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Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 595e604

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Analysis of challenges inhibiting the reduction of waste in food supply

Samir Gokarn*, Thyagaraj S. Kuthambalayan
Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad 826004, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The main objective of this paper is to identify and analyse the effectiveness of challenges inhibiting the
Received 6 March 2017 reduction of waste in Indian agri-food supply chain (AFSC). The reduction of food waste impacts posi-
Received in revised form tively all three dimensions of sustainability (economic, social, and environmental). Thirty-three chal-
24 August 2017
lenges inhibiting reduction of waste in AFSC are identified by a review of the literature and a consultation
Accepted 3 September 2017
with experts in the Indian food industry and academia. These challenges are grouped using Exploratory
Available online 5 September 2017
Factor Analysis into a super-set of nine challenges. The inter-relationship and respective dominance
among these nine challenges is then determined using Interpretive Structural Modelling and MICMAC
Food waste
analysis. The group of independent challenges (food characteristics, supply chain uncertainty, market
Agri-food supply chain infrastructure, and food policy and regulation) have higher driving power and low dependency, and
Interpretive Structural Modelling require maximum attention. These four challenges constrain decisions at the three-decision-making
Exploratory Factor Analysis echelon (strategic, tactical, and operational) and each of the supply-chain echelons. The group of
dependent challenges (supply chain partnerships, operational capability, and supply chain networks)
have high dependence and low driving power and are resultant effects. The challenge, information
technology, with high driving and dependence power, is a linkage variable. It acts as an enabler of
dependent variables, and it mitigates the complexities due to food characteristics and uncertainty. The
challenge, consumer behaviour, with low driving and dependence power, is an autonomous variable. It
has little influence on waste reduction in Indian AFSC. This study highlights the importance of con-
ducting region-specific study of supply chains and promotes sustainable practice.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and misshapen produce), and increased governmental food safety

regulations (Chen, 2006).
Supply chain management is essential because of the high level The main concern in agri-food supply chain (AFSC) is food
of dependencies between different stages. The concept was intro- wastage. The food, if not consumed, is a waste, despite its non-food
duced in the early 1980s (Oliver and Webber, 1982) and has use (Gustavsson et al., 2011). The loss in weight (or volume) and
attracted much attention since the 1990s. Most studies, however, alteration in physical conditions or characteristics of produce are
focus on manufactured products and service and not on food sector. referred to as ‘food loss’. Food loss is a subset of food waste (Tsolakis
Food sector is a significant part of any economy and deserves et al., 2014).
attention. This study focuses on agri-food, and is restricted to foods It is estimated that one third of all food produced for human
of plant origin. consumption is wasted (FAO, 2014; FAO, 2017). The waste of food is
Agri-food industry in developed countries is re-organising and a non-productive use of scarce resources (land and water) and leads
adopting supply chain management practice. This is prompted by to environmental degradation (FAO, 2014). The impact of food
competition from multinational corporations in the food process- waste on the three dimensions of sustainability, economic (‘Profit’),
ing and retailing sector, growing consumer intolerance of sub- social (‘People’), and environmental (‘Planet’), is summarised in
standard foods (even towards cosmetic defects such as blemishes Table 1. The effective management of AFSC has significant impli-
cations for food waste and sustainability (Humphrey and
Memedovic, 2006).
* Corresponding author.
In developed countries, 70e80% of food is processed and
E-mail address: (S. Gokarn). rigorous quality standards are the prime cause of wastage at agri-
0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
596 S. Gokarn, T.S. Kuthambalayan / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 595e604

Table 1
Impacts of food waste on the three dimensions of sustainability.

Economic Social Environmental

Reduction in profit Decrease in nutrition level and increases in susceptibility to Increase in emissions of greenhouse gas methane
micronutrient deficiencies and the related diseases.
Increase in cost for disposal and Increase in price of food, which negatively affects access. Non-productive use of water and of agricultural land.
treatment of waste
Decrease in financial resources for Reduction in labour productivity and wages Waste of non-renewable energy.
investment in other sectors

food production and produce processing stage. At the distributor Tsolakis et al. (2014) classify existing research efforts on AFSC
and wholesaler/retailer it is due to overstocking, and at households, along strategic, tactical, and operational decision-making echelons.
it is due to buying in excess of need. The food wastage at the retail Most studies are narrowly focused on distinct decision-making
and consumer stage is significantly more than that at the early echelon and supply chain echelon (suggesting a need for a holis-
supply chain stages (Priefer et al., 2016). tic approach).
However, in developing countries, the food wastage is higher at Shukla and Jharkharia (2013) review literature related to the
the immediate post-harvest stages (Parfitt et al., 2010). In India, supply chain of fresh produce. They identify a lack of focus on issues
from the wholesale market to the consumer there is very little food in developing countries where most research is state funded and
wastage as there is a market for any type and grade of product. oriented towards increasing food grain production and not waste
There is a lack of understanding of ways to improve the supply reduction. The food wastage has consequently increased along with
chain, upstream of the whole-seller. food production.
The analysis of supply chains must be region specific. The rela- Table 2 provides the literature relevant to Indian AFSC. Of these
tive importance of challenges inhibiting reduction of waste in AFSC studies, except Balaji and Arshinder (2016), the remaining focus on
differs by region. Indian diet consists chiefly of vegetables, grains, a specific challenge inhibiting reduction of food waste, or, on a
and pulses and less of meat, leading us to focus on agri-food. Most single issue at a specific supply chain stage, or, on improvement in
studies on AFSC are generic, lacking focus on a particular region, supply chain cost/competitiveness (reduction of waste is not the
and with a focus on operational issues (Shukla and Jharkharia, main objective). These studies thus provide a ‘silo’ view of means to
2013). India's agriculture sector and population, are one of the reduce waste in AFSC.
largest in the world. Agriculture contributes to 20% of GDP and
provides employment to 50% of the population. An improved un-
2.1. Positioning of this study
derstanding of waste reduction in its AFSC has important implica-
tions for global food security.
Food waste along the AFSC is due to interrelated challenges with
The main contributions of this study are:
lack of actions at a stage affecting food waste at other stages. So, a
broader perspective (which is missing in most studies) is required
1. The identification of thirty-three challenges inhibiting reduction
to identify the challenges inhibiting waste reduction and to deter-
of waste in AFSC by a review of the literature and brainstorming
mine their inter-relationship and their respective dominance. In
amongst experts in the Indian food industry and academia. The
this direction, Balaji and Arshinder (2016) identify sixteen chal-
underlying relationships among these challenges is uncovered
lenges, by a review of the literature and brainstorming amongst
using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and the similar chal-
experts in the Indian food industry and academia. They then apply
lenges are grouped into a super-set of ‘nine’ challenges, which
Total Interpretive Structural Modelling and Fuzzy MICMAC
represent all other challenges within them.
approach to determine the inter-relationship among these chal-
2. The inter-relationship and the respective dominance among
lenges and their respective dominance.
these ‘nine’ challenges are determined by using Interpretive
In this study, a total of thirty-three challenges are identified
Structural Modelling (ISM) and MICMAC analysis; and
(please refer Table 4) by a similar process. Nine of these challenges
3. Managerial insight is provided which should help all stake-
belong to the strategic and eight belong to the tactical and opera-
holders, involved in designing and managing the AFSC, to
tional, decision-making echelon. The remaining sixteen challenges
reduce waste and improve sustainable practice.
stem from (1) unique characteristics of the agri-food, (2) uncer-
tainty present in the AFSC, (3) behavioural aspects of the con-
The remainder of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2
sumers, and (4) inadequate national food policy and regulation.
provides the related literature and positions our work in the liter-
This study departs significantly from that of Balaji and Arshinder
ature. Section 3 discusses the use of EFA and ISM approach. Section
(2016) due to the identification and analysis of these ‘sixteen’
4 presents the results. Section 5 discusses the results. Section 6
challenges, as they add to the complexities of decision-making at all
concludes and provides directions for future research.
three, strategic, tactical, and operational, levels. Most of the chal-
lenges identified are relevant to each of the supply-chain echelon.
2. Literature review This addresses the shortcoming identified by Tsolakis et al. (2014).
From a methodological point of view, like Balaji and Arshinder
A vast majority of the literature on AFSC still tend to focus on (2016), ISM is used to simplify and determine the direction of re-
maximising firms revenue and improving consumer satisfaction lationships among challenges using expert knowledge (Warfield,
with a reduction in food waste being a secondary objective (Shukla 1974). Few significant references to literature on the applications
and Jharkharia, 2013). The principal objective of this study is of ISM methodology in India is provided by Diabat et al. (2014).
reduction in waste of agri-food, specifically, foods of plant origin. The effectiveness of ISM methodology depends on the knowl-
Both, long shelf-life produce (e.g., grains, pulses) and short shelf- edge of experts. So unlike Balaji and Arshinder (2016), to simplify
life/perishable/fresh produce (fruits and vegetables), are ISM procedure and reduce the possibility of error, EFA is used to
considered. group similar challenges into a super-set of ‘nine’ challenges which
S. Gokarn, T.S. Kuthambalayan / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 595e604 597

Table 2
Studies on Indian AFSC.

Sources Agri-food Objective

Arivazhagan et al. (2012) Fresh produce Analysis of waste at retail outlets.

Balaji and Arshinder (2016) Fresh produce Analyse the interactions among causes of waste and identify the dominant causes.
Cardoen et al. (2015) Generic Assessment of waste at the production stage.
Faisal and Talib (2016) Generic Improving the traceability in food supply chain in response to stringent market demand conditions.
Joshi et al. (2009) Fresh produce Improving the efficiency of a cold chain.
Murthy et al. (2009) Fruits Assessment of wastage in fruits along the supply chain.
Parwez (2014) Generic Analysis of the status of information technology infrastructure in AFSC.
Sagheer et al. (2009b) Generic Analysis of interaction in AFSC network between the human components
(farmer-producer, processor, exporter/retailer, human resources, and national government),
non-human components (regulatory scenario, food quality systems and infrastructure),
and the global market share.
Sachan et al. (2005) Food grains Analysis of different foodgrain supply chain model based on total supply chain cost and the ratio of cost,
at the consumer end and at the farmer end.
Shukla et al. (2014) Processed food Food safety regulatory model for processing and manufacturing industry.
Sagheer et al. (2009a) Generic Analyse standards compliance.

then represent all other challenges within them. This differs from Sample size is important in factor analysis, but there is little
the commonly used method to ask experts to rate the importance consensus on adequate sample size. One guiding rules of thumb by
of the challenges and drop from the list the challenges with low Hair et al. (1998), for factor analysis, is a sample size of at least 100
average rating. This process has the associated risk of dropping a and a sample to variable ratio of at least 3:1. The sample size in this
relevant challenge. ISM and MICMAC approach is applied to the study meets these criteria. To ensure the suitability of respondent
challenges in the super-set. The application of EFA, ISM and data for factor analysis, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of
MICMAC approach to the problem of waste reduction in Indian sampling adequacy was determined. The KMO value was found to
AFSC is a unique effort and adds to the literature. be 0.843 (which is greater than the recommended value of 0.5).
Factors were extracted using Orthogonal Varimax rotation (the
3. Method most common rotation technique used in factor analysis) and
Principal Component Analysis (which produce uncorrelated factor
A review of the literature and a consultation with experts in the structures). The cumulative percent of variance explained and
Indian food industry and academia leads to the identification of eigenvalue (>1) criteria were used in factor extraction.
challenges inhibiting reduction of waste in AFSC. Table 3 provides ISM approach establishes the relationships among the identified
the profile of these experts and Table 4 provides the description of factors (challenges) and its application is discussed next.
the 33 challenges identified. In this section, the application of EFA,
ISM, and MICMAC methods, is discussed.
3.2. Application of ISM method
3.1. Application of EFA
In ISM method, experts from academia and industry (previously
A large number of challenges increase the possibility of error in identified and whose profile is given in Table 3) were consulted for
establishing contextual relationship using ISM approach. Hence, inputs needed to establish relationships among challenges. ISM
EFA, a multivariate statistical procedure, has been used to reduce methodology is thus interpretive in nature. It creates an under-
the number of challenges to a manageable number. standing of the interactions among factors and their in-between
The target population was the stakeholders of Indian food in- structure (by arranging the factors into a hierarchy). The ISM
dustry. The respondents were managers, researchers, academi- approach is as follows:
cians, and policy makers having knowledge of AFSC. A
questionnaire survey based on the identified items was developed. 1. Determine pair-wise relationships among the challenges to
Respondents rated each variable on a five-point Likert-type scale. obtain a structural self-interaction matrix (SSIM).
The scale value indicates the degree to which the variable is rele- 2. Determine the transitivity relationships to obtain a reachability
vant to waste reduction in AFSC (1- not at all important and 5- matrix from SSIM.
extremely important). The questionnaire was self-administered. A 3. Partition the reachability matrix into different levels.
total of 350 respondents were consulted in a period of six months 4. Develop the ISM model based on the final reachability matrix
and 134 responses collected. Of these, 127 responses (from 25 and the outcome of level partition.
managers, 52 researchers, 43 academicians, and 7 policy makers) 5. Check the conceptual inconsistency of the ISM based model and
were found complete in all respect, and valid. make necessary modifications.

Table 3
Profile of experts.

Expert Number Years of experience Type of Activity Designation

1 26 Food Processor Chief Executive

2 08 Organised Retailer Store Manager
3 25 Aggregator and Producer Chief Executive
4 11 Food Processor Senior Manager-Operations
5 13 Organised Retailer Store Manager
6 22 Academics Professor
7 11 Academics Associate Professor
598 S. Gokarn, T.S. Kuthambalayan / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 595e604

Table 4
Challenges inhibiting reduction of waste in AFSC.

Sr. Item Source (s) Description


Strategic level
1 Complex market Priefer et al. (2016) The market system helps bidders and sellers interact and make deals. It is the system of regulation, credentials,
system reputation, and clearing, in a social context, which surrounds the price mechanism.
2 Inefficient distribution Ahumada and A distribution network is the configuration of the facilities to transfer goods from the supply to the demand points in
network Villalobos (2011) the best possible manner. The design decision involves the number of facilities, their function, and their location.
3 Inefficient procurement Boudahri et al. (2011) Procurement channels comprise: requisition, purchase, and invoice channels, and facilitate Purchase-to-Pay process
channels while maintaining user-friendliness, control & visibility, and efficiency.
4 Inefficient Boudahri et al. (2011) A transportation network is a realisation of a spatial network, whose objective is to deliver commodities at the agreed
transportation time and at the agreed location.
5 Lack of cooperation Beulens et al. (2005) Cooperation implies having a common goal and a positive attitude towards each other. It does not imply a close
working relationship.
6 Lack of coordination Hobbs and Young Coordination implies a close working relationship and joint decision-making.
7 Lack of supply chain Poole et al. (1998) Clauses in the contract aim to achieve coordination by providing a suitable incentive to both parties.
8 Lack of trust Beulens et al. (2005) Trust refers to a firm‘s expectation that their partners will act to benefit their (firm‘s) interests regardless of their
ability to monitor such behaviour.
9 Lack of cold chain & Joshi et al. (2009) A cold chain refers to the refrigerated storage and distribution activities.
10 Lack of processing Bhatnagar and Sohal Processing of food serves to prevent spoilage and retain its nutritive value.
facility (2005)
Tactical & Operational level
11 Lack of traceability Wilson and Clarke It refers to the knowledge of life history of a product.
12 Lack of technical Joshi et al. (2009) Technical expertise refers to a persons’ knowledge or skill and his ability to perform a particular task well.
13 Lack of technical Kaipia et al. (2013) Technical support refers to the help and advice provided by a firm, about their products, to its customers.
14 Lack of communication Kaipia et al. (2013) Communication ensures smooth operations by providing visibility and information across the supply chain.
15 Poor harvesting Ahumada and The timing of planting and harvesting are dictated by market conditions and the biological nature of the grower's
planning Villalobos (2011) product.
16 Poor packaging Williams et al. (2008) It is the ability to package products with minimum damage or loss.
17 Poor storage facility Murthy et al. (2009) It refers to the available infrastructure for storage of produce at intermediaries in the supply chain.
18 Poor transportation Higgins et al. (2004) It refers to the transportation of produce such that it reaches the destination at the agreed time in a convenient,
planning economical, and environment-friendly manner.
19 Bulkiness (Size) Van der Vorst et al. The bulkiness of the fresh produce adds to the transportation, handling and packaging difficulty.
20 Consumerism Parfitt et al. (2010) It refers to the purchasing in excess of need.
21 Consumer attitude Parfitt et al. (2010) It refers to the consumers' intolerance of substandard foods, which includes any cosmetic defects such as blemishes
and misshapen produce.
22 Consumer habits Parfitt et al. (2010) It refers to the consumer habit of throwing away food.
23 Demand uncertainty Taylor and Fearne Demand uncertainty refers to the difficulty in accurately projecting customer demand in the future. Even if the
(2009) average consumer demand is stable, weather changes and changing consumer preferences induce variations.
24 Inadequate food policy Joshi et al. (2009) Food policy is concerned with meeting or furthering social objectives.
25 Lack of quality & safety Trienekens and It refers to food control systems to protect public health, prevent fraud and deception, and avoid food adulteration by
measures Zuurbier (2008) means of legislation, infrastructure, and enforcement mechanisms.
26 Lack of awareness Parfitt et al. (2010) It refers to the awareness of consumers of wasted food generally, and the amount of food they waste.
27 Perishability Van der Vorst et al. It is a characteristic of the produce which causes it to spoil, decay or become unsafe to consume if not kept
(2007) refrigerated.
28 Poor regulatory Shukla et al. (2014) It refers to regulating food industry behaviours, such as marketing unhealthy foods and promoting purchase in large
framework portions, which contribute to poor diet and waste.
29 Price uncertainty Van der Vorst et al. The uncertainty is in the price the farmers receive for their produce.
30 Process uncertainty Van der Vorst et al. Natural factors cause uncertainty in crop yields.
31 Quality variation Hodges et al. (2010) Quality refers to variation in nutrient composition of the produce due to genetics, pre-harvest conditions, the
maturity of the produce at harvest, post-harvest handling and storage conditions, and processing techniques
32 Seasonality Van der Vorst et al. Seasonal climate influences area planted or harvested and the number of crops grown (besides yield).
33 Supply uncertainty Kaipia et al. (2013) It refers to variations in supply quantity because of human behaviour (e.g., shortage gaming and forward buying
because of price discounts) beside other reasons.

3.2.1. Development of SSIM  V: If challenge i influences challenge j

To develop SSIM, the opinion of experts on the relationship  A: If challenge j influences challenge i
between challenges is used. One of four symbols (‘V’, ‘A’, ‘X’, ‘O’) is  X: If challenge i and j influence each other
used to understand the relationship between any two challenges (i  O: If challenge i and j are unrelated.
and j), and the direction of this relationship,.
S. Gokarn, T.S. Kuthambalayan / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 595e604 599

The outcome of these contextual relationships for the identified The basis of categorisation is the multiplication properties of
challenges is the SSIM. matrices (Gorane and Kant, 2013). The driving power and depen-
dence power of each challenge are computed by adding the values
3.2.2. Development of reachability matrix along the row for driving power and along the column for depen-
The reachability matrix is developed from SSIM in two steps. dence power. On the basis of these values, a graph is plotted for
The first step consists of determining the initial reachability matrix, each challenge, by treating corresponding dependence and driving
a binary matrix. It is the result of substituting V, A, X, and O with ‘1’ power as ‘X’ and ‘Y’ coordinates, respectively.
or ‘0’ in SSIM, using the convention stated below:
4. Results
 If the notation in the cell (i, j) is ‘V’, then, the cell (i, j) notation is
converted into ‘1’ and the cell (j, i) notation is converted into ‘0’. In this section, the results of application of EFA, ISM, and
 If the notation in the cell (i, j) is ‘A,’ then the cell (i, j) notation is MICMAC methods, are presented.
converted into ‘0’ and the cell (j, i) notation is converted into ‘1’.
 If the notation in the cell (i, j) is ‘X’, then the notations in both 4.1. Result of EFA
the cells (i, j) and (j, i) is converted into ‘1’.
 If the notation in the cell (i, j) is ‘O’, then the notations in both EFA result in the extraction of nine factors (see Table 5), which
the cells (i, j) and (j, i) are converted into ‘0’. together account for 77.26% of the total variance (as deemed suf-
ficient by Hair et al., 1998).
The second step consists of using the transitivity rule to obtain Reliability refers to the internal consistency of variables with
the final reachability matrix of the challenges. This rule says that if a each factor (Hair et al., 2010). The Cronbach's alpha (a) value greater
variable X is related to a variable Y, and the variable Y is related to a than 0.6 implies a good degree of inter-consistency (Nunnally et al.,
variable Z, then the variable X is also related to the variable Z. This 1967). As seen in Table 5, the values of alpha for all the factors are
rule is used to establish a relationship between challenges X and Z, above 0.7. All the items are having high loading (more than 0.7) on
which have no in-between relationship in the initial reachability their proposed construct and no item is having cross factor loading,
matrix. indicating adequate convergent validity and discriminant validity,
respectively. Next, the identified factors (challenges) are inter-
3.2.3. Level partitions preted based on corresponding variables and are named.
The reachability set for a particular challenge consists of the
challenge itself and the challenges, which it may influence. The 4.1.1. Food characteristics (C1)
antecedent set consists of the challenge itself and the challenges, Four items, perishability, quality variation, seasonality, and
which influence it. The intersection of these two sets is determined. bulkiness, are highly correlated to the challenge C1 and represent
The challenge, for which the reachability and the intersection sets the natural characteristics of produce. Fresh produce are bulky and
are equivalent, is assigned to different Level in the ISM hierarchy perishable. Bulkiness causes difficulty in physical handling and
model, as it would not influence any other challenges above its own transportation and perishability limits the marketable life of the
level. These challenges are then discarded from the list. The above produce, the time period over which it can be processed, and the
process is repeated until each challenge is assigned to a level. ability to store it (and, thereby, the ability to balance supply and
demand over time). Perishability also reduces the producers bar-
3.2.4. Formation of ISM based model gaining power with buyers (especially, with those who have
A directed graph (digraph), based on the final reachability ma- alternate supply sources), and causes quality deterioration during
trix and outcome of level partition, is drawn. The digraph is con- transportation and storage (thus requiring that the produce be
verted into an ISM model, by removing the transitivity relation graded for quality at each stage of the AFSC, and thereby, increasing
between them. transaction cost). The produce exhibits quality variation from unit
MICMAC analysis classifies the identified challenges into four to unit and from one supply period to other. Moreover, both the
categories, autonomous, dependent, linkage and independent, quality and quantity of produce at agri-food production stage is
based on their driving and dependence powers (Gorane and Kant, prone to weather conditions. Food characteristics thus act as a
2013), and its application is discussed next. challenge inhibiting the reduction of waste in AFSC.

3.3. MICMAC analysis 4.1.2. Supply chain uncertainty (C2)

Four items, demand uncertainty, supply uncertainty, price un-
The management of a challenge with high driving value helps certainty, and process uncertainty, are highly correlated to the
overcome the challenges dependent on it. The nine challenges are challenge C2 and they represent the uncertainty present in AFSC. In
classified into four categories, based on their drive and dependence India, stages in AFSC are unaware of inventory policy of other
powers, as follows: stages. There is a lack of scientific approach in determining reor-
dering quantity and batch size of the produce, which is essential,
 Autonomous challenge (Quadrant-I): The challenge with weak given that the produce differs in shelf lives and have varied supply
drive and dependence powers. The system is relatively unaf- and demand patterns (Joshi et al., 2009). Moreover, natural events
fected by this challenge. (e.g., crop damage due to adverse weather or pest) and human
 Dependent challenge (Quadrant - II): The challenges with weak behaviour (e.g., shortage gaming) contributes to supply and process
drive power, but strong dependence power. uncertainty. In India, food grains have minimum support prices set
 Linkage challenge (Quadrant - III): The challenge with strong by the government. The government is the principal buyer of grains
drive and dependence powers. and sells them in retail stores at subsidised rates. The pricing of the
 Independent challenge (Quadrant - IV): The challenge with fresh produce, however, depends largely on supply and demand.
strong drive power, but weak dependence power. These are the Supply chain uncertainty thus acts as a challenge inhibiting the
‘key’ challenges. reduction of waste in AFSC.
600 S. Gokarn, T.S. Kuthambalayan / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 595e604

Table 5
Factor analysis results.

Scale Items Factor Loading Reliability (a) Challenges

Perishability 0.914 0.939 Food characteristics (C1)

Quality variation 0.909
Seasonality 0.881
Bulkiness 0.874
Price uncertainty 0.913 0.917 Supply chain uncertainty (C2)
Demand uncertainty 0.894
Supply uncertainty 0.865
Process uncertainty 0.847
Lack of technical expertise 0.897 0.948 Information technology (C3)
Lack of tracking technology 0.885
Lack of communication 0.871
Lack of technical support 0.864
Lack of coordination 0.887 0.937 Supply chain partnerships (C4)
Lack of trust 0.870
Lack of cooperation 0.831
Lack of supply chain contracts 0.724
Poor harvesting planning 0.855 0.876 Operational capability (C5)
Poor transportation planning 0.853
Poor packaging efficiency 0.827
Poor storage facility 0.805
Lack of awareness 0.835 0.844 Consumer behaviour (C6)
Consumer attitude 0.833
Consumer habits 0.827
Consumerism 0.815
Inadequate market system 0.888 0.895 Market infrastructure (C7)
Lack of processing facility 0.846
Lack of cold chain & storage 0.790
Inadequate food policy 0.893 0.864 Food policy and regulation (C8)
Poor regulatory framework 0.889
Lack of quality & safety measures 0.822
Inefficient procurement channels 0.872 0.795 Supply chain networks (C9)
Inefficient transportation networks 0.812
Inefficient distribution networks 0.776

4.1.3. Information technology (C3) and an absence of forward integration. A coordination problem
Four items, lack of technical expertise, lack of tracking tech- exists as the harvesting schedule for different suppliers do not
nology, lack of communication, and lack of technical support, are overlap but vary over time. Lack of supply chain partnership thus
highly correlated to the challenge C3 and they represent (primarily) acts as a challenge inhibiting the reduction of waste in AFSC.
the lack of use of information technology in AFSC. Agri-food tends
to have multiple-difficult to measure (or observe) - quality attri- 4.1.5. Operational capability (C5)
butes. It is also difficult to assess the value assigned to these attri- Four items, poor harvesting planning, poor transportation
butes by the consumers. This creates a challenge for informative planning, poor packaging efficiency, and poor storage facility, are
grading and labelling of produce (with, for e.g., the content and highly correlated to the challenge C5 and they represent the
nutritional value). Information technology facilitates communica- operational inefficiency in AFSC. Agri-food production in India is
tion between supply chain stages and improves decision-making dispersed over a large geographical area. The unpredictable pro-
(for e.g., by use of automated demand forecasting). Product duction pattern of the many small farmers adds to the difficulty of
tracing allows one to determine the condition the produce is, at any gathering crop intelligence. Due to the size of India, and its diverse
point of time (Rijswijk and Frewer, 2008). Continuous monitoring of population and food habits, gathering information regarding con-
the remaining shelf life of produce permits suitable actions to be sumer preferences is also difficult. This results in poor harvesting
taken before the quality of produce falls below an acceptable level. planning, and often oversupply/shortage of agri-food. The above
Tracking in Indian AFSC is almost non-existent (Joshi et al., 2009). factors also contribute to poor transportation planning and
Lack of usage of information technology thus acts as a challenge potentially high transportation cost. Moreover, the output of a
inhibiting the reduction of waste in Indian AFSC. small producer makes an investment in storage facilities or
standardised containers unattractive (which in turn increase
4.1.4. Supply chain partnerships (C4) handling activities and quality inspections activities, implying
Four items, lack of coordination, lack of trust, lack of coopera- additional transaction cost). Operational inefficiency thus acts as a
tion, and lack of supply chain contracts, are highly correlated to the challenge inhibiting the reduction of waste in AFSC.
challenge C4 and they represent the lack of supply chain partner-
ship in Indian AFSC. The Indian food industry comprises of many 4.1.6. Consumer behaviour (C6)
loosely integrated players with a large number of intermediaries Four items, lack of awareness, consumer attitude, consumer
between producers and consumers. Wholesalers or commission habits, and consumerism, are highly correlated to this challenge
agents link unorganised retailers with farmers and there is much and they reflect the behavioural aspects of the consumer in AFSC. At
information asymmetry. Supply chain contracts between stages the consumer end, food wastage occurs for a number of integrated
reduce the effects of supply and demand fluctuations, but are reasons, which vary depending on the behaviour of household
missing. There are very few buyers in most areas and the small, consumers (Parfitt et al., 2010). These include, a lack of awareness,
dispersed producers face a situation of monopolistic competition buying in excess of need, improper food storage, and lack of
S. Gokarn, T.S. Kuthambalayan / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 595e604 601

alternative use of leftovers (Priefer et al., 2016). Consumer behav- 4.3. Result of MICMAC analysis
iour thus acts as a challenge inhibiting the reduction of waste in
AFSC. Table 7 shows the driving power and dependence power of each
challenge. Fig. 2 shows the graph plotted on the basis of these
4.1.7. Market infrastructure (C7) values.
Three items, inadequate market system, lack of processing fa-
cility, and lack of cold chain and storage, are highly correlated to the
challenge C7 and they represent the lack of market infrastructure 5. Discussion
facilities in AFSC. In India, the current cold storage capacity is 32
million metric tonnes while its actual requirement is 61 million The levels of different challenges in ISM model (Fig. 1) provide
metric tonnes. Moreover, non-refrigerated trucks transport a large an understanding of their importance in successful reduction of
quantity of perishable food items (Balaji and Arshinder, 2016). India food waste in AFSC. Fig. 1 indicates that operational capability,
processes a very small amount of the food that it produces (relative supply chain networks, supply chain partnerships, and consumer
to other developing countries). Private investment in modern behaviour challenges are at Level-I (top-level). The second level
processing, storage, transportation and trading facilities is lacking (Level-II) challenges are information technology, food policy and
due to the large unit operating cost in the initial years, together regulation, and market infrastructure, and reflect a lack of external
with the uncertainty about future agri-food supply. Lack of market support. The management of Level-II challenges, aid in the man-
infrastructure thus acts as a challenge inhibiting the reduction of agement of Level-I challenges. Building the infrastructure and
waste in AFSC. formulating the food policy requires effective long-term planning.
Supply chain uncertainty appears at Level-III and food character-
4.1.8. Food policy and regulation (C8) istics appear at Level-IV, in the hierarchy. The management of
Three items, inadequate food policy, poor regulatory framework, challenges at Level-IV and III has the highest potential of aiding
and lack of quality & safety measures, are highly correlated to the management of challenges at lower levels. The food characteristic,
challenge C8 and represent the inadequate food policy and regu- for example, can be positively influenced by means of modern
latory aspects. Food policies and regulations address quality and scientific techniques. The management of Level-II and I challenges
safety of produce, financial support, and awareness program. In has little influence on those at higher levels.
India, the data relevant to the quality of produce is not available at Fig. 2 shows that there is one autonomous challenge, consumer
any stage. There is a lack of awareness of procedures for quality behaviour, in Quadrant-I. Consumer behaviour has weak driver and
control and of standards (Shukla et al., 2014). Moreover, the strin- dependence powers and has little role in causing food waste. In
gent health, safety and quality standards required by foreign India, many live on $2 a day or less, in rural areas, and in large-size
buyers, and the price incentive offered by them for quality produce, households. Most produce is purchased from local vendors in small
result in the export of the best quality produce. Inadequate food lots, there is a market for any type and grade of product, and due to
policy, regulation, and its awareness thus act as a challenge inhib- Indian eating habit, very little food is wasted at the consumer end.
iting the reduction of waste in AFSC. Consumer behaviour does not present itself as a significant chal-
lenge in reducing waste. However, managing this challenge is
known to be important for reducing waste in developed nations
4.1.9. Supply chain networks (C9)
(Priefer et al., 2016).
Three items, inefficient procurement channels, inefficient
The challenges, food characteristics (C1), supply chain uncer-
transportation networks, and inefficient distribution networks, are
tainty (C2), food policy and regulation (C7), and market infra-
highly correlated to the challenge C9 and represent the inefficiency
structure (C8) in Quadrant-IV (Fig. 2) are independent challenges.
in supply chain networks. India's global logistics performance index
They have strong driving power, but weak dependency on other
has fallen from 37 in the year 2007, to 54 in 2014. This is due to
challenges. They are, therefore, the ‘key’ challenges inhibiting the
inefficient clearance process (lacking simple and predictable for-
reduction of food waste in Indian AFSC (Priefer et al., 2016).
malities), poor quality of transportation infrastructure (ports, rail-
Stakeholders and policy makers can reduce food waste more suc-
roads, roads, information technology), and lack of quality logistics
cessfully by focusing on and diagnosing these dominant challenges.
services (LPI, 2014). The state of roads in most areas is poor. Due to
Three of these dominant challenges, food characteristics (C1),
geographically dispersed producers, the collection of produce is a
supply chain uncertainty (C2), and food policy and regulation (C7)
costly process. In certain regions, especially in the Northeastern
are categorised as constraints, and the one remaining challenge,
part of the country, the farmer needs to travel more than 50 km to
market infrastructure (C8), is categorised as strategic (long-term)
reach the market. Inefficient supply chain network thus acts as a
decision, in Table 4. This implies that managing challenges, which
challenge inhibiting the reduction of waste in food supply chain.
constrain rest of the decisions, can lead to considerable benefits.
Technologies can be adopted at the production and distribution
4.2. Result of ISM method

4.2.1. SSIM Table 6

Table 6 provides the SSIM (contextual relationships for the nine Structural self-intersection matrix (SSIM).

challenges). S/N List of factors C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1

C1 Food characteristics V V V V V V V V e
4.2.2. Reachability matrix C2 Supply chain uncertainty V O V O V V V e
Table 7 provides the initial reachability matrix, and the final C3 Information technology V O O O O V e
C4 Supply chain partnerships A O O O O e
reachability matrix of the challenges.
C5 Operational capability O A A O e
C6 Consumer behaviour O O O e
4.2.3. Level partitions C7 Market infrastructure V O e
Table 8 shows that all the nine challenges achieve their level C8 Food policy and regulation V e
C9 Supply chain networks e
after four iterations.
602 S. Gokarn, T.S. Kuthambalayan / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 595e604

Table 7
Reachability matrix.

Initial reachability matrix

Challenges C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9

C1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
C2 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
C3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
C4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
C5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
C6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
C7 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
C8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
C9 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

Final reachability matrix

Challenge C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 Driving Power

C1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
Fig. 2. Cluster of challenges inhibiting the reduction of food waste in FSC.
C2 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 6
C3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 5
C4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
C5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 level to influence the food characteristics, namely, perishability,
C6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 quality variation, seasonality, and bulkiness. Examples include,
C7 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 5
production under controlled irrigation or under controlled tem-
C8 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 5
C9 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2
perature, lighting, and other conditions, crop varieties yielding
Dependence Power 1 2 5 7 5 2 4 3 6 33 commercial harvests sooner and extending the seasonal yielding
pattern, and chemicals delaying crop maturity. The fact that
farming sector in India is highly disaggregated with limited access
Table 8 to finance, education and training, and that small farmers do not
Level partition for Challenges: iteration 1 - iteration 4. have sufficient scale to invest in these technologies, is a constraint.
Increased adoption of above technologies also facilitates closer
Challenge Reachability set Antecedent set Intersection set Level
coordination between production and subsequent processing and
Iteration 1
distribution activities and reduces supply chain uncertainty (de-
C1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 1 1
C2 2,3,4,5,7,9 1,2 2
mand uncertainty, supply uncertainty, price uncertainty, and pro-
C3 3,4,7,8,9 1,2,3,7,8 3,7,8 cess uncertainty). At processing stage, technologies enable the
C4 4 1,2,3,4,7,8,9 4 I replacement of natural raw materials with tailor-made fat-, sugar-,
C5 5 1,2,5,7,8 5 I beverage-, and other product substitutes. This reduces the need to
C6 6 1,6 6 I
coordinate processing with farm production, and thus the process
C7 3,4,5,7,9 1,2,3,7 3,7
C8 3,4,5,8,9 1,3,8 3,8 uncertainty. At distribution stage, computerised warehousing and
C9 3,9 1,2,3,7,8,9 3,9 I computer monitoring of goods in transit can improve physical
Iteration 2 commodity and informational flows, plus provide early quality
C1 1,2,3,7,8, 1 1
control warnings and reduce supply-demand mismatch, coun-
C2 2,3,7 1,2 2
C3 3,7,8 1,2,3,7,8 3,7,8 II
tering price volatility.
C7 3,7 1,2,3,7 3,7 II Other technologies at the processing and distribution stage
C8 3,8 1,3,8 3,8 II include controlled atmosphere storage and transport, vacuum and
Iteration 3 polyethylene packaging, and ultra-high temperature processing,
C1 1,2 1 1
together with aseptic packaging. However, the investment required
C2 2 1,2 2 III
Iteration 4 to improve market infrastructure (market system, processing fa-
C1 1 1 1 IV cility, and cold chain and storage) is prohibitively large and is long-
term in nature. Only 2% of the produce grown in India is currently
processed, most food items are stored inappropriately, and trans-
ported by non-refrigerated trucks, and trading facilities are few.
Food waste due to an inadequate level of market infrastructure
and technology adoption is aggravated in India by poor food policy
and regulation (inadequate food policy, poor regulatory framework,
and lack of quality & safety measures). Due to poor food policy and
regulation, stages in AFSC do not take corrective measures to
reduce food waste, thus demonstrating a lack of social re-
sponsibility. The amount of waste is not known at a stage. There is a
need to adopt clear penalty and reward systems to promote waste
reduction and tie the reward to the level of investment (risk). India
is experiencing increasing urbanisation and growth in supermarket
chains as in the west. Nevertheless, there is an absence of regula-
tions and food control systems to ensure safety and quality of food.
Thus, as also noted by Hodges et al. (2010), in developing
Fig. 1. Interpretive structural model showing the level of challenges. country like India, adoption of existing technologies and expansion
of good practice, associated with market-led investment and
S. Gokarn, T.S. Kuthambalayan / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 595e604 603

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