Letters: Greatly Disturbed

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141 Letters

says. However, few Bible-believing 5. Given your highly prominent posi-

scholars believe that what the Bible tion, your attempt to be eclectic and
always says—or Genesis 1 “plainly accept these varied interpretations of
states”—has only one interpretation. Genesis is dangerous. You in effect vali-
That is why there is discussion. It is not date the support for questioning literal
a case of some believing the Bible and Bible statements and by default condone
others not. Everyone who wrote for unbiblical positions on creationism.
Greatly Disturbed IJFM 20:4 is a Bible believer.
In Christ,
Dear Dr. Winter, 3. The idea that evangelicalism and the
“gospel” and salvation are not depen- Jonathan Miller, MD, MPH
I am sorry to have delayed writing
dant upon this above debate is danger- Ralph Winter:
so long but was greatly disturbed
ously false. The “Christian” western a. Our desire is not to be eclectic.
by your support of unbiblical
societies have been assailed with evolu-
approaches to God’s six day creation b. To allow for the possibility that
tionary and scientific thought that has
in the Oct-Dec 2003 IJFM. Bible-believing Christians may not
gradually eroded the inerrancy, cred-
I hold you in high regard and due to ibility and trustworthiness of Genesis/ always understand the Bible in the
this felt moved to write. the Bible. The Scriptures teach a literal same way does, you are right, allow for
interpretation of Genesis, supported the possibility that some are right and
1. The inclusion of articles by those some are wrong. That, incidentally, is
who have woven evolutionist/ by the Lord Jesus, the early church and
centuries of belief. Scientific discover- not the same as denying the trustwor-
atheistic ideas into their concept of thiness of the Bible. It is to deny the
creation should at the very least have ies must fit in with Scripture and not
the other way round. trustworthiness of all interpretations.
been balanced by articles from Bible
c. Speaking for myself, I want to be
literalists who accept God’s Word as Ralph Winter:
willing to admit that when earnest
meaning a literal six day creation. a. The Bible does not suggest that our Bible believers come up with differing
[Answers in Genesis] is a major salvation depends on certain inter- interpretations, we must consider those
ministry that is many times larger pretations. What is dangerous would differing perspectives to be “precarious,”
than ICR and headed by Ken Ham be any assumption about the Bible’s as I do in my article in this issue. I grew
and a large team of well qualified untrustworthiness. up in a Moody Bible Institute world,
scientists from all major disciplines. b. What truly erodes confidence in the Bible and with a Scofield Reference Bible.
Ralph Winter: is when believers insist on interpretations Both were solidly evangelical; the fact
that do not accord with God’s creation, as that both accepted an “old earth” did not
a. We thought we did in fact present a
did Calvin and Luther when they opposed make them Darwinists. I highly respect
spectrum of positions.
Copernicus. To treat the Bible fairly we the Seventh-Day Adventist tradition.
b. We rejoice that Ken Ham and his must be as sure as we can that we do not They are certainly Bible believers. But I
people feel free to interpret the Bible interpret it wrongly. don’t think they are always right in their
according to their own consciences. The interpretations thereof. Their doctrine
4. The intellectualism of seminary and
force of our Volume 20:4 was to accept of a young earth came into Moody
evangelical college professors resulted in
the fact that earnest Evangelicals, circles only in the last few years. I see
much of the liberal ideas in the church,
who take the Bible to be inerrant and no reason for ignoring or denouncing
and adding their “scientific” arguments
literal, actually do vary in their under- the longstanding historical views of such
is simply a further means for under-
standing of (but not in their faithful- Bible-believing Evangelicals.
mining the absolute and clear teaching
ness to) the Bible.
of Genesis that a child or uneducated
2. The debate is not between “young native can readily understand.
and old earth creationists,” but
whether evolutionary and scientific Ralph Winter:
theories are given precedence over It would seem to be very unfair to the
God’s Word, or will we accept as Bible to assume that children or unedu-
foundational truth what God plainly cated people will all agree on what the
states in Genesis 1. Bible means. The apostle Paul appar-
ently had to restudy the Bible for three
Ralph Winter:
years in order to understand it correctly.
We can agree that it is not a question of
old or young earth but what the Bible
International Journal of Frontier Missions

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