Cooper Victorinus Philosophical Exegesis Pau

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Chapter 4 Philosophical Exegesis in Marius Victorinus’ Commentaries on Paul Stepen Cooper tn his seminal artic on he ‘enor of au fount-entury Latin theology”, Bemtard Lobse presented the distinctly nen-Alexandine exegetical approach tthe Latin Pol-conspenstor a rime evidence for Latin theologians ving, ‘atained a uamistakeable syle which cannot simply be explained fom the conser wit Greek ieretize’, The developmeat of a cbarctrsially Latin ‘ropes of Pal isan intresting exception tothe general phenomenon is this eto ofan increasing Aurach wit Greck Cristian predecessor, ‘whereby Esawhole the Laine were eprelichersee die Bmpfangender’ This ceaty {oss ma bod inthe eof he opening phase of Latin oementary on he Compas Prana, asthe commentaries of Viorinas and Ambrosaster on the Pale tines would seo to have been composed independently of Gres exegetical ‘Tors on Paul With regard to Victor, the judgeent of Alexander Souter? Cepressed in 1927, thatthe “hi source of the omaneatry Is 0 doubt the {metigence ofthe ator hinsl trained inthe stay of langage oad philosophy” ‘ps uot eco overturned. Such exegetical parallels scan be encountered between ‘Victorian’ worts om Pal abd those of Origen ~ or of the otberexly Grek Sommeatators pressed in conor ise in my wgement to establish Sera dependency on previous comments” 7B La “echt a Pa Kercat es Mais Vicor md | -Wietcidecng des os nr Linch Tooge des viene Jr “Reps und Loge Beni 2 don gengecachen Beiohnge zc nie thu Citaeton Fee fr Chon (O3ta9, 17) pp. 381-56 Ce 9.381. Ase, The Bott atin Commentaries ote Eps of Pas (Oxi, w2p,p26. 1 Sey dcunon ed reflec in Caer, Marius rin’ Comnetay Gaetan nto 205) p93, 46 fo example wt conser inane alls th ey bt cementite ey aro ft evi ee CEs te) peice doco (co a Sscamed i Cooper, Mapes ont Nera tn ilrnl Pern” Commentay onthe Ltr te Epos ew Ye, 1235. 2:7 nutes woul be ese x Gaon Le? wih» agent of One's Crnmenry pst in Pampa pl 3 (PL, S880) A cope of psig ‘otro nase wrk uget bey have eo lia with Osea on the eth o Ieee Blo Arist Late Ait ‘The question of Gresk inueoce on Vicon’ commentaries, however, ex Hejond the reading of Grek Chistian exes. We sow know more ‘am ever tat Augustioe's report in Confesions (82-3) tt Vitoria ‘dred sn weighed eo many ofthe posers’ was no exaggeration, This has been ‘Sunday demoted by tbe Queleorschangen of Pree Hadot~ and more ‘eazy of Metel Tardiea ~ ino Vetoriau”wintarin Weaises. These works reveal deeper soquinane with he Greek conentary tradition en te Plane Aialogue than we encounter in any other Latin Christian wih exception perhaps (of Cali? ~ unl Botha. I it in ight of the Past schols and thee prasce of commentary tht we best understand a aniqu fete of Vcorina repeal works: piosopbical“xcares* or ‘igessions” Interuping the feostion of te text and supplementing he intelectual background ofthe ‘pos wi plilasopbicl theology and atuopology eminscat of Paton * foveal Ge I Dain, Review of Heary wl P. Halo, 80 2-8. Recherches de {ons bins A (1968) pp. 127-8. + Tae round reking werk iP. Hodes, Porphre a Ftv 2 0b, Pat, 1968. dosed the goes of conspeisy o-Ps Poms wich niece Vite ntran thecoy, to Fry. Te disor of Verna we of cer "ans ener of worn orp a dt asad ity by Michel aca ‘Sd Pere Hoda sx ek Rocce aon depicted Zosten ts {owes de Mar Varna and Papleo Verna Quon palit (roe, 10 (Buer-au-Yvewe, 196) Aa exellet Stet als Vie 2, 9p 41-3} ob Dilog, The Mil Plante 60 BC 4D 220 (onde, 1936), 01, who acoso Gh dae st conser Caso hve been lens! Recpioasa. PO. Badabene, Gshicke dation Litera Dara, 1962) vo 3 1.65 The only esac egy ona Seo te eee Vein rer ob ‘be Cssiogal ms Flips 26-1 aed ow on Epes ies Lbs pos ‘eben no uh element eo ah coca on Calis as ‘Gots tala nto canny Gans fr 3.192 poe elinaed {igen o pis of pad es), whence ney conde x Vicor Sigs te ponpicl mater ny when sine by soe Pre cone win "heen ar cocsply close o Neoplsolon (Beachy p36). 7 ham fl Tone it te er: Sound, Vici Af a irom de Taste Caius, Iai 1980s 28872954 re, 29023) Raye, Maro Ftorig eet dS. Pal ae, 1996), fp 12-6 pasoges fom Vor commenis with pilospial crt hve been std dpe wi efecto smlar mali the tran eases by A Bie, Ltn outocs Pi 2S 1) nla Mari Fira. Sai ais, Ena ea a Teg Son arte 9) Are I, _Sephen Cooper ° Digresions in paste commentaries ate unas, all the mare 30 wen they ‘onainpilsppical mitral istcud of information abot the reais of ex, ‘More tical of the practce of rammariane would be th digression giving Imrie aad etinopaphicifation abou the inhabits of Galati, which Jerome (pabely following Orisa) supplies inthe opening of the seat book. tfhis commentary on Galatians” ei Vicorius superimposition of there fame ork tat ite dnincive element of his excrses, juste formal beak fiom th exposition ofthe text. Inthe following, I ope fo show bow Viet for didactic easone expanded te gone once sich digression, an ht the {atonale of his diactciem is ore apparent i we suppose him fo have been ‘onscouly engaged in Borowing apd tnsforming a mode! forthe wage of utbocatve texts ptt oft of graded spin peda.” ‘Vctorinws’ Commentaries on Paul ‘tor wrt Romae under Constants" Marius Visorns is one ofthe few “cent wiers fom whom we have works composed before and fer conversion {o Chitin.” In his cae thie tcloes commentaries from bth periods. To ‘emich bis stdeste of retore wth det, he had commented on Cicero's ‘Tpia in four books, ahi commentary oa Cicero's De invention was the fron sxy of he rstorc wos of Cher.” Wi a mastery of Greek wostal fora Lat of is eto, Vicorims was loa higheve ate of pilosophy, 7 BLDG as, 1845), 3596. 357A (1 el, 3798-3820) aoe COSL77A, mm 7s40- (Ny atectin was dene 1 his mes in aan piso by. Rabbow, Sele Meth er Exon dre ed, 1954), P Had Eres “pir pisophie ong ane. Mista Cast, 2nd ea, Fus,198), and A ‘Bet oh Plot ae My ff Sprite Execs rom Scat Foca (nor 199) TT Jecne, De vr 101, Sere, Augustine, Boos, nd Casings ae “ur ole sorte fir hee ad trary race of Vitis. Fo the (Grmoistod esuson fhe 0 Pind, rt Prins, recher92 im aes Pa 191} 1 Mai, Mor itor! dr Granmat Doon, (cca comment er, 967) a Ele cotibtin of FF Bre, ough (dtd snow vale Mos Vicor sn ls oss, he vane! Quote, 1 09465 9p 12-38 "2 The alg cates Fics tema ithe ote oti xp, Og he ot commer cn Tp se Had Mrs Vos ches pp. SA 15-2 Te commenary ca Cet, ed bee fom Cahn) Rs [Bonnin (Leip 1863) hey ben rte by A. poli Mar Forint iplantne on Gero rhercam (CCSL 132, Tb, 208). An exes ay tf te wa Betge, Der Spo Bor tm Kommentar dt Marista 2) ‘hore gener De eto (i, 198) 0 erring the Bible and Arte ae Any efups something of plicit or evangelist fori He sought to make important ‘isophical works avaiable ito Lain trnsiaing Porphyry’ urdton fo “Arbo Categorie, se by Boethias in bis fit commentary on tht text. Most famearly be rendered into Latin the lr Platnicram, “bok of te Patent which made s peat ingoct upon Augustine" Aer Vitorinae™ conversion f0 (Cusiatyat advanced ole age 355), be Urovght hie ad and pont Beat ‘pum the docrinal conoversies ofthe church and composed polemical eater Indeenc of the Nicene honoousion” which Jerome not nappostely described books obscurely writen ia dalcecal styl’ (ibrar more alain vale cara) ‘iors at tured to writing commenais onthe Paine eps," 2 we Inf fom the ct that they contain eereaces to ober Boks whet he cls to have discussed topics more ally" Hs commensies are hus tbe date fram 363 atte east and probably not much Inter than 368." Unfors or ability to appraise this fn! Tieray production of his if s hampered by the fae tht less than hi of Vitra’ wou onthe Corpus Plain survives. A very hin smmuserptaion fs preseevod bis wosks on Glains and Epsians in Wo ‘books anda single book on Pilipins™ but itera relrenceslso make clear “Aspe, Conf 7913 and 823 inven Vicor he nat of hse rks (fern oo x). eds of ch ted Again ills “be of Gd and ble hr ence is undstadng with etl acing om Cs {el (Conf 13-23). Thse on caded ener of Pe a kot rainy aginey Toe lee ir ereive: fda fF any, Pn et Oca Pima Matera, Maras Pern, San Augie Macobe (Lama, 1934) Ft evmloparat of he dein ad big ee ivan Caspno o Augie [2 Leja Grn (et), Phe Contre Hay of Pop Lae iy (2 98 Cantos, 200) ch 1 "8 Victron wa agin variety of opponents the Nee ced, ety the ‘evel hamseosin pry, which tho ene the cr and favour of Cons Fora dices of he herald logic se Bar Feo Tos ‘haber url Wyo sea Pen nF Hat (9 8-2, Ps, 196). Aig tslton wits eg ate nde scr nc ote ‘spear C. Moeschnt aed. Tamas 28}, Oper vole dt Mars Pre {Tes 2007) Form craton of Vena conebane oe tnirian stone, {eeRBC msn, Te Search forthe Chron Doc of God ete, 188 ch 7 "6 erm Devi if 10, Unies ers ote al asiins ae my ove. "Theil ia ie ed ali Ma Vcr ape po peo expt oF Get (CSEL 1 Via, 1985, *e ep on Epesns 11 (CSEL B32, p18, 23-29, 1.19 Gi p25, 1-695, om Piligpins 26% whichis pelt taper, there He dings te ‘metro ai br (i 18,19) "For dicesion of tbe dating, se Cope, cri’ Commentary on Glas, m6, 9 CSEL S32, pp tee Steph Cooper a that be wrot on Romans snd the Corinthians camespondence as well, doubles: sat grea length” Whether Viterinus progressed beyond Piippians in he Pauline Conus user, bua aue of remarks uggs be conceived ofthe work as & complet commentary on his mor ection ofthe New Testament.” Tacking the technical philosophic character of his tinaian weatiss, ‘Victornss" commentstie on Paul we sccearible 1 ready wnfemiie With stilosphica language eo bought. his was clearly intutonl, even his generie. ‘rsignation ofthe ascommonario simpler mad expsito simplex verboram.® The formal procede Vistrnas fll of «lins-y ine exegena ofa lematized text was a standard method of Latin grammarins2 We se this, for example, in ‘Donatus commentaries on Teeace ofr ht mater a Vier commentary ‘on Ciero, Explicstion through paraprace was «bai echaiqu of the schools (of gamma and shor, bot Latin and Gree,” wad Vietrinus employs tis longside other expository malods ofthe shoals” Frances Young has cserved {hat he Chistian exegetical ‘school we brody devominae tx Alexandria 03 ‘Antochee differed notin he anslical matods they appeopied fom the pogan ‘schools bur in thir hesmeneatical principles according to which they applied them." Origen had writen septal commentaries infeed by suc Iiray- Refs oa ectay eo Romans: Conn Gal $7, $8408 commetcy ‘on Carita Camm ph 12 an Comm Ga 5.6; 102 Cretan Cm Fok 10 at Comm Gal 54 614 2 Thu aes Soir" seme poset he woten mod tn ll fhe asin pat’ (The ares Latin Comment, 20) Se forte frie, Comm. ph po er 1 (CSEL 53, 60,16) ad fe he tas, Comm Bp 11 (i 18,25) and Comm Ol 418 Gi 8,24 Se my ‘Season of siaemce of ete ems Cooper, Nort Moin Commentary ot ‘olan p10 3 Rapa, Maro Ptoko evgea ie he fet amt of ri ‘zeal metiods ins consti ott Pal and Cc. Moe bi, Cope, rae Pict Conmontay’ on Gato lt Dona Comment Preto F, Wess (3 vl St 1862. % ‘See ot Robert, Bibel Bie ond Phtorial Parplase i Late Asiguly (Case ae Medea Tes, aps wot Moonopa, vol 16, Lvepook 585, Rasp eer ~ rity my view ~ lat = compris of Vwi coqmene 68 Cleo a Pal ous “ue modo in veo’ acdc the eeunettrs gps ofthe cifeses tren ica! x hee! ts (or reo neu. 35-a, 2-13) aspartate Wor ong “eppensttspce Vein’ etegsa tod remnig single one not paws sf ie pagan en Chit, exept eae. eves dpe pes ‘spine whieh Stongy lose te pence of ie carmen ah coe $e Cozin commentary sn esas cots oft Paie pte (>. 130) 9° Yomg ‘Alcan mn Anocone Exes i A. Hater wa, Wan (et Horo tte! errata I The Ac Perad (Goa Raps, M, $2), pp. 38054 (ep 382) n ping Bilan rs Late Atiuty cal wchaiques but hie works on Paul's later seed for 8 comprehensive level of eicusion of theological themes, in pat doe to his reading Pel ia eaectios witha other sources of elation’ ViorinusKeep more arrow ‘othe lines ofa progressive exposition, largely though prphrse and summary ofthe estar tox so ha his digression tnd oo a exceptional, ad indeed. he apologies forthe, ‘The commenuries of Ambrosaser, Augustine, the Budapest Anonymous, and Palais on the Paulie piss dee om each oer fray sometimes Sigaicanly” but al share Vitraus am of reproducing 3 clear account of the got’ ination and thought” They tse thetoosof be garparan~clrioaion ‘of verba and ero leis and thro ~ to render a expository parapase of 4 Jemmatzed tex, thas aplyng to the Paulie Corus the mai of mterpeing omeram ex Homero” Tas basic methodological principe of aalsing extn Tight of the author's on utecenes, combined with th dciline to renounce a more thorough application of te garamara’s modus lego ends the works 2 ‘eve compactness, evr athe ease of Vctrias, the most pelo the bunch ‘hiss what dsingushes the: chiey fom the waslaton an wapations hat Jerome and Rains mae of Origen commentaries ofthe apostle’ epistles * ‘Despite mentioning Vicorits'comameatare in his On Fanaus Mer, ecm could aot ecommend his predecessor's werks on Pal In ir own commentary on pall camon in B Newer, Orient al Philp (Shwe Blas ‘arterial 18, Be, 967 PT Hele, ratio reipons Die Palade des Orgne i sene Konner sam Remeron, 1990p. 272 Agia Epes a Romo inchoate eso tas by Bix te matt mines soe (camgeble oh compebesive mosh of Orie) Bat i eget eyed owas 7 wise Ags beone aston eb spat See). Dae (ed), pot uorndan propationm a Eps a Roma pala af Gals ‘apts berms: Esa ad Romanos incona expos (CSEL 4 Mien, 197). ‘Muse's commen Gatien wpe ohne of Vos ‘sd Anise (hough uit te his ces pt tet te sae tet be ape. Feliu comaestre the no cone of he Cotracan Comet Cantng the onze fet inn nag comme. The Bue Aazeyoous bas he wos ely The mais om Pop, Hom Quo, 12-14, See Sebi, "Homer Exons Mea Hee, 34 (197 pp. 221-7. 20°F Hee, The Commons of Oger and Jromé on St.Paul Epes wo he Spheon (sso, 202). Spor Comper a ‘Gnlasins, Jerome firs i the peice o Victor inmersion in sear eters founds for disqualifying hima bibles! exe: "no-one, however elaguet, ‘woud be capable of hong forth well bout what he does noe know” While if useoststed thatthe old rhetr could not ope to match Jerome's knowledge cof seripie and ofthe Grek exeyezltrdon, idsight has in some measure {given Vistorinys the let aagh, The conf! Deen Petr a Pal at Ano, a Felted in Galton 211, a sigiicant casein point where moder eholas™ Inve recognized that the old set's exegetical metod yieied ress fa loser ‘0 thee of moder isoricl seholshp than Githat ferme wt is etensive reliance on Origen” ‘To te extent thst Vitro keeps scl © bis avowed programme of ex expoitisonples inthe commenti, some moder Saeas OTRS Wok gd ‘Vetornas’ approach as atcpating the crea hsterical reading ofthe Bible ia siming “to tans the ideas ofthe apostle as precisely as pose’ Maio ‘Simone, in his standard history of purists exegesis lakes Vitra’ tems ‘commenti simple nd export simplexverbori to wean ‘his ova interests {ora panow aod itera derstanding of th ext" This is ein tre forthe ‘most part, bu ony ntl the commis comes to a passage whee the apectle touches on deeper mates ofthe Cristina serv, as Vitorinus kes teal the Christevet ad alts efets ia the bead sep fom etry to incarastion, ‘eat od reseton. Then he abandons te "basic itera of his method ad ‘makes what Paul sys the occasion to expatate on divine aod human realities "Because is sketch of Pa’ theology and oteilogy poten das on Plonist des, movern scholars ed o regard Vetorau as gly of anachronism, Sach Thos Frome: fon tore C. Marte Wertman, gud Rae me puro rheoriam dect econ pela 0d vodcecpata il andont ‘cclaram lear sere ami suc ona ef maa psi ut ‘les de ene dputare gud nes (PLBE, ct 308A; CSL 77,6) Se in ‘sow mths vole te coattboie by Ande Cun. Sunt hs consi obved ‘a Joe’ econ De rl of eect of Vitoria teri wars dons bo ely tothe communtiy, nthe cn of whe "be dec nat ee be xe o oan) tr of cumpet (Vcr AP 0. 2893). Ts RK, Fol jesifeation ¢ Ase: Intron cot i, 198), 7.90 7 Teta is extensive, being with F. Ovebck, Over Arng des Se der Pair rt Pet dhe (Cal 2 fb den Kc 87 Dann, 1968) or dean fh eget Sepa ores pac ‘dnote cin st Cape, torino Golan 21-13. 28 Radeatewe, Garb der lirchtto rar ol p45, Sky bt ih appt lication, Sound, Virion Adare 29023, ‘Simone Lever alo p20. "4 _rurgeig he ible on rin Ete Anti ‘charge itself snares: one can arly expecta nsien omaesttr to do bervise in an xpi teelopieal commen" ‘Feo’ disparag-mentofVetris' commentaries reveals more than rivalry over he file of fist Latin to comment on the apo more ingot ae the indcaions of Mviodonsnei Aa explanatory paraphrase ofthe leer with lex poses aod oocsinal digression sucht Vora compoed — was ‘ot Frome’ notion ofa bible commentary. For te leamed prsbyer fom Sidon, Christin exegesis demanded surveying 2 varie of interpretation put Sin y prior exegesis case Greek commentators Here Vicia cely fl shor, bt forthe soe of diferent onorpion ofthe uence ais pst A ‘hor profoundly seieoesious about teat of comminiaon, Victorias iy ‘ew wil have chose o omit the academic comparion of eneptil options it ‘onder to do someting dire sete tools of the rammaria communist as ‘ery as poslea reliable pictur of what teapot sid sd did Ins ospest of his commentaries, a Tat his inetine as xhetncan was sound. Despite the ‘ict Viera’ compeatares on Paul were ecipaed by commentaries transmit nde weightreclesascal names, te method he poneeed a geetl ital nd histor exegesis which didnot Tose the fret fr the sake of the ees — etme the dominsnt ode in the terse engagement withthe Pele Corpus ne prof Lacn commentators spaning the hal-century st elapsed beeen ‘Vio’ exegetical warks aod the complet commeatree of Plaga o the Paulin eps “Pass Fsiaen has ade te vale cbse dt ‘canal eng of fomsonal gone ts we iinealy mechroni "Hiseel ag, Inet Preiom: The Phissopbers Pal aed the Pcl of Annee in a Ae eb, Pa nah Papo Bag 83). (oa ter 4m compe et of cca hits bend Sue's dante memorize ‘fAsoanr, wane prt od exept worse als Soe is Dev i. SecA. Cia Ambossier's Shao: A Creal Re Erion of the Last Sviving ater Facing eter Pope Dams an Seon’, ara dn purines et igs, 31 2009): py. 239-9 (ee. 0-77). or" Tass C. Buel, ‘ie Pashomecie dex Hionyms: Die ete ‘wove Inchon Bbekonmeste” 9 Orting Ean clare Gre si fs 1 (Roe, 1993), pp. 187-207. oe Jers om see oe smi ee poe ©" matte concen of Th. de Braye, oli” Commensary on SP {pete Roman Oars 1983 ps" tad fetta aes ‘te comment ests Ramen cae aye emneay Sep Comper 8 ‘Commentary and Paldea inthe Philosophical Schools ‘The wsting of commentaries, ss generally acknowledged had two basic oaces inthe Greck wor. There wos, 0 the one hand, ssboia tation on Homer ‘he oldest dating othe th ad our cosas BC which was iterated eto fuller academic enterprise, including the writ of comments, begining ‘withthe reat scholars of Alexanera ofthe shir century BC Thete was also the activity of te pilsephical schools - Plo, Arslan and Stoic inthe Hellenistic period ceria Crntorseemstohave conmeoted on Pato’ Fimaeus ‘round 300 BC, thoogh we are ucetai sotheterary frm his comments may hhve ake ao we bve fragments fem an aponyous commentary on Plato's heats from the ist ceatury BC or AD." Tht there Was interaction teteen the schools of gama and hose of pilosopty ~ bth onthe evel of personnel and method ~is clea from Porptyy’s Homeric Querions “The specie form of comment in which the commented txt i divided ito lemmat flowed by analysis seems to have wea among te Prpelcs ofthe second cena AD. Alexander of Apbrvisias”conmeatanis on Aristotle faethe most noted ease in poi, though not the eas, having been preceded ‘bya commentary on tbe Nicomochean Ethics by Aspasns, no longer extant. The “* Saipes, ‘Ltery Ite se Homa Sebi: The Siiles ft in con urna of Phy, 10972988) pp. 19-222 “Sete cuistnting preston by Han Base ofa ‘ier and peli cis of plvpicl exegesis aay nh rom Pleeto Fees The ‘Ancien Phsopies Comey, Pote Toy, 28 207) pp 247-81 Qa, 24 ‘5 See th srimry scent iL. Brien, How Pople Seed be: Algor intretation and Clase! Mog (Cig, 2008, p57, sea aes {plow aque, in yew tt he ned fr Commenary we nce rl Et fet ei poy ra commited omg sd ie ers of Hamar pty we 9 langeratleto ere tir net anos nein te odon ose ade ot he ulcocs win ad moved bye te pita feds Homer, which cored 10 te calte ofthe ach agen Groce but cane ceasing) subg to Gr te css ag Tas in Bs’ view gered ed for alegre comet, ic kes ovr he ole of trie upg at oce he ars had exe. Te ut exit exept eatmst of ome fou pose psp he we ‘fun cere wan Sic ft it er end snhry CE (notin enc o0 biswrk oe AA Lng Soe Redags of Hower, A. La ed), Oford Reads Clana Ser: Ant Literary Cron (Ox, 005, 79.2119 “ogi develope ote geae ofthe coins sepia comet, se 1 Had, “De fartaode poopie Reneena’ in W. Geto © Sele (et) Der Kommentar Ante nd Mela, Bode unr Brfrchng (Lees, 200) p99 ‘8 See wow LA. MaPal Ia Pop Homeric Quen onthe lid: Tt ‘ralaon Commenter (Baie 2010) 6 erring the aed Late Atty Protons schools sabsouenty appropriate this gece of commeatary® and by etd century had developed a introductory scheme of pis to be ete in the peices to thei commentaries lr: Hacot has demonstrate how Origen spree his scheme the preface ois commentary onthe Sng of So0s5. ‘The Paton schools also developed a canal order for the study’ of Plato: aoguc, wich were procedd by the sudy of Aviso. Al this Suggests ¢ high level of pedagogical intention, whereby students developmen: came about ‘trong rogesive reading of canaical tus Philosphical commeniatorsprodvced their works forthe bene of tents ‘whose fattest in philosophy, a wel Known, coud not be described as merely {cede however ch grea dea of sola wat prac iat ul. (Geate’s Zp. 108 contaizs perhaps te mot famous passage denerctng he extent aspect of philosophical studies in sha coast othe more ply Scdemi arentton of entetscboirscoocemod wit trary tes) Once te commentry eeenged at the ete of philosophical diacusion, Heney CChndvick has observed, ibe pilosoper's job was to expt the text of a0 tury tha ano tet — which was supposed to led th det ot only fo an underanding of nate orto a cea and precise ue of langage bit als to rr principles andthe pureation ofthe soul Philosophy a way of Iie nd been esseutial rom the bepanngs ofthe movement —need we do more than pronounce de ames Herc, Fythagoms and Socrates? ~ but recourse ‘o commences 4 an instrament ofirtrwction ins tition whose gels can nly be describ sat east qusieligions was something nex:* This seo he ‘commentary in the pda ofthe plesophical schools to promot the students ‘gagetea wth the ters conaied nen autocalive text prc lee Inthe prefory remus of the en fith-cearry Paton Hieoces of Alexabiia ‘otis commentary onthe Pythagorean Golden Verses Among suc complaion of re ane) exeaing weaver he whl of Bll we wou wih goed reason pl he Plagne Vee =the 0: ‘led oles Voe int fe pace Prey const cole tachags tfalofpiacly total and eset, By mean oe ae wou See. Aacom, ‘Commenting om Arsote: Fo Lte Ay tthe Arab Artanis ia Gees cd Scie (0) Der Komment eller, DIS bee pp. 206-17. 3 Gee Hade, ‘Lr etn a cue exes ches lo ener spies ter ater cen aM. Tree), Ls lr ingen: (Pats, 1987) pp. 9-122 HC Anite Sriftegang Bei, 99.68 The previous nam is appear fom the voctraons of Sens (Ep. 6) and Seccsc B12 HO a to pene ep omy i Spe Coop ” su hand ius, wold cove oneal in piel tt and woul inte Hee Go” We find simile aston sboct the comprehensive of pilosphy in itorins commeatary on Ceo’ thetrcl textbook De imentone. Tete he aimed tha the compote form of phos consists af Wo camen’, yes and ie: physics isthe part which treats of divine reales and ethics the pat Which discuss things human’ Under rabies tis roa, Victorious woud find ‘hat Pals pistes ae replete wits physics and eis. Philosophical Material in Vetrinu’Prefces and Digressions Christian a 90d laine Alaa with he mateial of the dirssons prope, piloophica conceptions ae at ‘ily im vome gener ideas Vcterinu has resort trouphou the commence. ‘Vetecnus preface his commentarics on he inva epistles wit itodacony remarks drt in part from th protgues atch othe pre-Vugate reasons ofthe Vous Laas end in prt fom his ov analysis. His prefaces sketch the ‘store! oestion forthe eps and ender the suo si poi fee eter ina lef fommulation* Our supe of his preies i uaforaately Limited 0 bis ‘commeatres on Galatians and Ephesians, 8h pening ages fbi commestary ‘on Philippians inded, his comments onthe ist 16 veoes~ have teen ost Both “surviving pofces resent slong the rama esc eter srough oui fis ‘content and argues. lathe case of Galatians, Vicorins gives rater dtiled Heras Auras Pytagorcey carmen commoners ed EG, Kotler (Sangat, 1976, po. 5-6 Keele bs tasted te same werk wi aes: Konmenar ‘am ptagomachn golden Gc (Sangu, 1982) One de 3s trod ‘kn tlanpy ino ero apa aS, BP. 108 PG 66, 14D), Che R12 0 Ha, Pht Lt Minas (Li 1863) 9.160, SK, Sel, ‘Mars Viewrins vod de mcontscen Prolge 2 den ain’ eae Bie, 24170 7.7 = Viorn pression ote a el component (prin ee) of ‘Sepnsicem ant commuter en numero afte as 0 W Gets, "Dec nic paistscea Kemsentce in Gees and Schl (e5)Kormeno Ante ital 7” Inerringtbe Bi ond Arte Late tty couline no altgeter desir forthe efforts of modem retraces" In the prfice to his commentary on Ephesians, Victorias employs schema reninieet of the commonplace division of pilsophy to suboivide the Pauline ‘tgs into racial and theorescal elements. This Would bave bee considered {ppoprite meri fora peice of commertary insofar a ie was standard ice omnes pare ner pr te exposon ‘Victorin’eatneat of Ephesians, a text regarded by most moder scolar as tera nd not even a ral eter ta chrch, how nto bet pazled 's moderns in atemping to establish te stntion bind the tet. Hecaaes only Abate o give aa histrical occasion fo the eps, but i opening remarks ‘rp wel the dal hat of he document Toe Ite the Epes conan he sm and ssc [lawson wi og ays long to » complete thing [gue rea icine npr edb voy, th Eben wuld ve owes of hol) ~mestng howled of God ad Cet oi Myr and ace, td ofthe oi clemets at pertin this owledge. The same goes fs the pcp oflving So cus tae ae wo seo acai, we wl. Sheff etotsventhing to wih hogy nde doe sane eh ‘bey oie and eee ffving ‘Votorinas bar made th same basic oberaton about Epbesians ap have nora scholars: ht he exis oughly dvible betwen an opening ogra” section (chs I-3) ecaptulating th maa ns of Pauline theology nda parcenetic ‘sectio (4. f) f moral teschings which mix general exhortations with Hour ‘or hosend ode materi" ‘The element of systmatization wo Vitoriausdscipon of the sumone tou depos, which he deseo conning wn tel pect procera Topple his tin jah peeing of is comment ou Glan (CSEL {3p 95,225), Vit se ter etn cme 113, 9p 105 1, Leompue be bec! aj oat of oem eblasip my ‘Nara ond ‘Boao Glan Acorn Mars Vista Se be estas! cntibaoa of C1. Clases, “Kana de tetrcbe ‘There ds Neve Testa Yor ale cl Bit des Po, beset 2: Verses”, ‘ach ir de nstancchs Waseca, 10 09) pT . "1 Mast, Pragomon: Questo io be Sled Rr he Sy fan Asthor ora Te (Leiden 194), "Comm. Sp. re (CSELB32,p.1, 1-10, © 1 May Te Few he Epson (Landon, 201), pp. 67. Se he lin of Epes oN. Dall, Ses pein, oD Ht (Tg, 0) 9p 10-2 Dal cies hwo wi ses eesti aad peeve, ‘whe esl Worn eon Saphon separ » ‘sun slongide and integrly connected with cogntioteolgio real the ‘escrption of complete pilgopy” quoted above inhis commentary on Ciceo’s ‘De Inventiones consisting of piyhes and ebice’. This commeatary, geared toward base vetorelinsraton, consins rere of philosophy than simply the motion of dt division Victorians preface t that wot is considerably Tenger than thore of the Pas-comsmentaies (a His it comespoads more © scadele no), Takiag bis ue from Cicero sown oping, Vier setcbes for his stodeats the large elaine ial context forthe stay of rtre. Suesmaszig Cicero opeaing into four theses onthe relion of wisdom to loguence, Vitornus emphasing the rest orator’ perspective that be eloquence ‘obo sought must be mixed wit wisdoon The great an the wise a, be res Inter inthe commentary repeal fo the vance of vilzaton* ‘Where cameo iow hi ow character (thy ating ong ie wii ‘Sie be cameo now ha gon sie exist basa eg wich could Se pereed) be add th wing of recep. These he ma ‘Stina beng hati heat wed peeps scoverel by nd ‘edited by elogne ave mde pao ‘Thus Victorias understanding of uran nature and society was essen sei: vlztion sbi trough the progressive eduction ofthe vl ana. “Te aly shadow cast over theron light ofthis pitre comes fom the Pistons, atroplog hat Victrnas ays outin is preface "The sou descends from divine fealtes, Viciorins edrmousbes student of reer, “bat the acuity of even perfor soul ienangled ane medina kind ftiek coat of the bod, an ees fp te soul aoquisiag a ceva fgetunesof isi Views consisting inthe abi rit wa needa is "spleation and teaching” (emdo ae debling) Wy which the min’s mode of being ~ tbus taste hain here ~ is returned ‘andecalled othe mode of ions tatu" The proces takes place ough vrs "2 Thepbopipntagsin te commer onic ve be tana snd zeus y Gen, hdl Pltonon ond Neplitono, vl. 2, pp. 19-2. See Bee, er Sipleia-Borif for ewes sion. 2 nC ht. a, p. 1381-20) 4 imcle ra 1.2 Ga, p61, 3-49 The pase sho ees ie intersting sein tht wile iy people woul Met ike eue-cetrs win sos Costello sod aqua wih spec gus suchas “Sat, Fat, 20d ‘rte, Vrs apres aed ane at aca lc ce be ile ya enon wo ie wisdom adele 2a 6 381 Como cognnt hain uy, a scum porracndd gute nonin bona matron uae pret ne pase, Posen ‘Skt cpio. Bgo in rns ft sre, id nara Preia rnc fc vet por potato eloquent. i, 185, 2-32, * burping the ibe and Arte ae Aig ‘dhe cts Plt a oping tat wire variously produced: throgh at by bit in the case of some, developed by practice, or given by God. Following Gir in equating his "vito" wih “wisdom, Vitsaus woul seem to dif sith lo by ting that amar only wanes precep, no what i be de coring 0 thse preceps Tus 'go rt of wiscom can be might’ insofar as indo qu vie always ‘pric and consis of prudvce justice, foritude ‘af termperance’. An ‘at of eloquence’ canbe thy ad tha isthe jb of he ‘Pht ising to observe how Vicious iciaded soc eecons inthe ppefice te his commentary on De mentions, as if he wane stent of hteic To ave a greater perspective on the dicpine that went beyond the leasing of the thoory end technique of persuasion. Vicorina would seem to have boon 2 ‘etr wits consiece, ont ave of the power of words for good and evi, much a Agustin depts himself to ave bee. One ceses in numeus places ‘th commentary on Cie tht Victron elt contsaies bythe bounds of he