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Applied Energy 93 (2012) 541–548

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Simulation and analysis of different adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage

plant configurations
Niklas Hartmann ⇑, O. Vöhringer, C. Kruck, L. Eltrop
University of Stuttgart, Institute of Energy Economics and the Rational Use of Energy (IER), Heßbrühlstr. 49a, 70565 Stuttgart, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, the efficiency of one full charging and discharging cycle of several adiabatic Compressed Air
Received 19 January 2011 Energy Storage (CAES) configurations are analyzed with the help of an energy balance. In the second step
Received in revised form 28 November 2011 main driving factors for the efficiency of the CAES configurations are examined with the help of sensitiv-
Accepted 1 December 2011
ity analysis.
Available online 27 December 2011
The results show that the efficiency of the polytropic configuration is about 60%, which is considerable
lower than literature values of an adiabatic CAES of about 70%. The high value of 70% is only reached for
the isentropic (ideal) configuration. Key element to improve the efficiency is to develop high temperature
Compressed Air Energy
thermal storages (>600 °C) and temperature resistant materials for compressors. The highest efficiency is
Storage delivered by the two-stage adiabatic CAES configuration. In this case the efficiency varies between 52%
Simulation model and 62%, depending on the cooling and heating demand. If the cooling is achieved by natural sources
Efficiency (such as a river), a realistic estimation of the efficiency of adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storages
CAES (without any greenhouse gas emissions due to fuel consumption) is about 60%.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction CAES plants are in operation (Huntorf, Germany and McIntosh,

United States) but no adiabatic CAES plant was built so far. The
Wind and solar power is deployed on a massive scale world- input–output electricity efficiency of the diabatic CAES in Huntorf
wide. To compensate for the fluctuating character of this renew- is documented to reach about 46% [1,2]. The diabatic CAES in
able electricity generation storage facilities such as pumped McIntosh, which includes a recuperation process, reaches about
hydro – a typical solution so far – is required. However, for many 54% [2,3]. It is generally accepted, that adiabatic CAES plants will
countries the potential to build new pumped hydro power plants reach an efficiency of about 70% [4–6].
is low. Compressed Air Energy Storage systems have a large poten- In several studies, adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage sys-
tial to compensate for the fluctuating nature of renewable energies. tems have been described generally [3,7,8]. General technology
Energy storage hereby is performed by compressed air in caverns. overviews and comparison to other storage technologies were pub-
These caverns can either be drilled in salt and rock formations or lished in numerous studies (e.g. [9–13]). The existing CAES plants
already existing cavities such as in aquifer strata. were analyzed in [14,15] and first economic assessments were car-
There are two different types of Compressed Air Energy Storage ried out in [16,17]. CAES in combination with renewable energy
systems, diabatic and adiabatic CAES. In case of the diabatic CAES sources as well as in an electricity system was the focus of several
plant a working fluid (typically ambient air) is compressed and studies. The operation of CAES in an energy system was published
stored in an underground cavern. The thermal energy, which re- in [18] and the operation of an electricity system including CAES in
sults from the compression process, needs to be dissipated to avoid [19]. The optimal operation of a CAES to react on spot market
deterioration of the cavern. During discharging, due to the heat loss prices was the focus of [20]. A combination of wind power with
in the process and to avoid freezing of the turbine, natural gas is CAES was analyzed in [21–23] and the competition between a
injected in the combustion chamber of the turbine during the dis- CAES and gas power plant in [24].
charging process. The adiabatic CAES stores the thermal energy Other studies focus on the development of different compo-
after the compression in a thermal storage and the compressed nents. In [25] the heat recovery and thereby resulting energy
gas in an underground cavern. During discharging process the recovery efficiency is calculated (g = 0.72), using different combi-
compressed air is heated by heat transfer out of the thermal nations of in parallel and series connected compression stages
storage. The addition of natural gas can be neglected. Two diabatic and heat reservoirs.
However a general analysis of the efficiency of different Com-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 (0)711 68587922; fax: +49 (0)711 68587883. pressed Air Energy Storage configurations is missing in literature.
E-mail address: (N. Hartmann). Therefore the goal of this paper is to develop, simulate and analyze

0306-2619/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
542 N. Hartmann et al. / Applied Energy 93 (2012) 541–548


c configuration including energy demand for heating/ Greek letters

cooling g efficiency
cp constant pressure specific heat capacity (J/kg K) D difference, interval
D diameter (m) c specific heat ratio, isentropic coefficient
h specific enthalpy (J/kg) p pressure ratio
H height (m)
L length (m) Subscripts
m_ mass-flow (kg/s) air dry air, ideal gas
n polytropic exponent c, compr compressor
p pressure (Pa, bar) el electric
P power (J/s) G generator
Q heat, thermal energy (J) i ideal, isentropic
Q_ heat transfer rate (J/s) M motor
RA individual gas constant for dry air (J/kg K) max maximum
s specific entropy (J/kg K) min minimum
t time (s) p polytropic change of state
T temperature (K) s isentropic change of state
v specific volume (m3/kg) TES thermal energy storage
V volume (m3) t, turbine turbine
w specific work (J/kg)

different configurations of an adiabatic Compressed Air Energy  Configuration I: single-stage turbo machinery components and
Storage system. The different concepts are: polytropic processes combined with polytropic efficiencies
from literature data are modeled to obtain realistic values.
 one-stage polytropic CAES, Motor and generator efficiencies are included.
 two-stage polytropic CAES,  Configuration II: double-stage compressor module is modeled
 three-stage polytropic CAES, (cf. Fig. 2 without the third compressor (c3) and the third heat
 isentropic CAES. exchanger).
 Configuration III: triple-stage compressor including heat
The results are analyzed by means of an energy balance with re- exchangers is modeled (cf. Fig. 2).
spect to their internal status and the efficiency of the storage for  Configuration IV: single-stage turbo machinery modules and
one charging and discharging cycle. isentropic compression/expansion processes are modeled.
Motor and generator modules are ideal components, without
energy losses.
2. The adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage

The TES and cavern modules are designed similarly for all con-
The general configuration of a Compressed Air Energy Storage
figurations. Suffix ‘‘c’’ was assigned to each configuration number
system consists of four main components: compressor, turbine,
to indicate the intercooling and aftercooling demand which was
storage (thermal and air) and motor/generator (Fig. 1). During
considered for the efficiency calculation.
charging process electricity powers the motor (M), which drives
the compressor (c). Ambient air is used as working fluid. After
2.1.1. Compressor-module
compression a heat exchanger regulates the hot air’s temperature
In configuration I, the energy demand for the specific compres-
to a defined level. In the next state the thermal energy storage
sion work results from an isentropic compression process (adia-
(TES) absorbs almost all thermal energy. Afterwards the cooled
batic and reversible). Applying isentropic compression to the first
compressed air is pumped into an underground cavern. The charg-
law of thermodynamics, results in:
ing stops when the cavern pressure reaches its maximum value. In
Z 2s
case of discharging the compressed air flows through the TES to re-
heat. Finally it expands in the turbine (t), which drives a generator hðtÞ12s ¼ wðtÞ12s ¼ v ðt; pÞdp ð1Þ
(G) to produce electrical power output. The adiabatic Compressed
Air Energy Storage model was developed and tested in Matlab/Sim-
ulink. The change of state of the CAES plant is hereby modeled as

an isentropic/polytropic compression (1–2), isobaric heating/cool- Q23

ing (2–3), isobaric cooling (3–4), isobaric heating (4–5) and isen-
2 3
tropic/polytropic expansion (5–6).
1 5
2.1. Configurations of the Compressed Air Energy Storage TES
M c t G
The objective of the model is to compare adiabatic CAES plant
P12 6
efficiencies according to different standard cycles including cavern
machine efficiencies as well as varying turbo machine stages. The
different adiabatic CAES configurations are divided into configura- Fig. 1. Basic model of an adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage including the
tions I–IV: change of state.
N. Hartmann et al. / Applied Energy 93 (2012) 541–548 543

2.1.2. Motor/generator-module


Q21‘ Q2‘1‘‘ Q2‘‘3
Constants for efficiency gM and gG increase power consumption
2 2‘ 2‘‘
and decrease power generation (omitted in the isentropic configu-
1‘ 1‘‘ 3
ration). Total consumed power from Eq. (11) increases to
PðtÞmotor ¼ ðP12 þ P10 20 þ PðtÞ100 200 Þ þ jQ_ ðtÞ210 j þ jQ_ ðtÞ20 100 j
M c1 c2 c3 þ jQ_ ðtÞ200 3 j ð12Þ
and total generated power equals:
P12 P1‘2‘ P1‘‘2‘‘
PðtÞgenerator ¼ gG PðtÞ56 : ð13Þ
Fig. 2. Compressor design of configuration III; three-stage compressor module with
heat exchangers.
2.1.3. TES and cavern-module
The TES cools down the passing air flow to a lower temperature
and stores the thermal energy in its massive body. The thermal en-
To calculate the specific work as a function of pressure ratio, the
ergy is hereby calculated according to Eq. (14). The term
isentropic law, the ideal gas equation in combination with Eq. (1)
(T3  20 K) is required to keep QTES in balance:
is used: Z Z
Pv c ¼ const: pv ¼ RA T ð2 þ 3Þ Q 34 ¼ Q_ ðtÞ34 dt ¼ _ air cp ½ðT 4  ðT 3  20 KÞÞdt
mðtÞ ð14Þ
" ðc1Þ #
c pðtÞ2s c The compressed air is stored in the cavern. During discharge oper-
hðtÞ12s ¼ RA T 1 1 ð4Þ ation airflow from the cavern passes the TES, is heated and expands
c1 p1
through the turbine to perform work. The TES is modeled as a sim-
Using Eq. (2+3), the outlet temperature after compression results in: ple and ideal module but with a charging/discharging temperature
 c1 difference of 20 K.
pðtÞ2s c Z Z
TðtÞ2s ¼ T 1 ð5Þ
p1 Q 45 ¼ Q_ ðtÞ45 dt ¼ _ air cp ðT 5  T 4 Þdt
mðtÞ ð15Þ
The product of the specific work with the air mass flow results in
the compression power: The cavern is an adiabate leak-proof underground mass storage for
_ air hðtÞ12s compressed air. It uses the ideal gas equation to calculate actual
PðtÞ12s ¼ mðtÞ ð6Þ
pressure inside.
If the compression work is calculated with polytropic process, the R
governing equation is received by combining the second law of _ air dtRA T 4
p4 ¼ ð16Þ
thermodynamics and polytropic efficiency (refer to Eq. (24)). V cav ern
v dp v dp
dh ¼ Tds þ v dp gcompr ¼ ¼ ð7 þ 8Þ 2.1.4. Turbine-module
Tds þ v dp dh
The turbine is designed as a reversible adiabatic air turbine. For
Using Eq. (8), the change in specific enthalpy including entropy loss the polytropic as well as for the isentropic case the expansion rep-
equals: resents an opposed thermodynamic process of the compression.
2 3
Z 2p  ðn1Þ Therefore power generation including efficiency equals:
1 1 n pðtÞ2p n
hðtÞ12p ¼ v ðt;pÞdp ¼ R T 4  15 2 3
gcompr 1 gcompr n  1 A 1 p1
pðtÞ6p n
PðtÞ56 _ air gturbine
¼ mðtÞ RA T s 4  15 ð17Þ
ð9Þ n1 p5

The isentropic process represents a special case of the polytropic

The polytropic efficiency of a turbine is defined as:
process. Therefore the heat capacity ratio is replaced by the poly-
tropic index. The power consumption P12p including mass-flow is 1 dh
analogous to Eq. (6). gturbine ¼ ¼ ð18Þ
gcompr v dp
Subsequent to the compressor an ideal isobaric heat exchanger
which controls the temperature of the compressed air flow in order And the temperature decrease according to polytropic law:
to meet TES temperature restrictions is modeled. Hence, tempera-
ture T3 is fixed and depending on the compressor output tempera-  n1
pðtÞ6p n
ture, the air flow has to be cooled or heated. Positive value of P23 TðtÞ6p ¼ T 5 ð19Þ
displays a power demand for heating and vice versa. For simplifica-
tion, heat transfer rate equals the electric power: In case of isentropic change of state the polytropic index n is re-
placed by the heat capacity ratio c (refer to Eq. (5)).The heat capac-
Q_ ðtÞ23 ¼ P23 ¼ mðtÞ
_ air cp ðT 3  TðtÞ2 Þ ð10Þ ity ratio c is calculated using the gas constant for air, RA = 287.06 J/
Concerning multiple-stage configurations (IIIc and IVc), Eqs. (5) and kg K, and an averaged constant pressure heat capacity, cp = 1059.7 J/
(9) are applied in sequence. Power consumed during the charging kg K.
cycle is summed to: cp
c¼ ¼ 1:37 ð20Þ
c p  RA
PðtÞcharging ¼ P12 þ jQ_ ðtÞ021 j þ P01 20 þ jQ_ ðtÞ02 100 j þ PðtÞ001 200 þ jQðtÞ
_ 00 3j
The polytropic exponent was calculated by using the polytropic law
and the isentropic efficiencies from literature data.
544 N. Hartmann et al. / Applied Energy 93 (2012) 541–548

" #
 ðc1Þ second compression stage with a centrifugal compressor. Similarly,
c ðpðtÞÞ2s c  c1
c1 RA T 1 1 p2 c
p1 1 in configuration III, the first and second compressor reaches a con-
v dp P1
gcompr;s ¼ ¼ ¼ stant pressure ratio of p = 6 and the third compresses to the re-
dh cp ðT 2  T 1 Þ ðTT 21 Þ  1 quired compression for the storage cavern.
1 The heat capacity ratio c is calculated by using the gas constant
¼ ð21Þ for air, RA = 287.06 J/kg K, and an averaged constant pressure heat
capacity, cp = 1059.7 J/kg K.
In combination with the polytropic law (Eq. (19)) the polytropic
exponent can be calculated depending on the isentropic efficiency, c¼ ¼ 1:37 ð24Þ
c p  RA
pressure ratio and heat capacity ratio:
1 The polytropic exponent was calculated by using the polytropic law
n¼ 0 !!1 ð22Þ and turbo machinery efficiencies.
Blog 1þg 1
p1 1 C
B compr;s
C 2.2.2. TES and cavern-module
@ log
p1 A The temperature of the thermal storage is limited to T3. It is ex-
pected, that for large thermal storage applications such as in a
CAES plant, mainly sensible heat storages, with materials such as
To obtain the polytropic efficiency Eq. (23) is used [26]: salt or concrete, are used. Storing thermal energy is therefore lim-
ited to temperatures of about 900 K [32] with a capacity range of
n c1 1
gcompr ¼  ¼ ð23Þ 100–2400 MWhth. Because inlet and outlet temperatures of the
n1 c gturbine
TES are fixed the thermal energy is used as a level indicator. Con-
sidering an ideal TES being adiabatic it would not affect the ther-
2.2. Model characteristics and parameters modynamic equations. The efficiency of the TES is about 97.7%
assuming equal in- and outlet values for pressure and mass-flow.
In Table 1 an overview of modules, changes of state, parameters The cavern is mined into a salt structure with the volume V,
and variables of the storage plant (cf. Fig. 1) is shown. Variables are geometrical dimensions length L, diameter D and height H (cf. Ta-
time dependent and therefore indicated by ‘‘(t)’’. ble 2). Due to the instability of the salt cavern with temperatures
above 325 K, the maximum inlet air temperature is set to T4. The
2.2.1. Compressor-module stability of the cavern is depending as well on the pressure inside
The available compressor power P12 (MW) and the cavern pres- the cavern. For the defined depth of 900 m a minimum cavern
sure p4 (Pa) are input variables for the compressor thread. The con- pressure pmin is set to 100 bar and the maximum pressure to
straints of the compression process are shown in Table 1. The 150 bar. The specific constraints are displayed in Table 2.
isentropic compressor efficiency gci of industrial turbo compres-
sors are in the range of 85–90% [27]. Therefore, the average of 2.2.3. Turbine-module
87.5% was chosen for the calculation. Because no adiabatic com- The maximum power of the turbine is 300 MW. Mass-flow at
pressor has been built until now, the isentropic efficiency of the full load is limited to 500 kg/s and dependent on the cavern pres-
compressor was set equal to the adiabatic compressor. The capac- sure as well as the defined turbine performance. The working pres-
ity of the compressor results from the average specific compression sure range at the turbine inlet is set to 100–150 bar and at the
work and the mass flow [28]. The variation of the outlet pressure turbine outlet greater or equal to ambient pressure. The outlet
depends on the charging level of the cavern. Furthermore it is af- temperature is additionally constrained above icing level of
fected by the specific compression work w(t)12s as well as the tem- 273.15 K. The start ramp of the turbine is defined to be linear with
perature T(t)2. The start-up time of the compressor is Dt = 15 min an increase to 100% within 15 min. The efficiency is set to 92.5%,
[29]. The downstream heat exchanger reduces the temperature which is the average of industrial gas turbines (90–95% [27]).
to T3 consuming the power Pel 23. (See Table 3).
In configuration II, compressor 1 reaches a constant pressure ra-
tio of p = 6 and consequently a constant power demand for com- 2.2.4. Motor/generator-module
pression and cooling. Multistage high pressure compressors can The electric motor and generator are standard components and
reach a pressure ratio in the range of 1.1:1 up to 40:1, whereby therefore modeled with a constant efficiency of gM = gG = 98%
low pressure ratios result in higher efficiencies [30,31]. In the first (upper value from Literature g between 90% and 98% [27]).
compression stage an axial-flow compressor with high throughput
is modeled. The final compression pressure is achieved within the 3. Results and discussion

The CAES plant is analyzed for constant charging and constant

Table 1
Parameter and variables of adiabatic CAES.
discharging power. In Fig. 3, the time profiles of configuration I
over 12 h of the outlet temperature after the compression Tout
Module Compressor TES Turbine and the cooling load Ecool needed to cool down the compressed
Isen-/polytropic dp = 0 dp = 0 Isen-/polytropic air to the required default temperature of the thermal storage
Pel max (MW) 300 Var Var 300 are shown.
gc,t (%) 87.5 100 97.7 92.5

Table 2
Change of 1 2 3 4 5 6
Geometrical dimensions of the cavern [33].
T (K) 293.15 T2 (t) 893.15 323.15 873.15 T6 V (m3) 500,000
(t) > 273.15 L (m) 145
p (bar) 1.013 p2 p3 (t) p4 (t) p5 (t) p6 (t) > 1.013 D (m) 80
(t) H (m) 1045
N. Hartmann et al. / Applied Energy 93 (2012) 541–548 545

Table 3 reduces the temperature of the compressed air after the first
Energy use and efficiency of CAES (configuration I) for one constant charging and compression to the given inlet temperature of the second compres-
discharging process at maximum power.
sor of T2 = 393.15 K. As in configuration I the aftercooling device re-
Compression Turbine gstorage (%) duces the temperature to the required temperature T5 of the
Configuration I 2602 MWh 1361 MWh 52 thermal storage. The turbine remains in a one-stage process. The
Configuration Ic 3457 MWh 1361 MWh 39 simulation of a two-stage turbine configuration shows, that the
efficiency only increases if the input temperature of the second
stage can be held as high as in the first stage. Higher input temper-
1300 atures of the second stage can only be achieved with the additional
co-firing of natural gas in the turbine to heat up the gas in the
interheating stage. The required interheating demand however
Tout [K]

1200 balances the increase of efficiency in the two-stage turbine pro-

1150 cess. Therefore in the following the turbine is always designed as
1100 a one-stage configuration. In Fig. 4, the time profile over 8 h for
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 the outlet temperature of the first compression stage Tout1, the sec-
1000 ond compression stage Tout2 as well as the required cooling energy
Ecool [MWh]

750 of the intercooling Ecool1 and aftercooling Ecool2 are displayed.

It can be seen, that due to the intercooling the overall temper-
ature of the compressed air does not reach the high values of the
250 one-stage configuration. The required energy for intercooling rises
0 constantly during the charging process. After the second compres-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
sion the required energy for aftercooling increases above average.
Hour [h]
The reason is the rising cooling demand with higher temperatures
Fig. 3. Constant charging with max. charging power over 12 h (configuration I). of the compressed air. The overall efficiencies of the two-stage
compression configuration are summarized in Table 4.
As the efficiency decrease between I and Ic, the efficiency de-
The charging is performed beginning with the lowest pressure creases considerably (about 12%) for a two stage compression by
of 100 bar in the cavern until the maximum pressure of 150 bar including the aftercooling/heating demand. Additionally it can be
is reached. The compressor starts up until the maximum power seen, that the overall efficiency of the storage increases between
of 300 MW in the first 15 min. At maximum pressure in the stor- the one-stage and two-stage system by about 10%.
age, the power of the compressor drops to 0 MW. The temperature In the next step the two-stage configuration is further devel-
at the outlet of the compressor increases during the charging pro- oped to a three stage configuration (cf. Fig. 2). The goal of the
cess from about 1120 K to 1255 K. In the case of using the maxi- enhancement is to reduce the aftercooling as well as heating de-
mum pressure limits of the cavern, the outlet temperature can mand and therefore reach a higher efficiency. The values of the effi-
even rise until 1615 K (at a minimum cavern pressure of 55 bar; ciency of one charging and discharging cycle are summarized in
maximum cavern pressure of 370 bar; depth of cavern of 2000 m Table 5.
[34,35]). The required energy to cool down the air for the thermal The efficiency for the charging and discharging cycle, excluding
storage inlet temperature rises slightly over proportional with the inter and aftercooling and -heating is about 63%. Including all
higher pressure in the cavern and higher outlet temperature of cooling and heating loads, the efficiency drops to about 52%. It
the compressor to about 850 MWh. The complete charging process can be seen, that compared to the two-stage configuration, the effi-
takes almost 12 h, which is certainly highly depending on the size ciency excluding the cooling and heating load increases slightly,
of the cavern and thermal storage as well as on the power of the even though a third compression stage is introduced in the
compressor. The discharging is performed with the constant power CAES-configuration.
of the turbine Pel_turb of 300 MW. With predetermined outlet pres- In the case of the configuration IIIc the efficiency increase is a
sure of the turbine and declining pressure in the cavern, the outlet little more noticeable. The increase hereby is caused by the parti-
air temperature of the turbine rises until about 325 K. The dis- tioning of the second compression stage (of configuration II) in
charging time is about 4.6 h. The efficiency of the plant is measured three stages, wherby an overall lower energy use for cooling or
by calculating the energy output of one discharging process of the heating can be achieved. The second stage in configuration II needs
turbine and the energy input for the compression for one charge to cover a high pressure difference, producing high compression
process. outlet temperatures.
Including the aftercooling/heating, the efficiency is about 13% To summarize, the polytropic and isentropic efficiencies of the
lower than for configuration I. The efficiency is hereby lower than different CAES configurations are shown in Table 6. The isentropic
the overall efficiency of the diabatic CAES plant in McIntosh, USA, process is distinguished to the polytropic process by an isentropic
which was built in 1991 and reaches an efficiency of 54% ([3,36– compression, isobaric cooling or heating, loss-less storage of ther-
38]) due to the heat recuperation. Therefore, with the introduced mal energy and working fluid and isentropic relaxation. No effi-
storage layout of an adiabatic CAES plant it is possible to achieve ciency losses of the motor or generator are included in the
storage efficiencies up to those of the existing diabatic CAES plant isentropic process.
in McIntosh. However, especially the cooling demand of the aft- The maximum efficiency, which can be reached by the CAES
ercooling is high and the high outlet temperatures of about plant, is described by the isentropic efficiency. The increase of
1255 K result in high liability of the compressor. the efficiency from one-stage to two-stage in the polytropic pro-
To reduce the high temperatures after the compression process, cess is about 10% in each case. The further increase from the
the model is further developed to a two-stage compression design two-stage to the three-stage is marginal. It can therefore be
including an intercooling/-heating device (configuration II). concluded that, with the given input parameters, a further devel-
To reduce high temperatures at the compressor outlet a opment to a four-stage configuration will result in no considerable
low- and high pressure compressor are modeled including an improvement of the efficiency. The difference between the isentro-
inter- and aftercooling/-heating device. The intercooling/-heating pic process including cooling and heating and isentropic process
546 N. Hartmann et al. / Applied Energy 93 (2012) 541–548

550 1050

500 1000

Tout [K]
Tout [K]

450 950

400 900
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

350 350
300 300

E cool [MWh]
250 250
200 200
150 150


100 100

50 50
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Hour [h] Hour [h]

Fig. 4. Constant charging with max. charging power over 8 h (configuration II).

Table 4 (configuration III) is varied. Due to the low inlet temperature in

Energy use and efficiency of CAES storage (configuration II) for one constant charging
the turbine it is held in a one-stage configuration. Simulations
and discharging process at maximum power.
showed that the output electric energy falls by about 1.5% due to
Compression Turbine gstorage the enhancement of the one-stage turbine to a two-stage turbine.
1st stage 2nd stage The efficiency of the system is hereby analyzed in the parameter
Configuration II 595 MWh 1642 MWh 1361 MWh 61 variation. Additionally to the variation of the inlet temperature,
Configuration IIc 903 MWh 1849 MWh 1361 MWh 49 the results are shown for different system configurations (includ-
ing and excluding the heating and cooling demand). In the follow-
ing, first the inlet temperature of the second compression stage of
Table 5 the two-stage CAES plant is varied. Since the inlet temperature of
Energy use and efficiency of CAES storage (configuration III) for one constant charging the second compression stage is given in advance, the parameter
and discharging process at maximum power. is varied between T1 = 293.15 K and T3 = 893.15 K. The efficiency
Compression Turbine gstorage for one compression and one relaxation process is shown in
(%) Fig. 5. Four different calculations of the efficiency are displayed:
1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage
Configuration 595 MWh 744 MWh 816 MWh 1361 MWh 63 1. The efficiency g2 without any use of inter- and aftercooling or
Configuration 989 MWh 744 MWh 879 MWh 1361 MWh 52
inter- and afterheating is shown. This efficiency represents
IIIc the case that all heating and cooling energy can be provided
without any energy effort and therefore represents the opti-
mum design of a polytropic compressed air energy process.
2. If a natural cooling source is present, it can be assumed that no
Table 6 active cooling has to be performed. In this case there will be an
Polytropic and isentropic efficiency of the different CAES configurations. electricity demand for pumping the cooling fluid. However this
electricity demand is much lower than the cooling demand cal-
gstorage_polytropic gstorage_isentropic
culated in this paper. It can therefore be expected, that if a nat-
I (%) II (%) III (%) IV (%)
ural cooling source is present, the efficiency will be close to
52 61 63 70 g2_heat, where the efficiency is calculated without any cooling
c 39 49 52
power and including the inter- and afterheating power.
3. The efficiency g2_cool demonstrates the state where the inter-
and aftercooling is included and the inter- and afterheating is
excluding cooling and heating is slightly higher than for the poly-
excluded in the calculation.
tropic process. The reason is the higher energy demand for the iso-
4. The last curve in Fig. 5 describes the efficiency g2_cool_heat where
baric cooling and heating in the isentropic process, which is
all cooling and heating power is included. This efficiency repre-
partially compensated by the efficiency losses of the motor and
sents the state, where all losses are included in the calculation
generator in the polytropic process. Higher efficiencies can espe-
and therefore the minimum efficiency of a polytropic com-
cially be achieved with higher inlet temperatures of the turbine.
pressed air energy plant is achieved for one charging and dis-
charging cycle (under the given input parameters).
3.1. Variation of important input parameters
Especially if the inlet temperature of the second compression
The compression and turbine inlet temperature exhibits consid- stage is near the ambient temperature, the efficiency rises above
erable effects on the performance and efficiency of the system. 70%. It can be seen, that especially the change of the inlet temper-
Therefore, in the following, the inlet temperature of the second ature for low inlet temperature values results in a high change of
compression stage (configuration II) and third compression stage efficiency. The decline of the efficiency g2 with rising second stage
N. Hartmann et al. / Applied Energy 93 (2012) 541–548 547

100 100
η2 η3
90 η2_heat 90 η3_heat
η2_cool η3_cool
80 η2_cool_heat 80 η3_cool_heat

70 70

Efficiency [%]
Efficiency [%]

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
293.15 493.15 693.15 893.15 293.15 373.15 453.15 533.15 613.15 693.15 773.15 853.15
Inlet temperature of 2nd. compression [K] Inlet temperature of 3nd. compression [K]
Fig. 5. Influence of different inlet temperatures of the second compressor on the Fig. 6. Influence of different inlet temperatures of the second compressor on the
efficiency (configuration II) for one constant charging and discharging process at efficiency (configuration III) for one constant charging and discharging process at
maximum power. maximum power.

defined maximum outlet temperature of the compression is about

inlet temperature results from the decrease of mass flow, which 1270 K. Therefore the high temperatures of over 1300 K (in case of
follows out of the higher reversible steady-flow work in the com- higher pressures in the cavern) will need further development of
pressor. To reach the required thermal storage temperature, the heat resistant compressor designs. The temperature challenge is re-
afterheating demand increases for low 2nd-stage inlet tempera- duced with the introduction of the two-stage and three-stage com-
tures. For high 2nd-stage inlet temperatures an additional inter- pression configuration. Hereby the maximum outlet temperature
heating is needed, to reach the high inlet temperatures of the drops to 941 K for the two-stage compression and 959 K for the
2nd compressor. three-stage compression. A four-stage compression configuration
Efficiency g2_cool reaches its maximum for low inlet tempera- hereby features no additional improvement, due to the increasing
tures (55% at 293 K) due to the reduced cooling demand to reduce heating demand.
the surplus heat in case of higher inlet temperatures. The maxi-
mum of g2_heat is about 62% at inlet temperature of 360 K. The effi-
ciency g2_cool_heat shows a similar characteristic as g2_heat for 4. Conclusion
varying 2nd-stage inlet temperatures with a maximum of about
52% (at 360 K). The low values of g2_cool_heat for 2nd-stage inlet Different Compressed Air Energy Storage configurations were
temperature lower than 350 K, are caused by the additional int- analyzed for their efficiencies with the help of an energy balance
ercooling after the first compression and afterheating subsequent in this paper. The four main components were modeled separately
to the 2nd compressor. The likewise low values of g2_cool_heat for to achieve a modular layout, which can be merged to different
2nd-stage inlet temperatures higher than about 500 K are caused CAES configurations. The results show, that an adiabatic Com-
by the additional heating demand after the first compression and pressed Air Energy Storage plant can be described by a simple ther-
cooling demand after the second compression to achieve the re- modynamic derivation. The isentropic efficiency of the CAES plant
quired inlet temperatures of the second stage compression. can rise up to 70%. A more realistic assessment delivers the poly-
As in the analysis of the two-stage configuration, a variation of tropic simulation of the storage. The efficiency of a two-stage com-
the inlet temperature of the third compressor is shown in Fig. 6. pression and one stage relaxation adiabatic CAES plant can be
Hereby the results are shown for the efficiencies g3, g3_cool, expected to be between 49% and 61%. However the upper value ex-
g3_heat and g3_cool_heat. Since the efficiency out of the second stage cludes all cooling and heating demand and the lower value in-
analysis is highest (for g2_heat and g2_cool_heat) for a 2nd-stage inlet cludes all cooling and heating demand. If the second stage inlet
temperature of 373.15 K, the inlet temperature of the second com- temperature is varied, an efficiency increase to the values between
pression stage is set to the value in the following. The inlet temper- 52% and 62% can be achieved. The two-stage compression configu-
ature of the 3rd compressor is varied between 373.15 K and ration was considered to be the best alternative, because the effi-
893.15 K, which is the inlet temperature of the thermal storage. ciency increase compared to the one-stage compression was
The efficiency g3 decreases from its default value of 77% at the considerable (about 10%).
inlet temperature of about 373.15 K to about 52% at the inlet tem- Several parameters have a strong impact the efficiency. The in-
perature of 893.15 K. The maximum of g3_cool (51%) is reached at ter- and aftercooling and if applicable the inter and afterheating
600 K, for g3_heat (61%) at 600 K and for g3_cool_heat (50%) at 600 K. decreases the efficiency strongly. To reduce the impact of heating
To summarize, an increase of the inlet temperature of the heat and cooling, research in the field of high temperature thermal sto-
storage will result in higher output electric energy. However an inlet rages (>600 °C) and temperature resistant materials for compres-
temperature of 893 K is already ambitious (refer to [4,28,39,40]). In sors is needed. Also, the efficiency of a future adiabatic CAES
the case of a one-stage compression configuration, the outlet-tem- plant will depend significantly on the potential of using natural
perature is the crucial point of the configuration. In [40,41] the surrounding cooling sources.
548 N. Hartmann et al. / Applied Energy 93 (2012) 541–548

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