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Teacher : Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

All : Waalaikumsalam Wr. Wb.
Teacher : How do you do?
All : Doing great mom.
Teacher : good. who is the leader in this class?
All : Anis mam.
Teacher : Ok ANIS please lead your friends to pray.
Anis : Before we start to study, let’s pray together. Finish.
Teacher : Who doesn’t attend the class today?
All : No one mam
Teacher : Good, alhamdulillah
Teacher : Ok student, did you remember the material at the meeting yesterday?
All : Yes mam.
Taecher : who want to mention it? Ok rahay please.
RAHAY : The materials at the meeting yesterday about the periodic system development
and the grouping of elements from the Dobereiner Triade to the modern periodic
Teacher : Ok good. How to group elements from the Dobereiner Triade to the modern
periodic system? Anybody want to answer?
YANA : me mam, The Dobereiner periodic system states that there are three elements in
each group where the mass of the element in the middle is the average of the mass
of the elements that are pushed over ”
Teacher : Good , anyone want to add?
RIT/SEP : Me mam, Mendeleev's Periodic System says
"Elemental properties are a periodic function of atomic mass" and Moseley's
(Modern) Periodic System says "Elemental properties are a periodic function of
the atomic number".
Teacher : Good answer. so you already understood the material yesterday, right?
All : yes mam
Teacher : today we will discuss about the similarity of the caracterictis of element, the
tendency of elemental caracteristic and sort the periodicity of several elements
according to their locatin in the periodic table of elements. And later you will do
student worksheet and put it in mind mapping and playing elemental cards.
All : Ok mam
Teacher : Ok, you must have been to the minimarket’s, right? What are the items arranged
and grouped there?
ANIS : arrangement of goods there based on the type and properties mam
Teacher : Yes, good anis. Same with chemical elements. chemical elements are also
arranged based on the similarity of properties in the periodic table of elements
called the periodicity of chemical elements.
what a properties? elemental periodic properties of atomic radius, ionisation
energy, electron affinity and electronegativity. and what is the relation between
these properties and their tendency in the periodic table of elements?
To find out about this, I will share student worksheet and you do it independently,
All : Ok mam,
Teacher : I give you 3 minutes to do it independently, ok?
All : Ok mam
Teacher : Time's up, Next, you work on and discuss in pairs. (You with you) intinya

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