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Assemble a Desktop Computer4-7Operating System and Device Driver
Creating Straight-through Cable ...12-13Modular RJ-45 Jack I/O Set-
up.14-15Patch Panel Set-up.16Router
Configuration..17 Adding Static IP Address in
Installing Domain Controller with DNS Server Role...19 Adding DHCP Server
Role.19-20Stopping Services of File Server20
Adding File Server Role..20-21 Add User in the Active Directory
Users and Computers21-23Enabling Network Discovery in
Client..23Connecting the Client to the Server
Computer..23Ping the Server24Ping the
Client..24How to Monitor the Connection of Client in the
Server.24Remote Desktop..24-25Printer
Creating System Image in Windows 7.27Howto Restore Using the Created
System Image in Windows 7.27Creating System Restore Point in Windows
7..27How toUse Restore Point in Windows 7..28How to
Disconnect the Client/User in Server or from Domain..28
First and foremost, I would like to thank GOD for giving me strength and wisdom to finish this
reviewer. Also my family and loved ones as my inspiration, and of course to all the people
(Instructors/Teachers, Students etc.) who will use this Computer Systems Servicing NC II
Reviewer .I would like to say that I made this reviewer as simple/easy as possible to follow. I
know that some of you already knew the topics here already, but I chose to include those topic
also to make this reviewer complete from the beginning until the end of the assessment. Lastly,
credits to all the owner of the materials that I used in this manual
These assumes that all parts/components were properly arranged on your working table and
well prepared.
1.Install the processor in the CPU socket by following the correct alignment of the processor in
its place and also the CPU fan. Use thermal compound/paste if necessary.
2.Install the RAM/memory card to its module by aligning to its notch.
3.Remove the side cover of thesystem/computer case.
4.Install the motherboard inside the PC case, make sure it is aligned in its stand-offswhere you
screw the motherboard. Use proper size screws.
5.Install the VGA cardin the video card slotand LAN cardin PCI slotif you have,screw these cards
6.Install the Hard Disk Drive (SATA/IDE) inside the case then connect it to themotherboard.
7.Install the CD/DVD ROM/RW (SATA/IDE) inside the caseandconnect it to themotherboard.
8.Connect the front-panel LEDs(Power/Reset button, HDD Led, front USB port)inthe
9.Install the Power Supply Unit, screw it properly and then connect the 20/24 pinsand 4 pins in
the motherboard.
10.Connect the peripherals (Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, AVR/UPS)to the system unit.Test the
Operating Systemand Device DriverInstallation:A.Windows 7/8 Installation:
1.Start/Restart yourcomputer2.Hold/Tap Delete or F2 key to access BIOS3.Set the Date and
Time4.Set USB Drive (If you are going to use USB Flash Drive Installer) or CD/DVD Drive(for
CD/DVD Installer) as the Boot Device Priority5.Plug/insert the USB Drive Installer or DVD
Installer 6.Press F10 on your keyboard to Save and Exit or go to Exit Menu of your BIOS
thenchoose Save and Exit
When Press Any Key to Boot from CD prompted, press Enter or any key just
: Press once only to avoid looping of installation)
8.Follow theinstructions properly along installation9.Partition your hard disk based on the
instruction of the Assessor 10.Format the drive you have partitioned11.Select the correct disk
drive of the Operating System12.Begin the installation of the Operating System by following the
wizard13.Put the PC and Computer Name14.Wait until setup is done
B.Windows Server 2008 Installation:
: Installing of Windows Server 2008 is almost the same with other WindowsOS like Windows 7
and 8only few changes)
1.Start/Restart your computer 2.Hold/Tap Delete or F2 key to access BIOS3.Set the Date and
Time4.Set USB Drive (If you are going to use USB Flash Drive Installer) or CD/DVD Drive(for
CD/DVD Installer) as the Boot Device Priority5.Plug/insert the USB Drive Installer or DVD
Installer 6.PressF10 on your keyboard to Save and Exit or go to Exit Menu of your BIOS
thenchoose Save and Exit
When Press Any Key to Boot from CD prompted, press Enter or any key just
Note: Press once only to avoid looping of installation)
8.Follow theinstructions properly along installation
9.Choose the type of Server OS you want like in the picture below:
10.Partition your hard disk based on the instruction of the Assessor
11.Format the drive you have partitioned12.Select the correct disk drive of theServerOperating

13.Begin the installation of the Operating System by following the wizard.

14.Put theadministrator password
C.Device Driver InstallationStep A:
1.Put your CD/DVD or USB flash drivethat contains the device driverinstaller.
2.If AutoRun is enabled,wait for the Installation Wizard, if not, Open Computerandaccess driver
3.Click Install/Setupand follow the Installation Wizard.
4.Click Finish when the driveris installed in your Computer
5.Reboot/restart your computer to apply changes.
Step B:
1.Click Start / File Explorer in Windows 8
2.Right-click Computer
3.Choose Properties
4.Click on Device Managerin the left-side.
5.Choose thehardwareyou want to update/install.
6.If you found the Unknown Device or the Device that you want to update, right-clickit and
choose UPDATE Driver
7.Browse the location where the driver files reside. This will install a new driver or update an
existing driver for your hardware.
8.Reboot/restart your computer to apply changes.
PART 2: NETWORKINGCreating Straight-through Cable:
1.Strip the UTP cable 1 to 2 inches using Wire Stripper
2.Un-twist and make the wire straightas possible
3.Arrange/sort the wires based on the wiring arrangement beloweither 568A or 568B:
4.Cut the wires before inserting it insidetheRJ-45.
Correct Way of Cutting:
Wrong Way of Cutting:
5.Crimp the RJ-45in your UTP Cable
Modular RJ-45 Jack I/O Set-up(Terminating Modular Jack I/O)
1.Stripthe cable2 to 3 inchesusing Wire Stripper.
2.Check the printed color codes inside/outsidethe modular jack
3.Positionthe wiresbasedon the printed color codes
4.Terminate the wires using Impact punch down tool

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5.Prepare theWallplateoftheModularJack
6.Insert the jack in theWallplate
7.Test the connection by:
a.)Getone (1) straight-through cable,
b.)Connectit to thecable tester and the other endof the straight-through cable
connectedtothemodular jack,
c.)Connect the other end of the modular jackwhich isRJ-45 to theother port of the cable tester
as shown in the picture below,
d.)Beginthe test.
Patch Panel Set-up (Terminating PatchPanel)
1.Determine the length of the cable base on position or location
2.Strip the cable34inches.
3.Un-twist the wires completely4.Check the printed color codes insidethe patch pane
l5.Sort the wires in its proper position
6.Choose a port on the patchpanel before terminating
7.Begin terminating each wire8.Test the connection
( Note: Testthepatch panel like the modular jack above, just replace the jack with patch panel)
RouterConfiguration (Server)
Note:Configuring a router depends on the brand andmodel of the router this means that
configuration screen may be different on each other BUT the basic functions are still there.
A. Setting-up Wireless Configuration (Server)
1.Open web browser
(Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox)2.In the address bar
type the IP address of the router
3.Type the router administrator usernameandpassword(Ex.admin,admin)
4.In the routersconfiguration screen, look for Basic Setup
5.DisableDHCP Server
6.Change the, Time Zone(Ex.GMT+08:00Singapore, Taiwan, Russia)
7.ClickSave Settingsbelow
8.ClickWireless Setup tab
9.ClickManual Setup
10.Type theSSIDof the Wi-Fi (Ex.CSS_wifi)
12.ClickWireless Security
13.ClickWPA2 Personalin security type.
14.Type thepassphrase.Wi-Fi password (Ex.Css67890)Warning:Do not forget the Wi-Fi
password, write it in a sheet of paper
.15.ClickSaveB. MAC Filtering Configuration (Server)
1.Open web browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox)
2.In the address bar type the IP address of the router (Ex.
3.Type the router administrator usernameandpassword(Ex.admin,admin)
4.In the routersconfiguration screen, look for Wireless Setup tab
5.ClickWireless MAC Filtering
6.Get the MAC Address of your computer or laptop by:a.Windows + Ror Click Start choose Run
c.Typeipconfig /all
d.Locate thePhysical Address
(MAC Address) of the computer or laptope.Copy or writeit to a piece of paper
7.Type the MAC address of your computer in theMAC address textbox
.8.Choose if you want topermitor prevent
the connection (allow or deny).

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