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John A. Schuldt

From: Craig Anderson

Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 2:18 PM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: FW: Save A Life

Hi, John:

Please go ahead and contact the principals.

Thanks / Craig
Original Message
From: B Sarto
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 1:15 PM
To: Craig Anderson
Subject: Re: Save A Life

Hi, Craig,

I would agree if this is done in a timely manner. I would like to get this letter off to SALF as soon as possible. This
should be a relatively simple task to contact the principals and just get a number from them. The details can be worked
out later. It should also be pointed out at that time that this program works best when the groups are smaller (classroom
size) rather than doing this as an assembly of the entire student body. Please see if we can get this done soon. I would
like to have the letter sent off by the end of this year.


In a message dated 12/14/2007 1:04:39 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

Hi, Bill:

I have spoken with Dr. Arndt regarding moving forward, and briefly discussed our follow up on concerns raised.

We can proceed with the program, but we need to work with the principal of each school to determine what
works for each in terms of scheduling, etc. So I think that before we can determine number of students and
finalize how the program will be implemented, there needs to be a discussion with each principal to know what
works best for each school.

If this approach sounds okay, I will ask Chief Schuldt to go ahead and contact the principals.


Original Message
From: B Sarto
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 12:31 PM

Page 2 of2

To: Craig Anderson

Subject: Fwd: Save A Life

Hi, Craig,

I would like to get started with this. Can you draft a letter for me to sign? I believe we need to give
SALF a number of students who will be participating in the program. Would you contact Dr. Ken Arndt
and get that information?


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Hi, Chief,

i have spoken with Village Manager Anderson and he is in agreement that a request to the
schools on the type of program we have discussed would be a good idea.

I just wanted to remind you that I would still like to send a letter to our local schools in
Carpentersville to provide life saving information/training to those students who would be willing
to participate in such a program. I envision this to be something on the order of the DARE
program that is run by our Police Department. There could be at the conclusion of the program a
"graduation" with a "Save A Life" certificate given to the participants who successfully completed
the program and demonstrated a proficiency in "Life Saving Techniques." Perhaps the students,
as with the DARE program, could also write a short essay on what it means to know life saving
skills and awards could be given to those who articulate the programs goals the best. I believe
this would provide a level of respect from the student's peers and even the community at-large.
Just knowing when to call 9-1-1 in a medical emergency would be valuable knowledge. I think
such a program would have enormous positive results in our community. Having our paramedics
out in the schools would be a very good way to reach out to the community in a positive way. I
look forward to signing the letter as soon as it's ready for my signature.


PS We may want to contact [Save A Life Foundation] in (Itasca?) to get some ideas from them as

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Page 1 of 1

John A. Schuldt

From: Neil Baltz []

Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 10:27 AM
To: John A. Schuldt
Cc: Saquan Gholar; Dane Neal; Carrie Viehweg; Carol Spizzirri
Subject: Training Cost

Good morning Chief Schuldt,

Yes there is a cost involved. Carrie Viehweg, SALF State Director has been in conversation with the mayor about the
cost. Typically this is a $450/day plus expenses training. Since you are relatively close to us, we were planning on a flat
fee of $900 with no additional expenses. The mayor has informed Carrie that there are no available funds for the
training. Our Education Coordinator, Saquan Gholar, is looking into Citizen Corps funding to cover the cost of the
training. For the time being we can continue to plan on the tentative training dates set earlier with John Mensching. We
will let you know our progress on the funding as more information becomes available. Thank you for your patience. Let
me know if you have any other questions.

Thanks again,


Original Message
From: John A. Schuldt []
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 10:07 AM


The question has come up as to the cost of the three training sessions that we will be holding to train the
firefighters. Is there a cost? If so, how much?


Chief Schuldt

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John A. Schuldt

From: Carrie Viehweg []

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 11:00 AM
To: B Sarto
Subject: RE: Hello

Hello Mayor Sarto. I would love to clear up some of the questions you have about the program. I am available
next Friday or anytime the week of the 25 th . Please let me know what works for you. We are currently working
on funding for the $10 per child, when we receive it we will establish a grant that the city of Carpentersville will
draw down on for supplies and stipends for the instructors. I will clear this all up when we meet. On another
note, we have secured a grant from Enterprise to cover the cost of the training for your instructors.

From: []

Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: Hello

Good Morning Carrie,

I have some questions concerning this program. It seems that since we first met there have been some changes in
what was originally told to both myself and our Fire Chief. If possible I would like to meet again to iron out any
misunderstandings. If you could get back to me with some dates for a meeting I would appreciate it.


Bill Sarto - President

Village of Carpentersville

In a message dated 2/13/2008 1:39:07 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

Hi Mayor Sarto, just checking in. I hear training is underway for your firefighters. I am meeting with
IEMA tomorrow to discuss state funding and Carol and Dane have been focused on working with
Illinois' federal representatives to receive federal funding as well as working with FEMA to develop a
partnership. It looks as if the state is going to continue to have budget problems this Session so we are
looking to the federal government to keep things moving at SALF. I have not yet received your letter
of intent, would it be possible for you to send that to the address below and then we can work together
on getting the contract set up in such a way that we have an agreement on how the program will be ran.
Thanks and I look forward to developing the SALF Kids program in your community!

Carrie Viehweg
State Director

1200 L.W. Besinger Drive * Carpentersville, Illinois 60110
Phone (847) 426-3439 * Fax (847) 426-0809 0 TDD (847) 426-9609
Web Site:

June 18,2008

Carrie Viehweg
State Director
Save A Life Foundation
520 E. Capitol Street
Springfield, IL 62701

RE: Save A Life Foundation Donation

Dear Ms. Viehweg,

Enclosed you will Find donation checks totaling $ 4,200.00 collected by the Village of
Carpentersville on behalf of Save A Life Foundation. I fully support your mission to
equip children "with basic life supporting first aid (LSFA) skills to empower bystanders
in aiding the injured or ill in a time of an emergency".

I look forward to the start of the program within our schools next fall and am cetlain it
will be a success.

On behalf of the Village of Carpentersville, I would like to thank you for the opportunity
you have presented to strengthen our community and support such a worthy cause.


Bill Sarto
Village President

Cc: Village Board

Fire Chief
Village Manager


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Page 1 of2

From: Carrie Viehweg []

Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 9:39 AM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: RE: Moving Forward
Chief Schuldt,

I apologize the starting figure we collected was $5450

So here is the breakdown

5450-collected donations
2,768-training of 692 students
$1,990-remaining classes to be taught or roll over for following year.

From: Carrie Viehweg []

Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 9:31 AM
To: 'John A. Schuldt'
Subject: RE: Moving Forward

Hello Chief Schuldt,

It is completely up to you and the city if you teach the course on or off duty. If you do teach it off duty we will
use the remaining funds to provide the instructor with the stipend we discussed when we first meet. We
typically allow each instructor, who does not donate their time as in-kind, $1 per child that they teach. Once
the paperwork is turned into me the check is cut and mailed out to the instructor. So the breakdown would be
as follows:

$4,200-collected donations
$2,768-for training 692 students (7 th & 8th)
$692-instructor stipend
$740-remaining for classes or roll-over for following year

Please let me know your thoughts on this matter. Thank you!

From: John A. Schuldt []

Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM
To: Carrie Viehweg
Cc: Craig Anderson; Bill Sarto
Subject: RE: Moving Forward

In reviewing the number of school children and staying away from the issue of why did we teach only the east or west side
of town, I think the best way to proceed is to get Carpentersville Middle School to let us teach all 7th and 8th graders
which is 692. Is there anyway that the remaining money could be returned to the Village so I could have this taught off
duty. The remaining funds would allow me to do this. BY doing it on duty, interruptions will occur and I think the schools

file://Z:\Johns Stuff\Chief\RE Moving Forwardsalf2.htm 11/11/2008

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will lose interest in it. I do not want to teach only so many of a certain grade. We have CPR equipment in house that we
could use. Let me know your thoughts

Chief Schuldt
I copied the Village President and the Village Manager so they know what is going on.

From: Carrie Viehweg []

Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:36 AM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: Moving Forward

Hello Chief Schuldt. I spoke with Mayor Sarto earlier this week and it appears that all of the funding has been
collected. The mayor is leaving which grades and what schools you want to teach in up to you. I've attached
the information on what it will cost for several options. We have $5,450 to work with at this point. Please look
over the information and let me know how you would like to move forward. Thanks!

Carrie Viehweg
State Director
Save A Life Foundation
520 E. Capitol St.
Springfield, IL 62701
This e-mail and its attachments may contain Save A Life Foundation, Inc. proprietary information, which is PRIVALEGED, CONFIDENTIAL, or subject to
COPYRIGHT belonging to Save A Life Foundation, Inc.. This email is intended soley for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If
you are not the intended recipient of this email, or that any dissemination, distribution, retransmission, copying or other action taken in relation to the
contents of and attachments to this email is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender
immediately and permanently delete the original and any copy of this email and any printout. All transmissions, either via email or telephone may be
recorded and/or monitored. To the extent that opinions expressed in this message, they are not neccarily the opinions of the Save A Life Foundation, or
any of its other affiliates, employees, directors or officers. Thank youl

file://Z:\Johns StuffAChiefARE Moving Forwardsalf2.htm 11/11/2008

John A. Schuldt
From: wiltberger, erica []
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 3:31 P M
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: RE: Dates

What about for me..November 3rd and 4th. Or 5th and 6th? i would like to get this done
before the end of the semester which is November 7th.
Erica M Wiltberger
Team Leader PE/Health
Carpentersville Middle School

From: John A. Schuldt []

Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 2:38 PM
To: wiltberger, erica
Subject: RE: Dates

The October classes would be impossible to do. Can these two be done in November. The rest
are OK

Call me if you would like to talk.


Original Message
From: wiltberger, erica []
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 5:43 PM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: Dates

Mr. was so nice to meet you the other night! I am very excited that you can
be flexible with our need at CMS. We would like the students to benefit the most from the
program and this would be the easiest way.

Can you send someone for my health classes Monday October 20th and 21st?
For Vicky - December 15th and 16th
Derek - February 15th and 16th
Steve - April 20th and 21st

Erica M Wiltberger 847-815-3111

Team Leader PE/Health
Carpentersville Middle School

Please save trees. Print only when necessary.

E-MAIL CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Illinois has a very broad public records law. Most written
communications (including email) to or from school district officials and staff are public
records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications may
therefore be subject to public disclosure.

Page 1 of 1

J o h n A. S c h u l d t

From: Gregory Daily

Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 4:10 PM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: RE: Save A life Training

III go fort it

From: John A. Schuldt

Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 4:08 PM
To: Fire Department
Subject: Save A life Training

Full-Time Employees:

We will be teaching the Save a Life training to 7 th and 8 th grade students at Carpentersville Middle School. This training to
take place in November, December, February and April two days in a row each of these months. Those fulltime
employees who have been trained will be compensated their overtime rate and will be done off duty. Please email me by
October 20, 2008 if you would like to assist in this teaching.

Any questions, let me know.

John Schuldt
Fire Chief/Emergency Management Director
Village of Carpentersville

John A. Schuldt
From: wiltberger, erica []
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 12:34 P M
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: RE: Dates

Sorry..the February date would need to be 23rd & 24th Erica M Wiltberger Team Leader
PE/Health Carpentersville Middle School
From: John A. Schuldt []
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 2:38 PM
To: wiltberger, erica
Subject: RE: Dates

The October classes would be impossible to do. Can these two be done in November. The rest
are OK

Call me if you would like to talk.


Original Message
From: wiltberger, erica []
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 5:43 PM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: Dates

Mr. was so nice to meet you the other night! I am very excited that you can
be flexible with our need at CMS. We would like the students to benefit the most from the
program and this would be the easiest way.

Can you send someone for my health classes Monday October 20th and 21st?
For Vicky - December 15th and 16th
Derek - February 15th and 16th
Steve - April 20th and 21st

Erica M Wiltberger 847-815-3111

Team Leader PE/Health
Carpentersville Middle School

Please save trees. Print only when necessary.

E-MAIL CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Illinois has a very broad public records law. Most written
communications (including email) to or from school district officials and staff are public
records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications may
therefore be subject to public disclosure.

John A. Schuldt

From: wiltberger, erica []

Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 11:15 AM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: RE: Dates

Hi Chief!!!

Question-do we need a room for all day? is the instructor bringing a lot of material that
would make it difficult for moving around?

Teacher Erica Wiltberger

Dates Thursday Nov. 6 & Friday Nov. 7
845 am-925am 1st hour - 29 students Room 202 break 1058-1138am - 4th hour - 17 students
Room 206
1141-1221 - 5th hour - 37 students Media Center
1231-111 - 6th hour - 21 students Room 231 break 200-240 - 8th hour- 29 students Room 234
247-330- 9th hour -31 students Room 222

Teacher Vicky Landherr

December 15 & 16
1st hour - 30
4th hour - 22
5th hour - 36
6th hour - 21
8th hour - 28
9th hour - 32

Teacher Derek Holz

February 23 & 24
1st hour - 28
4th hour - 30
5th hour - 23
6th hour - 30
8th hour - 35
9th hour - 30

Teacher Steve Sankey

Dates April 16 & 17
*class sizes similiar to Derek's

Erica M Wiltberger
Team Leader PE/Health
Carpentersville Middle School

From: John A. Schuldt []

Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 10:37 AM
To: wiltberger, erica
Subject: RE: Dates


The firefighter called the wrong school. We teach fire safety to K-5.

As for the Save A Life Classes, can you confirm the dates, the times, how many classes and
the number of student in each class.


Chief Schuldt

Original Message
From: wiltberger, erica []
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2008 8:04 AM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: RE: Dates

From what I understand, a fireman from C'ville Fire called our assistant prinicpal, Asia
Gurney. He said that he always comes to talk about fire safety with our students. Ms.
Gurney asked what the fire safety talk was about, and I told her I would try and find
out. Of course, she did not give a name of who was calling her. But I do not think the
fire safety talk is the same as the Save A Life Program. Ms. Gurney was under the
impression they could have been the same thing? Anyways, I think lines were getting
crossed over here.
We are asking the fire and safety talk be combined with the Save a Life Program but we
do not want to take away important time you may need with the students. Sorry about the

Erica M Wiltberger
Team Leader PE/Health
Carpentersville Middle School

From: John A. Schuldt []

Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 2:51 PM
To: wiltberger, erica
Subject: RE: Dates

I do not understand your question. Are you asking if we can combined the save a life
training and fire safety.


Original Message
From: wiltberger, erica []
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 8:42 AM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: RE: Dates

Hi there !

Do you know who comes to speak to us regarding a fire safety talk? My administration is
asking if this can be done with the Save a Life Program?
Erica M Wiltberger
Team Leader PE/Health
Carpentersville Middle School

From: John A. Schuldt []

Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 2:38 PM
To: wiltberger, erica
Subject: RE: Dates

The October classes would be impossible to do. Can these two be done in November. The rest
are OK

Call me if you would like to talk.


Original Message
From: wiltberger, erica []
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 5:43 PM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: Dates

Mr. was so nice to meet you the other night! I am very excited that you can
be flexible with our need at CMS. We would like the students to benefit the most from the
program and this would be the easiest way.

Can you send someone for my health classes Monday October 20th and 21st?

For Vicky - December 15th and 16th
Derek - February 15th and 16th
Steve ~ April 20th and 21st

Erica M Wiltberger 847-815-3111

Team Leader PE/Health
Carpentersville Middle School

Please save trees. Print only when necessary.

E-MAIL CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Illinois has a very broad public records law. Most written
communications (including email) to or from school district officials and staff are public
records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications may
therefore be subject to public disclosure.




WHEREAS, Save a Life Foundation, Inc. (SALF), a not for profit corporation, has
developed certain instructional materials, manuals and techniques for training those with
Emergency Medical Service (EMS) credentials as SALF Instructors and individuals in the public
and private sectors, and students K-12, in basic Pre-Emergency Medical Service response
skills, and collecting data of those trained as listed in this Agreement; and

WHEREAS, SALF desires to expand its public service to reach a larger geographical
area by collaborating with other emergency medical health care organizations to offer Basic
Pre-Emergency Medical Service response training; and

WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Carpentersville find
it to be in the best interests of the Village to collaborate with SALF in offering basic emergency
response training under the terms described in the Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the

Village of Carpentersville, Kane County, Illinois, as follows:

SECTION 1: The Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A between the Save a Life
Foundat'ion, Inc. and the Village of Carpentersville is hereby approved.

SECTION 2: The Village President and Village Clerk are hereby authorized to execute
this Agreement on behalf of the Village of Carpentersville.
Motion was made by Trustee Teeter ( seconded by Trustee -r>- that the
Resolution be adopted.
Carpentersville, Illinois at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of November, 2008,
pursuant to a roll call vote a§ follows:

AYE: 5 (Humpfer, Hinz, Sigwalt, Ritter, Teeter)

ABSENT* * Ramirez Sliwinski, Sarto)

APPROVED by me this 4tttJay of November , 200„?.

Village President


Village Clerk
Save A Life Foundation & Village of Carpentersville, Illinois

This Agreement is entered into effect as of the 27th day of November, 2008, by and between
SAVE A LIFE FOUNDATION, INC. ("SALF"), a not-for-profit corporation organized and existing
under the laws of the State of Illinois and having its Illinois State Headquarters at 520 E. Capital
St., Springfield, Illinois 62701 and the Village of Carpentersville (sometimes hereinafter referred
to as "Licensee"), a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
Illinois and having its principal offices at 1200 L.W. Besinger Drive, Carpentersville, Illinois


Mission Statement
Save A Life Foundation's (SALF) mission is to train and develop bystanders, starting with
children, equipped with basic life supporting first aid (LSFA) skills to aid the injured and/or ill in
an emergency.

To increase public awareness of the efficacy of being trained as a Pre-EMS Rescuer (lay public)
who can help sustain life in an emergency until advance EMS care arrives.

SALF has developed certain instructional materials, manuals and techniques for training those
with Emergency Medical Service (EMS) credentials as SALF Instructors and individuals in the
public and private sectors, and students K-12, in basic Pre-Emergency Medical Service
response skills, and collecting data of those trained as listed in this Agreement.

SALF has established a market for the same by using various property, materials, copyrights
and trademarks known as: Save A Life For Kids; Bystander Basics; Bystander Basics
Advanced; Bystander Basics AED; Bystander Basics for Law Enforcement, Pre-EMS for
Professionals, Bystander Basics for Day-Care Providers; ChrisKit; and the feline figures and
names "Perry Medic and EMy-Tech."

The Village of Carpentersville is a municipality having the mission and purpose of promoting the
emergency health and safety of the community, which it serves.

SALF desires to expand its public service to reach a larger geographical area by collaborating
with other emergency medical health care organizations to offer Basic Pre-Emergency Medical
Service response training.

The Village of Carpentersville desires to collaborate with SALF in offering basic emergency
response training under the terms described in this Agreement.

The Village of Carpentersville desires to utilize the products, material, copyrights, logos, and
trademarks of SALF in furtherance of SALF's mission and purpose and in accordance with the
specifications and requirements of SALF and to market and provide SALF public service;
Now, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed as follows:

I. Grant of License

A. The Licensee agrees to operate a SALF Satellite.

B. Licensee agrees to provide: Pre-EMS Rescuer emergency training utilizing SALF

instructional manuals and techniques (the Licensed Materials); a Facilitator and a
Coordinator to manage provision of the services provided under this Agreement;
appropriate building space for the training; and/or equipment; supplies; all
insurances, training supplies, instructors and equipment necessary to train
approximately 1,000 school children.

C. Licensee agrees that it will use the Licensed Materials solely in connection with
operation of the SALF Satelite as contemplated by this Agreement, and in a
manner consistent with the mission and purposes of SALF. If Licensee uses the
SALF name or logo in any brochures or other marketing materials, Licensee shall
use the name or logo exactly as approved and provided by SALF, and shall
include the appropriate trademark designation. Licensee shall not modify the
Licensed Materials, nor use any of the Licensed Materials in connection with
promotion of any other product or service, unless approved in writing by SALF.
Licensee shall immediately notify SALF of any unauthorized use of Licensed
Materials of which it becomes aware. Upon termination of this Agreement,
Licensee shall discontinue all use of the Licensed Materials.

II. Control of Performance

A. SALF shall provide all the property, training, testing and other materials as
described aforesaid for use by the Licensee in performance of training and
testing of all individuals. Representatives of SALF National or State will have the
unqualified right, at any and all reasonable times, and without prior notice, to
inspect, observe, audit financial records, and/or monitor the use of property,
materials, copyrights and trademarks, and the marketing and training techniques
employed by Licensee.

III. Objectives of SALF

A. To educate the public to "Good Samaritan Laws'VTort Immunity Laws, and the
need to strengthen and enforce them.

B. To educate the public as to equipment necessary to protect themselves from

blood borne and/or bio hazardous pathogens, other necessary equipment to
sustain life and the assurance they are assessable and without operational

C. To educate the public for the need of basic life supporting first aid (LSFA) training
as part of the school curriculum.

D. To appeal to businesses who regularly deal with the general public to require
LSFA training for their employees.
E. To designate areas in schools, offices, vehicles, etc., for LSFA support materials,
equipment and protocols making it conveniently accessible in emergencies and
in good repair.

F. To provide qualified SALF Instructors, with kept current EMS credentials, to train
and promote the mission of SALF.

G. To promote all SALF programs described aforesaid awareness and train its
programs through grassroots efforts in order to have a positive effect on the
outcome of medical emergencies.

IV. SALF Responsibilities

The responsibilities of SALF, Inc. shall include providing a reasonable quantity of

training and testing products, manuals, and supplies required for provision of
educating both children and adults. SALF will provide promotion, advertisement,
support, and endorsement of SALF programs, events, and professional opportunities
with the local community, not limited to web linkage between both parties. SALF will
also provide leadership, professional expertise, through its diverse Boards of
Advisors, business partners, activities and events that support SALF's mission.
SALF will:

1. Provide all training and testing materials sufficient to train 1,000 children each

2. Provide leadership in its fund raising and in-kind contributions initiatives to

support its SALF activities and events.

3. Provide leadership, support and training for management and staff.

4. Keep up-to-date with LSFA and SALF news and information through monthly
and/or quarterly correspondence.

5. Work with media, policy makers, corporations, and other organizations to build
strong and effective support.

6. Cooperate with other organizations that support SALF's mission including and
not limited with the U.S. Citizen Corps and Medical Corps.

7. Continue to research and develop programs, products and materials that support
the mission of SALF and make them available.

8. Provide timely information regarding the planning and implementation of

upcoming events and programs that affect or support SALF's mission statement.

V. Licensee Responsibilities

The Licensee is responsible to develop and implement a multifaceted strategy of

public awareness to LSFA education, community activities and events that support
the mission statement and goals of SALF that best fits the unique needs of the local
community. Licensee is to report directly to the SALF State Headquarters and/or or
their designated agent and meet all requirements as set forth in this agreement as a
condition of validation of this agreement. Licensee will:

1. Submit to SALF a quarterly timeline regarding the planning and implementation

of SALF's mission and goals within their local community. An action plan should
be completed and submitted to SALF on a monthly basis, commencing with the
effective date of this agreement, to train no less than 1,000 children each year.

2. Maintain records of all fees generated from provision of SALF Basic Pre-EMS
Training; numbers of adults and children trained; and records of test scores. All
SALFtron test, evaluation sheets and support information will be sent to SALF
State Headquarters only for processing monthly.

3. Assist with the development of supportive materials to further the mission

statement of SALF within its District.

4. Provide SALF State Headquarters with informational, financial and statistical

records that support and further the mission and goals of SALF on a quarterly
basis according to SALF's guidelines.

5. Provide the public with information on Licensee activities and opportunities (no
less than quarterly).

6. Recruit sufficient EMS Certified as instructors from among emergency medicine

personnel to meet the goals established by mutual agreement of SALF and the
Carpentersville Fire Department for training of children and register each within
SALF's Web base data collection system.

7. Work with SALF, Inc. media, policy makers, corporations and other agencies to
build strong and effective support for the mission and goals of SALF at the local,
state, national and international level.

8. Use only SALF training materials and supplies, including SALFtron cards, to train
and test children at its then current price, unless otherwise pre-agreed upon in
writing by SALF, Inc.

VI. Program, Copyright and Trademark Use

A. No Licensee or its representative/s is allowed to authorize the programs,

copyrighted materials, logos or trademarks of SALF to be used by any person or
organization/corporation in promoting its product or services or other commercial
purpose unless so agreed upon by SALF in writing

B. It is the responsibility of the Licensee to immediately notify SALF of any

unauthorized claim of affiliation or endorsement, and unauthorized use of SALF
programs, copyrights, logos, or trademarks.

C. All approved use of SALF programs, copyrights, logos and trademarks shall be
used in a manner that supports the mission and maintains the professional
integrity of SALF.
D. The use of SALF programs, logos or trademarks, copyrighted materials, in any
media, letterhead, newsletters, brochures, or other educational or informational
materials shall be pursuant to the following guidelines:

i. Use the logos and trademarks exactly as they appear in the materials
prepared, approved, and provided by SALF.

ii. Use the marks on business checks, cards, stationery, and interior decor and
promotional items, such as pens, mugs, etc. only after obtaining written
approval from SALF, Inc.

iii. Use the appropriate symbol, TM - © - ®, whenever these marks are used.

iv. Immediately discontinue any use of the marks that SALF deems inappropriate.

Termination Terms.

A. This Agreement shall be in effect commencing on September 1, 2008. The initial

term of the Agreement shall be three (3) years.

B. The agreement may be extended for three additional years upon agreement of
parties. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time upon thirty (30)
days prior written notice.

C. Either party may terminate this agreement for violation or breach of the terms,
conditions and promises contained herein with written notice of termination to the
respective parties.

D. If termination occurs any training materials or other products provided by SALF

shall be returned to SALF.

Financial Terms.

A. Licensee agrees that SALF Basic Pre-EMS training shall be made available to all
students for the amount allocated and through Adopt-A-School sponsorships,
donations, fundraising, granting programs, adult for-fee trainings, and other
means of income. Trainings and compensations shall be provided at current
charges outlined by SALF.

B. All products, manuals and other materials will be supplied exclusively by SALF to
Licensee. Supplies will be supplied at the price as determined by SALF National
HQs, and SALF has the right to adjust prices from time to time in accordance
with reasonable accounting practices.

C. Payments made pursuant to the foregoing provisions shall be made on a monthly



A. Independent Relationship: This Agreement evidences an independent

relationship, and nothing in this Agreement is intended nor shall be construed to
create an employment, partnership or joint venture relationship between the
Carpentersville Fire Department and SALF.

B. Authority: Neither SALF nor the Village of Carpentersville has authority to incur
any debt or obligation for the other party, or to enter into any contract or
agreement binding the other party.

C. Assignment: Neither party may assign its rights or obligations under this
Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party.

D. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the
parties with respect to the subject matter thereof, and supersedes any and a!i
prior agreements or discussions.

E. Waiver of Breach: The waiver by either party of a breach or violation of any

provision of this Agreement shall not operate as, or be construed to be, a waiver
of any subsequent breach of the same or other provision hereof.

F. Resolution of Disputes: The parties shall endeavor to settle any dispute by

discussion and mediation. Such mediation does not bar a party from pursuing
legal remedies otherwise available to it. Should a dispute arise then the matter
shall be first submitted to mediation. Both parties shall mutually agree upon the

G. Notices: Any notice given under this Agreement shall be in writing, delivered in
person or by certified mail, addressed as follows:

Save A Life Foundation, Inc.

520 E. Capital St.
Springfield, Illinois 62701
Attn: Carrie Viehweg, Illinois State Director

Village of Carpentersville
1200 L.W. Besinger Drive
Carpentersville, Illinois 60110
Attn: Chief John Schuldt

H. Legal, Accounting, Insurance

1. The Licensee is to acquire, at its own expense, legal and accounting services,
and all necessary insurance coverage, and shall maintain such legal and
accounting services, along with necessary insurance coverage for the
duration of this agreement.

2. Necessary insurance coverage shall include, but not be limited to: premises
liability; contents insurance; workmen's compensation; automobile liability
and comprehensive for all hospital/facility owned vehicles, which employees
or volunteers use for purposes of business; fire and theft, and molestation
3. Licensee may make grant proposals regarding any function or activity of SALF
on behalf of itself or SALF to the State or Federal governments with the prior
written approval from SALF. Licensee may participate in fund raising, and
acquisition of grants or contributions from the private sector and the County.

I. Severability: The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of this

Agreement shall not affect the other provisions hereof, and this Agreement shall
be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision were
removed, unless to do so would violate the manifest intention of the parties.

J. Modifications: This Agreement may not be modified except with the written
consent of the parties.

K. Governing Law: This Agreement has been executed and delivered in, and shall
be interpreted, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State
of Illinois.

L. Headings: The section titles and other headings in this Agreement are for
reference only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation of
this Agreement.

M. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,

each of which shall be deemed an original, but all such counterparts together
shall constitute one and the same instrument.

Save A Life Foundation, Incorporated

By: Carrie Viehweg

Name / cXw^(^/tiJw^ Date H/&7/0$

Title: Save A Life Foundation, Incorporated, Illinois State Director

Village©/ Carpentersville, CarpentersvilleJIIinois

Name Bill Sarto Date November 4, 2008

Title Village President

Exhibit A

Duties of the Satellite Facilitator

1. Act as a liaison between Licensee and SALF.

2. Develop relationships with area schools in implementing, conducting and scheduling
SALF's Basic Pre-EMS Training programs, i.e. schools aforesaid in this agreement.
3. Act as the contact to provide information about SALF's Basic Pre-EMS Training;
4. Develop a budget and training time line coordination with a Licensee and SALF, and
present for review to SALF State HQs no later than November 1 st yearly.
5. Schedule SALF Basic Pre-EMS Training adult classes and meetings, if necessary.
6. Provide articles and pictures of current events of the Licensee for the SALF website for
linkage to Licensee's SALF web site page.
7. Assist with the recruitment of EMS certified as instructors to train both children and
8. Facilitator will follow all Rules and Conditions in SALF's Guideline Manual and not alter
unless pre-approved by SALF HQs.
John A. Schuldt
From: wiltberger, erica []
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 10:51 AM
To: John A. Schuldt
Cc: Holtz, Derek; Sankey, Steven; Landherr, Victoria
Subject: RE: Dates

Sorry Chief, I had to reorganize our PE/Health calendars for the department. I think this
will work out better!!

***Let me see if I can get the library for the 10, 11, & 12 of December for my classes.
It should not be a problem.

Landherr class is set for 15, 16, 17th of December.

***CHANGE: Holtz class is the 7, 8, 9 of April

Sankey class 13, 14, 15 of April

Erica M Wiltberger
Team Leader PE/Health
Carpentersville Middle School

From: John A. Schuldt [JASchuldt@vil. carpentersville . i.l. us]

Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:45 PM
To: wiltberger, erica
Subject: RE: Dates

Have we come up with new dates for your classes? Do we have hour schedules for the classes
set in December?

Chief Schuldt

Original Message
From: wiltberger, erica []
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 5:19 PM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: RE: Dates

I can do my best for my dates..but cant guarantee The other classes we can schedule a
if you think we should move my dates for this week, i can do that, too.
But I am ending my health class this week.
Erica M Wiltberger
Team Leader PE/Health
Carpentersville Middle School

From: John A. Schuldt []

Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 3:33 PM
To: wiltberger, erica
Subject: RE: Dates


The same room would be nice due to the equipment being used.


Original Message
From: wiltberger, erica []
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 11:15 AM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: RE: Dates

Hi Chief!!!

Question-do we need a room for all day? is the instructor bringing a lot of material that
would make it difficult for moving around?

Teacher Erica Wiltberger

Dates Thursday Nov. 6 & Friday Nov. 7
845 am-925am 1st hour - 29 students Room 202 break 1058-1138am - 4th hour - 17 students
Room 206
1141-1221 - 5th hour - 37 students Media Center
1231-111 - 6th hour - 21 students Room 231 break 200-240 - 8th hour- 29 students Room 234
247-330- 9th hour -31 students Room 222

Teacher Vicky Landherr

December 15 & 16
1st hour - 30
4th hour - 22
5th hour - 36
6th hour - 21
8th hour - 28
9th hour - 32

Teacher Derek Holz

February 23 & 24
1st hour - 28
4th hour - 30
5th hour - 23
6th hour - 30
8th hour - 35
9th hour - 30

Teacher Steve Sankey

Dates April 16 & 17
*class sizes similiar to Derek's

Erica M Wiltberger
Team Leader PE/Health
Carpentersville Middle School

From: John A. Schuldt []

Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 10:37 AM
To: wiltberger, erica
Subject: RE: Dates


The firefighter called the wrong school. We teach fire safety to K-5.

As for the Save A Life Classes, can you confirm the dates, the times, how many classes and
the number of student in each class.


Chief Schuldt

Original Message
From: wiltberger, erica []
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2008 8:04 AM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: RE: Dates

From what I understand, a fireman from C'ville Fire called our assistant prinicpal, Asia
Gurney. He said that he always comes to talk about fire safety with our students. Ms.
Gurney asked what the fire safety talk was about, and I told her I would try and find
out. Of course, she did not give a name of who was calling her. But I do not think the
fire safety talk is the same as the Save A Life Program. Ms. Gurney was under the
impression they could have been the same thing? Anyways, I think lines were getting
crossed over here.
We are asking the fire and safety talk be combined with the Save a Life Program but we
do not want to take away important time you may need with the students. Sorry about the

Erica M Wiltberger
Team Leader PE/Health
Carpentersville Middle School

From: John A. Schuldt []

Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 2:51 PM
To: wiltberger, erica
Subject: RE: Dates

I do not understand your question. Are you asking if we can combined the save a life
training and fire safety.


Original Message
From: wiltberger, erica []
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 8:42 AM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: RE: Dates

Hi there!

Do you know who comes to speak to us regarding a fire safety talk? My administration is
asking if this can be done with the Save a Life Program?
Erica M Wiltberger
Team Leader PE/Health
Carpentersville Middle School

From: John A. Schuldt []

Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 2:38 PM
To: wiltberger, erica
Subject: RE: Dates

The October classes would be impossible to do. Can these two be done in November. The rest
are OK

Call me if you would like to talk.


Original Message
From: wiltberger, erica []
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 5:43 PM
To: John A. Schuldt
Subject: Dates

Mr. was so nice to meet you the other night! I am very excited that you can
be flexible with our need at CMS. We would like the students to benefit the most from the
program and this would be the easiest way.

Can you send someone for my health classes Monday October 20th and 21st?
For Vicky - December 15th and 16th
Derek - February 15th and 16th
Steve - April 20th and 21st

Erica M Wiltberger 847-815-3111

Team Leader PE/Health
Carpentersville Middle School
Please save trees. Print only when necessary.

E-MAIL CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Illinois has a very broad public records law. Most written
communications {including email) to or from school district officials and staff are public
records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications may
therefore be subject to public disclosure.

John A. Schuldt
Fire Chief

1200 L.W. Besinger Drive ♦ Carpentersville, Illinois 60110
Telephone (847) 426-2131 ♦ Fax (847) 426-3853 ♦ TDD (847) 426-8677

November 13,2008

Ms. Carrie Viehweg

Save A Life Foundation
9950 W. Lawrence Avenue
Suite 300
Schiller Park, Illinois 60176

Dear Carrie:

I am happy to report that I have a signed agreement between the Village of

Carpentersville and the Save A Life Foundation, I have enclosed an original agreement
signed by our Village President. As we have indicated before, I will be the contact person
for the Village.

To comply with the requirement to provide a planning document to you addressing our
implementation plan for the instruction of the program, I offer the following:

Will be teaching roughly 700- 7th and 8tK graders at Carpentersville Middle School.

We will be using three days of classes to instruct each student. This is due to a 40 minute
class period and to achieve the recommended 120 minutes of instruction for this age
group. December 10th, 11th, and 12th will be instructing 164 students. December 15th,
16th, and 17th will be instructing 169. April 7th, 8th, and 9* will be instructing 176. April
13th, 14th, and 15th will be instructing 184.

The instructors will be paid by the department due to the extended classes and the
department will submit an invoice to Save A Life for $1.00 for teaching (times) the total
number of students taught. This check will need to be a made out to the Carpentersville
Fire Department. It is my understanding that funds are available out of the money that
President Sarto raised. The amount raised was $5,450 with $2,772 going for instructing
of students, $693 stipend for instructors, which leaves $1,985 as a balance.

© o M ^ a* G&eflefr &fe&04>k6w... dii^s^W

Save A Life Letter-page 2

Please advise if I need to provide anything else to you. I look forward to working with
you and provide this education to our students. I have received the training books,
completion cards, scantron, and posters.

C; Village Manager Craig Anderson

National Headquarters
' W O \V Lawiente A M ; Sic 300
Schiller Paik. Illinois 60176 1 2 l(>
I'll (847) 928-9687,
I : H V 1,847)'j;>«-%84
Wrbsilc www Kiilf otji

Carol J. Spizzirri
Founder / President

August 25, 2008

Grand Victoria Foundation

230 West Monroe Street, Suite 2530
Chicago, IL 60606

Dear Grand Victoria Foundation:

Save A Life Foundation (SALF) is a 501(C)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to training

school children in life supporting first aid skills (LSFA). With the motto..."Trained hands save
lives", SALF is the only national affiliate of the Department of Homeland Security's Citizen Corps
specializing in emergency preparing school-age children and youth. Since its inception in 1993,
more than a million school-aged children and youth have been trained, in SALF basic LSFA

Carol J. Spizzirri founded SALF following an automobile accident that claimed the life of her 18-
year-old daughter Christina. Ms. Spizzirri working with the IL General Assembly was
responsible for the passage of SB1477, which mandates first aid / CPR training for all Illinois
police officers and firefighters. In 1994, with the assistance of Dr. Peter Safar (father of CPR)
and Dr. Henry Heimlich (Heimlich maneuver), Ms. Spizzirri developed age appropriate K-12
training modules, which are typically taught in our schools by local emergency medical service
(EMS) professionals.

Save A Life Foundation is requesting a grant of $5,000 from Grand Victoria Foundation in order
to provide age-appropriate basic life supporting first aid skills training, including: recognizing
emergencies, activating emergency medical services, scene safety, bleed control, rescue
breathing, burn treatment, treatment of shock, abdominal thrusts for choking victims,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation and an introduction to use of automatic external defibrillators, to
students with Community Unit School District 300 in Illinois.

Community Unit School District 300 is primarily located in Kane and McHenry Counties, with
small portions in Cook and DeKalb Counties. The municipalities wholly or partially within the
district include Carpentersville, Algonquin, Cary, Lake-in-the-Hills, East Dundee, West Dundee,
Hampshire, Pingree Grove, Sleepy Hollow, Elgin, Hoffman Estates, Barrington Hills and Fox
River Grove

The District has fifteen (K-5) elementary schools, one intermediate school, four middle schools,
two combined elementary and middle schools and four high schools. There are a total of
19,502 students, with 9,508 in elementary, 4,378 in middle and 5,616 in high school. Save A
Life Foundation and the Village of Carpentersville would like to train 800 students in the
Community Unit School District 300 with focus on grades 5m and 6,h grade enrolled at Lakewood
Elementary and Liberty Elementary schools.
The implications this program would have on the students are numerous. The lessons learned
early in life establish behavioral patterns for the rest of our life and become a part of a person's
core beliefs and values. Not only will the children trained through Save A Life be able to take
action to save their own lives, minimize injuries and lend aid to the injured or ill following an
accident, but they will be learn how important a life truly is, leading to possible reductions in
youth violence and gang activity. This program will teach the students of District 300 that a life
is worth saving and is therefore a positive way to put these children on the right path in life.

The Carpentersville Fire Department has been trained by Save A Life Foundation to carry out
training throughout Community Unit School District 300. All of Carpentersville's instructors are
credentialed EMS professionals; teaching skills used every day as first responders, emergency
medical technicians, paramedics and firefighters. Chief Schuldt will work with the SALF Illinois
State Office to coordinate instructor schedules, course materials and equipment for training of
the students. The state health and education approved courses being provided are time
sensitive and can easily be arranged to accommodate a classroom teacher's schedule,
requiring only 1 hour of classroom instruction for grades 5th and 6th, A substantial portion of
the course is dedicated to hands on practice of abdominal thrusts and CPR skills utilizing infant,
child and adult mannequins. SALF has found that, after three months the average student
retains 97 percent of their LSFA skills, and 57 percent of these children demonstrate an
increased desire to assist others in a medical emergency. Save A Life Foundation programs
have a proven track record of producing bystanders who will act due to increased knowledge,
confidence and a desire to come to the aid of others in emergencies.

Save A Life Foundation and the Carpentersville Fire Department are eager to work with Grand
Victoria Foundation in order to enhance and expand youth development within your service
area. The life supporting first aid skills training has a proven record of positively affecting youth
who are involved in the programs resulting in their preparedness for emergencies, possession
of increased awareness of dangers prior to and following accidents, an improved willingness to
respond, and utilization of life supporting first aid skills.

Thank you for your consideration. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may


Carrie Viehweg
\ I
-/ Mayor Bill Sarto
State Director Village of Carpentersville, Illinois
Save A Life Foundation 1200 L.W. BesingerDr.
520 E, Capitol St. Carpentersville, IL 60110
Springfield, IL 62701 847-426-3439
Program Budget:
SALF Life Supporting First Aid Training for Community Unit School District 300

Item Description Item Cost Total Cost

Student Kits 800 X $4.75 = $3800.00
(Includes Student Training Manuals,
Scantron forms, and student completion
Instructor Stipend $800.00 $4600.00
Travel Expenses $400.00 $5000.00
Total $5,000.00

SALF will pay training expenses in excess of the $5000.00 projected budget.

Sorry it took my a little to get back to you.

We are teaching 166 students December 10,11, and 12th. We are suing three days 40 minutes
each class in order to achive the 120 minutes of instruction.

We have 169 students scheduled for scheduled for December 15,15, and 17th.

These are a mixture of 7th and 8th graders.

We also have classes set for next spring. I sent a letter to Carrie listing all of this training. Let me
know if you need anything else.

Chief Schuldt

From: Neil Baltz []

Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 1:30 PM
To: Gary Pitney; Eric Brandmeyer; Mike Cromis; Gloria Singleton-Young; KentTomblin; Carrie
Viehweg; Greg Walters; John A. Schuldt
Subject: SALF Conference Call
Importance: High

Good afternoon everyone,

We didn't have much of a response to the branch conference call, so I'll try to get this done via
email. The only pressing item from the Conference Call Agenda is the Training Reports.

All branch facilitators are to provide training figures including both school training and paid
training classes from July 1st through December31st2008. If you have training schedule
between no and the end of the month, please give me an estimate of the number for those
classes. If you have done paid training we will also need a list of deposits from those training
presentations. Please provide your training reports to me by the end of the day on Friday.
If Friday is going to be a problem, let me know and we'll figure it out. I will be using these
figures for my Board of Directors Report due at the end of the month.

That is it for now.



Neil Baltz
National Program Manager
Save A Life Foundation, Incorporated
9950 West Lawrence Avenue, Suite 300
Schiller Park, Illinois 60176-1216
Phone 847 928 9683 Fax 847 928 9684
John A. Schuldt
Fire Chief

1200 L.W, Besinger Drive ♦ Carpentersville, Illinois 60110
Telephone (847) 426-2131 ♦ Fax (847) 426-3853 ♦ TDD (847) 426-8677

April 17,2009

Ms. Carol Spizzirri

Save A Life Foundation
9950 W. Lawrence Avenue Ste 300
Schiller Park, Illinois 60176

Dear Carol:

I hope this letter finds you well. As you are probably aware, the economic times are
hitting everyone and we are feeling it in Carpentersville. The public education budget of
the fire department was almost completely eliminated as well as we had to reduce our
employee overtime costs. These reductions have resulted in us facing the possibility of
not being able to continue teaching the Save A Life program with the Village.

As outlined in the agreement between the Save A Life Foundation and the Village of
Carpentersville, it states that we will train 1,000 students each year. We most likely will
not be able meet this requirement, therefore, please let this letter serve as notice of such.
We will continue to seek donations and apply for any grants that apply to this type of
teaching. If we are able to raise donations to continue this program, we will inform you as
soon as we can.

Let me end by saying that the students we have trained really enjoyed the training and
will be better prepared in case they encounter a situation in which they can assist.

,. Sincerely, ^—-■—>,
<; Ac^jA r—=
John Schuldt
Fire Chief )

C; Manager Craig Anderson

President Sarto

Q&m&av^'€& G&dfefr (3&mM4xw... S%da&/

John A. Schuldt
Fire Chief

1200 L.W. Besingsr Drive ♦ Carpentersville, Illinois 60110
Telephone (847) 426-2131 ♦ Fax (847) 426-3853 ♦ TDD (847) 426-8677

April 17, 2009

Mr. Neil Baltz

National Program Manager
Save A Life Foundation
9950 West Lawrence Avenue Suite 300
Schiller Park, Illinois 60176-1216

Dear Neil:

We have completed our instruction of the 7th grade students at Carpentersville Middle
School. As you recall, we taught 277 students in the fall of last year. Over the past week,
we instructed 239 students. I have included the scantrons as well as the evaluation forms
with this letter. I also included an invoice to cover the cost of instructing as well as
materials which were used. Please direct that reimbursement to my attention.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

CB&ttM&v^' c& Q&efl&fr G%?m<n#0W'... S%da&>-

Carpentersviiie Fire Department Invoice No. 09-001
| Attention Fire Chief John Schuidt
1200 L.W. Besinger Drive
Carpentersviiie, Illinois 60110

iKwa>a^i^a^i»»>aM^atw«j^w>»^^ INVOICE
^— Customer
Name Save A Life Foundation Date 4/17/2009
Address 9950 W. Lawrence Avnue Suite 300 Order No.
City Schiller Park, IL ZIP 60176-1216 Rep
Phone FOB

Description TOTAL
239 Student Instruction- $1.00
7th and 8th Grade Students
Carpentersviiie Milldle School

239 $0.30 m-^u^M&k

Manikin Face Shields

100 $0.44 \iM^;y.^MBm-

Manikin Lungs

f \
Make Checks Payable to
Carpentersviiie Fire Department
TOTAL $354.70


Smoke Detectors Save Lives

John A. Schuldt
Fire Chief

1200 L.W. Besinger Drive ♦ Carpentersville, Illinois 60110
Telephone (847) 426-2131 ♦ Fax (847) 426-3853 ♦ TDD (847) 426-8677

October 22, 2009

Carol J. Spizzirri
Save A Life Foundation
9950 W. Lawrence Ave., Ste. 300
Schiller Park, IL 60176

Dear Ms. Spizzirri,

I am writing to you regarding the Village of Carpentersville's unused funds that

Save a Life Foundation has in their possession. I have made several attempts to
contact your organization regarding this issue and I am disappointed that I have
not received a response to either my phone messages or emails.

Former Village President Sarto worked very hard to raise funds for your program
and the businesses that donated believed the money was going toward teaching
the students, not simply to Save a Life. Since your program is no longer being
offered and the money raised belongs to our community, I respectfully request
that you return the remaining funds to the Village of Carpentersville. Please
issue a check payable to the Village of Carpentersville and send it to my attention
at 1200 L.W. Besinger Drive, Carpentersville, IL 60110. I also request that you
refrain from using our community in any of your advertising materials.

If I do not hear from you in the next 30 days, I will proceed with other means to
recoup the funding that is due us.


c: Village Attorney

(B&ta&fao' t& Q&g$efr Qwmtmxwt'... G%?d<z^

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