Origin of The Universe

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Origin of the Universe

According to Stephen Hawking (1988)

“A Briefly history of Time”
• “One may say that time had a beginning.
• If the Universe is expanding, there may be physical reason why there had to be a beginning.
Ø Primordial Nucleosynthesis
Ø Stellar Nucleosynthesis
• The universe begins ~13.7 Billion years ago.
• The universe begins as the size of a single atom.
• All matter and space were created from a single point of pure energy in an instant.
• It is the Rapid expansion of the Universe.
• There is no explosion happen.
Ø Hubble’s Law
Ø Primordial Nucleosynthesis (“Light Elements”) and Stellar Nucleosynthesis (“Heavy Elements”)
1. Shape of an atom to larger 1 (grapefruit size). Inflation (Increasing of size)
2. Formation of electron, quark and other particle…… electron gives light ( it is called “after glow”
properly known “Cosmic Microwave Background” (CMB)
3. Strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force and gravity
4. Formation of Proton and neutrons,
5. Formation of light elements (hydrogen and helium)
6. Dark ages, Hydrogen atom clamping together
7. due To gravity and cooling it condensed and form dust clouds and galaxies stars and planets.
1. Super fast Inflation 10!"# 𝑠𝑒c
• The Cosmos goes through a superfast “inflation” expanding from the size of an atom to that of a
grapefruit in a tiny fraction of a second.
2. Quarks Era 𝟏𝟎!"$ 𝒔𝒆𝒄
𝟏𝟎$% degree Celcius
• Post inflation, the Universe is seething hot soup of electron quarks and other particle.
3. Natural Law𝟏𝟎!& 𝒔𝒆𝒄.
𝟏𝟎'" degree Celcius
• A rapidly cooling cosmos permits quarks to clump into proton and neutrons.
4. Hadron and lepton Era 𝟏𝟎!( 𝒔𝒆𝒄
𝟏𝟎) degree Celcius
• Still to hot to form into atom, charge electron and proton prevent light from shining, the universe is
a superhot fog.

5. Nucleosynthesis 1sec
10,000 degree celcius
• Electron combine with proton and neutron to form atoms, mostly hydrogen and Helium, light can
finally shine.
6. Opaque Era 200Sec
-200 degree celcius
• Gravity makes hydrogen and helium collapsed to form giant clouds that will become galaxies.
• Smaller clumps of gas collapse to form first star.
7. Birth of the Universe 300k years
-270 degree celcius
• As galaxies cluster together under gravity, the first star die and spew heavy elements into space.
This eventually form into new stars and planets
Hubble’s Law by Edwin Hubble
a) Hubble observed the majority of galaxies are moving away from us and each other
b) The farther, the faster they move
c) Red Shift
Primordial Nucleosynthesis
• The origin and production of “LIGHT” Elements.
• Mainly refer to Hydrogen (𝐻 * ) and Helium (He) and their Isotopes
• Nuclear Fusion
Stellar Nucleosynthesis
• Origin and production of Heavy Elements from lighter elements.
} Most non-metallic Elements are gases at room temperature
} F, Cl, O, N, H, and the noble Gases
} Combination of non-metallic elements produces molecular Covalent Compounds
Ø Ionic bonding is a type of chemical bonding that involves the electrostatic attraction between
oppositely charged ions.
Ø Metal and Non-Metal

Diatomic Molecules
Ø Molecules made up of two atoms.
Ø There are 7 diatomic molecules.
Ø H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2
Covalent bond
Ø is a chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms.
Ø Also known as “Molecular Bond”
Ø Non-Metal and Non-Metal

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