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Elabora todas las frases posibles con las palabras que hay a continuación

-He have a chair

-She is dress with a hat and jeans

-You are see a dog

-See behind the hat

-He don’t dress the short and jeans

-I have a dog and elephant

Lets lean

Describir cada escena

1.All the druthers are watching you television

2.A cowboy who is getting at of the corriege

3.A cowboy who is scarring the town

4.A small town warning

5.The cowboy coming a bar

Story Telling

Crear una historia con los dibujos dados


One warn morning the sun coming out warn up our morning, on sueh a warn das I deuded to go
running but at an rescued moment is starded to rain, I had to take out my umbrella and you to
my house to take advertage at the rain I decided to order the basement when I was going to arder
a spider come out at a bor I decided to look and there was calculator, a drown and a sturred snake
and next to it was a coat pack thad had a t-shirt and a jacket benging.


1. What does Clint look like?

R: You look scarred people
2. What did the people do when Clint arrived?
R: He got scarred
3. Where did Clint go first?
R: Wat to the bar first
4. What time did Clint go to the Sheriff's office?
R: At 12
5. What did the Sheriff do when he saw Clint?
R: Scored hind a ram

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