Completion Message

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Life is filled with accomplishments.

Whether big or small, I believe that all deserve to be acknowledged,

recognized and celebrated in any way. And for that, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations
for your achievement today.
To the parents, who brought their children to junior high school four years ago, congratulations and a big
salute for uniquely contributing in forming a now more confident, competent, hopeful and more
compassionate future citizen.
To the teachers, who successfully played as second parents to these young children, I have nothing but
respect and admiration for all your efforts and sacrifices in molding these students become who they are
today – a better version of themselves.
And now to you my dear completers, as you are in the phase of your life when things are about to change,
take time to reminisce all the things you had in the last four years and ponder how you can use them in
the next two more years of high school.
Your school has done its job. They have given their best to deliver quality education to you to the best
way they can and through the best possible facility they can provide. They have given you the necessary
tools – academically, morally and spiritually in order for you to face life ahead more responsibly and
So as you enter the gateway of Senior High School, take it as an opportunity to grow more as a student
and develop as a frontrunner of the future. Do not forget to have fun but don’t take your studies for
granted. Remember, that one of the best treasures on earth is your education. So if you invest and work
for it, it will surely pay you with success.
One thing more, I would like tell you that you were born for a great purpose. You are needed by this
country and in this world. You have a great role in making this nation a better place to live in. Never
doubt your good purpose because of your past failures. Whatever failures you had in the past won’t define
who you are. What matters more is your attitude towards your failure – did you let it consume you or
strengthen you by learning from it? Your life in the future is never finalized by your past failures and
mistakes. You have a bright future ahead of you. It is never too late to make your life better. The best
people who can guide and help you improve your decisions in life are already around you – your parents,
teachers and the people who really care about you. So as you enter the next two years of your life, find
your passion and do your best.
Moreover, be willing to keep on learning and maintain a positive attitude. The road to success is littered
with struggles. There is no shortcut of success. So you should learn to climb every mountain of difficulty
and swim every ocean of obstacle with discipline and positive attitude. Be positive and believe that you
can do it.
Lastly, anchor your faith and trust to God – the source of all wisdom and our guidance. Trust in Him with
all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He shall
surely direct your path.
Again, congratulations.

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