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The purpose of the grant for residency is to attribute remuneration to authors (writers, illustrators,
translators) invited in residency by a structure located on French territory to enable them to carry out a
writing, illustration or translation project in the literary fields supported by CNL, as well as a literary
animation project developed jointly with the host structure.


1. Authors

People who meet the following cumulative conditions are eligible to apply:

- be a French-speaking author or working in one of the languages of France, regardless of

nationality and place of residence, or a non-French-speaking author translated into French or
one of the languages of France;
- Certify at least one personal work in French or in one of the languages of France published on
a freelance basis by a publisher and distributed in French bookstores, or failing that, is a
project of essay, at least three feature articles in collective works or journals at least 250
copies of which are distributed for a fee. For a printed work, the first print run is at least 500
copies (300 for poetry and theatre). In case of a purely digital publication, it must be
accessible to the independent bookstore via an e-distributor;
- Where applicable, comply with the waiting period on the date of filling of the application.
These are as follows :
o An author can apply after 1 year in case he/she had obtained another public
assistance mainly dedicated to writing over 2000 euros;
o An author can apply after 3 years in case he/she had obtained a grant for discovery,
creation, residency, translation or a Cioran grant from CNL;
o An author can apply after 5 years in case he/she had obtained a sabbatical year grant
from CNL
- In the event of obtaining a previous grant from CNL, the author must have published the
supported project, or, in an exceptional case, another work in the same domain, and will be
required to explain in writing the reasons why the supported project did not succeed;
- be formally invited by a structure for a continuous period of residency for 1 to 3 months. In
exceptional cases, a breakdown of the residency time may be accepted. However, each
portion of the stay must be for a minimum duration of one month. In all cases, the applicant
must justify the necessity and consistency with the overall project;
- Unless otherwise, at the discretion of CNL, linked to the distance between the author’s
domicile and the residency structure, the latter is located outside the author’s region of

2. Structures

Legal people are eligible if they meet the following cumulative conditions:
- be a structure situated on French territory capable of hosting a residency project, regardless of
its judicial form;
- have a project for an author’s residency of a duration of at least 1 month and at most 3
- welcome the author on the place of residency on a continuous basis. In exceptional cases, a
single breakdown of the residency time may be accepted;
- develop the residency project, and in particular the program of public meetings and
interventions, jointly with the author;
- allow the invited author to dedicate at least 70% of his time to his writing project and at most
30% to meetings and interventions (including travel, preparation time and effective
participation), i.e. plan 3 and 6 interventions by the author and/or public meetings,
corresponding to a maximum of 40 hours / month all inclusive, i.e. 30% of a full time 35
hours per week;
- have informed the author of the conditions of accommodation and stay and have paid for the
author’s accommodation in the municipality of the place of residency, at least one round trip
between his accommodation place and the residency structure, as well as his travel to the
places of intervention during the period of residency;
- If the author does not speak French, arrange for an interpreter for him / her.
Projects that meet the following cumulative conditions are eligible:
- be a personal writing, translation or illustration (graphic novel or children’s album) project,
regardless of the language in which it is to be published;
- have never been examined by the CNL;
- not be completed before it is examined by the committee;
- identify literary fields supported by the CNL. All areas are eligible except the following:
o Practice books, guides and maps;
o School, extracurricular and pedagogical tools;
o Academic (proceedings of symposia, theses, collective works, manuals, publications
of the “mixture” type, reports and syntheses not adapted for publication intended for
a non-specialist audience);
o Technical and professional, including judicial;
o Contemporary art;
o Game books, role-play books;
o Journalistic interviews;
o Catalogues, répertoires, bibliographies, unjustified chronologies, almanachs,
directories, brochures and leaflets ;
o Common dictionaries and encyclopedias without critical dimension ;
o Collection of sources and documents without commentary;
o Opera booklets and musical scores;
o Publications of an apologetic or confessional nature;
o Esoteric works;
- if the applicant is a teacher-researcher, the project must be a writing, translation or illustration
(graphic / comic book or children’s album) project outside his or her main field of research
and teaching;
- include at least 50% text in relation to the illustrations, except in the fields of comics and
children’s literature.


Preparation of files
Applications for grant to the CNL are submitted exclusively online, via a digital portal for assistance
applications. The file is submitted by the author for himself as well as on behalf of the structure.
The applicant must provide CNL with the various elements mentioned on the digital application portal, as
well as any documents deemed useful by the president of the CNL.
Date of submitting file
The "Vie littéraire" (Literary Life) commission meets several times a year. Deadlines for applications are
announced on the CNL website.


Procedure for examining files

Only the complete applications submitted before the deadline and meeting the eligibility criteria are
submitted to the commission.

Admissible files are the subject of at least one expert report and an opinion from the Direction régionale
des affaires culturelles (Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs) presented to the “Vie littéraire”
commission, which, after a collegial debate, issues an opinion on each of them, particularly with regard to
all the requests and the foreseen budget of the CNL. If the opinion is in favor of the applicant, the
commission proposes a residency period (in months) ranging from 1 month to 3 months.
Criteria for evaluation of files
The files are examined according to the following criteria:
- Interest of the writing, illustration or translation project and its publication;
- Literary, scientific or artistic quality of the author’s previous work;
- Quality of the residency project and the programme of meetings and interventions;
- Diversity of the types of meetings and interventions, the targeted audience and partners;
- Adequacy of the author’s profile with the proposed residency project;
- Capacity of the host structure to carry out the residency project and to fulfil its commitments
vis-à-vis the author;
- Public grants already obtained.
Amount that may be granted
The amount of the residency grant is 2000 euros gross per month of the residency. Each residency is for
the duration of 1 to 3 months maximum.


In the light of the committee’s opinions, decisions on allocation, refusal or, in exceptional cases,
adjournment shall be taken by the president of CNL.


Period of validity of the grant

The duration of the validity of the grant is 12 months counted from the specified date in the decision for
Extension of the validity of the grant
An extension of the validity of the grant for a maximum of one year may be accorded by the president of
the CNL, provided that a reasoned request has been made by an official letter with acknowledgement of
receipt before the date on which the assistance ceases to be granted.


During the month preceding the beginning of the residency, the beneficiary must send to CNL the
agreement signed between the host structure and the beneficiary, mentioning the dates and duration of the
residency, the conditions of stay and accommodation, and the program of meetings and interventions. The
CNL verifies that this agreement is in accordance with the draft submitted to the committee.


The grant is transferred to the author in one instalment, at his request, upon receipt by CNL of the
agreement signed between the host structure and the author and after checking its conformity with the


Once completed, the project must be published on a publisher’s account (and not on the author’s account
or self-published). It must be the subject of a publication contract in accordance with the legal and
economic provisions governing the exploitation of works.
It is the author’s responsibility to ask his publisher to include the CNL logo on the back cover and/or in
the digital edition of the book published on the grant, respecting the graphic chart available on the CNL
website. In the event of non-compliance with this obligation, the CNL reserves the right to make the
beneficiary ineligible for CNL assistance for a period of one year beyond the waiting period. For its part,
the host structure undertakes to include the CNL logo on all communication media dedicated to the
supported residency project.
Once the project is completed, the recipient must send CNL two copies of the printed work (or, in the case
of a digital-only publication, a link and an access code to the digital edition).
In the event of total or partial non-performance of the residency, the CNL requests total or partial
reimbursement of the grant.


FOR AUTHORS, it is mandatory to submit the following documents in digital format, via CNL’s
assistance request portal (portail des demandes d’aides) :

- Identity document
- Curriculum vitae (if you have supported a thesis, mention the date, subject and composition
of the jury).
- Copy of the carte vitale or certificate of affiliation to social security
- For those affiliated to the AGESSA or the MDA and have chosen to be exempted from
withholding tax, it is mandatory to attach the certificate issued by AGESSA or MDA
- For those whose tax residence is abroad, it is mandatory to attach a certificate on their honor
dated and signed in accordance with the following model: "Je soussigné(e), NOM Prénom,
certifie avoir ma résidence fiscale à l'étranger”. (I, the undersigned, LAST NAME First
Name, certify that I have my tax residence abroad.)
- For essay projects, it is mandatory to attach the summary, bibliographical references and one
written chapter of the book as well as the signed contract with the publisher or a letter of
intent to publish.
- For children’s album projects, it is mandatory to attach in a single pdf file and in the
following order: the chemin de fer and at least two completed illustrations.
- For graphic / comic album projects, it is mandatory to attach in a single pdf file and in the
following order: a synopsis, a script excerpt and at least three finalised sheets.
- For other projects: optional excerpts.
- Complete bibliography:
 for authors: classified by literary genre and specifying the year of publication, title of
the work and name of the publisher
 for translators: specifying the original language of the work, year of publication, title
of the work and name of the publisher
- Must be attached in the “RIB” tab of the applicant: a RIB or, for foreign authors who do not
have one, an official document on the bank’s letterhead mentioning: name and address of the
bank + name and address of the account holder + account number + Iban (IFSC) + Swift (for
transfers outside SEPA zone, provide a certificate confirming that the payment in euros is
accepted by the bank).
- Specify, in the “Motivations” tab, the reasons for applying for the grant application:
 Interest of the writing or illustration project and its publication;
 Diversity of types of meetings, interventions, targeted audience and partners;
 Adequacy of the author’s profile with the proposed residency project;
 Author’s ability to participate in the proposed residency project.

FOR AUTHORS, it is mandatory to send the following by courier:

- One copy of the last personal work(s) published in French or in a language of France
(maximum 4), in the literary fields supported by the CNL (see presentation of the system), in
original language for foreign authors, published on a freelance basis and distributed in the
network of bookstores in France or, failing that, in case of an essay project, at least three
feature articles in collective works or journals distributed for a fee for at least 250 copies. For
a printed work, the first print run must be at least 500 copies (300 for poetry and theatre
works). In the case of a digital-only publication, it must be accessible to the independent
bookstores via an e-distributor.

FOR STRUCTURES, it is mandatory to submit the following documents in digital format via
CNL’s assistance request portal (portail des demandes d’aides):

- Letter supporting and motivating the choice of the invited author (in case the author does not
speak French, undertake to arrange for an interpreter for him/her), his / her selection
conditions as well as the project of residency
- Presentation of the host company and its activities
- Conditions for the author’s transport and accommodation
- Pre-programme of public meetings and interventions of the author.

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