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University Edition

June 17, 2020 Vol. 1


Changing from the school to the
university is not easy, everybody
Save money is a kind of life, if you
want to start to save money you
need to think about it, another thing
you need to think is if you are an 

organized person? save money needs

discipline, you cant start and leave it,
that doesnt work. Everybody knows how
feels to need money but no have it, to
start to change this today we will going
to give you two simple but important
strategies for to start to save money, the
firts is create a budget for to be more
organized with your expenses , it is like
a guide for your future plans, the
second strategy is called "50/50" or be
selective with the textbooks.

Danna Camila Bautsita Pineda


This firts strategy is easy to

start but difficult to maintain,
you can start this strategy with
a book or with an app, you
need to calculate how much
money you have to allocate to
your priority expenses each
month, in this must be: how
much money do you need for
you rent? how much money
do you need for you food?
and how much money do you
need for to pay your bills?

Try to track your expenses on your phone or in a journal

for to be more organized, cheack out your expenses
EVERY MONTH. An example or a way to make it
clearer to you is with the next affirmation: All your
expenses are being made by you, for this it is your
responsability, nobody will do it better than you.
Now we will going to give you four simple advices for to
made simple this strategy:
1. NEVER buy when you are hungry.
2. Try to manage your loans, dont over do it.
3. Cut unnecesary costs.
4. Find out about food promotions.


The second strategy is too easy, the whole point of
this strategy is save the most maney as possible,
we knows the textbooks are really expensive and
are a necesary invertion, but exists other ways for
to made this inversion and not run out of money.
Know are four strategies inside this
method, the firts is HAVE A
ROOMMATE, we know that
sound weird, but its easy, if you
have a roommate you can pay
together the rent, and maybe if you
study the same career you can buy
the books together, the secon
strategy inside this method is BUY

This strategy is so easy, if you buy a book in your

firts year of university you can sell that book in E-
bay if you are sure you dont need it, is a good
strategy for save money for the same use, you sel
the book por to buy other book, now, if you dont
need a book dont buy it, try to buy only the
necesary. An example of this could be the next:
+ The entire apartment was rented by you, but
you and you roommate pay the rent together.
Now we will going to give you two simple advices:
1. Spend for save, dont spend for spend, if you see
something necesary and cheap buy it, if you see
something necesary but expensive dont buy it, search
something cheaper.
2. The app MINT helps you stay on top of your bills so
you aren't late and end up costing yourself more
money than you need to spend on late fees and
penalties. This money-saving app also helps you
develop a budget to ensure you maximize what you
can do with your money and allocate money for
savings, an emergency fund, and retirement while
covering all your other obligations.
Don’t be afraid to reach
out for help e b ills c a n a d d up, especially
ensive and th
University is exp , w h e n tu itio n is due and you
nd January rt choices and
in September a y m a k in g sm a
oks for class. B e impact of
need to buy bo c a n re d u c e th
in g in som e ex tra work, you
on your wallet. le who can
these big costs g o u t to p e op
en stu de nts w ill avoid reachin dy in financial
Oft d th e y ’re a lre a
it’s too late an
help them until y ou ’re st ra p ped for cash,
oing this. If
trouble. Avoid d u fo r h e lp . L e t your family
se around yo
reach out to tho g ra n d p a re n ts to send you
r parents o r
know. Ask you
money or for a ition
Live as a Student, University ed

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