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Muhammad Bin Abdulaziz A. Usman Jr.

ENG 10 - Proton

The Song of El Cid:

A Character Sketch

To be straight to it, the whole poem is a basic collection of his life story, portrayed in
such a very simple manner, showcasing his deeds and failures with his hardships. The poem
shows his background to how he got all the way to being called a national folk-hero and icon,
HOW COOL IS THAT. But not all things we find and uncover from the past must be believed for
as the poem said itself, who knows what’s false and what’s true. Now to the task at hand the
character sketch.

I have chosen the main character – Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, such a man, an adventure to
be exact, he gives out the vibes of a man judged and questioned by others but also marveled
for his undeniable talents and skills. Not to mention being born into a family that serves the
king, they got, he got a handful of things to deal with from the start of his life, also becoming a
man of strengths and different feats of courage being the armegir regis – commander and royal
standard-bearer of the royal family he was paving his way to become respected already. But
not all things are mapped to us all the time, we go through our own “not so fair share” of
hardships and struggles, being ”kicked out” of a place where your contributions and work have
been significant. Rodrigo displays such a great amount of perseverance to hold his ground
despite all this, if it was me then damn it!!! I wouldn’t deal with this.

But all life lessons are learned best if we struggle yet we still end in failure, yes that is
what I believe, Rodrigo needed to deal with all the adversaries and work with what he has to
live, don’t we all have to. He continued with his life, contacting and connecting with the Moors,
leaving him and his thinking up for development, ‘cause as I see it he has been able to pave his
way to make his life clearer and more satisfying. He got big. He was the ruler of Valencia, yes
the ruler of Valencia.

Overall, I see that Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar as a man that has gone through a lot. I mean it,
a lot. One should live by all the hardships and trails by the lord, we become people of
experience people of knowledge and a person to be looked up to, just like El Cid.

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