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Casa Del Nino Montessori School of Roxas

San Rafael, Roxas, Isabela

High School Department

Synchronized Syllabus in
Elective II: Business Mathematics and Bookkeeping
S.Y. 2018-2019

Subject: Business Mathematics

Subject Description: This subject involves the basic mathematical tools and operations needed in solving
various problems in investment and other financing transactions. It covers the
following topics: Simple and compound interest, simple discount, simple annuities,
amortization and sinking fund, bonds and stocks and simple feasibility study.

Unit Topic:
Expected Outcomes/Specific Objectives
Teaching Techniques
Institutional Core Values
No. of hrs.

June: Wk. 1
Introduction of the Subject
Orientation of VMGO’s
Show awareness and deep understanding on the requirement of the subject towards the attainment of
the Vision and Mission of the School as well as the goals and objectives of the program
Brainstorming on the vision and mission and its goals and objectives of the school. (VMGO)
Display Boards, flyers
VMGO’s are included in lesson discussion.
Dedication and commitment to the attainment of the VMGO of the school

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