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Concepts of Health &Wellness- QKU3013

Concepts of Health &Wellness – Group Assignment

1- Select your topic for your assignment based of one of the wellness dimension
(Emotional, Physical, Intellectual, Social, Spiritual, Occupational & Environmental; X1 to X7)
Explain about the definition, importance, predisposing factors, components, principles,
reinforcing influences, and any related knowledge & skills.
2- Explain the barriers to the X1 or …?
3- Explain the life styles influences of X1 or...?
4- How can assess/evaluate the related factors X1 or …? (What is the tools/test assessment;
questionnaire, test or …& evaluate yourself).
5- Write your prevention & educational program that resulted to change behaviors? (Be
more practical. It is an important part of your assignment).
6- Write about your recommendations.
7- Compare your assignment with the other groups(at least one group), and provide a short
a) You must present your assignment at the class after week 10th .
b) Your assignment should be in English.
c) Each group has maximum 20 minutes to present the assignment.
d) Your final exam will be in English, also.

“Good luck”

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