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|FFICE OF ORDER Date: 03-05-2020 Whereas, the COVID-19 has been declared as the pandemic by the World Health Organization and National Disaster Management Authority, being satisfied that the country is threaten with the COVID-19 epidemic, has declared lockdown in the entire country. In compliance of the orders by the Govt. of Haryana from time to time, the orders of the lockdown have been issued in the territorial jurisdiction of the district Panchkula. In furtherance of order dated 23.03.2020 issued by this office vide Memo No 6300-54/MA/MC-I, dated 23.03.2020 and in compliance of the order issued by Govt. of Haryana vide letter No. DMC-SPO-2020/5339, dated 01.05.2020 and by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India order no 40-3/2020-DM-1 (A) dated 01.05.2020 and to contain the transmission of COVID-19 disease, the orders under sections 30 and 34 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 are hereby made to regulate the operations of the activities in the territorial jurisdiction of the district Panchkula, which are summarized as: 1. The fellowing activities will continue to remain prohibited for the period of two weeks with effect from 04.05.2020. i. All domestic and international air travel of passengers, except for medical services, air ambulance and for security purposes or for purposes as permitted by MHA. ii, All passenger movement by trains, except for security purposes or for purposes as permitted by MHA. ili, Inter-State Buses for public transport, except as permitted by MHA. iv. Metro rail services. v. Inter-State movement of individuals except for medical reasons or for act permitted by MHA. vi. All schools, colleges, educational/ training/ coaching institutions etc. However, online/ distance learning shall be permitted. vil. Hospitality services other than those used for housing health/ police/ Government officials/ healthcare workers, stranded persons including tourists, and those used for quarantine facilities. “viii. All cinema halls, shopping malls, gymnasiums, sports complexes, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres, bars and auditoriums, assembly halls and similar places. ix. All social/ political/ sports/ entertainment/ academic/ cultural/ religious functions/ other gatherings. x. All religious places/ places of worship shall be closed for public. Religious congregations are strictly prohibited. ies as = In addition to above the inter district and intra district plying of the buses will also remain prohibited. 2. The operation of the rest of t regulation which is as follows: ctivities are hereby classified for the purpose of Categories of the activities Day(s) for operation A). i. eN 2 Essentials (Atta chakki, Ration, Milk/Dairy, Fruits and Vegetables, Chemists etc, _groceries/kiryana, meat and poultry) Homeopathic, Ayurvedic medicines Books & Ststioneries shops Poultry/Ani nal feed, fertilizer seeds, Agricultural tools etc. Any other essentials previously exempted Bakery/Confectionery All days as per conditions. (between 08:00 am and 6:00 pm only) 8) vill. 1 Plumber and electrician, fan Cooler, AC repair etc services Il. Electrical and sanitary goods mM. Construction materials. IV. Vehicle repairs, workshops and dentin, painting. V. Cycle stores and repairs VI. Hardware and Paints Vil. Furniture/plywood/timber glas: etc and works Inverter battery, genset etc. Electronics (Computer /laptop /mobile/ watches/clocks etc) including repair Photostat, mobile recharge XI. Waterpurifiers/Refrigerators/LED| Microwaves/ ovens /Stove/gas stove et «and repairs MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY (between 08:00 am and 6:00 pm only) \e— Q. |. Gift Shops and toy store Sports | TUESDAY, THURSDAY, goods SATURDAY ll. Bag and suitcase shops (between 08:00 am Wl Dry cleaners and 6:00 pm only) IV. Jewellery Shops V. Opticals shops | VI. Garments/Cloth houses VI. Glass houses Vil. Bedding and Furnitures Note:- Any of the activities not covered in the categories of activities mentioned above as B & Cwill be considered to be part of the “B” category of activities, ITISTO BE NOTED THAT THE ACTIVITIES ALLOWED UNDER THESE ORDERS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE CONTAINMENT ZONES As per National directives for COVID-19 management, the following are the lockdown measures to be complied with for public and the Work Places- Measure at Work Place:- |. Wearing of face cover is compulsory in all work places and adequate stock of such face covers shall be made available. Nl All persons in charge of work places shall ensure social distancing as per the guidelines issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, both within the work places and in company transport. M. Social distancing at work places shall be ensured through adequate gaps between shifts, staggering the lunch breaks of staff, etc. 'V. Provision for thermal scanning, hand wash and sanitizer preferably with touch free mechanism will be made at all entry and exit points and common areas. In addition, sufficient quantities of handwash and sanitizer shall be made available in the work places. V. Frequent sanitization of entire workplace, common facilities and all points which come into human contact e.g. door handles etc., shall be ensured, including between shifts. Ma vi vil. vin. Vv. vi. vil. VIL Persons above 65 years of age, persons with co-morbidities, pregnant women and children below the age of 10 years shall stay at home, except for meeting essential requirements and for health purposes. Use of Arogya Setu app shall be made mandatory for all employees, both private and Public. It shall be the responsibility of the Head of the respective Organizations to ensure 100% coverage of this app among the employees. Arrangements for transport facilities shall be ensured with social distancing, wherever personal/public transport is not feasible. Measures at Public Places- Wearing of face cover is compulsory in all public place. All persons in charge of public places and transport shall ensure social distancing as per the guidelines issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. No organization/ manager of public place shall allow gathering of 5 or more persons. Marriages related gatherings shall ensure social distanciig, and the maximum number of guests ali.owed shall not be more than 50. Funeral/ last rites related gatherings shall ensure social distancing, and the maximum ‘numbers allowed shall not be more than 20. Spitting in public places shall be punishable with fine, as may be prescribed by the State/UT local authority. Consumption of liquor, paan, gutka, tobacco etc. in public places is not allowed, Shops selling liquor, paan, gutka, tobacco etc. will ensure minimum six feet distance (2 gaz ki doori) from each other, and also ensure that not more thar 5 persons are Present at one time at the sho, All establishments shall ensure permanent paint marking outside and inside their Premises. These marks shall be made 1m apart and it shall be ensured that persons visiting and working maintain social distancing by means of those marks, They shall also ensure that no vehicle is parked outside their shops so as to allow enough space for people to stand as per markings. ve Bie 2 Sica cio BE BY eng 13, 14, 5} 16. a7: 18. 19, 20. 21, 22 23. 24, 25, 26, 27. 28, 29, District Magistrate Panchkula Endst. No. /©87-§-40929/ ma/mc-1,Dated: 3lSpory A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:- Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Chandigarh Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Revenue & Disaster Management, Department, Chandigarh. Additior al Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Home Department, Chandigarh. Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Health Department, Chandigarh. sh. Anand Mohan Sharan, 1AS, Principal Secretary to Government Haryana, Mines & Geology Department, Social Justice & Empowerment and Welfare af Scheduled Castes & Backward Classes Departments. Director General of Police, Haryana, Chandigarh, ADGP/CID, Haryana, Chandigarh. Commissioner, Ambala Division, Ambala, Commissioner of Police, Panchkula. . Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Panchkula, - Deputy Commissioner of Police, Panchkula, - Additional Deputy Commissioner, Panchkula. CEO, 2P, Panchkula. Estate Officer, HSVP, Panchkula Sub Divisional Officer, Panchkula/Kalka. Joint Commissioner, Muncipal Corporation, Panchkula. District Revenue Officer, Panchkula. District Development & Panchayat Officer, Panchkula, Civil Surgeon, Panchkula, Joint Director, District Industries and Commerce, Panchkula Assistant Labour Commissioner, Panchkula, Deputy Director, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Panchkula, Regional Officer, Haryana State Pollution Contre! Board, Panchkula, - Distt. Education Officer, Panchkula. She will inform all the concerned Principals. - District Food Supply & Controller, Panchkula, . XEN, Par chayati Raj, Panchkula. XEN, PHED, Panchkula, . Divisional Forest Officer, Morni at Pinjore. . XEN, HSAMB, Panchkula, 30. HSVP Division No. 1 & H, Panchkula, 31. XEN; PWD B&R (Prov. Divn.), Panchkula. 32. XEN, Horticulture, Panchkula. $3. All Incident Commanders of Distt. Panchkula. 34. Ai Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar in Panchkula. 35. All concerned Officers, 36. Executive Officer, Municipal Corporation, Panchkula. 7 i 37.-Secretary, Market Committee, Panchkula,Barwala, Raipur Rani. f i 38. District Drug Controller, Panchkula, 39. District Public Relation Officer, Panchkula, 40. District information and Technology Officer, Panchkula. 41. Steno/PA to OCc/cTm for Deputy Commissioner, Panchkula.

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