Study of Object Detection Implementation Using Matlab: L.S.Alandkar, S.R.Gengaje

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



L.S.Alandkar1, S.R.Gengaje2
Student, Department of Electronics Engineering, Walchand Institute of Technology, MH, India
Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, Walchand Institute of Technology, MH, India

Object detection is most prevalent step of video analytics. Performance at higher level is greatly depends on accurate
performance of object detection. Various platforms are being used for designing and implementation of object detection
algorithm. It includes C programming, MATLAB and Simulink, open cv etc. Among these, MATLAB programming is most popular
in students and researchers due to its extensive features. These features include data processing using matrix, set of toolboxes and
Simulink blocks covering all technology field, easy programming, and Help topics with numerous examples. This paper presents
the implementation of object detection and tracking using MATLAB. It demonstrates the basic block diagram of object detection
and explains various predefined functions and object from different toolboxes that can be useful at each level in object detection.
Useful toolboxes include image acquisition, image processing, and computer vision. This study helps new researcher in object
detection field to design and implement algorithms using MATLAB.

Keywords: Video Analytics, Object Detection, Tracking, MATLAB.


1. INTRODUCTION use.Assuming all these facts, the MATLAB is found as

better platform to design and implementation of algorithm.
Video analytics is popular segment of computer vision. It
It contains more than seventy toolboxes covering all
has enormous applications such as traffic monitoring,
possible fields in technology. All toolboxes are rich with
parking lot management, crowd detection, object
predefined functions, system objects and simulink blocks.
recognition, unattended baggage detection, secure area
This feature helps to write short code and saves time in logic
monitoring, etc[1]. Object detection is critical step in video
development at various steps in system. MATLAB supports
analytics. The performance at this step is important for
matrix operation which is huge advantage during processing
scene analysis, object matching and tracking, activity
of an image or frame in video sequence. MATLAB coding
recognition[2]. Over the years, research is flowing towards
is simple and easily learned by any new researcher. This
innovating new concept and improving or extending the
paper presents implementation of object detection system
established research for performance improvement of object
using MATLAB and its toolboxes. This study explored
detection and tracking.
various toolboxes and identified useful functions and objects
that can be used at various levels in object detection and
Various object detection approaches has been developed
tracking. Toolboxes mainly include computer vision, image
based on statistic, fuzzy, neural network etc. Most
processing, and image acquisition. MATLAB 2012 version
approaches involve complex theory. These approaches can
is used for this study.
be evolved further by thorough understanding,
implementation and experimentation. All these approaches
This paper organized in four section second section describe
can be learned by reading, reviewing, and taking
general block diagram of object detection. Third section
professor‟s/ expert guidance. However, implementation and
involves MATLAB functions and objects that are useful in
experimentation requires good programmer.
implementation of object detection system. Sample coding
is presented for object detection and tracking in section four.
Various platforms are being used for the design and
Paper is concluded in fifth section.
implementation of object detection and tracking algorithm.
These platforms include C programming, Open CV,
MATLAB etc. The object detection system to be used in
real time should satisfy two conditions. First, system code This section explains general block diagram of object
must be short in terms of execution time. Second, it must detection and significance of each block in the system.
efficiently use memory. However, programmer must have Common object detection mainly includes video input,
good programming skill in case of programming in C and preprocessing, object segmentation, post processing. It is
OpenCV. Moreover, it is time intensive too for new shown in Fig. 1.
researcher to develop such efficient code for real time
Volume: 05 Issue: 08 | Aug-2016, Available @ 109
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

challenges. Color and Thermal IR type of video

included in dataset.
 BMC 2012 Dataset[6]: This dataset include real and
synthetic video. It is mainly used for comparison of
different background subtraction techniques.
 Fish4knowledge Dataset[7]: The Fish4knowledge 35
dataset is an underwater benchmark dataset for target
detection against complex background.
Fig. 1 General framework of Object Detection  Carnegie Mellon Dataset[8]: The sequence of CMU25
by Sheikh and Shah involves a camera mounted on a
The significance of each block is as follows tall tripod. The wind caused the tripod to sway back and
 Video Input:- It can be stored video or real time video. forth causing vibration in the scene. This dataset is
 Preprocessing:-It mainly involves temporal and spatial useful while studying camera jitter background
smoothing such as intensity adjustment, removal of situation.
noise. For real-time systems, frame-size and frame-rate Storedvideo need to be read in appropriate format before
reduction are commonly used. It highly reduces processing. Various related functions from image
computational cost and time[1]. processing(IP) and computer vision(CV) toolbox can be
 Object detection: It is the process of change detection used for this purpose. Those are summarized in Table 1
and extracts appropriate change for further analysis and
qualification. Pixels are classified as foreground, if they Table 1 Useful function/object for stored video acquisition
changed. Otherwise, they are considered as background. Tool Object/ Function Use
This process is called as background subtraction. The -box Function Name
degree of "change" is a key factor in segmentation and IP Function imread Read image from
can vary depending on the application. The result of graphics file
segmentation is one or more foreground blobs, a blob IP Function iminfo Information about
being a collection of connected pixels [1]. graphics file
 Post processing: Remove false detection caused due to IP Function imwrite Write image to
dynamic condition in background using morphological graphics file
and speckle noise removal. IP Function imshow Display image
CV Object vision.Vid Read video frames
3. MATLAB IMPLEMENTATION eoFileRea and audio samples
der from video file
Different toolboxes have been explored for functions and CV Object vision.Vid Write video frames
objects which can be useful atvarious levels in the object eoFileWri and audio samples
detection. All such functions/ objects are described in this ter to video file
section. CV Object vision.Vid Play video or
eoPlayer display image
3.1 Video Input
Input video has two possible ways Stored Video and real 3.1.2 Real Time Video
time video. Stored video can be obtained from standard Image acquisition is widely used toolbox which allows real
dataset available from internet. Real time video includes time acquisition of video from video acquisition device.
camera continuously monitoring specific area producing real Some commonly used function are explained below
time video. These video can be understood by MATLAB
 Imaqtool:It launches an interactive GUI and allowsusers
after reading.
to explore, configure, and acquire data from image
acquisition devices.
3.1.1 Stored Video  Videoinput: It can be used to create video input object.
Some commonly used standard video dataset are as follows This object can further be used to acquire and display
 Wallflower Dataset [4]: It is provided by Toyama et the image sequences.
al[]and contains seven canonical sequences with  Propinfo: It captures all the property information about
different background situation. image acquisition object. This information can be useful
 PETS Dataset: ”Performance Evaluation of Tracking in further video processing.
and Surveillance” (PETS) consist of various datasets  Getsnapshot: It immediately returns one single image
like PETS 2001, PETS 2003 and PETS 2006. They are frame, from the video input object. This function is
more useful for tracking evaluation rather for useful to capture image at critical moment.
background.  Trigger: Initiates data logging for the video input
 Dataset[5]: The CDW29 dataset object. It can be used to initialize video at appropriate
presents a realistic video dataset consisting of 31 video moment and collect a video data.
sequence which are categorized in 6 different  Triggerconfig: User can configuretrigger properties of
video input object.
Volume: 05 Issue: 08 | Aug-2016, Available @ 110
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

3.2 Preprocessing 3.2.3 Feature Extraction

Preprocessing may include series of operation those are Any object detection system performs segmentation based
shown on one or more feature of the scene. It may include color,
corner, edge, shape, gradient, texture, DCT or DFT
3.2.1 Video Type Conversion coefficient. Different functions are available to extract these
features as shown in Table 4.
The video is needed to be converting to appropriate data
type after reading. Useful objects and functions are listed in Table 4 Useful function/object for feature extraction
Table 2. Too Functi Name Use
lbo on/
Table 2 Useful function/object for video data type x Object
IP Functi rgb2gray It can be used to convert
Tool Functi Name Use on RGB image to grayscale
box on image
IP Functi rgb2ycbc This function can convert
CV Object vision.Ima Converts and scales an on r RGB image to YCbCr
geDataTy input image to a specified color space
peConvert output data type. Output
IP Functi ycbcr2rg It convert YCbCr color
er Data type may include
on b space of image to RGB
double, single, int8, uint8,
int16, uint16, boolean,
IP Functi corner Find corner points in image
IP Functi im2doubl, These function can be
IP Functi edge Find edges in grayscale
on im2single, used to convert image to
on image
im2 uint8, specified form
IP Functi imgradie Gradient magnitude and
on nt direction of an image
Directional gradients of an
3.2.2 Video Enhancement image
This step may include noise removal, contrast adjustment, IP Functi entropyfi Local entropy of grayscale
image correction. Useful function and object summarized in on lt image
Table 3 IP Functi rangefilt Local range of image
Table3 Useful function/object for video enhancement IP Functi stdfilt Local standard deviation of
Tool Functi Name Use on image
box on/obj CV Object vision.Co Convert color information
ect lorSpace between color spaces such
CV Object vision.Me 2D median Converte as RGB,rgb,
dianFilter filtering(to remove r grayscale,LAB,HSI,
salt and pepper noise) YCbCR.
CV Object vision.Ima Perform 2-D FIR CV Object vision.D Compute 2-D discrete
geFilter filtering of input CT cosine transform
matrix CV object vision.FF Two-dimensional discrete
CV Object vision.Co Adjust image contrast T Fourier transform
ntrastAdju by linear scaling CV Object vision.Ed Find object edge.
ster geDetect Algorithms can be selected
CV Object vision.His Enhance contrast of or sobel, prewitt, robert,
togramEq images using canny
ualizer histogram CV Object vision.Co Detect corner features
equalization rnerDete
IP Functi imadjust Adjust image ctor
on intensity values or
colormap 3.3 Object Detection
IP Functi imcontrast Adjust Contrast tool
Various Object Detection methods being used to detect
object. These methods are classified based on Template,
IP Functi histeq Enhance contrast
motion, classifier, feature. Computer vision toolbox includes
on using histogram
some predefined objects which can be useful to implement
these object detection methods as shown in Table 5.

Volume: 05 Issue: 08 | Aug-2016, Available @ 111
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Table5 Useful function/object for object detection on image on the screen and
Too Functi Name Use allow user to define the
lbo on/obj region to fill in interactive
x ect way by selection of point.
CV Object vision.Ca This function extract CV Object vision.M This object works same as
scadeObj various feature of face orpholog imopen but uses only flat
ectDetect like nose , eye, mouth, icalOpen structuring elements.
or upper body using Viola- CV Object vision.M This object works same as
Jones algorithm. orpholog imclose but uses only flat
CV Object vision.O This function can be used icalClose structuring elements.
pticalFlo for the estimation of CV Object vision.M This object dilates an
w object velocities using the orpholog intensity or binary image.
Horn-Schunck or the icalDilat
Lucas-Kanade method. e
CV Object vision.Pe It detects un- CV Object vision.M This object erode an
opleDete occludedpeople inupright orpholog intensity or binary image.
ctor positionusing the icalErode
Histogram of Oriented CV Object vision.Bl This object computes
Gradient (HOG) features obAnalys statistics for connected
and a trained Support is regions in a binary image.
Vector Machine (SVM) It may involve centroid,
classifier. minor axis, major axis,
CV Object vision.Te It is used to perform eccentricity, orientation,
mplateM object detection based on perimeter etc.
atcher template match. CV Object vision.Co This object labels and
nnectedC counts the connected
3.4 Post Processing omponen regions in a binary image.
tLabeler In this labeling, 0
Post processing is required to remove unwanted portion in represents background
the foreground mask. It may arise due to false detection other numbered pixels
caused by dynamic background condition. This False represents corresponding
detection may include speckle noise, small holes in the numbered object.
scene etc. Along with this task, detected object can be
CV Object vision.M Draw markers on output
annotated for proper display. Useful function and object are
arkerInse image
listed in Table 6.
CV Object vision.Sh Draw rectangles, lines,
Table 6 Useful function/object for post processing
apeInsert polygons, or circles on an
Too Functi Name Use
er image
lbo on/Obj
CV Object vision.Te Draw text on image or
x ect
xtInserter video stream
IP Functi imclose This function performs
CV Functi insertObj Annotate RGB color or
on morphological closing on
on ectAnnot grayscale image or video
the binary or grayscale
ation stream
image. It is very
important for removing
small holes/ pepper noise 4. SAMPLE MATLAB CODE FOR OBJECT
in an image. DETECTION
IP Functi imopen This function performs
on morphological opening on Simple example is presented in this section about object
the grayscale or binary detection and object tracking.
image IM with specified
structuring element. Salt 4.1 Object Detection using MATLAB
noise can be removed by Object detection is carried out on canonical sequence Time
this function. of Day in Wallflower Dataset
IP Functi imdilate It performs dilation of
 Video input: stored video
on grayscale or binary,
 Preprocessing: RGB to Gray conversion and Gaussian
noise removal using median filter
IP Functi imerode It performs erosion of
 Object Detection: Adaptive GMM based Background
on grayscale or binary image.
Subtraction method with number of component=3,
IP Functi imfill It displays the binary
Learning Rate=0.05,thresold=0.7
Volume: 05 Issue: 08 | Aug-2016, Available @ 112
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

 Postprocessing= morphological closing and opening to

remove salt pepper noise.

videoFReader = vision.VideoFileReader('TDVideo.avi');

H = vision.ColorSpaceConverter('Conversion', 'RGB to
e. f
medianFilter1 = vision.MedianFilter([3 3]);
Fig.2 Output at various level (a) input sequence (b) Ground
hclosing = vision.MorphologicalClose; truth (c) Gray-scale conversion (d) Median filtering
hclosing.Neighborhood = strel('square',3); (e)Foreground mask after Object Detection (f) Post-
processed output
hclosing = vision.MorphologicalClose;
hclosing.Neighborhood = strel('square',3); 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
hfdet = This paper presents the basic object detection system.
vision.ForegroundDetector('NumTrainingFrames',200,'Nu MATLAB platform(MATLAB 2012) is used to carry
mGaussians',3,'LearningRate',0.05,'MinimumBackground implementation of the system. Different Toolboxes has been
Ratio',0.7); explored and useful MATLAB functions and objects are
collected which can be useful at various stages. Toolboxes
while ~isDone(videoFReader) mainly includes image acquisition, image processing and
frame = step(videoFReader); computer vision. Sample MATLAB coding is presented for
frame1=step(H,frame); object detection. Each stage in the system has been
frame2=step(medianFilter1,frame1); implemented by available functions/objects in toolbox. It
fgMask = step(hfdet,frame2); shows that implementation is easy and code is being short
Det1=step(hclosing,fgMask); due to use of predefined objects/functions in MATLAB.
Det2=step(hclosing,Det1); This study may help new student and research in this field to
end study, implement and experiment established research.

release(H); REFERENCES
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Lajari S. Alandkar –Ph.D. student
(Electronics) at Walchand Institute of
Technology, Solapur, MH, India. Her
areas of interest include Image
Processing, and Computer Vision.

Sachin R. Gengaje – He is presently

working as a Head and Professor,
Department of Electronics Engineering at
Walchand Institute of Technology,
Solapur, MH, India. His areas of interest
include Soft Computing, Image &
Speech Processing, and Biomedical Expert Systems.

Volume: 05 Issue: 08 | Aug-2016, Available @ 114

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