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To study effect of Drought on Coriander ( Coriandrum

sativum)for morpho-physiological traits.

Rinki’s thesis
Master of Science in Botany


A.I.J.H.M College (Rohtak)

Submitted to the
A.I.J.H.M College of MDU ,In partial fulfilment of the
obligation for the degree of Master of science in Botany

This is to certify that ms.Rinki has successfully completed
the comprehensive Examination held in 2020 as required
under the regulation for Master’s degree.

(Sushila Dabas)
Head of department
of botany

This is certify that the thesis that's title is “Drought stress
on coriander and it's morpho- physiological attributes in
relation to drought".
On Corianderum sativum.’’submitted for the degree of
Master of science in the subject of botany,embodies
bonafide research work carried out by Ms.Rinki under the
guidance and supervision and that not and division or part
of this thesis has been give way or any other students
thesis and in degree of any other student. .

Sushila Dabas
Head of department.

Dr. Rajkumar
(Major Advisor)

It is certified that the thesis submitted by Ms. Rinki,
student of Msc.of Botany department has been look over
and set up as per statement of the format that is circulated
and checked by Dean.



As a amateur investigator,it is a matter of pride and pleasure to

present this thesis,which is climax of my love and labour
toward my field of interest .I am veritably self-satisfied to
mention that my honored advisor accorded all his scholarly
stockpiles to design a painstaking plan that would empower
me to play on these stockpiles to bring off my research plan
.Hence ,my first and foremost sincere thanks and bottomless
acknowledgement due to my major advisor Dr.Rajkumar
Dhankhar,Dept. of Botany ,A.I.J.H.M.College.
With deepest sense of gratitude ,I express my vote of thanks
to.dr.Rajkumar and Mrs.Sushila Dabas ,head department of
botany,for providing necessary facilities in laboratory ,research
field and support for conduct of the present study.
I am thankful for all the members and wants to show them a
sense of appreciation to all non teaching membres of the
department for their timely help and co-operation ,especially
Priya mam,Menakshi mam.
Moments of joys and sorrow shared with my friends
Manisha,Garima ,Alisha,pooja,Anjali,and other juniors for their
timely help,best wishes,who has shared the movement of
laughter and sorrow through the miles,can never be stopped.
Last but not the least ,I am thankful to all those who helped me
directly or indirectly and whose name not listed ,they will
always remain in my heart.









% Percent
@ at the rate
DAS Days after sowin
Fig. Figure
Cm. Centimetre
G Gram
Ph Potential of hydrogen
Dys Days
Chl chlorophyll
GCV genotypic coefficient of variation
PCV phenotypic coefficient of variation
STI Stress tolerance index
MP Mean productivity index
SSI Stress susceptibility index
YI Yield index
MSTI Modified stress tolerance index
Ht Plant height
NO. Number

Spices plants are very useful in our food for making it delicious
and product of which are used in adding aromatherapy and
flavour. Most of the spices have potential medicinal value.
Coriander also known as by different names like Dhana ,
Kolhaphir, Dhanialu, Kothamalli, in India , is a major spice crop
of the family Apiaceae.

This plant is used in preparing chutneys, and also used for

flavouring curries , soups and also added in food and imparting
aroma or to improve its appearance and taste.
The seeds of coriander are used in preparation of garam
masala , cookies , cakes , chocolates ,candy ,cocoa , sodha ,
tobacco and alcoholic beverages. The leaves of coriander and
its seeds have high medicinal value help in relief of anxiety and
insomnia .It is also useful in diuretic, carminative and digestive
aid .It is also useful in traditional treatment for diabetes and
also in preservation of eyesight in smallpox. Chemicals are
also derived from coriander which have antibacterial activity
against cholearaesuis.(Peter et. al.,2006)
Coriander is a main crop of France , Italy , Turkey , Russia ,
England , USA , India etc.
In India it is mainly cultivated in UP , MP, AP , Tamil Nadu ,
Karnataka . The production of coriander crop is mainly done in
India is well known as home for many crops mostly of spice
crops across the world . We have been cultivating precious
species for fulfilling our various needs since ages(Singh et
The seed spices have emered as one of the main collection of
aromatic and spice crop of our country. India is the biggest
manufacturer , consumer and exporter of seed spices in the
world.(Jangpromma et al.2010)

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum ) also called ‘Dhania’ (Hindi), is

an important spice crop grown in our country for its good smell
and tender green leaves. Taxonomically, coriander is a
member of family apiaceae and believed to be a native of
Mediterranean region. It is highly cross pollinated diploid
species. The plant of coriander is small with erect stem,2 o 3
feet height, and branched. The aromatic odour and taste of
coriander fruits is due to presence of essential oil called
“coriandrol”(Ashraf and Iram,2005).

Therefore coriander is used in many ayurvedic medicines as

an ingredient. Many types of diseases like asthma and other
disinfectant diseases can be cured by the coriander.(Ekmekc
et al,2005)
Coriander is mainly a crop of tropical and subtropical regions
and the insufficient soil water supply frequently occurs at the
same time with high temperature at the end of growing season
because rainfall is scarce, unevenly distributed and
temperature is high during seed filling period(Benjamin and
Drought stress is considered to be the most damaging abiotic
stress to crop productivity , this type of stress affect the plant
physiology and biochemistry because physiological and
morphological mechanism involve in plants response in
drought stress.(Fischer and Maurer,1978)
The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is one of the
earliest biochemical responses under stress and acts as a
secondary massager to trigger subsequent defense reactions
in plants Reactive oxygen species : metabolism, oxidative
stress, and signal.(Hanson and hitz,1982)
Water stress increases ROS production, which can lead to
damage in cellular structures and oxidative stress. The
maintenance of the ROS production–scavenging balance is
crucial for drought tolerance. Cell growth is one of the most
drought-sensitive processes due to the reduction in turgor
pressure. Drought may cause changes in metabolites
Water stress reduce yield of field crop grown under rainfed
condition, since it is a major limiting factor of plant
Seeds contain all of the genetic material of the plants and are
the main way which plants propagate. Seed germination is the
initial point of the life cycle of any plant. The most tough stage
in seedling establishment after sowing and determining crop
production is the germination of seeds mainly the seeds which
have hard covering.(Jeffery, 1981)

We all know that shortage of water will reduces or delay the

germination or it will completely stop the germination .The
adaptability of seed germination and seedling establishment to
the heterogeneous environment is vital for propagation of
plant(Davidson and Chevalier, 1992).
The characters like yiled and other traits of morphology and all
about physiology of plants depend on mean seed yield under
drought stress,it also helpful in idnetifying drought resistance
genotypes .(Sefidkan,1999).

Less yield from crops is the major concern to plant breeders

hence they focused on yield performance under stress
conditions. The Average or relative yield performance of any
genotypes in drought and favorable environments appear to
be a common beginning point in the identification of desirable
genotypes for drought or stressed conditions.Thus, stress
depends on losing of yield under drought conditions as
compare to in normal conditions have been used for identifying
drought tolerant genotypes .
A large number of characters have been proposed for selection
of genotypes that are based on the yield performance in
Drought stress and nonstress conditions.(Kapoor et al.2001)
Drought susceptibility of a variety is mostly noted as a function
of the lowering in yield under water stress(Leena et al 2012).
Rosielle and Hamblin defined stress tolerance (TOL) as
the comparison of yield in between the water stressed (Ys) and
non water stressed (Yp) conditions and average productivity as
the mean yield of genotypes under stress and nonstress
conditions. Morgan and his co-workers suggested that the
stress susceptibility index for measurring the yield of stability
that show the changes in both potential and actual or original
yields in changing environmental conditions.

If the values of stress susceptibility and TOL are more then it

will indicate more sensitivity to stress tolerance. Selection
noticed after these measures that genotypes witch show low
yield arel under non-stress conditions and high yield under
stressed conditions.
Fernandez defined a new advanced index (STI) stress
tolerance index, that is use to signify and identifying genotypes
that will form more yield under both stress and non-stress
conditions and geometric mean productivity is usually used by
breeders that are more interesting in relative performance,of
any species or genotype, since drought stress can vary in
severity in field environments over years.
Fernandez, on the other hand,said that, selection based on STI
and GMP indicate that the species and varieties which have
high stress tolerance capacity and yield will be selected .

In Iran, the production of the canola plant is limited by drought.

Therefore, development of varieties or selections with
increased drought tolerance is important for growing this
economical plant in regions where water is limited.
Understanding the biochemical mechanisms involved in
drought stress tolerance is still a major challenge in biology
and agriculture to identify at early stage suitable traits that
would support plant breeders in specific selection programs.
The major aim of the researches and scientist o find the
impacts of water stress on seed initiation,germination and
seedling growth and to select drought-tolerant genotype and
cultivar of canola at germination and seedling stages.(Kramer
and Boyer).
Drought impacts include growth , membrane integrity ,water
relations,osmotic adjustment , yield , and photosynthetic
The present study focus on changes of biochemical ,
physiological and quality influenced by water stress. The study
will result in recommendations of appropriate genotypes and
varieties for climate adaptations processes(Heartherly,1993) .
It is also noted that the information will help the plant breeders
and molecular biologist in developing drought tolerant
coriander genotypes in future(Dornobos et al) .

Following objectives are written for present investigation;

• To assess the quality parameter in coriander under water

• Analysis of physiological parameters in response to water

Drought studies are important because of their influence on the
society and the economy of any nation. Large explanatory
literature is available on droughts with several, methods of
working and other procedures. Review of literature will always
help one to have information and to perceive significance of
the current status of the problem to be dealt with.
It will throw light on the state of the art of the knowledge and
enlighten the future course of study.
Any work in this direction will surely help one to understand
the process of drought for further future work.
Important area of research is drought tolerance for sustainable
agriculture .
Drought stresses is specially important in countries where
agriculture crop is essentially rainfed. Biotechnology offer a
promising array of tools that will be useful in drought tolerance
in plants. Certain plants can survive in low water conditions
because they can tolerate ,escape the drought timing.

The major research work and case studies reported both at

international and national levels are explained in brief. The
definitions of drought, classification based on the influential
factors, parameters affecting drought, different drought
assessment procedures available, studies based on Remote
Sensing /GIS and multi criteria analysis are covered. Metabolic
responses of food crops to dry environment have been studied
and such type of studies are lacking in medicinal and also in
aromatic plants . Drought led to biochemical disorders that can
affect plants primary and secondary metabolites . Lipids are
structural component of cell membrane , lipid composition of
plasma membrane can display variations with changes in
chemical and physiological properties of the environment .
Drought damage mainly plasma membrane , it has been
shown that water deficiency results in great modification of
membrane fatty acid composition. Drought also affect
biosynthesis of essential oil . In plants accumulation and
biosynthesis of polyphenol are stimulated in response to stress
. Drought is a disastrous natural phenomenon.
It differs from other natural hazardsby its slow accumulating
process and its indefinite commencement and termination.The
water stressed plants might represent potential sources of
polyphenols,one may hypothesize that optimal polyphenol yield
would be obtained using stress tolerant species. Even though it
has scores of many definitions, it originates from a deficiency
of precipitation over an extended period of time, usually a
season or more. This deficiency of water cause shortage of
activities and also harm other parts of Plants. The timing of
precipitation or raining can also comare with the drought
Conditions. High temperature, fast hot wind and less
humidity,low moisture,less precipitation rate etc. are also
reassociated with drought.
Drought is viewed in different ways by different constituency of
water users.

Drought definitions are of two types viz.,

(i) Conceptual and

(ii) Operational.

Conceptual definitions help to understand the meaning of

drought and its effects. Drought is a period of less raining,,
which causes more damage to crops, that result in loss of
yield and yield quality also.
Operational definitions help to identify the drought’s
beginning,end and degree of severity.
An definition for agriculture may compare daily raining rate to
evapotraspiration rate for measuring the rate of soil-moisture
and shows these relationships in terms of drought effects on
plant physiology.. These definitions are used to analyse
drought frequency, severity, and duration for a given historical
All these type of definition, , require weather related data and
other time scales (e.g. crop yield). Varied definitions,
depending upon the influential factor used, of droughts are
seen in the literature which can be grouped as below:

Precipitation based drought definitions;

(i) Evapotranspiration based drought definitions;

(ii)Streamflow based drought definitions;
(iii)Soil moisture based drought definitions; and
(iv)Vegetation based drought definitions.
The groups in (i) refer to meteorological drought
conditions, group in (ii) refers to hydrological droughts and
those in (iii) and (iv) refer to the agricultural droughts. The
definitions in each of the above
aspects are reviewed in the following sections.

Blumenstock (1942) defined the drought as a period in which

the precipitation is less than some small amount such as 0.1
inch in 48 hours.
Ramdas and Malik (1948) suggested a week of drought as a
period in which the actual rainfall is equal to half the normal
rainfall or less.
Ramdas (1960) defined the drought when the actual seasonal
rainfall is less by more than twice the mean deviation. Palmer
(1965) defined the drought as a situation when the actual
rainfall is less than the rainfall
which is climatically appropriate for the existing conditions.
NCA (commission on agriculture) 1965 identify the drought as
an special day or place where the precipitation rate is less than
any normal condition. National Commission on Agriculture
(1976) classified the meteorological drought as a situation
there is significant decrease from the normal period in four
Herbest et al. (1966) defined the absolute drought as the
period of atleast 15 consecutive days without 0.01 inch of
precipitation on any one to two day and the partial stress as
the period of 29 consecutive days, the mean precipitation rate
or we can say rainfall will not increase or exceed more
than0.02inch per day.

Herbest (1966) defined the absolute drought as the period of

atleast 15 consecutive days without 0.01 inch of precipitation
for any short time of one day and the partial drought as the
period of 29 consecutive days, the mean rainfall of which does
not exceed 0.01 inch per day.

Gadgil explain the stress with a timing having lower than 10 to

11% probability of occuring of precipitation. The Indian
Meteorological Department are assessing the water stress
mainly based on the percentage withdrawal of raining from the
long term mean rainfall.
As seen above, the period of drought and deficiency stage by
which the evaluation is made varying from any person to
person and from country to country.
The literature here does not lead one to a definite
understanding as to how exactly a meteorological drought can
be assessed, both in duration as well in its level. Also, small
periods such as hours, days and weeks may be insignificant
and irrelevant in the context of drought whose influence is felt
over a longer period. Many studies show that the temporal
dipense of precipitation is more necessary than the total rainfall
in a season or even over a month.

Thiruvengadachari (1988) confirmed that the rainfall use

efficiency varies both over time and space thus limiting the use
of rainfall as a sole drought indicator.
Evapotranspiration has been considered in a limited way for
defining drought as compared to the precipitation.

Thronthwaite has used this aspect and explain stress as a

situation in which the amount of
water needed for transpiration and direct evaporation exceeds
the available soil moisture. Potential evaporation depends
upon the climatic and vegetative
factors. Actual evapotranspiration depends on the availability
of soil moisture which in turn depends on the amount of
precipitation and soil characteristics.

The concept of evapotranspiration is relevant only during the

periods when vegetation is growing actively.
Hoyt (1984) explains the timing in which the original flow of a
natural stream in the selected number of days has a little
chance of being happen.

Yevjevich (1967) suggested the drought as the deficiency of

streamflow with respect to the long term mean streamflow as
truncation level.
Joseph (1970) defined the drought as a period with lowest
mean discharge at a specified measuring point in a streamflow
for 14 consecutive days during a
climatic year beginning April 1.
Dracup (1980) defined the drought as the deficiency of
streamflow from a level which could be the median of long term

Oktay Guvan (1983) defined the drought as the uninterrupted

sequence of streamflows below an arbitrary level.
Thambiannan (1990) quoted the drought
as three weeks to three months runoff deficit during the period
of germination of vegetation. Based on the above, it is clear
that any deficiency in flow with smallmean or an arbitrary value
is taken as the criteria for demarcating the period of non-
availability of water and hence the drought.

Agricultural drought generally defined as the deficiency of soil

moisture to meet the crop water requirement. World
Meteorological Organization (1975) defined the drought as the
deficiency of soil moisture in relation to crops behavior, mainly
for a specific crop or plant.
Van Bavel and Verlinden (1956) defined the drought as a day
on which the available soil moisture was depleted to some
small percentage of available capacity. Shantz
(1970) defined the drought as a situation when the available
soil moisture diminishes so that the vegetation can no longer
absorb water from the soil rapidly enough to meet the
transpiration requirements.

Warrick (1975) defined the drought as a condition of water loss

that is enough to have bad effect on vegetation, crops, animals
and human beings over a sizable area. National Commission
of Agriculture (1976)
defined the drought as the period when the soil moisture is
inadequate during crop season to support healthy crop growth.
Smith (1978) defined the drought stress as a situation under
which any plant fails to begin and develop, mature properly
because of insufficient moisture. Rama Prasad (1990)
proposed the drought as the
period when the soil moisture value is less than that which is
important to sure the crops moisture demand to be fully met in
the growing season.
National Remote Sensing Agency (Thiruvenkadachary 1988) is
assessing the drought for fortnightly periods for taluks based
on the analysis of
vegetation index map and vegetation index statistics.
Karmakar (2014) reported stress cause oxidative damage to
plants either directly or indirectly by triggering an increased
level of production of reactive oxygen species which include
super oxide radical . They cause damage to biomolecule like
proteins , lipids , enzymes and nucleic acid .
A drastic decrease was observed in catalase as well as super
oxide dismutase activity and increased peroxidase under
drought stress conditions .

Malik and Tehlan studied 16 Fenugreek genotypes and

reported significant variation in plant height ,branches per plant
,pods per plant ,length of plant ,and seed yield .

Farooq (2009)studied that increased chlorophyll and

carotenoid content under drought stress may be related to a
decrease in leaf area.

Szegietes (2000) studied water stress tolerance and concluded

that it is a complex character and can be associated with
thickness of cuticle root depth hormone composition, opening
and closing of stomata.
National Commission on Agriculture (1976) broadly classified
droughts into the following three types;

(i)Meteorological drought:
It is a situation when there is a
significant decrease in rainfall from the normal over an area.

(ii)Hydrological drought:
Meteorological drought, if prolonged,
results in hydrological drought with marked depletion of surface
water and consequent drying up of inland water bodies such as
lakes, reservoirs, streams and rivers and fall in level of water
(iii)Agricultural drought:
It occurs when soil moisture and
rainfall are inadequate to support crop growth to mature stage
and affect extremely crop stress resulting to the loss of yield.

Apart from the droughts defined by National Commission on

Agriculture, Socioeconomic drought is also defined.
Socioeconomic drought occurs when physical water shortages
start to affect the health, well being and quality of life of the
people or when the stress initiate to affect the demand of any
product that is economicaly important.

Drought assessment involves analysis of spatial and temporal
water related data. Several methods were developed to assess
the drought quantitatively. Basically, droughts are assessed
with reference to nature of water deficit, averaging period,
truncation level and regionalization approach (Dracup et al
1980). Over the years, various indices have been developed to
detect and monitor droughts. The effects of drought often
accumulate slowly over a considerable period of time; they
may linger for several years after the
drought period ends. As a result, the onset and termination of a
drought are difficult to determine precisely and that is why a
drought is often referred to
as a creeping phenomenon (Mishra et al 2007).
After the various definitions of drought and their groupings to
confine the problem, many researchers have attempted to
assess drought severity.
These studies are grouped under meteorological, hydrological
and agricultural aspects, as classified by the National
Commission on Agriculture Meteorological

Drought Assessment Meteorological drought, in general,

implies the deficiency of rainfall of such type which will strongly
harm the normal living of
the society. However, many definitions are available based on
different truncation levels and base periods to delineate the
rainfall deficiency and drought periods.
The widely used methods for meteorological drought
assessment are

(i)India Meteorologic Department (IMD) method

(ii) Herbst’s method
(iii) Aridity Index and
(iv) Palmer’s Drought Severity Index.

This method is easy and mostly using which will give a

preliminary idea about the drought condition of an area. In this
method, drought is assessed on the basis of percentage
deviation of rainfall from the
long term annual mean rainfall.
Herbst et al (1996) developed a technique for evaluating
droughts by using monthly precipitation. The technique
determines duration and intensity of droughts as well as the
month of their onset and termination. Subramanyam (1964)
proposed a method of meteorologic drought severity
assessment based on the concept of Aridity Index (Ia).
Palmer (1965) developed an elaborate and comprehensive
technique for computing the severity of drought. The result are
made here with relation to CAFEC (ClimaticallyAppropriate For
the Existing Conditions) given by Palmer values of the hydro-
meteorological factors such as rainfall, evapotranspiration,
recharge and runoff. This
technique is based on a mass balancing of water and Palmer
used the difference between actual precipitation and required
precipitation under 23 situations of medium climate in any
place to evaluate drought severity in space and time. This
technique found its application in many countries.
A great lacuna in Palmer’s methodology is that it can not be
applied uniformly over all agro climatic zones. In humid zones,
it represents more of agricultural drought whereas in semi arid
and arid zones it represents hydrological drought (Shewale

Appa Rao (1981) made extensive analysis in classification of

drought using the aridity index. Appa Rao (1987) presented
meteorological subdivisions of India affected by moderate and
severe droughts during the period from 1875 to 1980.
According to the Task Force on Drought Prone Area
Programme (DPAP 1973), the areas which received less than
750mm of rainfall per annum are classified as drought prone
and those between 750 mm to 800 mm are vulnerable to
The Meteorological Department of The Government of India
has defined an area as drought hit when annual rainfall is less
than 75% of the normal and severe drought when deficiency is
above 50%.
McKee in (1993) developed the Standardized Precipitation
Index (SPI) to quantify the precipitation deficit for multiple time
scales, reflecting the
impact of precipitation deficiency on the avilability of various
water supplies.
Kulandaivelu and Jayachandran (1994) reported in Tamil
Nadu,85% of the total area benefits from the northeast
monsoon; only 15%benefits from the southeast monsoon and
the mean annual rainfall is 945mm, with 45 rainy days.
Tamil Nadu has been classified into drought prone area,
based on precipitation, potential evaporation and soil type.
The analysis shows that the state experienced below-normal
rainfall in 30% of 24 these years.

Water stress in relation to quality parameter and seed


Rebey in 2011 reported that due to the effect of drought on

cumin there was increase in fatty acids ,phenol content ,
essential oil composition , seed yield as well as antioxidant
activity in comparison to control .
Gill in 2002 worked on coriander essential oil composition from
two genotypes grown in different environmental condition .
Results of the study showed the relationship between essential
oil composition and environmental conditions ,
these are useful in development of innovative strategies aimed
to improve oil composition and to manage crop pest .

Sastry in 2013 studied 42 genotypes of fenugreek in normal

and water stress environment for 3 years .

Datta 2006 studied the effect of irrigation level on growth ,

transpiration rate , yield in coriander . The highest water use
efficiency was recorded under no irrigation and it was lowest in
higher level of irrigation .
In another study it was shown that application of salicylic acid
increase the seed yield under drought stress .

Salicylic acid is also known as an antioxidant compound

involving in tolerance of various biotic and abiotic stress thus
this trial was conducted to study the effect of salicylic acid
application and irrigation intervals on yield components of
coriander using a split plot layout in a randomised complete
blockdesign in three replication .

Neffati and Marzouk in 2008 studied changes in essential oil

content and fatty acid composition in leaves of coriander
species under the salt conditions .
The effect of salinity on fatty acid composition of Coriandrum
sativum leaves grown in hydroponic culture investigated .
Volatile constituents and fatty acid of leaves were analysed.
3. Materials and methods
Plant material and culture conditions
Seeds of coriander were collected from market and used for
the experiments. Seeds of both cultivars were surface
sterilized in 20% sodium hypochlorite solution for 15 min,
followed by three washes with sterile distilled water. The 20
sterilized seeds were adjusted or place on a filter paper in 8-
cm Petri dishes containing 7 mL of distilled water . The Petri
dishes kept accordingly to a completely randomized design in
a growth chamber at a temperature of 25 ± 1°C for 2 days.
Each treatment was carried out in triplicate and seedlings were
collected and used for all the experiments. The proposed
investigation was conducted in randomised block In order to
achieve the objectives of present investigation the experiment
was planned and executed as described below
Prepartion of samples
Coriander genotypes were sown in different pots maintaining a
distance between plants. Sowing was done on 28 Jan 2020
regularly to maintain plant growth and development .
The thirum treated seeds were placed at a depth of 4-6cm .
The manure and doses of fertilizer were added in the pots .
The crop was irrigated regularly to maintain development and
plant growth . Among these 9 pots some are regularly irrigated
and in some drought conditions maintained , to study the effect
of drougt stress on coriander .

Measurement of percentage of germination and growth

Seed germination was recorded daily up to day 7 after the start
of the experiment. Germination percentage of seeds was
determined after 7 days after culture. Then, the mean
germination rate (MGR) and mean of day germination (MDG)
were calculated according to the following equations:
MGR = Ʃn/ƩDn
MDG = Ʃn/n
D is the number of days from the start of test and n is the
number of seeds germinated on a day. In contrast of
increasing shoot up and rate of germination of dormant and
aged coriander seed at different content temperatures.
Shoot, root, and seedling lengths and shoot, root, leaflet, and
seedling dry weights were measured as the growth parameters
of plant in response to drought treatment .

Application of stress
Stress was applied by withholding irrigation after 40 days and
60 days after sowing .The following analysis was done at 18-
20 days after imposition of water stress at both stages .

All physiological ,biochemical and quality parameter were
analysed after some days after sowing.

Effect on different substance in drought and normal condition.

(1) Relative water content
Fresh weight of the leaves was taken then the leaves were
kept in distilled water for 4 hours to obtain turgid weight.The
turgid weight was recorded after blotting the excess water on
surface of the sample.Dry weight was obtained after drying the
samples in oven at 60 degree Celsius till constant weigt was
achieved.It can be calculated by the formula
RWC = Fresh weight- Dry weight÷ Turgid weight-Dry
weight × 100
(2) Total chl.content
Total chl.and carotenoids in leaves was determined by DMSO
method. Finely chopped 50mg coriander leaves were weighed
in graduated test tube. 10 ml of DMSO was added to each and
the tubes incubated at 65°C for 3hrs. After incubation the tubes
were allowed to cool at room temperature and the volume
made up to a total of 10ml by adding DMSO as blank. The
amount of chlorophyll present in the sample was calculated
using standard formula.
Chl a. = 12.21OD at 663nm -2.81OD at 645
chl.b=. 20.13OD at 645nm- 5.03OD at 663 nm
Total chl. = Chl a + chl b

(3) Membrane stability index

Leaf sample 0.4 g was placed in distilled water 50ml . One set
was kept at 40°C for 30 mnt and it's conductivity was recorded
by using conductivity meter. The second set was kept in boiling
water bath for ten minutes and it's conductivity C2 measure
after cooling at room temperature. The MSI was calculated by
MSI%. = (1-C1/C2) × 100

(4). Proline content

Fresh leaves sample 0.2g were extracted in 5.0ml
sulphosalicylic acid using morter pestel at room temp. The
homogenate were centrifuged at 8000 rpm. For ten minutes.
The clear supernatant were collected in clear test tubes
separately .
To 1.0 ml of supernatant was added 2ml of glacial acetic acid
and mixed thoroughly, followed by 2.0ml acid ninhydrin reagent
was added and mixed well. The test tubes containing assay
mixtures were incubated in a boiling water bath for an hour and
then cooled to room temperature. Four ml of toluene solvent
was added to each tube and mix well using wortex mix. The
pink color of L- proline as extracted in SSA and take up by the
solvent after incubation was separated using a separating
funnel. Toluene fraction were collected and intensity of pink
color read at 520nm on a spectrophotometer

(5)Drought susceptibility index .

The DSI was used as a measure of drought tolerance in terms
of minimization of the reduction in yield cause by unfavorable
compare to favourable Conditions. It was calculated according
to Fisher and Maurer for each gentype.
(6). Yield attributes and yield
Following growth and yield attributing characters were
measured and recorded at the time of harvest
(A) Days to 50% flowering
The plants were observed daily to see the appearance of first
flowering. When the days to 50% flowers appear in the plot ,
the date was recorded and number of days from the date of
planting was calculated.

(B) Branches per plant

The no.of branches was counted from 5 randomly selected
plants in each plot and then the average was calculated

(C) Number of seeds per umbel

The total number of seeds of the umbel we're counted and
calculate the number of seeds per umbel.

(D) Number of umbellets per umbel

The total no of umbellets of the umbel we're counted and
calculate the number of umbellets per umbel

(E) Test weight (100seed weight)

1000 seeds were counted from each sample drawn from the
finally winnowed and cleaned produce of each plot and their
weight was recorded as test weight.

(F) Plant height at harvest

At harvest the height of five randomly selected plants was
measured from base to top of the plant with the help of the
meter scale and mean Plant height was worked out.

(G) Seed yield per plant

After threshing and winnowing,the clean seeds obtain from the
produce of individual plot we're weighed and weight as seed
yield plant

(H) Biological yield

The weight of the thoroughly sun dried harvested produce of
each plot was recorded separately before threshing and
expressed as biological yield in plant


The results of the experiment entitled ‘effect of drought on
plants height,length,shoot length, yield and quality of coriander
in drought and normal conditions.
Table Dry matter production of Coriander under Drought
) )
20 0.50 0.35 0.675
30 1.35 1.05 1.875
40 2.50 1.75 3.375
50 3.75 3.0 5.25

We measure different type of growth components
Data presented showed that relative water content varied
among different varieties. The water content decrease
under drought condition in flowering as well as in seed
formation stages.

• Chlorophyll content
The chlorophyll content decrease significantly under
drought condition both at flowering and seed formation
stages. The reduction in chlorophyll content under the
drought condition as compare to control.
• Carotenoids
Data presented showed that carotenoids decrease and
increase according to moisture and drought condition . It
significantly decrease under drought condition both at
flowering and seed formation stages.

• Proline
The proline increase under drought condition both at
flowering and seed formation stages . The increase amount
of proline under drought condition as compare to control. .

• Membrane stability index

The MSI decreased under drought condition both at seed
formation and flowering stages, the reduction in MSI under
the drought condition as compare to control.
Effect of Drought on Harvest index and Biological yield
NORMAL 20.73% 1.5
STRESSED 15.32% (MEAN) 0.12 (MEAN)(0.96)
Minimum plant height was noted is about 50 cm. and maximum
is 80 cm. So an average mean is about 65 cm in normal
condition. Plant height depends on absorbance of moisture
that’s why the plant which grow in lower water content show
less height.
Branches per plant varied from 6-9 with an average mean 7
in normal condition and from 3-7 in limited moisture condition
we can mark them E1 and E2 respectively.


Minimum no. of umbel per plant was observed about 13
and maximum are 23. So the overall mean in normal
condition is 18.
Mean seed yield is 4.2 - 5.13 with an average mean 5 gm in
normal condition and ranges from 3 gm – 4 gm with overall
mean 3.5 in limited moisture condition.

Physiological parameter and relationship of it's

parameter with coriander yield.
Moisture content 0.59 0.45
Chl. Content. 0.39 0.43
Carotenoid. 0.337 0.26
Proline -0.447 -050
MSI. 0.601 0.24


It ranges from 40 – 60 days with overall mean 50 days in
normal condition and from 40 – 62 days with an overall
mean 51 days in limited moisture conditions.

Days to maturity varied from 90 – 100 days with overall
mean 95 days in normal condition and from 80 – 90 days
with an overall mean 85 days in limited moisture condition.


It was observed that stressed plants registered significantly
lower shoot weight as compared to normal condition.

The root length shows no statistically significant difference in root
length of plants subjected to different water stress treatment as
compare to control.



NO. OF DAYS 60 DAYS 55 DAYS 57.5
NO. OF DAYS 70 DAYS 69 DAYS 69.5
CAROTENOID 10 mg/g 8.55 mg/g 9.51 mg/g
SPIKE LENGTH 7.80 cm 7.11 cm 7.44 cm
ROOT LENGTH 13.82 cm 11.90 cm 12.85 cm

Parameters correlation
Plant height
Dys to 50%flowering 0.4/29
Number of umbels/plant 0.639
Umbellets/umbel 0.231
Test weight 0.037
Harvest index 0.893
Number of seeds/biological yield 0.482

The result of experiment entitled “ Drought stress on

coriander and its morpho-physiological attributes under
drought stress “.
In this chapter only significant variations have been
All the environmental stress such as salinity, temperature ,
and drought are the major factor that affects the plant
productivity, its growth , pigment synthesis , anti oxidant,
osmolyte as well as growth and yield parameter .
According to the recent studies coriander variety have
been develop in India which are tolerant to drought beside
having high production potential . Coriander species are
consider to be moderately tolerant to drought and temp.
condition .The moisture stress affect the plant at different
developmental stages ,some stages are more sensitive to
stress. However the net effect of moisture stress is
ultimately reflected in the form of reduction of seed yield,
as well as the effect of stress on individual yield of any
plant or component also be considered.

Genetic improvement of stress tolerance in crops require

identification of different physiological mechanism.
Total drought tolerance of a plant can not be defined by
only physiologically parameter and even simple test to
quantifying stress tolerance have not been developed
adequately. Mainly seed yield and yield stability under
environmental stress remain major selection criteria for
stress tolerance in many breeding programme
Drought is one of the most severe abiotic factor that limit
the agricultural production. It reduce the ability of plants to
metabolic effect that reduce plant growth, mean value
were higher in normal condition as compare to in drought

Threshold value of Coriander in different water stress

The result of the percentage of seed yield and oil yield in
comparison to the control treatment of coriander.Analysis
of variance, character association analysis and different
moisture stress indices, Mean productivity (MP),Stress
tolerance index (STI), Stress tolerance (TOL), Stress
susceptibility index(SSI), Geometric mean productivity
(GMP), and yield index (YI). Modified stress tolerance
index and susceptibility percentage index (SSPI) were
used to realise the above objective .
Summarized results are given below
• Change in the mean of character in limited moisture and
normal condition was noted mean value are higher in
normal condition as compare to moisture limited
condition for all the character.
• In general the phenotypic coefficient of variation(PCV)
were found higher then genotypic coefficient of
variation(GCV) for all the character studied. It showed
the effect of environment on the expression of
• In both the environment high estimate of coefficient of
variation were observe for different character ,
branches per plant , umbel per plant ,seeds per umbel,
test weight and seed yield per plant.
• The pooled ANOVA revealed significant differences
among environment ,genotypes and other different
environmental interaction for all the character studied.
• Broad sense heritability was observed to be high for all
the character in normal condition and it will be high for
test weight ,seed yield ,umbels per plant,and for days to
50percent flowering in limited moisture condition
• The seed yield of any plant was founded to be related
with branches per plant,umbel per plant ,seeds per
umbel ,and also for test weight ,in positive sense.

• The indices STI,GMP,YI,MP, exhibited good correlation

with seed yield under both the environmental condition
however SSI, SSPI,TOL, exhibited good correlation with
seed yield under moisture stress condition

The heritability estimates along with genetic advance
are very useful. It provide a useful guidance to the
breeder ,the breeder is able to appreciate the proportion
of variance and that is due to genotype that is also
called as broad sense heritability or additive( narrow
sense heritability) effects .If heritability of a character is
high then selection for such a character should be easy.
This is possible because of close correspondence
between genotypic and phenotypic variation due to a
relatively small contribution of environment to the
phenotype but for a character with a low heritability .
According to the investigation broad sense heritability
was observed high for all character in normal condition
and high for days to 50 % flowering , seeds per umbel
,test weight , and seed yield in plants limited water
absorbance condition ,heritability estimates alone do not
provide information on the amount of genetic progress
that would result from the selection of the best genotype
In normal condition high estimate of genetic advance as
percent of mean was obtain for branches per plant,umbel per
plant ,seeds per umbel and for days to 50% flowering ,plant
weight seed yield per plant. However seeds per umbel had
high estimate of genetic advance as percentage of mean in
limited moisture condition .Success of breeding program
depends on efficiency of the selection . On the basis of single
character selection can not be applied ,most of the character
are polygenic in nature and will be influenced by each other In
the present study higher level of proline observed in all
genotypes of coriander species when these are under water
stress. The result of the present investigation show the high
accumulation of proline at seed formation stages as compare
to flowering in stressed tissues of coriander species ,this
indicate the seed formation stage to be more responsive stage
in terms of cellular osmotic adjustment.
In the present study ,total chlorophyll content decrease
significantly in all varieties at both stages due to water
stress .Accumulation of higher chlorophyll content at flowering
stages as compare to seed formation stage it may be due to
sugar is synthesised in photosynthesis and breakdown during
respiration by plant .The low level decrease of chlorophyll
indicate that photosynthetic apparatus is able to resist the
water stress condition .

Coriander were grown under irrigated and drought condition to

show the performance of biochemical ,yield and metabolic
character. The result show that drought condition showed the
reduction in dry matter accumulation ,chlorophyll content
,relative water content ,membrane stability .
Physiological drought stress is a complex process ,in which
many molecules like DNA ,RNA ,proteins ,ions ,free radical
,lipids ,mineral, carbohydrates ,hormones, etc. are involved.
Water stress cause a wide array of biochemical and
physiological changes it actually start with a decrease in
osmotic potential at cellular level.
Yield is the most important parameter for a crop .The yield
contributing parameter are different in pulses ,seed spices,
cereals, in case of coriander we have measure the plant height
,days to flowering, number of seeds per umbel, biological
yield ,test weight. The parameter of seed yield indicate the
positive correlation indicating their influence on determination
of yield.
Available literature indicate the variability in Coriander varieties
for yield particularly in drought condition due to differences in
morphological physiological behaviour such as water relation
parameter developmental plasticity and mobilization of
photosynthates from vegetable plant part to reproductive plant

Thus from the above studies it was concluded that water stress
tolerance mechanism is active in Coriander for both stages.

Chapter 6
The study of the coriander plant and by measuring its all
attributes in respect to drought and moisture condition was
conducted in a research ‘drought stress on coriander’ by
taking different objectives-
• To study the effect of drought on morphological and
physiological attributes in different coriander genotypes
• To study the correlation coefficient of different morpho-
physiological parameters with yield in Coriander.
• To estimate the effect of drought on yield and other yield
contributing parameter in coriander genotype.

Effect of water strees on growth characrtersic of

plants and soil moisture content
Soil moisture content after 15 days of water stress
showed significant reduction as the irrigation was
restricted for 15 days.
Increasing magnitude of water stress resulted in
significant decrease in branch number,umbel number
and umbellets number per plant.
Plants subjected to less water stress shows negligiable
decrease in above parameter as compare to control ,whereas
drastic reduction in above parameters below control was
recorded for plants subjected to more water stress.
Maximum root fresh weight and root dry weight eg. 10.06g and
5.96 g respectively were observed in unstressed plants
,whereas minimum weight,5.37g and 3.99g was recorded for
plants subjected to more water stress similarly maximum root
to shoot ratio was observed in plants subjected to unstreesed
treatment and minimum (0.26) for plants subjected to more
water stress.
Recovery potential of stressed plants

The experiment was conducted in different pots in control and

drought condition .Under control condition the plants were
irrigated at flowering and seed formation stages but in drought
the plants were placed under the situation where rain fed
Observation were taken from all the plots on the basis of
relative water content ,chlorophyll, proline content and
membrane stability index were all taken twice first were taken
at flowering stage and second were taken at seed forming
Observation was taken firstly when 50% flowering were found
in all pots, it means when half of the plant in a pot flowered.
Plant height ,number of umbels per plant ,seeds per umbel
,harvest index biological yield ,and drought susceptibility index
were measured after harvesting and threshing of the crop.
Positive correlation was found in most of the morpho-
physiological parameter have also positive and significant
correlation with grain yield of Coriander both at flowering and
seed formation stages . Actually seed yield of coriander show a
positive correlation with most of the character except total
chlorophyll content and days to 50% flowering.
Reduction was noticed in drought stress in morpho and
physiological parameter like relative water content ,chlorophyll
content ,membrane stability index, carotenoid, but biochemical
parameter like proline content is increase . Yield and yield
contributing parameter like number of seeds per plant and
seeds per umbel ,plant height ,test weight ,seed yield .
Significantly positive correlation that most of the morphological
parameter have positive significant correlation with grain yield
of Coriander both at flowering and seed formation stages. Thus
all these traits were important for a variety to sustain yield
under the stress.
The physiological and metabolic changes detected in water
stressed plants do not always correlate with changes in plant
water potential measurements. To address these concern a
second parameter relative water content was used to assess
water status in plant.
The study was undertaken to investigate changes in different
metabolites ,stress related enzyme activity and quality
parameter during water stress condition at two stages .
The antioxidant response studied by measuring changes in
content of molecular antioxidant like Ascorbic acid and total
phenol content .Ascorbic acid revealed an increasing trend in
all genotypes at both stages ,but total phenol showed a lower
accumulation in all the genotypes at both stages during water
stress. The maximum increase of ASC due to water stress was
observed at both the stages . A lower accumulation of phenol
in stressed plants of all genotypes was recorded at both stages
The analysis of variance revealed significant variability among
all the genotypes for all character under both the
environments. This suggested that the material had adequate
variability and response to selection may be accepted in the
breeding programmes for seed yield or any of the other
supporting characters.
High estimates of PCV(phenotypic coefficient of variation),
GCV , heritability and genetic advance as percentage of mean
were found for seeds per umbel in both the environment.

Water deficit resulted in reduction in growth,seed results and
quality of seeds with maximum loss in seed yield per plant
registered for plants for plants subjected to more water
deficit,followed by reduction of 30% at 50% water deficit,
whereas no substantial reduction was observed at less water
deficit indicating the better ability of plant to cope with water
stress condition compare to higher water stress levels .
Physiological and biochemical indices ,chlorophyll,
fluorescence,canopy temp.,depression and water potential at
more of water deficit could not maintain better equilibrium
between anabolic and catabolic processes and plant water
relation ,resulting in substantial reduction in growth and seed
yield,which was maintained to great extent at less water deficit.
In this we noticed the accumulation of different types of amino
acids,proline content and other soluble sugars and activities of
antioxidant enzymes catalase, peroxidase, with yield and
growth reduction at different stress levels.
Minimum field emergence ,emergence index and seedling
height was recorded for seed harvested from water stressed
plants. These seeds took maximum emergence time eg.24
days for more deficit to 16 days for unstressed ones.
The study of this plant shows compare that crop must not
suffer from water stress of higher magnitude during and after
flowering stage.

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