Impact of COVID-19 On Construction Industry

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COVID-19: The Ongoing Challenges on Building

Construction Industry in India

B. Vamsi Krishna
Department of Civil Engineering, Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous),
Secunderabad-500100, Telangana, India
E-Mail Id:

Abstract: Hyderabad is one of the largest cities in India, often faced with the challenge of designing modifications
as the population increasing day by day, travel time is to existing facilities that will service the increased
also increasing consequently and the need for transport demand. The road traffic in Indian cities has grown at a
facility is also increasing. But in the present situation the very steep rate from the recent years making the available
facilities provided are not meeting the requirements. transport infrastructure inadequate.
Balanagar junction is a major junction in Hyderabad and An intersection is the area that joining or crossing of two
it is main entrance to Jeedimetla industrial area. Here or more roads. The main function of an intersection is to
there is rapid increase in traffic volume which is enable the road user to make a route choice; it is a point
exceeding the capacity of the road and the level of service of decision. Hence the problems that are experienced by
is falling down. The aim of project is to check the the motorist while passing through an intersection must
Feasibility of Grade Separated Inter section (Fly over) at be recognized and the design should be in such a way that
Balanagar junction. For checking feasibility there are so the driving task is as simple as possible. Good
many factors, in that we considered PCU volume, Vehicle intersection design results from a minimization of the
Operated Cost (VOC), Value of Travel Time (VOT).For magnitude and characteristics of the conflicts and a
that, survey is conducted for one week period at simplification of driver route selection process.
Balanagar junction from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM and from It is a bridge that eliminates crossing at intersections by
5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Observed peak hour traffic volume vertical separation of roadways. Grade separated
of junction is 10,318 PCU from 9:15 AM to 10:15 AM. intersection also known as Interchanges. Grade separated
On the basis of survey and guidance of IRC SP: 30-2009, intersections cause less hazard and delay than grade
VOC has been calculated and also calculated VOT for the intersections. Route transfer at grade separations is
main lane of junction. Travel time loss due to delay is accommodated by interchange facilities consisting of
increasing very rapidly. From these reasons level of ramps. Interchange ramps are classified as Direct, Semi-
service observed was LOS F. In order to improve the Direct and Indirect. Interchanges are described by the
level of service of road and reduce the vehicle delay, patterns of the various turning roadways or ramps. The
Vehicle Operating Cost, vehicular conflict necessary interchange configurations are designed in such a way to
improvements are proposed by constructing grade accommodate economically the traffic requirements of
separated intersection for the route Secunderabad to flow, operation on the crossing facilities, physical
Kukatpally in both directions. After achieving Grade requirements of the topography, adjoining land use, type
Separated Intersection, VOT is reduced and level of of controls, right-of-way and direction of movements. In
service is improved LOS F to LOS C addition, when relative speed is low, the average motorist
will accept a smaller time gap space between successive
vehicles to complete his move. This condition increases
Keywords: Vehicle Operated Cost (VOC), Value of roadway capacity.
Travel Time (VOT), Intersection, VISSIM, Grade-
Separation. 2. Literature Review

DR V.Thamiah Arasan & Rebbu Zacharaiah Koshy

1. Introduction
studied on “Simulation of Heterogeneous Traffic to
Derive Capacity and Service Volume Standards for Urban
Transport problems of fast growing cities often get
evident along major road corridors connecting suburbs
and central city areas. Historically grown road links often
cannot cope with continuously growing travel demand  Through the research work, a model to simulate
hence congestions and sinking average travel speeds heterogeneous traffic flow on mid block sections of
occur. A fast emerging component of urban transportation urban roads has been developed.
problems in the cities worldwide is the problem of traffic  The results of validation of the model indicate that
congestion. The number of vehicles on our highways the model is capable of replicating the mixed traffic
increases every year, and transportation engineers are flow on urban roads to a highly satisfactory extent.
 The trend lines developed to indicate the extent of wide range of traffic volume levels indicate that the PCU
variation of PCU value will be useful to pick an value of a vehicle significantly changes with change in
appropriate PCU value for the different types of traffic volume. It is found that, by virtue of the complex
vehicles in mixed traffic streams based on the nature of interaction between vehicles under the
observed composition of the vehicles in the stream. heterogeneous traffic condition, at low volume levels, the
 Based on the simulation study, it has been found that PCU value of vehicles increases with increases in traffic
the service volumes at LOS C for one-way traffic volume whereas under higher volume conditions the PCU
flow on 7.5 m and 11.0 m wide road spaces are 2,250 value decrease with increase in traffic volume. The results
and 3,150 PCU per hour respectively. of the simulation experiment to study the effect of road
 It has been found that the effect of heterogeneity of width on PCU values indicate that for any vehicle type in
traffic on the variable PCU values is only marginal heterogeneous traffic, the PCU value increases with
(the difference in service volume values between increase in the width of road space.
cars-only and heterogeneous traffic streams lies
between 4.3 and 8.8 per cent) and hence the PCU 3. Objectives
trend lines can be used to pick out PCU values for
different vehicular compositions of heterogeneous  Reconnaissance of study area.
traffic streams.  Turning Movements count.
 Calculation of Passenger Car Unit (PCU‘s)
Cheryl Lynn Freeman, Joseph N. Debs ITE is a
 Peak Hour Traffic Flow
determination of the) Compendium of Technical Papers
has studied on “Feasibility Study of Grade Separations of  Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC)
Urban Arterials”. Congestion problems at the  Value of Travel Time (VOT)
intersections of major urban arterials are facing many  Develop model in VISSIM software
urban areas today. In recent years, grade separation of
intersections has been implemented as one of the newer 4. Need for Study
solutions to the urban congestion problems. A grade
separation is a crossing of two highways, a highway and a  To know the traffic characteristics of intersection.
railroad, or a bicycle path or a pedestrian walkway and a
highway, at different levels. This study addresses the  To know the turning movements count.
separation of two intersecting roadways. The designs of  To improve the traffic condition of existing
grade-separated intersections may vary greatly with intersection.
physical controls such as land use and topography, traffic  To validate the newly developed model of
patterns and the classification of intersecting roadways. heterogeneous traffic flow using field observed data
through VISSIM.
V.Thamizh Arasan and G.Dhivya studied on
“Simulation of Highly Heterogeneous Traffic Flow  To known the volume of each lane and junction
Characteristics” Simulation models are delays.
mathematical/logical representations of real-world
systems. Microscopic traffic simulation models have been VISSIM is the ultimate software for microscopic
playing an important role in traffic engineering and simulation of individual and public transport. With its
particularly in cases, in which field studies, involving unique high level of detail, VISSIM accurately simulates
extensive data collection, over a wide range, is difficult or both urban traffic, including large multilevel intersections
expensive to conduct. As the available simulation models simulation has been recognized as one of the best tools
can only replicate homogeneous traffic flow, a model of for modeling of traffic flow under homogeneous as well
Heterogeneous traffic flow named, HETEROSIM was as heterogeneous conditions. With the increasing use of
developed to simulate heterogeneous traffic flow. In this micro simulation traffic software in operation analysis,
model, a dynamic stochastic type discrete event the need to identify which tool to use and ability of the
simulation is adopted in which the aspects of interest are software to provide traditional traffic engineering
analyzed numerically with the aid of a computer program. measures of effectiveness consistent with the Highway
The model was validated using field observed data of Capacity Manual 20000 Manual has become a major area.
traffic flow. Then, the model was applied to measure one VISSIM was developed by Planung Transport Verkehr
of the fundamental characteristics of traffic flow, namely [PTV], a German company Innovative Transport
concentration. It is a broader term encompassing both Concepts [ITP]. It provides significant enhancement in
density and occupancy terms of multi-model transit operation, interface with
planning or forecasting models, and 3-D simulation. For
Arasan & Krishnamurthy studied on “The Effect of the conversion of heterogeneous traffic into equivalent
Traffic Volume and Council Road Meeting Width on homogenous traffic, PCU factors of different categories
PCU Value of 149 Vehicles Using Microscopic of vehicles are required. In this study an attempt was
Simulation” made to derive PCU values for the vehicles.

The PCU estimates, made through simulation, for the

different types of vehicles of heterogeneous traffic, for a
Conclusion Traffic Simulation Models.” Highway Research
Bulletin, No. 28, Indian Roads Congress, 1986, Pg.
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VOC is 45 crores for 15 years. 50% reduction in every Service Classification for Urban Heterogeneous
year delay time. Traffic: A Case Study of Kanpur Metropolis.” In
Junction PCU in peak hour is 10:31. Above results are Transportation Research Circular E-C018:
saying that Balanagar junction is feasible to Grade Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on
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12. Dong LIN, Xiaokuan Yang, Chao GAO, 2013;
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support for implementation of 3 Internships in curriculum corridor”, New Delhi.
at Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous). I 15. Haiyuan Li, Zong Tian and YueZhao, 2008;
would like to thank civil industries for providing interns “Capacity models and level of service analysis in
and their continuous support in giving internships to our road diet”, University of Nevada Reno, Reno.
students and assessing their performance after joining. 16. DR. V. Thamizh Arasan & Reebu Zachariah Koshy,
The authors would like to thank to the anonymous 2004; “Simulation of heterogeneous traffic to derive
reviewers for the constructive feedback to this paper. capacity and level of service volume standards for
urban roads”, Chennai.
References 17. Harashsa Priya.K, K.V.R.Ravi Shanker,
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