon or forgive; overlook, just, or excuse ‘ful CONDUIT, tube, pipe, or sini passage CONFECTION something svettocat CONFISCATE. to appropriate, seize CONFLAGRATION. big, destuctiv ie CONFLUENCE mestng ploe; meting of two streams CONFOUND to ball, perplex CONGEAL, to become thick or sold as liquid frezing CONGENIAL similar in tastes and habits CONGENITAL existingsince birth CONGLOMERATE collected group of varied things CONGRESS formal meeting or assembly CONGRUITY correspondence, harmony, agreement CONIECTURE speculation, prediction CONIOIN, 10 join together CONIUGAL persining to mariage CONIURE toevokea spit, cast aspell CONNIVE to conspire, scheme CONNOISSEUR a person with refined taste CONSANGUINEOUS, « :esame origin; related by blood CONSCIENTIOUS governed by conscience;carefil and ‘thorough CCONSECRATE to declare steed; dedicate toa goal CONSENSUS unsnimity, agreement of opinion or attitude CONSEQUENTIAL important CONSIDERABLE. significant, worth considering CONSIGN. to commit CONSISTENT containing no contradictions, being harmonious CONSOLATION something providing comfort o solace for «lot or hardship CONSOLIDATE (o combine incorporate CONSONANT (adj) consistent with in agreement with CONSTANT completely uniform and unchanging CONSTITUENT component, par; citizen, voter CONSTRAINED forced, compelled; confined, restrained CONSTRAINT something that forces or compels; some- ‘hing that restesns oF confines ‘CONSTRICT to inhibit CONSTRUE to explain o interpret CONSUMMATE (ad). accomplished, complete, prfet CONSUMMATE (v) {0 complet, full ‘CONTEND to bats, clash;compete CONTENTIOUS. quanelsome, disagresbl, belligerent CONTINENCE: self-conto, selfsestaint CONTRADICT 10 dy or oppose (CONTRAVENE to contradict deny st contrary to CCONTRITE deeply srtowfil and rpontant fora wrong CONTUMACIOUS ‘belius ONTUSION, base ‘CONUNDRUM. idle, puzzle palem with no solution CCONVALESCENCE. gradual ecovery aftr an ines CONVENE to met, come together assomble CONVENTIONAL apie, stoma CONVEX curved outward commonplace CONVIVIAL sociable fond of eating, drinking and poople CONVOKE to call opeer summon CONVOLUTED twisted, complicate, involved COPIOUS abundant, plentiful COQUETTE_wornan who its CORNUCOPIA, abundance ‘CORPOREAL having to do wit the body; tangible, material CORPULENCE obesity, ation, mutual elaton of two oF nes, bulkiness ror things CORROBORATE to confirm, verify CORRODE. to wesken or desty CORRUGATE, to mold in shape with parallel grooves and ridges COSMETICS) relating to bean, Testing the suri of something cosmosr: COSMOPOLITAN sophi CCOSSET to pamper, teat with great care ated, ie from loa prejudices COTERIE. group of people with & common interest or pure pose CCOTERIE small group of persons wit a similar purpose COUNTENANCE(a) fisial expression; look of approval or support COUNTENANCE(¥) 10 fiver, support aD 319 ‘countermand COUNTERMAND to annul, esneol, make a contary order (COUNTERMAIL to counteract, to exe force against COVEN groupof witches COVERT biden; seret COVET to strongly desire something possessed by another COWER. to cringe in fear (GRASS. cro, unrefined CRAVEN cowardly CREDENCE acceptance of something as tru or ral (CREDIBLE. plasible, believable CREDULOUS gullible, tasting CREED statement of belie or principe ‘CRESCENDO gredul incre in volume of sound CRINGE. to shrink in fear CRITERION standard for judging, ule for testing CRYPTIC. puoating CUISINE. charactaristie syle of cooking (CULMINATION climax, final stage CULPABLE guilty, sponsible for wrong (CULPRIT guilty person CUMULATIVE resulting fom gradual increase CUPIDITY geod CURATOR caretaker and overseer of an exibition, ep. in CURMUDGEON. cranky person CCURSORY hastily done, supericial, CURT abrupt, blunt CURTAIL toshorten GUTLERY_ cutting strane CYGNET young swan CYNIC person who dstrusts the motives of oters 320 CED D ALLY, 10st playfillyor wast time DAUNT to discourage intimidate DEARTH lack, siity,nsufciency DDEBASE to degrade or lower in quality or stature DEBAUCH to comupt, sue from virtue or duty indulge DEDILITATE. to weaken,enfoeble DEBUNK. to discredit, disprove DEBUTANTE young woman making debut in high society DECADENCE decline or deny, deterioration DECAMP to lave suddesly DECAPITATE to behead DECATHLON, athlete contest with tn events DECIDUOUS. tosing aves inthe fl shorttved, Temporary DECLINTTY downward slope DECOROUS. proper, ati socal correct DECORUM proper bbuvir, etiquette DECRY to belie openly condemn DEFACE to mar the appearance of, vance DEFAMATORY slanderous, ijurious to the reputation DEFAME to disgrace o slander DEFECT an imperfection or shorteoming DEFENDANT person required to answer a Ikgal action ot suit DBFER to submit or yield DEFERENCE respet, honor DEFERENTIAL respetfil and polite in a submissive way DEFICIENT defective,not meeting 2 normal standard DDEFILE to make uncean or dishonor DEFINITIVE. dear-cut, exist or decisive DEFLATION decrease, depreciation ‘DEFORM. to disfigue.cstot DEFT sill dexterous DEFUNCT no longer exetirg dead, extinct DELECTABLE eppetzing, detivions DELEGATE) to ge poersto another DELETERIOUS horn, dest DELINEATION depiction, eeprescntaion DELTA. tidal deposit at the mouth of river DELUGE (s) Sent DELUGE 6) tosubmerge,overwisin DEMAGOGUE. leader or rabble-rouser who usually wes appeal to emotion or prejudice DEMARCATION borderline; ct of defining of marking 2 boundary or distinetion DEMEAN to degrade, humiliate, humble DEMISE death DEMOGRAPHICS data relating tostudy of human population EMOTE to reduce toa lower grade or rank detrimental DEMOTION loweringin xak or grade DEMUR to express doubts or objections DEMYSTIFY, to emove mystery from, clay DENIGRATE to sur orblacken someone's reputation DENOUNCE to acuse, blame DENUDE to make bare, uncover, undress DENUNCIATION public condermation DEPICT to describe represent DEPLETE to we upexhaust DEPLORE to expressor fe disapproval of; regret strongly DEPLOY tospread out stestepealyoveran area DEPOSE to remove from a high position, as fom « throne DEPRAVITY sinfulnss, moral corruption DEPRECATE to belie disparage DEPRECIATE. to ose vue gradutly DERANGED to be disturbed or insane DERIDE to mock, ridicule, make fin of DERISIVE expressingridiuleor scorn DERIVATNE copied or adapted; not orginal DERIVE. to originate; take from a certain source DEROGATE to belt, disparage DESCRY to discover or reveal DESECRATE. to abuse something sacred DESICCATE to dry completely, dehydrate DESIST 10 stop doing something DESPONDENT eeling discouraged and dejected DESPOT tyrannical ruler DESTITUTE very por, poverty-stricken DESULTORY at random, rumbling, unmethodiesl DETACHED separate, unconnected DETER. to scourge; prevent from happening DETERMINATE. having defined limits; conclusive DETESTATION extreme haved DETRACTOR one who takes someting away DETRIMENTAL causing herm or injury DEVIATE tostray, wander DEVIATION departure exception, anomaly DEVOID totaly lacking DEVOUT deeply relisious DEXTEROUS skied physically or mentally DIABOLICAL endish; wicked DIALECT regional style of speaking DIAPHANOUS allowing igh to show through: delicate DIATRIBE biter verbal attack DICHOTOMY eivison into two pars DICTUM. authoritative statement; popular saying DIDACTIC. excessively instructive DIFFER disagree DIFFERENTIATE. to distinguish between wo items DIFFIDENCE shyness, lick of confidence DIFFRACT, to cause to separate into parts, esp. light DIFFUSE widely spread out DIGRESS totum aside; to stray fom the main point DILAPIDATED in disrepair, run-down, neglected DILATE tonne, swell extend CD 321 gdilatocy-$ $< <$< @$_@$@$$Z $a i$ @ $ @$ a aa DILATORY slow, tending to dey DILETTANTE an amateur DILVVIAL seating toa Mood DIMINUTIVE smal DIPLOMACY discretion, tact DIRGE fone hymn DISABUSE to fe from «misooncepion DISAFFECTED lsconented and disloyal DISARRAY cite, disorder DISBAND totreak up DISBAR fo expe! om legal prteson DYSBLIRSE_ to poy out DISCERN to peresive someting obseure DISCLAIM. to dey, dssvow DISCLOSE. to confess, divulge DISCOMFIT to case perplexity and embarssnet DISCOMBOSE ts the compote or serenity DISCONCERTING bewildering, perplexing, slightly isturbing DISCONSOLATE_ unable tobe consoled extremely sad DISCORDANT harsh-sunding, badly out of tune DISCREDIT to dishonor or disgrace DISCREDITED disbelived, discounted; dag, dishonored DISCREPANCY ference between DISCRETE: distinc, separate DISCRETIONARY subject to one's own judgment RISCURSIVE. wandering rom rope 0 topic DISDAIN to rgatd with corn and contempt DISDAINFUL. contemptuous, ssoml DISENGAGED disconnected, disassocited DISGORGE 10 vomit, discharge violently DISHEVELED untidy, disarranged, unkempt DDISINCLINED avers, unwiling, lacking deste DISINGENUOUS ly end erty 322 QD DISINTEREST lack of interest o a disadvantage DISJOINTED lacking eoerenceor order, being separated DISPARAGE. to belt, speak lsrespectflly about DISPARATE: ssa, diferent in Kind DISPARITY contas, dissimilarity DISPASSIONATE fie from emotion; impartial, unbiased DISPEL to drive out or seater DISPENSE to distribute, administer DISPENSE WITH. to auipend the operation of do without DISPERSE to break up. scatter DDISPIRIT to dsheseen, make dejected DISPUTE to debate, to quate, DISQUIETED feeling tg being disturbed lacking peace DISREGARD to neglect, pey no attention to DISREPUTE. disgrace, dishonor DISSEMBLE. to pretend, disguise ones motives DISSEMINATE to spread far and wide DISSENSION diferenceef opinion DDISSIMULATE. to dxpuse or put ona fis appearance DISSIPATE. to scatter to pursue pleasure to excess ATE to separate; remove from an association DISSONANT harsh and unpleesant sounding DISSUADE: to persuade someone tale original intentions DISTAFF the female branch of faily DISTEND to swel int, best. DISTRAUGHT very woied and distressed DISTRUST (x) diseliefand suspicion DITHIER (v)_ to move or act confusedly or without clear purpose DIURNAL daily DIVERGE to move in diferent retions, to deviate fom @ DIVERSE. differing DIVERT to urn from one course to another DNEST to get rid of DMNE (®) ‘to foretellor know by inspiration em il DMSIVE renting dsuiy or ont DOCILE tae, willing be tanght DDOCTRENAIRE sigily devoted o thous OGGED (a) persistent, stubborn DOGMATIC gi fixe in opinion, opinionated BOLDRUMS « period of despndeney DOLEFU sed, mourfol OLOR sadness ‘DOLE ito dimwit, otsh person DDOMINEER tore over someting in a yansial vay DONOR boner, conte DORMANT atest native suspended enimtion DOTAGE senile coniin, mental deine DOTARD, senile old person DOTING excessively fond lovingto exes DOUGHTY couageous “DOUR, salen snd gloomy;strn and severe DOWRY money or propery given by a bride to her husband DRAFT (v) to pln, outline 10 rerat conscript DRAW attract, pull oward DRIVEL stupid tal; slobber ROLL amusing ina ry subtle way ROSS waste produced during meta smelting; garbage DUDGEON angry indignation DULCET pleasant sounding, sothing tothe ear DUMB unsble to speak DUPE (a) fool, pave DUPE (eto deceive, trick DUPLICITY deception, dishonesty, double-dealing DURABILITY. strength, sturdiness DURATION period of time thet something lasts DURES threat af forse or intimidation: imprisonment DWINDLE. to shrink or derease DYSPEPTIC suffering rom indigestion; loom and initable E EARTHY crude EBB (v)to fd aay, recede EBULLIENT exilarated fo of enthusiasm and bigh pints ECLECTIC seleting from various sources ECSTATIC. joy EDDY, sir ot wind euont "EDICT law,commnd, offi publi order EDIFCE building FEDIFY to instruct morally and spiritually EDITORIALIZE to express an opinion on anisve EFFACE to mseor makeillegible [EFFERVESCENT bubbly ively EFFICACIOUS effective efficient EFFIGY stuffed dl likeness of «person LEFFLUVIA. outpouring of gases or vapors [EFFRONTERY impudent boldnes; audacity FFULGENT brillant shining EFFUSIVE expressingemotion without restraint BOOCENTRIC acting if things ee entered around onetll| EGREGIOUS conspiovously bad ORESS exit ELATION exhilsration jay FLEGY mournful poem, usuallyabout the dead ELEVATED high in status, exalted BLICIT to draw out, provoke ELOQUENCE fluentand effective speech ELUCIDATE to explain, clarity EMACIATED skinny, serawny, gaunt, sp. rom hunger EMANCIPATE. to set fre liberate EMBELLISH to ornament, make attractive wit decoration ordeals; add details toa statement EMBEZZLE 10.teal money in violation of trust EMBROLL, to involve in; cause to fll nto disorder ED 323 ‘eer LEMEND, to comet text, EMINENT celebrated, dstinguibhed outstanding, towering [BMOLLIENT having soothing quate, es. for skin _EMOTIVE. appealing to or expressing emotion EMPATHY identification with another's feings EMULATE to copy, imitate ENCHANT to charm oratact -ENCIPHIER. co wanslatea message into code ENCOMIUM warm prise ENCORE, edition performance often dessanded by saaence [ENCUMBER to binder, burden, restrict motion [ENDEMIC belonging to a porticular ara, inherent ENDOGAMOUS marrying witha peifiegroup due to iw oF eso ENDURANCE ability to withstand hardships ENERVATE co weaken, sap strength from [ENGENDER to produce, cause, bring about ENIGMATIC. pursing inexplieable “ENJOI to ws communi ior oi udder, ENMITY ost anigonis,ih-will ENNUL boredom, ako nees and ney ENORMITY ste of being pean or tesibe ENSCONCE: tosetle comfortably intoa pee ENSHROUD o coverxcone with a dark cover ENTAIL, to aval asa nocessry res necessitate ENTHRALL 1 captivate enchant entave ENTICE tourer empt ENTITY something with it. own existent form ENTOMOLOGIST scientist who studies insects [ENTREAT (o plenbeg [ENTRENCHED esublshtsttly ENUMERATE. (count ist tei [ENUNCIATE. to pronounce cesly EON, indefiitl long pio of tine 324 ED [EPHEMERAL momentary, transient, eeting EPICURE: person with efinedtaste in food and wine LEPIGRAM. short, ity sayingor poem LEPIGRABH quotation atthe begining ofa teary work [FPILOGUE conetuting section of aitrary work EPITHET. an abusive word or phrase EPITOME representative ofan etre group; summary BPOCHIAL verysignfiont or infuentak defining an epoch rtm perid EQUANIMITY calmness composure EQUESTRIAN (n) one wio fides om horseback EQUINE. relting o horses EQUITABLE ir EQUITY justice, fsimess EQUIVOCAL ambiguous, open fo wo interpretations [BQUIVOCATE. to we vague or ambiguous language intentionally ERADICATE. to erase or wipe ou [ERODE to diminish or destoy ove pio of time IRRANT staying, mistaken roving ERRATIC wandering and unpreditble [ERRONEOUS in ror; mistakes ERSATZ fake [BRUDITE. eared, scholtiy [ESCALATE to inereaethe intensity or soope of ESCHEW to ahstan fom, avoid ESOTERIC. understood only by learned fw SPOUSE to support or edvoeste; to masty [BSTIMABLE. admirable ESTRANGE aliens SSURIENT hungry, greedy ETHEREAL not cathy, spn. delicate ETHICAL moral abiding by an acepted code of conduct kospat a distance ETHOS belief or character ofa group [ETYMOLOGY origin and history of word; study of words ULOGY high pase, often ina public speech EUPHEMISM ute of an inafensive werd or phrase in ple ‘of a more distasteful one EUPHONY pleasant, harmonioussound EUPHORIA. feeling of well-bcing oF Happiness EURYTHMICS, at of harmoniousbodily movement EUTHANASIA. merey kiln; intentional, casy and painless death EVADE to void dodge EVANESCENT momentary ansitory, short-lived EVICT to put out oF free out EVIDENT clo EVINCE to show cles, isl, sini abl to be understood EVOKE. oinsire menusis to prods a reaction EXACERBATE (agave intensify the bad gules of EXALT (o ghiy to deve _EXASPERATION.initaton FPXCERPT (a) sleton rm Booka play EXCOMMUNICATE. to tu fiom membership inthe church EXCORIATE to denounce EXCRUCIATING agonizing, ions pinto EXCULPATE to cls of ame ofl PXECRABLE tery detestable EXEMPLARY, serving as an example, commendable EXHILARATION. sate of being energetic or filed with happiness EXHORT to ugeorinciteby strong appeals [EXHUNIE. to remove fom a grave; uncover a secret [EXIGENT urgent; excessively demanding EXONERATE to clear of blame EXORBITANT extravagant, greater han reasonable EXORCISE to;xpe! evil spirits EXOTIC foreign; romantic, exctingly strange EXPANSIVE. sweeping comprehensive; tending to expand EXPATIATE to wander; to discuss or describeat length EXPATRIATE (a) one who lives ouside one's mative land EXPATRIATE (0) tedtivesomeone tom hisher native land EXPEDIENT (adj) convenient, ein, practical EXPIATE (0 atone for, make amends for EXPIRE. to come toanend; de; breathe out EXPLICABLE capable of being explained [EXPLICIT clery detind, specifi; forthright in expression EXPLODE. to debunk, disprove; blow up, bust EXPONENT one who champions or advocates EXPOUND (oelaborat; fo expand or increase EXPUNGE, tocnsse,eliminte completely EXPURGATE. to censor EXTEMPORANEOUS unrehearsedon the spur ofthe ‘moment [EXTENUATE. to lessen thes. sousnes strength, o effet of EXTINCTION end of ving thing or spesies EXTOL 10 praise [EXTORT 10 obtain something by deat [BXTRANEOUS itvlevant, uneted unecessary EXTRAPOLATE to estimate EXTREMITY outermost of farhost point EXTRICATE. to five from, disentangle fee EXTRINSIC. not inherent or essemial, coming fom without EXTROVERT an outgoing person EXUBERANT ively hppy, and full of good spirits EXUDE. to giveof ooze EXULT torsjoice F FABRICATE. to make or devise; construct FABRICATED constucted, invented; faked, falsified FACADE tae, ron; mask, superficial appearance FACETIOUS witty in an inappropriate way FACILE. very easy FACILITATE. tsi asst FACILITY aptitude, casein doing something aD 225 acelin 9 eae eee ene ee enna EACSIMILE an exact copy FALLACIOUS wrong, unsound logical FALLIBLE capable of fling FALLOW wreultivated, used FAMINE exttome scarcity of 00d [FANATICISM extreme devotion tow cause FARCICAL absurd, udirous FASTIDIOUS. carol with desis FATHOM (9) 10 measure the depth of, gauge: fo understand FATUOUS stupid; fooihly elsatisted [PAUL break in rook formation; mistake or error [FAWN (e) to ater excessive sek the favor of a sto bother, upset disoneest FEALTY intense loyalty FEASIBLE possible, capebleof being done FECKLESS ineffective careless, iesponsble FECUSD fet, fut, productive FEDERATION union of organizations nion of several ites, each of which reais leat power FEIGN to pretend gvea false impresson; to invent falsely FEISTY. excitable easily draw ino quarrels TFELICETOUS suitable, propriate; well-spoken FELICITY. feng gost happiness BLL (0) to chop, cut down ELL. cruel FERVID pusionate intense zelous FETID_foul-smelling puted FETTER to bind, chin, confine FEUD, a prolonged quarrel betwen fais ‘FEY, otherworldly: doomed FIASCO ditster, tor flue FICKLE woroiable FICTIVE ition, imaginary FIDELITY loyalty FIENDISHL excosively bad or enue 226 CED FICH tosteal "FILIAL appropriate fora tld FILIBUSTER se of absrucive tates in a esate sembly to prevent adoption of measure FINESSE refinement or all at a ask or in asitastion FINICKY fs; dtiult to pense FISSION process of spliting into wo parts EISGURE, # reck or break FITEUL. intermittent, regular ZEIXITY, boing fed or stable -FLACCID. limp abby, weak FLAG to loose energy and strength [FLAGRANT, outrageous, shameless [FLAIR nstrat inclination toward something FLAMBOYANT fay. garish: extng, dazzing FLAMMABLE combustible, being ely burned TLAUXT tosbow off FLEDGLING young bin! just earning to fy beginner, FLIPPANT. disrespect casual FLORA plants FLORID gaudy, extromely orate; uly, fished FLOUNDER. to falter waver; o muddle, struggle FLOUT to treat contemptuous, somn FLUCTUATE toalterate, waver FLURRIED_ to become agitated and confused FLUSTER toagitate or confuse FODDER av’ materia; ed for animals _FOIBLE_sninor weakness or characte fw FOIL (y) to defeat, frustrate OIST. {0 pas off as genuine FOLIATE. to grow, sprout eves FOMENT toarouse or incite FORAGE to wander in seach of food [RORBEARANCE patience, restraint, leniency oe eF=gnstic FORD (¥) tocrossa bay of waterat shallow place FORERODING ark sens fe to come FORECLOSE. to rule out; to seize debtor's property for lack FORENSIC eating to lal proceedings; relating to dobates FORENSICS study of argumentation and debate FORESTALL to proven, delay; anticipate FORETHOUGHT_ anticipation, foresight FORFEND, to prevent, FORGO to go without, refrain fom FORLORN. teary, deserted unhappy; hopeless, despairing; pial in appearance FORMULATE, to conceive, devs; to drat, plan; to express, FORSAKE to abandon, withdraw trom FORSWEAR to repudiate, renounes, disclaim, reject, FORTE (n) strong pont something person does well FORTNIGHT (wo weeks FORTUITOUS happening by hk, fortunate FOSTER (v) to nourish, cultivate, promote FOUNDATION. groundwork, support; institution estab- Fished by donation toaid a certain cause POUNDER (Y) ofl hebssysink FRACAS nein pute FRACTIOUS woul, rebelous FRAGMENTATION division, separation into pats, disorgn- FRANK honest and straightforward FRATRICIDE the killing of @ brother or sister FRAUD deception, hax FRAUDULENT deceitful dishonest, unethical ERAUGHE, fll of, accompanied by FRENETIC. willy Frantic, fenziod hectic PRENZIED feverishly fst hecti,and confused FRIVOLOUS petty, triva; fippan sly FROND leaf FRUGAL, thrifty cheap FULMINATE toexploe with anger [RULSOME excosivg overdone sickening abundant TFUNEREAL mourfub appropriate to feral “FUROR ge, fury FURTIVE secret stealthy FUSION process of merging things into one G GAINSAY todeny GALL(a) bitorness; caries nerve GALL (9) to exasperteand isitate GALLANT a ver fshionabieyoung. man GAMBOL to danco or skip around playfully GARGANTUAN int wemendous GARNER to gtherand store ‘GARRULOUS very tlistive GAUCHE crude socially awkward GAUCHERIE_« tts or award at GAUNT thin nd bony GAVEL, rallet ued forcommanding attention GENRE type, dat extegory GENTEEL, sys, clgan in manner or appearance GERIATRIC lating to old age or the proceso aging GERMINATE, to begin row (asin a send idea) GESTATION growth process from conception to bith CUBE (9) make heckling taunting remarks GIRTHL stance around something ‘GLB act in an insincere manner oftand asia GLOBAL, involvingth entre world relating toa whole GLOWER to gve,stare angrily and intensely GLUTTONY eating and drinking to excess CONARL, to mike kooted deform GNOSTIC, havingto do with knowledge ap goad __ GOAD to prod or urge GOSSAMER something light, delicate or tenuous GOUGE se0op out; extort GRADATION peocess oo stags; vaition in color GRANDILOQUENCE pompous tl, fney but meaningless Tamgusge GRANDIOSE magnificent and imposing: exaggerated and retertious GRANULAR. having a gray texture GRASP (v).to peeve and understand old securely ing by regular degrees or ‘GRATIS. fee, costing nothing GRATUITOUS fee, volumary; unecessary aad unusifed GRATUITY, something given voluntarily, tip GREGARIOUS outgoing sosiable CORIEVOUS causing grief or sorrow: serious and distesing GRISIACE ficial expression showing pinot dxgst GRIMY. ity, thy GROSS ac) obscene Nstont, Nagrant GROSS (n) ttl before deduetions GROVEL to humble oneseifin a demeaning way CGRUBAY. diy: sonny ‘QUILE ticker, deception GULLIBLE esi deceived GUSTATORY eating sense of ate qvnar H [HABITAT sveling place HACKNEYED worn out hy overuse to move in acteular motion “HAIL to greet with [HALON to mak bly eta sacred HAMLET val vilge HAPLESS unfortunate, having bad luck HARANGUE # pompous specch HARBINGER precursor, sign of something to come 328 aD HARDY robust, vigorous HARMONY accor tranglity, agreement HARROWING extemely ieoming, tihng HASTEN to han, to sped up HAUGHTY. arrogant and condoszendng HEADLONG. reklely [HEADSTRONG reklesisiting on ons own wy "HEATVIEN, page; weviaed and inaligius THECTIC tasty rid conse HECTOR «bull, brgeat HEDONISM punt of plesureasa gos! HEGEMONY enership domination, usly by country HEIGHTEN sone HEINOUS shocking wiked ible HEMICYCLE, semiilrfrm or stuctare HEMORRHAGE (a) eny best HEMORRHAGE (") to Beed bevy HERETICAL opposed to an essed religious rthodory HERMETIC. ghtyseaed HEYERODOX wortodox, ot witely accepted HETEROGENEOUS composed of unlike parts, diferent, diverse IEW tout withan ax HIATUS. gap ora beak HIDEROUND excessively dry and sit HINDER to hamper HINDSIGHT perception of events fer they happen HINTERLAND wilderness HOARY very old whitish or gray from age HOLISTIC. emphesicing importance ofthe whole and inter dependence off parts HOLOCAUST widespread destruction, usualy by fre HOMAGE public honor and respect HOMOGENEOUS composed of identical pats (ONYM_word identical in pronunciation but different rmesning oo _ipreignable: HONE, to sharpen HONOR (¥) 10 praise, loi, pay tute to HUMANE. merciful kindly HUSBAND (9) ‘o farm; manage carefully nd teitily HUTCH _ pen or coop for animals shack, shanty HYDRATE todd waterto HYGIENIC len, sanitary HYMN religious song, usually of praise or thanks HYPERBOLE. purposeful exaggeration for effect HYPERVENTILATE to bresthe abnormally fast HYPOCHONDRIA. wafounded tei that one is on HYPOCRITE. potso claiming bolic or virtues he or she dest realy posess HYPOTHERMW abnormally low body temperature HYPOTHESIS assumption sbjee to proot HYPOTHETICAL, theoreti speculative 1 TCONOCIAST one who attack iraitionl bei IDEALISM pursuit of noble goals IDIOSYNCRASY peculiasty of temperament, eoontsity IGNOBLE dishonorable, not noble in chracter IGNOMINIOUS disgraceful and dishonorable IGNORAMUS an ignorant person TK ypeor kind ILLICIT egal. improper LILLIMITABLE, limitless ALUUSORY unrest, deceptive ILLUSTRIOUS. famous, renowned IMBUE to infuse; dye, we, moisten IMMACULATE, spotess ie fiom error IMMATERIAL extrancous inconsequential, nonessential not consisting of mater IMMENSE cnormous, huge IMMERSE 1 bate, dip; to engross, preoscupy (MOBILE not movesblestil IMMUNE exempt; protected from harm or disease; untesponsive to IMMUNOLOGICAL relating to immunesystem IMMURE 10 imprison IMMUTABLE unchangeable, invariable IMPAIR to damage, injure IMPASSE blocked path, diem with no solution IXIPASSIONED with pasion IMPASSIVE. showing no emotion IMPEACH tocharge with misdeeds in public office; aeause IMPECCABLE Males without ful IMPECUNIOUS poor, having no money IMPEDIMENT barrie obstcle; speech disorder IMPERATIVE essential: mandatory IMPERIOUS atogsntlysetfassured, dominering, ove besrng IMPERTINENT rude IMPERTURBABLE not capble of being disturbed IMPERVIOUS imposible to penetrate; incapable of Being fost IMPETUOUS quick tact witout inking IMPIOUS ot devout incon IMPLACABLE infexiencpable of bing ped IMPLANT tosetseausyr deeply nil IMPLAUSIBLE inpotatl, inconceivable IMPLICATE to involve in a crime, incriminate IMPLICTT np, nt dct exposed IMPOLITIC unwise “TXIPORTUNE (0 ask repeatedly, beg IMPOSE ont, face upon LANPOSING did rnd IMPOTENT powers necting ength IMPOUND 0 seizeand conine IMPOVERISH wo make poor or banks IMPRECATION cue IMPREONABLE tls fom ateckable to reel et mD 3 IMPRESSIONABLE easly influenced or affected IMPROMPTU. spontaneous, without rehearsal PROVIDENT without planing or freight negligent IMPRUDENT unwise IMPUDENT arrogant and rude IMPUGN to cal into question, attack verbally IMPULSE. sudden tendency, indinetion IMPULSIVE. spontaneous, unpredictable INADVERTENTLY unintentionally INANE fools, ily lacking significance INAUGURATE. to begin of star officially to induct into cies INCANDESCENT shining brightly INCARCERATE 0 pu in jal to confine INCARCERATION. imprisonment INCARNADINE. blood-red in color INCARNATE. having bodily form INCENDIARY combustible, flammable, burning easily INCENSE () (0 infuria INCEPTION begining onege INCESSANT continuous, never ceasing INCHOATE. just bogus; disorganized INCIPLENT beginning to exist oe appear, in an initial sage INCISIVE perceptive, penetrating INCLINATION tendency towards INCLUSIVE comprehensive, all-encompassing 10. in dixguise concealing ones identity lacking 2 means to communicate ‘imposible, unthinkable INCONGRUOUS incompatible, ot harmonious INCONSEQUENTIAL unimportant, tvil INCONTROVERTIBLE unquestionable, beyond dispute INCORRIGIBLE incapable of being corrected INCREDULOUS skeptical, doubtful INCULCATE to tach impress inthe mind INCULPAT to blame, charge with a erie INCUMBENT (adi) holding a specified office often poliieal; required, obligatory INCURSION, sudden invasion INDEFATIGABLE. never tied LINDEFENSIBLE. inexcusable, uaorgivable INDELIBLE. permanent, not erable INDENTURE bound to another by contest INDICATIVE showing or pointing out, suggestive of INDICT to accuse formally charge with crime INDIGENOUS native, occuring aturally in an area INDIGENT very poor INDIGNANT angry, incensed, offended INDISPUTABLE not disputed, unquestioned INDOLENT habitually lr. idle INDOMITABLE ‘earess,uneonquerble INDUBITABLE unquestionble DUCE to persuade; bring about INDUCT to pace ceremonioasy in fice INDULGE, to give in to craving or desire INDUSTRY business or tad; dilgence, energy INEBRIATED drunk, intoxicated INEPT clumsy, awkward INERT unable to move, tending to inactivity INESTIMABLE. to grat to beestinated INEVITABLE certain, unavoidable INEXORABLE inflexible, unyielding UINEXTRICABLE, incapable of being dietangted INFALLIBLE incapable of making «mistake INFAMY reputation for bad deeds INFANTILE childs, immature INFATUATED strongly ot foolishly tached to, inspired ‘with ois pasion, overly in Tove INFER 10 conclude, deduce INFERNAL hells, dsbotical intimation INFILTRATE. posssceretly into enemy teritory INFINITESIMAL extemely tiny INFIRMITY seas, ailment INFNNGE to encrosch, trespass; o tenses, voile INFURIATE to anger, provoke, outage INFURIATING provoking anger or outrage INGENIOUS original, clever, inventive INGENUOUS straightforward open; naive and unsophisiented INGLONOUS_lacking fame or honor, shameful INGRAINED en innate quality. deep-seated INGRATE ungrateful person INGRATIATE 10 bring ones purposely into anothers ood graces INGRESS entrance INHIBIT to hold beck, prevent restrain INIMICAL hostile, unfiendly INIQUITY sin, evil act INITIATE. to bein, nodes; tent, nd INJECT to fre into to ntoduce into conversation INKINCTION, command, order PNJURIOUS using injury INKLING hin; vague ides INNATE. natua inborn INNATENESS state of being natural or inbom INNOCUOUS armless inoffensive INNOVATE to invert, modemize revolutionize INNUENDO indioet end sub ertcism, insinuat INNUMERABLE too many tobe counted INOFFENSIVE harmless innocent INOPERABLE. not operable; incurable by surgery INQUEST investigation; cout or legal proceeding, INQUISITIVE curious INSATIABLE never satisfied INSCRUTABLEimpossibleto understand fly INSENTIENT unfsting, unconscious INSIDIOUS sb, treacherous, devious INSINUATE sgt sync inly INSIPID bln, Laskin avr acting xem INSOLENT insulting and sogant INSOLUBLE, not alto be sled or explained INSOLVENT ankrupt mle o py one’ debts INSTIGATE to init rg, atte INSUBSTANTIAL mds insgient INSUFFICIENCY tucking in something INSULAR isolated. douchod INSUPERABLE insurmountible,anconqerble INSURGENT (i) cebu inubodinate INSURRECTION: bln INTEGRAL central nspnsbe INTEGRATED nied INTEGRITY deen honest woes INTEMPERATE. not moderste LISTER. tobuy INTERDICT ofr, probit [INTERIECE to ney es INTERLOCUTOR someon aking patna dios INTERLOPER wespessr meer in ter fis INTIRMINABLE cates INTERMITTENT sang nd stoping LINTFRNECINE deat oot sides INTERPOLATE insert change by adding new words oF ‘atrial INTERFOSE. to inset fo intervene INTERREGNUM interval between ceigns INTERROGATE. to question fomnally INTERSECT to divide by passing through or across INTERSPERSF to distribute mong, mix wih LINTERSTICE «space between things INTIMATION clue, suggestion aD = INTRACTABLE not easily managed INTRAMUR INTRANSIGENT uncompromising, refusing tobe reconcied INTREPID ates AL. within on institution lke a sehoo! INTRIGUED interested, cious INTRINSIC. inherent, internal INTROSPECTIVE. contemplating one's own thoughts and fecings INTROVERT someone given tosefanalysis INTRUSION trespass, invasion of another’ pivagy INTUITIVG. instinctive, untaught INUNDATE. to cover with water, overwhelm, INURE to harden; accustom; become used 19 INVALIDATE. to negate or nly INVARIABLE constant, not changing INVECTIVE verbalabuse INVEIGH. protest stonsly INVESTITURE ceremony conferring authority INVETERATE confirmed, longstanding, deeply rote INVIDIOUS key o provoke i wil offensive INVINCIBLE invulnerable, unbeatable INVIOLABLE sfe from violation or assault INVOKE t0.a upon, equest help OTA. very tiny amount IRASCTBLE. easily angered IRIDESCENT showing many eslors IRRESOLV! IRREVERENT disrespectful LE unable to be resolved not anahzable IRREVOCABLE. conclusive, reversible ITINERANT wandering from pce to place, unsetled TINERARY route of tavele’' journey 32 CD J “JADED, tine by exes or ovens sy en "ANGLING. cling, joing; aly unpleasant in sound) JARGON: sone wl speized lnguage WUNDICE yellowish dealin of skin JSAUNDICED feted by nadie; prejuiet or embitered JETTISON to cs off throw argo overboard TE 1o sit sue from one set the oer TINGOISM, bligeent support of one's country JOCULAR jovi, lyf marous UBILEE speci annivesary JUDICIOUS sensible, showing ged judgment JUGGERNAUT buge force destoying everything in is path JUNCTURE point wheres things rejoined JURISPRUDENCE pilosopy of ww JUVENILE young oils cing JUXTAPOSITION sides placement K KEEN havinga sharp edge: inteletsly sharp, pereesive KERNEL, ionecmont esti pre sed grain, often ina ‘el KEYNOTE note or tone on which a musical ley i founded: ‘main idea of speech, program, etcetera KINDLE t0set fire to ogni; excite or inspire KISETIC.teating to motion; characterized by movement (KISMET fate KNELL, sound of a faeral bell omen of death or flare KUDOS fame glory, honor L LABYRINTH maze LACERATION cut or wound LACHRYMOSE tearful LACKADAISICAL idle, lazy: apathetic, indifferent LACKLUSTER dull LACONIC using few words LAGGARD. dawer, lou, lag person LAMBASTE disopprove angrily LAMENT (9) (o deplore, grieve LAMPOON (¥)_ 1 tack with satire, mock harshly LANGUID lacking energy iniferent, slow LANGUOR lslesness LAP()_ to drink using the tongue; to wash against LAPIDARY relating 0 precious stones LARCENY theft of property LLARDER plac where food i stored LARGESS generosity, gt ‘wenn organ containing vos eowds LASCIVIOUS end esa LASSITUDE lethargy, Suggishness LATENT peesent but hidden; potent] LATITUDE freedom of action or choice LAUDABLE deserving of prise LAVISH to give pent amounts of “LAXITY carcesnese LEERY suspicious LEGERDEMAIN trickery LEGIBLE readable [LEGISLATE to dere, mandate, make laws adhering to the lw sightul LENIENT easygoing, permissive LETHARGY indent iactvity LLEVITATE 1 isin th ai or cause to rie LEVITY humor, fivoliy, gly LEXICON dietonary, list of words LIBERAL (ad) tolerant, broad-minded; geneous, lavish LIBERATION frecdom, emancipation LIBERTARIAN, one who believes in unrstited freedom LIBERTINE one without moral restaint LIBIDINOUS asta LICENSE tedom toact LICENTIOUS immoral unrestrained by society LIEN right toposes and sll the property of debtor TLIMPID clear and simple; serene; tansparent LINEAGE ancestry LINGUISTICS stndy of language LINIXTENT medicinal iguid used externally to case pin LIONIZE. to wot asacelerity LISSOME sly lee, imber, agile LISTLESS lacking energy and entbusism LITERAL word for word; upholding the exact meaning of word LITERATE able to read and write; well ead and csucated ITH moxingand bending wit ease; grace LITIGATION tows LIVID discolored fom a bras; reddened with anger LOATHE to abhor, despise hate LOCOMOTION. movement from place to place LODGED fac in one positon LOFTY noble, elevated in position {LOGO corporatesymbol LOITER to stand around idly Loguactous LOW (v) to makes sound lke cow, moo lexive TUCTD clear and, LUDICROUS tnughible, ridiculous LLUGUBRIOUS sorrowrbl, mournful ily understood WL tosoorhe LUMBER (¥)_ to moveslowly and awkwardly LLUMINARY bright objec celebrity; source of inspiration LUMINOUS bright, bila, glowing LUNAR. relating tothe moon LURID harshly shocking, sensational; lowing LURK to prowl, sneak ED 32 unschgups ————————— LUSCIOUS very goodsasting LLUXURIANCE. elegance, lavshness LYRICAL, suitable for poetry and song; exresing eling M MACABRE. gruesome, produving horror MACHINATION plot orscheme MACROBLOTICS 1 of prolonging if by spc diet of tpi, nonment substances [MACROCOSM system regarded aban entity wih subsystems MAELSTROM. whirpool turmoil; apited sateof mind MAGNANIMOUS. generous, noble in pitt aac MAGNITUDE extent, greatness of size ATE powerful or influential person MAINSTAY chief support MALADROIT chm, tctess ea ilhess w ROPISM humorous misuse ofa word MALCONTENT, discontented pesson,one who holds uige MALEDICTION cuse MALETACTOR evd-doer:culprit sess ible nusing ev or har to thers MALFUNCTION (n) breakdown blue MALFUNCTION) 0 fil to work MALICE. arimosn spite, hatred [MALINGER to evade rexponsity by pretending tobe LMALLEABLE capbl of bing shaped MALNUTRITION undernousshment MALODOROUS foulsmeling MANDATORY essay equiced MANIFEST (a) obvious MANIFOLD, diverse varied comprised of many pars MANNERED arifcil or stied in character MANUAL (di) hand-operatds physical res For slavery MAR. to damnage, dec; spoil MARGINAL barely sufficient [MARITIME relating fo the see or siting MARTIAL. warlis, peraining othe iltary MARTINET tit ssciplinaran,one who rigid follows tales MARTYR person dying for hishes belies MASOCHIST one who enjoys pun or bumifation MASQUERADE disguise; action tat conceals the truth MATERIALISM preoccupation with materia things MATRICULATE to erollasa member of «college or university, MATRILINEAL tracing ancesiey though mother's tine rather than fe’ MAUDLIN ovely sentimental MAVERICK. person who resists adberence toa group LMAWKISH. sickningly sentimental MEAGER scanty, sparse MEANDER to wander ames without direction (GFUL sigiican MEDDLER person intesering in ote’ ffir MEDIEVAL.