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The single-event effect evaluation technology for nano integrated circuits

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2015 J. Semicond. 36 115002


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Vol. 36, No. 11 Journal of Semiconductors November 2015

The single-event effect evaluation technology for nano integrated circuits

Zheng Hongchao(郑宏超)1; Ž , Zhao Yuanfu(赵元富)1 , Yue Suge(岳素格)1; 2 , Fan Long(范隆)1 ,
Du Shougang(杜守刚)1 , Chen Maoxin(陈茂鑫)1 , and Yu Chunqing(于春青)1
1 Beijing Microelectronics Technology Institute, Beijing 100076, China
2 Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Beijing 100191, China

Abstract: Single-event effects of nano scale integrated circuits are investigated. Evaluation methods for single-
event transients, single-event upsets, and single-event functional interrupts in nano circuits are summarized and
classified in detail. The difficulties in SEE testing are discussed as well as the development direction of test tech-
nology, with emphasis placed on the experimental evaluation of a nano circuit under heavy ion, proton, and laser
irradiation. The conclusions in this paper are based on many years of testing at accelerator facilities and our present
understanding of the mechanisms for SEEs, which have been well verified experimentally.

Key words: single-event effect; heavy ion test; radiation evaluation method
DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/36/11/115002 EEACC: 2570

1. Introduction However, the definition of the failure standards for mixed-

signal, large-scale integrated circuits, is not given in these stan-
With the progress of semiconductor technology, the proba- dards. The classification methods for error statistics and the
bility of single-event transients (SETs) and single-event upsets traditional approach for evaluating the single-event effect in-
(SEUs) in nanometer-scale integrated circuits has increased. dex of sub-modules are not suitable for evaluating the single-
The critical charge threshold for single event effects (SEEs) is event performance in all applications. Therefore, experimental
reduced, while the probability of single-event-induced charge schemes for each test program are customized.
sharing has increased due to the reduction of cell area. This
There is no uniform standard specified in the functional
has led to a new class of SEE called multi-bit/multi-cell upset
evaluation, so it is difficult to compare the performance of dif-
(MBU/MCU)Œ1 .
ferent circuits. Furthermore, the definitions of Weibull fitting,
Therefore, the evaluation methods of single-event effects LET threshold, saturated cross section, and evaluation of error
should increase in number for nanometer-scale circuits since rates on-orbit are different across different standards. In the ac-
the SEE sensitivity has increased. Furthermore, it is difficult tual operation, there is a large statistical error for some defini-
to configure and test complex circuits such as a mixed-signal tions (e.g., it is difficult to perform a Weibull fit on the actual
system on a chip (SOC) with tens of millions of logic gates. test data if the fitting degree of the actual test data is not high,
Novel circuit structures of a design for test (DFT) nature or the deviation for extracting the saturation section and LET
have been investigated and designed for the SEE evaluation of threshold is great). In addition, there is no uniform prescription
various circuit modules. Novel evaluation methods of single for the fitting software and error rate evaluation software in the
event function interrupt (SEFI) in complex applications have standards, which causes deviation during the processing of test
also been explored, as well as high frequency and high speed data.
online test technology. In this paper, the SEE evaluation tech- In summary, the existing standard and specification system
nology of nanometer-scale circuits is divided into four parts: is not fully applicable to nanometer-scale radiation hardened
assessment standard, evaluation method, testing technology, ICs, and the single-event effects at all possible levels of nano
and radiation testing. technology need further study. In order to meet the require-
ments for single-event effects evaluation of nanometer IC, a
2. Evaluation standards more detailed evaluation method of the test needs to be devel-
oped on the basis of the existing standard and specification.
Currently, the existing standards for single-event test- The test flow for heavy-ion-induced SEUs is shown in Fig-
ing are ESCC-25100, MIL-STD750E, ASTM-F1192, JESD57, ure 1Œ1 . The first test should be performed at a high LET in
and JESD89Œ2 6 . A common feature of the above standards is order to establish limits for the basic cross section range of
that the operation procedure of single-event testing is described the device under test (DUT). In the measurement of the SEU
in detail and the number of samples in heavy-ion radiation, ion cross section, the bias voltage is chosen according to the cir-
energy, dose rate, total ionizing dose, and other requirements cuit technology types (such as minimum voltage of standard
are clearly defined. The standards are suitable for evaluating a bulk-silicon devices) to ensure that the DUT operates under the
circuit (such as SRAM and A) for a single function or structure worst-case conditions. The particle fluencies should reach 1 
and for radiation tests of a class of single-event effects (such 107 cm 2 or the number of upsets achieved should be 100. The
as SEU and SEL). fluence should be increased to 5  107 cm 2 in cases where

† Corresponding author. Email:

Received 11 June 2015, revised manuscript received 23 July 2015 © 2015 Chinese Institute of Electronics

J. Semicond. 2015, 36(11) Zheng Hongchao et al.

Figure 1. Test flow of heavy-ion SEUs.

Figure 2. SEU/SET test system diagram of nano-scale IC.

there are no SEUs measured to determine the LET threshold of
the DUT. The DUT current must be monitored in real time dur-
ing the experiment to determine whether an SEL happens and tion/structure circuits (such as SRAM, FLASH, ADDA,
the current suddenly increases and cannot recover. SEL eval- FPGA, and CDC) is relatively mature internationally. Based
uation should be performed under the worst-case condition of on the fact that the types of SEEs indifferent circuits
high temperature at 125 ıC, the highest LET, and the maxi- have been thoroughly studied, the SEE test schedules for
mum bias voltage. The SEU data will be enhanced by chang- SEU, SET, SEFI, SEL, SEB, and SEGR effects are well-
ing ion types and LETs and repeating the experiment. Further- established. When the technology is scaled to the nanome-
more, angle tests at 30ı and 45ı can be carried out to obtain ter level, the single-event evaluation method for a single
the MBU/MCU sensitivity of the DUT. It is worth mentioning function/structure of the circuit is still applicable, but the
that the irradiation angle of horizontal and vertical direction LET threshold of circuits is lower. Therefore, the number
can have differing MBU/MCU sensitivity. The total ionizing of single-event effects will be higher. For a variety of func-
dose of DUT should be calculated at the last stage of the ex- tions/structure of nano-scale complex mixed-signal integrated
periment and should not exceed 80% of the DUT maximum circuits (such as SOC, ASIC)Œ7 9 , a system can feature large-
TID to ensure that the DUT can work properly for accuracy scale, multi-module, complex-functions for the integration of
of the SEU test. According to the specification, the test should the analog/digital IP, PLL, high-speed interface, memory units
include at least 5 different LETs and the number of samples (DFF/SRAM/CACHE/REG), and other circuit structures. This
should be 3 or more. The experiment test data are fitted to a type of circuit tends to have a variety of single-event effects and
Weibull curve to obtain the saturation error cross section and different programs show different sensitivity to single-event
LET threshold. The LET threshold is defined as the maximum effects. In recent years, the study of SEE evaluation methods on
LET at which no SEUs are detected, while another definition is complex, mixed-signal circuits can be divided into two ways:
the LET value of the 1% (or 10%) of the saturation error cross (1) The test method of SEU/SET is executed based on the
section on the Weibull curve. Proton SEE testing is suggested built-in-self-test. Figure 2 shows the SEU/SET test system di-
when the LET threshold of the DUT used on the LEO track is agram.
less than 40 MeVcm2 /mg and especially if the LET threshold This method is mainly used to evaluate the characteris-
is less than 15 MeVcm2 /mg. Proton tests are generally per- tics of SET and SEU inside sensitive cells by sub-module.
formed below 200 MeV, and the test procedure and method The built-in-self-test usually contains a scan chain test method,
are the same as with heavy-ions, except that the metric used is which strings the internal trigger as a chainŒ10; 11 , and the SET
not LET but MeV. and SEU occurring in flip–flops can be evaluated through real-
time statistics from the output errors. In order to ensure the
3. Evaluation method accuracy of SET testsŒ12; 13 , the focus of current study is on
improving the clock tree structure of the scan chain, which im-
When high-energy particles pass through the critical re- proves the operating frequency of the scan chain toward the
gions of a phase-locked loop (PLL) circuit, the ion strike de- maximum operating frequency of the circuit. A memory built-
posits energy and generates electron-hole pairs. These gener- in-self-test (MBIST) methodŒ14 using MARCH algorithms to
ated charge carriers can then be collected at the device termi- write/read all the RAM cells traversing the entire address and
nals, leading to a transient current pulse on the struck node. the number of errors, which is shown in the forms of pulse, is
The current pulses have a negative impact on the function of counted automatically. The focus of the current study is to lo-
the PLL and can disrupt the system. A PLL system consists of cate the address where SEU occurs, in order to distinguish be-
many sub-circuits, so there are many sensitive nodes in a sin- tween the SBU (single-bit upsets) and MBU (multi-bit upsets);
gle PLL circuit. However, not all nodes sensitive to ion strikes the method of capturing SET by pulse width detection circuit is
will cause a serious impact on the output of the PLLŒ2 . to connect the output of combinational logic to a custom latch
The research for single-event effects in single func- chain. When an SET occurs in the combinational logic circuit,

J. Semicond. 2015, 36(11) Zheng Hongchao et al.

Figure 3. The evaluation method of single event effects under a certain application.

it is transmitted to the latch chain with a delay function. Based differing degrees of impact. The latter can be corrected by pro-
on the output value of the latch, the pulse width of SET can gramming a detection mechanism, or operation errors can be
be estimated and the statistics of the number of SET can be avoided by regular updates. Therefore, the statistics of these
obtained. two phenomena require their respective tests to be done sepa-
The method for the read and return instructions of register rately. When measuring the indicators of a single-event func-
(REG)/cache is to compile program instructionsŒ15 . Fixed data tional error in a circuit, the total number of errors or interrup-
is written to register and cache, and then read back in real time tions should be chosen according to the application require-
during irradiation to determine if SEUs occur. In the end, a sta- ments.
tistical number of SEUs is obtained. The evaluation of a single Based on the evaluation method of duty cycle, the func-
module with one SEE can be easily achieved by the built-in- tional evaluation of a CPU with PERM and TOWER programs
self-test described above and then the intrinsic sensitivity of is carried out to get the single event cross section under differ-
each individual memory cell can be determined. ent applications, which is compared with the results of heavy-
(2) The evaluation method for the target circuit in the ap- ion irradiation. The results of Cl and Ti ions are shown in Table
plication state. 1, in which the duty cycle is equal to the application cross sec-
tion divided by the intrinsic cross section. It can be seen that
It has been proposed that the usage of internal resources
the maximum deviation of the duty cycle is no more than 20%,
is determined by the software executed on the target cir-
which means the evaluation method of the duty cycle can be
cuitŒ16; 17 . The SEE sensitivity of complex, large scale inte-
used effectively to evaluate the single-event cross section on
grated circuits varies greatly across different test programs and
complex large-scale integrated circuits under different appli-
different operating modes. All these phenomena can be due to
the impact of the duty cycle of the program. The duty cycle
is the percentage of time that the resource is active. The us-
ages of the functional units are different in the implementation 4. Testing technology
of the application test programs but are less than 100%. The
SEUs that occur in unused registers and memory will have no SEE experiments using heavy-ion accelerators generally
effect on the device. In order to evaluate the SEE sensitivity of require the development of a specialized SEE test system. The
devices overall, the discrepancy of single-event effects sensi- test system requires remote control and real-time data collec-
tivity caused by different test programs is considered. An eval- tion, and the test board size and the size of the test equipment
uation method to predict the applied cross section of complex is limited by the available space at the test siteŒ17 19 . There-
integrated circuits under different test programs is determined, fore, the board-level embedded test system set up combined
which is based on the duty cycle. Different test programs call with small-scale measurement equipment, high speed data ac-
for different resources at different times. Through the design quisition boards, and real-time data acquisition are used during
of different test programs, the instructions for each functional experiments and data is stored in the control computer. The
unit are separately controlled by the test programs. By combin- problems of the nano circuits test are shown in Figure 4.
ing the intrinsic cross section and the duty cycle, the applied Nanoscale digital VLSI circuits operating frequencies can
cross section under different test programs can be predicted. reach 300 MHz or more. The data bus transfer is rated up to
Further, the intrinsic cross section of each functional unit can 400 Mbps and the number of test pins is over 400. The FPGAŒ7
be determined by the test results of SEE under different test and ARM-based embedded systems can only operate at a fre-
programs. Therefore, the error rate of the target circuit under quency of about 200 MHz when monitoring 100 pins. It is dif-
any test program can be obtained. The test mode which gen- ficult to meet the multi-pin test, while maintaining high-speed
erated the largest error rate is the worst-case test mode. The control.
evaluation method of single-event effects under a certain ap- The hardware of the test system needs to focus on high-
plication is illustrated in Figure 3. speed SEE error test technology and functional application
During the evaluation of single-event effects, two effects test miniaturization technology. We can design and build a
between functional interrupt and instantaneous functional er- dedicated high-speed data acquisition card combining multi-
ror should be distinguished. The former refers to an interrup- ple systems into a hybrid test system. The FPGA-based multi-
tion that occurs due to the program runaway, and an external distribution mode test systems can also be applied. For a nano-
reset is needed to recover; the latter refers to an instantaneous circuits SEE test board, the requirements of anti-surge, ground
functional error which can resume normal operation automat- bounce, and signal reflection of electromagnetic interference
ically after a period of abnormal operation of the circuit. Both will be higher than micro-circuitry regardless of what kind of
of the two belong to the single-event functional error but have speed the test system is capable of. For the evaluation of the ac-

J. Semicond. 2015, 36(11) Zheng Hongchao et al.
Table 1. Comparison of evaluation and experiment cross section results.
ICON LET Mode Intrinsic cross Experiment Soft Experiment Soft Deviation
(MeVcm2 /mg) section application application duty factor duty factor (%)
(cm2 /dev) cross section cross section (fi-e) (%) (fi-s) (%)
(cm2 /dev) (cm2 /dev)
Cl 13.6 PERM 2.13  10 4 1.55  10 5 1.66  10 5 7.28 7.8 6.67
Cl 13.6 TOWER 2.13  10 4 2.33  10 5 2.42  10 5 10.94 11.37 3.78
Ti 22.2 PERM 2.03  10 4 1.87  10 5 1.58  10 5 9.21 7.8 18.1
Ti 22.2 TOWER 2.03  10 4 2.35  10 5 2.31  10 5 11.58 11.37 1.85

the development of LVDS technology, the above problems

have been alleviated to some extent. LVDS can achieve low
supply voltage and small voltage swing. For a difference sig-
nal bias of 1.2 V, a 400 mV swing can be achieved, and the
most extreme contributions to noise are eliminated. LVDS can
work under any power supply voltage, which can realize the
stability of the power supply system. The power supply sys-
tem can be changed little when the power supply voltage of
the power supply voltage dependence is lower.
In the test system software design, the low-efficiency of
the code in test vectors and state control should be resolved in
order to ensure that SEE errors can be captured as quickly as
possible by optimizing data storage structures and algorithms,
control code size, and software delay. Then we can build a
Figure 4. The problems of nano circuits test. more complete state control to meet different application fea-
tures and switching conditions at a variable configuration, and
curacy of single-particle test data results, signal lines of equal errors can be traced back to determine the time and area of SEE
length and the opposite signal canceling interference meth- errors. Additionally the common state control and high-speed
ods need to be considered in order to avoid disturbance rejec- data transmission IP modules need to be established to meet the
tion caused by system abnormalities. Additionally, more high- engineering requirements of different test circuits in the same
speed ether net protocol needs to be developed because of the platform control.
low transfer rate of the RS232/485 and the transmission dis-
tance limit of USB. 5. Radiation test
The signal will be affected by routing and layout in nano-
scale circuits test board because of the signal arrival time in- Three methods can be used for experimental investigation
consistency in each node and the reflected signal also reaching of SEEs: heavy-ion, proton and laser irradiation. Obviously
a node inconsistently, resulting in deterioration of signal qual- particle irradiation tests require access to an adequate accel-
ity. In general, the same number of multi-node branches can erator facilityŒ20 . Laser testing at a pulsed laser facility can
be controlled by star topology where signal transmission and be used in SEE evaluation and sensitivity analysis without the
reflection time delay are equal, which improves signal quality. need for access to expensive accelerator facilities.
Power supply stability contributes to the increasingly- Five ion species with varying LET would be used to evalu-
strict requirements of nano integrated circuits. The high-speed ate the threshold of latch up and SEE saturation cross section in
switching of circuit will inevitably produce power line volt- the heavy ion experiment, which requires a maximum ion LET
age drop and electromagnetic interference with high-frequency of more than 75 MeVcm2 /mg. The remaining four species de-
components. Multiple methods are used to reduce the inter- termine the SEE threshold and Weibull curve. The LET thresh-
ference from the power supply system. First, the analog and old of nanoscale digital circuits would be 20 MeVcm2 /mg or
digital power supply in a nano-circuit test board will be sepa- less. Since accelerators only generate specific LET values, in
rated and connected together at the input to the power supply. order to reduce the statistical error LET threshold value, one
Second, power lines will be kept in parallel with the ground kind of ion LET with a threshold of more than 20 would be ap-
line as far as possible, and at the same time, the power wire, plied, with the remaining three species around the SEE thresh-
ground wire, and the direction of data transmission must be in old and having one ion species with LET below the SEE thresh-
the same direction. Lastly, decoupling capacitors on one side of old.
the power line will reduce the power line voltage fluctuations. The effective LET of energetic nuclear recoils induced by
The higher demands for signal bandwidth would also be high-energy proton collisions in Si material is calculated to be
implemented in the nanoscale integrated circuits by utilizing about 15 MeVcm2 /mg. Therefore, the proton SEE cannot be
the application of multi-channel transmission. The traditional neglected for nano-circuits with the SEE threshold of no more
point-to-point physical layer interface is clearly not suitable for than 15 MeVcm2 /mg, especially for the crafts applied on the
increasing data transmission rates, due to its slow speed slow, LEO orbit. Thus, the proton experiment should be considered
power consumption, noise and other performance factors. With for nano-circuits. The proton SEE test procedures and require-

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