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PROFESOR : Onofraș Raluca Ruxandra

ŞCOALA: Gimnazială Nr. Suliţa – Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 2 Dracșani
CLASA: a VIII – a A, a VIII – a B, L1
DISCIPLINA: Limba engleză
NR.ORE: 2 ore
MANUAL: High Flyer - Upper Intermediate, ed. Longman
AN ŞCOLAR: 2019 - 2020


A. Journeys Past and Present 2.1;3.2 1. Present perfect: simple and continuous 1 S1
1.3;2.2 2. Reading: High Flyers-Journeys Past and Present in London. 1 S1
B. The World’s a Stage 1.1;1.2 1. Position of adverbials. Verbs followed by gerunds. 1 S2
2.4;3.2 1. Scanning: Oresteia 1 S2
C. Get Better Soon 3.2;4.2 1. Winter bugs and what to do about them 1 S3
2.2;4.3 2. Reading: The Enemy Within 1 S3
D. Revision 1.3;2.2 1. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? 1 S4
4.1;4.3 2. Grammar practice: Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous, 1 S4
Infinitive or Gerund.
Unit 1. Crossing Borders 1.2;1.3 1. Past tenses: revision, negative statements and questions. 1 S5
1.3;3.2 2. Predicting style from first paragraph. The structure of an article. 1 S5
2.4;3.2 3. Reading: The New Speaker of English. 1 S6
Unit 2. Exploring the World. 3.2;4.2 1. Be/get used to. Clauses of concession: even though, despite. 1 S6
2.2;4.3 2. Reading: Phantom Travelers. An informal letter of advice. 1 S7
Unit 3. That’s What Friends Are 3.1;3.2 1. Adjective + preposition combinations. So / such … that. 1 S7
For. 1.1;1.2 2. Reading: Vision of Danger (Episode 1). The green-eyed monster. 1 S8
Unit 4. Kicks and Thrills 2.1;3.2 1. Indirect questions. Reported speech: revision. 1 S8
3.3;4.3 2. Reading: Martial Arts. Bungee Jumping. 1 S9
Unit 5. Parents in the Classroom 1.2;1.3 1. Reporting advice: advice, recommends, suggest, urge. Preferences and 1 S9
recommendation. S10
2.4;3.1 2. Efficient reading. Teenagers and How to Survive Them. 1 S10
2.1;2.2 3. Reading: Vision of Danger( Episode 2) 1
Unit 6. Revision 3.2;4.2 1. Reading: The Elephant Princess. 1 S11
4.3;4.4 2. Grammar practice: Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, 1 S11
Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect, Reported Speech.
Unit 7. Don’t Judge a Book by Its 1.3;2.3 1. Defining relative clauses with prepositions. Non-defining relative 1 S12
Cover clauses. S12
2.3;4.2 2. Books can become addictive. Reading a long text. 1 S13
4.1;4.3 3. A summary of Jane Eyre. A contemporary story. 1
Unit 8. Puzzling Puzzles 2.1;3.2 1. Past Perfect Continuous. Possessive Forms. Topic sentences. 1 S13
1.3;2.2 2. Reading: Vision of Danger (Episode 3). A dialogue. 1 S14
Unit 9. Home and Away 4.1;4.4 1. A, an, the, zero article. Conservation camps: you can make a 1 S14
difference! S15
1.1;1.3 2. A formal letter. Discussing foreign exchanges. Countable and 2
uncountable nouns.

Competenţele generale și specifice din programa școlară, urmărite în fiecare unitate de învățare

1.1 să îndeplinească instrucţiuni detaliate în situaţii cotidiene

1.2 să identifice elemente cheie / informaţii esenţiale, să identifice componentele esentiale dintr-un mesaj rostit în limbaj standard, cu viteză normal
1.3 să identifice componentele logice ale unui mesaj audiat
1.4 să identifice atitudinea vorbitorului într-un mesaj audiat
1.5 *să înţeleagă relaţia dintre interlocutori într-o conversaţie
2.1 să utilizeze corect intonaţia şi accentul în cadrul propoziţiei
2.2 să ceară / să ofere explicaţii pe teme cunoscute, referitor la activităţi, întâmplări, situaţii din universul imediat
2.3 să argumenteze o idee, parere, afirmaţie
2.4 *să exprime în mod clar un punct de vedere / o opinie proprie pe teme familiare
3.1. să recunoască legătura logică (de tip cauză-efect) între secvenţele unui text citit
3.2. să extragă din mai multe texte citite informaţii relevante necesare pentru realizarea unei sarcini de lucru
3.3. să identifice şi să transpună informaţii din texte în tabele, scheme, grafice, diagrame etc.
3.4. să deducă cu ajutorul contextului semnificaţia sintagmelor/cuvintelor necunoscute dintr-un text citit
4.1 să compună o povestire urmând un plan narativ
4.2 să organizeze ideile în mod logic într-un text
4.3 să exprime în scris opinii / puncte de vedere /argumente asupra unor teme de interes din universul apropiat
*4.4 să producă scurte texte scrise (minieseuri) de diverse tipuri, pe teme din universul referenţial cu sprijin.

PROFESOR : Onofraș Raluca Ruxandra

ŞCOALA: Gimnazială Nr. Suliţa – Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 2 Dracșani
CLASA: a VIII – a A, a VIII – a B, L1
DISCIPLINA: Limba engleză
NR.ORE: 2 ore
MANUAL: High Flyer - Upper Intermediate, ed. Longman
AN ŞCOLAR: 2019 - 2020


Unit 10. Myths and Legends. 3.2;4.2 1. Expressing purpose: to, in order / so as not to, so (that) too, enough. 1 S16
Finding specific information. S16
2. An encyclopedia entry Annie Oakley. A biography. 1
Unit 11. Rocking ’n’ Rolling 1.3;2.2 1. Phrasal verbs: transitive separable / inseparable. 1 S17
4.1;4.3 2. Zooropa and U2; Reading: Vision of Danger (Episode 4). 1 S17

Unit 12. Revision 3.2;4.2;4.3 1. Reading: Today’s Cub Reporters, Tomorrow’s Newshounds. 1 S18
1.1;1.3 2. Grammar practice: Past Perfect Continuous or Past Simple 1 S18
1.3;2.2;4.1;4.3 3. Writing: Formal letter, Biographies. 1 S19

Unit 13. What’s On the Box? 1.2;1.3 1. Present Simple as Future, static verbs. 1 S19
1.3;3.2 2. Reviews of television programmers. Types of programmers. 1 S20
2.4;3.2 3. Reading: Vision of Danger (Episode 5). 1 S20
Unit 14. Just the Job 3.2;4.2 1. Conditional sentences with unless, provided / providing (that), as long 1 S21
as. Condition in the past. S21
3.2;4.2 2. Words which avoid repetition. 1
1.2;4.3 3. Making it as a model. An archaeologist at work. 1 S22
Unit 15. A Slice of Life 3.1;3.2 1. Sequence of adjectives. Phrasal verbs 2: transitive and intransitive. 1 S22
1.4;1.5 2. People in my life: a story. It’s a funny old world! 1 S23
Unit 16. Dreams and Worries 2.1;3.2 1. Wish/if only past tense, wish + would needn’t, don’t have/need to, 1 S23
needn’t have, didn’t have / need to. S24
1.1;1.2 2. Dear diary. A Change of Heart. 1
Unit 17. In the Dead of the Night 3.2;4.2;4.3 1. Wish / if only + Past Perfect, regret + verb – ing. 1 S24
4.2;4.3 2. Reading: Vision of Danger (Episode 6). 1 S25
Unit 18. Revision 3.2;4.2 1. Reading: I Can’t Understand What They’re Talking About! 1 S25
1.2;4.3 2. Grammar practice: Present Simple or Present Continuous, Conditional. 1 S26
3. Writing: Describe people’s general appearance and character.
4.2;4.3 Summaries. 1 S26

Unit 19. Hoe Was It Done? 3.1;3.2 1. The Passive Voice: revision, modals and impersonal it. 1 S27
1.4;1.5 2. Reading: The Sony Walkman. Vision of Danger (Episode 7). 1
Unit 20. Young People in the News 1.3;2.2 1. Fixed phrases with prepositions. As, like,, as if / as though. 1 S28
2.1;3.2 2. Identifying the outlook of a newspaper. 1 S28
2.1;3.1 3. Reading: The runway. The Junior Golf World Champion. 1 S29
Unit 21. Behind the Scenes 3.2;4.2;4.3 1. Participle clauses. See / hear somebody do / doing something. 1 S29
2.1;3.1 2. Reading techniques to suit your purpose. Good thinking Batman 1 S30
Unit 22. Land of the Brave? 2.1;3.1 1. Ability in the past and future: could, be able to, manage to. 1 S30
1.3;2.3 2. Phrasal verbs 3: review 1 S31
4.1;4.3 3. Reading: Children of Courage. Vision of Danger (Episode 8). 1 S31
Unit 23. let’s Keep Talking 1.5;3.3 1. Future and future in the past. Intentions, decisions and asking for 1 S32
1.4;5.1 advice. S32
3.2;4.2;4.3 2. The writer’s angle. English as a global language. 1 S33
3.1;3.2 3. A composition based on fact and opinion. 1
Unit 24. Revision 3.2;4.2;4.3 1. Reading: Twentieth-Century Spies. 1 S33
1.3;2.3 2. Reports / Accounts. 1 S34
2.3;4.2 3. Grammar practice: Passive voice, Present and Participle Clauses, 1 S34
Phrasal Verbs, Future.
3.4;4.4 4. Write a story.

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