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With the coronavirus spreading rapidly in our country, the best way in solving the problem
with the help of education sector is to bring alternatives for classes. Instead of going schools,
new shifts in educational approach can be introduced. Students can embrace learning anywhere,
anytime with the help of digitals. The most effective tool in keeping student retention and
maintaining access to learning has been online courses. Students can attend online classes at
home. It will slow the spread of virus. Also it will ensure the safetiness of the students.

2. One of the major problems in Philippine Education is illiteracy. Illiterate people do not have
basic education and proper skills to get employed. This is due to difficult living conditions
including poverty. We worry most about the impact on future generations. So Government must
need to raise this generation with the expectation that if we exert best plans and budget into
education, we will get better results. For this, governmet should build foundations for illiterate
people in where people can donate books and other reading materials transportation allowance,
food allowance, uniforms, shoes, and bags. Government can also give scholarships and free
boarding house for those indegenous people living in far flung areas so that they can reach

3.Aspiring teachers need to know much more now in order to teach effectively. So as a future
educator, I will not only focuse on learning a large and increasing body of useful knowledge that
has accumulated about learning and pedagogy, but also I will explore the advent of new
technologies that has given rise to methods of teaching. This is the preparation most graduate
students need. Identifying difficulties and adjusting to new trends of teaching methods are a great
help to become better instructor. Another way of preparation that can help me to prepare in the
field of teaching is to grab opportunities in attending seminars with a large lecture. It is also
important to know the value of the course we take and why we are here. Self assessment will be
even more important in order to give ourselves a more accurate sense of how much progress we
have made and what more we need to accomplish before we graduate. With these knowledge and
skills, I will be ready to educate the next generation and help literacy problems to be solved.

4.No subject is boring, but there may be dull teacher that makes classroom evironment lifeless.
We, as a future educator don't want this to happen, because it really hurts when our students feel
bored in our class or when we heard they say "This is a boring class!”. With this, we should find
reasons why students may be bored in class. Student engagement really matters so we should
find ways and work hard on how to make learning lively and interesting. One of the most
powerful weapon we can have is a modulated voice. It reflects confidence and helps to catch our
students attention. Another is in giving worksheets, we should design it in a way that will
involve movements, interactions or group participations. This will build student interest in
learning. Lastly, teachers should introduce different activity or game everyday. Teaching is fun
and exciting. The more we enjoy our classroom, the more students will enjoy learning with us.
So we should avoid being so serious.

5.It is a must that we, future educators, observe and practice the set of ethical and moral
principles, standards, and values in the Code of Ethics. People from the society has a high
expectations on teacher. They are not only expected us to take responsibility in the classroom
learning but also they expect us to possess good reputation in the entire community. So we,
future educators should act and make decisions professionally. We should also posses good
morals and act as a role models since we take responsibility to push our learners to discover and
attain their full potential and to develop their personality.We also need to be competent in the
practice of our profession, be fair to all students and have a professional relationship with them
and protect their safety.

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