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Editorial: Reaching the Neglected Muslim World

O ne of the greatest challenges of

world missions is reaching the
thousands of Muslim peoples, and mil-
“unprecedented receptivity” among the
unreached nations, including Muslim
peoples, as well as unprecedented mission
clearly revealed in the Scriptures. We’re
pretty blind. We don’t really see the
Great Commission in Scripture all that
lions of Muslim individuals, who to know-how and skill to help us com- well... 2) Our deafness to God’s call
this day remain unreached and unevangel- plete the task, not to say anything about to us for missions to the lost, especially to
ized. We’re reminded of “The Lau- unprecedented opportunities for mis- those without any access to the Gos-
sanne Covenant” that makes the following sion service, even placed right at our pel. We’re pretty deaf to God’s call to go
confession: “More than two-thirds of doorsteps. The goal is still the same: with Him to reach the nations (bibli-
mankind have yet to be evangelized. We using “all available means and at the earli- cal Gentiles) who still haven’t heard... 3)
are ashamed that so many have been est time, that every person will have Our general lack of love and concern
neglected; it is a standing rebuke to us and the opportunity to hear, understand, and for the unreached (and distant lost) peo-
to the whole church.” receive the Good News.” ples of the earth. We don’t care all
The good news is that, “There is now Perhaps the crux of the matter lies in that much... 4) Our bad theology that fos-
in many parts of the world an unprec- our refusal to sacrifice. “We cannot ters the lie that there must be more
edented receptivity to the Lord Jesus hope to achieve this goal without sacri- than one way. If plan A fails plan B will
Christ. We are convinced that this is fice.” As Christians we must be able kick in... and 5) Our prayers are
the time for churches and para-church to give a “reasonable answer” to the peripheral, that show we have a real
agencies to pray earnestly for the sal- haunting question why so many indi- power failure.
vation of the unreached and to launch new viduals and whole nations remain unevan- The above is directly to the point to
efforts to achieve world evangeliza- gelized to this day. As Robertson what you will find in this second spe-
tion... The goal should be, that by all McQuilkin, we too must come to grips cial edition of the Journal (Islam II) dedi-
available means and at the earliest with the inescapable reality regarding cated entirely to evangelizing the hun-
possible time, every person will have the the Great Omission of the Great Commis- dreds and thousands of unreached Muslim
opportunity to hear, understand, and sion. Why are so many in our world peoples. The forthcoming articles will
receive the Good News.” not only manifest our mission neglect, but
still unevangelized when there are more
Later on, speaking more specifi- also our past failures and mistakes
than sufficient resources to win them,
cally to our Western affluence we’re that in a real sense haunt us to this day.
when we have unprecedented opportuni-
reminded that, “We cannot hope to Truly we need to own up to our past
ties of open doors everywhere, when
attain this goal without sacrifice. All of us and correct our failures. In the power of
we have the needed skills to do the job at
are shocked by the poverty of mil- the Spirit we need to bear witness of
hand, etc.? Is it due to the condition
lions and disturbed by the injustices Christ to our Muslim friends and neigh-
of our hearts? Is it because we haven’t
which cause it. Those of us who live bors—who are waiting to hear the
been willing to “accept our duty to
in affluent circumstances accept our duty Good News, who have “an unprecedented
develop (and live) a simple life-style in
to develop a simple life-style in order receptivity to the Lord Jesus Christ.”
order to contribute more generously
to contribute more generously to both Our attitudes towards Muslims need
to relief and evangelism” among the peo-
relief and evangelism” (From “The to be corrected. We need to see Mus-
ple who are still unreached?
Lausanne Covenant” drafted by the partic- lims as our friends, who stand in need of
There is no easy answer nor a quick
ipants, from more than 150 nations, the Lord’s and our compassion. We
fix. The unreached peoples of the
of the International Congress on World need to lay aside our misconceptions, our
world remain unreached, to this day, due
Evangelization, July 1974). prejudices and maybe even our silent
to a variety of reason. Although
What was said then is totally applica- hatred towards Muslims.
explainable, there are serious unjustifiable
ble today—including reaching the Not only do we need to pray for
reasons that still give us “a standing
Muslim world. We should still be them but with them as well. As Christians
rebuke.” Perhaps we should all read (or
ashamed that so many individuals, we have much to learn from them (as
reread) Robertson McQuilkin’s pow-
clustered in thousands of unreached peo- they from us) especially if we correct our
ple groups, the majority of whom are erful booklet The Great Omission. in
attitudes. Their obedience and zeal,
Muslim, still have not been evangelized. which he explains five reasons for the
their dedication and commitment, and
Truly it remains a standing rebuke to great mission omission in the past and
above all their desire and search for
all of us today. And this in light of the present. McQuilkin would say that
surrender to God, that forms the bedrock
fact that today as never before we see it’s due to: 1) Our general blindness to
God’s mission purpose and plan (Editorial continues on page 159)


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