2 January 2019: All French

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Teacher‟s name: Level of students: Beginner

Age of students: Ages 6-7

Date: 2 January 2019

Class size: 3 0
Time of lesson and length: 2pm, 1h.
Nationalities: All French
Learning aims / objectives:
To learn the indefinite article “a”.
Use indefinite article “an” correctly. Learning outcomes / Success criteria:
The majority of students show they
understand the material through a fill-in-
the-blank and complete sentence

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Resources to be used: Differentiation: To help lower level
 a youtube video on indefinite students I am going to pair them with
articles higher level students. When higher level
 the board students finish their work, they will be
 a projector asked to help lower level students.
 80 sheets of paper
 flashcards Potential problems: French speakers are
 markers using gendered articles in L1.
 a pen
Strategies to deal with problems: English
articles are not gendered, the plan is to
focus on the different sounds for which
we use „a‟ and „an‟.

Introduction / Warmer: Write my name on the board and introduce myself. Play a game in which
the students get to come up to the board one by one and point to their favorite vegetables, then
I will tell them the vegetable‟s name.
e.g. That is a tomato. That is an onion.

Lesson activities:


10min Warmer What‟s your favorite Reinforce previous lesson
animal? and acclimatized for
today‟s lesson
10min Presentation When to use „an‟ To build upon previous
lesson and increase
20min Practice Fill in the blank Students can practice using
„a‟ and „an‟
10min Production Write your favorite Allows the students to use
animal and fruit previous and current lesson
in a creative way

Detail: I am going to use the PPP technique.
Activity 1: We will play a game in which the students will come to the board one by one and point
to their favorite animal, then I will tell them the animal‟s name.
e.g. That is a dog. That is an elephant. Reinforcing the previous lesson and warm up the students to
the new lesson.
Activity 2: I will present new vocabulary. Words that begin with vowel sounds and show students
how to pronounce words and understand if they should use „a‟ or „an‟ article. Then I will ask CCQ
questions e.g. Does the word bird require „an‟ or „a‟? Should we put „a‟ or „an‟ before ant?
After that I will show them an example sentence of what I want them to do later. I will do all of this
writing on the board as a visual aid.
Activity 3: I will pass out a worksheet and instruct them to fill in the blank (“ask me if you don‟t
understand”). I will act as facilitator and walk around helping students with mistakes. When the
higher level students finish, I will ask them to help students who have difficulties.
Activity 4: Here, the students will get to be creative and practice speech. I will show them an
example sentence (e.g. My favorite animal is a cow. My vegetable is an onion.). Then instruct
them to write their own. When they finish, I will check their work. If it is done correctly, they will tell
one of their classmates who has also finished what their favorite animal and vegetable is. Not
everyone may finish in time, but to encourage them to practice speech I will ask them to draw their
favorite animal abow their favorite animal with the name below, go home and show to a family
member what they draw and tell the name of it.

Reflect and cooler: With the remaining 10 minutes I will ask the kids what we learned and what they
enjoyed. For a cooler, kids will be randomly selected to come to the front of the class and mime an
animal we learned that day and their classmates will try to guess what animal they are miming. I will
stress using „a‟ or „an‟ as part of the rules.

Extension strategies: I‟m going to try to keep each stage of the plan concise, so if higher level
students finish early I‟m going to ask them to help the lower level students to finish, keeping the
lesson fast; paced and moving from each stage quickly to keep even the fastest students

Homework: tell your family members what your
favorite animal and fruit is using the sentences
you made.
Cross curricular link and use of IT:

Self Reflection of lesson: I think this is a good lesson. Seen my plan in writing shows me what a time
crunch one hour is. I doubt many students will get to share what their favorite fruit and animal is in
the amount of time I have allotted, which is a shame because that is a great chance to reinforce
those students with positive reinforcements and reward them. To combat this potential missed
opportunity their homework will be to tell a family member what their favorite animal and fruit is.
Sadly I won’t know if they will do this or no, but I know most yang learners are happy to show their
parents the cool new things they learned in the class.


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