Function Instructions... : Download Endnote

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EndNote Quick Reference (LSU SVM)

Function Instructions...
• Download EndNote from LSU Tigerware:
DOWNLOAD ENDNOTE • GROK Tutorial on EndNote:
• LSU SVM Veterinary-EndNote research guide:
• After installing EndNote desktop, you may sign up for EndNote Online by clicking on ‘Edit’, then
SYNCING AND ‘Preferences”, then ‘Sync’, and then press the ‘Enable Sync’ button.
ENDNOTE ONLINE • Or go to ‘Tools’, then ‘Sync’. You will be prompted to add your EndNote registration information.
• Click ‘File’ --> ‘New’ --> Save EndNote Library to a hard drive or shared drive (Default name is “My EndNote
CREATE NEW LIBRARY Library”, rename as desired)
• Do not save EndNote Library in a cloud environment (e.g. Google Drive, DropBox) or shared / network drive.
There are three ways of importing references into EndNote:
1) Direct Export from Select Databases
• Visit the SVM research guide (Veterinary - EndNote) for step-by-step instructions on how to export
references directly from PubMed, Web of Science, CAB Direct, and VetMed Resource.
2) Import Reference Files from Select Databases
• Some databases do not allow direct export of references into EndNote. In these cases, reference files must
be saved to a computer, then imported into EndNote. This method is also used if a colleague has given you a
reference file from a database that you want to import into your EndNote library.
• Import the reference file into EndNote by selecting the down arrow in EndNote. Choose the file you wish to
import and then select the correct 'Import Option’ by file-type or database (The RIS file format works well
with EndNote)
3) Import Directly from Endnote (Using Online Search Mode) (suggested for single reference only)
• Select either the ‘Online Search Mode (Temporary Library)’ OR ‘Integrated Library & Online Search Mode’
• Choose either PubMed or Web of Science and use the middle column search fields to find your single
Confirm the number of records you wish to retrieve, then choose the correct reference. Right-click on the
reference and select ‘Add references to.’
Organize references by placing them into Groups
• Before importing references, it is best to create ‘Groups’ & ‘Group Sets’ in anticipation of your research.
• Create a new group by right-clicking in your 'My Groups’ area (left-hand column), then selecting ‘Create
Custom Group’.
ORGANIZE REFERENCES • If references have already been imported, create a new group by selecting your desired references, right-
click, & select ‘Add Reference To’ --> ‘Create Custom Group’ or a pre-existing group.
Organize your Groups by placing them into Group Sets
Create a new group set by right-clicking in your 'My Groups’ area (left-hand column), then selecting ‘Create
Group Set’.
• In order for EndNote to find full-text articles through LSU Libraries, it must be configured according to the
instructions found on the Veterinary-EndNote research guide.
• Upon configuration, EndNote will attempt to find references from LSU Libraries journals as well as open-
access and freely available journals online.
• PDFs available through the LSU Veterinary Medicine Library must be found and attached manually.
• Highlight the references to which you would like to attach full-text PDF articles and click the PDF icon .
• If a full text PDF is not found, click the Open Link icon to pull up a webpage associated with the desired
• Manually attach a full text PDF to a selected reference by clicking the ‘paperclip’ icon on the right-hand
column labeled ‘attach file’ and then choosing the appropriate PDF file to attach.
Useful editing features: Setting citation styles, Adding notes/labels to a reference record, Removing duplicates
• Set citation styles: Edit tab / Output Styles / Open Style Manager / select desired citation styles
• Add labels/notes: Highlight reference / Go to References tab / Edit Reference / scroll to field and add note or
EDITING FEATURES label / Save / To retrieve reference containing the note, search by appropriate field using keywords in note
• Find duplicates: Highlight All References folder / Go to References tab / Find Duplicates / Select 'Keep This
Record', ‘Discard’, or "Skip"
• Open both EndNote and the MS Word document. In Word, the 'EndNote' tab on toolbar must be selected. In
CITE WHILE YOU WRITE the document, place cursor in location of desired citation, then click the ‘Insert Citations’ symbol’, select
desired citations and citation style from menu. All edits should be done in 'Edit & Manage Citation(s)' tab.

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