Phase 4 - Analysis and Control of The Project - 3

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LUZ ADRIANA VARGAS - Cod. 29.661.069
RAUL GARCIA – Cód. 93297593

GRUPO: 216006_3



JULIO, 2020

Describe the main transfer phenomena that occur in the food - packaging - environment

1. Permeability

Ability that a permeant has to penetrate and pass through a material in response mainly to
the partial difference of gas and water vapor, occurs from the environment to the product
To convert the permeance (which is evidently dependent on the thickness of the film) into
an intensive property, the permeance is multiplied by the film thickness to derive the
permeability (P) of the film. Thus, the mass transfer coefficient for permeation is
permeability (P).

The mass transfer of a solute from a solution through a (polymeric) material is also a useful
way to determine mass transfer coefficients experimentally, because it requires a simple
permeation apparatus (i.e., a permeation cell) consisting of high- and low-concentration
solution chambers divided by the test film material.

FIGURE 1. Mass transfer phenomena and their characteristic coefficients. [ CITATION

Han13 \l 9226 ]
The concentration increase of the substance in the low-concentration chamber is measured
to determine the permeance. Durrheim et al. (1980) showed the relationship between the
chain length of various alkanols and their permeability
through mouse skin and human epidermal tissue. It was found that the permeability
increased exponentially with increasing length of the carbon chain, up to eight carbons.
[ CITATION Han13 \l 9226 ]

2. Absorption

It tells us how much material our packaging will absorb from a substance that will be in
both the environment and the product.

The packaging material can absorb different compounds from the food such as: aromatic
compounds, fats, organic acids and pigments mainly, which will cause loss of aroma
intensity in the product, development of unpleasant flavors and damage to the packaging.
[ CITATION Han13 \l 9226 ]

The Beer-Lambert law, also known as the Beer law or the Beer-Lambert-Bouguer law is an
empirical relationship that relates the absorption of light with the properties of the material
passed through.

The Beer-Lambert law relates the intensity of the incoming light in a medium with the
outgoing intensity after absorption occurs in that medium. The relationship between both
intensities can be expressed through the following relationships:

Absorption and its counterpart desorption measure the affinity of a given substance for two
media with which it comes into contact.

Absorption and its counterpart desorption measure the affinity of a given substance for two
media with which it comes into contact. Flavor scalping of D-limonene, an orange flavor
component, into the sealing layer of a flexible packaging material for orange juice is a good
example of absorption in packaging. The D-limonene has a higher affinity for the plastic
layer than for the juice in which it should preferably reside. The affinity of a substance for a
material can be expressed using the solubility (S) or partition (K) coefficient. Microbial
stability models for intermediate-moisture foods have been suggested based on the
concentration distribution of sorbate (Torres et al., 1985) and nisin (Chollet et al., 2009) in
edible polysaccharide films. The microbial stability factor was the concentration of the
antimicrobial agent during storage, and the higher concentration was assumed to maintain
better microbial stability of the intermediate moisture food.

Figure 1.2 Possible interactions between the product and the packaging and the

The Beer-Lambert-Bouguer law is a mathematical means or method, which is used to

express how matter absorbs light. In optics (Branch of physics that is in charge of the study
of light) Beer's law states that the totality of light that emanates from a sample can decrease
due to three phenomena in physics, which would be the following:

1. The number of absorption materials in its path, which is called concentration

2. The distances that the light must pass through the samples. We call this phenomenon,
optical path distance

3. The probabilities that the photon of that particular wave amplitude can be absorbed for
the material. This is the absorbance or also extinction coefficient.
The previous relationship can be expressed as follows:


A = Absorbency
ε = molar extinction coefficient
d = Travel (in cm)
c = Molar concentration

As light passes through an absorbing medium, the amount of light absorbed in any volume
corresponds to the intensity of the light it hits, then multiplied by the absorption coefficient.
Often the intensity of an incident light beam declines significantly as it passes through the
absorbent medium. When this relationship is expressed as the BOUGUERLAMBERT-
BEER Law, we have to:

T =10−Ɛcd o T =10− A

T = Transmittance
ε = molar extinction coefficient
c = Molar concentration of the absorbent
d = Travel in cm

The transmittance can be expressed as the intensity of the incident radiation, Io. This can
divide the light emerging from the sample, I. It refers to the I / Io ratio as transmittance or
as T. Transmittance can be plotted relative to concentration, but this relationship would not
be Linear.
Although the negative base 10 logarithm of transmittance is linear with concentration.
In this way, absorption is measured as:

A=−log 10
Solubility and partitioning
Henry’s law and solubility

Figure 1.3 Concentration profile during mass transfer. C1 and C0 are the gas concentrations
in the environment and inside the package respectively, while Cs1 and Cs0 are the
concentrations of gas at the outer surface of the packaging material and inside of the
packaging material, respectively

Before gas can diffuse through the packaging material in response to the concentration
difference between Cs1 and Cs0 it must first dissolve into the material. The sorption of a
gas component into a packaging material generally has a linear relationship to the partial
pressure of the gas as shown in Henry’s law under conditions where the gas concentration
is lower than its saturation concentration or maximum solubility

p=σ X s (1)
where p and Xs are the partial pressure of the gas in the atmosphere and the molar fraction
of gas in the packaging material, respectively, and σ is the Henry’s law constant in Pa
(Moore, 1972). If the permeable gas molecule has an affinity to the packaging material
matrix or is immobilized in the microvoids of the matrix polymer at a relatively low
pressure, the sorption behavior deviates from this simple linear relationship (Robertson,
2006). Equation shows the linear relationship between the concentration at the surface of
the packaging material and the partial pressure of the gas for the example shown in Figure

C s=H −1 p 1 (2)

where p1 is the partial pressure of the gas on the high concentration (C1) side. This
relationship is compatible with Equation (1) when dealing with dilute solutions.

3. Diffusion

It is the movement of a diffusing agent that is caused by a concentration difference,

occurs from a medium of greater to one of less concentration. When you have a higher
concentration agent, it will diffuse in a lower concentration medium until a balance is
found throughout the medium.
Figure 2. Diffusion models. [CITATION REY20 \l 9226 ]


Events occurring within the material are examined first where diffusion is the dominant
factor. Diffusion obeys Fick’s law (Crank, 1975), which can be expressed as

J d =−D

where Jd, D, C, and x are the flux per unit cross-section, the diffusivity, the
concentration of the diffusant, and the distance across which the diffusant has to travel,
respectively. Fick’s →→second law can be used to analyze unsteady state diffusion

with time t:

aC a2 C
=−D 2
at ax

The diffusion rate (Fick's Law) is the speed to reach equilibrium.

area de la superficie x ∆[ ]
T de difusion=
distanciade recorridode lasmoleculas

4. Migration; overall, partial and specific

The permeability, solubility, and diffusivity have characteristic values for a migrating
component through a particular medium. These parameters are therefore essential in
simulating the mass transfer profile.

Migration. Transfer of components from the material in contact with food or beverages to
said products, due to physical-chemical phenomena.

Total or global migration. Quantity of components transferred from the materials in

contact with food, drinks or their simulants to them, under the usual conditions of
preparation, storage and use, or under equivalent test conditions.

Specific migration. Quantity of a particular component of toxicological interest,

transferred from materials in contact with food, beverages or their simulants to them, under
the usual conditions of preparation, storage and use, or under equivalent test conditions.

Total migration: When it is verified that the sum of all the components of the packaging
were transferred to the food, whether they are known or unknown.
Specific migration: It is the identification of an identifiable component that is of particular
interest to us and is carried out through chromatographic techniques. Migration varies
according to the type of food and the type of packaging material.
Main low molecular weight substances that migrate to food: Monomers, polygons, solvents,
catalysts, accelerators, inhibitors.
In active, biodegradable packaging, smart packaging to which some agents such as
antioxidants, antimicrobials, different types of gases are incorporated, the type of migration
of these additives to food and the maximum limits that may be present must be taken into
account. in food.
Other migratory substances are adhesives, varnishes and printing tapes. Food analysis

 With the aim of unifying legislation and facilitating consumer protection, the
European Community (EC) and the FDA implemented a series of directives for the
handling of analysis techniques, permissible limits of migrant substances, materials allowed
in the development of packaging for food, among others. Migration-related policies are
divided into three categories:
 Directives applicable to all materials and articles.
 Directives applicable to a category of materials and articles.
 Directives related to specific substances.

The following table shows the comparison of the scope of migration between the United
States, Europe and Mercosur.[ CITATION Glo17 \l 9226 ]

Nivel Supranacional (27

Nacional 4 estados parte
Directivas (deben
Tipo de Resoluciones
internalizarse en las
legislación Ley Federal (deben internalizarse
en las legislaciones nacionales)
general sobre Code of Federal Regulación (EC)
envases Regulations (CFR) – Resolución GMC 3/92
alimentarios FDA Título 21

Materiales Plásticos Elastómeros
regulados Papel y cartón Cerámicas
Cerámica celulosa
elastómeros Celulosa regenerada
regenerada (film)
Metales vidrios
Logo o Logo obligatorio y
rotulación de normalizado.
Rotulación obligatoria para envases de
envase apto   Rotulación obligatoria
PET retornables y reciclados
sanitariamente para envases plásticos
Límites de 50 mg/kg  60 mg/kg 50 mg/kg
migración total 0.5 mg/in2 (=7.75
(plásticos) 10 mg/dm2 8 mg/in2 dm2
Umbral de No establecido (se
regulación establece un límite de
0.5 μg/kg (base dietaria), sólo en el caso
(Threshold Of 0.5 μg/kg (base migración sin
de PET postconsumo descontaminado
Regulation, dietaria) significación
reciclado (resolución GMC 30/70)
TOR) toxicológica, de 10
Autoridad que
evalúa riesgo  EFSA (European Food
(Riskassesment  US-FDA and Safety Authority,  Comisión de Alimentos SGT 3
) Parma, Italia)

Autoridad que
sanciona  Comisión UE Consejo
legislación US-en FDA de Ministros de UE GMC (Grupo Mercado Común)
(Risk Parlamento de UE
Cuadro 1. Comparativo del alcance de las normas de migración entre Estados Unidos,
Europa y Mercosur. [ CITATION Glo17 \l 9226 ]


Answer the following questions considering the above concepts and the packaging material
and product selected collaboratively in Phase 2 and Phase 3:

1. Is it possible for gases, odors and water vapor to penetrate through the packaging
from the environment to the food or drink? Analyze the situation in the cities of
Barranquilla and Bogotá.

Average temperature of Bogotá------------------------10 y 20 °C

Relative humidity of Bogotá --------------------------77%

Average temperature of Barranquilla-------------------24 a 32 °C

Relative humidity of Barranquilla-------------------------81%

Figure 1. Annual behavior of conditions cares for Bogota

Figure 2. Annual behavior of conditions cares for Barranquilla

The material chosen by the group was plastic as packaging material and the product to be

packaged in fish.

- If we have a polystyrene packaging that has a low humidity barrier and we compare the

relative humidity between Bogotá and Barranquilla, we observe that Barranquilla has

higher humidity, then in this city it is where our product is most exposed to the migration of

water vapor, gases and smells of the product.

- Food marketed in plastic containers in Barranquilla are more exposed to the migration of
substances, since the higher the temperature, the faster the migration.

- The possibility of permeability in food products can happen if the active packaging to be
used is not chosen well, with the correct material, as in the city of Barranquilla, humidity
and temperature are extremely high if the adequate moisture remover and high density
polyethylene packaging have greater impermeability to aqueous vapor, perspiration
happens instead in the city of Bogota for having lower temperatures and humidity, the
permeability will be much lower therefore there is less demand regarding the need to use
high density polymers can even be used with low density and the active agent can use a
lower activation range or even change the active agent, but when food is going to be
transported to any destination it is better to always provide maximum food safety, since if
the permeability does not happen which generates bad appearance and undesirable odors.

Therefore, condensation in the Barranquilla city packaging occurs when it is suddenly

exposed to air that is at a higher temperature and humidity. For this reason, moisture
eliminator and proper packaging are essential. The speed at which condensation forms will
depend on factors such as the temperature of the packaging, the ambient air and the relative
humidity of the air. For this reason, if it is not controlled, condensation appears, causes its
corrosion and, in food, accelerates microbial deterioration.
The permeability phenomenon is shown graphically below in order to better understand the

Figure 3: General
mechanism of gas or vapour permeation through a plastic film.

2. Is it possible that the packaging can absorb components of the food or drink? Analyze
the situation in the cities of Barranquilla and Bogotá.

Fishing products are susceptible to deterioration due to the action of gases due to the high

content of nutrients they present and their high water activity (availability of water in the


Both characteristics contribute to its deterioration since the development of microorganisms

and the growth of alterative microflora are favored. In addition, reactions of physical-

chemical and enzymatic origin occur that generate substances with unpleasant odors and

flavors, changes in the color of the product and substances harmful to the consumer. To

delay their deterioration, these types of products are packaged in plastic materials, under
modified atmospheric conditions. Therefore, the materials to be used, they must present an

adequate barrier to oxygen, water vapor and carbon dioxide.

Our packaged food is fish, which contains sulfur and fatty components, which are more

volatile and migrate more easily at high temperatures, making Barranquilla an area where

food packaged in plastic containers tends to migrate its nutrients to the packaging.

3. Is it possible that the food or beverage can absorb components of the packaging
material? Analyze the situation in the cities of Barranquilla and Bogotá.

The term "migration" generally describes a diffusion process, which can be strongly
influenced by the interaction of food components with packaging material (16)

Substances that can migrate to food depend on the nature of the packaging material. The
polymers used in food packaging and packaging are made up of monomers, oligomers,
additives and solvent residues (inks and / or adhesives) that can be transferred to the food
[16, 17]. Among the additives used in the manufacture of packaging are plasticizers,
antioxidants, stabilizers and colorants, among others (16)

Research related to packaging / food interactions is focusing on taking advantage of the

migration capabilities of packaging materials to obtain desirable migrations for specific
purposes, with the so-called “active packaging”, in which the active agent can be part of the
material packaging from the manufacturing process or added individually making part of
the packaging content; this is known as positive migration [42].

Now carrying out the analysis of the two reference cities, in the city of Barranquilla,
although there may be a positive migration due to being an active packaging, a negative
migration may occur that when the food is exposed to a higher temperature and humidity is
the means suitable so that a small diffusion of the inks or adhesives from the packaging can
occur and since the meat products have in their same composition a large percentage of
water they can dissolve it and incorporate it to its surface, otherwise due to the lower
temperatures and humidity of Bogota the packaging components may not undergo
diffusion, because at less heat and humidity, there is less molecular movement and
therefore there is no means for the "mass transfer"

Figure 5. Migration phenomenon

4. According to the positive lists, which are the main compounds that could possibly
migrate from the selected packaging material (Phase 2) to the food (Phase 3) and what
are the laboratory-level tests that are performed to determine this migration.

For the purposes of these Regulations, it is understood by:

LC: composition limit (maximum residual amount allowed) of the substance in the material
or finished object.
SML (T): group specific migration limit (maximum amount transferred allowed) in food or
its simulants, expressed as the total of the indicated groups or substances.
LCA (T): group composition limit per surface area (maximum allowed residual amount)
expressed in mg per 6 dm 2 of the surface area in contact with foodstuffs (mg / 6 dm 2), as
a total of the groups or indicated substances, in the material or finished object.
SML (T): group specific migration limit (maximum amount transferred allowed) in food or
its simulants, expressed as the total of the indicated groups or substances.
[ CITATION Mer93 \l 9226 ]

List of simulants (Regulation 85/572 / EEC)

Taken from:

Regulation 1935/2004 / EC (European Union)

✓Evaluation conditions according to standard 2002/72 / EC
✓Basic migration tests▪82 / 711 / EEC –Basic rules for migration tests▪93 / 8 / EEC –1st
amendment▪97 / 48 / EEC –2nd amendment
✓Lists of simulants: 85/572 / EEC▪2007 / 19 / EEC - 1st amendment VC in PVC: 78/142 / EEC
(residual content and transfer to food) VC analysis: 80/766 / EEC, 81/432 / EEC Certain epoxy
derivatives: REG (EC) Nr. 1895/2005 Plasticizers in baskets and lids: REG (EC) Nr. 372/2007

Migrant substances in plastics:

• The polymers used in food packaging are made up of monomers, oligomers, additives and
solvent residues (inks and / or adhesives) that can be transferred to the food. Among the
additives used in the manufacture of packaging are plasticizers, antioxidants, stabilizers
and colorants, etc.
• Monomers and oligomers are reactive and potentially toxic substances. An example of
these are the styrene and vinyl chloride monomers used to make PS and PVC, respectively.
• Plasticizers (butyl stearate, acetyl tributyl citrate and adipates, etc.) have low toxicity, but
have a carcinogenic potential effect.
• The dyes used can be divided into two main categories: pigments and inks. The pigments
can be organic and inorganic, and are characterized by having a high incompatibility with
polymeric materials, so intense mixing methods are required.
• Inks are highly compatible with most polymer matrices, melt easily, and do not affect the
transparency of the material. (Diego A. Castellanos, 2017)

simulation migration tests:

• Wash the material with distilled water and transfer the liquid to the beaker with the rest
of the simulant.
• Evaporate 40-50 ml of the simulating liquid.
• Transfer to a porcelain capsule and evaporate until
constant weight (until dryness).
• Weigh the capsule.
• Make a target
• Express migration in food as:

M = migration in ppm; a1 = surface of the material in contact with the simulant in cm2
M = residue in mg; a2 total surface of the material in cm2; food weight in g
• Aqueous food with pH> 4.5
Distilled water (A)
• Acidic liquid foods with pH  4.5
3% (w / v) acetic acid (B)
• Food with alcohol
10% (v / v) Ethanol (C)
• Liquid dairy products
50% (v / v) Ethanol
• Fatty foods: Rectified olive oil (D)
• Dry food: None
(Diego A. Castellanos, 2017)

Migration tests
• Unknown contact time, application for temperature
environment or minors:
10 d / 40 ° C (for all simulants)
• Contact time and unknown application temperature:
4 h / 100 ° C with reflux (simulants A, B, C)
2 h / 175 ° C (simulant D)
• Hot filling (<15 min at 70-100 ° C):
2 h / 70 ° C (for all simulants)
(Diego A. Castellanos, 2017)


Diego A. Castellanos,2017. Migración de compuestos desde envases y empaques,

Uniagraria de Colombia. Recuperado de:
esde_envases_y_empaques. (s.f.).
GlobalSTD. (21 de Julio de 2017). MIGRACIÓN QUÍMICA DE EMPAQUE A
Han, J. H. (2013). Innovations in Food Packaging. Chapter 1. Physical Chemistry
Fundamentals for Food Packaging, 3. “Mass transfer of gas and solute through
packaging materials”. Amsterdam: Academic Press. Recovered from (s.f.).
Han, J. H. (2013). Mass Transfer of Gas and. En J. H. Han, Innovations in Food
Packaging. Chapter 1. Physical Chemistry Fundamentals for Food Packaging, 3.
“Mass transfer of gas and solute through packaging materials”. Amsterdam:
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